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Daily Word List – 3rd November 2018

1. inequity [ in-EK-wi-tee ]

1. bias or lack of equity
2. favouritism
3. an act or instance of injustice or unfairness

2. teetotalism [ tee-TOHT-l-iz-uh'm ]

1. the principle of total abstinence from alcoholic drinks
2. the practice of avoiding intoxicating drinks

3.parry [ PAR-ee ]
[noun,intransitive verb,transitive verb]

1. (tr. v.) to avert, turn aside or ward off
2. (tr. v.) to evade or dodge
3. (intr. v.) to block or ward off
4. (n.) a defensive movement in sword fencing or the instance of turning aside a trust in
sword fencing

4.addendum [ uh'-DEN-duh'm ]

1. an addition or something to be added
2. appendix or a supplement to a book
3. the radial distance from the tip of a gear tooth to the pitch circle of the gear

5.circumlocution [ sur-kuh'm-loh-KYOO-shuh'n ]

1. an indirect or roundabout manner of speaking
2. the use of more words than necessary to express an idea
3. a roundabout or evasive expression

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