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WHO announced top 10 threats to global health in


As we all know, the World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialized agency of the
United Nations, which helps various countries of the world to deal with health

More recently, this top organization haslisted 10 threats for global

health in 2019.
The World Health Organization (WHO) will focus on 10 major health-related issues in
2019. There are 10 key issues in this:

(1) Air pollution and climate change

Air pollution affects a large part of the global population, in where children under the
age of 15 are mainly involved. The World Health Organization (WHO) considers air
pollution as the greatest environmental risk for health. The organization said in clear
words, "Nine out of every ten people breathe in polluted air."

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), "Micro-pollutants present in the

air can enter respiratory and circulatory systems to harm the lungs, heart and brain,
which is more likely to cause cancer, stroke, heart and lung disease." 7 million people
die prematurely every year these diseases. 90% of these deaths occur in lower and
middle income countries.

Air pollution and climate change (Threats to global health)

The World Health Organization (WHO) further points out that the main reason for air
pollution is to burn fossil fuels which also contribute to climate change. The agency
says that there is a possibility of 250000 additional deaths between 2030 and 2050.

Therefore it is the duty of every citizen of the whole world to pay attention to
this and at least reduce air pollution.

(2) Non Communicable diseases
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) report, diabetes, cancer, and
other non-pathological diseases are responsible for the death of more than 70% of the
world's people.

Of these, 15 million people are those who die prematurely, whose age is between 30
and 69.

Non Communicable diseases

Five major causes of the emergence of non-communicable diseases:

Use of tobacco, Physical inactivity, Harmful Use of Alcohol, Unhealthy diet and
air pollution.

These factors are also increasing the issues of mental health. Therefore, the World
Health Organization (WHO) has announced the top 10 threats for global health in
2019, it is also important of them.

These five major reasons as told by the World Health Organization (WHO) need to
pay attention to the people of the entire world, which can reduce the deaths.

(3) Global influenza pandemic

The World Health Organization (WHO) has given the third place to the “global
influenza pandemic” in the list of 10 threats.

When influenza virus attacks the peoples and how severe it is at that time, nothing can
be said about it. Therefore, the World Health Organization (WHO) is continuously
monitoring the spread of influenza virus to detect potential epidemics, in which 153
institutes from 114 countries are involved in global monitoring, and response.

To save people from seasonal flu, the World Health Organization (WHO) keeps an
effort every year to make the vaccine better.

Influenza, commonly known as the flu, is caused by a viral virus. In 1933, Smith,
Andrew and Ledlow found the virus-A of influenza. Francis and Magellan invented
Virus-B in 1940, and in 1948, Taylor discovered Virus-C.

Influenza is often spread in the form of a pandemic which can spread to many regions
and countries at the same time. Many times this epidemic spreads all over the world
at the same time.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has set up a unique partnership to avoid this
epidemic that will ensure "effective and equitable access to diagnostics, vaccine and
antiviral (treatment) in particular developing countries."

(4) Fragile and vulnerable settings

The World Health Organization (WHO) has given the fourth place to the “Fragile and
vulnerable settings” in the list of 10 threats.

The agency says that more than 1.6 billion people (22% of the global population) live in
places where there are problems like drought, famine, population displacement, due
to which there is very poor health services.

Fundamentally poor health services are in almost all countries of the world, thereby
the World Health Organization (WHO) is having trouble reaching its goal.

That's why the World Health Organization (WHO) will provide good health Service in
these areas with its strong efforts this year.

(5) Antimicrobial resistance

The World Health Organization (WHO) has given the fifth place to the “Antimicrobial
resistance” in the list of 10 threats.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the development of antibiotics,

antiviral and antimyallarias are some of the biggest successes of modern medicine. We
see that the demands of these drugs are always between the people.

Antimicrobial resistance

The World Health Organization (WHO) says in very clear terms that antimicrobial
resistance "threatens to send us back in time when we were unable to treat infections
such as pneumonia, tuberculosis, gonorrhea and salmonellosis."
Therefore, the World Health Organization (WHO) is committed to implementing a
global action plan to increase awareness and knowledge among people, reduce
transition and encourage proper use of antimicrobial.

(6) Ebola and other high-threat pathogens

The World Health Organization has given the sixth place to the “Ebola and other
high-threat pathogens” in the list of 10 threats.

As we all know, the Ebola virus spread among more than a million people in the
Democratic Republic of Congo in 2018. Among the provinces which have been
affected, there is also one active conflict zone.

“Ebola Virus Disease (EVD), known as Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever (EHF) or Ebola, is a
viral hemorrhagic fever of humans caused by the Ebola virus.” This virus starts
showing its effect among two days to three weeks, which includes fever, sore throat,
muscular pain and headache.
Therefore, the World Health Organization (WHO) will try every time this year to
reduce the effect of this disease.

(7) Weak primary health care

The World Health Organization (WHO) has given the seventh place to the “Weak
primary health care” in the list of 10 threats.

It is very important to have a Primary Health Care Center to deal with any health
problem quickly. But according to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are
not sufficient primary health care centers in many countries.

Weak primary health care

“In October 2018, WHO co-facilitated a noteworthy worldwide gathering in Astana,

Kazakhstan at which all nations resolved to restore the responsibility to essential
human health care centre made in the Alma-Ata statement in 1978”

Therefore, the World Health Organization (WHO) will work with firmness to revitalize
and strengthen primary health care in 2019, and will follow specific commitments
made in the announcement of the Astana.

(8) Vaccine Hesitancy

The World Health Organization (WHO) has given the eighth place to the “Vaccine
Hesitancy” in the list of 10 threats.

Much of the misconceptions about vaccination are spread in most countries of the
world. Therefore, people hesitate with vaccination. Whereas the truth is that if people
adopt vaccination correctly, then slaughter of 2-3 million deaths in one year can be

Therefore, the World Health Organization (WHO) has identified a vaccine advisory
group that will enhance confidence in the people with decency and will provide
reliable information related to the vaccine to the people.

The agency says that in 2019, it will work to eliminate cervical cancer by increasing the
coverage of HPV vaccine around the world. 2019 may also be the year when the
transmission of wild poliovirus in Afghanistan and Pakistan ceases.

(9) Dengue
The World Health Organization (WHO) has given the ninth place to the “Dengue” in
the list of 10 threats.

Dengue fever, also called break-bone fever. This fever is caused by dengue virus.
Mosquitoes spread to dengue virus. This is called a break-bone fever because people
suffering from this can be so much painful that their bones are broken. At this stage,
the level of blood platelets is reduced.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), countries such as Bangladesh

and India have a lot of issues in the rainy season. Now this disease is spreading in less
tropical and more temperate countries like Nepal, who have not traditionally seen this

Therefore, the World Health Organization (WHO) has created a dengue control
strategy, which aims at reducing 50% of dengue deaths by 2020.

Note: There is no vaccine available to protect against dengue virus.

(10) HIV
The World Health Organization (WHO) has given the tenth place to the “HIV” in the
list of 10 threats.

HIV/AIDS is the short form of Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired

Immunodeficiency Syndrome.

HIV/AIDS (Threats to global health)

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about one million people die
every year with AIDS. Since this epidemic has spread, more than 70 million people
have been infected with this disease and 35 million people have died. Today, around
37 million people worldwide suffer from HIV.

Therefore, the World Health Organization (WHO) will work to launch self-test with
different countries this year so that more people living with HIV can know their
condition and can get treatment.


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