Economy of Bahrain

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Economy of Bahrain

Economy of Bahrain

Economy of Bahrain [1] Exports $19.17 billion (2008 est.)

Export goods Petroleum and Petroleum Products,

Aluminum, Textiles

Main export Saudi Arabia 3.5%, United States

partners 2.5%, United Arab Emirates 2.5%

Imports $15.64 billion (2008 est.)

Import goods Crude Oil, Machinery, Chemicals

Main import Saudi Arabia 37.7%, Japan 7.2%,

partners United States 6.2%, Germany 4.7%,
United Kingdom 4.5%, United Arab
Emirates 4.2%, China 4.1% (2007)

Public finances

Public Debt $10.57 billion (31 December 2008


Revenues $7.226 billion (2008 est.)

Expenses $5.806 billion (2008 est.)

All values, unless otherwise stated, are in US dollars

Currency Bahraini dinar (BHD) According to the 2007 Index of Economic

Freedom published by the Heritage Founda-
Fiscal year Calendar Year
tion and the Wall Street Journal, Bahrain has
Trade OPEC, GCC the second freest economy in the Middle East
organisations and North Africa region [1] and is thirty-
Statistics ninth overall in the world. An alternative in-
dex, published by the Fraser Institute, puts
GDP $26.75 billion (2008 est.)
Bahrain in 44th place tied with 7 other
GDP growth 7% (2008 est.) countries.
GDP per capita $37,200 (PPP) (2008 est.)

GDP by sector Agriculture (0.3%), Industry

Macro-economic trend
(43.6%), Services (56%) (2007 est.)
This is a chart of trend of gross domestic
Inflation (CPI) 7% (2008 est.) product of Bahrain at market prices estim-
ated by the International Monetary Fund
Labour force 463,000 with figures in millions of Bahraini Dinars.
Labour force Agriculture (1%), Industry (79%), For purchasing power parity comparisons,
by occupation Services (20%) (1997 est.) the US Dollar is exchanged at 0.30 Bahraini
Dinars only. Average wages in 2007 hover
Unemployment 15% (2005 est.)
around $110-133 per day.
Main Petroleum Processing and Refining,
industries Aluminum Smelting, Iron
Balance of Payments
Pelletization, Fertilizers, Islamic and
Offshore Banking, Insurance, Ship
Repairing, Tourism Bahrain’s current account balance is charac-
terized by surpluses in merchandise trade
External and international services, and a large deficit
in unilateral transfers, which is accounted for

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Economy of Bahrain

Year Gross Domestic Product US Dollar Exchange Inflation Index (2000=100)

1980 1,158 0.37 Bahraini Dinars 79
1985 1,375 0.37 Bahraini Dinars 97
1990 1,703 0.37 Bahraini Dinars 94
1995 2,199 0.37 Bahraini Dinars 100
2000 2,996 0.37 Bahraini Dinars 100
2005 4,859 0.37 Bahraini Dinars 104

by the country’s large expatriate workforce generally effective, especially in the

sending home a portion of its earnings. In dominant banking sector. Supervisory
2003 and 2004, the balance of payments per- capacity needs to be expanded in line with
formance improved due to rising oil prices new regulations and to keep up with the
and increased receipts from the services sec- growth and increasing sophistication of
tor. As a result, the current account balance financial institutions.
registered a surplus of US$219 million in • The further expansion of the Islamic
2003 and a surplus of US$442 million in sector, the development of housing
2004, compared with a deficit of US$35 mil- finance, and the deepening of securities
lion in 2002. Bahrain’s gross international re- markets are important for the future
serves increased substantially in 2004 to growth of the financial system. The
US$1.6 billion, compared with US$1.4 billion banking and insurance sectors will
in the previous three years (2001-2003). eventually undergo consolidation. [2]
In 2005, Bahrain signed the US-Bahrain Free
Diversification Trade Agreement, becoming the first Persian
Gulf state to sign such a bilateral trade
Though Current GDP per capita shrank by agreement with the United States. A massive
2.4% in the Eighties, it bounced back to a privatisation programme is underway to sell
growth of 36% in the Nineties as a result of off key government assets: utilities, banks,
successful diversification initiatives. financial services, and telecommunications
Bahrain’s urgency in embracing economic have started to come under the control of the
liberalisation is due to its need to diversify private sector.
the economy away from its limited oil sup- As a result the economy has been well po-
plies. Unlike its Persian Gulf neighbours, sitioned to exploit the extra revenues gener-
Bahrain has little oil wealth and the economy ated in the region thanks to the sustained
has expanded into banking, heavy industries, high oil prices since 2002. In January 2006,
retail and tourism. The Kingdom is the main the United Nations Economic and Social
banking hub for the Persian Gulf and a centre Commission for Western Asia cited Bahrain
for Islamic finance, which has been attracted as the fastest growing economy in the Arab
by the strong regulatory framework for the world.
industry. According to the International Mon- Between 1981 and 1993, Bahrain Govern-
etary Fund’s Financial System Stability ment expenditures increased by 64%. During
Assessment of Bahrain’s financial regulartory that same time, government revenues contin-
environment, published on 6 March 2006, ued to be largely dependent on the oil in-
found: dustry and increased by only 4%. Bahrain has
• The financial system is enjoying strong at times received significant budgetary sup-
performance under favorable port and project grants from Saudi Arabia,
circumstances, and is likely to remain a Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates.
major contributor to overall growth. The The government has used its modest oil
main risk stems from potential revenues to build an advanced infrastructure
overheating in the economies of the in transportation and telecommunications.
region, but the system should be resilient Bahrain is a regional financial and business
to likely shocks. center. Tourism, especially from the region,
• Prudential regulations are modern and has proved another significant source of
comprehensive, and supervision is income.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Economy of Bahrain

Bahrain has benefited from the oil boom The Bahrain National Gas Company oper-
since 2001, with economic growth of 5.5%. It ates a gas liquefaction plant that utilizes gas
has succeeded in attracting investment from piped directly from Bahrain’s oilfields. Gas
other Persian Gulf states partly because it reserves should last about 50 years at
used the revenues of the 1970s-early 80s present rates of consumption.
boom to invest in infrastructure development The Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries
and other projects to improve the standard of Company is a joint venture of the petrochem-
living; health, education, housing, electricity, ical industries of Kuwait, the Saudi Basic In-
water, and roads all received attention. dustries Corporation, and the Government of
The success of ventures such as the Bahrain. The plant, completed in 1985, pro-
Bahrain Grand Prix has raised the Kingdom’s duces ammonia and methanol for export.
international profile, and combined with the Bahrain’s other industries include Alumin-
boom in Islamic banking, has encouraged um Bahrain, which operates an aluminum
major airlines to resume services to the coun- smelter--the largest in the world with an an-
try, with Lufthansa announcing on 14 March nual production of about 525,000 metric tons
2006 that it would schedule three flights a --and related factories, such as the Aluminum
week to Manama from Frankfurt. Extrusion Company and the Gulf Aluminum
As part of its efforts to build a modern Rolling Mill Company (GARMCO)[4]. Other
economy, Bahrain has initiated a series of la- plants include the Arab Iron and Steel Com-
bour reforms under Minister of Labour Ma- pany’s iron ore pelletizing plant (4 million
jeed Al Alawi in order to bring the labour tons annually) and a shipbuilding and repair
market in to line with international yard.
standards. Bahrain’s development as a major finan-
cial center has been the most widely heral-
Investment ded aspect of its diversification effort. Inter-
national financial institutions operate in
The stock market capitalisation of listed com- Bahrain, both offshore and onshore, without
panies in Bahrain was valued at $17,364 mil- impediments. In 2001, Bahrain’s central bank
lion in 2005 by the World Bank.[3] Bahrain is issued 15 new licenses. More than 100 off-
generally a country which is open to creating shore banking units and representative of-
a unique economy which is fast growing and fices are located in Bahrain, as well as 65
open for all to create business opporturnities. American firms. Bahrain’s international air-
port is one of busiest in the Persian Gulf,
Hydrocarbon industry serving 22 carriers. A modern, busy port of-
fers direct and frequent cargo shipping con-
Petroleum and natural gas, the only signific- nections to the U.S., Europe, and the Far
ant natural resources in Bahrain, dominate East. Internationally recognised Bahraini
the economy and provide about 60% of companies include Investcorp, the venture
budget revenues. Bahrain was the first Per- capital firm credited with turning around the
sian Gulf state to discover crude oil. Because fortunes of Gucci.
of limited reserves, Bahrain has worked to di-
versify its economy over the past decade.
Bahrain has stabilized its oil production at Economy - overview
about 40,000 barrels (6,400 m³) per day, and In Bahrain, petroleum production and pro-
reserves are expected to last 10 to 15 years. cessing account for about 60% of export re-
The Bahrain Oil Company refinery was built ceipts, 60% of government revenues, and
in 1935, has a capacity of about 250,000 bar- 30% of GDP. Economic conditions have fluc-
rels (40,000 m³) per day, and was the first in tuated with the changing fortunes of oil since
the Persian Gulf. After selling 60% of the re- 1985, for example, during and following the
finery to the state-owned Bahrain National Persian Gulf Crisis of 1990-91. With its highly
Oil Company in 1980, Caltex, a U.S. com- developed communication and transport fa-
pany, now owns 40%. Saudi Arabia provides cilities, Bahrain is home to numerous mul-
most of the crude for refinery operation via tinational firms with business in the Persian
pipeline. Bahrain also receives a large por- Gulf. A large share of exports consists of pet-
tion of the net output and revenues from roleum products made from imported crude.
Saudi Arabia’s Abu Saafa offshore oilfield. Construction proceeds on several major

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Economy of Bahrain

industrial projects. Unemployment, especially first of the GCC countries to implement a UI

among the young, and the depletion of both scheme.
oil and underground water resources are
major long-term economic problems.
Taxation Notes
Taxation and import laws apply equally to [1] CIA World Fact Book - Bahrain’s
Bahraini and foreign-owned companies, and Economy
foreign investors must comply with the same
requirements and legislation as local firms. Bibliography
Oil and gas companies are taxed 46 per- • This article incorporates public domain
cent on income derived from the sale of hy- material from the CIA World
drocarbons and derivative products. Factbook document "2006 edition".
There is no personal income tax in
• This article incorporates public domain
material from websites or documents of
Employers and workers must pay social in-
the United States Department of
surance contributions as follows:
State (Background Notes).
(1) for old-age, disability and survivor protec-
• Kingdom of Bahrain, Ministry of Labour
tion: for Bahraini employees, employers pay
Unemployment Insurance System.
10% of salary plus constant allowances,
Accessed November 6, 2007.
workers pay 5% plus constant allowances; for
non-Bahraini employees, employers pay 3%
of salary plus constant allowances (then be- External links
ing entitled only to employment injury bene- • Daily Star (Beirut), 6 January 2006,
fits). Bahrain’s ’honesty’ keeps its economy
(2) for unemployment insurance: since June freest in region
1, 2007, all wages are subject to a 2% tax, • Gulf News, 7 January 2006, Bahrain
paid for equally by the employer and the em- ranked freest Arab economy
ployee, applicable both to nationals and non- • Bahrain Economic Development at the
citizens and supplemented by a government Open Directory Project
contribution of 1%. This makes Bahrain the

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Categories: Economy of Bahrain, Economy of the Arab League, World Trade Organization
member economies

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