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OH 1-039 RNG eg Republic of the Philippines. Tarag 38% Depariment of Education Region IV-A CALABARION a” CITY SCHOOLS DIVISION OF TAYABAS - Luis Palad Comp., Brgy. Ipilan, Tayabas ae DEPED-TAY-DM-SGOD-19-037 To OIC, ASSISTANT SCHOOLS DIVISION SUPERINTENDENT CHIEF EDUCATION PROGRAM SUPERVISORS HEADS, PUBLIC/ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS FROM CATHERINE P. TALAVERA, CESO. Schools Division Superintendent SUBJECT ADMINISTRATION OF BASIC EDUCATION EXIT ASSESSMENT FOR SY 2018-2019 DATE : Janvary 29, 2018 1.As per advisory on the administration of the Basic Education Exit Assessment (BEA) to Grade 12students for school year 2018-2019 dated January 16, 2019, the City Schools Division of Tayabas will conduct the examination on February 13-14, 2019 to Grade 12 students of both Public and private schools. 2. Inline with this, public and private secondary schoo! heads are hereby required to submit the lst of schoo! testing team members following the template below on February 1, 2019at the SGOD Office or through mail at joan brizvela@deped.cov.oh. [ Schoot Ailocated Chief School] Room Examiner | Room | Test fxaminer Testing Supervisor | Materials Coordinator [TCDSASHS 394 LEONORA DE 2 Room |T Room | RAMA Examiners Supervisor | Son Roque | 35 RAQUEL 4 Room |2 Room | Parochial PACAIGUE Examiners Supervisors [school 3. Orientation will be on February 1, 2019, 3pm at the Yellow Building of Luis Palad integrated High School 4, See attached Division Testing Core Group for BEA, Monitoring Officials and Monitoring Tool. 5. Immediate dissemination of this memorandum is desired. ‘Wah panonrt ofthe 500 TayabosChy cms conto SOAR MM Soar, nat torcborciecepadgovsh Tein: @a}797-0881 Webite:Jepentoyabargoveh Telefx No:0}797 0054 (42797073 DEPED-TAY-DM-SGOD-19- 037 Page 2 of 4 Division Testing Core Group (CATHERINE P. TALAVERA, - Schools Division Superintendent MAYLANI L. GALICIA - OIC-Assistant Schools Division Superintendent JOAN KATHLEEN T. BRIZUELA Division Testing Coorainator LEONORA DE RAMA Chief Examiner TCDSASHS RAQUEL PACAIGUE - Chief Examiner San Roque Parochial Schoo! MARIA CORAZON A. BORBON - Senior Education Program Specialist FERDINAND T. GLOR = Division Senior High School Coordinator, Authority Is hereby requested for the following: ‘Schools Division Monitoring Official February 13-14, 2019 Tayabas City Division Stand Alone Senior MARIA CORAZON A. BORBON — High Schoo! San Roque Parochial School FERDINAND T. GLOR ‘Joan Kathleen T. Brizvela (DTC) will monitor all schools together with the monitoring official from Region IV-A. SDS/ASDS/Chiefs will randomly monitor the said activity. Purpose: Monitoring of Basic Education Exit Assessment Travel of Division Personnel is on Official Business. Approved: CATHERINE P. TALAVERA, CESO VI ‘Schools Division Superintendent We fe pono the 00 Toyabor Cy cont conte SOARHGH Soar Hi mat tycbancvtcepedigo ph tno: (oay797-0991 bite: depedtoycbosaoroh Telex No (042 797.0054 or 4217970773 DEPED-TAY-DM-SGOD-19- 097 BASIC EDUCATION EXIT ASSESSMENT MONITORING FORM Testing Program: BEEA (Grade12) Date of Testing: Division: Testing Cent Number of Testing Room: Day One: 1. 2. Total Enrolment/Registrants of (Grade 12): Male 3. Total Number of Examines: Day One: 4, Total Number of Absences: Day One: 5. Time when the test materials were distributed to Room Examiners Day One: From to. Day Two: From to Pre-test activities on Examination Day Page 3 of 4 (ote Describe the pre-test activities in| Suificient | insufficient Number of Room Number terms of the following: | Needed additional with copies insufficiency Sufficiency of Test Materials 1.1 Test Booklet 1.2 Scannable Answer Sheet 1.3 Seat Plan’ 1.4 Examiners Handbook 1.5 Room Examiners Narrative 1.6 Ust of Examiners per Room, I 1.7 ETRE | TSCERE I 1.9 Scannable School Header | Yes No 1. Where there a problem met on the used on the used schoo! ID in the packing of test materials? ifyes, state the problem met, Evident | Not Evident 2. Testing rooms are ready: 2.1 The fist and the last row of seats are close as possible to the walls to allow enough space 2.2 lists of Examiners at the door each testing room are posted ready 23 Boardwork We the perenne! fh S00 Tayaber Cy commie conta SOAR MH Fait toycbarcvadaned veh tones (42) 797-0881 Wobste depectayabargoveh Tettaxos (042) 797008442 7970773, Sn ih

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