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The new Sonnar 112 8 135 mm is composed T

f-number k = 2 8
of 5 elemets In 4 groups. L1ke all new Zelss 10 ~.....- - · . . - - - - - .
des1gns this one too was developed in
accordance w1th the established Ze111
pract1ce of combmmg professional experi-
ence w1th an effect1ve computer program.
The new lens 1s characterized by its out-
standing 1mage quahty and remarkably
good image field Illumination, both achiev-
able when the d1aphragm Is fully open. 02
AlongSide the w1de-angle lens, the new
Sonnar w1th a focal length some three limes 10 15
5 20
the d1agonals of the mm1ature format. is I ' mm'
perhaps the most w1dely demanded inter-
changeable lens
T f-number k = S 8
Regardless of whether 1t is landscape photo- 10
graphy, fauna and flora stud1es. family
shots or portraiture work , there w1ll never be 08
any shortage of subjects for which the
135 mm focal length IS particularly well 08
suited W1th its help the photographer can
bnng up close fa~rly d1stant subtects w1thout 04
creating the flat perapoct1ve that sometimes
mars a picture. On the other hand. picture- 02
filling details can be selected w1thout having
to approach all that close. And finally,
thanks to 1ts reasonable tale-perspective 5 10 15 20
effect 1t 1s adm~rably su1table for portraits. r ( mm)
either w1th the d1aphragm fully open or
slightly stopped down E
Relative Illuminance
The Sonnar T• 135 mm features a built-in
lens shade. 08

Number of lens elements 5

Number of components· 4
!-number 2.8
Focal length: 134.1 mm
Negative size 24 x 36 mm
Angular l1eld 18 30' d1agonal
Mount Contax.IYashica mount
Diaphragm act1on· Fully automatic 5 10 15 20
f-stop scale 2.8- 4 5.6 8 11 16 22 - ~~ 28 r ( mm
Filter: 55 mm screw-In type - k 58
Focusi ng range: oo to 1.6 m (5.2 ft) V%
D1at0rllon In % ollmage height 1'


- 10

- 20
5 10 15 20
I' ( mm)

26 Sonnar T* f/ 2.8 135 mm

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