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; Industrieausriistung

SeruoModuleSM. . -T
P -Nr 3841lE1- 03/86
@ BoscH

Gontents 1 . D e s i g n o f t h e l n v e r t e rS y s t e m

1 .1 C o nstructi on
and functi onS M . .-T
1 .2 R e gul ati on functi onsS M . .-T
and moni tori ng
2. TechnicalData
2 .1 T ypedesi gnati on
2.2 Powerunit
2 .3 R egul ati ng
and controluni t
2 . 3.1 C ontroli nputs
2.3.2 Motorfeedback
2.3.3 Controloutputs
2.3.4 Test points
2.4 D i a g n o s t i c sm o d u l e

3 . A p p l i c ati on
Instructi ons
3 . 1 R e c o m m e n d em
3 .2 O pti ondi agnosti cs
modul e
3.3 Optiontandemdrive
3.4 Optionbacklashcompensation
3.5 Optionramp generator 10
3 .6 O pti onshortci rcui tbraki ng 10
4 . D i m e n si oned
D raw i ngs 12
draw i ng- servomodul eS M . .-T
4 .1 D i mensi oned 12
draw i ng- rampgenerator
4 .2 D i mensi oned 13
draw i ng- shortci rcui tbraki ngmodul e
4 .3 D i mensi oned 13
5 . M o u n tingInstructi ons 14
and mounti ngposi ti on
5 .1 C onfi gurati on 14
5 .2 C abi net 15
5.3 Connectioncables 15
5 .4 M o unti ngi nstructi ons
S M . .-T 16
6. ElectricalConnection 17
6.1 BasiccircuitdrawingSM . .-T+ VM 60-T 17
6.2 BasiccircuitdrawingSM . .-T+ VM 18
6 .3 F r ontpl atedesi gnati ons
S M ..-T 19

q 1986

E r r o r sa n d t e c h n i c a l
m o d i fi c a t i o n se x c e p t e d
@ BoscH

6.4 Connection- servo module

6.4.1 Earth
6 .4.2 Motorconnecti on
6 .4.3 D C l i nkconnecti on 21
6.4.4 Circuitryfor resistorsfor fast dischargeof DC link 21
6 .4.5 C onnectorX 5: controlsi gnal sfrom motor
6.4.6 Terminalstrip X1
6 .4.7 Termi nalstri pX 6
6.4.8 ConnectorX8 25
6 .4.9 C onnectorX 9 25
6 .4.10Termi nalstri pX 7
6 . 4 . 1 1T e r m i n asl t r i pX 3 1 27
6 . 4.12Testpoi nts 27
6 . 4.13Termi n' al
stri pX ' 14 27
6 . 4.14C onnecti onof rampgenerator
7. IntegrationInstructions
7.1 Safety
7 .2 Prepari ng
the i ntegrati on
7 . 2.1 D ri vecomponents
7 . 2.2 Modul emounti ngand el ectri calconnecti on
7 . 2.3 P reopti mi sati on
of S peedR egul ator 31
7 . 2.4 R educti onof the uni tl i mi tcurrentvi a D IPsw i tch
7 .3 In tegrati on
7 . 3.1 P ow ersuppl y
7.3.2 Ready
7.3.3 Commandadjustment 33
7.3.4 Directionof motor rotation
7 . 3.5 S peedadj ustment
7.3.6 Speeddrift
7 . 3.7 S peedmoni tori ng
7.3.8 Speedregulatoroptimisation
7 . 3.9 A dapti onto the posi ti onal
servol oop 37
7.4 Componentlayoutoptimisationcard
7 .5 Ci rcui tdraw i ngopti mi sati on
card 39

1. Designof the ServodynlnverterSystem

Boschinvertersystemsare of modularconstruction.
At leastone supplyand
one servomoduleare requiredto make up an operativeinstallation.
Thesupplymodulegeneratesa DC linkvoltageand varioussupplyvoltages
(for logicand drivercircuits)from the mains(3 x 380 - 3 x 415 V).
The individualmodulesare connectedto one anotherby plug-incableswhich
are suppliedwith them.
On an installation with severalmodulesup to 10 SM modulescan be connec-
te d to o n e s uppl ymodul e,dependi ngon the si zeof the modul es.
Sincethe mechanicalconstructionand the electricalconnectionto the supply
moduleare the sameas for the ASM system(invertersystemfor standard
asynchronous motors)as well as the SPMsystem(invertersystemfor con-
trolledspindledrives)combinationsof thesesystemsare possible(for
i n s ta n c e3 SM modul esand 1 S P Mmodul efor the mai nspi ndl e).

SefVO MOdUle SM..-T BoschAC invertersof the SM..-Trangeallowoptimumutilizationof the brush-
ln conjunctionwith a rotor positionrecognitionfunctionand a brushlesstacho
the servomoduleregulatesthe motor torqueand motor speed.
In a inverterstagewith powersemiconductors voltagesand currentsare
generatedin such a way that the machinecan producethe requiredtorqueat
any speed.

1.2 Regulatingand
Monitoring Functions Speed RegulationFunction
SeruO MOdUle SM..-T The speedregulatoris containedon an optimisationcard.Two speed
c o m m a n ds i gnal sand one actualspeedsi gnalare avai l abl e
as i nputquanti-
ti e s(S W1 ,SW 2 and tacho) The output(U N )i s the commandfor the current
regulator.The regulatingprocesscan be influencedin severalways.
The speedcommandsSW1 and SW2 and the tacho signalare transmittedvia
differentialamplifiers. The differentialamplifierfor SW1 is linkedto a slope
limitingdevicein orderto smoothout the steppedoutput of most NC controls
(see7.3.3).lts inputvoltageof 7 V to 11 V can be adapted.SW2 has a fixed
a mo l i fi c a ti on
of 1 : 1.
The tacho signalcan be adaptedwithinthe wide rangeof 500 to 4000 rpm
with micro-switchesand an additionalpotentiometerfor fine is
also possibleto connectan activefilter betweenthe tacho inputamplifierand
the speedregulator(see7.3.8).
The speedregulatorhas a Pl circuitas standard.For specialcasesderivative
actioncan also be realized(see7.3.8).
Flexible Automation

The l-portionof the regulatorcan be switchedoff via an externalinterface

signal.For purposesof integrationand testingthe regulatorcan be limitedto
1 : 1 amplificationin the P-portionvia a switch.
When the enablesignalfor the regulatorhas not been giventhe P-portionis
alsolimitedto 1 : 1 and command1 (SW1)is short-circuited.
Thereare two possibleresponseswhen the enablesignalis switchedoff.
F i rs tp o s s i bi l i ty:
S W 1 i s shortci rcui ted;P -porti on: 1 :1 ampl i fi cati on;the
dr ive
idlesdown to zero speed.Secondpossibility: brakingto zero speedwith the
The speedregulatoroutput (UN)can be limitedas commandfor the current
regulatorby an externalinterfacesignal(Mred),whichdeterminesthe maxi-
current(seeconnecti ons
m u m a c c e l erati on 6.4.13).
lf the motor is jammedthis also resultsin a limitationof UN,in that the maxi-
mum current will be reducedto 500/oatter 2 seconds.

The currentregulatorcomparesthe speedregulatoroutputas a current
commandwith the actualcurrentvalueand sendsa suitablecontrolsignalfor
the adaptivecontrolof the pulseinverterfor electronically
w i th the commutati onencoderof the motorthe pul sei nvert er
In c o n j u n c ti on
c o n tro lo p e ratesthe pow ersemiconductorsof a bri dgeci rcui t.
Thismakesit possibleto regulatethe currentin the motor windings,in which
an instanttorque can be generateddependingon the rotor position.

All the monitoringfunctionsdescribedbelowcan be displayedand storedon
an optionaldiagnosticscard.
PSU Fault (Nr)
The internalsupplyvoltagesof servomoduleare monitoredfor overvoltageor
undervoltage (14 V and 16 V). lf one of thesefaultsoccursReady2 (BTB2) is
switchedoff and the internalenable(FG l) is taken away.
With the aid of the optionaldiagnosticsmodulethe PSUfault (Nr) can be
displayedwith an LEDand signalledto a higherlevelcontrolvia an interface
Module Fault (Mr)
Thisfault signalis producedif the load circuit(motorconnection)is interrup-
ted or short-circuited.
Ready2 (BTB2) is switchedoff and FG 1 is taken away.Furtherprocessingof
the signalpossiblewith the diagnosticsmodule(see PSUfault).
Tacho Fault (Ir)
Thissignalis producedif the tacho lineis interruptedor short-circuited.
Ready2 (BTB2) is switchedoff; FG I is taken away.Furtherprocessing
possrblewith the diagnosticsmodule(see PSUfault).

T h i smo n i to ri ngfuncti onproducesa faul tsi gnali f i nadmi ssi blcombie nati ons
of commutationsignalscome from the rotor positionencoder,if the tacho
or the
c o n n e c to ri s not pl uggedi n,or i f therei s a faul ti n the tachoel ectroni cs
ta c h ol i n e .
Ready2 (BTB2) is switchedoff; enablesignalFG I is taken away.Further
p ro c e s s i ng
possi bl ew i th the di agnosti cs
modul e(seeP S Ufaul t).

Excess Heat Sink Temperature(Bx)

Wh e nth e te mperature of the heatsi nkof the pow eruni texceedsB max,
R e a d y1 (BTB1) i s sw i tchedoff and si gnalB r i s set,i f therei s a di agnosti cs
B u t th e a x i sremai nsacti vefor one more mi nute(i n orderto i ni ti ate" Feed
H o l d " fo
, r i nstance). Onl ythen i s the i nternalenabl esi gnal(FGl ) takenaw ay.
T h i sc o n d i ti onremai nsstoredeveni f the faul tsi gnaldi sappears aftera dro p in
temperature,in orderto preventan automaticrestartingof the axis.
modul eon the condi ti onth at
T h efa u l ts i g nalcan be resetvi a the di agnosti cs
the enablehas been switchedoff externallyfirst.
l f th e d i a g nosti csmodul ei s not usedthe dri vemust be sw i tchedoff;the si g nal
i s th e n re s etw i th mai nsON .

ExcessMotor Temperature(Bu)
Thisfault signalis producedwhen the motor windingtemperatureexceeds
Furtherprocessingof the fault signalcorrespondsto that for the excessheat

Motor Blocked(lxt)
T h i ss i g n a appear
l modul ei f the motorrecei vesthe maxi-
on the di agnosti cs
mu m c u rrentfor morethan 2 secondsw i thoutmovi ng.A fterthi sti me the
maximumcurrentis reducedto 500/0.
T h ed ri v ew i l l remai ni n thi s condi ti onunti lthe causeof the motorbl ocki ngis
e l i m i n a te d.
T h e s i g n a (l lx t) has no f urthereffect.Furtherprocessi ng
of the si gnali s
p o s s i b l ew i ththe di agnosti cs modul e(seeP S Ufaul t).

Speed Monitoring(n(nx)
T h i ss i g n a il s producedi f the speedat any one ti me i s bel owa predetermined
m i n i m u ms p e e d .
T h e s i g n a can
l be di spl ayed modul e.B y changi ngcompo-
vi a the di agnosti cs
n e n tso n th e opti mi sati oncardthi ssi gnalcan be madeto appearonl yat
standstill. Thissignalhas no furthereffect.
speed(nx)i s predetermi ned
T h e mo n i to ri ng by the val ueof a componenton
the optimisationcard (seeintegrationinstructions7.3.7).
Flexible Automation

2.T*hnical Data
2.1 TVpeDesignation
peak modulecurrent(accelerationcurrent)
ratedmodul ecurrent(conti nuous
curren t )
S ervomodul e

2.2 PowerUnit Type sM5/10-T SM10/20-T SM17/35-T SM25/70-T SM35/70-T SM50/100-T

ra te dc u rre n t[A ] 5 10 17 25 35 50
a t a m b .t e m p . : 4 5 o C
a t a mb .te mp.> 45" C currentreducti onby 1,2ol per
o degreeK
peak current [A]
(2 sec) 10 20 35 50 70 100
DC link voltage 460 Vrs1s6( V1,r< 700 Vrnu*

s p e e dre g u l ati ng
ra n g e ) 1 : 10,000
re q u i re me nt
e n e rg y-
power supply [W] 20 20 22 24 26 30
max. power loss [W] 60 90 150 200 250 350
mass [kg]
max.operatingtemperature 0oCto+55oC
max.storagetemperature -25"Cto+70"C

m a x .o p e ra trnghei ght 1000m amsl

protectionstandard lP 00 to DIN 40050 and IEC 144
humi di tv classF and DIN 40040
cooling forced ventilationwith 1 axial
blower,supply:24 V DC, 100 mA

2.3 Regulatingand
Control Unit

2 .3 .1Cont r olinput s d i ffe re n ti al

commandi nputs S W 1: range+ 7 V to + 11 V on
connectorX6, PINS5 and 6,
i nternalsetti ngof sl opel i mi tation
for steppedN C output
S W 2: range+ 10 V w i th f i xedi np ut
ampl i fi cati on
enable FG:X 6.3+ 24Y and X 6.4OV ,
opto-coupl er
i nput
to rq u ere ducti on Mreci :0 V .. 10 V on X 14.4and 3
(reductionof the peak reducti onfrom 100dow nto 100/ o
currentof the unit) vi a componentR 25
switchingoff integral P-REG:X14.1and 2
p o rti o no f speedregul ator + 24V si gnalon X 14.2 and0 V on
2.3.2Motor Feedback ro to rp o s i ti onencoder X 5 ;d i g i t asli g n a lAs , 8 , C 1 1 , 2 , 3
tacho voltage X 5.4and 5 anal ogue+ 2,7 YI
1 0 0 0m i n - '
2.3.3ControlOutp.rts Ready1 B T B1: X 1 . 3a n d4
potential-f ree relaycontact
max.contactl oad:24V 1 A D C
Ready2 B T B2 . X 1 . 1a n d 2
potenti alree -f rel aycontact
m a x .c o n t a c tl o a d :2 4 V 1 A D C
ta c h ov o l ta ge; Ta:X 6.8
me a s u ri ng output shortci rcui tproofmeasuri ng
2.7V 11000rPm J-So/o
s ta n d a rd ized
current: Inorm: X 6.7
me a s u ri ng output shortci rcui tproofmeasuri ng
0 ...+ B v,
+ B V : peakcurrentof uni t
c o m m a n do utput,standardi zed S W 1a:X 6.2
shortcircuitproof output
@ BoscH

2.3.4Test Points command 1 S W 1: measuredagai nst*

(with high frequencyprotection) : to + 7.5V
l evel 0
tacho T: measuredagainst4
level:O to +2.7 V per
s ta n d a rd i z ed
current Inormi measuredagai nst4
level:0 to +8 V
B V : uni tpeakcurrent
s p e e dre g u latoroutput Uru: measuredagainst+
level:0 to +8 V
8 V ,: uni tpeakcurrent

2.4 DtagnosticsModule v o l ta g es u p pl y external'.+24 V -F15o/o

(Option) | : 1 0 0m A p e r o u t p u t
c o n tro lo u tp uts 2 4 Y D C :m a x l o a d1 0 0m A
300 mA short-ti me
(rel aypul l -i ncurrent);
short circuitproof and protected
agai nstsurgevol tagesresul ti ngfrom
the sw i tchi ngof i nducti vel oads
L E Dd i s p l a ys LE D
P S Ufaul tN r
modul efaul tMr
red F
commutati on faul tK r
) tachofaul tTr
excessheatsi nktemp.B x
excessmotortemp.B v
speedmoni tori ngn(nx
m o t o rb l o c k e dl x t
re s e ti n p u t R es:X 7.1for ext.resetsi gnal
+ 2 4 V D C , 2 0m A
resetpushbutton S1

3. ApplicationInstructions
3.1 RecommendedModule/
Motor Combinations

type of motor type of modul e capacitor

sD-... S M..-T KM....-T
(1) 5/10 10t20 17t35 25t50 35t70 50/100 j -axis | =z-u*",

83.031.030 X
83.068.030 X
8 3 .0 9 5 .0 3 0 X
84.070.030 X
84.092.020 X
B4.140.O20 X
X 11 0 0
I X 11 0 0
I X 11 0 0
85.250.015 X 11 0 0 11 0 0
I X 11 0 0
11 0 0
85.380.012 X 1100 11 0 0
X 11 0 0 2200
8 5 .3 8 0 .0 2 0 X 11 0 0 2200
X 11 0 0 2200
1 X
11 0 0
11 0 0
86.720.O20 X 2200 2200
86.960.010 X 11 0 0 2200
X 11 0 0 2200
86.960.015 X 2200 2200

( 1 ) M o t o r s i n f e r r i t ec o n s t r u c t i o n
Technical data see handbook 01
@ BoscH

3 .2 D iagnoS t iCs M o d u l e T h ed i a g n o sti cs

modul ei s avai l abl e
as an opti on.l t can be usedi n al l modu les
(option) of the Servodynrange.
Thismodulefacilitatesfast fault diagnosisin the area of the driveelectronics
personnel8. di fferentdi agnosti si
b y th e e n d user' smai ntenance c gnal sare
output.4 of these signalsare storedand displayedvia red LEDs.
w i th yel l ow
T h eo th e r4 si gnal sare w arni ngsi gnal sand theyare di spl ayed
In additionall faultscan be signalledto a higher-level controlvia 24 V DC
i n te rfa c es ignal s.Forthi s purposeeachdi agnosti cs modul ehasa separat e
2 4 V D C s u ppl yw hi chw i l lsuppl ythe faul tstoresand the i nterfaceevenw hen
th e d ri v ei s sw i tchedoff (by E .S top,
for i nstance).
Ea c hty p e of modul ehasa spacefor thi s cardon the ri ghtsi debehi ndthe
f ro n t p l a te .The24 V D C di agnosti si
c gnal scan be takendi rectl yfrom a
1 0 -p o l ete r mi nalstri pon the front pl ate.The external 24YD C i s connectedvia
a 2 -p o l ete rmi nalstri p.
T h efa u l ts torescan be resetei thervi a a reseti nput," R E S "(+ 24V D C ),or via
a re s e tb u t tonl ocatedon the di agnosti csmodul e.

3.3 Option
Tandem Drive onrequest

3.4 Option
BacklashCompensation onrequest

3.5 Option
Ram p G enef a tOf T h i sa d d i ti o nalmodul eal l ow sa l i mi tati onof the l eadi ngand trai l i ngedgeof
th e c o mmandsi gnalthereby
, l i mi ti ngthe ti me for motoraccel erati on and
b ra k i n g(tm i n: 5 ms;tmax: 10 s).Leadi ngand trai l i ngedgecan be set sepa-
ra te l y(fo r ra ngesee the secti onon connecti ons, 6.4.14and the draw i ngs
i n 4 .2 ).
T h e c a rd i s d esi gnedto be cl i ppedonto a tophatrai land i s suppl i edw i th a
+ 1 5 V a u x i li ary
vol tagefrom the suppl ymodul eV M.

CifCUit Braking In orderto preventthe feed axesfrom slowingdown in an uncontrolledway in
th e e v e n to f an E .S topthe feed motorscan be shut dow n by shortci rcui ti n g
th e mo to rwi ndi ngs.
T h ev a l u e sof the shortci rcui tbraki ngresi storsare chosento ensurethat th e
short circuitcurrentachieves3 to 4 times the rated current,and therefore
a l s o3 to 4 timesthe ratedtorque,i n the i ni ti alphase.
T h e re q u i re dresi storval uesare cal cul atedon the basi sof the rotati onal
energy(Wrot:'/, Ji.l2), which needsto be converted,assumingn : max.speed
a n d l o a di n e rti a: motori nerti a.
T h e re s i s to rscan be purchasedas i ndi vi dual
resi storsor i ncorporated
i ntoa
c o mp l e tere si stormodul e.

@ BoscH

SelectionTable for Shod Circuit

BrakingModule type of motor resistance m i n .e n e r g y stock no.
R x [Ohm] *KB B osch
(co n dit ion: [Ws]
to ta liner t ia: 2 x m o to ri n e rti a ) sD-il3.031.030 8,2 57 105-913544
Servodyn Ferrite
sD-13.0s0.0303 , 3 293 105-913545
sD-!4.070.030 5 , 6 261 105-913546
sD-14.140.O20 3 , 3 293 105-913545
sD-D5.250.020 3,3 785 105-913547
sD-n6.480.020 1 , 0 4085 105-913862

Rx (+100/o) Eachmoduleconsistsof 3 resistors

resi storsee abovetabl e
Indi vi dual
m a x .c o n n .si ze 4 mm2
test voltage 25OOVAC
temperature 55'C
mounting snap-onfasteni ngon 35 mm tophatrai lto D IN
prot.standard lP 20
drawing see section4.3

* KB : s h o r t-ti meoperati on- to be speci fi edw henorderi ngthe resi stor!

ble Automation

5.2 Gabinet T h e mo d u l e smust be mountedi n sw i tchcabi netsto protecti onstandardl P 54

o r l P 4 4 (d ustfi l tersi n front of the ai r i nl etand outl et).
T h efl o w o f cool i ngai r throughthe modul es,w hi chi s di rectedupw ards,must
n o t b e i mp ededby othercomponentsor partsof the sw i tchcabi net.To
e n s u reth i sa cl earanceof at l east100mm must be provi dedaboveand below
N o m i n i m u mcl earancei s requi redat the si des.
T h ea i r te mperature w i thi nthe cabi netmust not exceed+ 55 oC .C ondensa t ion
i s n o t a d m i ssi bl e.

5.3 GonnectionCables C o n n e c ti o ncabl esw hi chgo to the termi nalboardand the P Econnecti on
m u s tb e c o mbi nedi n a cabl etree and attachedto exi sti nghol dersw i ththe aid
o f 2 c a b l ebi nders.
cabl esgoi ngto front pl ateconnectorsX 1,X 6,X 9 and to di agn os-
C o n n e c ti on
modul eX 14 can be routeddi rectl ydown-
ti c s X 3 1, X7 and to the opti mi sati on
w a rd sa n d intoa cabl echannelw hi chmustbe mountedbel owthe modul e s
(m o u n ti n gbracketsfor the channelare suppl i ed).

@ BoscH

5.4 Mountinglnstructions

draw cablebindersthrough
t h e e x i s t i n gh o l d e r sa n d tr
holdcableswith them
fastencable shoes
and busbarswith screws
with washerassemblies,
screw cover back into place

connectorf. Xg

ffi ffil'b*;
for screen
xHi rb
suppliedwith modules


c o n n e c t o fr. X 1

(RODencoderfrom motor);
for connectorassigment
see connectioninstructions

from next moduleto
the left here


to the next module
on the right (X8)

6. ElectricalConnectionand FrontPlateDesignations g'@

6.1 Basic Circuit DrawingSM..-T+ VM 60-T 9o

(, tl r, rc
VM 6OIEBs e e h a n d b o o k1 1 9r
S u p p l yM o d u l e

q trrr o ccnnranCS^I1
.e lacno I
O lras Elrr O orftft O rq.ff6

OF6 flr_ '
ln 2kt
qa-a .sH l-l tu
{-. l=lrre
-l-a ar
rl-r t--' t-rrt ror
.ttat? ,r. Jf


cable . i'* I = >

.) CD
.r*tlrf PSUfault
. SCI€8II rlDtpr hlocked 'c{-'!.
_.tt_:s l. ^ a.LL!_Lt_L f I
iir!. ii
tncno tau I t
spqednnnitoring ET r 5
it ' :ilrblenl
Billslt 6etlt*a
.!rJ L +Ll J J J-3-LL
I rAtic
tJ-'f j
I l': )nntor t€nD.
1entct .ts]p.
rEAt SlnKtsxp.
innduiefault-' overvoltaae
\tuTmifatronTaull: reset inpdt
@ .*r*tor typeX5 heset input
l5-oole on nncirlesirf
o 6.2BasicCircuitDrawingSM..-T+ VM 100/R-T d@


Fs- ar

S^11 --.-.r-. -.-.-<

-- :
f s:>
@fas vro PSUfALiTt- ! Fits o lrtr,
O ltDr Fl-t o oFrtET OAff6 @ Ertt
O Fct l-lo'
OFc fl".
SH Ei; vtlt00/R

t-.ts9 , (-x,-l rt'-'l

ttt.t, t?. ,

-lrffJ PS.Jfzul t . faul t
.SCl €€0 rrDtorDlocKed l.-
,- cl
TncnQfau tI o> nnectionfault
sDeed[Dnrtorrnc aRr F E: S'!.8;
i iri'iili
[Dtor tgno. Sctt/<t
l"eat sink'tsrp.
ccnrutatjon fault
reset rnput
@ connectortlpe X5
15-poleon nndulesiG
Flexible Automation


orrserQ offset adjustment

R e a d y2 T tacho adjustment
R e a d yI swr c o m m a nadd j u s t m e n t ]
i n t e r n a l e n a bel P-REG (
')1 . P - r e q u al t ' i o n f r o m
n - r e ! uI a t o r
/ E7
a x i s e n a bel (J'o sw2P
7nd command
sw2- |
Mr c d o
i torouereduction
Mred- '

{ n-regua
l tor 1:l P - R E GI
- P - r e g u l a t i o nf r o m n - r e g .
s w it c h L t * i t c r rni s I PI ov\ t

c o m m a n1d
t a c h o v o 1t a g e
m o d uel c u r r e n t
points ( st a n d a r dzi e d)
n-regua l tor output
nrserQ reset button

NF P S Uf a u l t
ui m o d uel f a u l t
KF c o m m u t a t i ofna u l t
TF tacho fault LED

l tor output
'J-.l Uxc
rlx heat sink temp.
fu motor temperature
t-]-J n<nr s p e e dm o nti o r i n g
t a c h o v o lt a g e o u t p u t
m o d uel c u r r e n t o u t'o u t
( s t a n d a r dzi e d)
il Tr
I norm
S Wl o
lrt motor blocked

c o m m a ni n dput { s wl -
NF P S Uf a u l t
axis enable { lrl motorblocked
c o m m a nodu t p u t'
Tr tacho fault
I SWir
standardizbd s p e e dm o nti o r i n g
gr o u nd ,q_J
,n GN D
fr motor temperature
$x .... heat sink temp.
Ready1 - B TBT
MF m o d uel f a u l t
i KF) c o m m u t a t i ofna u l t
Ready2 - relaycontact / B T 82
'-1-J reset i nput
OY s u p p l yv o lt a g e f o r
J d i a g n o s t i c so p t i o n

@ BoscH

ServoModule Ea c hs e rv omodul e(S M)hasa connecti onfor the protecti veearth(pow er
c o n n e c ti on,
termi nalbl ocktop ri ght).P rotecti ve
earthand P Ebusbarmust be
6.4.1Earth c o n n e c te dw i th a 2.5 mm2cabl efor S M 5/10,1ol 2o,17l 3sand w i th a 6 mm 2
c a b l efo r SM 25150, S M 35/70and 10 mm2for S M 5O/100.

6.4.2Motor Connection T h e c o n n e cti onto the brushl ess servomotorsi s madevi a termi nal sU 2,V 2 .
w 2 o f th e associ ated servomodul es.on the motorsthemesel ves the
c o n n e c ti o ni s madevi a pl ug-i nconnectors.

motor sizes
SD-N5 Motor

* Note:
PIN D (motor star point) A B
must not be connected! S D - 8 3 ,8 4 , 8 5 1 2

+ 2 4 V + 1 0 0 / oO V P E - b u s b a r


i n di v i du a l

motor size:SD-n6

motor type c o n n e c ti o ns i z e

SD-!3 1,5 1u
SD-N4 1,5
+24 V +'l0o/o 0V
sD-n 5. 250. 015 1,5 L__T__________J
sD-n5.250.020 2 ,5 brake
sD-n5.380.O12 2.5
sD-n5.380.020 4
sD-n6.480.020 6 individual
sD-tr6.720.020 1 6 or
sD-n6.960.010 1 0 KBmodule

sD-tr6.960.015 1 6
* s h o rtc i rc ui tbraki ngfor E .S top
condi ti on

@ BoscH

6.4.3DC Link Connection T h e D C l i n k v o l t a g e f o r t h e s u p p l y o f t h e s e r v o m o d u l e s i s a v a i l a b l eo n

c o n n e c t i o n sL + a n d L - o f t h e s u p p l y m o d u l e .


U!4liC f,l,il'j ll
l -l -f


D C l i n kconnecti onfor 3 S M modul esand 1 K M modul e

Es ta b l i s the
h D C l i nkconnecti onw i ththe busbarsand fasteni ngscrew s
s u p p l i e di n the accessori es
T h es e e -through coverfor the termi nalbl ockand the busbarconnecti ons
must be replacedafterwardsas protectionagainstaccidentalcontact.The
ri g h ts i d eo f the busbarconnecti on(on the ri ghtsi deof the V M,E B Mor K M)
mu s ta l s ob e protectedagai nstacci dentalcontactw i th an addi ti onalbl ack
p l a s ti cc o ver(suppl i edi n the accessori es
packfor V M,K M or E B M).

6.4.4Circuitryfor the Resistorsfor

Fast Dischargeof the DC Link

(Bo s c hno. ' l05- 913274 )
3ontactorsK01 in series,since
D C l i n kv olt ageuPt o 1 0 0 0V.

Flexible Automation

Control Signalsfrom Motor C o n n ecti onof screenby
(rotor position encoderand d i re c tcl ampi ngonto connectorhousi ng
_l e n c o d e ru n i t
1 0x 0 . 1 4 D 1 r nm o t o r )

X5 I

10( I

of- r----------> V*
lJ 10
7(- G__l 0v

I 4 x 0,5f1
r----------r> V-

gC- Note:
Connect screenat both ends!

signal S ouri au col our encoderuni tfuncti on

pl ugi n
grey- rotorposi ti onencoderfor
w hi te commutationcontrol
B 2 vi ol et
c 3 green
tacho 4 yellow brushlessDC tacho
N 5 brown- Y :2.7 V/1000rpm +5olo
screenconnectedwith PEin motor
B 7 grey thermi storfor motor
B B w hi te temperaturemonitoring
V+ I red i 15 V D C vol tagesuppl y
GND 10 black for tacho and encoder
V_ 11 bl ue

c o n n e c ti o nc abl eX 5 encoder:speci arcabre1o x 0.14 mm2+ 4 x 0.5mm2,

s c re e n e dM . a x.cabl el ength100 m.
Thistype of cableis availablefrom Boschunclerstock number020-9034gg
(by the meter).

@ BoscH
Flexible Automation

6.4.6TerminalStrip X1
SM I +24Y
* Fo rgener alf aults i g n a l : i4
all readycontactsof the module
co m binat ion c onn e c te di n s e ri e s
( V M ;S M ;A S M ;S P M )

M a x .c o n t a c tl o a d :2 4 V , 1 A D C

Ready 1 BTB 1 A m o d u l especi fi crel aycontacti s cl osedw hen:

- th e rei s n o excessheatsi nktemperature
- th e rei s n o excessmotortemperature.

l f a fa u l to ccursthe R eady1 contactopensand the axi si s sw i tchedoff

a p p ro x .1 m i nutel atervi athe i nternalenabl eFG l .

Ready2 BTB 2 A m o d u l especi fi crel aycontacti s cl osedw hentherei s:

- n o PS Ufaul t
- n o c u rre ntl oopfaul t
- n o ta c h ofaul t
- n o c o mmutati onfaul t.

lf a fault occursthe Ready2 relaycontactis openedand the internalenable

signalFG I is switchedoff immediately.
Si g n a R
l e ady2 must be i ncorporated
i ntothe l atchi ngci rcui tof the mai ns
c o n ta c to r s(seehandbook11 V M).

6.4.7TerminalStrip X6


t*.t ,
I Kl"
+ 2 4V
AH c o n n e c ts c r e e n
| ,-llr I a t b o t h e n d sI
swr- )
lii ii lcommand
0 SW1+
z ln,,.u, ) -
I n:;',l'"n
* In ter loc k ingwit h K 1 (m a i n sa n d
brakingcontactor)must be provided
c th a t t he enables ig n a li s s w i tc h e d
- -rffduringshort circuitbraking.

@ BoscH

X6 TerminalStrip
X 6.1 GND ground
R e fe re n c ep otenti alfor measuri ngoutputs.
X6.2 SWla standardizedcommandoutput
shortci rcui tproof,+ 10 V
Si n g l e -p o l e,
X6.3/4 FG axis enable
O p to c o u p leri nputw i th physi calseparati on.
D i gi tal+ 24 V on X 6.3,0 V on
X 6 .4 ;d i s p l a yvi a greenLE D" FG"on the front pl ate.
- l f th e s i g nalon X 6.3i s hi ghagai nstX 6.4and i f R eady1 and R eady2 are
p re s e n tthe outputstageand the regul atorare enabl ed.
- A n o rm a ll yopen contactof contactorsK 01 and K O2(mai nscontactors) a nd
a n o rm a l l yopencontactof eachshortci rcui tbraki ngcontactormust be
c o n n e c tedi n seri esw i ththe enabl ei nput.Thi si s necessary to ensuretha t
th e e n a b l ew i l l be sw i tchedoff duri ngshortci rcui tbraki ng.
- l f th e a x i scan be brakedor cl ampedthe enabl esi gnalFG must be sw i tch ed
o ff w h i l eth e brakeor cl ampi ngi s acti ve.
- Thereare two possiblesequenceswhen the enableis switchedoff -
s e e s e c ti on7.2.3:
- d ri v es l ow sdow n i n an uncontrol l ed manner
- d ri v eb rakesw i th maxi mumcurrent.

X6.5 SWl-/SW1+ command

Analogue i n p u t- 1 0 V t o + 1 0 V / 1 0 k O h m
- T h e c o m m andi nputi s desi gnedas a di fferenti al
i nput.
- T h e c o m m andconnecti onmustal w aysbe 2-pol e,i .e.termi nal s5 and 6 must
b o th b e c o nnected.
- T h e ma x .c ommandvol tagemust be i n the range+ 7 V and + 11 V .
- l f th e s i g nali s routedvi a an addi ti onal termi nalor connectorthe screen
mu s t b e l ai don *
- T h e re fe rencepotenti alof the commandsource(for i nstanceC N C )must
h a v e0 V l evel(connecti on w i th 0 V busbarsee handbook11 V M).
- T h e d i ffe renti al i nputi s l i nkedto a sl opel i mi ti ngdevi cei n orderto smooth
o u t th e s te ppedoutputof an N C (seeopti mi sati on of speedregul ator-
s e c ti o n7 .3.3).

X6.7 Inorm actual current value

Measuringoutput,short circuitproof,0 ...+8 V: unit peak current.

X6.8 Ta tacho voltage

g utput,shortci rcui tproof,+ 2.7 V 11000rpm.
Me a s u ri n o


6.4.8ConnectorXg An 8-polecable,readyconnectedat the left belowthe front plateof each

(GonnectionCable X8) mo d u l eo n del i veryprovi desthe connecti onto X 8 on the nextmodul eto the
T e rm i n asl tri pX 8 on the modul ei tsel fw i l l havecabl eX 8 from the next module
to the left connectedto it (seeconnectiondiagram6.3).

6.4.9ConnectorX9 Ux-,.Up-:
S p e e dre g ul atoroutput
A n a l o g u eo utput0 ...+ 8 V

6.4.10TerminalStrip X7 for Use with

Option DiagnosticsCard

+ I
PSU fault Nr

H motor blocked Ixt

- tacho fault I T

+I speed monitoring n<nx

- excess motor temp. 8M

excessheat sinktemp 8K
module fault Mr
+I commutation fault Kr

H reset input RES

o u t p u tr a t i n g
1 0 0m A c o n t i n u o u s ,h o r tc i r c u i tp r o o f

x 7.1 Reset Input RES

S to re dfa u l tsi gnal scan be resetvi a a si gnalon the reseti nput(+ 24Y D C
pulse)or with resetbutton.

x7.2 CommutationFault LED Kp red, stored

T h es i g n a g
l oesl rom + 24 V to l ow i f:
- th e ta c h opl ugi s not pl uggedi n
- th e rei s a faul ton the tacho P C B(el ectroni cs)
i n the motor
- th e rei s a faul tw i ththe tachocabl e
- th e rei s a n i ncorrectcombi nati on of commutati on si gnal s.
Red LED lights.Ready2 (BTB2) is switchedoff.

x 7.3 Module Fault LEDMF red, stored

The signalgoes from +24 V to low if:
- the power unit is defective
- th e l o a dc i rcui t(motorconnecti on)i s shortci rcui ted
- th e l o a dc i rcui ti s i nterrupted.

Red LEDlights.Ready2 (BTB2) is switchedoff.

@ BoscH

X7.4 Heat Sink TemperatureMonitoring LED86,yellow

T h es i g n a g
l oesfrom + 2-4V to l ow w hen:
- th e h e a ts i nktemperatureof the pow eruni texceedsB max.

Y e l l o wL EDl i gl rts.R eady1 (B TB1) i s sw i tchedoff and afterapprox.1 mi nut e

t h e i n t e r n aei n a b i ei s t a k e na w a v .

X 7.5 Motor WindingTemperature

Monitoring yellow
T h es i g n a g
l o estrom + 24 V to l ow w hen:
- th e mo to rw i ndi ngtemperaturereaches140oC .

Y e l l o wL EDli ghts.R eady1 (B TB1) i s sw i tchedoff and afterapprox.1 mi nute

th e i n te rn ael nabl ei s takenaw av.

X 7.6 SpeedMonitoring LEDn(nx, yellow

T h es i g n agl o e sf r o m + 2 4 V a t l o w l e v e w l h e nt h e c u r r e n st p e e di s s m a l l e r
t h a na p r e d e t e i ' m i n es d
p e e d (. T h r o u g a
h c h a n g eo n t h e o p t i m i s a t i ocna r dt h i s
s i g n acl a n b e m a d et o g o h i g ho n l ya t s t a n d s t i l l ) .
Ye l l o wL EDl i ghtsw henn(nx. On how to adj ustthe speedmoni tori ng
s e c ti o n" l n te grati on"

X7.7 Tacho Fault LEDTr, red, stored

T h es i g n a g
l oestrom + 24 V to l ow w hen:
- th e ta c h oli nei s i nterrupted
- th e ta c h oli rrei s shortci rcui ted.

Red LEDlights.Ready2 (BTB2) is switchedoff.

X 7.8 Motor Blocked LEDlxt, yellow

T h es i g n a g l oesl ow w henthe motorrecei vesmaxi mummodul ecurrentfor
m o reth a n 2 secondsw i thoutturni ng.A fterthi sti me the currenti s automati-
c a l l yre d u c edto 50o/oof the maxi mumcurrent.The dri veremai nsi n thi scon di-
ti o n u n ti lth e causeof the motorbl ockagei s removed.
Y e l l o wL E Dli ghts.

X 7.9 PSU Fault LED Nr, red, stored

Thissignalgoes trom +24 V to low if the two supplyvoltages+15 V and -15 V
are outsi dethe admi ssi bl tol
fo r th e e l e ctroni cs e erances.
Red LEDlights.Ready2 (BTB2) is switchedoff.

Flexible Automation

T h eta b l eb e lowshow sthe currentl i mi tval uesachi evedby usi ngdi fferent
v a l u e sfo r re si storR 25,w hi chi s fi ttedon sol deri ngtermi nal s,
w hena di gi tal
s i g n a l *(H : + 24 V ) i s suppi i edto the opti mi sati on

R25 reduction
to i limit
l k O h ml Io,b]
51.1 90
23.7 al

16.2 50
12.1 ??

8.25 10

* X 1 4 . 4+. 2 4 V
X 143: 0V

T h et a b l eb e l o ws h o w st h e c u r r e n tl i m i tv a l u e sa c h i e v e di t a 5 . 6 2k O h m
r e s i s t o irs f i t t e df o r R 2 5a n d a n a n a l o g u es i g n a l "i s s u p p l i e dt o t h e o p t i m i -
s a t i o nc a r d :

v o l ta g eo n reducti onto
Mred Iiimit
tvl [70]

10 12

* X 1 4 . 4 e: . g .+ 1 0 V
X 14.3: 0V

x14.5+6 2nd Command Input SW 2+, SW 2-

D i f f e r e n t i a li n p u t w i t h f i x e d a m p l i f i c a t i o n1 : 1 .
I n p u t s i g n a l :0 t o + 1 0 V .


6.4.14Connectionof Option
Ramp Generator

c o m m a n ds o u r c e

x6 I
5C) SW+
60 ) SW_
sw+l I
70 o0v
'.J I

6 / 1 9 R a m pG e n e r a t o C
r onnection

W i r et h e c a r d u p a c c o r d i n gt o t h e a b o v ec i r c u i td i a g r a mp, a y i n gs p e c i a l
a t t e n t i o nt o t h e c o m m a n dl i n e sI
T h e r e q u i r e dr i s ea n d f a l lt i m e sa r e d e t e r m i n e db y t h e v a l u ec h o s e nf o r
c a p a c i to rC5 on the card.
Afte r e v a l uati onof the operati onaldata accordi ngto the exampl ebel owthe
c a p a c i ta n cecan be deri vedfrom the tabl e bel ow :

Example: 5000 msec 500 msec

R i s ei n 5 000 msec 10v
C o m m a n ds t e pt o 1 0 V
R e q u i redcapaci tabl e:O.47O

T h e ri s e ra mp for accel erati onand braki ngcan be adj ustedseparatel yw i th

re s i s to rsR 24and R 25.

C s [p F ] operationaldata [msec/V]

0.01 1 . 1. . . 1 1
o.o47 660
0.1 11 110
o.47 60 600
11 0 . . .11 0 0


7.2.3 Preoptimisationof A l l B o s c h i n v e r t e r so f t h e S e r v o d y n r a n g e a r e d e l i v e r e dw i t h t h e f o l l o w i n g
Speed Regulator standard optimrsation:

Function Position Unit Value

P - p o r t i o ns p e e dr e g u l a t o r R77 kOhm 301

l - p o r t i o ns p e e dr e g u l a t o r c9 pF o.o22
S W 1 : 0 , D I Ps w i t c h S6 OFF
l r e dc u r ' r e f l ti m i t ,D I Ps w i t c h e s s 7 ,s 3 OFF
t o r q u er e d u c t i o n R25 kOhm 5.62
1 : 1 a m p l i fs. p e e dr e g . P l / 1: 1 sw i tch
s l o p el i m i t a t i o nc,o m m a n d R62 kOhm 1t

s w i tc ho ff enabl e(standard) R 68 Ohm 0

A f t e rs w i t c h i n go f f e n a b l e
th e d ri v ei s sl ow eddow n to
n : 0 w i t h m a x .c u r r e n t R69 Ohm co

B e fo res ta rti ngthe i ntegrati onthe tacho vol tagemust be adj ustedroughly.
D e p e n d i ngon the rapi dspeedthe adj ustmentcan be made i n 12 stepsacc.
t o t h e t a b l eb e l o wv i a D I Ps w i t c h e sS 1- S 5 .
T h ef i n e a d j u s t m e not f t h e t a c h ov o l t a g ei s c a r r i e do u t l a t e rw i t h p o t e n t i o -
m e t e rT o n t h e f r o n t p l a t eo f t h e S M - o p t i m i s a t i ocna r d .

step Omin n nmax VT switch

Irpm] Irpm] Irpm] tvl "oN"
468 550 633 1.485 none
629 740 851 1.998 S1

837 985 1' t33 2.659 S2

999 1175 13 5 1 3.172 S1+S2

1122 1320 15 1 8 3.564 S3
1284 1510 1736 4.O77 S1+S3
1475 1740 2001 4.696 S4
1640 1930 2219 5.211 S ' 1+ S 4
1849 2175 2501 5.872 S2+S4
10 2133 2514 2886 6.777 S3+S4
11 2663 3 13 3 3603 8.459 S1,S2,S3,S4
12 3527 4 15 0 4773 11 . 2 0 5 S4+S5


7.2.4Reductionof the T h e D IPs w i tch(S 1 .. S 7) on the opti mi sati oncard i s usedto reducethe
Unit Limit Current l i mi tc u rre n to f the uni t as show ni n the tabl e bel ow :
via DIP Switch

s w i tc hn o .
p o s i ti o n I limit I stand
OF F ON lolol tvl
S7+S8 100
S7 88
S8 78
S7+S8 70


7.3 Integration
7.3.1Power Supply - Removefuses for the supply module on the mains side.
- UnplugconnectorX'l on the supplymodule.
- Disconnect one coil connection at contactor K01 (see VM connections).
- Switch on power (main switch).
- Theremust be +24 V presentbetweenX1.6and X1.5of the supplymodule.

Note: lf a simple external +24 V supply with 86 rectifiers is used an electrolytic

capacitor ol at least 4700 pF must be connected to the output terminals (24V).
- Measurethe mainsvoltageat the mainfuseswith a multimeter.
Admissiblerange:340 V to 455 V.
- Switch on drive. Contactors K01 and K02 must not pull in !
- Switch off main switch.
- PlugconnectorX1 in on supplymodule.
- Reconnectcoil connectionat K01.
- Switchon main switch.
- Switchon drive.
- K0l and K02 must pull in,for as longas the butlon is depressed,and they
must fall off again when the button is released.
- Switch off main switch.
- Reinsertfuses.

7.3.2 Ready - Switch on main switch, do not give enable signal.

- Switch on drive.
- On the supplymodulesthe green LEDS"Ready1" (BTB1) and "Ready2"
(BTB2) must light.
- K01 and KO2must remainpulledin once the ON button is released.

7.3.3 C,ommandAdiustment Introduce a command voltage which correspondsto the intended maximum
operating voltage on terminalsX6.5 and X6.6 of the servo module.
Admissiblerange:a7 V to t1 1 V.
DIPswitch S6 on the ootimisationcard must be switched off.


Adjustmenton the SM-optimisation. Use pot.SW 1 on the front plateof the

cardto set the vol tageon test poi nt" S W 1" (command)to
S M -o p ti mi s ati on
7.5V against" + " (turncounter-clockwise to achievehighervoltageon test
p o i n t" S W 1 " )
Switchon switch6 (optimisation
Slopelimitationfor commandstepswith R62.The parametersare the
scanningfrequencyof the NC and the largestcommandstep per scanning
The valueof R62 must be determinedby trialand error sincethe quantity
"largestcommandstep per scanninginterval"is usuallynot known.R62 is to
be increased(resistancedecade)to the highestpossiblevaluebeforethe
tacho voltagestartsto showsome overshoot,Thisadjustmentmust be made
after the speedregulatoroptimisation.
Sta n d a rdv a l uefor R 62: 1 kQ.

7.3.4Directionof Motor Rotation On motorswith disk brakethe brakemust be releasedbeforethe enableis

switchedon !
- S w i tc hPl /1: 1 (S 1)on the regul atorcard mustbe set to 1 : 1.
- Set commandinputto 0 V.
- Switch56 on the optimisationcard must be closed.
- Gi v ee n a b l esi gnal(greenLE D sFG and FG l come on).
- Carefullyincreasecommanduntilthe axisstartsmoving.
- Observethe directionof axis rotation!
A reversalof the directionof rotationcan be effectedby swappingthe
commandconnectionson X6.5and X6.6.
- Switchoff enablesignal.
- S e ts w i t c hP l l l : 1 ( S 1 )t o P l .

7.3.5Speed Adjustment Give enablesignal.

- lntroduceexactly500/oof the intendedmax.commandon X6.5and X6.6.
- Measurethe speed (if possiblewith a manualrevolutioncounter).
- Use pot.T (optimisationcard)to set the speedto exactly500/oof the max.
speed(clockwiseturning--) higherspeed).
- lf it is not possibleto measurethe speed with a separaterevolutioncounter
it can be approximatedby measuringthe tacho voltage.
At test point "T"there is a voltageof 2.7 mVlrpm*5o/oavailable, a
speedof 1000rpm the tacho voltageis approx.2.7V (for rangeSE-82:
...m V/rp m).

7.3.6SpeedDrift - Commandinputto 0 V and short circuitingof terminalsX6.5and X6.6.

- The motor drift can then be reducedto a minimumwith pot. OFFSET
It is usuallynot possibleto eliminatethe drift altogetherwithoutthe posi-
tionalservoloop beingactive.
- Undothe short circuitingof terminalsX6.5and X6.6and switchDIPswitch
5 6 b a c kO N .

l' '-
@ BoscH

7.3.7Speed Monitoring S p e e dre cogni ti on

or moni tori ng output(n(nx) and LE D .
vi a di agnosti cs
(with Option Diagnostics) - Determination of the recognitionspeedby selectionof the valuefor R4 on
th e s p e edregul atoropti mi sati on
cardaccordi ngto the fol l ow i ngformul a:

R4: tkol
7 6 . 4- 7 6 ' n '


n x: recogni ti on
Ilrapid: rapidspeed

Sta n d a rdv al uefor R 4 : 10 kOhm: 1500rpm w i th fl rapi:d 3000rpm.

- Definitionof the speedrecognitionfunctionas standstilldisplayby fitting
R 7 2 :0 O hm on the opti mi sati oncard.

7.3.8SpeedRegulatorOptimisation In g0o/oof all applicationsthe standardoptimisationof the speedregulator

(R77:301 kOhm,C9 : 22 nF)is suitablefor machinetool axes.Should
p ro b l e m sari sethe opti mi sati on
can be checkedas fol l ow s:
- Switchoff main switch.
- Connectan RC decadeinsteadof R77 and C9.
Sta rti n gval ues:R : 301 kOhm;C 9 : 22 nF.
to test poi nt" U N + " .
= C o n n e ctan osci l l oscope
Sw i tc ho n mai nsw i tchand dri ve.Gi veenabl esi gnal .
- In tro d u cea commandstepas a functi on.
T h eti me constantshoul dl i e approx.100/o bel owthe ti me constantexcept ed
d u ri n gfu tureoperati on.
Pl a n n e dK V factor: KV: 1
T i m ec o nstant: Tm:60 msec
Se t th e c ommandfor the opti mi sati on
to T: 55 msec.
- Selectthe levelof the commandsignalso that the speed regulator(test
j ust bel owthe l i mi t(thel i mi tl i esaroundB V ).
p o i n t" U N+ "operates
- T h e re g ul atoroutputsi gnalon test poi nt" U N + can
" be i nfl uencedby
changingR77 (P-portion)and C9 (l-portion)as illustratedin the following
d i a g ra ms:


lf the P-portionis too largeor the l-portiontoo smallthe speedregulator

b e c o me su nstabl e:

S peed
R egul ator

The instabilityis mainlya resultof the excessivetacho ripple.

lf the p-portionis too smallthe speedregulatoris also unstable,but at a very
low frequency.

S peed
R egul ator

lf the l-portionis too largethe speedregulatoris stable,but its responseis

w i th a l ow
s l u g g i s hd u e to the resul ti nghi ghti me constanti n conj uncti on
P-amplif ication.


When the speedregulatoris adjustedcorrectlythe signalwill look as foollows:


Oncethe requiredvalueshavebeen determinedsolderthe appropriate

componentsin for R17 and C9.

For specialcasesan additionalderivativeactioncan be achievedwith C13.

Flexible Automation

Note:Additionalactivefilterat the tacho input.

l f R 7 5i s m a de0 Ohm an acti vefi l tercan be connected, w hi chw i l l i mprove
th e s ta b i l i tyof the servol oopfor motorsw i th l argei nerti ai n most cases.

7.3.9Adaptionto the
PositionalServo Loop - Connectcommand source.
- Sw i tc ho n dri ve,gi veenabl esi gnal .
- In tro d u cecommand" 0 V " .
- Ad j u s tth e l ag (fol l ow i ng
error)to " 0" w i ththe appropri ate
potenti ometer
th e c o n t rol(on sometypesof C N Cthi s i s oonevi a parameteri nput!).
- D ri v eth e axi sat a defi nedfeedrate(suchas 1 m/mi n)and measurethe
re s u l ti n gl ag.The l agdependson the K y-factorand the axi svel oci ty.

:-:[mm] v : axisvelocity[m/min]
LAG : - K y factor[1O' /mi n]
Kvc Ky
LAG : lag [mm]


V:1 T

K v : 1, 2 : +

L AG : : : o' 83 mm
Ku 12

The lag must be set on the CNC with the appropriatepotentiometeror by

p a ra m e teinput.

e Automation

7.4 GomponentLayout


7.5 Circuit drawing s@

sw=0 =Ul
5 k 62 9-
S\l/ I norm

P67 b10
81 3ok1 1k
5k 62 4
tll | -
s ?k5 I rot .'0
R7 UNl
SWI Sollwert 3 0 1k
JV 17 R6l -o-L!91 - o8

c 13 - nicht bestiickt
pF 3k 32
ffibary o6
{ \ . J

Freigobe 20k UNP

b14 b5
verziigert 7k5
R46 * R50
\JTJ- 5L I
o7 5k62 UN
R45 I }(


- 10V e10V R73

8k25 0R0
o13 UNT
R 70 R48
0R0 2k49
5 1 ,5 0R0
Tn o r m
1 o9
G o11
R36 P/./.
o 14
8k25 23k7 5k9 3k83 lk87 9 5 k3 Ernstellung
b , c1 6#
r | ^ i ,
I b
R33 R34 C12
o1 9,33pF c8

h r l (

It" SM-Optimisation
b . c2 0 , 03 l p F
5 -I1
o /6\
7.5 Circuit drawing g\y

t,k2z I sr.oz
,17 83 I cz TLOB2
Rz6 lzzopr -l

( 047830 Bt 3/ 3)
Kurstibersicht I : Inhaltsschwerpunkte
I : S o n s t i gl n

l--/adu Kurz- Bo s c h -P ro d u k t Kursthema E
Det. Tage
Gru ppe Zeichen ; s . S . Dauer
= E clt
-Y =
_-o ct')

L cc) o- o- U

Numerische A 3 -P C N C A l p h a3 Bedienen,Progr. n I I 5
Steuerungen A2-P C N CA l p h a2 P rogr.
B edi enen, ! I I 6

A2t3-C C N C A l o h a2 1 3 CPC-Progr. L-l I R

MB/5-B C N Cm r c r oB / 5 B edi enen tr I I 6 5

M8/5-W C N C m r c r o8 / 5 Wartung tr I I 6 10
CC-GL CC 1OO NC-Basiskurs ! ! ! ! 7 5
cc 100-B CC 1OO Bedienen,Progr. n I r I 5
cc 100-l CC 1OO Inbetri ebnahme ! I ! 8 5
cc 100T-B C C 1 0 0 T( D r e h e n ) Bedienen,Progr. T I I I
cc 1 0 0 T - l C C ' C 3 Tt D r e h e n ) Inbetri ebnahme T I ! 9 5
CC 2OO-B C C 2 C C( D r e n e n ) B edi enen,
P rogr. ! I I 10 6

CC 2OO-C ) / t e t t l
P r o g ri n C P L I 11 R

CC20a lnoetrrebnahme T1 I T 10
CC CC3OO RAaJrcncn Pronr I I 1'1
CC 3OO-C C C 3 OO P rogr.i n C P L D I 11 5
cc 300-t1 CC 3OO I n b e t r i e bO
n .e i l 1 ) tr t tr tr n I 12 10
cc 300-12 C C 3 OO Inbetriebn,Oeil
2) f, I n 12 5

Roboter- R1-B rh o 1 B edi enen n I 13 2

Steuerungen 1 - l
R rh o 1 Bed..Inbetriebn. D I n I D 13 5
R.OP r h o2 . r h o 1 Offline-Progr. n n I n 14 5
R2-r rho 2 lnbetriebnahme t n I U n 14 E

D S2 l 3 l S: h w e i B s te u e rung Bedienen ! I T ?
Steuerungen P S2 0 0 0 Bedienen,Insthlt. t l
U I D tr I 15 5
EB1 S- ^ u re rBs te u e r ung B edi enen I I ! 2
! 3 1 m i tK S R Bedienen.lnsthlt. t t
t D I 15 5

PC-GL ;S -Famrlie SPS-Basiskurs n I n n 18 4

)ogrammier-C L 1 O O C r 1 3 0 m i tP G 3 Programmieren n I D D I 18 5
6are P C4 O O . P - : - 1 : , 0 t 2 0m
0 . P G 3 Projektieren n I I 19 5
Steuerungen P C 4 0 0 -l e C 4 J 0 / 6 0 0m . P G 3 Instandhaltung n n I I 19 5
c L 3 0 0 - P 1 : r 3 : l ' " n r tP G 4 Projektieren ! I I 20 6

cL 300-P2 C i - 3 C 0 mi t PG4 Aufbaukurs n L-I I 20 5

cL 300-l C . _3 1 . ' r r r tP G 4 Instandhal tung tf I I I 21 10

P C6 0 0 - P 1 P C 6 C 0m r tP G 4 Basiskurs
fleil 1) I I tr 22 6

P C6 0 0 - P 2 D C a : ' l m r tP G 4 Aufbaukurs
fl-eil2) n ! I 22
P C 6 0 0 -P3 P C 6 0 0 m i tP G 4 (eil
Diagnose 3) u I I I 23 4
P C 6 0 0 -l P C 6 0 0 m r tP G 3 Instandhal tung n tr I I I 23 10
PG 4-W PG4 Bedienen,
Progr. tr I n 24 3
P U 4 OO P U4 O O Instandhaltung ! ! I 24 3
Servo- GA€L Servoantriebe Basiskurs tr n 25 3
antriebe SD-SY Servodyn Systemkurs n ! D r-]
t_J 25 3
S D -C ServodynC Inbetriebnahme I n L-J D 26 2
SD-T ServodynT Inbetri ebnahme I n I ! 26 3
) SD-V Servodyn,
ASM lnbetriebnahme I tr tr I

RobertBosch GmbH,Schulungszentrum, Telefon06062/78-0

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