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Running head: Reasons for the Weaknesses of Reading in the Students

Article No. 1: Teaching Practice and the Reading Growth of First‐Grade English Learners:
Validation of an Observation Instrument
Authors: Scott K. Baker, Russell Gersten, Diane Haager and Mary Dingle
The focus of this study was to validate the classroom observation based on English Learners
of Grade 1. The authors used an instrument to measure the language arts and reading
instruction. Instructional quality was rated by number of dimensions. The author assessed the
reading performance of the English Learners. They also assessed the performance of the
native English speakers. This assessment was made at the beginning of the school year and at
the end of the school year. In the article, the authors described the technical measures as well
as the reading growth of the English learners. The assessment or the analysis of the authors
resulted in a conclusion that the instructional performance of the English learners and
teachers was expected to be helpful in reading growth of the class. Correlation measure was
on an order of 0.6 to 0.75 which indicated that there was a strong relationship between the
reading growth of the English learners and the instructional performance. Messick developed
a framework for measurement of validity; the authors used this framework to validate the
relationship between the instructional performance and the reading growth of the English
Learners. The framework which was used by the authors, a concept of integrated validity was
applied in this concept. Basically, the framework was used by the authors for discussion of
the data analysis, to interpret the analysis results and in the interpretation’s potential
implications for professional development and for instruction in English Learner’ early

Article: No. 2: A phenomenological study on lack of motivation

Author: Mehmet Akif SOZER
The basic aim of this study was to point out reason why there is lack of motivation towards
academic activities which were related to Attribution Theory. The Attribution Theory
addresses the issue why the people do casual explanation and how the people ask the question
“Why”. This study was conducted by following qualitative approach. This study used the
phenomenological design. With the help of critical case study method, the author selected
Reasons for the Weaknesses of Reading in the Students 2

one undergraduate student for the study. Face to face interviews were conducted to collect
relevant data for the analysis. The process of data analysis took place and completed in four
stages. In the first stage, the verbal conversation during the interview was decoded and was
written then it was read from beginning to the end. During the second stage, the literals and
the static themes were determined. In the second last stage, the analysis was converted into
graphs. Main experience was put forward at the last stage which was fourth stage. The
analysis process revealed different reasons or the factors which were affecting the motivation
level of the student which included lack of purpose or ambition, weakness of willpower,
faculty member’s reluctance, willpower weakness, and lack of activities related to
Article 3: The Relationship between Curriculum-based Measures in Oral Reading Fluency
and High-Stakes Tests for Seventh Grade Students
Authors: Sawyer A. Hunley, Susan C. Davies & Christina R. Miller.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between fluency of oral reading and
performance of the middle grade students in tests conducted statewide about reading
achievements. The 75 students which took part in the study were students of seventh grade.
One month before the statewide reading test conducted, the students which took part in the
study were asked to read three probes so that the oral fluency rate could be determined. After
the statewide test conducted in Ohio, the scores of the reading tests were then correlated with
the verbal reading test results of the sample so that the strength of the relationship of the two
could be determined. From the results of analysis, it was evident that fluency test of oral
reading is a good tool to analyze the passing capability of the student in statewide reading
Article 4: Family Involvement in the Schools of Belize
Authors: Rachel K. Youngblom, Daniel Houlihan
The purpose of this study was to analyze the families’ involvement with their children’s
education. This study was conducted at a huge scale. A questionnaire related to the research
topic was distributed on a mass scale. The authors were hoping that they will be able to find
any strengths or weakness problem under review which could help in making adjustments in
future. There were very promising results of the initial survey. It was evident that the parents
in Belize highly value the education of their children and they were fully committed to do
Reasons for the Weaknesses of Reading in the Students 3

things for their children so that their education achievements could be improved.

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