Lesson Plan: School: Gimnaziala NR 1 Adaseni Teacher: Strambu Iulia Date: 13.12.2017 Grade: 7TH Level: Intermmediate

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School: Gimnaziala nr 1 Adaseni

Date: 13.12.2017
Grade: 7TH
Number of students:15
Text Book:
Grammar focus: Present Tense Simple vs. Present Continuous, Past Tense of Irregular Verbs
Vocabulary focus: Words connected to People and places
Time: 50 minutes
Type of lesson: Evaluation
Methods and techniques: individual work
Skills developed: listening, speaking, writing, reading

 to test the grammar knowledge that the students achieved in the last units ;
- the use of Past Tense both with regular and irregular verbs;
- knowing the difference between Present Simple and Present
- the use of comparative and superlative;
- the use of –wh questions
 to test the acquisition of vocabulary pertaining to People and places.
Materials: blackboard, handouts, pen
Stage of the lesson T's activity Ss' activity Interaction Skill Time Aims
1. Warm-up a) T greets the Ss; - to check attendance;
b) T checks attendance; Ss answer T - Ss S 1' - to create a pleasant atmosphere;
2. Announcing the T gives Ss the test papers. T tell Ss Ss listen. T - Ss L - to make Ss aware of the test
content of the test that they have 45’ to solve the content and what they are supposed
exercises. to do with it
T gives the Ss the necessary 4’
instructions for them to complete
the given tasks.
3. Testing T supervises the Ss Ss write Lockstep 35’ - to check the previously taught

4. Feedback and T asks the Ss to interchange the Ss change the tests between T - Ss L - to let Ss know how well they
evaluation tests and to check if the objectives them S performed
are achieved Ss make the necessary W 10’
Ss mark the tests.

NAME:_________________________ DATE:____________________
CLASS: 6th MARK:_______________/100 (10 points granted)
(Time: 50 minutes)

I. (60 points)

A. Complete the article. Use the present simple or present continuous of the verbs in the
box. (15 points)
go not have try want work

Life’s very busy for Belinda Lee these days. At the moment she……………………….(1) on
a new film with Oscar winner Tom McCall. She……………………………(2) much time to
relax, but she……………………….(3) to the gym every day and she
always…………………….(4) to see her friends at the weekend.
She and her husband………………………(5) to sell their house because they’re going to
move to Hollywood next year. We wish them lots of luck!

B. Use the verbs given in the Past tense to fill in the blanks: (15 points)
chase, feel, be, shout, drive, stop, begin, try, take, come

Gordon and Celine decided to go to Red Rock safari Park. First, they…………………(1) into
the park and Gordon…………………...(2) the car. He …………………….(3) some pictures
of the lions. After that, he…………………(4) to start the car again. Suddenly,
smoke…………………….(5) to come out of the engine. A few minutes later, the front of the
car……………….(6) on fire, so Celine beeped the horn and………………….(7) for help.
Just then, a park ranger……………………..(8) along in his jeep to help them. Finally,
another jeep arrived and……………………(9) the lions away. Gordon and Celine
………………….(10) very luck to be alive.

C. Ask questions to which the words underlined are the answers: (15 points)
Lily lives in Greendale. She is a typist. She works in an office in the town centre. In her spare
time, Lily likes to do sports. Her best friend is Sophie. They met two years ago when they
were at university. They were friends because they have the same hobbies. They go walking
together once a week. Sophie drives them to the countryside in her car. Lily and Sophie are
having a rest at the moment. Sophie is tired today because she went to bed very late last


D. Complete the sentences. Use the comparative or superlative. (15 points)

1. This year it’s…………………………………..(hot) than it was last year.
2. What’s…………………………………(good) way to get to the centre?
3. The library’s…………………………...(quiet) place in the university for studying.
4. Books are…………………………………..(entertaining) than computer games.
5. What does……………………………….(early) flight to London leave?
6. A computer is………………………………..(useful) than a typewriter.
7. That’s………………………………..(bad) excuse I’ve ever heard!
8. The first story she told was………………………….(funny) than the second one.
9. This book is………………………(interesting) that that one.
10. It’s …………………………….(heavy) weight I’ve ever lifted!

II. (30 points)

E. Write a letter to a friend of yours telling him/her about what you want to do over the
summer holiday. You should include information about the places you want to visit, the
weather, the activities, the location, the culture, food and the people you hope to meet.
Do not use more than 100 words.
Start and end the letter in an appropriate way.


I. 60 points:
A. 5 wordsX3 p=15 points
1. is working
2.doesn’t have
3. goes
4. tries
5. want

B. 10verbsX1.5p=15 points (0,75 for each verb placed in the correct gap+ 0,75p for each
correct form of the verb)
1. drove 6. was
2. stopped 7. shouted
3. took 8. came
4. tried 9. chased
5. began 10. felt

C. 10questionsX1,5p=15 points (0,75 for each correct question word+ 0,75p for the correct
word order in each question)
1. Where does Lily live?
2. What is her job?/What does she do?
3. Where does she work?
4. What does she like to do in her spare time?
5. Who is her best friend?/What is the name of her best friend?
6. when did they meet?/How long did they meet?
7. How often do they do walking together?
8. Who drives them to the country side?
9. What are they doing at the moment?
10. Why is Sophie tired today?

D. 10wordsx1,5p=15 points
1. hotter 6. more useful
2. the best 7. the worst
3. the quietest 8. funnier
4. more entertaining 9. more interesting
5. the earliest 10. the heaviest

II. 30 points:
 E. 4 points for appropriately beginning and ending the letter:
2 points the beginning: Dear+the friend’s name
2 points the ending: Best wishes/Love/Lots of love/Yours+ the sender’s name
 6 points for correct grammar structures and connectors
 5 points for the use of appropriate vocabulary
 10 points for covering the aspects demanded by the task
 3 points for a balanced structure (greeting/introduction, content, conclusion)
 2 points for the general impression

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