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1. Bontrager, 2001., Tex Book of Radiographic Positioning and Related

Anatomy, Edisi ke- 5, Mosby Inc, St. Louis, Amerika.

2. Billinger, Philip W, Merrils Atlas of Radiographic position and Radiologic

Procedures volume II – Eight Edition, The Mosby Company, St. Loius,

Toronto. London, 1999.

3. Eri Hiswara 2015. BUKU PINTAR | Proteksi dan Keselamatan Radiasi di

Rumah Sakit.

4. KC Clark. MBE.FSR, Positioning In Radiography, Edition Ninth, Volume

One, 1973.

5. Pearce, E.C., 1999, Anatomi dan Fisiologi Untuk Paramedis, Penerbit

PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

6. https://anatomy-medicine.com/digestive-system/40-the-large-


7. http://catatanradiograf.blogspot.com/2010/02/teknik-radiografi-large-


8. https://kumpulsore.blogspot.com/2014/02/teknik-pemeriksaan-colon-in-


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