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First Order Equations

• A general first order differential equation can be written in the

Mathematics-III dy
 f ( x, y ) (*)
First Order Equations d 2
• Even a simple equation (e.g. pendulum equation dt   sin   0 )

cannot be solved in general, in the sense that no formulas exist

for obtaining its solution in all cases.
• On the other hand, there are certain standard types of first
Anil Kumar order equations for which routine methods of solution are
CC-205 available.

Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics 2


First Order Equations Variable Separable

In this chapter, we shall briefly discuss a few of the • The simplest of the standard type of DEs is that in
types of the differential equations that have many which the variables are separable. Then the equation
applications. For example: (*) can be written as
 f (x) g ( y)
1. Variable Separable Equations. dx
2. Homogeneous Equations. • We can separate the variables and solve:
3. Exact Equations. dy
4. Linear Equations.  g ( y)   f ( x ) dx  C

5. Reduction of Order. where C is arbitrary constant.

Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics 3 Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics 4


Variable Separable Homogeneous Equations

Examples • A function f(x, y) is called homogeneous of degree n

1. x  2y Solution:
f ( tx , ty )  t n f ( x , y )
(1) y  cx 2
dy Example:
2.  x2 y (2) y  ce x
dx 1. f ( x, y )  x 2  y 2
(3) y  5 y  4 x  x  9
3 2
dy 4  2 x 2. f ( x, y )  x 2  y 2
3.  , y (1)  3
dx 3 y 2  5 4x2  3 y2
3. f ( x, y ) 
2 xy
Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics 5 Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics 6


Homogeneous Equations Homogeneous Equations

dy x  y
If f(x, y) is homogeneous of degree 0 i.e. 1. 
• Examples dx x  y
f (tx , ty )  t 0 f ( x , y ) dy
2. 2 xy  4 x2  3 y 2
then the differential equation dy
3. x  y  x 2  y 2 , y (1)  0
dy dx
 f ( x, y )
dx Solution
is called homogeneous equation and can be reduced to
separable form by taking the transformation y = v x.
 y
1. tan 1    ln
 x
 x2  y 2  c
2. y  4 x 2  cx3

3. y  x sin(ln x)
Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics 7 Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics 8


Reducible to Homogeneous Equation Reducible to Homogeneous Equation

• If ae  bd, then choose h and k (constants) in

For example
such a way that the transformations x= z - h, y =
dy x  y  4 w - k reduce the first order differential equation

dx x  y  6
dy ax  by  c

is not homogeneous equation of first order but can be dx d x  ey  f
reduced to a homogeneous equation.
to a homogeneous equation.

Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics 9 Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics 10


Conversion into variable separable case Exact Equations

• The substitution z = ax +by+c changes • Consider a family of curves f(x, y) = C.
• Then its differential equation can be written in the
y '  f (ax  by  c)
df  0
into an equations with separable variables.
Example: or
(1) y '  ( x  y ) 2
f f
dx  dy  0
(2) y '  sin ( x  y  1)
x y

Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics 11 Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics 12


Exact Equations Exact Equations

• Start with DE M ( x , y ) dx  N ( x , y ) dy  0 (*) • Sometimes possible to determine exactness and find
• If there exists a function f(x, y) such that the function f by mere inspection. For example
f f (1) y dx  x dy  0
 M ( x , y ),  N ( x, y )
x y 1 x
f f (2) dx  2 dy  0
• Then (*) can be written dx  dy  0 or df  0 y y
x y
(3) y 2 dx  2 xy dy  0
and the general solution is given by f(x, y) = C. • How do we know whether a given DE is exact or not?
• In this case the differential equation (*) is said to be an – We need a test for exactness and
Exact Differential Equation. – a method for finding function f.

Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics 13 Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics 14


Exact Equations Exact Equations

Necessary and Sufficient Condition for the Exactness
• Suppose that M ( x, y )dx  N ( x, y )dy  0 is exact, so that • A necessary and sufficient condition for the
there exists a function f satisfying differential equation
f f
 M and N M ( x , y ) dx  N ( x , y ) dy  0 (1)
x y
• From elementary calculus that the mixed second to be exact is
partial derivatives of f are equal i.e.
M N
2 f 2 f M N Necessary condition  (2)
   for Exactness. y x
yx xy y x

Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics 15 Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics 16


Necessary and Sufficient Condition for the Necessary and Sufficient Condition for the
Exactness: Proof Exactness: Proof
M N f
• Sufficient Condition: Let  (2) Find g(y) such that it satisfies  N.
y x y
i.e. if (2) hold we must show that we can construct a Differentiating (3) w.r.t y we get
f f
function f(x, y) such that  M and  N.      
x y g '( y )   N   M dx   g ( y )    N   Mdx  dy (4)
 y   y 
f provided the integrand in the last equation is a function
 M  f ( x, y )   Mdx  g ( y ) (3)
x only of y.
• This will be true if the derivative of the integrand with
respect to x is 0 i.e. if
Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics 17 Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics 18


Necessary and Sufficient Condition for the Necessary and Sufficient Condition for the
Exactness: Proof Exactness: Proof
    M N
N 
x  y  M d x   0 • Therefore f(x, y) exists if


• Hence, we can construct the function f(x, y) such that

f f
 M and N if (2) is satisfied.
    N 2 N 2 x y
N 
x  y  M dx 

x xy 
 M dx  
x yx  M dx • Therefore the differential equation M ( x, y )dx  N ( x, y )dy  0
N    
  
 x dy   x  M dx 

is exact.
N M This proves that the condition is sufficient.
  0 (from (2))
x dy

Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics 19 Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics 20


Exact Equations: Examples Reducible to Exact Form: Integrating Factor

• Show that the following differential equations are

• Consider the differential equation
exact and hence find the general solution
y dx  x dy  0
(1) y dx  2 xy dy  0
• Above differential equation is Exact?
(2)  x  y  dy   y  x  dx  0
3 3 • If we multiply it by 1/x2, it becomes exact and can be
solved as an exact equation
(3) (2 x sin y  y 3 e x ) dx  ( x 2 cos y  3 y 2 e x ) d y  0 • In this case this function 1/x2 is called as an
integrating factor to the equation.

Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics 21 Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics 22


Integrating Factor Integrating Factor

Remark: A non exact DE always has an integrating factor if it
• In general if a differential equation has a general solution.
M dx  N dy  0 (1) Proof: Let (1) has a general solution f(x,y) = c.
is not exact,
under what condition can a function (x,y) be • Eliminate c by differentiating i.e.  f dx   f dy  0 (3)
found with the property that x y
• From (1) and (3), we get dy M f / x
 ( M dx  N dy )  0 (2) dx
f / y
f / x f / y
is exact? • This gives    ( x, y ) (say)
• Any such function  is called an integrating factor
• On multiplying (2) by , we get
for the differential equation.
f f
 Mdx   Ndy  0  dx  dy  0 , which is exact.
x y
Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics 23 Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics 24


Finding Integrating Factor Finding Integrating Factor

• In general finding integrating factor is quite difficult.
1     M N
• Let (x,y) be an integrating factor of the non exact  N M   (2)
equation   x y  y x
M dx  N dy  0 (1) • Solving this for (x,y) will give an integrating factor for
the differential equation.
Then  ( M dx  N dy )  0 is an exact differential
• But (2) is more difficult problem (PDE).
equation i.e. ( M ) ( N ) • Suppose (1) has an integrating factor µ which is a

y x function of x alone. Then
which gives
M  N   d  
 M  N  and 0
y y x x x dx y

Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics 25 Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics 26


Finding Integrating Factor Finding Integrating Factor

• Then (2) can be written in the form
1 d  M / y  N / x
• Similarly if  M /  y   N /  x  h ( y ).
 M
 dx N
• Since the left side is a function only of x, the right side is then (1) has an integrating factor of the form
also. If we put
M / y  N / x
  e
h ( y ) dy
 g ( x)
• then (1) has an integrating factor of the form and so on… we can have different special cases.
• An integrating factor for a differential equation may not
  e
g ( x ) dx
be unique.

Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics 27 Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics 28


Integrating Factor: Examples Integrating Factor: Examples

• Solve the following differential equations by finding an • Show that if M / y  N / x

is a function of g(z) of the
integrating factor Ny  Mx
product z = xy, then
  e
g ( z ) dz
(1) y dx  x dy  0
(2) 2 xy dx   3 x 2  y 2  dy  0 is an integrating factor for the equation
M dx  N dy  0.
(3) (2 xy 4 e y  2 xy 3  y ) dx  ( x 2 y 4 e y  x 2 y 2  3 x ) dy  0
• Example:
(1) ( y 2  xy  1)dx  ( x 2  xy  1)dy  0
(2) y dx  ( x  2 x 2 y 3 ) dy  0
Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics 29 Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics 30


Some Exact Differentials I.F.

1. xdy  ydx  d ( xy )
xdy  ydx y
2.  d( )
x2 x x2 • Solve the problems by using differential formulas:
xdy  ydx x 1
3.  d ( )
y2 y y2 1 . x dy  y dx  (1  y 2 ) dy
xdy  ydx  y 1
 d  ln 
xy  x xy 2. (2 x 3  3 y ) dx  (3 x  y  1) dy  0
xdy  ydx 1
 d  tan 1 ( y / x ) 
5. 2
x  y2 x2  y2 3. ydx  x (1  3 x 2 y 2 ) dy  0
  1 
xdy  ydx d 
   ( n  1)( xy ) n 1 

if n  1 1 4. xdx  ydx  4 y 3 ( x 2  y 2 ) dy  0
( xy ) n d (ln( xy )) ( xy ) n
 if n  1
dy y  xy 2  x 3
  1  5. 
xdx  ydy   2(n  1)( x 2  y 2 ) n 1 
7. 2 
if n  1
1 dx x  x 2 y  y 3
(x  y ) 2 n
 1 ( x 2  y 2 )n
d ( 2 ln( x  y )) if n  1
2 2

Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics 31 Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics 32


Linear Equations Linear Equations

• most important type of differential equation is the
linear equation • Presently, we shall discuss general first order linear
– In which the derivative of highest order is a linear function of equation, which we write in the standard form
the lower order derivatives. dy
 P ( x) y  Q ( x)
• For example: first order linear equation is dx

dy • The simplest way of solving this equation lies in the

 p ( x ) y  q( x )
dx fact that if we multiply this equation by e  Pdx , we get
and the general second order linear equation is e
Pdx dy
 P ( x )e  y  Q ( x ) e 
Pdx Pdx

d2y dy dx
 p ( x )  q ( x) y  r ( x )
d   Pdx
dx 2
y   Q( x)e
dx Pdx
 e
dx  
where p(x), q(x) and r(x) are functions of x alone.
Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics 33 Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics 34


Linear Equations Linear Equations: Examples

• Solve the following differential equations

• which on integration gives
1. x  3y  x4
e  y   Q e  dx  c
Pdx Pdx
dx Bernoulli’s equation
2. xy   y  x 4 y 3 dx
 p ( x) y  q ( x) y n
 Pdx  
 y  e    Q e  dx  C 
  3. ( e y  2 xy )  y2
which is the general solution of the linear equation. 4. y ln y dx  ( x  ln y ) dy  0
5. xdy  ( y  x y 3 (1  ln x )) dx  0

Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics 35 Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics 36


Reduction of Order
Reduction of Order Dependent variable missing
• The general second order differential equation has the • If y is not explicitly present, our equation can be
form: written as
f (x, y , y )  0
' ''

F ( x, y, y' , y'' )  0
• In this case we introduce a new dependent variable p by
• We shall consider two special types of second order dp  dp 
equations that can be solved by first order methods. y '  p and y ''  f  x, p,   0
dx  dx 
– Dependent variable missing
– Independent variable missing which is a first order equation in p, if we can solve this
equation for p, we can get the solution of the original
Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics 37 Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics 38


Reduction of Order Reduction of Order

Dependent variable missing Independent variable missing
• Example • If x is not explicitly present, our equation can be written
1. xy ''  y '  4 x g( y, y , y )  0
' ''

2. y ''  1   y ' 
2 • Here we introduce a new dependent variable p in the
same way as
dp dp dy dp  dp 
3. x 2 y  2 xy  ( y ) 2 y '  p and y ''   p  g  y, p, p   0.
dx dy dx dy  dy 
4. ( x 2  2 y ') y '' 2 xy '  0, y (0)  1, y '(0)  0.
• Again we solve two first order equation in p, and
can get the solution of the original equation.

Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics 39 Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics 40


Reduction of Order
Independent variable missing
• Example:

1. yy '' ( y ')2  0
2. y ''  1   y ' 

3. y ''  k 2 y  0
4. yy ''  y 2 y   ( y) 2 , y (0)   , y '(0)  1

Anil Kumar, Dept. of Mathematics 41


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