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Structural Mechanics (CE- 312)


Dr. Nauman KHURRAM

Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering

Course Contents.
List of Reference of books
Assessment Methods
Objectives of the Course
Course Policy
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
Introduction to Structural Mechanics

By. Dr. Nauman KHURRAM Department of Civil Engineering, UET Lahore 2

Objectives of Taking This Course
 Not interested, want to just pass.
 Not interested, want to get good grades.
 Interested want to work in this field.
 For what grade knowledge, you will study this
 How the teachers may help to achieve your
 Want to be an inspector, check teachers, check
facilities, check neatness, check overall
standard etc.

By. Dr. Nauman KHURRAM Department of Civil Engineering, UET Lahore 3

List of Reference Books
 Andrew Pytel and Jaan Kiusalaas, Mechanics of
Materials, 2nd Edition, (2012), Cengage Learning, USA.
 R. C. Hibbeler, “Mechanics of Materials”, 8th Edition,
Published by Prentice Hall 2011.
 Ferdinand Beer, Jr., E. Russell Johnston, John DeWolf,
David Mazurek, “Mechanics of Materials” 6th Edition,
Published by McGraw-Hill 2011.
 Zahid A. Siddiqi (2014) “Mechanics of Material” , Help
Civil Engineering Press.
 F.V. Warnock, P.P. Benham and R.J. Crawford, “Mechanics
of Engineering Materials”.

By. Dr. Nauman KHURRAM Department of Civil Engineering, UET Lahore 4

Course Contents
# Contact
TOPIC # Weeks
Transformation of Stresses and Strain:
Analysis of stress and strain at any point due to
combined effect of axial force, shear force,
3.5 11
bending and twisting moment. Mohr’s circle for
stresses and strains, relationship between elastic
Experimental Stress Analysis:
1 3
Stain rosette solution
Introduction to Theory of Elasticity:
Stress tensor, plane stress and plane strain 1.5 5
problems and formulation of stress function.

By. Dr. Nauman KHURRAM Department of Civil Engineering, UET Lahore 5

# Contact
TOPIC # Weeks
Theories of Yielding/Failure for ductile
1 2
and brittle materials.
Biaxial Bending of symmetrical and
2.5 7
unsymmetrical sections
Shear Stress Distribution in thin walled
2 6
open sections and shear center.
Columns: Stability of columns, conditions
of equilibrium, eccentrically loaded 2 6
columns, initially imperfect columns
Thin, Thick Cylinders
Stress Distribution in Thick and thin 1.5 5
Total 15 45
By. Dr. Nauman KHURRAM Department of Civil Engineering, UET Lahore 6
Assessment Methods for Theory Part
Assessment Type Date Weight %
Assignments + At the End of each topic 10
Class Participation
First Quiz In the 6th week 10
Mid Exam In the 8th week 30
Second Quiz In 13th week 10
Final Exam At the End of the Semester as per 40
the University Final Exam
All exams are
Total 100
By. Dr. Nauman KHURRAM Department of Civil Engineering, UET Lahore 7
Course Policy
Attendance Regular attendance is expected in both theory and
tutorial classes. Student should notify the instructor for
any planned absence. University regulations regarding
absence will be strictly applied for sitting in final exam.
 No late attendance for the class (you are not allowed to
attend the class if you are 10 min. late). If you repeat
late attendance, each 2 late attendance will be
considered as one full class missing.
 If you failed to attend 75% of the classes (UET Rules),
you will be dismissed from the course.
Students Students should adhere to the academic integrity and
Conduct ethics. Cheating is absolutely not tolerated. University
regulations will be enforced and applied on any student
who do or try cheating.
By. Dr. Nauman KHURRAM Department of Civil Engineering, UET Lahore 8
Course Policy
Students’ Will be assigned with their due dates during lectures.
works Late works will be subjected to a penalty of 20% of the
grade for each overdue day, for a maximum of 3 days. No
work will be accepted after 3 days.
 Beware of Plagiarism: Copying and handing in for
credit someone else's work. Any plagiarism case will
result in an automatic ‘F’ for the course.
Only simple scientific calculators are allowed during
examinations/quizzes. Use of mobile phones and similar
devices as calculator is strictly prohibited in examinations
and quizzes.
Students may add/drop the course within two weeks from
Grading the start of semester. Student may apply for withdrawn
(W grade) during first 8 weeks of semester
By. Dr. Nauman KHURRAM Department of Civil Engineering, UET Lahore 9
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
CLOs Description PLOs Level
Students will be able to compute the bending and
CLO1 shear stresses in the section subjected to PLO4 High
unsymmetrical bending.
Students will be able to compute the principal
CLO2 stresses and strains when member is subjected to PLO2 High
complex loading
Students will be able to calculate the stresses and
CLO3 PLO4 High
strains in shells applying thing and thick shell theory
Students will be able to analyze and design columns
CLO4 subjected to various loading and different end PLO3 High
To exhibit commitment towards time management,
CLO5 PLO3 High
punctuality and honesty
By. Dr. Nauman KHURRAM Department of Civil Engineering, UET Lahore 10
Lab Part - Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

CLOs Description PLOs Level

To imitate experiments for assessing the structural
CLO1 behavior of materials under axial, tension and PLO4 High
torsional loading.
Students will be able to demonstrate the knowledge
CLO2 of stresses and strains for the behavior of structural PLO1 High
Students will be able To practice experiments
CLO3 related to unsymmetrical bending behavior of Z PLO4 High
section and shear behavior of Channel section
Students will be able to practice experiment for the
CLO4 determination of stresses and strains using strain PLO4 High
gauges and strain rosette.

By. Dr. Nauman KHURRAM Department of Civil Engineering, UET Lahore 11

Introduction to Structural Mechanics

Structural mechanics or Mechanics of structures is the

computation of deformations, deflections, and
internal forces or stresses (stress equivalents) within
structures, either for design or for performance evaluation
of existing structures.
Structural mechanics analysis needs input data such
as structural loads, the structure’s geometric
representation and support conditions, and the materials
properties. Output quantities may include support
reactions, stresses and displacements.

By. Dr. Nauman KHURRAM Department of Civil Engineering, UET Lahore 12

There are three approaches to the analysis:
1. Energy Methods
Expresses the relationships between stresses, strains or
deformations, displacements, material properties, and
external effects in the form of energy or work by
internal forces.
2. Finite Element Method
In the FEM, the structural system is modeled by a set
of appropriate finite elements interconnected at points
called nodes. Elements may have physical properties
such as thickness, coefficient of thermal
expansion, density, Young's modulus, shear
modulus and Poisson's ratio.
By. Dr. Nauman KHURRAM Department of Civil Engineering, UET Lahore 13
Plastic analysis approach
Plastic analysis is defined as the analysis in which the
criterion for the design of structures is the ultimate load.
We can define it as the analysis in which inelastic
material is studied beyond the elastic limit.

By. Dr. Nauman KHURRAM Department of Civil Engineering, UET Lahore 14

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