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PRICING PREAMBLES ........................................................................................................................... 2

GENERALLY .......................................................................................................................................... 2
METHOD OF MEASUREMENT .............................................................................................................. 3
PRICING................................................................................................................................................ 3
DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................................................ 4
DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................. 9
DIVISION 2 - SITE CONSTRUCTION .................................................................................................... 10
DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE ..................................................................................................................... 11
DIVISION 4 - MASONRY ..................................................................................................................... 13
DIVISION 5 - METALS ......................................................................................................................... 14
DIVISION 6 – WOODS AND PLASTICS ................................................................................................ 14
DIVISION 7 - THERMAL AND MOISTURE CONTROL ........................................................................... 15
DIVISION 8 – DOORS AND WINDOWS ............................................................................................... 15
DIVISION 9 - FINISHES ........................................................................................................................ 16
DIVISION 10 - SPECIALITIES................................................................................................................ 17
DIVISION 11 - EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................................ 17
DIVISION 12 - FURNISHINGS .............................................................................................................. 17
DIVISION 13 – SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION ........................................................................................... 17
DIVISION 14 – CONVEYING SYSTEMS ................................................................................................ 17
DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL ENGINEERING INSTALLATIONS ............................................................ 17
DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING INSTALLATIONS ............................................................... 18
SERVICES GENERALLY ........................................................................................................................ 21
BUILDER’S WORK ............................................................................................................................... 21

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A. The Works herein are to be read in conjunction with the Specifications and Drawings. The scope
of work comprises the Works as defined and scheduled within the composite Contract
Documents and the Drawings, Specifications, Conditions of Contract and the Bills of Quantities
together with all other Contract Documents are complementary and items included in any one
document shall be deemed included in all.

B. The Contract Price for the Works is deemed to be lump sum. The Contractor will be responsible
for close liaison with the Engineer to ensure accurate records are kept to verify any changes to
the Works measured within this document.

C. The various documents collectively referred to herein as the Bills of Quantities jointly constitute
the Bill of Quantities referred to in the Conditions of Contract.

D. Upon award of Contract, the Bills of Quantities shall be used purely as a mechanism for
evaluation of progress payments due to the Contractor, and as a Schedule of Rates for valuation
of variations.

A. The Bills of Quantities herein, including all notes and instructions, shall form an integral part of
the Tender and Contract Documents. However, the descriptions contained in the Bills of
Quantities for each item are not necessarily complete. The Tenderer is referred to the
Conditions of Contract and other documents, Specifications and Drawings as well as all relevant
applicable Standards and Codes of Practice for further information; as no claim or variation will
be considered on an account of the Contractor's failure to do so.

B. The Contractor is deemed to have allowed against the items or in the prices contained in these
Bills of Quantities for everything within the scope of the Works that has a monetary value.

C. The Contractor should note that the full content of other Documents including the Drawings
and Specifications or any other information that can be reasonably inferred from any of them
and all obligations contained in the documents is deemed included in the Contract Rates and
lump sum Contract Price, even if specific items relating to them are not listed in the Bills of

D. Amendments shall not be made to these Bills of Quantities without the authority, in writing, of
the Engineer.

E. The Contract Price for the Works shall be deemed to provide for attendance and supervision of
any or all trades that is not intended to be performed with the Contractor’s own forces.

F. The Contractor shall not use these Bills of Quantities as the basis for a construction programme
or for the purpose of ordering materials or arranging sub-contracts, be they nominated or
otherwise. The references for these activities shall be the drawings, specifications and
instructions issued by the Engineer.

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Format of Descriptions

In addition to common abbreviations the following have been adopted:

CSI Construction Standards Institute Master Format
Millimetre mm
Metre m
m² - Square Metre m², m2, sq.m
Cubic Meter m³, m3, cu.m
Number nr, Nr, No.
Kilograms kg
Kilo Newton KN
Composite Item item, Item
Hour hr, Hr
Days Day
Weeks wk, Wk

A. These Bills of Quantities have been measured in accordance with the Rules of CSI (as here below
defined) and rates shall include for everything required for complete sections of work in
accordance with the Specifications and Drawings unless CSI demands the measurement of
additional items. In any case in the Bills of Quantities where the method differs then the method
expressed must be accepted and measured in accordance therewith. Notwithstanding the
above the following pricing preambles are offered only as an amplification or clarification to
billed description.

B. Items in the Preambles Section of these Bills of Quantities are deemed to qualify and to form
part of every description of measured work to which they refer including composite

C. All measurements are net and the rates shall include for all laps, waste, working space and trade
or traditional allowances.

A. Unless otherwise stated all item descriptions in these Bills of Quantities shall be priced on the
basis of the supply and installation (and connection where necessary) of the complete system
in accordance with the Specifications and Drawings.

B. The prices and rates shall be comprehensive and must include for complying in all respects with
the Bill of Quantities, Instruction to Tenderers, General Conditions of Contract, Particular
Conditions of Contract, Specifications and Drawings and for all matters and things necessary for
the proper construction, completion, and maintenance of the whole of the Works. No claims
for additional payment will be allowed for any error or misunderstanding by the Contractor of
the work involved.

C. The Tenderer's unit rates are to be fully inclusive value of the work described and must include
all related work, accessory or consumable materials, incidental labour, administration, tools,
equipment, overhead and profit and all costs and expenses which may be required in and for

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completion of the work described together with all costs and expenses in complying with all
general risks, liabilities and obligations set forth or implied in the Drawings, Specifications and
Conditions of Contract.

D. Items where unit rates are applicable should be priced fully and should if possible not be
denoted as 'included' or 'lump sum' item.

E. Where the word "allow" is used, the cost of the items shall be the responsibility of the

F. Where the word "item" is used, the cost of the items shall be the responsibility of the

G. The amounts set against any items of profit shall include for all costs in connection with the
letters of credit, bonds/warranties, bank charges, interest charges and insurance after the
materials come under the control of the Contractor.

H. No variation will be allowed for any error in the computation of the Tender discovered after
date of issue of letter of acceptance of the tender and award of the Contract.

A. "Falls", "Slopes", "Weathered: inclined from the horizontal in one plane

B. "Cross Falls", "Cross Slopes", "Cross Weathered": inclination from the horizontal in more than
one plane.

C. "Remove" means disconnect, dismantle as necessary and remove the stated element, work or
component and all associated accessories, fastenings, supports, linings and bedding materials,
and dispose of unwanted materials. It does not include removing associated pipework, wiring,
ductwork or other services.

D. "Keep for re use" means: During removal prevent damage to the stated components or
materials, and clean off bedding and jointing materials. Stack neatly, adequately protect and
store until required by the Employer or for use in the Works as instructed.

E. "Replace" means: Remove the stated existing components, features and finishes. Provide and
fit in lieu new components, features or finishes which, unless specified otherwise, must
match those which have been removed. Make good as necessary.

F. "Repair" means carry out local remedial work to components, features and finishes as found in
the existing building. Re-secure or re-fix as necessary and leave in a sound and neat condition.
It does not include: Replacement of components or parts of components.

G. "Ease" means make minor adjustments to moving parts of the stated component to achieve
good fit in both open and closed positions and ensure free movement in relation to fixed
surrounds. Make good as necessary.

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H. "To match existing means use products, materials and methods to match closely all visual
characteristics and features of the existing work, with joints between existing and new work as
inconspicuous as possible

Install Only

I. The expression "install only" used in the Bills of Quantities means that the Contractor shall
provide the following facilities only and that all other costs incidental to the item in question
will be borne by the Employer:
(1) Unloading, storing, distributing and hoisting goods and materials.
(2) Supplying full size templates.
(3) Giving and marking dimensions and taking responsibility for their accuracy.
(4) Getting in, protecting, handling, distributing and placing in position.
(5) Assembling as required.
(6) Casing up and protection, including clearing away protection on completion of the
(7) Full cost of replacement of any items which are damaged, broken, lost or stolen
after the acceptance of
(8) Other necessary and usual facilities and documentation.

Supply Only

J. The expression "supply only" used in the Bills of Quantities means that the Contractor is to
include for all liabilities and obligations arising out of the Contract except fixing in position.


K. Any direct Sub-contractors which the Contractor proposes to use for the works are subject to
the approval of the Engineer and Employer.

L. The Contractor shall provide a list of Sub-contractors who will be employed on the works for
approval by the Engineer.

M. If the Contractor is refused permission to use any of his proposed Sub-contractors then the work
shall be sub-let at no extra cost to an approved Sub-contractor.

N. Any Sub-contractor who has not been approved by the Employer shall not be used in connection
with the carrying out of the works.

O. The Contractor should ascertain from Sub-contractors and suppliers before the work is put in
hand particulars of positions in which chases, holes, mortices and the like will be required to be
formed or left. No claim for the extra costs of cutting away work already built due to the
contractor's failure to ascertain these particulars will be admitted.

P. The Contractor should ascertain from all Sub-contractors and Suppliers before the work is put
in hand particular of positions in which chases, holes, mortises and the like will be required to
be formed or left. No claim for the extra costs of cutting away work already built due to the
Contractor's failure to ascertain these particulars will be admitted.

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Q. The Contractor shall allow for any additional costs incurred due to Sub-contractors working
different hours from and extended hours to those worked by the Contractor.

R. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing, including but not limited to, the following
(1) Use of Contractor's administrative arrangements.
(2) Use of Constructional Plant.
(3) Use of Contractor's mess room, sanitary and welfare facilities.
(4) Co-ordination and scheduling of all works related to each Sub-contract and
nominated Sub-contract.
(5) Use of standing scaffolding
(6) Use of temporary works including water and electricity.
(7) Supplying full size setting out templates.
(8) Giving and marking dimensions and taking responsibility for their accuracy.
(9) Space for Sub-contractor stores.
(10) Providing work space
(11) Offloading Sub-contractors' or suppliers' materials and placing in stores.
(12) Clearing away all and any rubbish be it generated by Contractor, nominated or
direct subcontractors.
(13) Other necessary and usual facilities, documentation, general intergrades
attendances, labour and assistance.

S. The Sub-contractor or nominated Sub-contractor shall be responsible for providing, including

but not limited to, the following attendances:
(1) All special scaffolding required by them in the execution of their works.
(2) Taking from stores, distributing, hoisting and placing in position, all items of plant,
equipment and materials required by them in the execution of their works.
(3) All labour, plant etc. (other than included in Attendances to be provided by the Main
(4) Site offices and stores required by them for the execution of their works.
(5) Offloading

Provisional Sums

A. For all work executed, or goods, materials, plant or services the Contractor shall be entitled to:-
(1) The actual price paid or due to be paid by the Contractor, on the instructions of the

B. The following costs are deemed to be excluded from the Provisional Sum allowance:-
(1) Main Contractors overhead and profit
(2) Main Contractors general and special attendances
(3) Main Contractors builders work in connection

C. Mechanism for instruction and payment against Provisional Sum allowances:-

(1) The Employer or Employer's representative may initially instruct the Contractor to
carry out the design only element associated with the Provisional Sum prior to
approval of the main construction works. It is accepted that the design fee
percentage covers to design the particular Provisional Sum once and should the

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design be revised by choice of the Employer, any subsequent re-design / re-work

will be paid on the daywork rates for professional design services included within
thin the contract.
(2) In respect of all other contractors charges including; builders-work, overhead,
profit and attendance the Contractor shall insert separately the percentage or sum
as applicable required for all other charges against each item in the Bill of
Provisional Sums.
(3) Should work stated as a Provisional Sum be entirely deleted from the Contract by
the Engineer, the allowance for overhead and profit, special attendances and
builders work will be deleted accordingly as a variation in accordance with the
Terms of the Contract.

PC Supply Only rates in description contained in the Bills of Quantities

A. PC rates of Supply Only rates for suppliers of materials and equipment shall be deemed to
include delivery to site and exclude the Main Contractor's percentage for overheads and profit
as stated in the Preliminaries section of the Bills of Quantities.

At the time the Engineer has approved the actual material to be used in the Works, the actual
delivered to site costs plus Contractor's overhead and profit percentage as stated in the Bills of
Quantities shall be inserted into the Contractor' rate following the deduction of the original PC
Supply Only rate contained in the Contractor's rates against the particular item description in
the Bills of Quantities.

B. The Contractor when pricing items in the Bills of Quantities which contain PC supply only rates
shall add to the PC rate the amounts required to cover for profit and overheads, unloading from
delivery vehicle to site store, loading and transporting from site store, hoisting and lowering and
distribution to various positions, assembly as necessary, fixing, casing up, protecting and finally
cleaning down and, where appropriate, oiling and adjusting and leaving in perfect order, all
necessary straight, cured and irregular cutting, wastage and all other allowances required to
fully fix, install or place the fixed and will not be adjusted against the final value of the supply
rates adopted. Should the item including PC Supply Only rates be deleted by the Engineer from
the Contract, no payment against that item will be made to the Contractor.

C. The Employer shall select the Supplier from those listed in either the contract specifications or
from a list proposed by the Contractor or designers and the Contractor shall be responsible for
procurement of the materials. The Contractor shall arrange for all co-ordination of deliveries be
they in part or full loads to suit the Contractor's Programme of Works.

General and Special Attendances

A. The expression General Attendances shall mean that the Contractor shall provide attendances
and facilities including, but not limited to, the following:
(1) Assistance as defined/identified in CSI including electricity and water.
(2) The use of the Contractor's administrative facilities.
(3) The use of general construction plant.
(4) The use of the Contractor's facilities, including mess rooms, sanitary
accommodation and welfare facilities.
(5) The use of temporary works
(6) Space for Sub-contractor’s stores and lay down areas.
(7) The clearing away of all rubbish, waste and debris on a regular basis.

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(8) Use of standing scaffolding / general scaffolding.

(9) Unloading, distributing, hoisting or lowering to the respective floor levels, and
placing in suitable positions for the Sub-contractor all plant, machinery or the like
to be installed by the Sub-contractor.
(10) The provision of electrical power by Contractor for the Sub-contractor's works,
including all lighting and 3-phase or heavy supplies, which may be required for
purposes of testing and commissioning.
(11) The provision of water for the Sub-contractor's works, including the requirements
for testing and commissioning and subsequent removal of water.
(12) The provision of all fuel necessary for the testing and commissioning of the Sub-
contract works.
(13) Supplying full size setting out templates and giving and marking dimensions and
taking responsibility for their accuracy.
(14) The provision of all temporary access already fixed or placed in position on the site
for the use of workmen and the delivery of materials.
(15) The general co-ordination and integration of all Sub-contract works into the General
(16) Ascertaining full details of any work to be executed by other Sub-contractor's in
connection with the Sub-contract works and arranging for such work to be executed
at the correct time.
(17) Protection of the Sub-contract works from the time the Sub-contractor completes
the work until the Works as a whole or any sections thereof are handed over to the
(18) The cleaning of all Sub-contract works, as part of the final clean operation at
substantial completion of the Works as a whole or any section thereof.
(19) The provision of all general site lifting, hoisting equipment and drainage.
(20) Cutting, chasing and making good.
(21) The design co-ordination and necessary liaison related thereof.
(22) The programming of the Sub-contract Works and the necessary co-ordination to
comply with the Contractor's overall programme.
(23) Obtaining any necessary security passes, access approvals, identity cards and the
like for all sub- contractor's personnel.
(24) Other necessary and usual facilities, documentation, general inter-trades
attendance, labour and assistance.

Builder's Work in Connection

A. The expression "Builder's Work" shall mean all ancillary work carried out by the Contractor in
connection with all Sub-contract works and installations.

B. The drilling, cutting or leaving of holes or apertures through structural floors, walls, beams, etc.
shall be avoided, but where this becomes a necessity, the Contractor must obtain the written
approval of the Engineer before the work is put in hand.

C. The Contractor shall allow for all Builder's Work In Connection with the installation which should
include but is not limited to the following:
(1) Install only and install all inserts and any other anchored materials required for the
Works, which require to be embedded in the building structure and block work.
These inserts are to be provided by the Sub-contractor to the Contractor.

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(2) Drilling, cutting or leaving holes for pipes, ducts and the like through walls, floors,
partitions, etc. and subsequently making good / waterproofing where necessary.
(3) Cutting and pinning ends of supports for pipes, equipment, appliances, fittings and
the like to walls, floors, partitions, soffits, etc. and making good.
(4) Cutting or leaving mortises, sinking, etc. for holding down bolts, brackets, supports
and the like and grouting in.
(5) Cutting chases for pipes, conduits and the like in walls, floors, partitions, etc. and
subsequent making good.
(6) Cutting and fittings around, boring holes through and making good of finishing up
to pipes, ducts, fans, supports, brackets and the like.
(7) The construction of concrete, block and / or timber ducts.
(8) The formation of ducts within concrete slabs, together with access covers and
(9) The building of timber frames, panels and doors, including ironmongery, to give
access to pipes, ducts, equipment and the like.
(10) The formation of concrete bases, plinths, etc. for plant and equipment, including
any ant vibration pads.
(11) The waterproofing of all external ductwork to the Engineer's approval.
(12) Making good finishes after second fix installation.
(13) Secondary steel framing necessary for support of plant, pipe work, lifts, ductwork
and the like.
(14) Concrete encasement to drainage pipes and fittings below slab on grade.
(15) Elevator lifting beams, supports and other necessary Builder's Work.
(16) Fire stopping around services.
(17) Cutting and making good openings in false ceilings, bulkheads, walls for grilles,
diffusers, luminaries, sprinkler heads, loudspeakers and the like.
(18) 'Builder's Work' will include all the above, but it should be noted that this list is not
intended to be exhaustive and everything necessary will be deemed to be included.
(19) The Contractor is referred to the Structural Drawings for further information. The
Contractor shall allow for any plinths or bases required for MEP equipment
(20) Builder's Work shall include for all penetrations through concrete surfaces for MEP
Equipment, including (but not limited to) stair pressurization fans, ventilation
openings through skylight up stands, fire barrier seals as required, and the like.


A. Payment for the establishment of the items site office and facilities will be Lump Sum which
will be made only after the completion of all facilities. Breakdown of all Lump Sum amounts
to be submitted together with the Tender Submission.

B. Payment for the maintenance of site office and facilities items will be in monthly

C. Payment for the removal of site office and facilities items will be by Lump Sum which will
be made only after the completion of their removal. The removal of the Site Office for the
Engineer shall typically be one month after the completion of the Works.

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D. Payment for contractor’s supervision and the like, Bills of Quantities items shall be in
monthly instalments.

E. All and any costs associated with traffic management, traffic safety and control shall
be borne by the Contractor including the cost of all temporary traffic diversions and traffic
management necessary to complete the works. The item shall include but not limited
to liaison with the local authorities to confirm their requirements for safety.

F. The item for traffic safety and control shall include the cost of all temporary traffic
diversions and traffic management necessary to complete the works. The item shall include
for liaison with the local authorities to confirm their requirements for safety.

G. Temporary works, diversions, site cleaning, etc., and other items not otherwise covered in
this preamble or otherwise detailed in the Bills of Quantities will be cost related items and
will be paid as a percentage of work completed to total value of work.

H. Payment for assisting Engineer shall be in monthly instalments and is deemed to cover all
costs in providing assistance to the Engineer by the Contractor as stated in the Contract.

I. Payment for progress photographs will be by set of monthly progress photographs as

defined in the Specification.

J. Payment for Conditions of Contract will be by monthly instalments and shall cover all costs
and expenses including overhead and profits incurred by the Contractor in carrying out the
requirements of the Conditions of Contract not otherwise included in the Bills of Quantities.
Breakdown of all Lump Sum amounts to be submitted together with the Tender Submission.


A. Rock is as defined in CSI. The term “employer’s representative” shall mean The Engineer.

B. Boulder rock is defined as any material met with which is of such size or position that in the
opinion of the Engineer it can only be removed by means of special equipment but which does
not need breaking up prior to removal.

C. The method of measurement and remeasurement will be entirely at the discretion of the
Engineer but generally will be as follows:
(1) Where there is no reduced level excavation, other excavations will be measured
from natural ground level.
(2) In instances where there is excavation to reduce levels other excavations will be
measured from the reduced level

D. Should the Contractor be able to use any excavated material arising from the works as general
filling then it shall be measured as material backfilled in making up levels with a deduction of
items for filling and for material removed from site.

E. In addition to the provisions of CSI rates for excavation shall be deemed to include for the

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(1) Excavating by whatever means are necessary including hand excavation in any kind
of ground, except rock and boulder rock.
(2) Overbreak including filling with mass concrete to the levels required by the Engineer.
(3) Trimming or grading ground to produce level surfaces or surfaces to falls or slopes.
(4) Ramming and compacting sides and bottoms of excavations and supports to sides.
(5) Keeping free from general water including any dewatering as necessary.
(6) Any hand excavation required around existing services or the like.

F. The rates for underground drainage shall include for the following:
(1) Short lengths, joints and cutting at manholes.
(2) Cutting and fixing pipework to fittings.
(3) Testing.

G. The rates for underground drainage shall include for the following:
(1) Short lengths, joints and cutting at manholes.
(2) Cutting and fixing pipework to fittings.
(3) Testing.

H. The rates for excavation of trenches for services, pipes or drain pipes shall include for
deepening and widening as necessary to enable the barrels of pipes, ducts, etc., to rest on
firm ground and to facilitate jointing.

I. The rates for items of imported fillings, graded gravel fillings, etc., shall include for:
(1) Levelling and compacting as required by the specification
(2) Grading to slopes and falls.
(3) Special compacting to form vertical or battering faces, and
(4) Forming sinkings.

Termite Protection

J. Measured the plinth area of the building to be treated in square metres, all costs for treatment
to vertical sides or the like of excavations are to be included in the plinth area rate.

A. The Contractor should ascertain from the Engineer the total number of locations of items to be
formed in and cast into in-situ and precast concrete including those which are not specifically
shown on the drawings. No cutting away of concrete shall be carried out without the approval
of the Engineer. All remedial works shall be carried out at the Contractor's expense.

B. The rates for all concrete work shall include for the following:
(1) Concrete test cubes and testing costs.
(2) Mixing, hoisting and placing and compacting on the surfaces of any material or on
(3) Forming any construction joints or the like, including any required preparation for
adjacent pours.
(4) Shuttering to sloping upper surfaces not exceeding 15 degrees from horizontal.
(5) Curing and protecting concrete surfaces from harmful weather conditions.
(6) All necessary keys to concrete surfaces to receive in-situ finishes.
(7) All costs in connection with the construction of "kickers".

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C. The rates for plain concrete foundations and concrete blinding shall include for the following.
(1) All necessary shuttering to edges or extra volume of concrete used in lieu of shuttering.
(2) Forming sloping upper surfaces where required.

D. The rates for reinforced concrete shall include for working concrete around reinforcement.

E. The rates for bar reinforcement shall include for the following:
(1) Positioning and protecting starter bars.
(2) Straightening (if required) cutting to length and bending reinforcement to required
(3) Cleaning and wire brushing.
(4) Supporting in position during concreting.
(5) Provision of supports (excluding links and stirrups) steel binding wire and
approved/proprietary distance pieces.
(6) Additional cutting and bonding in connection with holes, mortices, pockets, grooves,
chases and the like.
(7) Preparation of detailed reinforcement drawings and bar bending schedules for all
steelwork to be submitted to the Engineer or his representative for approval before
starting the work.

F. The rates for fabric reinforcement shall include for the following:
(1) Straight raking curved and circular cutting and waste, bending to profiles, laps of one
full square/rectangular module or as noted.
(2) Supporting in position during concreting: provision of supports (excluding special chairs)
steel binding wire and approved/proprietary distance pieces.
(3) Cutting, bending and notching around all obstructions.

G. The rates for shuttering or moulds as appropriate shall include for the following.
(1) Small quantities.
(2) All cutting and waste including raking curved or circular cutting and cutting and notching
around pipes, ducting and fittings.
(3) Setting up, strutting and supporting at any height above the structure subject to any
limitations imposed by the Engineer including all props, stays struts, wedges, bolts etc.
(4) Carefully coating with shutter oil ensuring that no shutter oil is applied to surfaces of
(5) Easing, striking, removing and cleaning and preparing for re-use and removal when no
longer required.
(6) Overlaps and passings at angles and labours at intersections.
(7) Shortening struts or shapes and re-strutting or re-shoring where required.
(8) Rubbing down, filling and making good the surface of concrete after removal of
(9) Cutting or notching shutters or moulds to in-situ or precast concrete around projecting
(10)Shuttering to sides of walls, parapets or the like shall include the areas for returns, ends,
projections, reveals, rebates, grooves, recesses or the like.

H. The rates for wrought shuttering/shuttering to produce a special finish shall include for the

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(1) Any necessary rubbing down or filling allowed by the specification to produce the finish
(2) Cutting out and re-casting unsatisfactory work or work not fulfilling the requirements
of the specification or carrying out remedial or any other work required by the Engineer
as an alternative to cutting out substandard work.

I. The rates for precast concrete shall include for the following:
(1) The provision of moulds.
(2) Forming a fair face in accordance with the specification to all exposed surfaces.
(3) Hacking or forming keys to all other surfaces.
(4) Lifting hooks or other devices approved by the Engineer for positioning.
(5) Bedding jointing in mortar as specified.
(6) All necessary temporary struts or supports.
(7) Sills, copings, etc., shall include for plain ends and mitred angles where necessary.

Reinforcement to Masonry

J. The contents of this section equally apply to reinforcement included within the Masonry section
of the Bills of Quantities, unless otherwise stated.

A. The rates for block walls shall include for the following:
(1) Block testing at a recognised laboratory, provision of certificates.
(2) Small quantities and any extra labour in forming kerbs.
(3) Straight raking curved and circular rough or fair cutting, plumbing at angles, cutting and
bonding at angles, openings and intersections, building into and/or against adjacent
work, wedging and pinning up to soffits.
(4) Special or concrete filled blocks at angles, door, window and openings or the like, and
intersections and load bearing walls including any necessary reinforcement.
(5) Providing any means necessary to prevent concrete cast on hollow blockwork or over
cavities from falling into voids or cavities (subject to the approval of the Engineer).
(6) All necessary keys for in-situ finishings.
(7) Grouting up at back of walls built against other construction.
(8) All necessary wall ties, dowels, straps, sleeves, channels and other like fixings built-in at
junctions between blockwork and in-situ concrete including casting in, drilling, bolting
and the like.
(9) All necessary blockwork reinforcement at junctions between blockwork and walls,
construction joints or the like and openings.
(10)All necessary construction, contraction joints, slip strip or the like.
(11)Filling top course of hollow block walls with concrete/ mortar below slabs and slip strips,
etc. between top of load bearing block walls and slabs.

B. The rates for block walls shall include for the following additional labours:
(1) Cutting or forming chases or grooves for slabs, partitions, staircases, etc.
(2) Cutting grooves for water bars, flashings and the like and making good and pointing
in similar mortar.
(3) Building in or cutting and pinning in and making good ends of lintels, brackets,
timbers, steelwork, holderbats and the like.

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(4) Building in or cutting for and making good around pipes, ducting, fittings and the

A. Rates for metalwork / steelwork shall include for all cutting, drilling, counter-sinking, bolting,
riveting, welding, boring, grinding, bracing, grinding off flush, etc., assembling, hoisting and
fixing in position, adjusting, site and shop priming and touching up as necessary.

B. Preparing and submitting workshop drawings before fabrication commences.

C. Scribing, rebates, grooves, chambers, splayed and rounded edges, fair and returned ends,
mitres, and the like and for all short isolated lengths.

D. Rates for balustrade and handrails shall include for bends, mitres, crosses, tees, flanged ends,
angles, intersections, ramps, bearers, holes, conduits and the like.

E. The rates for steelwork shall include for all stanchions and rafters, gussets, endplates, and the
like and for the preparation of all shop drawings. Ungalvanized steel shall include for rust proof

F. Only main steelwork members have been measured. All fixings and fittings are to be included
in the rates.

G. The carrying out of special tests to welded or other joints or connections in steelwork shall be
given as an item.

H. Gutters have been measured by length taken along the center line over all fittings. All painting
and fittings to gutters shall be included in the rates.

I. Weights do not include any secondary members that may be required by the cladding contractor
to support cladding.

J. Provision of method statement, samples, and any mock-up/placement samples as required by

the Engineer.

K. Preparation and furnishing to the Engineer of detailed workshop drawings and design
calculations for approval.

L. Fireproof treatment required to meet fire rating of the spaces where located, to Civil Defense
Authority and Engineer’s approval.


A. The rates for all woodwork shall include for all raking, curved or splayed cutting, mitres and ends
to all members, for all joints in members over 200mm wide for obtaining timbers in one width,
notching, sinking, rounded curves, splayed edges, extra timber in joints, homes, etc., all dowels
and cramps and holes for pipes, bar, cables, conduits, ducting, trunking and the like.

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B. The rates shall further include for rebates, chamfers, grooves, scribed edges, rounded
edges, gluing, clamping, labours and the like, and shall include for all cross grain and stopped
work and for all stops, ends, angles and mitres.

C. The rates shall include for supply and installation of all ironmongery, hardware and accessories
unless specifically measured separately.

D. The rates for doors are to include for fitting and hanging any type, weight, size and in any
material. Also the installation of ironmongery and hardware, unless measured separately.


A. The rates for work in this section shall include for the following:
(1) Laps, seams and narrow widths, straight raking curved and circular cutting and all
consequent wastage, angles, returned ends and dressed ends on flashings. Dressing up
and over upstands and around and into gargoyles, rain water outlets, vent pipes and
the like.
(2) Tropical grade mastic pointing to all wall flashings.
(3) Testing.


B. Applied finishes described in this section are deemed to be measured as the relevant preamble
in which they occur.


C. Prices to be inclusive of all items as described above.


A. This section shall be read particularly in conjunction with the woodwork section.

B. Items measured in this section shall be described primarily by stating the size and giving
other information required by the CSI.

C. The rates for glazing shall include for the following:

(1) Panes of any size.
(2) All straight raking, curved and circular cutting and all consequent wastage.
(3) Patterned and wired glass shall include aligning adjacent panes.
(4) Appropriate bedding strips in conjunction with fixing beads.
(5) Glazing fillets shall include pinning to wood or clipping to metal unless otherwise
(6) Patent glazing shall include accessories and shall be fixed by the method required by
the system used, hardwood framing to either be inclusive of the window unless
measured separately.
(7) Glazing shall include blocks, setting blocks, locating blocks, distance pieces and the
like accessories for fixing.

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(8) Cleaning off protective wax coating in rebates prior to glazing aluminium windows,
screens and doors.
(9) Glazing to aluminium shall include setting in continuous PVC gaskets and retaining by
snap-fit glazing beads.

A. Rates for finishes generally shall be deemed to include for:
(1) Thoroughly wetting solid surfaces to be rendered or screeded including dubbing out
to walls and provision of levelling screed to floors or the like.
(2) Raking out joints of block work, hacking surfaces of concrete or applying bonding
agent to form a key.
(3) Making good or cutting and fitting around pipes, gratings, sanitary, fittings,
standards and the like, making good up to door and window frames, skirting's and
the like, temporary rules working around buried services.
(4) Narrow widths, small and isolated areas, rounded arises, fair and chamfered edges
and the like.
(5) Angle beads, corner bead, tile trims and render stops around doors, windows,
vertical and horizontal abutments and the like, reinforcing mesh at joints and
between different surfaces; internal angle beads shall be galvanized metal and
external angle beads shall be stainless steel unless otherwise specified.
(6) Work executed overhead, in restricted areas and the like. vii) Masking before the
application of sprayed finishes.
(7) Access panels.
(8) Working at or up to any height, narrow widths, small areas and all cuttings.
(9) Expansion joints and control joints as specification.

B. Rates for screed shall be deemed to include for:

(1) Finishing with a temped, floated or trowelled surface or power float as required.
(2) Laying level or to falls, cross falls or slopes as required, particularly in wet areas and
providing a levelling coat as required.

C. Rates for painting shall be deemed to include for:

(1) All cleaning and preparatory work to the surfaces to be painted, cutting to line;
rubbing down between coats.
(2) Working to or at any height, and all narrow widths.
(3) The rates for painting on wood shall include for work on hardwood and softwood
including knotting and primer coat.
(4) Painting to opening edges of doors and work on additional surfaces exposed by such
opening edges.
(5) Painting to all pipes, ducts, fittings, etc. as no allowance has been made in measured

D. Rates for suspended ceilings shall include for:

(1) Supplying shop drawings and for obtaining approval of details before commencing

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(2) Primary and secondary grids as necessary and for suspending the same with
requisite hangers from the soffits. Perimeter trim and all cutting and fitting plus cost
of providing all access panels shall be included in the rates.
(3) Any additional suspension member necessary to support lighting fittings or similar.
(4) All decorative and bulk heads lighting cores. All circular, square or rectangular
cutting for light fittings including all necessary supports.

A. The rates for accessories shall include for fixing to any type of surface, all necessary screws,
bolts, nuts, washers, nails, pins and similar items required but which are not supplied with the
accessories, all fitting, cutting, housing, sinking, boring, morticing, drilling and similar labours to
the surface which the article is being fixed and making good to surrounding materials.

A. Unless otherwise described the whole of the Equipment shall be executed in accordance with
the relevant Specification Clauses.

A. Unless otherwise described the whole of the Furnishings shall be executed in accordance with
the relevant Specification Clauses.


A. Unless otherwise described the whole of the Special Equipment shall be executed in accordance
with the relevant Specification Clauses.


A. Unless otherwise described the whole of the Conveying Systems shall be executed in
accordance with the relevant Specification Clauses.


A. Unless otherwise stated, the items are to include for the: supply, installation, labelling,
connections, testing as necessary. All in accordance with the Specifications and Drawings.

B. Rates for all piping are to include for providing suitable sleeves where pipes pass through
internal and external walls, partitions, ceilings, etc.

C. Rates for all pipes shall include for all short lengths, sockets, running couplings and joints,
standard pipe supports, cutting and waste. Measurement shall be through centerline of pipes
and through fittings.

D. Unless otherwise stated, tee couplings and connections are identified by the nominal diameter
of the largest pipe connected thereto and the rates for these items are to include for any
reducing tee required.

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E. Rates shall include for stopping ends of pipes by an approved method while the work is in
progress to prevent ingress of rubbish and for leaving all pipes clean and clear on completion.

F. Rates shall include for coordination with other engineering installations.

G. Rates shall include for cutting for forming holes, mortises, chases or the like and making good

H. Rates shall include for building in, cutting and pinning brackets or the like and making good

I. Rates for all ductwork of any type, system or material shall include for all fittings, flanges, access
doors, bolting and the like. Measurement shall be through centerline of ducts measured
through fittings.

J. The Contractor shall include for the supply of manufacturers recommended spares in
accordance with the specification for all Mechanical Engineering Installations.

K. The Contractor shall allow for the following

(1) All permits, fees, inspection associated with the mechanical installations by utility and
statutory authorities.
(2) Setting out the works, marking positions of holes, mortices, chases or the like.
(3) All testing and commissioning and production of test certificates.
(4) All protective and decorative painting and cleaning of pipes, fittings and equipment.
(5) All identification labels, plates, charts and identification of plant, equipment, cable,
switches and the like.
(6) Preparing schedule of manufacturers recommended tools and spare parts for each
piece of equipment.
(7) The provision of operating/maintenance manuals.
(8) Providing shop, co-ordination and "as-built" drawings.
(9) Instructing selected employer's personnel on all aspects of the operation of systems and
(10)All access panels.
(11)All firestopping in accordance with the drawings, specification and local authorities
(12)All builders work in connection with the whole of the mechanical installation including
all manholes, sumps, pits, etc.
(13)Domestic water piping sterilisation after commissioning.


A. Rates for the installations shall include for any portion of the works which could be reasonably
and obviously inferred as necessary for the complete and satisfactory operation for the
installation as a whole, although no expressly described or specified.

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B. Unless otherwise stated, the Bills of Quantities items are to include for the: supply, installation,
terminations, labelling, connections, testing as necessary. All in accordance with the
Specifications and Drawings.

C. The rates for switchboards, switchgear, distribution boards, control gear, fittings, equipment
and the like shall include for:
(1) All identification labels, warning notices, circuit schedules and the like b)The
completion of the circuit schedules
(2) All necessary gland plates and cable entry boxes
(3) All earth tapes, cables and connections to associated cable termination glands,
conduit and/or trunking.

D. Main circuits (defined as “the incoming supply to the distribution boards within a building”) shall
be measured as follows)
(1) Cables shall be measured by length and shall be deemed to include colour coding,
marking, joints, boxes, line tops, shrouds, termination glands, connectors, supports,
sleeves, plates and the like.
(2) Conduit shall be measured by length and shall be deemed to include conduit boxes,
all fittings, saddles, crumpets bending, cutting, screwing, jointing and the like.
(3) Trays and trunking shall be measured by length and shall be deemed to include
all fittings, stools, saddles, cleats, clips, fire barriers, pin racks, cutting, jointing,
earth continuity components and the like. Trunking shall also be deemed to be

E. Sub main circuits (defined as “supply from a distribution board to a sub-main distribution
board”) shall be measured in accordance with CSI.

F. The rates for enumerated points, outlets, equipment and the like shall be deemed to include
cables, conduit, trunking, trays, earthling tape and all equipment and accessories necessary to
provide power.

G. Spacing of components for supporting earthing tapes or cables has not been stated and the
rates for earthling tapes and cables shall include for all saddles, cleats, clips hold fasts and the
like to suit site conditions.

H. The length of pendant drops are not stated and the rates for lighting fittings shall include for
pendant drops, boxes, conduit boxes, wood blocks, moulded pattresses, break joint rings,
ceiling roses, connector blocks, dome covers, back plates, ball and socket back plates, earth
continuity, flexible cords, chokes, capacitors, starters, lamp holders and the like.

I. The rates for all lighting fittings shall include for all associated lamps, control gear, diffusers,
shades and the like.

J. The rates for clocks, telephones, fire alarms, burglar alarms, loudspeakers and the like shall
include where required for all boxes, conduit boxes, woodblock, moulded pattresses, cover
plates and the like.

K. The rates for all socket outlets include for associated plug tops.

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L. The rates for surface accessories shall include for any necessary back plates and surface
mounting boxes.

M. The rates for all flush, semi-flush, recessed, semi-recessed and insertion items shall include for
any necessary boxes.

N. The rates for all accessories, fittings, equipment and the like shall include for all necessary
earthling tails and terminals.

O. Rates shall include for coordination with other engineering installations.

P. Rates shall include for cutting or forming holes, mortises, chases or the like and making good
finishings (to be done by Main Contractor).

Q. Rates shall include building in or cutting and pinning brackets or the like and making good
finishings (to be done by Main Contractor).

R. The Contractor shall include for the supply of manufacturers recommended spares in
accordance with the specification for all Electrical Engineering Installations.

S. The Contractor shall allow for the following

(1) All permits, fees, inspection associated with the electrical installations by utility and
statutory authorities.
(2) Setting out the works, marking positions of holes, mortices, chases or the like.
(3) All testing and commissioning and production of test certificates.
(4) All protective and decorative painting of fittings and equipment.
(5) All identification labels, plates, charts and identification of plant, equipment, cable,
switches and the like.
(6) Preparing schedule of manufacturers recommended tools and spare parts for each
piece of equipment.
(7) The provision of operating/maintenance manuals.
(8) Providing shop, co-ordination and "as-built" drawings.
(9) Instructing selected employer's personnel on all aspects of the operation of systems and
(10)All firestopping in accordance with the drawings, specification and local authorities
(11)All builders work in connection with the whole of the electrical installation including all
manholes, sumps, pits, etc.

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A. The Tenderer shall be completely responsible for obtaining the requirements for holes, fixings,
and any other Builder’s Work. He shall coordinate the requirements for Builders Work between
trades and ensure that such information is as shown on the Drawings in accordance with their
own and the Employer's requirements. Details of Builder’s Work which is not shown on the
Drawings but which is required by the Contractor shall be forwarded to the Engineer for their
written approval before the work is put in hand. Any cost of unnecessary work due to the
Contractor failing to comply with these conditions or failing to act upon such information given
be borne entirely by the Contractor.

B. The drilling, cutting or leaving of holes or apertures through structural floors, walls, beams, etc.,
shall be avoided, but where this becomes a necessity the contractor must obtain the written
approval of the Engineer before such work is put in hand.

A. The expression used here “Builder’s Work” related to services includes but is not limited to the
(1) Drilling, cutting or leaving of holes for pipes, ducts and the like through walls, floors,
partitions, roofs, etc. and subsequently making good.
(2) Cutting and pinning ends of supports for pipes, equipment, appliances, fittings and
the like to walls, floors, partitions, soffits, etc., and making good.
(3) Cutting or leaving mortises, sinkings, etc., for holding down bolts, brackets,
supports and the like and grouting in.
(4) Cutting chases for pipes and the like in walls, floors, partitions, etc., and
subsequently making good.
(5) Cutting and fitting around, boring holes through and making good of finishing's up
to pipes, supports, brackets, and the like.
(6) The formation of small concrete bases, plinths, etc. for plant, tanks and equipment,
including anti-vibration pads as necessary.
(7) Making good finishes as necessary after installation.
(8) The painting of exposed pipe work, fittings, equipment, etc.

B. “Builder’s Work” will include all the above, but it should be noted that this list is not intended
to be exhaustive and everything necessary will be deemed to be included.

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