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[ee Place: Kuravilangad St Francis Mission Home Date: 14th May 2018 Kuravilangad 686633, Email: Kerala Mob: India Most Reverend Archbishop Luis Francisco Ladaia Ferrer, S.J PREFETTO CONGREEGAZIONE DOTTRINA DELLA FEDE 00120 CITTA DEL VATICANO Sub; - Complaint against Bishop Franco Mulackal of sexual abuse and harassment Your Excellency This 's NN | joined Mj (Missionaries of Jesus, founded by Late Bishop Symphorian Keeprath OFM.Cap in 1993), a congregation of diocesan right in the year of [Mand did my first profession in the year [J At present, Bp. Franco Mullackal is its patron (Sacred Congregation for Evangelization of Peoples, Vide Prot.N.5174 in January 2008.) I have been Superior General of he re I would like to bring to your notice about my plight as a religious nun because of the sexual abuse and continues harassment meted out by Bp. Franco Mulckal bishop of Jullundhar Diocese, India. On 2014 May S'* he was here in the convent at Kuravilangad, in Kerala state of INDIA he abused me the first time. There after he continued the same for several times. Since I am a dependent of bishop, I was afraid and frightened; because of the terrible fear I could not react or reveal this ordeal to anyone. But my soul was weeping to find out a way to get out of his influence. Hence I attended a retreat and gained strength and said “NO to bishop on September 2016. There after he made use of my Superior General and Councibrs to harass me and accuse me. First instance in the month of February 2017 he relieved me from the in-charge of the convents in Kerala citing no reason. It was followed by taking away from me the post of superior in the community in May 2017 where I live. It brought about mental tension in me and thought of leaving the religious life. That time almost 10-15 sisters were ready to leave the congregation along with me. But the timely advise of our spiritual advisor and some loving bishops we overcame it. It was due to the undue interference and grudge of Bp. Franco. Consequently the inability of Sister General and team lost our congregation 18 nuns, 10 nuns with final and 8 temporary professions, during these last five years. | have many attachments* in this regard In November 30% 2017 a police complaint was charged against me and two other sisters, accusing that I threatened the bishop Franco by means of committing suicide. | reported about the police enquiry to my superior general, but there was no response. Bishop's accomplices were Fr Peter Kavumpuram and Fr Antony Madasseril FMJ (Superior General of Men’s congregation recently founded by Bishop Franco himself). I informed my ordeal to my Superior General and a councilor verbally on August 2017. | informed about this issue the Apostolic Nunciature to India in written form on 28th January 2018 through Bishop Kurian Valiakandathil, bishop of Bhagalpur. Here I humbly request you to intervene in this matter to save me and give mean atmosphere to live my religious life in dignity. I have no parents, I am now afraid of even going out of my convent fearing that Bp. Franco would do harm to me. I hope that you understand my agony and misery, that you would take right decision for me to lead a pious life in the future to come, May | express my hear I gratitude and pray God Almighty for you and for a right decision. Asking your paternal blessings Letters of a diocesan Bishop, Priests and MJ Religious Nuns (There are many igned letters against Bishop Franco. Those letters are not attached here with it.) Letter by Bishop Rt. Rev. Kurian Valikandathil Letter by Sr. Anupama MJ Letter by Sr. Neena Rose MJ 5. Letter by Srs. Ancitta,Neena Rose 6 en Letter of close associated of Bp. Franco 8. Letter of Sr. Alphy MJ 9. Letter of Sr. Josephine MJ 10. Circular of Sister General Cir/03/18 11. Letter by Fr. Basi! Mookenthottathil 12. Letter by CST Fathers 13. Letter by Fr. Mathew Palachuvattil 14, Letter by Fr. Thomas Valiaparambil ( former Vicar General) PS. Copy to: His Holiness the Pope Francesco

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