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Works Cited

Bos, Carole "Henry B. Northup Rescues Platt from Slavery" Jan 10,

2017. Nov 24, 2018. This source explains how Henry B. Northup rescues Solomon

Northup from slavery. Although it describes his freedom in detail, it fails to accurately

describe Henry's relationship to Solomon. This article will help understand the triumph of

Solomon Northup's life.

Chandler, D. L. "True Story of ’12 Years a Slave’ Hero, Solomon Northup.", 17

Oct. 2013, Accessed 8 Oct.

2018. This source provided an overview on Solomon Northup, and his life of slavery and

freedom. While this source gave information on Solomon's life, it lacked specific details

of his life as a slave. This biography contains facts to confirm the idea that Solomon

Northup's life was filled with triumph and tragedy.

Chapin Rescues Solomon from Hanging. Digital file, 1853. This illustration shows the

relationship between Solomon Northup and Chapin, during his time as a slave. This is

credible, as it came from Solomon Northup's memoir, Twelve Years a Slave. It also gives

a visual aspect of Solomon Northup's experiences in slavery. Chapin saving Solomon

Northup showed the tiny aspects of triumph in his tragic life as a slave.

Christine. "Kidnapping of Free People of Color.", 12 Nov. 2013, Accessed

25 Nov. 2018. This article talks about Solomon Northup and other African-Americans'

kidnappings from the North to the South. Though it gave details on how colored people

got kidnapped after the Fugitive Slave Act of 1793, it wasn't specific on how Solomon

Northup was kidnapped. This source will help explain the tragedy of his abduction.
Clavin, Matthew. "Northup, Solomon." World Book Advanced, World Book, 2018, Accessed 6 Oct. 2018.

Matthew Clavin illustrated the importance of Solomon Northup's life in slavery history.

This article gave information on different parts of Solomon's life, and was proportionate

with the amount of information given to each aspect of his life, aside from his

kidnapping. However, it lacked information on his life before slavery. This source will

help explain the tragedy of slavery in Solomon Northup's life.

Cole, Rachel, et al. "Solomon Northup." Encyclopædia Britannica, 20 Sept. 2018, Accessed 7 Oct. 2018. This source is

about Solomon Northup's life of freedom and slavery. It gives in-depth details of

Northup's kidnapping and time as a slave, although it lacks information on his rescue.

Because of the abundant information of Solomon's life as a slave, this article will help

understand the tragedy in his life.

Editors, "Solomon Northup Biography.", A&E Television

Networks, 2 Apr. 2014,

Accessed 21 Sept. 2018. This secondary source provides a biography on Solomon

Northup, and his venture into and out of slavery. While this source gave many general

details about Northup's life, it lacked specific details about his experience as a slave. The

biography also provides an elaborate description of Solomon Northup's freedom from

slavery, and his life before and after. This source will help to explain the triumph of

freedom in Solomon Northup's life.

Foner, Eric. "Slavery and Freedom in New York City.", Jan. 2015, Accessed 25 Nov. 2018.

This is an excerpt from the book Gateway to Freedom that provides an overview on slave

laws regarding freedom in New York City during the eighteenth and nineteenth century.

It is a reliable source, as the author Eric Foner is an American historian specializing in

politics, including the New York government. This source will help clarify the laws that

involved in Northup's tragic kidnapping and triumphant freedom.

Fradin, Judith Bloom, et al. Stolen into Slavery: The True Story of Solomon Northup, Free Black

Man. Washington, National Geographic, 2013. This book provides an overview on

Solomon Northup's experiences as a slave, and the impact it had on him. Though it gives

much detail about Solomon's life as a slave, it lacks detail about his freedom before

getting kidnapped. This source will help comprehend the tragedy in Solomon Northup's


"A History of Slavery in the United States." National Geographic, Accessed 25 Nov. 2018.

This a timeline on the history of slavery in the United States. This source gives details on

many different slave laws and events in history, but lacks specific details on the ones

related to Solomon Northup. This will help understand the laws and events that affected

the tragic kidnapping and triumphant freedom of Northup.

Horn, John. "Slavery in the Flesh." Los Angeles Times, 08 Sep. 2013, pp. D.1+. SIRS

Renaissance, In this newspaper, an overview on the story behind the

movie Twelve Years a Slave is told. It gives detail on Solomon Northup's life on the

plantation and his journey through slavery. Unlike the book, Twelve Years a Slave, the
movie gives less detail about Northup's life as a slave, and more of a backstory. This

source helps see the triumph of Solomon's freedom, before the tragedy of his capture.

Kidnappers of Solomon Northup Caught. Digital file, 24 Oct. 2013. This is an illustration of

Solomon Northup reuniting with his family after being released from twelve years of

slavery. While this source reflects Northup's joyous reunion, it doesn't name the family

members aside from Solomon. The reconciliation can be used to understand the triumph

of Northup's freedom.

"The Kidnapping Case: Narrative of the Seizure and Recovery of Solomon Northrup." The New

York Times, 20 Jan. 1853. This newspaper was written after Solomon Northup's release

from slavery, describing both his gateway in and out of it. It is credible, as it was written

from the time of his release, and by the most relevant newspaper at the time. Given the

newspaper focused on his entrance and exit from slavery, it relates to Solomon having

triumph and tragedy in his life.

McNamara, Robert. "Solomon Northup, Author of Twelve Years a Slave." ThoughtCo, Jun. 14,

2018, In this article, an overview of

Solomon Northup's life was discussed, focusing on his life as a slave, and the impact it

had on his life. While this source did give references to other important figures in the

history of slavery, it veered from the main topic of Solomon Northup. Because this

source gave details of other slaves, a comparison of Solomon Northup and other slaves'

lives can be understood.

Mitchell, Mary Niall. "In the Margins of Twelve Years a Slave." Harper's Magazine, 27 Feb.

2014. This magazine analyzes the memoir, Twelve Years a Slave, by Solomon Northup,

and talks about Northup's life as a slave. It gives many pictures and illustrations from the
book, providing the reader with visual references. The photographs help visualize the

tragedy Solomon went through as a slave.

Northup, Solomon. 12 Years a Slave. London, Hesperus Press, 2013. Twelve Years a Slave is an

autobiography by Solomon Northup, providing information on his life as a slave.

Solomon Northup is credible, as he is writing about himself in this story. However, this

may also cause bias opinions. This memoir covers all aspects of Solomon's life, including

the triumph of his freedom and tragedy of his slavery.

Northup, Solomon, and Allen Gilmore. An American Story: The Odyssey of Solomon Northup.

New York, MasterBuy AudioBooks, 2002. An American Story:The Odyssey of Solomon

Northup is an autobiography by Solomon Northup, describing his life as a slave and a

free man. It describes the journey he went through, to become a slave, and to become

free. It is credible because it is by Northup himself, but may be biased for the same

reason. Facts presented in this book confirmed the idea that Solomon Northup went

through triumph and tragedy.

Smith, David Lionel. "Northup, Solomon (July 1808–1863?), author." American National

Biography. February, 2000. Oxford University Press,. Date of access 7 Oct. 2018, Within

Northup, Solomon, an overview of slavery, and freedom in Solomon Northup's life was

presented by the author. A strength of this article is the detailed information given about

Solomon's life. This source will help understand the triumph and tragedy in Northup's


Solomon in His Plantation Suit. Digital file, 1853. This is an illustration of what Solomon

Northup looked like, during his time working on the plantation. It is credible because it

came from Solomon's narrative, Twelve Years a Slave. It can be used to gather an image
of what Solomon Northup looked like, and help visualize both tragic and triumphant

events that happened to him.

Stephanie. "The Documents behind Twelve Years a Slave.", 5 Nov. 2013, Accessed 25 Nov. 2018.

This article provides an overview on the documents in Solomon Northup's memoir,

Twelve Years a Slave. Seeing how Northup used these documents in his memoir and were

related to his life, they are primary sources. This source provided a census from Saratoga

Springs where Solomon Northup lived and a slave manifest including Platt Hamilton,

Northup's slave alias. However, the handwriting wasn't clear, making anything not

explained in the article hard to understand from the pictures of the documents. From

reading "The Documents Behind Twelve Years a Slave," Northup's life in Saratoga

Springs and Brig Orleans is made clear., editor. "Solomon Northup Biography.", 26 Feb.

2018, Accessed 7 Oct.

2018. In this article, different tragic and triumphant aspects of Solomon Northup's life

were explained. This article gave facts about Solomon Northup's life, although an author

was not identified. From reading Solomon Northup Biography - Facts, Childhood,

Family Life of Abolitionist, facts about Northup's freedom and slavery were made clear.

Turner, Joy. Interview. By Kyle Reardon et al. 30 Nov. 2018.

This is an interview with Joy Turner, Director of the Sandy Spring Slave Museum and

African Art Gallery. In the interview, a background on slavery is provided and how

Solomon Northup became a slave is explained. This was a reliable source, as director of a

slave museum, Joy Turner knew much about slaves including Solomon Northup. From
conducting this interview, the reasoning behind Northup's kidnapping became evident.

This source will help understand the tragedy of Northup's abduction.

Twelve Years a Slave Narrative Cover. Digital file, 1856. This is the cover of Solomon Northup's

memoir, Twelve Year's a Slave.

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