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Assignment 2 ME6226D, Monsoon 2018-‘19 Course Faculty: Dr. S.


Marks: 5 Due on: 04/10/2018

Problem Statement

A long, rectangular bar has dimensions of L by W, as shown in the figure below. The bar is
initially heated to a temperature of T0. Subsequently, its surfaces are subjected to the constant
temperatures of T1, T2, T3, and T4, as depicted in the figure. It is required to compute the transient
solution, where the governing equation is

The bar is composed of copper, with a thermal conductivity of 380 W/(m°C) and a thermal
diffusivity of 11.234 x 10-5 m2/s (both assumed constant for this problem). The rectangular bar
has dimensions of L = 0.3 m and W = 0.4 m. The computational grid is specified by IMAX= 31
and JMAX= 41.
Use the FTCS explicit scheme with time steps of 0.2 sec. and 1.0 sec. to compute the transient
solution. The initial and boundary conditions are specified as: T0 = 0.0°C, T1 = 40.0°C,
T2 = 0.0°C, T3 = 10.0°C, and T4 = 0.0°C.

Also, compute the steady state solution assuming that, the steady state is reached when the
variation in temperature from one time level to the next is less than 0.01 oC. Compare the steady-
state solution obtained using numerical method with the analytical solution. Recall that, the
analytical solution is given by T = TA + TB


Figure: Nomenclature for the problem

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