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Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

[400100] Disclosure of general information about company

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
01/04/2011 01/04/2010
to to
31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Corporate identity number U22110KL1971PLC002354
Permanent account number of entity AACCM2082P
Post Box No 226,
Address of registered office of company Erayilkadavu, Kottayam,
Kerala, India, 686001
Commercial and
Type of industry Industrial
Date of board meeting when final accounts were approved 27/08/2012
Date of start of reporting period 01/04/2011 01/04/2010
Date of end of reporting period 31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Nature of report standalone consolidated Standalone
Content of report Balance Sheet
Description of presentation currency INR
Level of rounding used in financial statements Actual
Type of cash flow statement Indirect Method

[400400] Disclosures - Directors report

Details of directors signing board report [Table] ..(1)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Directors signing board report [Axis] DirectorsSigningBoardReport1
Details of signatories of board report [Abstract]
Details of directors signing board report [LineItems]
Name of director signing board report [Abstract]
First name of director KANDATHIL
Middle name of director ASHOK
Last name of director KURIYAN
Designation of director DIRECTOR
Director identification number of director 00081374
Date of signing board report 27/08/2012
M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR

Textual information (1)
Disclosure in board of directors report explanatory [TextBlock] [See below]
Textual information (2)
Disclosures relating to dividends [See below]
Textual information (3)
Details regarding energy conservation [See below]
Your company does not use
any foreign exchange
Details regarding technology absorption technology for
Textual information (4)
Details regarding foreign exchange earnings and outgo [See below]
Textual information (5)
Particulars of employees as per provisions of section 217 [See below]
Textual information (6)
Disclosures in director?s responsibility statement [See below]
Director's comments on qualification(s), reservation(s) or adverse
remark(s) of auditors as per board's report

Textual information (1)

Disclosure in board of directors report explanatory [Text Block]

Your Directors have pleasure in presenting the 41st Annual Report and Audited Statement of Accounts of the
Company for the year ended 31st March 2012.
Profi t before Depreciation 8,56,50,031
Less Depreciation 2,56,09,303
Profi t before Tax 6,00,40,728
Less: Provision for taxation 1,92,73,218
Net Profi t for the year 4,07,67,510
Brought forward from previous year 87,50,762
Proposed Dividend Rs. 10,00,000
Dividend Tax Rs. 1,62,225
General Reserve Rs. 3,75,00,000 3,86,62,225
Balance Carried to balance sheet 1,08,56,047

Textual information (2)

Disclosures relating to dividends

Your Directors have pleasure in recommending the payment of fi nal dividend of 200% on the paid up capital as on 31st March 2012. The total
dividend for the entire year aggregates to an amount of Rs. 10 lakhs.

Textual information (3)

Details regarding energy conservation

Low voltage power factor improvement capacitors are being used, so that power factor is kept high and K.V.A. demand on the system is reduced.
The press and binding machines which are the main load centres, are kept well maintained and lubricated.

Textual information (4)

Details regarding foreign exchange earnings and outgo

Activities relating to exports, initiatives taken to increase exports, development of new export markets for products and services and export plans.-
The Company has appointed distributors in countries in the Middle East for the development of the market and distribution of its publications. In
addition, the Company also despatches its publications directly to foreign subscribers.Total foreign exchange earnings:Direct Rs. 1,02,60,206;
Indirect Rs. 1,65,60,599; Total foreign exchange outgo Rs. 47,75,39,959

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Textual information (5)

Particulars of employees as per provisions of section 217

(i)Employee in the service of the Company throughout the fi nancial year receiving a remuneration in the aggregate of Rs. 24,00,000/- or more for
the year ended 31st March 2012. - NIL,(ii) Employee employed for a part of the fi nancial year who was in receipt of remuneration for any part of
the year at a rate, which in the aggregate was not less than Rs. 2,00,000/- per month. - NIL.(iii)Employee employed throughout the fi nancial year
or part thereof and who was in receipt of remuneration in that year which in the aggregate is in excess of that drawn by the Managing Director,
whole time Director or Manager and holds by himself or along with his spouse and dependent children not less than 2% of the equity shares of the
Company. - NIL

Textual information (6)

Disclosures in director?s responsibility statement

(a) That in the preparation of accounts for the fi nancial year ended 31st March 2012, the applicable accounting standards have been followed,
along with proper explanation relating to material departures.(b) That the Directors have selected the accounting policies and applied them
consistently and made judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent, so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the
Company, at the end of the year under review and of the Profi t of the Company, for the year under review.(c) That the Directors have taken
proper and suffi cient care for the maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956, for
safeguarding the assets of the Company and for preventing and detecting fraud and other irregularities.(d) That the Directors have prepared the
annual accounts for the year ended 31st March 2012 on a "going concern" basis.

[400200] Disclosures - Auditors report

Details regarding auditors [Table] ..(1)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Auditors [Axis] Auditors1
Details regarding auditors [Abstract]
Details regarding auditors [LineItems]
Category of auditor Auditors firm
Name of audit firm ZACHARIAH
Name of auditor signing report ZACHARIAH
Firms registration number of audit firm 004806S
Membership number of auditor 206478
Address of auditors SAZMERA, LBS
Permanent account number of auditor or auditor's firm AAAFZ0949H
SRN of form 23B S06370654
Date of signing audit report by auditors 27/08/2012
Date of signing of balance sheet by auditors 27/08/2012

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Disclosure of auditor's qualification(s), reservation(s) or adverse remark(s) in auditors' report [Table] ..(1)
Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Auditor's qualification(s), reservation(s) or adverse remark(s) in auditors' report [Axis] favourable remark
Disclosure of auditor's qualification(s), reservation(s) or adverse remark(s) in auditors' report [Abstract]
Disclosure of auditor's qualification(s), reservation(s) or adverse remark(s) in auditors' report
The Company has
maintained proper
records showing full
Disclosure in auditors report relating to fixed assets particulars including
quantitative details
and situation of fixed
Textual information
Disclosure relating to quantitative details of fixed assets (7) [See below]
No material
discrepancies were
Disclosure relating to physical verification and material discrepancies of fixed assets noticed on
Fixed assets
disposed off during
the year were not
substantial and
Disclosure relating to fixed assets disposed off therefore do not
affect the going
concern status of the
The stock of raw
materials, stores and
spares have been
physically verifi ed
during the year by
Disclosure in auditors report relating to inventories the management. In
our opinion, the
frequency of
verification is
Textual information
Disclosure of physical verification of inventories at fixed intervals (8) [See below]
The procedure of
physical verification
of stock followed by
the management is
reasonable and
Disclosure of procedure followed for physical verification of inventories adequate in relation
to the size of the
Company and the
nature of its
The Company is
maintaining proper
records for inventory
and the
Disclosure about maintenance of inventory records and material discrepancies noticed on physical
verifi cation of
inventories as
compared to book
records were not
Textual information
Disclosure in auditors report relating to loans (9) [See below]
The Company has
not granted any
loans secured or
unsecured to
companies, firms or
Disclosure about loans granted or taken by parties covered under section 301 of companies act other parties covered
in the register
maintained u/s 301
of the Companies

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

The rate of interest

and other terms and
conditions are not
prima facie
prejudicial to the
Disclosure regarding terms and conditions of loans granted or taken interests of the
payment of principal
amount and interest
are also regular.
Textual information
Disclosure regarding terms of payment of loans granted or taken (10) [See below]
Textual information
Disclosure regarding terms of recovery of loans granted or taken (11) [See below]
Textual information
Disclosure in auditors report relating to internal control system (12) [See below]
Disclosure in auditors report relating to contracts and arrangements under section 301 of companies Textual information
act (13) [See below]
Textual information
Disclosure relating to presence of register for necessary transactions (14) [See below]
Textual information
Disclosure relating to reasonability of transactions (15) [See below]
Textual information
Disclosure in auditors report relating to deposits accepted from public (16) [See below]
In our opinion, the
Company has an
internal audit system
Disclosure in auditors report relating to companies internal audit system commensurate with
the size and the
nature of its
Textual information
Disclosure in auditors report relating to maintenance of cost records (17) [See below]
Textual information
Disclosure in auditors report relating to statutory dues (18) [See below]
Textual information
Disclosure relating to regularity in payment of undisputed statutory dues (19) [See below]
Textual information
Disclosure relating to disputed statutory dues (20) [See below]
The Company does
not have any
accumulated losses
at the end of the fi
nancial year and has
Disclosure in auditors report relating to accumulated losses not incurred cash
losses in the fi
nancial year and in
the immediately
preceding year.
The Company has
not defaulted in
Disclosure in auditors report relating to default in repayment of financial dues repayment of its
dues to banks and
financial institutions.
The Company has
not granted loans
and advances on the
basis of security by
Disclosure in auditors report relating to loans and advances granted by way of pledge of shares way pledge of
debentures and other securities shares, debentures
and other securities.
Accordingly, clause
4(xii) of the order is
not applicable.
Disclosure in auditors report relating to provisions under special statute NIL
Disclosure relating to net owned fund to deposit liability ratio NIL
Disclosure relating to income recognition and provisioning against assets NIL
Disclosure relating to credit appraisal procedure NIL
Disclosure relating to repayment schedule and procedure of recovery NIL
Textual information
Disclosure in auditors report relating to adequacy of records maintained by share trading companies (21) [See below]
Textual information
Disclosure in auditors report relating to guarantee given (22) [See below]
The Company has
applied term loans
Disclosure in auditors report relating to term loans used for purpose other than for purpose they
for purpose for
were raised which they were

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Disclosure in auditors report relating to nature and amount of fund raised for short-term has Textual information
been used for long-term or vice versa (23) [See below]
Textual information
Disclosure in auditors report relating to preferential allotment of shares (24) [See below]
The Company has
not issued any
Disclosure in auditors report relating to securities created against debentures issued Accordingly clause 4
(xix) of the order is
not applicable.
The Company has
not raised any
money by public
issues during the
Disclosure in auditors report relating to purpose and end use of money raised through public issues year. Accordingly
clause 4 (xx) of the
order is not
According to the
information and
explanations given
to us, no fraud on or
Disclosure in auditors report relating to any material fraud reported during period by the Company has
beennoticed or
reported during the
course of our audit.

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR

Textual information (25)
Disclosure in auditor?s report explanatory [TextBlock] [See below]
Whether companies auditors report order is applicable on company Yes
Whether auditors' report has been qualified or has any reservations or
contains adverse remarks

Textual information (7)

Disclosure relating to quantitative details of fixed assets

All the assets have been physically verifi ed by the management during the year and there is a regular programme of verifi cation which in our
opinion is reasonable having regard to the size of the Company and the nature of its assets.

Textual information (8)

Disclosure of physical verification of inventories at fixed intervals

The procedure of physical verification of stock followed by the management is reasonable and adequate in relation to the size of the Company
and the nature of its business. The Company is maintaining proper records for inventory and the discrepancies noticed on physical verifi cation of
inventories as compared to book records were not material.

Textual information (9)

Disclosure in auditors report relating to loans

The Company has taken an unsecured loans from a director and his relative aggregating to Rs. 6,00,000/- during the year. The loan taken from the
director was closed during the year and the outstanding due to the relative of the director as at 31st March 2012 is Rs. 1,00,000/-. The rate of
interest and other terms and conditions are not prima facie prejudicial to the interests of the Company.The payment of principal amount and
interest are also regular.The Company has not granted any loans secured or unsecured to companies, fi rms or other parties covered in the register
maintained u/s 301 of the Companies Act.

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Textual information (10)

Disclosure regarding terms of payment of loans granted or taken

The Company has taken an unsecured loans from a director and his relative aggregating to Rs. 6,00,000/- during the year. The loan taken from the
director was closed during the year and the outstanding due to the relative of the director as at 31st March 2012 is Rs. 1,00,000/-. .The Company
has not granted any loans secured or unsecured to companies, firms or other parties covered in the register maintained u/s 301 of the Companies

Textual information (11)

Disclosure regarding terms of recovery of loans granted or taken

The Company has taken an unsecured loans from a director and his relative aggregating to Rs. 6,00,000/- during the year. The loan taken from the
director was closed during the year and the outstanding due to the relative of the director as at 31st March 2012 is Rs. 1,00,000/-. .The Company
has not granted any loans secured or unsecured to companies, firms or other parties covered in the register maintained u/s 301 of the Companies

Textual information (12)

Disclosure in auditors report relating to internal control system

In our opinion, and according to the information and explanations given to us, there is an adequate internal control system commensurate with the
size of the Company and the nature of the business with regard to the purchase of inventory and fi xed assets and for the sale of goods and
services. We have not noted any major weaknesses in the internal control system during the course of audit.

Textual information (13)

Disclosure in auditors report relating to contracts and arrangements under section 301 of companies act
In our opinion, and according to the information and explanations given to us, the particulars of contracts or arrangements that need to be entered
in the register u/s 301 of the Companies Act, 1956 have been entered and transactions in excess of Rs. 5,00,000/- with each party have been made
at prices which are reasonable having record to the prevailing market prices at the relevant time.

Textual information (14)

Disclosure relating to presence of register for necessary transactions

In our opinion, and according to the information and explanations given to us, the particulars of contracts or arrangements that need to be entered
in the register u/s 301 of the Companies Act, 1956 have been entered and transactions in excess of Rs. 5,00,000/- with each party have been made
at prices which are reasonable having record to the prevailing market prices at the relevant time.

Textual information (15)

Disclosure relating to reasonability of transactions

In our opinion, and according to the information and explanations given to us, the particulars of contracts or arrangements that need to be entered
in the register u/s 301 of the Companies Act, 1956 have been entered and transactions in excess of Rs. 5,00,000/- with each party have been made
at prices which are reasonable having record to the prevailing market prices at the relevant time.

Textual information (16)

Disclosure in auditors report relating to deposits accepted from public

In respect of deposits accepted from the public, the Company has complied with the provisions of Section 58A and section 58AA of the
Companies Act, 1956 and the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules 1975.

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Textual information (17)

Disclosure in auditors report relating to maintenance of cost records

According to the compliance report dated 13th August 2012 issued by the Cost Accountant appointed by the Company, proper cost records as per
the Companies (Cost Accounting Records) Rules, 2011 prescribed under clause (d) of subsection 1 of Section 209 of the Companies Act, 1956
have been maintained by the Company.

Textual information (18)

Disclosure in auditors report relating to statutory dues

According to the information and explanations given to us, and on the basis of our examination of the books of account, the Company has been
generally regular in depositing with appropriate authorities undisputed statutory dues including provident fund, Income Tax, Sales Tax, Customs
Duty, Investor Education and Protection Fund, Wealth Tax, Service Tax and any other material statutory dues applicable to it. According to the
information and explanations given to us, no undisputed dues payable in respect of Income Tax, Sales Tax, Wealth Tax, Service Tax, Customs
Duty and Cess were outstanding as at 31st March 2012 for a period of more than 6 months from the date they became payable.

Textual information (19)

Disclosure relating to regularity in payment of undisputed statutory dues

According to the information and explanations given to us, details of disputed dues not deposited with the appropriate authorities are as follows:
Name of the Statute - CUSTOMS ACT,1962 Nature of the Dues - Customs Duty Amount (Rs.) - 33,29,306.00 Period to which the amount relates
- 2006-2007 & 2007-2008 Forum where dispute is pending - Commissioner of Customs (Appeals), Cochin

Textual information (20)

Disclosure relating to disputed statutory dues

According to the information and explanations given to us, details of disputed dues not deposited with the appropriate authorities are as follows:
Name of the Statute - CUSTOMS ACT,1962 Nature of the Dues - Customs Duty Amount (Rs.) - 33,29,306.00 Period to which the amount relates
- 2006-2007 & 2007-2008 Forum where dispute is pending - Commissioner of Customs (Appeals), Cochin

Textual information (21)

Disclosure in auditors report relating to adequacy of records maintained by share trading companies
According to the information and explanations given to us, the Company is not dealing or trading in shares, securities, debentures and other
investments. Accordingly, clause 4(xiv) of the order is not applicable.

Textual information (22)

Disclosure in auditors report relating to guarantee given

According to the information and explanations given to us, the Company has not given any guarantee for loans taken by others from banks or fi
nancial institutions. Accordingly clause 4 (xv) of the order is not applicable.

Textual information (23)

Disclosure in auditors report relating to nature and amount of fund raised for short-term has been used for long-term
or vice versa
Based on the information and explanations given to us and on an overall examination of the balance sheet of the company, in our opinion, there
are no funds raised on a short-term basis, which have been used for long-term investment, and vice versa.

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Textual information (24)

Disclosure in auditors report relating to preferential allotment of shares

The Company has not made any preferential allotment of shares to parties and companies coveredin the register maintain under section 301 of the
Act. Accordingly clause 4 (xviii) of the order is not applicable.

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Textual information (25)

Disclosure in auditor?s report explanatory [Text Block]

Auditor's Report to the Members of M.M. PUBLICATIONS LIMITED, KOTTAYAM.
We have audited the attached Balance Sheet of M.M. PUBLICATIONS LIMITED, KOTTAYAM, as at 31st March
2012 and also the Statement of Profi t and Loss and Cash Flow Statement for the year ended on that date annexed
thereto. These fi nancial statements are the responsibility of the Company's management. Our responsibility is to
express an opinion on these fi nancial statements based on our audit.
We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in India. Those
Standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the fi nancial
statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the fi nancial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles
used and signifi cant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall fi nancial statement
presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.
As required by the Companies (Auditor?s Report) Order, 2003 issued by the Central Government of India
in terms of sub-section (4A) of section 227 of the Companies Act, 1956, we enclose in the Annexure a statement
on the matters specifi ed in paragraphs 4 and 5 of the said Order.
Further to our comments in the Annexure referred to above, we report that:
(i) We have obtained all the information and explanations, which to the best of our knowledge
and belief were necessary for the purposes of our audit;
(ii) In our opinion, proper books of account as required by law have been kept by the Company
so far as appears from our examination of those books;
(iii) The Balance Sheet and Statement of Profi t and Loss dealt with by this report are in agreement
with the books of account;
(iv) In our opinion , the Balance Sheet and Statement of Profi t and Loss dealt with by this report comply
with the accounting standards referred to in sub-section(3C) of section 211 of the Companies
(v) On the basis of written representations received from the directors, as on 31st March, 2012 and
taken on record by the Board of Directors, we report that none of the directors is disqualifi ed as
on 31st March, 2012 from being appointed as a director in terms of clause (g) of sub-section(1)
of section 274 of the Companies Act, 1956;
(vi) In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to
us, the said accounts give the information required by the Companies Act, 1956, in the manner
so required and give a true and fair view in conformity with the accounting principles generally
accepted in India:
(a) in the case of the Balance Sheet, of the state of affairs of the Company as at 31st March,
2012; and
(b) in the case of the Statement of Profi t and Loss, of the Profi t for the year ended on that
(c) in the case of the Cash Flow Statement, of the Cash Flows for the year ended on that
The Annexure referred to in the Auditor?s Report to the members of M.M. Publications Limited (the Company) for
the year ended 31st March 2012.
(i) The Company has maintained proper records showing full particulars including quantitative details and
situation of fi xed assets.
All the assets have been physically verifi ed by the management during the year and there is a regular
programme of verifi cation which in our opinion is reasonable having regard to the size of the Company
and the nature of its assets. No material discrepancies were noticed on verifi cation. Fixed assets disposed
off during the year were not substantial and therefore do not affect the going concern status of the
(ii) The stock of raw materials, stores and spares have been physically verifi ed during the year by the
management. In our opinion, the frequency of verifi cation is reasonable.
The procedure of physical verifi cation of stock followed by the management is reasonable and adequate
in relation to the size of the Company and the nature of its business.
The Company is maintaining proper records for inventory and the discrepancies noticed on physical
verifi cation of inventories as compared to book records were not material.
(iii) The Company has taken an unsecured loans from a director and his relative aggregating to Rs. 6,00,000/-
during the year. The loan taken from the director was closed during the year and the outstanding due
to the relative of the director as at 31st March 2012 is Rs. 1,00,000/-.
The rate of interest and other terms and conditions are not prima facie prejudicial to the interests of the
The payment of principal amount and interest are also regular.
The Company has not granted any loans secured or unsecured to companies, fi rms or other parties
covered in the register maintained u/s 301 of the Companies Act.
(iv) In our opinion, and according to the information and explanations given to us, there is an adequate
internal control system commensurate with the size of the Company and the nature of the business with
regard to the purchase of inventory and fi xed assets and for the sale of goods and services. We have

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

not noted any major weaknesses in the internal control system during the course of audit.
(v) In our opinion, and according to the information and explanations given to us, the particulars of contracts
or arrangements that need to be entered in the register u/s 301 of the Companies Act, 1956 have been
entered and transactions in excess of Rs. 5,00,000/- with each party have been made at prices which
are reasonable having record to the prevailing market prices at the relevant time.
(vi) In respect of deposits accepted from the public, the Company has complied with the provisions of Section
58A and section 58AA of the Companies Act, 1956 and the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules
(vii) In our opinion, the Company has an internal audit system commensurate with the size and the nature of
its business.
(viii) According to the compliance report dated 13th August 2012 issued by the Cost Accountant appointed
by the Company, proper cost records as per the Companies (Cost Accounting Records) Rules, 2011
prescribed under clause (d) of subsection 1 of Section 209 of the Companies Act, 1956 have been
maintained by the Company.
(ix) According to the information and explanations given to us, and on the basis of our examination of the
books of account, the Company has been generally regular in depositing with appropriate authorities
undisputed statutory dues including provident fund, Income Tax, Sales Tax, Customs Duty, Investor Education
and Protection Fund, Wealth Tax, Service Tax and any other material statutory dues applicable to it.
According to the information and explanations given to us, no undisputed dues payable in respect of
Income Tax, Sales Tax, Wealth Tax, Service Tax, Customs Duty and Cess were outstanding as at 31st March
2012 for a period of more than 6 months from the date they became payable.
According to the information and explanations given to us, details of disputed dues not deposited with
the appropriate authorities are as follows:-
Name of
of the
Period to which
the amount
Forum where
dispute is
CUSTOMS Customs Duty 33,29,306.00
Commissioner of
Customs (Appeals),
(x) The Company does not have any accumulated losses at the end of the fi nancial year and has not
incurred cash losses in the fi nancial year and in the immediately preceding year.
(xi) The Company has not defaulted in repayment of its dues to banks and fi nancial institutions.
(xii) The Company has not granted loans and advances on the basis of security by way pledge of shares,
debentures and other securities. Accordingly, clause 4(xii) of the order is not applicable.
(xiii) The Company is not a chit fund, nidhi, mutual benefi t fund or a society. Accordingly clause 4 (xiii) of the
order is not applicable.
(xiv) According to the information and explanations given to us, the Company is not dealing or trading in shares,
securities, debentures and other investments. Accordingly, clause 4(xiv) of the order is not applicable.
(xv) According to the information and explanations given to us, the Company has not given any guarantee
for loans taken by others from banks or fi nancial institutions. Accordingly clause 4 (xv) of the order is not
(xvi) The Company has applied term loans for purpose for which they were obtained.
(xvii) Based on the information and explanations given to us and on an overall examination of the balance
sheet of the company, in our opinion, there are no funds raised on a short-term basis, which have been
used for long-term investment, and vice versa.
(xviii) The Company has not made any preferential allotment of shares to parties and companies covered
in the register maintain under section 301 of the Act. Accordingly clause 4 (xviii) of the order is not
(xix) The Company has not issued any debentures. Accordingly clause 4 (xix) of the order is not applicable.
(xx) The Company has not raised any money by public issues during the year. Accordingly clause 4 (xx) of
the order is not applicable.
(xxi) According to the information and explanations given to us, no fraud on or by the Company has been
noticed or reported during the course of our audit.

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

[100100] Balance sheet

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Balance sheet [Abstract]
Equity and liabilities [Abstract]
Shareholders' funds [Abstract]
Share capital 5,00,000 5,00,000
Reserves and surplus 16,95,53,214 12,99,47,929
Money received against share warrants 0 0
Total shareholders' funds 17,00,53,214 13,04,47,929
Share application money pending allotment 0 0
Deferred government grants 0 0
Minority interest 0 0
Non-current liabilities [Abstract]
Long-term borrowings 6,31,69,256 4,20,46,248
Deferred tax liabilities (net) 60,61,696 71,18,478
Foreign currency monetary item translation difference liability
0 0
Other long-term liabilities 10,07,43,469 9,11,88,233
Long-term provisions 5,98,42,419 3,80,96,014
Total non-current liabilities 22,98,16,840 17,84,48,973
Current liabilities [Abstract]
Short-term borrowings 14,30,75,912 6,62,37,020
Trade payables 5,67,52,321 4,39,58,086
Other current liabilities 7,52,91,496 7,25,76,348
Short-term provisions 52,92,148 99,99,253
Total current liabilities 28,04,11,877 19,27,70,707
Total equity and liabilities 68,02,81,931 50,16,67,609
Assets [Abstract]
Non-current assets [Abstract]
Fixed assets [Abstract]
Tangible assets 14,14,43,954 14,39,44,464
Intangible assets 0 0
Tangible assets capital work-in-progress 5,87,11,800 3,44,521
Intangible assets under development or work-in-progress 0 0
Total fixed assets 20,01,55,754 14,42,88,985
Non-current investments 18,09,952 18,09,952
Deferred tax assets (net) 0 0
Foreign currency monetary item translation difference asset account 0 0
Long-term loans and advances 1,16,32,246 1,61,83,826
Other non-current assets 6,31,21,118 3,45,67,529
Total non-current assets 27,67,19,070 19,68,50,292
Current assets [Abstract]
Current investments 0 0
Inventories 20,87,40,736 12,51,69,824
Trade receivables 13,73,85,866 12,52,89,486
Cash and bank balances 3,75,43,197 3,19,14,353
Short-term loans and advances 1,98,93,062 2,24,43,654
Other current assets 0 0
Total current assets 40,35,62,861 30,48,17,317
Total assets 68,02,81,931 50,16,67,609

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

[400300] Disclosures - Signatories of balance sheet

Details of directors signing balance sheet [Table] ..(1)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Directors signing balance sheet [Axis] DirectorsSigningBalanceSheet1 DirectorsSigningBalanceSheet2
01/04/2011 01/04/2011
to to
31/03/2012 31/03/2012
Details of signatories of balance sheet [Abstract]
Details of directors signing balance sheet [Abstract]
Details of directors signing balance sheet [LineItems]
Name of director signing balance sheet [Abstract]
First name of director KANDATHIL KURIAN
Middle name of director ASHOK
Last name of director KURIYAN CHERIAN
Designation of director DIRECTOR DIRECTOR
Director identification number of director 00081374 00090668
Date of signing of balance sheet by director 27/08/2012 27/08/2012

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR

Name of company secretary V.SAJEEV GEORGE
Permanent account number of company secretary ABGPV9859F
Date of signing of balance sheet by company secretary 27/08/2012

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

[100400] Cash flow statement, indirect

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
01/04/2011 01/04/2010
to to 31/03/2010
31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Statement of cash flows [Abstract]
Cash flows from used in operating activities [Abstract]
Profit before extraordinary items and tax 6,00,40,728 4,83,12,355
Adjustments for reconcile profit (loss) [Abstract]
Adjustments to profit (loss) [Abstract]
Adjustments for depreciation and amortisation expense 2,56,09,303 2,57,04,249
Adjustments for dividend income 1,45,350 1,26,200
Other adjustments for which cash effects are investing or
2,50,04,491 1,07,46,937
financing cash flow
Other adjustments for non-cash items 12,76,621 12,92,909
Total adjustments to profit (loss) 5,17,45,065 3,76,17,895
Adjustments for working capital [Abstract]
Adjustments for decrease (increase) in inventories -8,35,70,912 -42,36,555
Adjustments for decrease (increase) in trade receivables -1,33,73,001 -2,05,48,451
Adjustments for decrease (increase) in other current and
39,45,157 -29,28,461
non-current assets
Adjustments for increase (decrease) in other current and
1,22,18,683 4,81,38,137
non-current liabilities
Total adjustments for working capital -8,07,80,073 2,04,24,670
Total adjustments for reconcile profit (loss) -2,90,35,008 5,80,42,565
Net cash flows from (used in) operations 3,10,05,720 10,63,54,920
Income taxes (paid) refund 2,85,53,589 1,21,17,555
Net cash flows from (used in) operating activities before extraordinary
24,52,131 9,42,37,365
Net cash flows from (used in) operating activities 24,52,131 9,42,37,365
Cash flows from used in investing activities [Abstract]
Proceeds from sales of tangible assets 92,879 1,21,90,899
Purchase of tangible assets 8,15,20,317 2,89,11,658
Cash advances and loans made to other parties 0 1,30,12,790
Cash receipts from repayment of advances and loans made to other parties 31,57,015 0
Dividends received 1,45,350 1,26,200
Net cash flows from (used in) investing activities before extraordinary
-7,81,25,073 -2,96,07,349
Net cash flows from (used in) investing activities -7,81,25,073 -2,96,07,349
Cash flows from used in financing activities [Abstract]
Proceeds from borrowings 10,80,37,636 65,18,741
Repayments of borrowings 5,20,500 4,04,21,332
Dividends paid 10,00,000 10,00,000
Interest paid 2,50,53,125 2,02,15,313
Income taxes (paid) refund 1,62,225 1,62,225
Net cash flows from (used in) financing activities before extraordinary
8,13,01,786 -5,52,80,129
Net cash flows from (used in) financing activities 8,13,01,786 -5,52,80,129
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents before effect of
56,28,844 93,49,887
exchange rate changes
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 56,28,844 93,49,887
Cash and cash equivalents cash flow statement at end of period 3,75,43,197 3,19,14,353 2,25,64,466

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

[200100] Notes - Share capital

Disclosure of classes of share capital [Table] ..(1)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Classes of share capital [Axis] Share capital [Member] Equity shares [Member]
01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010
to to to to
31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Disclosure of classes of share capital [Abstract]
Disclosure of classes of share capital [LineItems]
Number of shares authorised [shares] 2,00,000 [shares] 2,00,000 [shares] 2,00,000 [shares] 2,00,000
Value of shares authorised 20,00,000 20,00,000 20,00,000 20,00,000
Number of shares issued [shares] 50,000 [shares] 50,000 [shares] 50,000 [shares] 50,000
Value of shares issued 5,00,000 5,00,000 5,00,000 5,00,000
Number of shares subscribed and fully paid [shares] 50,000 [shares] 50,000 [shares] 50,000 [shares] 50,000
Value of shares subscribed and fully paid 5,00,000 5,00,000 5,00,000 5,00,000
Number of shares subscribed but not fully paid [shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
Value of shares subscribed but not fully paid 0 0 0 0
Total number of shares subscribed [shares] 50,000 [shares] 50,000 [shares] 50,000 [shares] 50,000
Total value of shares subscribed 5,00,000 5,00,000 5,00,000 5,00,000
Value of shares paid-up [Abstract]
Number of shares paid-up [shares] 50,000 [shares] 50,000 [shares] 50,000 [shares] 50,000
Value of shares called 5,00,000 5,00,000 5,00,000 5,00,000
Value of shares paid-up 5,00,000 5,00,000 5,00,000 5,00,000
Reconciliation of number of shares outstanding
Changes in number of shares outstanding
Decrease in number of shares during period
Number of shares bought back [shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
Other decrease in number of shares [shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
Total decrease in number of shares during
[shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
Total increase (decrease) in number of
[shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
shares outstanding
Number of shares outstanding at end of period [shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0 [shares] 0
Reconciliation of value of shares outstanding
Changes in share capital [Abstract]
Decrease in share capital during period
Decrease in amount of shares bought back 0 0 0 0
Other decrease in amount of shares 0 0 0 0
Total decrease in share capital during
0 0 0 0
Total increase (decrease) in share capital 0 0 0 0
Share capital at end of period 5,00,000 5,00,000 5,00,000 5,00,000
Details of application money received for
allotment of securities and due for refund and
interest accrued thereon [Abstract]
Application money received for allotment of
securities and due for refund and interest
accrued thereon [Abstract]
Application money received for
allotment of securities and due for 0 0 0 0
refund, principal
Application money received for
allotment of securities and due for 0 0 0 0
refund, interest accrued
Total application money received for
allotment of securities and due for refund 0 0 0 0
and interest accrued thereon

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Disclosure of classes of share capital [Table] ..(2)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Classes of share capital [Axis] Equity shares 1 [Member]
01/04/2011 01/04/2010
to to 31/03/2010
31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Disclosure of classes of share capital [Abstract]
Disclosure of classes of share capital [LineItems]
Type of share Equity Equity
Number of shares authorised [shares] 2,00,000 [shares] 2,00,000
Value of shares authorised 20,00,000 20,00,000
Number of shares issued [shares] 50,000 [shares] 50,000
Value of shares issued 5,00,000 5,00,000
Number of shares subscribed and fully paid [shares] 50,000 [shares] 50,000
Value of shares subscribed and fully paid 5,00,000 5,00,000
Number of shares subscribed but not fully paid [shares] 0 [shares] 0
Value of shares subscribed but not fully paid 0 0
Total number of shares subscribed [shares] 50,000 [shares] 50,000
Total value of shares subscribed 5,00,000 5,00,000
Value of shares paid-up [Abstract]
Number of shares paid-up [shares] 50,000 [shares] 50,000
Value of shares called 5,00,000 5,00,000
Value of shares paid-up 5,00,000 5,00,000
Par value per share [INR/shares] 10 [INR/shares] 10
Details of shares not fully called [Abstract]
Amount per share called [INR/shares] 0 [INR/shares] 0
Reconciliation of number of shares outstanding [Abstract]
Changes in number of shares outstanding [Abstract]
Decrease in number of shares during period [Abstract]
Number of shares bought back [shares] 0 [shares] 0
Other decrease in number of shares [shares] 0 [shares] 0
Total decrease in number of shares during period [shares] 0 [shares] 0
Total increase (decrease) in number of shares outstanding [shares] 0 [shares] 0
Number of shares outstanding at end of period [shares] 0 [shares] 0
Reconciliation of value of shares outstanding [Abstract]
Changes in share capital [Abstract]
Decrease in share capital during period [Abstract]
Decrease in amount of shares bought back 0 0
Other decrease in amount of shares 0 0
Total decrease in share capital during period 0 0
Total increase (decrease) in share capital 0 0
Share capital at end of period 5,00,000 5,00,000 5,00,000
Details of application money received for allotment of
securities and due for refund and interest accrued thereon
Application money received for allotment of securities
and due for refund and interest accrued thereon [Abstract]
Application money received for allotment of securities and
0 0
due for refund, principal
Application money received for allotment of securities
0 0
and due for refund, interest accrued
Total application money received for allotment of
securities and due for refund and interest accrued 0 0

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Disclosure of shareholding more than five per cent in company [Table] ..(1)
Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Classes of share capital [Axis] Equity shares 1 [Member]
Name of shareholder [Axis] Shareholder 1 [Member] Shareholder 2 [Member]
01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010
to to to to
31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Disclosure of shareholding more than five per cent in
company [Abstract]
Disclosure of shareholding more than five per cent
in company [LineItems]
Type of share Equity Equity Equity Equity
Name of shareholder Roy Mammen Roy Mammen Kiran Kattukaran Kiran Kattukaran
PAN of shareholder AARPM8242K AARPM8242K AAAAA9999A AAAAA9999A
Country of incorporation or residence of
Number of shares held in company [shares] 3,498 [shares] 3,498 [shares] 2,925 [shares] 2,925
Percentage of shareholding in company 7.00% 7.00% 6.00% 6.00%

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR

01/04/2011 01/04/2010
to to
31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Disclosure of notes on share capital explanatory [TextBlock]
Whether there are any shareholders holding more than five per cent
Yes Yes
shares in company
Whether reduction in capital done during year No No
Whether money raised from public offering during year No No
Details of outstanding unutilised amounts received in respect of public
0 0

[200200] Notes - Reserves and surplus

Statement of changes in reserves [Table] ..(1)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Components of reserves [Axis] Reserves [Member] Other reserves [Member]
01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010
to to to to
31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Statement of changes in reserves [Abstract]
Statement of changes in reserves [LineItems]
Changes in reserves [Abstract]
Additions to reserves [Abstract]
Profit (loss) for period 7,82,67,510 6,19,53,442 3,75,00,000 3,00,00,000
Total additions to reserves 7,82,67,510 6,19,53,442 3,75,00,000 3,00,00,000
Appropriations for dividend, dividend tax and
general reserve [Abstract]
Dividend appropriation [Abstract]
Final dividend appropriation [Abstract]
Final equity dividend appropriation 10,00,000 10,00,000
Total final dividend appropriation 10,00,000 10,00,000
Total dividend appropriation 10,00,000 10,00,000
Dividend tax appropriation [Abstract]
Equity dividend tax appropriation 1,62,225 1,62,225
Total dividend tax appropriation 1,62,225 1,62,225
Transfer to general reserve 3,75,00,000 3,00,00,000
Total appropriations for dividend,
3,86,62,225 3,11,62,225
dividend tax and general reserve
Total changes in reserves 3,96,05,285 3,07,91,217 3,75,00,000 3,00,00,000
Reserves at end of period 16,95,53,214 12,99,47,929 15,86,97,167 12,11,97,167

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Statement of changes in reserves [Table] ..(2)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Other reserves
Components of reserves [Axis] General reserve [Member]
01/04/2011 01/04/2010
31/03/2010 to to 31/03/2010
31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Statement of changes in reserves [Abstract]
Statement of changes in reserves [LineItems]
Changes in reserves [Abstract]
Additions to reserves [Abstract]
Profit (loss) for period 3,75,00,000 3,00,00,000
Total additions to reserves 3,75,00,000 3,00,00,000
Total changes in reserves 3,75,00,000 3,00,00,000
Reserves at end of period 9,11,97,167 15,86,97,167 12,11,97,167 9,11,97,167

Statement of changes in reserves [Table] ..(3)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Components of reserves [Axis] Surplus [Member]
01/04/2011 01/04/2010
to to 31/03/2010
31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Statement of changes in reserves [Abstract]
Statement of changes in reserves [LineItems]
Changes in reserves [Abstract]
Additions to reserves [Abstract]
Profit (loss) for period 4,07,67,510 3,19,53,442
Total additions to reserves 4,07,67,510 3,19,53,442
Appropriations for dividend, dividend tax and general reserve
Dividend appropriation [Abstract]
Final dividend appropriation [Abstract]
Final equity dividend appropriation 10,00,000 10,00,000
Total final dividend appropriation 10,00,000 10,00,000
Total dividend appropriation 10,00,000 10,00,000
Dividend tax appropriation [Abstract]
Equity dividend tax appropriation 1,62,225 1,62,225
Total dividend tax appropriation 1,62,225 1,62,225
Transfer to general reserve 3,75,00,000 3,00,00,000
Total appropriations for dividend, dividend tax and general
3,86,62,225 3,11,62,225
Total changes in reserves 21,05,285 7,91,217
Reserves at end of period 1,08,56,047 87,50,762 79,59,545

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

[200300] Notes - Borrowings

Classification of borrowings [Table] ..(1)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Classification based on time period [Axis] Long-term [Member] Short-term [Member]
Classification of borrowings [Axis] Term loans from banks [Member] Term loans [Member]
Subclassification of borrowings [Axis] Secured borrowings [Member] Secured borrowings [Member]
01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010
to to to to
31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Borrowings notes [Abstract]
Details of borrowings [Abstract]
Details of borrowings [LineItems]
Borrowings 6,31,69,256 4,20,46,248 14,06,35,162 6,32,75,770
Nature of security [Abstract]
Cash Credit from The Secured by
Secured by S e c u r e d b y South Indian Bank Ltd. hypothecation of
Nature of security hypothecation of hypothecation of secured by hypothecation Machinery,stock
Machinery Machinery of stock in trade and in trade and
Book Debts Book Debts
Details of personal security given by
promoters, other shareholders or other
third parties, though such security does NA NA
not result in classification of borrowings
as secured
Details on loans guaranteed [Abstract]
Aggregate amount of loans guaranteed by
0 0 0
Aggregate amount of loans guaranteed by
0 0 0
Terms of repayment of long-term loans and
Monthly Monthly
other long-term loans

Classification of borrowings [Table] ..(2)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Classification based on time period [Axis] Short-term [Member]
Rupee term loans Foreign currency
Classification of borrowings [Axis] Term loans from banks [Member] from banks term loans from
[Member] banks [Member]
Secured Secured
Subclassification of borrowings [Axis] Secured borrowings [Member] borrowings borrowings
[Member] [Member]
01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2010 01/04/2010
to to to to
31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2011 31/03/2011
Borrowings notes [Abstract]
Details of borrowings [Abstract]
Details of borrowings [LineItems]
Borrowings 14,06,35,162 6,32,75,770 2,54,21,879 3,78,53,891
Nature of security [Abstract]
Foreign Currency
Loan from The
Cash Credit from
Cash Credit from The Secured by South Indian Bank
The South Indian
South Indian Bank Ltd. hypothecation of Ltd.,Kottayam
Bank Ltd. secured
Nature of security secured by hypothecation Machinery, stock
by hypothecation of
secured by
of stock in trade and in trade and Book hypothecation of
stock in trade and
Book Debts Debts Machinery, Stock in
Book Debts
trade and Book

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Classification of borrowings [Table] ..(3)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Classification based on time period [Axis] Short-term [Member]
Deposits from
Deposits from
Classification of borrowings [Axis] Deposits [Member] shareholders
directors [Member]
Unsecured Unsecured
Subclassification of borrowings [Axis] Unsecured borrowings [Member] borrowings borrowings
[Member] [Member]
31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2011 31/03/2012
Borrowings notes [Abstract]
Details of borrowings [Abstract]
Details of borrowings [LineItems]
Borrowings 24,40,750 29,61,250 5,00,000 2,60,000

Classification of borrowings [Table] ..(4)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Classification based on time period [Axis] Short-term [Member]
Deposits from
Classification of borrowings [Axis] shareholders Deposits from others [Member]
Subclassification of borrowings [Axis] borrowings Unsecured borrowings [Member]
31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Borrowings notes [Abstract]
Details of borrowings [Abstract]
Details of borrowings [LineItems]
Borrowings 2,60,000 21,80,750 22,01,250

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR

01/04/2011 01/04/2010
to to
31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Textual information (26) Textual information (27)
Disclosure of notes on borrowings explanatory [TextBlock] [See below] [See below]
Share long-term borrowings joint ventures 0 0
Share short-term borrowings joint ventures 0 0

Textual information (26)

Disclosure of notes on borrowings explanatory [Text Block]

Borrowing cost that are attributable to the acquisition of or construction of a qualifying asset are capitalised
as a part of the cost of such assets. A qualifying asset is one that necessarily takes substantial period of time
to get ready for intended use. All other borrowing cost are charged to revenue.
Foreign exchange fl uctuations on foreign currency loan to the extent that they are adjusted to interest cost
has been treated as borrowing cost.

Textual information (27)

Disclosure of notes on borrowings explanatory [Text Block]

Borrowing cost that are attributable to the acquisition of or construction of a qualifying asset are capitalised
as a part of the cost of such assets. A qualifying asset is one that necessarily takes substantial period of time
to get ready for intended use. All other borrowing cost are charged to revenue.
Foreign exchange fl uctuations on foreign currency loan to the extent that they are adjusted to interest cost
has been treated as borrowing cost.

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

[201000] Notes - Tangible assets

Disclosure of tangible assets [Table] ..(1)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Company total tangible assets [Member]
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned and leased assets [Member]
Carrying amount accumulated depreciation and gross
Carrying amount [Member] Gross carrying amount [Member] and
carrying amount [Axis]
01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011
to to to to 31/03/2010 to
31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012
Disclosure of tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of tangible assets
Reconciliation of changes in
tangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in tangible assets
Additions other than through
business combinations tangible 2,31,53,038 5,52,65,766 2,31,53,038 5,52,65,766
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Depreciation tangible assets -2,56,09,303 -2,57,04,249 2,56,09,303
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0 0
loss tangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0 0
tangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0 0 0
(decrease) tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
0 0 0 0 0
through demergers
Disposals tangible assets,
44,245 1,68,39,947 5,51,976 1,76,26,882 5,07,731
Total disposals tangible
44,245 1,68,39,947 5,51,976 1,76,26,882 5,07,731
Other adjustments tangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Other adjustments tangible
0 1,41,17,423 0 0 0
assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 1,41,17,423 0 0 0
tangible assets
Total changes in tangible
-25,00,510 2,68,38,993 2,26,01,062 3,76,38,884 2,51,01,572
Tangible assets at end of period 14,14,43,954 14,39,44,464 34,08,57,569 31,82,56,507 28,06,17,623 19,94,13,615

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Disclosure of tangible assets [Table] ..(2)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Company total tangible assets
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Land [Member]
Owned and leased assets
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned assets [Member]
Gross carrying
Carrying amount accumulated depreciation and gross Accumulated depreciation and
Carrying amount [Member] amount
carrying amount [Axis] impairment [Member]
01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011
to 31/03/2010 to to 31/03/2010 to
31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012
Disclosure of tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of tangible assets
Reconciliation of changes in
tangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in tangible assets
Additions other than through
business combinations tangible 973 0 973
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0 0
tangible assets
Depreciation tangible assets 2,57,04,249 0 0
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0 0
loss tangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0 0
tangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0 0
(decrease) tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
0 0 0 0
through demergers
Disposals tangible assets,
7,86,935 0 0 0
Total disposals tangible
7,86,935 0 0 0
Other adjustments tangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0 0
tangible assets
Other adjustments tangible
-1,41,17,423 0 0 0
assets, others
Total other adjustments
-1,41,17,423 0 0 0
tangible assets
Total changes in tangible
1,07,99,891 973 0 973
Tangible assets at end of period 17,43,12,043 16,35,12,152 23,26,810 23,25,837 23,25,837 23,26,810

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Disclosure of tangible assets [Table] ..(3)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Land [Member]
Owned assets
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned assets [Member]
Carrying amount accumulated depreciation and gross Gross carrying amount Accumulated depreciation and impairment
carrying amount [Axis] [Member] [Member]
01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011
to 31/03/2010 to to 31/03/2010 to
31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012
Disclosure of tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of tangible assets
Reconciliation of changes in
tangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in tangible assets
Additions other than through
business combinations tangible 0 0
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0
tangible assets
Depreciation tangible assets 0 0 -16,39,282
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0 0
loss tangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0 0
tangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0
(decrease) tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
0 0 0 0
through demergers
Disposals tangible assets,
0 0 0 0
Total disposals tangible
0 0 0 0
Other adjustments tangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0
tangible assets
Other adjustments tangible
0 0 0 0
assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Total changes in tangible
0 0 0 -16,39,282
Tangible assets at end of period 23,25,837 23,25,837 0 0 0 1,90,30,078

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Disclosure of tangible assets [Table] ..(4)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Buildings [Member]
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned assets [Member]
Carrying amount accumulated depreciation and gross
Carrying amount [Member] Gross carrying amount [Member] and
carrying amount [Axis]
01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011
to 31/03/2010 to to 31/03/2010 to
31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012
Disclosure of tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of tangible assets
Reconciliation of changes in
tangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in tangible assets
Additions other than through
business combinations tangible 0 0 0
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0 0
tangible assets
Depreciation tangible assets -17,96,416 16,39,282
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0
loss tangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0
tangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0 0
(decrease) tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
0 0 0 0
through demergers
Disposals tangible assets,
0 0 0 0
Total disposals tangible
0 0 0 0
Other adjustments tangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0 0
tangible assets
Other adjustments tangible
0 0 0 0
assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Total changes in tangible
-17,96,416 0 0 16,39,282
Tangible assets at end of period 2,06,69,360 2,24,65,776 4,89,96,374 4,89,96,374 4,89,96,374 2,99,66,296

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Disclosure of tangible assets [Table] ..(5)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Buildings [Member] Office building [Member]
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned assets [Member] Owned assets [Member]
Gross carrying
Carrying amount accumulated depreciation and gross Accumulated depreciation and
Carrying amount [Member] amount
carrying amount [Axis] impairment [Member]
01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011
to 31/03/2010 to to 31/03/2010 to
31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012
Disclosure of tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of tangible assets
Reconciliation of changes in
tangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in tangible assets
Additions other than through
business combinations tangible 0 0 0
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0 0
tangible assets
Depreciation tangible assets 17,96,416 -4,27,654 -4,50,162
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0 0
loss tangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0 0
tangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0 0
(decrease) tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
0 0 0 0
through demergers
Disposals tangible assets,
0 0 0 0
Total disposals tangible
0 0 0 0
Other adjustments tangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0 0
tangible assets
Other adjustments tangible
0 0 0 0
assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Total changes in tangible
17,96,416 -4,27,654 -4,50,162 0
Tangible assets at end of period 2,83,27,014 2,65,30,598 81,25,424 85,53,078 90,03,240 1,43,36,068

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Disclosure of tangible assets [Table] ..(6)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Office building [Member] building
Owned assets
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned assets [Member]
Carrying amount accumulated depreciation and gross Gross carrying amount Accumulated depreciation and impairment
carrying amount [Axis] [Member] [Member]
01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011
to 31/03/2010 to to 31/03/2010 to
31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012
Disclosure of tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of tangible assets
Reconciliation of changes in
tangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in tangible assets
Additions other than through
business combinations tangible 0 0
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0
tangible assets
Depreciation tangible assets 4,27,654 4,50,162 -12,11,628
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0 0
loss tangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0 0
tangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0
(decrease) tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
0 0 0 0
through demergers
Disposals tangible assets,
0 0 0 0
Total disposals tangible
0 0 0 0
Other adjustments tangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0
tangible assets
Other adjustments tangible
0 0 0 0
assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Total changes in tangible
0 4,27,654 4,50,162 -12,11,628
Tangible assets at end of period 1,43,36,068 1,43,36,068 62,10,644 57,82,990 53,32,828 1,09,04,654

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Disclosure of tangible assets [Table] ..(7)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Factory building [Member]
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned assets [Member]
Carrying amount accumulated depreciation and gross
Carrying amount [Member] Gross carrying amount [Member] and
carrying amount [Axis]
01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011
to 31/03/2010 to to 31/03/2010 to
31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012
Disclosure of tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of tangible assets
Reconciliation of changes in
tangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in tangible assets
Additions other than through
business combinations tangible 0 0 0
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0
tangible assets
Depreciation tangible assets -13,46,254 12,11,628
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0
loss tangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0
tangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0 0
(decrease) tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
0 0 0 0
through demergers
Disposals tangible assets,
0 0 0 0
Total disposals tangible
0 0 0 0
Other adjustments tangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0 0
tangible assets
Other adjustments tangible
0 0 0 0
assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Total changes in tangible
-13,46,254 0 0 12,11,628
Tangible assets at end of period 1,21,16,282 1,34,62,536 3,46,60,306 3,46,60,306 3,46,60,306 2,37,55,652

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Disclosure of tangible assets [Table] ..(8)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Factory building [Member] Plant and equipment [Member]
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned assets [Member] Owned assets [Member]
Gross carrying
Carrying amount accumulated depreciation and gross Accumulated depreciation and
Carrying amount [Member] amount
carrying amount [Axis] impairment [Member]
01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011
to 31/03/2010 to to 31/03/2010 to
31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012
Disclosure of tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of tangible assets
Reconciliation of changes in
tangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in tangible assets
Additions other than through
business combinations tangible 1,99,88,865 5,20,31,591 1,99,88,865
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0 0
tangible assets
Depreciation tangible assets 13,46,254 -2,04,32,330 -2,07,11,841
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0 0
loss tangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0 0
tangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0 0
(decrease) tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
0 0 0 0
through demergers
Disposals tangible assets,
0 0 1,66,90,468 0
Total disposals tangible
0 0 1,66,90,468 0
Other adjustments tangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0 0
tangible assets
Other adjustments tangible
0 0 1,41,17,423 0
assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 0 1,41,17,423 0
tangible assets
Total changes in tangible
13,46,254 -4,43,465 2,87,46,705 1,99,88,865
Tangible assets at end of period 2,25,44,024 2,11,97,770 10,94,60,427 10,99,03,892 8,11,57,187 22,76,88,624

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Disclosure of tangible assets [Table] ..(9)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Plant and equipment [Member] equipments
Owned assets
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned assets [Member]
Carrying amount accumulated depreciation and gross Gross carrying amount Accumulated depreciation and impairment
carrying amount [Axis] [Member] [Member]
01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011
to 31/03/2010 to to 31/03/2010 to
31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012
Disclosure of tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of tangible assets
Reconciliation of changes in
tangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in tangible assets
Additions other than through
business combinations tangible 5,20,31,591 1,99,80,454
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0
tangible assets
Depreciation tangible assets 2,04,32,330 2,07,11,841 -1,99,64,968
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0 0
loss tangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0 0
tangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0
(decrease) tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
0 0 0 0
through demergers
Disposals tangible assets,
1,66,90,468 0 0 0
Total disposals tangible
1,66,90,468 0 0 0
Other adjustments tangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0
tangible assets
Other adjustments tangible
0 0 -1,41,17,423 0
assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 0 -1,41,17,423 0
tangible assets
Total changes in tangible
3,53,41,123 2,04,32,330 65,94,418 15,486
Tangible assets at end of period 20,76,99,759 17,23,58,636 11,82,28,197 9,77,95,867 9,12,01,449 10,66,19,904

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Disclosure of tangible assets [Table] ..(10)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Factory equipments [Member]
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned assets [Member]
Carrying amount accumulated depreciation and gross
Carrying amount [Member] Gross carrying amount [Member] and
carrying amount [Axis]
01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011
to 31/03/2010 to to 31/03/2010 to
31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012
Disclosure of tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of tangible assets
Reconciliation of changes in
tangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in tangible assets
Additions other than through
business combinations tangible 5,20,31,591 1,99,80,454 5,20,31,591
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0 0
tangible assets
Depreciation tangible assets -2,01,78,732 1,99,64,968
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0
loss tangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0
tangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0 0
(decrease) tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
0 0 0 0
through demergers
Disposals tangible assets,
25,73,045 0 1,66,90,468 0
Total disposals tangible
25,73,045 0 1,66,90,468 0
Other adjustments tangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0 0
tangible assets
Other adjustments tangible
0 0 0 0
assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Total changes in tangible
2,92,79,814 1,99,80,454 3,53,41,123 1,99,64,968
Tangible assets at end of period 10,66,04,418 7,73,24,604 21,22,56,922 19,22,76,468 15,69,35,345 10,56,37,018

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Disclosure of tangible assets [Table] ..(11)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Factory equipments [Member] Other plant and equipment [Member]
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned assets [Member] Owned assets [Member]
Gross carrying
Carrying amount accumulated depreciation and gross Accumulated depreciation and
Carrying amount [Member] amount
carrying amount [Axis] impairment [Member]
01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011
to 31/03/2010 to to 31/03/2010 to
31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012
Disclosure of tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of tangible assets
Reconciliation of changes in
tangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in tangible assets
Additions other than through
business combinations tangible 8,411 0 8,411
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0 0
tangible assets
Depreciation tangible assets 2,01,78,732 -4,67,362 -5,33,109
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0 0
loss tangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0 0
tangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0 0
(decrease) tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
0 0 0 0
through demergers
Disposals tangible assets,
1,41,17,423 0 0 0
Total disposals tangible
1,41,17,423 0 0 0
Other adjustments tangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0 0
tangible assets
Other adjustments tangible
0 0 0 0
assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Total changes in tangible
60,61,309 -4,58,951 -5,33,109 8,411
Tangible assets at end of period 8,56,72,050 7,96,10,741 28,40,523 32,99,474 38,32,583 1,54,31,702

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Disclosure of tangible assets [Table] ..(12)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Furniture and
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Other plant and equipment [Member] fixtures
Owned assets
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned assets [Member]
Carrying amount accumulated depreciation and gross Gross carrying amount Accumulated depreciation and impairment
carrying amount [Axis] [Member] [Member]
01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011
to 31/03/2010 to to 31/03/2010 to
31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012
Disclosure of tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of tangible assets
Reconciliation of changes in
tangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in tangible assets
Additions other than through
business combinations tangible 0 72,177
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0
tangible assets
Depreciation tangible assets 4,67,362 5,33,109 -2,17,284
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0 0
loss tangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0 0
tangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0
(decrease) tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
0 0 0 0
through demergers
Disposals tangible assets,
0 0 0 0
Total disposals tangible
0 0 0 0
Other adjustments tangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0
tangible assets
Other adjustments tangible
0 0 0 0
assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Total changes in tangible
0 4,67,362 5,33,109 -1,45,107
Tangible assets at end of period 1,54,23,291 1,54,23,291 1,25,91,179 1,21,23,817 1,15,90,708 9,26,334

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Disclosure of tangible assets [Table] ..(13)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Furniture and fixtures [Member]
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned assets [Member]
Carrying amount accumulated depreciation and gross
Carrying amount [Member] Gross carrying amount [Member] and
carrying amount [Axis]
01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011
to 31/03/2010 to to 31/03/2010 to
31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012
Disclosure of tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of tangible assets
Reconciliation of changes in
tangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in tangible assets
Additions other than through
business combinations tangible 90,285 72,177 90,285
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0 0
tangible assets
Depreciation tangible assets -2,33,986 2,17,284
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0
loss tangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0
tangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0 0
(decrease) tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
0 0 0 0
through demergers
Disposals tangible assets,
0 0 0 0
Total disposals tangible
0 0 0 0
Other adjustments tangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0 0
tangible assets
Other adjustments tangible
0 0 0 0
assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Total changes in tangible
-1,43,701 72,177 90,285 2,17,284
Tangible assets at end of period 10,71,441 12,15,142 83,58,528 82,86,351 81,96,066 74,32,194

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Disclosure of tangible assets [Table] ..(14)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Furniture and fixtures [Member] Vehicles [Member]
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned assets [Member] Owned assets [Member]
Gross carrying
Carrying amount accumulated depreciation and gross Accumulated depreciation and
Carrying amount [Member] amount
carrying amount [Axis] impairment [Member]
01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011
to 31/03/2010 to to 31/03/2010 to
31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012
Disclosure of tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of tangible assets
Reconciliation of changes in
tangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in tangible assets
Additions other than through
business combinations tangible 2,87,103 11,99,149 2,87,103
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0 0
tangible assets
Depreciation tangible assets 2,33,986 -9,26,990 -9,69,995
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0 0
loss tangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0 0
tangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0 0
(decrease) tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
0 0 0 0
through demergers
Disposals tangible assets,
0 44,245 1,49,479 5,51,976
Total disposals tangible
0 44,245 1,49,479 5,51,976
Other adjustments tangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0 0
tangible assets
Other adjustments tangible
0 0 0 0
assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Total changes in tangible
2,33,986 -6,84,132 79,675 -2,64,873
Tangible assets at end of period 72,14,910 69,80,924 25,11,379 31,95,511 31,15,836 78,13,897

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Disclosure of tangible assets [Table] ..(15)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Vehicles [Member] equipment
Owned assets
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned assets [Member]
Carrying amount accumulated depreciation and gross Gross carrying amount Accumulated depreciation and impairment
carrying amount [Axis] [Member] [Member]
01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011
to 31/03/2010 to to 31/03/2010 to
31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012
Disclosure of tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of tangible assets
Reconciliation of changes in
tangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in tangible assets
Additions other than through
business combinations tangible 11,99,149 27,13,228
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0
tangible assets
Depreciation tangible assets 9,26,990 9,69,995 -18,79,895
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0 0
loss tangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0 0
tangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0
(decrease) tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
0 0 0 0
through demergers
Disposals tangible assets,
9,36,414 5,07,731 7,86,935 0
Total disposals tangible
9,36,414 5,07,731 7,86,935 0
Other adjustments tangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0
tangible assets
Other adjustments tangible
0 0 0 0
assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Total changes in tangible
2,62,735 4,19,259 1,83,060 8,33,333
Tangible assets at end of period 80,78,770 78,16,035 53,02,518 48,83,259 47,00,199 44,96,993

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Disclosure of tangible assets [Table] ..(16)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Office equipment [Member]
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned assets [Member]
Carrying amount accumulated depreciation and gross
Carrying amount [Member] Gross carrying amount [Member] and
carrying amount [Axis]
01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011
to 31/03/2010 to to 31/03/2010 to
31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012
Disclosure of tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of tangible assets
Reconciliation of changes in
tangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in tangible assets
Additions other than through
business combinations tangible 12,00,123 27,13,228 12,00,123
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0 0
tangible assets
Depreciation tangible assets -14,62,668 18,79,895
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0
loss tangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0
tangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0 0
(decrease) tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
0 0 0 0
through demergers
Disposals tangible assets,
0 0 0 0
Total disposals tangible
0 0 0 0
Other adjustments tangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0 0
tangible assets
Other adjustments tangible
0 0 0 0
assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Total changes in tangible
-2,62,545 27,13,228 12,00,123 18,79,895
Tangible assets at end of period 36,63,660 39,26,205 3,51,47,671 3,24,34,443 3,12,34,320 3,06,50,678

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Disclosure of tangible assets [Table] ..(17)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Office equipment [Member] Computer equipments [Member]
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned assets [Member] Owned assets [Member]
Gross carrying
Carrying amount accumulated depreciation and gross Accumulated depreciation and
Carrying amount [Member] amount
carrying amount [Axis] impairment [Member]
01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011
to 31/03/2010 to to 31/03/2010 to
31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012
Disclosure of tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of tangible assets
Reconciliation of changes in
tangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in tangible assets
Additions other than through
business combinations tangible 25,21,104 9,81,841 25,21,104
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0 0
tangible assets
Depreciation tangible assets 14,62,668 -17,02,411 -12,88,766
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0 0
loss tangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0 0
tangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0 0
(decrease) tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
0 0 0 0
through demergers
Disposals tangible assets,
0 0 0 0
Total disposals tangible
0 0 0 0
Other adjustments tangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0 0
tangible assets
Other adjustments tangible
0 0 0 0
assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Total changes in tangible
14,62,668 8,18,693 -3,06,925 25,21,104
Tangible assets at end of period 2,87,70,783 2,73,08,115 34,49,302 26,30,609 29,37,534 3,13,32,813

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Disclosure of tangible assets [Table] ..(18)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Computer equipments [Member] equipments
Owned assets
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned assets [Member]
Carrying amount accumulated depreciation and gross Gross carrying amount Accumulated depreciation and impairment
carrying amount [Axis] [Member] [Member]
01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011
to 31/03/2010 to to 31/03/2010 to
31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012
Disclosure of tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of tangible assets
Reconciliation of changes in
tangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in tangible assets
Additions other than through
business combinations tangible 9,81,841 1,92,124
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0
tangible assets
Depreciation tangible assets 17,02,411 12,88,766 -1,77,484
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0 0
loss tangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0 0
tangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0
(decrease) tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
0 0 0 0
through demergers
Disposals tangible assets,
0 0 0 0
Total disposals tangible
0 0 0 0
Other adjustments tangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0
tangible assets
Other adjustments tangible
0 0 0 0
assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Total changes in tangible
9,81,841 17,02,411 12,88,766 14,640
Tangible assets at end of period 2,88,11,709 2,78,29,868 2,78,83,511 2,61,81,100 2,48,92,334 10,47,691

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Disclosure of tangible assets [Table] ..(19)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Other equipments [Member]
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned assets [Member]
Carrying amount accumulated depreciation and gross
Carrying amount [Member] Gross carrying amount [Member] and
carrying amount [Axis]
01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011
to 31/03/2010 to to 31/03/2010 to
31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012
Disclosure of tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of tangible assets
Reconciliation of changes in
tangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in tangible assets
Additions other than through
business combinations tangible 2,18,282 1,92,124 2,18,282
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0 0
tangible assets
Depreciation tangible assets -1,73,902 1,77,484
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0
loss tangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0
tangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0 0
(decrease) tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
0 0 0 0
through demergers
Disposals tangible assets,
0 0 0 0
Total disposals tangible
0 0 0 0
Other adjustments tangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0 0
tangible assets
Other adjustments tangible
0 0 0 0
assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Total changes in tangible
44,380 1,92,124 2,18,282 1,77,484
Tangible assets at end of period 10,33,051 9,88,671 38,14,858 36,22,734 34,04,452 27,67,167

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Disclosure of tangible assets [Table] ..(20)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Other equipments [Member] Other tangible assets [Member]
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned assets [Member] Owned assets [Member]
Gross carrying
Carrying amount accumulated depreciation and gross Accumulated depreciation and
Carrying amount [Member] amount
carrying amount [Axis] impairment [Member]
01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011
to 31/03/2010 to to 31/03/2010 to
31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012
Disclosure of tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of tangible assets
Reconciliation of changes in
tangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in tangible assets
Additions other than through
business combinations tangible 90,692 7,44,618 90,692
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0 0
tangible assets
Depreciation tangible assets 1,73,902 -5,13,522 -5,29,343
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0 0
loss tangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0 0
tangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0 0
(decrease) tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
0 0 0 0
through demergers
Disposals tangible assets,
0 0 0 0
Total disposals tangible
0 0 0 0
Other adjustments tangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0 0
tangible assets
Other adjustments tangible
0 0 0 0
assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Total changes in tangible
1,73,902 -4,22,830 2,15,275 90,692
Tangible assets at end of period 25,89,683 24,15,781 26,91,933 31,14,763 28,99,488 1,05,25,665

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Disclosure of tangible assets [Table] ..(21)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Other tangible assets [Member] periodicals
Owned assets
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned assets [Member]
Carrying amount accumulated depreciation and gross Gross carrying amount Accumulated depreciation and impairment
carrying amount [Axis] [Member] [Member]
01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011
to 31/03/2010 to to 31/03/2010 to
31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012
Disclosure of tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of tangible assets
Reconciliation of changes in
tangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in tangible assets
Additions other than through
business combinations tangible 7,44,618 71,242
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0
tangible assets
Depreciation tangible assets 5,13,522 5,29,343 -73,671
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0 0
loss tangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0 0
tangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0
(decrease) tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
0 0 0 0
through demergers
Disposals tangible assets,
0 0 0 0
Total disposals tangible
0 0 0 0
Other adjustments tangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0
tangible assets
Other adjustments tangible
0 0 0 0
assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Total changes in tangible
7,44,618 5,13,522 5,29,343 -2,429
Tangible assets at end of period 1,04,34,973 96,90,355 78,33,732 73,20,210 67,90,867 18,647

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Disclosure of tangible assets [Table] ..(22)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Books periodicals [Member]
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned assets [Member]
Carrying amount accumulated depreciation and gross
Carrying amount [Member] Gross carrying amount [Member] and
carrying amount [Axis]
01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011
to 31/03/2010 to to 31/03/2010 to
31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012
Disclosure of tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of tangible assets
Reconciliation of changes in
tangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in tangible assets
Additions other than through
business combinations tangible 44,718 71,242 44,718
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0 0
tangible assets
Depreciation tangible assets -47,685 73,671
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0
loss tangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0
tangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0 0
(decrease) tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
0 0 0 0
through demergers
Disposals tangible assets,
0 0 0 0
Total disposals tangible
0 0 0 0
Other adjustments tangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0 0
tangible assets
Other adjustments tangible
0 0 0 0
assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Total changes in tangible
-2,967 71,242 44,718 73,671
Tangible assets at end of period 21,076 24,043 35,98,739 35,27,497 34,82,779 35,80,092

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Disclosure of tangible assets [Table] ..(23)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Books periodicals [Member] Other tangible assets, others [Member]
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned assets [Member] Owned assets [Member]
Carrying amount accumulated depreciation and Accumulated depreciation and carrying
Carrying amount [Member]
gross carrying amount [Axis] impairment [Member] amount
01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011
to 31/03/2010 to to 31/03/2010 to
31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012
Disclosure of tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of tangible assets
Photographic Photographic Photographic
Nature of other tangible assets Equipment Equipment Equipment
Reconciliation of changes in
tangible assets [Abstract]
Changes in tangible assets
Additions other than through
business combinations tangible 19,450 6,99,900 19,450
Acquisitions through
business combinations 0 0 0
tangible assets
Depreciation tangible assets 47,685 -4,39,851 -4,81,658
Impairment loss
recognised in profit or 0 0 0
loss tangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss
recognised in profit or loss 0 0 0
tangible assets
Revaluation increase
0 0 0
(decrease) tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
Disposals tangible assets
0 0 0 0
through demergers
Disposals tangible assets,
0 0 0 0
Total disposals tangible
0 0 0 0
Other adjustments tangible
assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through
net exchange differences 0 0 0
tangible assets
Other adjustments tangible
0 0 0 0
assets, others
Total other adjustments
0 0 0 0
tangible assets
Total changes in tangible
47,685 -4,20,401 2,18,242 19,450
Tangible assets at end of period 35,06,421 34,58,736 26,73,286 30,93,687 28,75,445 69,26,926

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Disclosure of tangible assets [Table] ..(24)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Other tangible assets, others [Member]
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned assets [Member]
Carrying amount accumulated depreciation and gross carrying Gross carrying amount Accumulated depreciation and impairment
amount [Axis] [Member] [Member]
01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010
to 31/03/2010 to to 31/03/2010
31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Disclosure of tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of tangible assets [LineItems]
Photographic Photographic Photographic
Nature of other tangible assets Equipment Equipment Equipment
Reconciliation of changes in tangible assets
Changes in tangible assets [Abstract]
Additions other than through business
combinations tangible assets
Acquisitions through business combinations
tangible assets
Depreciation tangible assets 4,39,851 4,81,658
Impairment loss recognised in profit or
0 0
loss tangible assets
Reversal of impairment loss recognised
0 0
in profit or loss tangible assets
Revaluation increase (decrease) tangible
Disposals tangible assets [Abstract]
Disposals tangible assets through
0 0 0
Disposals tangible assets, others 0 0 0
Total disposals tangible assets 0 0 0
Other adjustments tangible assets [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through net
exchange differences tangible assets
Other adjustments tangible assets, others 0 0 0
Total other adjustments tangible assets 0 0 0
Total changes in tangible assets 6,99,900 4,39,851 4,81,658
Tangible assets at end of period 69,07,476 62,07,576 42,53,640 38,13,789 33,32,131

Disclosure of additional information tangible assets [Table] ..(1)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Company total tangible assets
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Land [Member] Buildings [Member]
Owned and leased assets
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned assets [Member] Owned assets [Member]
01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010
to to to to to to
31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Disclosure of additional information
tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of additional information
tangible assets [LineItems]
Written down Written down
Depreciation method tangible assets No Depreciation No Depreciation No Depreciation No Depreciation
value Method value Method
Useful lives or depreciation rates
0 0 0 0 5% 5%
tangible assets

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Disclosure of additional information tangible assets [Table] ..(2)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Other plant and equipment
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Factory building [Member] Plant and equipment [Member]
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned assets [Member] Owned assets [Member] Owned assets [Member]
01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010
to to to to to to
31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Disclosure of additional information
tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of additional information
tangible assets [LineItems]
Written down Written down Written down Written down Written down Written down
Depreciation method tangible assets value Method value Method value Method value Method value Method value Method
Useful lives or depreciation rates
10% 10% 13.91% 13.91% 13.91% 13.91%
tangible assets

Disclosure of additional information tangible assets [Table] ..(3)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Furniture and fixtures [Member] Vehicles [Member] Office equipment [Member]
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned assets [Member] Owned assets [Member] Owned assets [Member]
01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010
to to to to to to
31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Disclosure of additional information
tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of additional information
tangible assets [LineItems]
Written down Written down Written down Written down Written down Written down
Depreciation method tangible assets value Method value Method value Method value Method value Method value Method
Useful lives or depreciation rates
18.1% 18.1% 25.89% 25.89% 13.91% 13.91%
tangible assets

Disclosure of additional information tangible assets [Table] ..(4)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Classes of tangible assets [Axis] Computer equipments [Member] Other tangible assets [Member] Books periodicals [Member]
Sub classes of tangible assets [Axis] Owned assets [Member] Owned assets [Member] Owned assets [Member]
01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010
to to to to to to
31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Disclosure of additional information
tangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of additional information
tangible assets [LineItems]
Written down Written down Written down Written down Written down Written down
Depreciation method tangible assets value Method value Method value Method value Method value Method value Method
Useful lives or depreciation rates
40% 40% 13.91% 13.91% 10% 10%
tangible assets

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR

01/04/2011 01/04/2010
to to
31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Disclosure of notes on tangible assets explanatory [TextBlock]
Textual information (28) Textual information (29)
Disclosure of accounting policy on tangible assets [TextBlock] [See below] [See below]

Textual information (28)

Disclosure of accounting policy on tangible assets [Text Block]

Fixed Assets are stated at cost less depreciation. Cost of acquisition is inclusive of freight, duties, insurance and
other incidental expenses pertaining to the acquisition and installation of the fi xed asset.

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Textual information (29)

Disclosure of accounting policy on tangible assets [Text Block]

Fixed Assets are stated at cost less depreciation. Cost of acquisition is inclusive of freight, duties, insurance and
other incidental expenses pertaining to the acquisition and installation of the fi xed asset.

[201100] Notes - Intangible assets

Disclosure of intangible assets [Table] ..(1)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Company total intangible assets
Classes of intangible assets [Axis]
Internally generated and other than
Sub classes of intangible assets [Axis] internally generated intangible assets
Carrying amount accumulated amortization and impairment and gross carrying amount [Axis] Carrying amount [Member]
31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Disclosure of intangible assets [Abstract]
Disclosure of intangible assets [LineItems]
Reconciliation of changes in intangible assets [Abstract]
Intangible assets at end of period 0 0

[200400] Notes - Non-current investments

Details of non-current investments [Table] ..(1)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Classification of non-current investments [Axis] ClassificationOfNoncurrentInvestments1 ClassificationOfNoncurrentInvestments2
01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010
to to to to
31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Non-current investments [Abstract]
Disclosure of details of non-current investments
Details of non-current investments [LineItems]
Investment in other Investment in other Investment in other Investment in other
Type of non-current investments Indian companies Indian companies Indian companies Indian companies
equity instruments equity instruments equity instruments equity instruments
Class of non-current investments Other investments Other investments Other investments Other investments
Nature of non-current investments Unquoted Unquoted Unquoted Unquoted
Non-current investments 10,000 10,000 2,30,000 2,30,000
Venadu Literary and Venadu Literary and
Name of body corporate in whom investment has Mammen Mappillai Mammen Mappillai
Commercial Commercial
been made Investments (P) Ltd. Investments (P) Ltd.
Enterprises P.Ltd Enterprises P.Ltd

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Details of non-current investments [Table] ..(2)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Classification of non-current investments [Axis] ClassificationOfNoncurrentInvestments3 ClassificationOfNoncurrentInvestments4
01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010
to to to to
31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Non-current investments [Abstract]
Disclosure of details of non-current investments
Details of non-current investments [LineItems]
Investment in other Investment in other Investment in other Investment in other
Type of non-current investments Indian companies Indian companies Indian companies Indian companies
equity instruments equity instruments equity instruments equity instruments
Class of non-current investments Other investments Other investments Other investments Other investments
Nature of non-current investments Unquoted Unquoted Quoted Quoted
Non-current investments 1,150 1,150 7,39,200 1,98,000
Name of body corporate in whom investment has Balanoor Plantations Balanoor Plantations South Indian Bank Tamilnadu Newsprint
been made & Industries Ltd. & Industries Ltd. Ltd. & Papers Ltd.

Details of non-current investments [Table] ..(3)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Classification of non-current investments [Axis] ClassificationOfNoncurrentInvestments5 ClassificationOfNoncurrentInvestments6
01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010
to to to to
31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Non-current investments [Abstract]
Disclosure of details of non-current investments
Details of non-current investments [LineItems]
Investment in other Investment in other Investment in other Investment in other
Type of non-current investments Indian companies Indian companies Indian companies Indian companies
equity instruments equity instruments equity instruments equity instruments
Class of non-current investments Other investments Other investments Other investments Other investments
Nature of non-current investments Quoted Quoted Quoted Quoted
Non-current investments 6,31,602 7,39,200 1,98,000 6,31,602
Name of body corporate in whom investment has South Indian Bank
MRF Limited Newsprint & Papers MRF Limited
been made Ltd.

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR

01/04/2011 01/04/2010
to to
31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Disclosure of notes on non-current investments explanatory [TextBlock]
Accounting policy for determination of carrying amount of investments Long Term Investments are Long Term Investments are
[TextBlock] valued at cost. valued at cost.
Aggregate amount of quoted non-current investments 15,68,802 15,68,802
Market value of quoted non-current investments 94,89,060 80,03,360
Aggregate amount of unquoted non-current investments 2,41,150 2,41,150
Aggregate provision for diminution in value of non-current investments 0 0

[200500] Notes - Current investments

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
01/04/2011 01/04/2010
to to
31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Disclosure of notes on current investments explanatory [TextBlock]
Accounting policy for determination of carrying amount of investments Long Term Investments are Long Term Investments are
[TextBlock] valued at cost. valued at cost.

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

[200600] Notes - Subclassification and notes on liabilities and assets

Classification of inventories [Table] ..(1)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Classification of inventories [Axis] Company total inventories [Member] Raw materials [Member]
01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010
to to to to
31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Subclassification and notes on liabilities and assets
Inventories notes [Abstract]
Inventories [Abstract]
Classification of inventories [Abstract]
Details of inventories [LineItems]
Inventories 20,87,40,736 12,51,69,824 17,16,70,825 10,13,38,777
Goods in transit 0 0 0 0
Mode of valuation At cost At cost At cost At cost

Classification of inventories [Table] ..(2)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Classification of inventories [Axis] Work-in-progress [Member] Stores and spares [Member]
01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010
to to to to
31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Subclassification and notes on liabilities and assets
Inventories notes [Abstract]
Inventories [Abstract]
Classification of inventories [Abstract]
Details of inventories [LineItems]
Inventories 89,21,915 83,89,049 2,81,47,996 1,54,41,998
Goods in transit 0 0 0 0
Mode of valuation At cost At cost At cost At cost

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Loans and advances [Table] ..(1)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Classification based on time period [Axis] Long-term [Member]
Classification of loans and advances [Axis] Capital advances [Member] Security deposits [Member]
Classification of assets based on security [Axis] Unsecured considered good [Member] Unsecured considered good [Member]
01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2010
to to to 31/03/2012
31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2011
Subclassification and notes on liabilities and assets
Loans and advances notes [Abstract]
Loans and advances [Abstract]
Disclosure of loans and advances [LineItems]
Loans and advances, gross 98,55,775 1,30,12,790 31,71,036 17,76,471
Allowance for bad and doubtful loans and
0 0 0 0
Loans and advances 98,55,775 1,30,12,790 31,71,036 17,76,471
Details of loans and advances to related
0 0 0
Nature of other loans and advances 0 0 0
Details of loans and advances due by
directors, other officers or others
Loans and advances due by directors 0 0 0 0
Loans and advances due by other officers 0 0 0 0
Loans and advances due by others 0 0 0 0
Total loans and advances due by
0 0 0 0
directors, other officers or others
Details of loans and advances due by firms
or companies in which any director is
partner or director [Abstract]
Loans and advances due by firms in
0 0 0 0
which any director is partner
Loans and advances due by private
companies in which any director is 0 0 0 0
Loans and advances due by private
companies in which any director is 0 0 0 0
Total loans and advances due
by firms or companies in which
0 0 0 0
any director is partner or

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Loans and advances [Table] ..(2)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Classification based on time period [Axis] Short-term [Member]
Loans advances given suppliers
Classification of loans and advances [Axis] Other loans and advances [Member]
Classification of assets based on security [Axis] Unsecured considered good [Member] Unsecured considered good [Member]
31/03/2012 31/03/2011 to 31/03/2011
Subclassification and notes on liabilities and assets
Loans and advances notes [Abstract]
Loans and advances [Abstract]
Disclosure of loans and advances [LineItems]
Loans and advances, gross 1,36,37,788 94,96,446 62,55,274 1,29,47,208
Allowance for bad and doubtful loans and
0 0 0 0
Loans and advances 1,36,37,788 94,96,446 62,55,274 1,29,47,208
Nature of other loans and advances Other Advance
Details of loans and advances due by
directors, other officers or others
Loans and advances due by directors 0 0 0 0
Loans and advances due by other officers 0 0 0 0
Loans and advances due by others 0 0
Total loans and advances due by
0 0 0 0
directors, other officers or others
Details of loans and advances due by firms
or companies in which any director is
partner or director [Abstract]
Loans and advances due by firms in
0 0 0 0
which any director is partner
Loans and advances due by private
companies in which any director is 0 0 0 0
Loans and advances due by private
companies in which any director is 0 0 0
Total loans and advances due
by firms or companies in which
0 0 0 0
any director is partner or

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Loans and advances [Table] ..(3)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Classification based on time period [Axis] Short-term [Member]
Other loans and advances, others
Classification of loans and advances [Axis] Prepaid expenses [Member]
Classification of assets based on security [Axis] Unsecured considered good [Member] Unsecured considered good [Member]
01/04/2011 01/04/2010
31/03/2012 31/03/2011 to to
31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Subclassification and notes on liabilities and assets
Loans and advances notes [Abstract]
Loans and advances [Abstract]
Disclosure of loans and advances [LineItems]
Loans and advances, gross 19,02,987 9,75,905 43,52,287 1,19,71,303
Allowance for bad and doubtful loans and
0 0 0 0
Loans and advances 19,02,987 9,75,905 43,52,287 1,19,71,303
Nature of other loans and advances Other Advance Other Advance
Details of loans and advances due by
directors, other officers or others
Loans and advances due by directors 0 0 0 0
Loans and advances due by other officers 0 0 0 0
Loans and advances due by others 0 0
Total loans and advances due by
0 0 0 0
directors, other officers or others
Details of loans and advances due by firms
or companies in which any director is
partner or director [Abstract]
Loans and advances due by firms in
0 0 0 0
which any director is partner
Loans and advances due by private
companies in which any director is 0 0 0 0
Loans and advances due by private
companies in which any director is 0 0
Total loans and advances due
by firms or companies in which
0 0 0 0
any director is partner or

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Subclassification of trade receivables [Table] ..(1)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Classification of assets based on security
Classification of assets based on security [Axis] Unsecured considered good [Member]
31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Subclassification and notes on liabilities and assets
Trade receivables notes [Abstract]
Trade receivables [Abstract]
Subclassification of trade receivables
Subclassification of trade receivables
Breakup of trade receivables [Abstract]
Trade receivables, gross 13,73,85,866 12,52,89,486 13,73,85,866 12,52,89,486
Allowance for bad and doubtful debts 0 0 0 0
Total trade receivables 13,73,85,866 12,52,89,486 13,73,85,866 12,52,89,486
Details of trade receivables due by
directors, other officers or others
Trade receivables due by directors 0 0
Trade receivables due by other officers 0 0
Trade receivables due by others 13,73,85,866 12,52,89,486
Total trade receivables due by
directors, other officers or 13,73,85,866 12,52,89,486
Details of trade receivables due by
firms or companies in which any director
is partner or director [Abstract]
Trade receivables due by firms in
0 0
which any director is partner
Trade receivables due by private
companies in which any director 0 0
is director
Trade receivables due by private
companies in which any director 0 0
is member
Total trade receivables due by firms
or companies in which any director is 0 0
partner or director

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Disclosure of breakup of provisions [Table] ..(1)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Classification based on time period
Classification based on time period [Axis] Long-term [Member]
31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Subclassification and notes on liabilities and assets
Provisions notes [Abstract]
Disclosure of breakup of provisions [Abstract]
Disclosure of breakup of provisions [LineItems]
Provisions [Abstract]
Provisions for employee benefits
Provision gratuity 38,78,542 13,59,283
Provision leave encashment 64,11,000 55,16,824 61,59,619 47,43,214
Total provisions for employee benefits 1,02,89,542 68,76,107 61,59,619 47,43,214
Provision for corporate tax [Abstract]
Provision for current tax 4,82,67,800 2,79,37,800 4,82,67,800 2,79,37,800
Provision for fringe benefit tax 54,15,000 54,15,000 54,15,000 54,15,000
Provision for corporate dividend tax 1,62,225 1,62,225
Total provision for corporate tax 5,38,45,025 3,35,15,025 5,36,82,800 3,33,52,800
Provision for proposed dividend [Abstract]
Provision for proposed equity dividend
Provision for proposed equity final
10,00,000 10,00,000
Total provision for proposed equity
10,00,000 10,00,000
Total provision for proposed dividend 10,00,000 10,00,000
Other provisions 0 67,04,135
Total provisions 6,51,34,567 4,80,95,267 5,98,42,419 3,80,96,014

Disclosure of breakup of provisions [Table] ..(2)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Classification based on time period [Axis] Short-term [Member]
31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Subclassification and notes on liabilities and assets [Abstract]
Provisions notes [Abstract]
Disclosure of breakup of provisions [Abstract]
Disclosure of breakup of provisions [LineItems]
Provisions [Abstract]
Provisions for employee benefits [Abstract]
Provision gratuity 38,78,542 13,59,283
Provision leave encashment 2,51,381 7,73,610
Total provisions for employee benefits 41,29,923 21,32,893
Provision for corporate tax [Abstract]
Provision for corporate dividend tax 1,62,225 1,62,225
Total provision for corporate tax 1,62,225 1,62,225
Provision for proposed dividend [Abstract]
Provision for proposed equity dividend [Abstract]
Provision for proposed equity final dividend 10,00,000 10,00,000
Total provision for proposed equity dividend 10,00,000 10,00,000
Total provision for proposed dividend 10,00,000 10,00,000
Other provisions 0 67,04,135
Total provisions 52,92,148 99,99,253

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR

01/04/2011 01/04/2010
to to
31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Disclosure of subclassification and notes on liabilities and assets
explanatory [TextBlock]
Trade payables, long-term 0 0
Gross amount due to customers for contract work, non-current 0 0
Others long-term, others 10,07,43,469 9,11,88,233
Total others, long-term 10,07,43,469 9,11,88,233
Total other long-term liabilities 10,07,43,469 9,11,88,233
Nature of other provisions Super Annuation Fund Super Annuation Fund
Interest accrued but not due on borrowings 0 0
Interest accrued and due on borrowings 0 0
Debentures claimed but not paid 0 0
Income received in advance 2,62,95,267 2,22,86,976
Unpaid dividends 0 0
Application money received for allotment of securities and
0 0
due for refund, principal
Unpaid matured deposits and interest accrued thereon 0 0
Unpaid matured debentures and interest accrued thereon 0 0
Other accrued expenses 4,89,96,229 5,02,89,372
Public deposit payable, current 0 0
Total other payables, current 4,89,96,229 5,02,89,372
Current liabilities portion of share application money pending
0 0
Total other current liabilities 7,52,91,496 7,25,76,348
Other non-current assets, others 6,31,21,118 3,45,67,529
Total other non-current assets 6,31,21,118 3,45,67,529
Advance for Income Tax and Advance for Income Tax and
Nature of other non-current assets, others TDS TDS
Textual information (30) Textual information (31)
Accounting policy on inventories [TextBlock] [See below] [See below]
Aggregate amount of trade receivables outstanding for period
61,09,157 1,15,86,085
exceeding six months
Fixed deposits with banks 20,90,000 20,90,000
Other deposits with banks 18,38,862 16,85,682
Other balances with banks 3,16,04,113 2,74,98,823
Total balance with banks 3,55,32,975 3,12,74,505
Cheques, drafts on hand 26,349 0
Cash on hand 19,83,873 6,39,848
Total cash and cash equivalents 3,75,43,197 3,19,14,353
Total cash and bank balances 3,75,43,197 3,19,14,353
Balances held with banks to extent held as margin money 22,02,415 51,48,785
Total balances held with banks to extent held as
margin money or security against borrowings, 22,02,415 51,48,785
guarantees or other commitments
Bank deposits with more than twelve months maturity 0 0
Other current assets, others 0 0
Total other current assets 0 0

Textual information (30)

Accounting policy on inventories [Text Block]

Inventories of newsprint and stores are valued at cost. Cost is determined using moving weighted average
cost method. Cost of planting, administrative expenses etc. in connection with teak plantations is shown in
work-in-progress, revenue in respect of which will be recognised when the trees are cut and sold.

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Textual information (31)

Accounting policy on inventories [Text Block]

Inventories of newsprint and stores are valued at cost. Cost is determined using moving weighted average
cost method. Cost of planting, administrative expenses etc. in connection with teak plantations is shown in
work-in-progress, revenue in respect of which will be recognised when the trees are cut and sold.

[200700] Notes - Additional disclosures on balance sheet

Details of disclosures required under MSMED Act 2006 [Table] ..(1)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Micro small medium enterprises [Axis] MicroSmallMediumEnterprises1
Additional balance sheet notes [Abstract]
Details of disclosures required under MSMED Act 2006 [Abstract]
Details of disclosures required under MSMED Act 2006 [LineItems]
Principal and interest due remaining unpaid [Abstract]
Principal due remaining unpaid 1,35,774
Interest due remaining unpaid 0
Total principal and interest due remaining unpaid 1,35,774
Amount of interest paid under MSMED Act 2006 0
Amount of payments made to supplier beyond due date during year 0
Amount of interest due and payable for period 0
Amount of interest accrued and remaining unpaid at end of accounting year 0
Amount of further interest due and payable even in succeeding year 0
Maximum amount outstanding for period from micro small medium enterprises 3,67,530
Name supplier being micro small medium enterprises TECHNOLOGIES P LTD

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR

01/04/2011 01/04/2010
to to
31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Disclosure of additional balance sheet notes explanatory [TextBlock]
Claims against company not acknowledged as debt 0 0
Guarantees 0 0
Other money for which company is contingently liable 0 0
Total contingent liabilities 0 0
Estimated amount of contracts remaining to be executed on
0 0
capital account and not provided for
Uncalled liability on shares and other investments partly paid 0 0
Other commitments 0 0
Total commitments 0 0
Total contingent liabilities and commitments 0 0
Amount of dividends proposed to be distributed to equity shareholders 10,00,000 10,00,000
Amount of per share dividend proposed to be distributed to equity
[INR/shares] 20 [INR/shares] 20
Amount of dividends proposed to be distributed to preference
0 0
Amount of per share dividend proposed to be distributed to
[INR/shares] 0 [INR/shares] 0
preference shareholders
Percentage of equity shares held up by government 0.00%
Percentage of equity shares held up by government companies 0.00%
Percentage of equity shares held up by public financial companies 0.00%
Percentage of equity shares held up by nationalised or other banks 0.00%
Percentage of equity shares held up by mutual funds 0.00%
Percentage of equity shares held up by venture capital 0.00%
Percentage of equity shares held up by foreign holdings 0.00%
Percentage of equity shares held up by other body corporates 0.00%
Percentage of equity shares held up by directors and related parties 7.15%
Percentage of equity shares held up by major shareholders 0.00%
Percentage of equity shares held up by others 92.85%
Deposits accepted or renewed during period 1,21,500 97,000
Deposits matured and claimed but not paid during period 0 0
Deposits matured and claimed but not paid 0 0
Deposits matured but not claimed 0 0
Interest on deposits accrued and due but not paid 0 0
Share application money received during year 0 0
Share application money paid during year 0 0
Amount of share application money received back during year 0 0
Amount of share application money repaid returned back during year 0 0
Number of person share application money paid during year [Qty] 0 [Qty] 0
Number of person share application money received during year [Qty] 0 [Qty] 0
Number of person share application money paid as at end of year [Qty] 0 [Qty] 0
Number of person share application money received as at end of year [Qty] 0 [Qty] 0
Whether maintenance of cost records by company has
been mandated under any cost accounting records
Yes No
rules notified under section 209(1)(d) of
companies act,1956
If yes, whether company has filed compliance report with central
SRN of form-A S19868850
Whether audit of cost records of company has been
mandated by central government under section 233B of No
Companies Act, 1956
Unclaimed share application refund money 0 0
Unclaimed matured debentures 0 0
Unclaimed matured deposits 0 0
Interest unclaimed amount 0 0

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

[200800] Notes - Disclosure of accounting policies, changes in accounting policies and estimates
Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
01/04/2011 01/04/2010
to to
31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Disclosure of accounting policies, change in accounting policies and Textual information (32) Textual information (33)
changes in estimates explanatory [TextBlock] [See below] [See below]

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Textual information (32)

Disclosure of accounting policies, change in accounting policies and changes in estimates explanatory [Text Block]
(i) Accounting Convention
The fi nancial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention on an accrual basis. These
statements are prepared in accordance with the relevant presentational requirements of the Companies Act
(ii) Revenue Recognition
Sales and advertisement charges are net of trade discount. Revenue in respect of sale of publications is
recognised at the point of despatch of copies to sales agents and subscribers. Revenue from advertisement
is recognised when the issue is released. Revenue in respect of interest is recognised on time proportion
method at the rates of each transaction. Dividend income is recognised when the right to receive dividend
is established. Royalties are accounted on an accrual basis in accordance with the terms of the relevent
(iii) Fixed Assets
Fixed Assets are stated at cost less depreciation. Cost of acquisition is inclusive of freight, duties, insurance and
other incidental expenses pertaining to the acquisition and installation of the fi xed asset.
(iv) Depreciation
The depreciation has been provided on the written down value method at the rates and on the basis specifi ed
in Schedule XIV to the Companies Act, 1956.
(v) Inventories
Inventories of newsprint and stores are valued at cost. Cost is determined using moving weighted average
cost method. Cost of planting, administrative expenses etc. in connection with teak plantations is shown in
work-in-progress, revenue in respect of which will be recognised when the trees are cut and sold.
(vi) Investments
Long Term Investments are valued at cost.
(vii) Foreign Currency Transaction
Transactions denominated in foreign currencies are recorded at the exchange rate prevailing at the date of
transaction. Monetary items denominated in foreign currencies at the year end are restated at the exchange
rate prevalent on the date of the Balance Sheet. Premium paid on forward contracts has been recognised
over the life of the contract.
(viii) Taxation
Income taxes are accrued in the year in which the related revenues and expenses arise. Deferred tax liability/
asset is recognised for the tax effect on timing differences due to differences in profi t offered for tax and
profi t as per the fi nancial statements. Deferred tax assets are recognised only if there is reasonable certainity
that they will be realised.
(ix) Retirement Benefi ts
All short term employee benefi ts are recognised at their undiscounted amount in the accounting period in
which they are incurred.
Employee Benefi ts under defi ned contribution plans comprising of provident fund, employees state insurance
and superannuation fund are recognised on the undiscounted obligations of the company to contribute to theplan. The same is paid to Provident
Fund, Employees State Insurance Corporation and Life Insurance Corporation
respectively, which are expensed during the year. Employee Benefi ts under defi ned Benefi t plan comprising
of gratuity and leave encashment are recognised based on the present value of defi ned benefi t obligation,
which is computed on the basis of actuarial valuation using the projected unit credit method. Actuarial liability
in excess of respective plan assets is recognised during the year. Provision for Gratuity as per actuarial valuation
is funded with a separate Trust.
(x) Borrowing Cost
Borrowing cost that are attributable to the acquisition of or construction of a qualifying asset are capitalised
as a part of the cost of such assets. A qualifying asset is one that necessarily takes substantial period of time
to get ready for intended use. All other borrowing cost are charged to revenue.
Foreign exchange fl uctuations on foreign currency loan to the extent that they are adjusted to interest cost
has been treated as borrowing cost.
(xi) Proposed Dividend
Dividend as proposed by the Directors has been provided for in the accounts, pending approval at the Annual
General Meeting.
(xii) Impairment of Assets
The Company assesses at each Balance Sheet date whether there is any indication that an asset may be
impaired. If any such indication exists, the Company estimates the recoverable amount of the asset. If such
recoverable amount of the asset or the recoverable amount of the cash generating unit to which the asset
belongs is less than its carrying amount, the carrying amount is reduced to its recoverable amount. The reduction
is treated as an impairment loss and is recognised in the Profi t and Loss account.
(xiii) Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets
A provision is recognised when there is a present obligation as a result of a past event where it is possible that
an out fl ow of resources will be required to settle the obligation, in respect of which a reliable estimate can be
made. Contingent Liability is disclosed for (i) possible obligations which will be confi rmed only by future events

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

not wholly within the control of the company or (ii) present obligation arising from past obligations. Contingent
assets are not recognised in the fi nancial statement since this may result in the recognition of income that
may never be realised.

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Textual information (33)

Disclosure of accounting policies, change in accounting policies and changes in estimates explanatory [Text Block]
(i) Accounting Convention
The fi nancial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention on an accrual basis. These
statements are prepared in accordance with the relevant presentational requirements of the Companies Act
(ii) Revenue Recognition
Sales and advertisement charges are net of trade discount. Revenue in respect of sale of publications is
recognised at the point of despatch of copies to sales agents and subscribers. Revenue from advertisement
is recognised when the issue is released. Revenue in respect of interest is recognised on time proportion
method at the rates of each transaction. Dividend income is recognised when the right to receive dividend
is established. Royalties are accounted on an accrual basis in accordance with the terms of the relevent
(iii) Fixed Assets
Fixed Assets are stated at cost less depreciation. Cost of acquisition is inclusive of freight, duties, insurance and
other incidental expenses pertaining to the acquisition and installation of the fi xed asset.
(iv) Depreciation
The depreciation has been provided on the written down value method at the rates and on the basis specifi ed
in Schedule XIV to the Companies Act, 1956.
(v) Inventories
Inventories of newsprint and stores are valued at cost. Cost is determined using moving weighted average
cost method. Cost of planting, administrative expenses etc. in connection with teak plantations is shown in
work-in-progress, revenue in respect of which will be recognised when the trees are cut and sold.
(vi) Investments
Long Term Investments are valued at cost.
(vii) Foreign Currency Transaction
Transactions denominated in foreign currencies are recorded at the exchange rate prevailing at the date of
transaction. Monetary items denominated in foreign currencies at the year end are restated at the exchange
rate prevalent on the date of the Balance Sheet. Premium paid on forward contracts has been recognised
over the life of the contract.
(viii) Taxation
Income taxes are accrued in the year in which the related revenues and expenses arise. Deferred tax liability/
asset is recognised for the tax effect on timing differences due to differences in profi t offered for tax and
profi t as per the fi nancial statements. Deferred tax assets are recognised only if there is reasonable certainity
that they will be realised.
(ix) Retirement Benefi ts
All short term employee benefi ts are recognised at their undiscounted amount in the accounting period in
which they are incurred.
Employee Benefi ts under defi ned contribution plans comprising of provident fund, employees state insurance
and superannuation fund are recognised on the undiscounted obligations of the company to contribute to theplan. The same is paid to Provident
Fund, Employees State Insurance Corporation and Life Insurance Corporation
respectively, which are expensed during the year. Employee Benefi ts under defi ned Benefi t plan comprising
of gratuity and leave encashment are recognised based on the present value of defi ned benefi t obligation,
which is computed on the basis of actuarial valuation using the projected unit credit method. Actuarial liability
in excess of respective plan assets is recognised during the year. Provision for Gratuity as per actuarial valuation
is funded with a separate Trust.
(x) Borrowing Cost
Borrowing cost that are attributable to the acquisition of or construction of a qualifying asset are capitalised
as a part of the cost of such assets. A qualifying asset is one that necessarily takes substantial period of time
to get ready for intended use. All other borrowing cost are charged to revenue.
Foreign exchange fl uctuations on foreign currency loan to the extent that they are adjusted to interest cost
has been treated as borrowing cost.
(xi) Proposed Dividend
Dividend as proposed by the Directors has been provided for in the accounts, pending approval at the Annual
General Meeting.
(xii) Impairment of Assets
The Company assesses at each Balance Sheet date whether there is any indication that an asset may be
impaired. If any such indication exists, the Company estimates the recoverable amount of the asset. If such
recoverable amount of the asset or the recoverable amount of the cash generating unit to which the asset
belongs is less than its carrying amount, the carrying amount is reduced to its recoverable amount. The reduction
is treated as an impairment loss and is recognised in the Profi t and Loss account.
(xiii) Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets
A provision is recognised when there is a present obligation as a result of a past event where it is possible that
an out fl ow of resources will be required to settle the obligation, in respect of which a reliable estimate can be
made. Contingent Liability is disclosed for (i) possible obligations which will be confi rmed only by future events

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

not wholly within the control of the company or (ii) present obligation arising from past obligations. Contingent
assets are not recognised in the fi nancial statement since this may result in the recognition of income that
may never be realised.

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

[201200] Notes - Employee benefits

Disclosure of defined benefit plans [Table] ..(1)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Defined benefit plans [Axis] Defined benefit plans [Member] Domestic defined benefit plans [Member]
01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010
to to to to
31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Disclosure of defined benefit plans [Abstract]
Disclosure of defined benefit plans [LineItems]
Defined Benefit Defined Benefit Plan Defined Benefit Defined Benefit Plan
Plan includes includes Gratuity and Plan includes includes Gratuity and
Description of accounting policy for defined
Gratuity and Leave Leave Encashment Gratuity and Leave Leave Encashment
benefit plans Encashment and are and are valued as per Encashment and are and are valued as per
valued as per AS-15 AS-15 valued as per AS-15 AS-15
Description of type of plan Gratuity Gratuity Gratuity Gratuity
Reconciliation of changes in present value of
defined benefit obligation [Abstract]
Changes in defined benefit obligation, at
present value [Abstract]
Increase (decrease) through current
service cost, defined benefit 15,59,867 12,55,971 15,59,867 12,55,971
obligation, at present value
Increase (decrease) through interest
cost, defined benefit obligation, at 10,99,545 10,90,212 10,99,545 10,90,212
present value
Increase (decrease) through actuarial losses
(gains), defined benefit obligation, at -20,54,108 6,36,296 -20,54,108 6,36,296
present value
Decrease through benefits paid, defined
4,26,252 27,16,149 4,26,252 27,16,149
benefit obligation, at present value
Total changes in defined benefit
42,87,268 -10,06,262 42,87,268 -10,06,262
obligation, at present value
Defined benefit obligation, at present value
1,82,40,609 1,39,53,340 1,82,40,609 1,39,53,340
at end of period
Reconciliation of changes in fair value of
plan assets [Abstract]
Changes in plan assets, at fair value
Increase (decrease) through
actuarial gains (losses), plan 4,43,265 -31,692 4,43,265 -31,692
assets, at fair value
Increase (decrease) through expected
3,91,714 3,82,296 3,91,714 3,82,296
return, plan assets, at fair value
Increase (decrease) through
contributions by employer, plan 13,59,283 17,23,964 13,59,283 17,23,964
assets, at fair value
Increase (decrease) through
4,26,252 27,16,149 4,26,252 27,16,149
settlements, plan assets, at fair value
Total changes in plan assets, at fair
17,68,010 -6,41,581 17,68,010 -6,41,581
Plan assets, at fair value at end of period 1,43,62,067 1,25,94,057 1,43,62,067 1,25,94,057
Recognised assets and liabilities of
defined benefit plans [Abstract]
Recognised liabilities, defined benefit
38,78,542 13,59,283 38,78,542 13,59,283
Net liability (asset) of defined benefit
38,78,542 13,59,283 38,78,542 13,59,283
Reconciliation of liability asset of
defined benefit plans [Abstract]
Defined benefit obligation, at present
1,82,40,609 1,39,53,340 1,82,40,609 1,39,53,340
Plan assets, at fair value 1,43,62,067 1,25,94,057 1,43,62,067 1,25,94,057
Net liability (asset) of defined benefit
38,78,542 13,59,283 38,78,542 13,59,283

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Recognised expense of defined benefit plans

Current service cost, defined benefit plan 15,59,867 12,55,971 15,59,867 12,55,971
Interest cost, defined benefit plan 10,99,545 10,90,212 10,99,545 10,90,212
Expected return on plan assets, defined
3,91,713 3,82,296 3,91,713 3,82,296
benefit plan
Actuarial gains (losses) recognised
in profit or loss, defined benefit -16,10,843 6,04,604 -16,10,843 6,04,604
Total post-employment benefit expense,
38,78,542 13,59,283 38,78,542 13,59,283
defined benefit plans
Experience adjustments on plan assets and
plan liabilities [Abstract]
Defined benefit obligation, at present
1,82,40,609 1,39,53,340 1,82,40,609 1,39,53,340
Plan assets, at fair value 1,43,62,067 1,25,94,057 1,43,62,067 1,25,94,057
Net surplus (deficit) in plan -38,78,542 -13,59,283 -38,78,542 -13,59,283

Disclosure of defined benefit plans [Table] ..(2)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Domestic defined
Defined benefit plans [Axis] benefit plans
Disclosure of defined benefit plans [Abstract]
Disclosure of defined benefit plans [LineItems]
Reconciliation of changes in present value of defined benefit obligation [Abstract]
Defined benefit obligation, at present value at end of period 1,49,59,602
Reconciliation of changes in fair value of plan assets [Abstract]
Plan assets, at fair value at end of period 1,32,35,638
Reconciliation of liability asset of defined benefit plans [Abstract]
Defined benefit obligation, at present value 1,49,59,602
Plan assets, at fair value 1,32,35,638
Experience adjustments on plan assets and plan liabilities [Abstract]
Defined benefit obligation, at present value 1,49,59,602
Plan assets, at fair value 1,32,35,638

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR

01/04/2011 01/04/2010
to to
31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Textual information (34) Textual information (35)
Disclosure of employee benefits explanatory [TextBlock] [See below] [See below]

Textual information (34)

Disclosure of employee benefits explanatory [Text Block]

All short term employee benefi ts are recognised at their undiscounted amount in the accounting period in
which they are incurred.
Employee Benefi ts under defi ned contribution plans comprising of provident fund, employees state insurance
and superannuation fund are recognised on the undiscounted obligations of the company to contribute to the plan. The same is paid to Provident
Fund, Employees State Insurance Corporation and Life Insurance Corporation
respectively, which are expensed during the year. Employee Benefi ts under defi ned Benefi t plan comprising
of gratuity and leave encashment are recognised based on the present value of defi ned benefi t obligation,
which is computed on the basis of actuarial valuation using the projected unit credit method. Actuarial liability
in excess of respective plan assets is recognised during the year. Provision for Gratuity as per actuarial valuation
is funded with a separate Trust.

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Textual information (35)

Disclosure of employee benefits explanatory [Text Block]

All short term employee benefi ts are recognised at their undiscounted amount in the accounting period in
which they are incurred.
Employee Benefi ts under defi ned contribution plans comprising of provident fund, employees state insurance
and superannuation fund are recognised on the undiscounted obligations of the company to contribute to the plan. The same is paid to Provident
Fund, Employees State Insurance Corporation and Life Insurance Corporation
respectively, which are expensed during the year. Employee Benefi ts under defi ned Benefi t plan comprising
of gratuity and leave encashment are recognised based on the present value of defi ned benefi t obligation,
which is computed on the basis of actuarial valuation using the projected unit credit method. Actuarial liability
in excess of respective plan assets is recognised during the year. Provision for Gratuity as per actuarial valuation
is funded with a separate Trust.

[201800] Notes - Borrowing cost

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
01/04/2011 01/04/2010
to to
31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Textual information (36) Textual information (37)
Disclosure of notes on borrowing costs explanatory [TextBlock] [See below] [See below]

Textual information (36)

Disclosure of notes on borrowing costs explanatory [Text Block]

Borrowing cost that are attributable to the acquisition of or construction of a qualifying asset are capitalised
as a part of the cost of such assets. A qualifying asset is one that necessarily takes substantial period of time
to get ready for intended use. All other borrowing cost are charged to revenue.
Foreign exchange fl uctuations on foreign currency loan to the extent that they are adjusted to interest cost
has been treated as borrowing cost.

Textual information (37)

Disclosure of notes on borrowing costs explanatory [Text Block]

Borrowing cost that are attributable to the acquisition of or construction of a qualifying asset are capitalised
as a part of the cost of such assets. A qualifying asset is one that necessarily takes substantial period of time
to get ready for intended use. All other borrowing cost are charged to revenue.
Foreign exchange fl uctuations on foreign currency loan to the extent that they are adjusted to interest cost
has been treated as borrowing cost.

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

[201600] Notes - Related party

Disclosure of relationship and transactions between related parties [Table] ..(1)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Categories of related parties [Axis] CategoriesOfRelatedParties1 CategoriesOfRelatedParties2
01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010
to to to to
31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Disclosure of relationship and transactions between
related parties [Abstract]
Disclosure of relationship and transactions between
related parties [LineItems]
Name of related party K I George K I George K Cherian K Cherian
Country of incorporation or residence of related
Permanent account number of related party AADPI7627J AADPI7627J ALXPC5739Q ALXPC5739Q
K e y
Key Management Key Management Key Management
Description of nature of related party relationship Personnel
Personnel Personnel
Sitting fee,Interest on S i t t i n g
Description of nature of transactions with related
deposits & Repayment of fee,Interest on Sitting fee Sitting fee
party Deposit deposits
Related party transactions [Abstract]
Interest paid during year related party
479 35,000
Transfers under finance agreements related
party transactions [Abstract]
Transfers of loan under finance
agreements to enterprise related party 4,96,520
Other related party transactions expense 2,000 4,000 4,000 4,000
Transaction relating to key management personnel
Remuneration for key managerial personnel 0 0 0 0
Outstanding balances for related party
transactions [Abstract]
Amounts payable related party transactions 5,00,000
Amount written off during period in respect
0 0 0 0
of debts due from related parties
Amount written back during period in respect
0 0 0 0
of debts due to related parties
Amount shown in
"Transfers of loan under
Description of other related party balance in
finance agreements to
Related party
transactions which are necessary for enterprise related party
transaction is the
understanding of financial statements transactions" is
Fixed Deposit
repayment of Fixed

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Disclosure of relationship and transactions between related parties [Table] ..(2)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Categories of related parties [Axis] CategoriesOfRelatedParties3 CategoriesOfRelatedParties4
01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010
to to to to
31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Disclosure of relationship and transactions between
related parties [Abstract]
Disclosure of relationship and transactions between
related parties [LineItems]
Country of incorporation or residence of related
Permanent account number of related party ACEPJ1308E ACEPJ1308E AGFPK0932L AGFPK0932L
Relatives of Key Relatives of Key
Key Management Key Management
Description of nature of related party relationship management management
Personnel Personnel
personnel personnel
Description of nature of transactions with related Sitting fee and Sitting fee and
Interest on Deposit Interest of Deposit
party Travelling Expense Travelling Expense
Related party transactions [Abstract]
Interest paid during year related party
7,000 7,000
Interest paid during year related party
7.00% 7.00%
transactions, percentage
Other related party transactions expense 55,440 55,440
Transaction relating to key management personnel
Remuneration for key managerial personnel 0 0
Outstanding balances for related party
transactions [Abstract]
Amounts payable related party transactions 1,00,000 1,00,000
Amount written off during period in respect
0 0 0 0
of debts due from related parties
Amount written back during period in respect
0 0 0 0
of debts due to related parties
Outstanding balance Outstanding balance
Description of other related party Rs 4,000/- for sitting Rs 4,000/- for sitting
in Related party in Related party
fee and Rs 51,440/- fee and Rs 51,440/-
transactions which are necessary for transaction is the transaction is the
for the travelling for the travelling
understanding of financial statements Fixed Deposit Fixed Deposit
expense expense
Outstanding Outstanding

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR

01/04/2011 01/04/2010
to to
31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Disclosure of notes on related party explanatory [TextBlock]
Whether there are any related party transactions during year Yes Yes
Whether company is subsidiary company No No

[300300] Notes - Earnings per share

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
01/04/2011 01/04/2010
to to
31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Disclosure of earnings per share explanatory [TextBlock]
Adjustments of numerator to calculate basic earnings per share [Abstract]
Profit (loss) for period 7,82,67,510 6,19,53,442
Adjustments of numerator to calculate diluted earnings per share [Abstract]
Profit (loss) for period 7,82,67,510 6,19,53,442

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

[202800] Notes - Subsidiary information

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Disclosure of subsidiary information explanatory [TextBlock]
Whether company has subsidiary companies No

[201900] Notes - Income taxes

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
01/04/2011 01/04/2010
to to
31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Textual information (38) Textual information (39)
Disclosure of notes on income taxes explanatory [TextBlock] [See below] [See below]
Disclosure of breakup of deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities
Components of deferred tax assets [Abstract]
Deferred tax asset, employee benefits 20,80,369.5 18,31,569.42
Total deferred tax assets 20,80,369.5 18,31,569.42
Components of deferred tax liabilities [Abstract]
Deferred tax liability, depreciation 81,42,065.27 89,50,047.69
Total deferred tax liabilities 81,42,065.27 89,50,047.69

Textual information (38)

Disclosure of notes on income taxes explanatory [Text Block]

Income taxes are accrued in the year in which the related revenues and expenses arise. Deferred tax liability/
asset is recognised for the tax effect on timing differences due to differences in profi t offered for tax and
profi t as per the fi nancial statements. Deferred tax assets are recognised only if there is reasonable certainity
that they will be realised.

Textual information (39)

Disclosure of notes on income taxes explanatory [Text Block]

Income taxes are accrued in the year in which the related revenues and expenses arise. Deferred tax liability/
asset is recognised for the tax effect on timing differences due to differences in profi t offered for tax and
profi t as per the fi nancial statements. Deferred tax assets are recognised only if there is reasonable certainity
that they will be realised.

[202400] Notes - Investments in associates

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Disclosure of notes on investment in associates explanatory [TextBlock]
Whether company has invested in associates No

M M PUBLICATIONS LIMITED Standalone Balance Sheet for period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

[202500] Notes - Financial reporting of interests in joint ventures

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Disclosure of notes on interests in joint ventures explanatory [TextBlock]
Whether company has invested in joint ventures No

[202100] Notes - Other provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets

Disclosure of other provisions [Table] ..(1)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Company total other provisions
Classes of other provisions [Axis] Miscellaneous other provisions [Member]
01/04/2011 01/04/2010 01/04/2011 01/04/2010
to to to to
31/03/2012 31/03/2011 31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Disclosure of other provisions [Abstract]
Disclosure of other provisions [LineItems]
Reconciliation of changes in other provisions
Changes in other provisions [Abstract]
Additional provisions, other provisions 0 67,04,135 0 67,04,135
Provision used, other provisions 67,04,135 0 67,04,135 0
Total changes in other provisions -67,04,135 67,04,135 -67,04,135 67,04,135
Other provisions at end of period 0 67,04,135 0 67,04,135

Disclosure of other provisions [Table] ..(2)

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
Miscellaneous other
Classes of other provisions [Axis] provisions
Disclosure of other provisions [Abstract]
Disclosure of other provisions [LineItems]
Reconciliation of changes in other provisions [Abstract]
Other provisions at end of period 0

[202700] Notes - Cash flow statements

Unless otherwise specified, all monetary values are in INR
01/04/2011 01/04/2010
to to 31/03/2010
31/03/2012 31/03/2011
Disclosure of cash flow statement explanatory [TextBlock]
Cash and cash equivalents if different from balance sheet [Abstract]
Cash and cash equivalents cash flow statement 3,75,43,197 3,19,14,353 2,25,64,466
Total cash and cash equivalents 3,75,43,197 3,19,14,353
Income taxes paid (refund) [Abstract]
Income taxes paid (refund), classified as operating activities 2,85,53,589 1,21,17,555
Income taxes paid (refund), classified as financing activities 1,62,225 1,62,225
Total income taxes paid (refund) 2,87,15,814 1,22,79,780


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