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5th grade of Primary Education

Contents Evaluation Criteria Assessable learning standards

Block 1: Comprehension of oral and written texts
Strategies of comprehension 1.- To be able to apply the basic strategies Specific to the comprehension of oral
·Mobilization of previous information about the which are more suitable to the texts
type of task and topic comprehension of the global meaning, the 1.1.- Understands the general meaning
·Identification of the text type, adapting essential information or the key points of a and the essential information and
comprehension to it. text, such as: to depart from the previous distinguishes the topic shift un TV
·Differentiation of comprehension microskills knowledge before listening to or reading the programs and other interesting
(general meaning, key information, main points) text, to make predictions based on the visual audiovisual materials (e.g. in which
·Formulation of hypotheses about content and support, to work skimming and scanning out youngsters or known characters are
context. orally and in writing, as well as to identify the interviewed about daily topics, what they
·Inference and formulation of hypotheses about text type (video, interview, account, song, like to do in their free time) or in which
meaning s from the comprehension of linguistic web page…) and to deduce the meaning of they get information about leisure
and paralinguistic meaningful elements. unknown words through the context. activities (theatre, cinema, sport events,
·Reformulation of hypotheses from the etc.)
comprehension of new elements.
2.- To identify the topic of a very brief and Specific to the comprehension of oral
simple oral or written text (dialogues, songs, texts
Sociocultural and sociolinguistic elements
rhymes and stories up to 100 words). 2.1.- Identifies the topic of a daily
·Social conventions, courtesy conventions and
predictable conversation uttered in their
registers. Daily habits and lifestyles of children of
presence, e.g. in a shop, in the school
English-speaking countries (school environment,
holidays, leisure activities, cities and rural areas, 3.- To understand the global meaning, the Specific to the comprehension of oral
etc.) essential information and the main points in texts
·Interest in knowing customs, values, beliefs and very brief and simple oral and written texts 3.1.- Understands the essential of
attitudes. (dialogues, songs, rhymes, stories and advertisements about products which
·Celebration of family festivities (birthdays) and depictions up to 100 words), about habitual are interesting to them (games,
traditional festivals (Halloween, Valentine’s Day, and specific topics which are related to their computers, CD, etc.)
Christmas, Saint Patrick, Pancake day, Easter, own experiences, needs and interests, 3.2.- Understands the main ideas of
etc.) uttered clearly and slowly and transmitted well-structured oral accounts and
·Non-verbal language orally or by technological means, in daily presentations about daily topics which
predictable contexts, or related to areas of are interesting to them, (e.g. music,
Communicative functions immediate need. To favour the sport, etc.) as long as they go along with
·Greetings, introductions, apologies and comprehension and not distorting the images and illustrations and are uttered
thankfulness message acoustic conditions must be good. It slowly and clearly
·Expression of preference, agreement and will always be possible to listen to the Specific to the comprehension of
disagreement, feelings and intention message again, to ask for confirmation, or to written texts
·Depiction of persons, activities, places and plans. ask for confirmation, counting on visual 3.3.- Understands essential information
·Account of past and recent events. support. in short well-structured stories and
·Asking for help, information and instructions. When it comes to written texts, this criterion identifies the main characters as long
·Establishing and keeping communication. aims to evaluate the student’s as image and action drive most of the
comprehension reading texts in a standard plot (adapted readings, comics, etc.)
Syntactic structures language about familiar and previously 3.4.- Understands the essential
·Expression of logical relations: comparison (as + studied topics. Students must reread what information and the main points of brief
Adj + as; smaller than…; the biggest) they have not understand and check news and young’s magazine articles
·Affirmation (affirmative sentences: Yes + tag) dictionaries with visual support. which deal with topics which are familiar
·Negation (negative sentences with not; No + or interesting to them (sports, music
negative tag) bands, computer games, etc.)
·Expression of time: past (simple past verb to be;
4.- To identify basic, specific and meaningful 4.1.- Identifies habits, costumes and
regular forms): future (going to)
sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects, celebrations of countries from the
·Expression of aspect; habitual (simple tenses)
about daily life (habits, timetables, activities European Union.
·Expression of modality: possibility (may);
and celebrations), life conditions (housing, 4.2.- Understands basic aspects related
imperative; intention (going to)
environment) interpersonal relations (kinship, to costumes, habits, traditional
·Expression of existence; demonstratives quality
friendship, school), behaviour (usual gestures celebrations when listening to and read
(very + adj)
and voice use) and social conventions tales, plays, music, movies, etc. from
·Expression of quantity (cardinal numbers up to
(courtesy norms) such as introductions, English-speaking countries.
four digits; quantity: more, very)
·Expression of placement (prepositions and
adverbs of location and direction) 5.- To apply the acquired knowledge on the 5.1.- Applies knowledge related to
·Expression of time: divisions (e.g. half an hour) basic meaningful sociocultural and courtesy norms, daily habits, and social
and indications (e.g. yesterday, last…) of time sociolinguistic aspects to the proper conventions to enhance comprehension
comprehension of the text in a dialogue.
High-frequency lexis (reception) 5.2.- Understands English-speaking
·Personal identification children through computer media
·Home (daily chores). Environment (street, suburb) (videos, podcasts, etc.)
·Daily life activities
6.- To distinguish the communicative 6.1.- Understands what he/she is told in
·Free time and leisure (adventure sports)
function(s) of the text and their most usual habitual simple transactions
·Travels and holidays
instances in questioning and answering about (instructions, directions, requests,
·Education and study (musical instruments)
greetings, introductions, apologies and warns) looking for support in non-verbal
·Shopping and commercial activities
gratefulness, expression of preference, language.
agreement and disagreement, the feeling and
·Environment (geographical accidents)
the expression; depiction of people, activities, 6.2.- Understands instructions and basic
·Climate and natural environment (solar system)
places and plans; account of past and recent information in notes, street signs and
·Information and communication technologies
events; asking for help, information and boards, shops, means of transport,
(computer apps)
instructions; establishing and keeping cinemas, museums, schools, and other
·Countries of the European Union.
communication. public services and places.
Sound, stress, rhythm and intonational 7.- To recognise the basic discursive 7.1.- Understands brief and simple
patterns patterns: begin and end a conversation, the mailing (SMS, emails, postcards and
·Approaching the stress and sound of language points of a simple account, as well as the cards) which deals with familiar topics,
through rhymes, chants, tongue-twisters, songs, elements of a description such as oneself, family, school, free
riddles, cartoons, etc. time, depiction of an object or a place,
·Use of rhythm, stress and intonation features for time-telling, etc.
the comprehension of oral texts. 8.- To recognise basic syntactic structures 8.1.- Understands messages and public
·Pronunciation: diphthongs and v/b; initial s before
and their associated meanings such as the announcements which contain
a consonant; sh/ch expression of logical relations: comparison instructions, directions or other kind of
(as + Adj + as; smaller than…; the biggest), information (e.g. numbers, prices,
Graphic patterns and basic orthographical affirmation (affirmative sentences: Yes + tag), timetables in a station, etc.) looking for
conventions negation (negative sentences with not; No + support in the images that go along with
·Use of the basic orthographical marks (e.g. stop, negative tag), expression of time: past the text, whether oral or spoken.
comma, semicolon, interrogation, exclamation) (simple past verb to be; regular forms): future 8.2.- Reads different kinds of printed or
·Spotting words which are always written with an (going to), expression of aspect; habitual digital texts with different aims (carrying
initial capital (months, days of the week, festivals, (simple tenses), expression of modality: out a task, enjoying reading, supporting
all the words of a book’s title) possibility (may); imperative; intention (going oral comprehension and production,
·Association of graphic sign, pronunciation and to), expression of existence; demonstratives getting information, etc.) with the help of
meaning from known written models and quality (very + adj), expression of quantity bilingual dictionaries
establishment of analytic sound-graphic symbol (cardinal numbers up to four digits; quantity:
relations. more, very), expression of placement
(prepositions and adverbs of location and
direction), expression of time: divisions (e.g.
half an hour) and indications (e.g. yesterday,
last…) of time

9.- To recognise a limited set of high- 9.1.- Understands essential and specific
frequency lexis which is related to daily information in simple informative
situations and to usual and specific topics material (menus, timetables,
related to their experiences, needs and catalogues, price lists, advertisements,
interests such as personal identification, phone books cultural programs or
home (daily chores). Environment (street, events, etc.)
suburb), daily life activities, free time and
leisure (adventure sports), travels and
holidays, education and study (musical
instruments), shopping and commercial
activities, transport, environment
(geographical accidents), climate and natural
environment (solar system), information and
communication technologies (computer
apps), countries of the European Union.
10.- To infer from the context and the 10.1.- Uses the dictionary to understand
information within the text and, ultimately, the meaning of some words and to learn
from dictionaries, the possible meanings of new lexicon.
unknown words and expressions.
Specific to the comprehension of oral Specific to the comprehension of oral
texts. texts.
11.- To make out basic sound, stress, rhythm 11.1.- Distinguishes the basic sound
and patterns. patterns of intonation in different
communicative contexts.
Specific to the comprehension of written Specific to the comprehension of
texts written texts
12.- To recognise the general communicative 12.1.- Gets the meaning and
meanings related to the sound patterns communicative intentions which are
associated to the basic sound patterns
of intonation in different communicative
Specific to the comprehension of written Specific to the comprehension of oral
texts texts.
13.- To recognize the pronunciation of : 13.1.- Identifies the differences and
diphthongs and v/b; initial s before a undertones in the pronunciation of
consonant; sh/ch specific sounds, diphthongs, and sound
Specific to the comprehension of written Specific to the comprehension of
texts written texts
14.- To distinguish basic orthographic 14.1.- Distinguishes the typical graphic
conventions (stop, comma, interrogation, patterns and the structure of questions,
exclamation) as well as frequently-used exclamations, apostrophes, as well as
symbols (e.g. , €, $, £) in frequently used symbols and icons
(, €, $, £).
Specific to the comprehension of written Specific to the comprehension of
texts written texts
15.- To identify the general communicative 15.1.- Recognises the meanings and
meanings related to basic graphic patterns, communicative intentions in different
such as punctuation marks of exclamation, communicative contexts..
interrogation, apostrophes, etc..
Specific to the comprehension of written Specific to the comprehension of
texts written texts
16.- To understand written words and 16.1.- Understands the relation between
expressions already heard and used orally graphic symbol, pronunciation and

Contents Evaluation Criteria Assessable learning standards

Block 2: Production of oral and written texts
Strategies for the production of oral texts Specific to the production of oral texts Specific to the production of oral texts
 Planning. 1.- To talk about oneself, their closest 1.1.- Makes brief and previously
Use of previous knowledge of the context, the environment, places and things, expressing rehearsed presentations about
topic and the foreign language. their preferences and opinions using easy interesting topics which are very close
Use of the imitation of models to create a clear and simple expressions which are very to oneself (personal identification,
message. frequently used, often on isolation or linked housing, environment, free time and
Adjustment of the text to the receiver, context and with simple connectors leisure) depictions pf people and
channel, applying the register and structure animals with an acceptable
appropriate in each case. pronunciation and intonation, supported
 Performance. by written or graphic means.
Expression of the message in a clear, coherent Specific to the production of oral texts Specific to the production of oral texts
and well-structured manner, adjusting to a model 2.- To take part in conversations in a simple 2.1.- Joins face to face conversations in
and to formulae of each kind of text. and clear manner, which require a straight which a social contact is established
Respect towards the rules for oral interaction: turn- exchange of information in areas of (thanking, greeting, saying farewell,
taking, proper volume of the talker’s voice. immediate need or about very familiar topics, addressing someone, apologizing, ,
Readjustment of the task (start a simpler version though pronunciation may not be very clear introducing oneself), interchanges
of the task) or the message (make concessions in and may provoke misunderstandings. Pauses personal information (name, age, etc.)
what is actually intended to be expressed) after and mumbling, repetitions, rephrasing and expresses feelings.
considering the difficulties and the available the conversation partner’s should be
resources. considered necessary to maintain
Support in previous knowledge (use formulaic communication.
language, etc.)
Use of written or graphic means (mind maps, Specific to the production of written texts Specific to the production of written
photos with captions, slides, etc.) 3.- To compose, digitally or on paper, brief texts
Balance of the linguistic shortfalls through and simple texts up to 20 words and using in 3.1.- Writes brief and simple personal
linguistic, paralinguistic or paratextual procedures. a right manner the basic orthographic mail (messages, postcards, notes,
a) Linguistic conventions and the main punctuation marks chats) in which they speak of
- Use of synonyms. to talk about oneself, of their closest themselves and their closest
- Rephrasing words and expressions environment, and about aspects of their daily environment (personal identification,
- Definition or paraphrase of a term or life, in known and predictable situations in housing, environment, free time and
expression. texts made up of simple isolated sentences. leisure)
b) Paralinguistic and paratextual 4.- To apply the acquired knowledge about 4.1.- Knows traditional rhymes and
- Asking for help. basic specific and meaningful sociocultural songs to perform in different
- Pointing to objects, use of deictic and sociolinguistic aspects such as courtesy celebrations along with gestures,
expressions, or physical actions that make norms, introductions, greetings… to an oral mimics and a good pronunciation.
the meaning clear and written production which is suitable to the 4.2.- Uses some basic conventions to
- Using culturally proper body language context. begin and end a letter from a model.
(gestures, face expressions, posture,
stance, eye or body contact) 5.- To apply the proper communicative 5.1.- Gets along in daily simple
- Use of deictic expressions, or physical functions and their more usual instances to transactions, real or simulated (asking
actions that make the meaning clear oral and written texts, such as: greetings and for a product in a shop, asking the time,
- Use of extralinguistic elements and introductions (at the moment of establishing a asking about hobbies, etc.)
conventional prosodic qualities conversation), apologies and gratitude, 5.2.- Replies to questions about topics
Strategies for the production of written texts expression of preference, agreement and which have been studied in the
 Planning disagreement, feelings and intentions, classroom as, for example, health, daily
Mobilization and coordination of one’s own depiction of people, activities, places and activities, hobbies, jobs, occupations,
general and communicative competences with the plans, account of past and recent events, what is the time, , what are their needs
aim of carrying out a task effectively (review asking for help, information and instructions, or whether there is something in a
previous knowledge of a topic, what may be said care in keeping communication on (in certain place.
or what may be intended to be said) conversations)
Location and proper use of linguistic or thematic Specific to the production of oral texts 6.1.- Shows the others, in a simple
resources (using a picture dictionary, getting help, 6.- To handle basic syntactic structures such manner, the result of a research with
etc.) as the expression of logical relations: written or graphic support (display with
Use of previous knowledge in the known language comparison (as + Adj + as; smaller than…; very basic photos and texts, triptych,
about the key strategies for the production of the biggest), affirmation (affirmative poster, etc.)
written texts: definition of the text’s aim, choice of sentences: Yes + tag), negation (negative
the addressee, organization and planning of the sentences with not; No + negative tag),
content, drafting, revision of the text for its expression of time: past (simple past verb to
correction and final version. be; regular forms): future (going to),
 Performance expression of aspect; habitual (simple
Expression of the message in a clear manner, tenses), expression of modality: possibility
adjusting to the models and formulae of each kind (may); imperative; intention (going to),
of text. expression of existence; demonstratives
Readjustment of the task (carry out a simpler quality (very + adj), expression of quantity
version of the task) or the message (make (cardinal numbers up to four digits; quantity:
concessions in the real intentions of the message) more, very), expression of placement
after having assessed the difficulties and available (prepositions and adverbs of location and
resources. direction), expression of time: divisions (e.g.
Exploiting previous knowledge. half an hour) and indications (e.g. yesterday,
Acceptance of errors as a part of the process and last…) of time
reflection upon text correction.
Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects
Specific to the production of oral texts 7.1.- Describes in a written manner
-Social conventions, courtesy norms and registers.
7.- To show a reduced control of a set of people, experiences or places using the
-Customs, values, beliefs and attitudes.
simple grammar structures and of sentence orthographic and grammatical rules in
-Celebration of family festivals (birthdays) and of
and phrase models within a memorized an acceptable manner, following
traditional festivals: Halloween, Valentine’s Day,
repertoire, such as : comparison (as + Adj + previously studied model
Christmas, Saint Patrick, Pancake day, Easter,
as; smaller than…; the biggest), affirmation 7.2.- Composes simple texts from
(affirmative sentences: Yes + tag), negation previously studied models (menu,
-Non-verbal language
(negative sentences with not; No + negative recipe, blog entry, free time, body
Communicative functions
tag), expression of time: past (simple past care…)
·Greetings, introductions, apologies and
verb to be; regular forms): future (going to),
expression of aspect; habitual (simple
·Expression of preference, agreement and
tenses), expression of modality: possibility
disagreement, feelings and intention
(may); imperative; intention (going to),
·Depiction of persons, activities, places and plans.
expression of existence; demonstratives
·Account of past and recent events.
quality (very + adj), expression of quantity
·Asking for help, information and instructions.
(cardinal numbers up to four digits; quantity:
·Establishing and keeping communication.
more, very), expression of placement
Syntactic structures
(prepositions and adverbs of location and
·Expression of logical relations: comparison (as +
direction), expression of time: divisions (e.g.
Adj + as; smaller than…; the biggest)
half an hour) and indications (e.g. yesterday,
·Affirmation (affirmative sentences: Yes + tag) last…) of time
·Negation (negative sentences with not; No +
negative tag) 8.- To use a limited repertoire of oral and Specific to the production of oral texts.
·Expression of time: past (simple past verb to be; written high-frequency lexicon related to daily 8.1.- Completes data or other kind of
regular forms): future (going to) situations and habitual and specific topics personal information (e.g. language
·Expression of aspect; habitual (simple tenses) which are related to their experiences, needs passport, self-assessments,
·Expression of modality: possibility (may); and interests: personal identification, home preferences, title of a tale, etc.) with the
imperative; intention (going to) (daily chores). Environment (street, suburb), high-frequency lexicon.
·Expression of existence; demonstratives quality daily life activities, free time and leisure 8.2.- Composes written scripts to carry
(very + adj) (adventure sports),ravels and holidays, out very brief oral expositions with the
·Expression of quantity (cardinal numbers up to education and study (musical instruments), high-frequency lexicon.
four digits; quantity: more, very) shopping and commercial activities, transport,
·Expression of placement (prepositions and environment (geographical accidents),
adverbs of location and direction) climate and natural environment (solar
·Expression of time: divisions (e.g. half an hour) system), information and communication
and indications (e.g. yesterday, last…) of time technologies (computer apps), countries of
High-frequency lexicon (production) the European Union
·Personal identification Specific to the production of oral texts Specific to the production of oral texts
·Home (daily chores). Environment (street, suburb) 9.- To utter a very limited repertoire of basic 9.1.- Pronounces words correctly with a
·Daily life activities sound, stress and intonation patterns, proper intonation and rhythm when it
·Free time and leisure (adventure sports) adapting them to the communicative function comes to perform brief dramatized
·Travels and holidays which is intended. dialogues (role-plays)
·Education and study (musical instruments)
·Shopping and commercial activities Specific to the production of oral texts Specific to the production of written
·Transport. 10.- To recognize the pronunciation of texts
·Environment (geographical accidents) diphthongs and v/b; initial s before a 10.1.- Recites tongue-twisters which
·Climate and natural environment (solar system) consonant; sh/ch contain the pairs of sounds which have
·Information and communication technologies been studied.
(computer apps) Specific to the production of written texts Specific to the production of written
·Countries of the European Union. 11.- To apply graphic patterns and basic texts
Sound, stress, rhythm and intonation patterns. orthographic patterns to write to a fair 11.1.- Writes in a clear and
·Approaching the stress and sound of language correctness words or short sentences which comprehensible manner when using
through rhymes, chants, tongue-twisters, songs, are normally used in speech. words and simple sentences in
riddles, cartoons, etc. compositions
·Use of rhythm, stress and intonation features for 11.2.- Uses the bilingual dictionary to
the comprehension of oral texts. check the right orthography of words.
·Pronunciation: diphthongs and v/b; initial s before
a consonant; sh/ch
Graphic patterns and basic orthographic
·Use of the basic orthographical marks (e.g. stop,
comma, semicolon, interrogation, exclamation)
·Spotting words which are always written with an
initial capital (months, days of the week, festivals,
all the words of a book’s title)
·Association of graphic sign, pronunciation and
meaning from known written models and
establishment of analytic sound-graphic symbol

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