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“ABojooy gy UN ~sonouay 7] HUQ coupeeH Tun, “uonamposday gy aun, ONOWODOT GINA, : sasuodsoy g 11UQ) uauidopeasg pue yaory 1 1p, ““siseisoowioyy 9 TUN. ‘uonaioxg $1 uonendsoy 4 11UQ, odsuery, ¢11u] nN ZHU, nary 1 au) “qwouissassy sumy ‘wononponuy “stamrspaymowpoy vaaeyang SINGLNOD PREFACE The review of this Syllabus was necessitated by the need to improve the quality of education at High School Level as stipulated in the national policy document "Educating Our Future -1996" Quality education raises the standard of issues of national concem such as Ei Education, Human Rights, Democracy, Reproductive Heal Values Education. ids to sustainable national development. The syllabus also addres: mn, Gender and Equity , Health Education and HIV/AIDS, Family Population Education, Entrepreneurship and Vocation Skills, Life and Another reason for revising this syllabus was to fully localize the High School Examinations which were formerly set by University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate, UK. tis hoped that this syllabus will provide the users with a sound premise on the basis of which meaningful and effective learning experiences will be developed in order to providea good foundation for further study of this subject area. MB Ne Sichalwa M. Kasanda (Dr) PERMANENT SECRETARY MINISTRY OF EDUCATION LUSAKA-ZAMBIA NOLLVONGA dO AULSINEN ‘aauay jwaudojasag wnynaian) 019011 suger és stip so uonanposd amp overt98y 01 Yoddns jerouwuyy snosouaé pue own ojqenyea yonus Buti 207 (Yaa) Ssouarey 10} suUNeI0Iq UORBINPA [eWOUIMONAU oYp_YBNosyY SoouNossy [eIMEN PuE WOWUOTTAUA Jo ANSTUTAL 2p se yons suonEztuEi0 pue suoRNnsUT ‘santo ‘a]doad snouea 0} aINqLN Aed OF SOysim NIU} WaUIoJengq, wAN|ROLIN OL SINDWASCTIMONIOV

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