(Zeitschrift FR Soziologie) Artificial Communication The Production of Contingency by Algorithms

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Zeitschrift für Soziologie 2017; 46(4): 249–265

Elena Esposito*

Artificial Communication?
The Production of Contingency by Algorithms
Artifizielle Kommunikation?
Die Produktion von Kontingenz durch Algorithmen
https://doi.org/10.1515/zfsoz-2017-1014 hen sich vorwiegend auf Konstruktionen künstlicher In-
telligenz, die die kognitiven Fähigkeiten von individuellen
Abstract: Discourse about smart algorithms and digital
Akteuren nachbilden. Gegenwärtige Forschungen zeigen
social agents still refers primarily to the construction of
aber, dass solche Algorithmen erfolgreich sind, die nicht
artificial intelligence that reproduces the faculties of indi-
dieses Ziel verfolgen, sondern sich an den Kommunikati-
viduals. Recent developments, however, show that algo-
onsfähigkeiten von Akteuren orientieren. Algorithmen,
rithms are more efficient when they abandon this goal and
die nicht die Fähigkeiten von Individuen nachbilden, kön-
try instead to reproduce the ability to communicate. Algo-
nen die Möglichkeiten und Fähigkeiten der Prozessierens
rithms that do not “think” like people can affect the abili-
von Informationen verbessern. Unter Bezugnahme auf
ty to obtain and process information in society. Referring
das Konzept der Kommunikation der Systemtheorie von
to the concept of communication in Niklas Luhmann’s
Niklas Luhmann rekonstruiert der vorliegende Beitrag
­theory of social systems, this paper critically reconstructs
diesen Wandel in der künstlichen Intelligenz von Big Data
the debate on the computational turn of big data as the
als artifiziellen Reproduktionen von Kommunikation und
artificial reproduction not of intelligence but of communi-
nicht von Intelligenz. Selbstlernende Algorithmen machen
cation. Self-learning algorithms parasitically take advan-
sich den (reflektierten oder unreflektierten) Umgang von
tage – be it consciously or unaware – of the contribution of
Nutzern im Umgang mit virtueller doppelter Kontingenz
web users to a “virtual double contingency.” This provides
zu Diensten. Dies versorgt die Gesellschaft mit Informa­
society with information that is not part of the thoughts
tionen, die nicht auf individuellen Intelligenzen beruhen,
of anyone, but, nevertheless, enters the communication
sondern auf kommunikativen Kreisläufen, wodurch die
circuit and raises its complexity. The concept of commu-
kommunikative Komplexität gesteigert werden kann. Aus
nication should be reconsidered to take account of these
diesem Grunde und vor dem Hintergrund dieser Entwick-
developments, including (or not) the possibility of com-
lungen muss auch das Konzept der Kommunikation noch-
municating with algorithms.
mals neu daraufhin untersucht werden, ob es Kommuni-
Keywords: Social Algorithms; Big Data; Artificial Intelli- kation mit Algorithmen zu integrieren vermag oder nicht.
gence; Neural Networks; Deep Learning; Double Contin-
Schlüsselwörter: Soziale Algorithmen; Big Data; Künstli-
gency; Systems Theory.
che Intelligenz; Neurale Netzwerke; Tiefgehendes Lernen;
Doppelte Kontingenz; Systemtheorie.
Zusammenfassung: Die Diskurse und Debatten über
„smarte“ Algorithmen und digitale soziale Agenten bezie-

Article note: This text is an expanded and revised version of the

inaugural lecture of the Niklas Luhmann Guest Professorship 2015 1 A sociology of algorithms
at Bielefeld University. For comments, criticism, and suggestions
on an earlier draft of this paper, I would like to thank David Stark,
Algorithms are social agents. Their presence and role are
Alberto Cevolini, Giancarlo Corsi, and the anonymous referees of
Zeitschrift für Soziologie. now central and indispensable in many sectors of soci-
ety, both as tools to do things (such as machines) and as
*Corresponding author: Elena Esposito, Fakultät für Soziologie, communicative partners. Algorithms are involved in com-
Universität Bielefeld, Germany; and Dipartimento di Comunicazione munication not only on the web, where the active role of
e Economia, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy, E-mail:
bots is now taken for granted, but also (explicitly or not) in

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250   Elena Esposito, Artificial Communication? The Production of Contingency by Algorithms

more traditional forms, such as print communication and cases, these programs seem to know the users better than
even voice communication. their human partners and often better than the users
Precise estimates are difficult (Ferrara et al. 2016), but themselves (Youyou, Kosinski & Stillwell 2015), anticipat-
apparently in online communication, bots are the authors ing their needs and demands even before they emerge.
of approximately 50% of the traffic.1 Millions of Twitter The communicative role of algorithms is clearly a mas-
users are bots,2 more than 70% of trading in Wall Street sive social phenomenon with many complex consequenc-
happens via automatic programs, at least 40% of Wikipedia es. What does sociology have to offer on this topic? Marres
editing is carried out by bots. Highly automated accounts and Gerlitz (2017) criticize the social deficits of computa-
generated close to 25% of all Twitter traffic about the 2016 tional technology because in the discussion to understand
U.S. presidential debate (Kollany, Howard, and Woolley these developments and to provide an interpretive frame-
2016). That Google and Facebook are driven by algorithms work, the social sciences and sociology are curiously in a
is well known, with the paradoxical consequence that secondary position. Certainly there is a lot of sociological
the “discovery” that human operators guide the selection work on the social consequences of the spread of digiti-
of news in Facebook Trending Topics was perceived as a zation, but it often follows developments that have taken
scandal (Gillespie 2016). Similar systems are also used in place and have become well established without its con-
personalized communication: on Gmail, the Smart Reply tribution. The social sciences are committed to identifying
app recognizes emails that need responses and generates shortcomings and dangers of technology. In highlighting
perfectly adequate natural language answers on the fly.3 the ethical and political aspects of technology and its im-
Spotify’s most popular compilation, Discover Weekly, is en- pact on public opinion or social order, they focus on issues
tirely assembled by an algorithm – as is Release Radar, the such as threats to privacy, risks of job loss, concentration
hyper-personalized playlist of new tracks (Pierce 2016b). of power in a few large corporations, intergenerational or
In these and many other cases web surfers communi- international inequalities (the digital divide), and the ex-
cate by means of algorithms, and often this happens also ploitation of underpaid workers (Mechanical Turk) or even
when we read texts in the traditional form of newspaper of all users (“If you are not paying for it, you’re not the
articles or books. Companies like Narrative Science4 and customer; you’re the product being sold”).
Automated Insight5 have developed algorithms to produce Why social deficits? The topics covered by social sci-
texts that are indistinguishable from those written by a ences are extremely relevant and their contribution very
human author: newspaper articles, brochures for com- useful, but this does not exhaust the role that sociology
mercial products, textbooks, and more. Philip Parker, pro- could (and should) play in the development of digitization.
fessor at INSEAD in Fontainebleau, patented a method to The sociological perspective is not involved in designing
automatically produce perfectly plausible and informative algorithms, which are programmed without adequate
books, including more than 100,000 titles already avail- consideration of social and communicative aspects. The
able on Amazon.com. Robo-journalism is regularly used dominant reference in digitalization is still to individuals,
by the Associated Press and many companies like Sam- as in Artificial Intelligence (Nilsson 2010): here the goal is
sung, Yahoo, Comcast, and others (Podolny 2015). to artificially reproduce the abilities of human beings, pos-
Even in voice communication, millions of individu- sibly integrating cognitive skills with intentionality or with
als regularly interact with digital personal assistants like subconscious aspects identified by philosophical reflection
Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, Microsoft’s Cortana, IBM’s (after Dreyfus 1972 or Searle 1980). In sociological perspec-
Watson, or Google Now, using natural language interfaces tive, however, the primary reference is not to individual
to answer new questions, manage the calendar, and offer psychological processes but to communication. After all,
individual suggestions and recommendations. In many what is interesting in the interaction with algorithms is not
what happens in the machine’s artificial brain, but what
the machine tells its users and the consequences of this.
1 Global Bot Traffic Report 2015
2 According to the company itself, which provides its users with a The problem is not that the machine is able to think but
tool, Twitteraudit, to calculate how many of their followers are “real” that it is able to communicate. The reference to communi-
(meaning human beings). cation and social context is the central issue, which should
3 Cf. Google, at: https://gmail.googleblog.com/2015/11/computer-​ primarily inform the programming of effective social algo-
respond-to-this-email.html (accessed on November 30, 2015).
rithms.6 Sociology is the discipline to deal with this.
4 Cf. Narrative Science, at: https://www.narrativescience.com (ac-
cessed on May 25. 2016).
5 Cf. Automated Insight, at: https://automatedinsights.com (ac- 6 Some isolated voices have called for this for decades, cf. Suchman
cessed on May 16. 216). 1986; Collins 1990; the “socionics” project in Malsch 2001.

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This is especially urgent now, when algorithms mas- learned to work like human intelligence, but because they
sively and autonomously play a role in communication. have abandoned the attempt and the ambition to do so
With respect to reflection on intelligent machines in the and are oriented directly toward the forms of communi-
1970s and 1980s many things have changed. First of all, cation. I then reconstruct interaction with algorithms in
computers are not isolated but always interconnected, terms of Luhmann’s theory, where the central point for the
and, furthermore, this connection occurs by means of definition of communication is not the sharing of thoughts
the Web 2.0, which includes previously unthinkable data among participants but the presence of a situation of
sources. The participatory web invites users to generate double contingency. From this perspective I reconstruct
their own video, audio, and textual contents, which they communication with a partner who does not think, i.e. a
share with other users in blogs, social media, wikis, and machine or any device capable of producing surprising in-
on countless media sites. This multiplicity of spontaneous formation, and introduce the notion of virtual contingency
and uncontrolled contents, with their metadata, adds to to describe the situation in which a communication part-
institutional content and to the data provided by pervasive ner is confronted with his or her own contingency, revised
sensors (the Internet of Things) to generate the increasing and reflected in such a way as to simulate the conditions
mass (or cloud) of data available in digital format. of communication. The real novelty of communication
Availability of data, however, is not enough. Excess with self-learning algorithms, however, goes further: it is
of data has always been a difficulty. But recent program- an unprecedented condition in which machines parasiti-
ming techniques are able to obtain and process data in cally take advantage of the user participation on the web
ways that are vastly more efficient and can also turn into to develop their own ability to communicate competent-
advantages the problems that until now have hindered ly and informatively. These machines develop their own
the development of Artificial Intelligence projects, such contingency, which I describe in the final part of the pa-
as vagueness and messiness of data or the unpredictable per referring to the interplay between human capabilities
variety of contexts. Self-learning algorithms are able to and the “creativity” of algorithms. This can be observed in
work efficiently with data that not only are very numerous AlphaGo, the computing system programmed to play the
and complex, but also lack a structure recognizable to and ancient game of GO. In the conclusion, the question as to
understandable for human logic. Hence the recent (and whether the concept of communication can be extended
far from clear) discourse on Big Data (Crawford, Miltner to interaction with algorithms or whether a different con-
& Gray 2014), which departs more and more clearly from cept is needed remains open, but I claim that in any case
models analogous to individual mental processes. Data discussion on the subject of smart algorithms should refer
are social in their origin, and the processes elaborating to communicative double contingency rather than to the
them are often incomprehensible to human observers. psychological processes of human beings.
To address these developments, I argue that we need
an approach referring not to intelligence but directly to
communication. This requires a powerful and flexible
concept of communication, sufficiently independent of
2 Information without
individual psychological processes and able to take into understanding
account the cases where the partner is not (or cannot be) a
human being. Such a concept must refer to society, not to Discourses about Big Data are now ubiquitous but still
individuals or groups of individuals.7 I propose the theory very opaque. What is the real point? The practical achieve-
of social systems in Niklas Luhmann’s formulation as an ments are amazing: today machine learning systems are
adequate framework, with sufficient complexity to deal able to recognize images never encountered before, carry
with these issues  – although Luhmann himself did not on conversations about unknown topics, analyze medical
work specifically on communication with algorithms. data and formulate diagnoses, as well as anticipate the
In my argumentation I will first present the alleged Big behavior, the reasoning, and also the wishes of users. On
Data revolution, which I attribute to artificial reproduction the basis of Big Data we can (or will soon be able to) build
not of intelligence but of communication. Recent “smart” self-driving cars, translate live online phone calls from
algorithms, I will show, are efficient not because they have one language to another, and use digital assistants that
deliver the information we need at any given moment.
7 Marres and Gerlitz 2017 observe the need for a science of society
As several observers (e.g. Kitchin 2014), however,
as a consequence of the intensification of socio-technical infrastruc- claim at the theoretical level, it is not yet clear if and how
tures. Big Data is leading to a “computational turn in thought

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and research” (Boyd & Crawford 2012: 663), changing the tions and shortcuts. Now that computing capacity is vir-
very idea of data, information, and, finally, science and tually unlimited, this would be no longer necessary, as is
knowledge (Wagner-Pacifici et al. 2015). It cannot be just also the case with hypotheses and clever demonstrations.
a matter of quantity (bigger data), unless we can show “Correlation supersedes causation.” (Anderson 2008)
where and how quantity becomes quality. There is no need to know “why” you get a given result,
The premise is the process of “datification” (May- only “what” it is (Mayer-Schönberger & Cukier 2013: 7).
er-Schönberger & Cukier 2013: 73 ff.), which allows us to This interpretation is extremely controversial and has
express more and more phenomena in a quantified format been criticized under a number of aspects: data funda-
that can be analyzed and processed. Algorithms derive mentalism (Crawford, Miltner & Gray 2014), data fetishism
data from the information available on the web (texts, (Sharon & Zandbergen 2016), mythology and apophenia
documents, videos, blogs, files of all types) and from the (seeing patterns where none exists: boyd and Crawford
information provided by users: queries, recommenda- 2014: 668), reductionism (Kitchin 2014), opacity (Pasquale
tions, comments, chats. They are also able to extract data 2015), confusion between correlation and causality (Cowls
from information on information: the metadata that de- & Schroeder 2015; Floridi et al. 2016: 5), hidden bias
scribe content and properties of each document, such as (Gillespie 2014), and further ones as well. Here, however,
title, creator, subject, description, publisher, contributors, I am not interested in taking a position in this debate, but
type, format, identifier, source, language, and much more. in asking why the hypotheses about a radically new way of
Social media also allow us to datify emotional and rela- making sense of data are emerging right now and on what
tional aspects such as feelings, moods, and relationships basis this is happening. What aspects of the development
between people; and the Internet of Things can extract of digitization suggest a form of information processing
data from material entities like physical objects and spa- fundamentally different from scientific reasoning and in-
tial locations. We have many more data than in previous dependent of its structures?
times. Moreover, and most importantly, algorithms are The protagonists in this alleged revolution are algo-
able to use all these data for a variety of secondary uses rithms (Cardon 2015), whose advantage has always been
largely independent of the intent or of the original context that they do not require “creative” thought in their exe-
for which they were produced.8 cution (Davis 1958: xv). In algorithms, and in the digital
The consequence, according to some observers (first management of data that relies on them, the processing
Chris Anderson 2008 in an article that ignited a huge de- and mapping of data have nothing to do with understand-
bate) is that scientific reasoning as familiar to us, based on ing  – indeed, in many cases the claim that algorhithms
hypotheses to be tested and on the identification of caus- understand would be quite an obstacle. The machine has
al links, is becoming obsolete. When you have access to other ways to test the correctness of procedures. In the
all the data and enough computational power to analyze field of Big Data a certain “messiness” is a positive factor
it, hypotheses and explanations are no longer necessary. (Mayer-Schönberger & Cukier 2013: 33): imprecision and
You just go directly and see the results. These results are errors make the working of algorithms more flexible, and
not the conclusion from reasoning, but simply the iden- are neutralized by the increase in data. When the num-
tification of forms and patterns: the discovery of correla- ber of elements to be analyzed grows (to today’s incredi-
tions that disclose the meaning and the consequences of ble levels of petabytes and zettabytes) not only does per-
a phenomenon, regardless of any theory. This led Chris formance not get worse, but rather it gradually becomes
Anderson to the widely quoted (and widely criticized) more precise and reliable – though less and less compre-
statement that “with enough data, the numbers speak for hensible (Burrell 2016).
themselves.” (Anderson 2008)
According to this approach, when you can access all
data about a phenomenon (the statistical universe), there
is also no need for sampling and probabilistic procedures.
3 Artificial Communication
You can process the universe itself (n = all), looking for the
The communicative relevance of Big Data is a conse-
patterns computers extract from the ocean of data (Kelly
quence: we are facing a means of processing data (and
2008). Statistical procedures are seen as related to our lim-
managing information) that is different from human in-
ited computing capacity, which forces us to use simplifica-
formation processing and understanding – and this is the
root of the success of these technologies. Just as men were
8 See Cardon 2015 on algorithms working “below” the (surface of
first able to fly when they abandoned the idea of building
the) web.

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machines that flap their wings like birds,9 digital informa- text-producing algorithms “don’t reason like people in or-
tion processing only managed to achieve the results that der to write like people.” (Hammond 2015: 7) Examples
we see today when it abandoned the ambition to repro- can be multiplied from all areas in which algorithms are
duce in digital form the processes of the human mind. most successful. Algorithms competing with human play-
Since they do not try to imitate our consciousness, algo- ers in chess, poker, and Go do not have any knowledge of
rithms have become more and more able to act as compe- the games nor of the subtleties of human strategies (Sil-
tent communication partners, responding appropriately ver & Hassabis 2016).11 Recommendation programs using
to our requests and providing information that no human collaborative filtering know absolutely nothing about the
mind ever developed and that no human mind could re- movies, songs or books they suggest, and can operate as
construct.10 reliable tastemakers (Grossman 2010; Kitchin 2014: 4).
This is evident in practice but not always in the theo- Computer-based personality judgments work “automati-
ry. The metaphors used in the field of Big Data still retain cally and without involving human socio-cognitive skills.”
reference to the human mind and its processes. Indeed, (Youyou, Kosinski & Stillwell 2014: 1036)
the idea is very widespread that the recent procedures of One could say  – and this is the idea that I propose
“deep learning” are so effective because they are based on here  – that what these programs reproduce is not intel-
neural networks reproducing the functioning of the hu- ligence but rather communication. What makes algo-
man brain. As most researchers admit (Goodfellow et al. rithms socially relevant and useful is their ability to act as
2016: 15; Wolchover 2014), however, we still know very lit- partners in communication that produces and circulates
tle about the working of our brain, which makes the anal- information, independently of intelligence. Can we say
ogy quite curious: it can be seen as an orientation to lack that the web does not work with Artificial Intelligence but
of knowledge. If the machines no longer try to understand with a kind of Artificial Communication which provides
meanings as the human mind does, can we find a differ- our society with unforeseen and unpredictable informa-
ent, more fitting metaphor? tion?12 Maybe society as a whole becomes “smarter” not
The recent approach of Big Data is actually very dif- because it reproduces intelligence artificially, but because
ferent from the models of Artificial Intelligence (AI) of the it creates a new form of communication using data in a
1970s and 1980s, which aimed, by imitation or by analogy different way (Esposito 2013).
(“strong” and “weak” AI), at reproducing with a machine That the focus of the web is on communication rather
the processes of human intelligence. Now this is no longer than on intelligence is also confirmed by the rampant suc-
what the systems do, and some designers declare it explic- cess of the social media, which was not foreseen in any
itly: “We do not try and copy intelligence” (Solon 2012) – model of their evolution. The web today is characterized
that would be too heavy a burden. Translation programs by contacts, links, tweets, and likes more than by mean-
do not try to understand the documents and their design- ingful connections between content and between sites
ers do not rely on any theory of language (Boellstorff 2013). (Rogers 2013: 155; Vis 2013): it is driven by communica-
Algorithms translate texts from Chinese without knowing tion, not by human understanding.13 Every link (every
Chinese, and the programmers do not know it either. Spell act of communicative behavior) is treated as a like, and
checkers can correct typographical errors in any language “liking” and “being like” also have been equated (Seaver
because they do not know the languages nor their (always 2012). Everything that happens in the web becomes a fact
different) spelling rules. Digital assistants operate with and is used as a fact, having consequences and producing
words without understanding what the words mean, and information.

9 Using Hans Blumenberg’s metaphor (cf. Blumenberg 1957).

10 The idea of progressive autonomy from human performance is
not new: all media introduce a form of communication that in some
respect becomes autonomous from a direct coordination with human 11 The programmers of Libratus, the poker AI that defeated the best
processes: Luhmann 1997: 216 ff. In written communication it is not human players in January 2017, say that “it develops a strategy com-
necessary that the partners be present, with press and mass media it pletely independently from human play, and it can be very different
is not even required that they know anything about each other or that from the way humans play the game.” (cf. Metz 2017b)
they ever met. The reader produces his or her own communication, 12 Braun-Thürmann 2013 describes “Artificial Interaction” as the
with a rhythm, timing, and an order that can be quite different from cases in which technical artifacts are involved. I prefer to speak of
those of the source. The information that the receiver gets is more communication in order to highlight the relevance of web connection
and more independent of what the source had in mind. With algo- and Big Data.
rithms, however, apparently it is not even necessary that anyone ever 13 The very distinction between social facts and personal opinions
had in mind the information derived. seem to be fading (Latour 2007).

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4 Communication and thought munication exists not when somebody says something,17
but when somebody realizes that someone else said some-
If we move from referring to (artificial) consciousness thing. You can write entire books and make elaborate
to referring to (artificial) communication,14 however, we speeches, but if no one reads or listens, it is not plausible
must ask different questions. What kind of communica- to think that communication has come about. However,
tion is mediated by the web? Does it still make sense to if a receiver understands information that (according to
talk of communication when data processing is performed him or her) someone meant to utter, communication has
by a machine which does not understand the communi- taken place – whatever the information and whatever the
cated contents? Is it still communication, and with whom? source had (or did not have) in mind. Communication is
Obviously, the answers to these questions depend on the thus defined as a unit of three types of selection: of in-
concept of communication, which should be sufficiently formation, of utterance (Mitteilung), and of understanding
precise and powerful to cover all these cases. (ibid: 196).18
Here we can see the advantages of Luhmann’s theory, The power and improbability of this notion of com-
and the reason why I think that it is particularly appro- munication are related to the fact (which is fundamental
priate to deal with the innovative aspects of digital com- for our focus on algorithms) that it does not include the
munication. Most theories of communication assume that thoughts of the participants, hence in principle could
for communication to come about, the mental processes also involve participants who do not think (such as algo-
of the participants must converge on some common con- rithms). The fact that communication is independent of
tent. The partners must share the same thought, or at thought, however, does not mean that communication
least part of it, whether they agree about it or not. Even can proceed without the participation of thinking people.
when theories do not require the identity of information If no one listens and no one participates, communica-
(minus noise) in the sense of Shannon and Weaver and of tion doesn’t take place. Communication requires partici-
transmission models, at least they expect some identity pants who think; nevertheless, it is not dependent on or
in decoding meaning or interpretation. In the interaction made up of their thoughts. Conversely, you can know the
with machines, however, we are dealing with a situation thoughts of participants without knowing the meaning of
in which the communication partner is an algorithm that the ongoing communication.
does not understand the content, the meaning, or the in- The result is the paradox, often difficult to accept, of
terpretations, and works not despite, but because of this. total dependence on and total independence of communi-
The users cannot share any content with their interlocu- cation from consciousness, i.e. from the thoughts of par-
tor because the interlocutor does not have access to any ticipants (Luhmann 2002: 273). 19 In order for information
content. At issue here is whether communication comes to enter the communication circuit, an utterance by some-
about or not. Is this always an “aberrant” situation?15 How one must be understood. Natural phenomena do not in-
can one keep some control over the ongoing processes and duce communication if they are not observed and reported
adequately describe what is happening? by someone. Layers of rock are communicatively informa-
When we are dealing with a partner who does not tive only when a geologist who can interpret them speaks
think, the concept of communication in the theory of so- about them in class or writes an article (communicates)
cial systems has the great advantage of not being based about them and someone listens to his or her communica-
on psychological content and not requiring any sharing of tion or reads it. The same applies to bodies (a disease does
thoughts among the participants. Communication is de- not communicate if there isn’t someone interpreting and
fined starting not from the source, but from the receiver, communicating the symptoms) and to machines. In all
who can derive information different from what the utterer
had in mind.16 According to Luhmann (1984: 193 ff.), com-
17 Or writes, or broacasts, since the concept is not bound to oral
18 Strictly speaking, it should be specified that the understanding
14 As proposed also by Malsch and Schlieder 2004, who suggest de- included in the definition of communication has a social and not a
veloping Communication Oriented Modeling (COM) as an alternative psychic reference: it does not coincide with what the receiver un-
to Agent Oriented Modeling (AOM). derstands and thinks, but refers to the potential of meaning (Sinn)
15 In the sense of the “aberrant decoding” of semiotics (Eco and available to any possible participant in the communication, who can
Fabbri 1978). always understand it in a different way: cf. Luhmann 1988; 1997: 73.
16 The advantage has been observed also by Malsch and Schlieder 19 “Communication happens only through consciousness with the
2004, who propose replacing the usual “intentional stance” with a help of consciousness, so never operationally as consciousness”:
“receptional stance.” Luhmann 2002: 274.

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these cases, one communicates with the utterer, not with indicate the very specific situation in which both the re-
rocks or with bodies. In this sense, communication is to- ceiver and the source, who can always turn their attention
tally dependent on the presence of consciousness, which elsewhere,22 each refer to the contingency of the other.
must not only develop a thought, but also must be moti- Contingency is double not simply because there are two
vated to communicate it and to pay attention to what is be- contingent participants, but because each of them decides
ing said / written (which is not at all obvious). At the same what to do (or select) depending on what the other is do-
time communication remains independent of individual ing (selecting), and both know this.23 Double contingency
thoughts, because those who read the article by the geol- as reflected contingency is the defining condition of any
ogist don’t know his or her thoughts and may understand communicative event.
the text in a different way than intended.20 On the basis
of your individual perspective and your background, you
can draw from a communicative event information that
the utterer did not have in mind and perhaps doesn’t even
5 Communicating with a partner
know, yet which is a result of the communicative event. who does not think
And another person may understand the communication
in a different way. Basically every bit of information is dif- What if one participant is an algorithm that does not
ferent for every participant because we each understand think, does not intend, and does not have expectations?
everything from our idiosyncratic point of view (von Fo- What happens to double contingency? If we still want
erster 1970). Nevertheless we communicate – indeed, we to talk of communication we must include the case in
communicate precisely because of this. which there is only one person, facing a smart algorithm
Even if it is does not consist of people and of their that can participate in the communication. But in order
thoughts, communication as we know it so far (also as to be a communication partner this algorithm must oper-
distant communication conveyed by technologies like ate differently from a machine or a watch, from which we
print or television) normally requires the participation get information but with which we do not communicate.
of the consciousness of at least two persons who address Where is the difference? Are the defining elements of com-
their thoughts to it. There must be someone (or several munication still present? Do smart algorithms perform as
people) who for some reason listen(s) / read(s) / watch(es) a communicative partner thus providing the equivalent of
that someone else for some reason utters something (Luh- double contingency?
mann 1988). This distinguishes communication from sim- The entire issue of communication with machines and,
ple perception, including the perception of others and of if you want, what remains of the Turing test (Turing 1950),
their behavior. We get a lot of information by watching (or depend on the answers to these questions. What matters
otherwise analyzing) not only objects and living beings, is not whether the person is or is not aware that they are
but also the appearance and the behavior of humans; we dealing with a machine, because this now happens every
study plants and stones, machines and bodies; but we day and usually is not relevant. Today we all communicate
do not communicate with them. Communication comes with bots without knowing it (in online service, videog-
about when the observer not only learns something but ames, social media), and even when we know it, as with
also knows that someone is purposely saying (or writing, personal assistants, normally we do not care.24 What mat-
or somehow conveying) this something, i.e. when he or
she not only gets information but also knows that some- 22 They are contingent in the sense of modal theory. Something is
one wants to convey it. contingent when it is neither impossible nor necessary. It can exist or
This cannot be taken for granted, because everyone not exist, or exist otherwise: Esposito 2012.
can turn their attention wherever they want, and not every 23 In its “pure” form, double contingency produces the paradox of
circular mutual dependency: “I do what you want if you do what I
observation is a communication. Since Parsons, sociolo-
want.” (Luhmann 1984: 166) Who starts? In fact, normally there are
gy has spoken of a condition of double contingency21 to structures that orient behavior and solve the paralysis: someone
greets, nods, says something.
24 A test on WeChat (a popular messaging app in China) on May 29,
20 The theory of social systems speaks of “structural coupling” be- 2015 with the chatbot xiaoice showed that people generally don’t
tween communication and consciousness, using a term proposed by care whether they are chatting with a machine (Wang 2016). In a few
Humberto Maturana in biology. Cf. Luhmann 1997: 92 ff. weeks, xiaoice had become the 6th most active celebrity on Weibo and
21 The term was originally introduced by Parsons (Parsons & Shils had tens of billions of conversations with people, mostly about pri-
1951: 3-29), and later taken up by Luhmann 1984: 148 ff. Here I refer to vate matters. The experiment has been considered the largest Turing
Luhmann’s more abstract understanding of the term. test in history.

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256   Elena Esposito, Artificial Communication? The Production of Contingency by Algorithms

ters is whether the interaction with the machine has the Although erroneous from the point of view of the
features of communication with a contingent autonomous source, such borderline cases involve two human interloc-
partner. Otherwise, it is a form of perception of objects in utors, one of which may not be thinking about the ongoing
the environment, which can be extremely complex and communication, but, importantly, that person is thinking.
informative but with different assumptions and conse- The case is pointedly different in which the partner to
quences. For example, one can be interested in knowing whom the communication is attributed27 is not a human
how a machine-object (e.g. a watch) works and for what being and does not operate on the basis of thoughts, and
purposes, but does not get angry with the watch for being its partner knows this. Can we still speak of communica-
late nor care about understanding what it intends.25 And tion? How must a machine behave in order to be a commu-
especially one does not use its indeterminacy to structure nication partner?
one’s own, as happens in communication (which is a very There are precedents. Luhmann routinely communi-
important point for software programming strategy). cated with a nonhuman interlocutor, as he claims in the
In principle the conclusion cannot be excluded that article describing his communication with his much dis-
interaction with algorithms is communication, but this cussed box of file-cards (Zettelkasten: Luhmann 1981). But
must be specified. As we saw above, in a definition accord- this was a file-box built up over many decades on the ba-
ing to systems theory, communication does not consist of sis of a complex architecture of links and references. For
the thoughts of the participants, so theoretically it can also communication to come about, actually, it is not enough
include participants who do not communicate under the that the file-box provides the information that the user
condition that the recipient thinks they do.26 It is only re- recorded years before and now cannot remember. When
quired that the unit information-utterance-understanding you reflect on your thoughts you do not communicate with
is accomplished, i.e. that the recipient understands spe- yourself, not even if the thoughts are reproduced at a lat-
cific information related to the communicative intention er date (Luhmann 1985). There is no double contingency
of the counterparty in that event. Not only does the recip- and no production of specific information in the commu-
ient understand the information, he or she also knows (or nication act. But Luhmann’s Zettelkasten was structured
thinks) that it was uttered by the partner, and that it could in such a complex way that it could produce authentic
be different (contingent). For example, if someone waves surprises and did not simply act as a container (Behälter),
their hand to chase away a fly but someone watching them allowing the author to retrieve what he once put in it. The
thinks that they wanted to say good-bye, communication information “produced” in the act of communication was
comes about, even if the alleged source had something the result of a query (Anfrage), which activated the inter-
else in mind. Or if a reader thinks that the shopping list nal network of references, and it was different from what
written by Montale, who only wanted to write a memo and had been stored by Luhmann in his notes (Luhmann 1981:
did not intend to communicate anything to anyone, is a 59). Of course, the archive is not contingent in the sense of
poem and interprets it and comments on it in this sense, autonomously deciding what to do and not to do; yet it is
a communication will have come about in the world and perceived by the user as unpredictable, informative, and
have consequences, no matter what Montale may have reacting to the specific requests of its partner. The answers
meant. The thoughts of the utterer are not part of the com- Luhmann got as a result of his query did not exist before
munication, and the receiver cannot access them anyway. his quest. In such cases the added value of communica-
If some information related to his or her behavior is under- tion is present since, as Luhmann himself experienced,
stood and produces further communication (if the receiver the file-box acts as a communication partner.28 Commu-
resumes contact with the person who greeted him or her
or talks with others about their meeting, or if one writes an
article about Montale’s poem) communication has taken
27 Or “addressed,” in the words of Fuchs 1997.
28 In this case, however, presumably only for Luhmann. Luhmann’s
25 This is not a question of interpretation in the sense of the tradi- box of file-cards communicates with Luhmann and with nobody else.
tion of hermeneutics, from Schleiermacher onwards. In the words of This does not rule out the possibility that others can consult the files
observation theory, it is not a second-order observation (Luhmann for communication purposes, as the long-term project (2015–2030)
1990). “Niklas Luhmann – A Passion for Theory. Publishing His Literary Es-
26 Someone chooses a behavior that communicates the information. tate and Making It Accessible for Research” at the University of Biele-
“This can be done intentionally or unintentionally.” (Luhmann 1988: feld assumes (cf. Schmidt 2017). But these readers communicate with
195) Luhmann through the box, not with the box itself.

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nication has occurred although no one would think of the of the users, and how this contingency is controlled in the
archive as a person.29 communication process.
In Luhmann’s reflections in the article mentioned, Contingency means that there are open possibilities,
this form of communication is not particularly problem- therefore selection and a certain level of uncertainty. Al-
atic.30 In most cases there are actually two or more people gorithms by definition do not know uncertainty, because
participating in communication, and the reduction to a they proceed without making decisions and without cre-
single individual is the exception. Cases such as these, in ativity, merely following the instructions that program
which the recipient mistakenly attributes to the source the their behavior. This is their strength and the reason why
intention to communicate, must be rare, because beyond they can operate efficiently and reliably. Algorithms and
a certain threshold it is very difficult to coordinate such traditional machines can be informative, like a watch that
cases of one-sided communication. Exceptions notorious- tells us something we did not know before (the time), but
ly prove the rule, but they must remain exceptions. Today, the information is not uncertain or unpredictable. Differ-
however, with more widespread communication via algo- ent watches all indicate the same time if they work prop-
rithms, this kind of case seems to occur more often and in erly. As von Foerster (1985: 129) observed, if a traditional
a much more complex way. Think about digital personal machine becomes unpredictable we do not think that it is
assistants like Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, Microsoft’s creative or original, we think that it is broken.
Cortana, etc. or about the many cases of conversations The dilemma faced by the designers of smart algo-
with social bots. Through interaction with algorithms, us- rithms, on the contrary, is how to build machines which
ers get a lot of information that, in many cases, did not are surprising but useful, i.e. how to program and control
exist before they formulated their query and is different the production of appropriate and informative surprises.
from what other human beings entered in the sources and An algorithm that works perfectly (i.e. is not broken) pro-
databases. Are these users then communicating with al- duces a contingent outcome. Cozmo, a real-life toy robot
gorithms? based on a series of machine-learning algorithms,32 is
“programmed to be unpredictable” (Pierce 2016a), but
also to be responsive and fun. Social algorithms not only

6 Virtual contingency provide information but respond appropriately to user re-

quests, producing new and relevant information. The par-
adoxical purpose of programming intelligent algorithms is
Algorithms are not human and do not want to be human.
to build unpredictable machines in a controlled way. The
But the discriminating factor, as we saw, is not whether
goal is to control the lack of control (Esposito 1997).
the utterer is a person but whether there is double contin-
In some cases the contingency of the machine is sim-
gency, which has up to now normally required the partici-
ply the projection of the contingency of the user. This hap-
pation of two people. The question we must address is not
pens with the robotic toys studied by Sherry Turkle (2011),
whether algorithms are people and not even whether they
which function as communication partners because chil-
are perceived as people, but whether in the interaction
dren or elderly people interacting with them project onto
with algorithms a condition of double contingency arises
them their own contingency. This has always happened
in which each partner is oriented towards the indetermi-
with dolls and puppets, with which children play as if the
nacy of his or her counterparty and specific information
toys understand and respond to their behavior. The perfor-
is produced.31 We must ask whether and how algorithms
mance of robotic toys, which allows them to be more fun
can become contingent and hence reflect the contingency
than traditional dolls, is not their ability to understand
but their ability to “perform understanding” (ibid: 26) in
29 What is lacking is evidently motivation. Here the utterance is sep- an elaborate and seemingly reactive way. Algorithms al-
arated from the intention to communicate. The archive responds to
low the machine to react to the behavior of the user, and
the queries of the questioner, but does not “want” to communicate
anything. On the difference between the “classic” concept of commu- this in turn allows the user to project onto the machine
nication and a possible new form of communication with algorithms, his or her own contingency and meanings more efficiently
see below § 7.
30 The article describing it is presented as a kind of joke and partly
as a provocation.
31 According to Luhmann, 1997: 304, it is an open question “wheth-
er work or play with computers can be conceived as communication; should change the concept of communication and how, if one want-
whether for example the feature of double contingency is present on ed to include this case.”
both sides. Therefore it also remains an open question whether one 32 https://anki.com/en-us/cozmo

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258   Elena Esposito, Artificial Communication? The Production of Contingency by Algorithms

than in the interaction with a mute doll (ibid: 39–40).33 A as if they were somewhere else, thereby making it possible
toy behaves differently depending on what the user does, to see them from a different perspective. The observer can
making it easier for the user to interpret its behavior as see the objects simultaneously from two different points
communication. An algorithmically driven machine does of view, from the front and from the back, and see things
not give an intelligent answer; it only gives an answer that he or she could not see otherwise. But the objects remain
may become intelligent for the user.34 what they are and are not duplicated. Only the perspec-
A surrogate of double contingency is produced be- tives are duplicated. The observer notices this when he or
cause the user faces his or her own contingency in an she observes him- or herself in a mirror: he or she can see
externalized and elaborated form, and interprets it as how others see them, and this can be very useful and even
communication – somehow like Luhmann in his alleged surprising,36 but the image by itself does not behave sur-
communication with his Zettelkasten. In both cases the prisingly or unexpected, and certainly not independently.
interlocutor (the file-box, the robotic toy) has a sufficient- The observer interacts with him- or herself, not with an-
ly complex structure for the interaction to produce infor- other observer.
mation different from what the user already knows, and Something similar occurs with the reflection of con-
this information is attributed to the partner. The user com- tingency in the interaction with robotic toys. Consequent-
municates with the machine even if the machine does not ly, we can speak of the virtualization of contingency. The
communicate with the user. interaction is meaningful because it produces information
It is not only children who do this, and it does not that did not exist previously, neither for the user nor for
happen only in interaction with anthropomorphic or the machine. But this contingency is the result of the du-
animal-like devices, such as the robotic seals and dogs plication of the perspective of the user, who observes his
studied by Turkle. Various experiments show that people, or her own contingency from a different perspective. The
without realizing it, deal with computers as if they were observers are not duplicated, what is duplicated is the per-
real people (Nass & Yan 2010). For example they evalu- spective of the same observer. No authentic reflected (and
ate the work of the computer in more positive terms if the unpredictable) double contingency is produced between
assessment is done on the same computer; it is as if they two communicating parties. What is doubled is the contin-
did not want to offend it. These dynamics, however, have gency of a single observer interacting with him- or herself
rather restrictive limits. The user encounters information as if they were someone else. But two cases of simple con-
he or she already has, but gets the opportunity to observe tingency do not make up double contingency. In this inter-
it from a different perspective. This can produce addition- action the observer can certainly acquire information that
al information if the user is able to grasp it, but this is not he or she could not get otherwise, can have fun and find
really a different perspective. One observes one’s own company, but does not face the variety and unpredictabil-
perspective from another angle and does not observe the ity of a truly different perspective, as in communication.
perspective of someone else. Smart algorithms, however, go further, and do some-
The results can be complex and rewarding. Contin- thing different and more enigmatic than robotic toys.37
gency is multiplied because it can be observed from the When users interact with an algorithm capable of learning
outside. The user experiences a kind of “virtualization” of (maybe unsupervised: Russell & Norvig 2003: 763 f.; Etzi-
his or her own contingency, as observed in a mirror that oni 2016), they face a contingency that is not their own –
generates a virtual image.35 The independent object that even though it does not belong to the machine. They do
you see in the mirror does not exist where the image is: not observe themselves from a different perspective, they
you cannot touch, manipulate, or modify it. You cannot face someone else’s perspective. The machine in this case
enter the mirror. The image, however, is not an illusion: is not only behaving in such a way as to allow users to
if there is nothing to reflect, no virtual image is produced think that it communicates, it actually produces informa-
(Esposito 1995). The mirror shows the image of objects that tion from a different perspective. The perspective that the
really exist, but not where they seem to be. It shows them machine presents is still a reflected perspective because
the algorithm inevitably does not know contingency, but
33 This is also true in the case of refined robots like Cozmo. “It’s up to it is not the perspective of the user. The algorithm reflects
the humans playing with them to provide creativity” (Pierce 2016a). and represents the perspective of other observers, and us-
34 The basic issue in video-game design, for example, is “creating
the illusion of intelligence (…) rather than creating true intelligence.”
(Dill 2013, pp. 3–4) 36 And full of consequences, as Narcissus (and Lacan) show.
35 On virtualization of sense references in cyberspace, see Thie- 37 Obviously robots that utilize forms of machine learning fall into
decke 2013. this category.

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ers observe through the machine a re-elaboration of other whom, disregarding completely the content of the pages
users’ observations. themselves (ibid: 15). To appropriately decide the ranking
of pages in responding to users’ requests, the system uses
information that is external to the Web pages and refers

7 Googlization rather to what other users have done in their previous ac-
tivity. In other words, to decide which pages are import-
ant PageRank does not go and see what they say and how
Where does the algorithm find the contingency it must
they say it, but looks at how often they were linked to and
reflect? How does it access the external perspectives it
by whom. PageRank is based on the number of backlinks
elaborates and presents to its users? To be able to act as
to the pages (how many times they have been pointed to
communication partners, algorithms must be on the web
by other websites) and on their importance, according to
(Hardy 2016). Artificial communication would not be pos-
the model of scholarly referees – where the “importance”
sible without the web, as smart and sophisticated as algo-
of backlinks depends on how many links they have. The
rithms can be. Actually the issue of communication with
definition of relevance is openly circular: “a page has high
algorithms emerged when algorithms were connected to
rank if the sum of the ranks of its backlinks is high” (ibid:
the web. The path-breaking effect of Web 2.0 (and pre-
3), including both the case of a page with many not par-
sumably of Web 3.0) is not so much customization as the
ticularly authoritative backlinks and that of a page with a
inclusion and exploitation of virtual contingency, which
few highly linked backlinks.
parasitically “feeds” on contributions by the users and
The genius of PageRank lies in completely giving up
uses them actively to increase its own complexity – and
understanding what the page says and relying solely on
also the complexity of communication. Apparently we can
the structure and the dynamics of communication. Goo-
communicate with algorithms experiencing an (artificial)
gle’s creators do not even try to come up with a great or-
form of unpredictability and reflection – or, if you will, of
ganizational scheme for the web based on experienced
double contingency.
and competent consultants, as did the competing search
The symbol of this approach is Google, and this is also
engines from Altavista to Yahoo. They do not try to under-
the reason for its huge success. The breakthrough came in
stand and not try to build an algorithm that understands.
1998 with the introduction of link analysis after the spread
“Instead, they got everyone else to do it for them” (Grim-
of the world wide web, which had then existed for almost
melmann 2009: 941) when surfing the net and making
10 years (Langville & Meyer 2006: 4 ff.). Earlier informa-
connections. Content came into play later, as a result of
tion retrieval was a search in a limited, non-linked, and
the classification and not as a premise. Google uses the
static collection of documents. Organization and catego-
links to learn not only how important a page is, but also
rization of information were entrusted to specialists such
what it is about. If the links to a given page use a certain
as librarians, journal editors, or experts in various fields.
sentence, the system infers that the sentence accurately
Link analysis, in contrast, is based on the web and intro-
describes that page and takes this into account for later
duces a form of information retrieval that has become
searches. The algorithm is designed to apprehend and
huge, dynamic (unlike traditional documents, web pages
reflect the choices made by the users (Gillespie 2014). It
are constantly changing their content), hyperlinked, but
activates a recursive loop in which the users use the algo-
above all self-organized. The structure is decided not by
rithm to get the information, their research modifies the
experts but by the dynamics of the web. And it is incom-
algorithm, and the algorithm then impinges on their sub-
parably more efficient.
sequent searches for information. What the programmers
It was a radical conceptual turn adopted in the design
design is only the algorithm’s ability to self-modify. What
of the algorithm PageRank by Google, which thus “in-
the algorithm selects and how, depends on how the users
vented” the Internet as we know it today (Metz 2012). Its
use it.
authors, and later owners of the company, described it in
The system has been developed in order to take into
a 1999 article (Page at al.)38 as exploiting the link struc-
account not only popularity but also other factors such as
ture of the web as a large hypertext system. The key in-
users click behavior, reading time, or patterns of query re-
sight was to determine which pages are important and for
formulation (Granka 2010: 367). As Google declares in the
InsideSearch pages of its website,39 today algorithms rely
38 Interestingly, the third author, with Larry Page and Sergey Brin, is
Terry Winograd, who, a decade earlier, wrote, together with Fernan-
do Flores, one of the reference texts for a communication-oriented 39 Cf. Google, at: https://www.google.com/insidesearch/​
approach to artificial intelligence: cf. Winograd & Flores 1986. howsearchworks (accessed on July 17, 2016).

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260   Elena Esposito, Artificial Communication? The Production of Contingency by Algorithms

on more than 200 signals and clues referring to “things lects the information relevant for the ongoing communica-
like the terms in websites, the freshness of content, your tion, but the criteria that guide this selection by programs
region.” The company has produced a Knowledge Graph do not serve to orient understanding. The real innovation
that provides a semantic connection between the various in the communication with algorithms is that understand-
entities and allows for more rapid and appropriate re- ing is no longer oriented to the meaning of an utterance.41
sponses, also including information and answers no one As Sherry Turkle remarks (2011: 55), what you lose
had previously thought of (Hamburger 2012). The “intelli- talking with a bot or a robot as a communication partner
gence” of the system derives from the use of the previous is alterity, “the ability to see the world through the eyes of
web activity and from the sources of information available another.” Algorithms do not act as alter egos, and if you
on the web and from Wikipedia to databases of common communicate with an algorithm you do not communicate
knowledge in order to give people what they are looking with an alter ego. You do not observe how another (like
for even if they do not know what this is. As John Gianan- yourself) observes, you observe through the algorithm
drea, Director of Engineering at Google, declares, when, what others also can observe in communication.42
for example, one is looking for Einstein on Google, “We’re Nevertheless, in maintaining all the differences be-
not trying to tell you what’s important about Einstein  – tween interaction with algorithms and interaction with
we’re trying to tell you about what humanity is looking for human beings,43 we could conceive of this as a new form
when they search.” The intelligence of the system is still of communication. The user receives a contingent re-
the intelligence of the users that the algorithm exploits to sponse that reacts to his or her contingency and does not
direct and organize its behavior. just reflect his or her indeterminacy. The algorithm makes
Google has become the symbol of an approach that selections and choices based on criteria that are not ran-
can be found in all successful projects on the web. Since dom, but that the user does not know and need not know.
2003 the term “googlization” (Rogers 2013: 83ff) has been The algorithm reflects and elaborates the indeterminacy
introduced to describe the spread in more and more appli- of all participants, and each user faces the contingency of
cations and contexts of a model that does not rely on tra- all the others, which is infinitely surprising and informa-
ditional status makers like editors or experts, but “feeds” tive. It is still virtual contingency, but reflected in a mirror
on the dynamics of the web to organize its operations and in which everyone sees not him- or herself but the other
even itself. The web is guided by a “googlization of every- observers communicating – generating a kind of “virtual
thing” (Vaidhyanathan 2011), which takes advantage of double contingency.” They do not communicate with him
the operations performed by users to produce a condition or her, but the result is the answer to the user’s specific
in which “Google works for us because it seems to read our questions and would not exist if they weren’t asked. The
minds” (ibid: 51), but actually does not need to do this. success of Google and of the models that adopt the same
What it does is use the results of our minds to give direc- strategy is due to this: apparently their algorithms com-
tions, and then produce information that none of us had municate with users and are able to do so precisely be-
in mind. cause they do not try to understand content. They do not
Google, and all systems that work in the same way, artificially reproduce intelligence, but do directly engage
feed on the information provided by users to produce oth- in communication.
er information which it introduces into the communica-
tion circuit.40 It is this information that users, if they are
able to understand it, get from the interaction with algo-
rithms, and that cannot be attributed to anything except
the algorithms. In the communication with algorithms, it
does not make sense to refer to the perspective of those
who entered the data because they could not know how
the data would be used, and it makes no sense to refer 41 “The unity of utterance (Mitteilung) and understanding is aban-
to what the algorithm intends because it did not intend doned”: Luhmann 1997: 309 – even if both are still required in any
anything. Constraints and orientation do not depend on communication.
intentions but on programs, which are normally inacces- 42 According to Luhmann (2002: 314), “One is first-order observer
sible (Luhmann 2002: 143). The utterance (Mitteilung) se-
43 The result is not a form of “hybridization” (Hayles 2012) because
the working of algorithms relies on the ability to process psychic con-
40 Luhmann 1997: 118: “we can regard as likely that computers will tingency in their own forms, i.e. on the difference and not the mixture
allow for other forms of structural coupling.” of human and digital processes.

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8 What algorithms learn and in the end is told which results are satisfactory (Rus-
sell and Norvig 2003: 763 f.; Etzioni 2016). You do not teach
If this is still communication, we are dealing with a form the machine to do things (as in supervised learning). The
of artificial communication. By artificial I mean not only machine makes random moves, as if it tried to play a game
that it was produced by someone because obviously all without knowing the rules, and after a number of attempts
communication is artificial in this sense.44 By artificial you tell it whether it has won or lost (reinforcement). You
communication I mean communication that involves do not teach the algorithm the moves and not even the
an entity, the algorithm, which has been built and pro- rules, but, as shown by the much-discussed competitions
grammed by someone to act as a communication partner. in chess or GO, it can be enabled to defeat the most qual-
It is artificial because you communicate with the product ified champions. The algorithm uses reinforcements to
of someone without communicating with the person who calculate in its own way an evaluation function that indi-
produced it.45 cates which moves to make – without making predictions,
What is artificial is the perspective of the partner that without a game strategy, without “thinking,” and with-
is produced by the algorithm starting from the perspectives out imagining the perspective of the counterparty. As the
of web users. The algorithm uses them to create a different programmers of AlphaGo, the computing system built by
perspective, one that becomes that of the communication Google to play GO, say: “our goal is to beat the best human
partner with whom users interact. It succeeds in doing so players, not just to mimic them” (Silver & Hassabis 2016).
if it learns to learn by itself, i.e. to develop a practice of The machine does not reason like human beings and in its
unsupervised learning, in which the algorithm does not behavior there is nothing to understand.48 AlphaGo does
learns what others teach. Instead it decides autonomously not plan what to do depending on the opponent’s moves,
what to learn and what to communicate.46 Unsupervised but calculates and decides while playing. The program-
learning, however, is predictably rather enigmatic, as the mers themselves do not understand the “reasoning” of the
classic communicative paradox of the Palo Alto school algorithm. When they tell it that something is “wrong,”
(Watzlawick, Beavin & Jackson 1962) has it: “be sponta- they merely signal that there is an error, without telling
neous,” or be creative. But how can you teach creativity, what it is and without even knowing what it is.
i.e., how can you program learning without knowing what In interaction with users, a learning algorithm gathers
the student-machine has to learn? This is not the classic a lot of reinforcements of this kind from the behavior of
educational problem of teaching to learn (Luhmann & people: if they accept the result, if they click, if they go
Schorr 1979: 85), teaching a methodology and not content. on searching. It then uses them to direct its own behavior,
Here not only do you not know what, you do not even which becomes more and more refined. AlphaGo and oth-
know how the algorithm is supposed to learn, because it er game algorithms learn via self-play, refining their skills
does not reproduce human capabilities. The power of the using a trial and error process (Schölkopf 2015; Mnih et al.
algorithm relies on operating differently. 2015). The system is trained with data from a server that
In practice, unsupervised learning is realized as rein- allows people to play against each other on the Internet.
forcement learning,47 in which the algorithm works freely The players are all amateurs and the skills acquired are
rather coarse, but the program enormously refines them in
playing millions of games against itself. The system learns
44 And obviously many communications involve humanly con-
structed (i.e. artificial) entities (ANT’s socio-technical devices: for
“not just from human moves, but from moves generated
example Callon 2004), but not as communication partners. Malsch by multiple versions of itself.” (Metz 2016a) In this process
1997 speaks of Artificial Societies as a provocation. of “self-supervised learning” (Etzioni et al. 2006) the algo-
45 All social objects are constructed, hence not natural, but this rithm becomes incomparably better than the players from
does not mean that in using them one communicates. You don’t com-
municate with the maker of a corkscrew when you understand how
it works, and you don’t communicate with the corkscrew itself (Eco and ask the machine to find a particular configuration, letting “data
2012). You can communicate through objects, as in the case of works speak” (Amoore & Piotukh 2015: 351). Actually, however, there are al-
of art or design, and of course in the case of books – but then you ways too many results that fit the data, most of which are irrelevant.
communicate with the author. The object is artificial, not the com- One must therefore choose, deciding which results are valuable and
munication. will be used (Agrawal 2003; Agrawal at al. 1993). If the operations
46 The algorithm itself is quite general: it can learn to solve any proceed, the selection itself is a form of reinforcement, of the com-
possible problem, from playing Go to controlling the parameters of a municative sort.
cooling system in order to improve fuel efficiency (Taylor 2016). 48 The features in the high-dimensional space of the algorithm have
47 Strictly speaking there is a difference because real unsupervised no human interpretation: they are just the values of the hidden nodes
learning is used when you do not even know what you are looking for in a network that was trained for a task: Taylor 2016.

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which it learned, who would not be able to understand cesses can also be the result of the interaction of human
its moves. It can learn how to win at GO or at videogames beings with the algorithm.
and can learn to give satisfactory answers to user requests,
but it does not learn anything about the world, about the
users, or about the issues it deals with. It only learns about
itself (Hammond 2015: 27).
9 Conclusion
The algorithm does not become more informed or
Even and especially if the algorithm is not an alter ego,
more intelligent; it just learns to work better. But thereby
does not work with a strategy, and does not understand
it can produce increasingly complex communication with
its counterpart, in interaction with machines human us-
its users, who can learn unknown things about the world
ers can learn something that no one knew before or could
and about themselves. Communication becomes more
have imagined, which changes their way of observing.
effective, and new information is produced. “A lot of sit-
People learning to learn from machines increases the com-
uations where you invoke machine learning, are because
plexity of communication in general. In the case of GO it
you do not really understand what the system should do”
was the game strategy, but the same mechanisms have
(Michael Warner, a robotic CMU researcher, quoted in
been applied in designing other social algorithms.51
Pierce 2016a), but you can learn it from the working of the
This is what sociological theory should be able to
machine itself.
deal with. Whether one decides that interaction with al-
We can learn from communication with algorithms.
gorithms is a specific form of communication and that the
An example is the already legendary move 37 in the game
concept of communication should be amended according-
of March 2016 between Lee Sedol, one of the world’s top
ly or one decides that algorithms are not communication
GO players, and AlphaGo. The move has been described
partners, what matters is to adequately describe the de-
by all observers as absolutely surprising. “It was not a
velopment of digital communication. We must be able to
human move” and couldn’t have come to the mind of any
show how interaction with algorithms affects the commu-
human being (Metz 2016c). It was actually produced by
nication of society in general (Luhmann 1997: 304) and to
an algorithm that does not have a mind, but is the move
provide insights that can help to direct the work of those
that allowed it to win the game and then the encounter.
who program and build algorithms.
Looking back later, GO players found the move absolutely
In more and more areas, reference to intelligence does
beautiful and brilliant and used it to rethink their game
not help, be they cases in which things are communicat-
strategies, dramatically improving them  – they started
ing (e.g. the Internet of Things) or cases in which commu-
to learn.49 Following this revision, Lee Sedol himself pro-
nication is treated as a thing (e.g. Digital Humanities). The
duced the celebrated highly unlikely (1 in 10,000) move 78
scenario of the Internet of Things (IoT) involves a network
(“The Touch of God”) in the 4th game with AlphaGo, the
that connects machines, people, and real world objects
only one he actually won (Metz 2016b; Taylor 2016).
interacting with one another as people do in the web to-
The player defeated the algorithm by re-elaborating
day (Höller et al. 2014). The idea is that objects can com-
with human skills a move that no human could devise.
municate with objects and people in the same way that
It is likely that the algorithm will now also incorporate
people communicate with other people, extending enor-
move 78 in its range of possibilities and will also learn to
mously the boundaries and forms of possible interactions.
manage it and its consequences,50 but it would not have
At the same time, and conversely, a new form of algorith-
been able to do this without the human intervention that
mic reading seems to be emerging (Hayles 2012: 46; Sneha
devised it – and, in fact, the algorithm lost that game. No
2014; Kirschenbaum 2007) where texts are treated not as
algorithm, however high its self-learning ability, can gen-
communication but as objects.52 A set of algorithms pro-
erate possibilities that are not implicit in the data supplied
(Etzioni 2016). No algorithm can independently generate
contingency, but the contingency that the algorithm pro- 51 “Because the methods we have used are general purpose ones,
our hope is that one day they could be extended to help us address
some of society’s toughest and most pressing problems.”(Silver and
49 Ke Jie, a Chinese grandmaster who met AphaGo in a match in May Hassabis 2016) Actually the techniques developed in AlphaGo are
2017, explicitly declared that the algorithm changed the way the top presently being used in a multiplicity of applications in which robots
masters play the game, making moves that are reminiscent of Alpha- interact with humans (Metz 2017a).
Go’s own style (Mozur 2017). 52 The fact that this kind of processing is called reading can be
50 AlphaGo actually also won the three-match series against Ke Jie traced back to the debate around the distinction between close read-
in May 2017. ing and distant reading, as originated by Moretti (2005).

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