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Continuing Medical Education

in Child Sexual Abuse
Cognitive Gains but Not Expertise
Ann S. Botash, MD; Anne E. Galloway, RN; Trish Booth, MA; Robert Ploutz-Snyder, PhD;
Jamie Hoffman-Rosenfeld, MD; Linda Cahill, MD

Objective: Describe the effect of an educational inter- Results: Sixty-four participants completed pre- and post-
vention on medical provider knowledge and compe- tests. The average posttest score (26.9/30, SD=4.13) was
tency regarding child sexual abuse. significantly higher (P⬍.001) than the average pretest
score (20.4/30, SD=1.65). More than half (59.4%) of pro-
Design: Using a before and after trial design with an edu- viders did not correctly interpret the exam findings, 28.1%
cational intervention, the study assesses knowledge did not correctly reassure the child and family, and 39.1%
changes in specific content areas and describes a postin- did not indicate an appropriate understanding of the le-
tervention competency assessment. gal implications.

Setting/Participants: Voluntary participation of prac- Conclusions: Motivated medical providers demon-

ticing medical providers and pediatric residents. strated significant knowledge gains regarding the evalu-
ation of child sexual abuse following participation in the
Intervention: Completion of a self-study, case-based, educational program. This new knowledge was not
published learning curriculum on child sexual abuse, enough to provide competency in the interpretation of
including a workbook and videotaped genital exami- genital findings or in offering legal advocacy to the fami-
nations. lies. Competence in these areas may in fact represent the
domain of experts, not primary care providers, and fur-
Main Outcome Measures: Pre- and postinterven- ther studies are needed to determine how much experi-
tion multiple choice and short answer (30 questions) ence is necessary to provide competency in these areas.
test results as well as a written response to a clinical
case scenario. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2005;159:561-566

HERE ARE FEW STUDIES OF maltreatment. However, a more compre-
effective educational inter- hensive approach that includes interview-
ventions for teaching child ing techniques, mental health issues, child
sexual abuse medical evalu- development, prevention, treatment, and
ations. Active interven- legal aspects is necessary.7
tions, such as use of standardized docu- We present a comprehensive educa-
mentation forms, chart reviews with tional intervention for generalist pediat-
feedback, and peer review have met with ric providers. This published, standard-
some success.1-3 Continuing medical edu- ized curriculum is based on recommended
cation has been an accepted strategy for adult learning strategies, including self-
ongoing learning once medical providers assessment of learning needs, interactive
have left the structured educational ven- activities, sequenced learning modules, and
ues of medical school and is intended to recommended resources.8 This program
improve medical provider knowledge and presents evidence-based medicine through
lead to improved patient outcomes. Self- common-case examples to incrementally
Author Affiliations: State study modules for emergency medicine build knowledge in 4 core areas of child
University of New York, Upstate physicians have been shown to be an ef- sexual abuse: process, history, physical
Medical University, Syracuse
ficient and effective method of delivering exam, and legal issues. This intervention
(Drs Botash and Ploutz-Snyder,
Mss Galloway and Booth); continuing medical education on child assumes that the participants are already
Child Protection Center, abuse.4 Faculty-dependent educational in- able to recognize when to report child
Children’s Hospital at terventions are difficult to replicate.5,6 Most sexual abuse. The course was developed
Montefiore, Bronx, NY programs focus on limited content areas for the provider who is interested in a more
(Drs Rosenfeld and Cahill). such as recognition and reporting of child comprehensive education, learning how to


©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

manage the patient beyond reporting. The program as- The pretest included demographic data collection: type of
sists providers in the following basic evaluations: how practitioner (physician, nurse practitioner, nurse, physician as-
to perform an exam for child sexual abuse without tam- sistant, or resident); training (pediatrics, family medicine, gen-
pering with evidence, correctly document findings, pre- eral medicine, internal medicine, or other); affiliation (com-
munity hospital, university hospital/medical school, practice,
vent further physical or emotional trauma, offer reassur-
or other); previously performed sexual abuse evaluations (yes/
ance, address legal issues and refer to a medical expert no); acknowledgment of prior education or training in child
in child sexual abuse. We report the recruitment effort, sexual abuse (yes/no); worked with someone who was a foren-
the effect of the self-study course on medical provider sic expert in child sexual abuse (yes/no); and owned a copy or
child sexual abuse knowledge, and results of a post- had access to a copy of the New York state Child and Adoles-
course assessment of competency. cent Sexual Offense Medical Protocol10 (yes/no). This protocol
is no longer in print but was sent by mail to all medical pro-
viders in New York state in 1996, prior to the course imple-

There were 2 groups of subjects, practicing medical providers To assess cognitive gains from the intervention, we submitted
and residents. The medical providers were recruited through CHAMP completers’ pre- and posttest data to a repeated mea-
marketing at local conferences and referrals from advocacy cen- sures analysis of variance, setting ␣ to reject the null hypoth-
ters (1999-2002). They included physicians, physician assis- esis of no knowledge gain to .05. The statistical model was a
tants, nurse practitioners, and nurses. Pediatric residents from 2⫻3 (time[pre⫻post] ⫻practitioner type) mixed-model analy-
State University of New York, Upstate Medical University, Syra- sis of variance. This analysis was conducted on overall knowl-
cuse, and Children’s Hospital at Montefiore, Bronx, NY, were edge and 4 knowledge subscore data.
given the opportunity to voluntarily use the program. Posttest competency data (essay scores) were submitted to
a 1-way analysis of variance comparing competency among the
INTERVENTION 3 types of practitioners described above, again setting critical
␣ as .05. Competency was not assessed prior to the course.
The Child Abuse Medical Provider (CHAMP) Program con- The Institutional Review Board at the State University of New
sisted of course materials published in Evaluating Child Sexual York, Upstate Medical University approved this study.
Abuse: Education Manual for Child Sexual Abuse Medical Profes-
sionals.9 These materials used case studies and a question and
answer format designed to facilitate self-paced learning by
building each case on previously learned concepts. An accom-
panying videotape provided approximately 10 minutes of geni- SUBJECTS
tal examination findings, highlighting normal variations of the
hymen. Of the total 189 providers who participated in the course,
The program is in a workbook format and relevant supple- 6 were eliminated from the data because of missing prac-
mental materials are referenced. Successful completion re- titioner identifying information. A total of 64 medical pro-
quires the learner to actively participate in the learning pro-
cess through self-assessment with questions and answers
viders completed both a pre- and posttest, including 30
regarding a series of cases. The program uses principles of adult physicians, 24 physician extenders, and 10 pediatric resi-
learning including listing of objectives and key points, re- dents. The main study sample included these 64 provid-
cency and primacy, digestible pieces of information, feedback ers who completed the CHAMP course.
through self-examination, and overlearning through repeti- Table 1 shows subject characteristics and baseline
tion on sequential cases.7 Completion of the entire manual (240 knowledge summaries of completers (pretest and post-
pages) qualifies for 21 credit hours in Category 1 of the Ameri- test data available) and noncompleters (only pretest or
can Medical Association Physician’s Recognition Award. posttest data). The comparison between completers vs
Medical provider pre-CHAMP and post-CHAMP knowl- noncompleters on pre-CHAMP knowledge data demon-
edge was assessed to evaluate the effectiveness of the training strates no significant difference on overall knowledge or
program. The pretest and posttest questions assessed knowl-
edge pertaining to the 4 content areas: protocol and process
subscales assessing process, relevant medical history,
decision points, history, medical exam, and legal issues. There or legal issues. The analysis did reveal that completers
were 6 process, 5 history, 17 examination, and 2 legal ques- had significantly higher physical findings subscale data
tions resulting in a total of 30 multiple choice and short an- than noncompleters; mean (SD)=11.52(3.37) vs 10.23
swer, 1-word, fill-in questions. The posttest contained an ad- (3.60), respectively, P⬍.05.
ditional question designed to assess competency in evaluation Except for the lack of nurses, the providers who com-
of a case presentation and 1 still colposcopic photograph of fe- pleted the course were not significantly different in area
male adolescent genitalia. The learner was asked to provide an of practice, affiliation, reported previous experience in
essay response covering 6 competency areas (documentation, child sexual abuse examinations, reported formal train-
interpretation, ability to reassure the patient, and understand- ing in these evaluations, reported working relationship
ing of legal, medical, and follow-up issues) that are consid-
ered necessary and sufficient for a child sexual abuse exami-
with a child abuse or forensic pediatrician, or reported
nation. Each area was graded on a scale of 0 to 2, 0 indicating access to the New York state protocol from those who
a blank or incorrect answer, 1 indicating a partially correct an- did not complete the course (Table 1).
swer, and 2 indicating a completely correct answer. These tests The practice and affiliation demographic informa-
were scored by the lead author (A.S.B.) who was blinded to the tion is also summarized in Table 1. In general, most of
participant’s score on the pre- or posttest. the participants were pediatric providers and the distri-


©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

Table 1. Subject Characteristics and Baseline Data for CHAMP Course Completers and Noncompleters

CHAMP Completers CHAMP Noncompleters Total Participants

(n = 64) (n = 119) (N = 183)
Provider breakdown, %
Physician 46.9 36.1 39.9
Resident 15.6 17.6 16.9
Physician extenders 37.5 28.6 31.7
Registered nurses 0 17.6 11.4
Area of practice, % (n = 174 total complete responses)
Pediatrics 61.3 54.1 56.3
Family medicine 17.7 13.5 14.9
General medicine 4.8 5.4 5.2
Internal medicine 1.6 1.8 1.7
Other 14.5 25.2 21.8
Primary affiliation, % (n = 173 total complete responses)
Community hospital 37.1 30.9 32.9
University hospital 38.7 30.9 34.1
Office practice 17.7 29.1 24.9
Other 6.5 9.1 8.1
Performed sexual abuse examinations, % (n = 171 total complete responses) 62.3 64.2 63.2
Attended formal conference(s) on child sexual abuse, % 47.5 52.7 50.6
(n = 170 total complete responses)
Worked with medical expert in child sexual abuse, % 60.0 63.5 61.8
(n = 175 total complete responses)
Access to copy of state child sexual abuse protocol, % 15.3 22.4 19.8
(n = 167 total complete responses)
Pretest scores of 30 possible correct answers, % mean (SD) 20.4 (4.13) 20.0 (4.45) 20.23 (4.28)

bution of affiliation was nearly evenly divided between

those most often based at a community hospital, univer- Table 2. Knowledge Assessment: Overall Changes
sity hospital, or office setting. Those who designated them- in Child Sexual Abuse Knowledge Precourse and
Postcourse and Changes in Content Area
selves in the “other” category for area of practice in-
cluded write-in responses for obstetrics/gynecology,
Pretest Posttest
emergency medicine, and public health. The “other” cat- Mean (SD) Mean (SD) P Value
egory for affiliations included write-in responses for ur-
Overall score, 30 points 20.4 (4.1) 26.9 (1.6) ⬍.001
gent care settings and public health clinics. Process, 6 points 4.6 (.9) 5.4 (.6) ⬍.001
Since the primary purpose of this article is to evalu- History, 5 points 3.8 (.8) 4.3 (.7) ⬍.001
ate the effectiveness of a training program on pre- and Physical exam, 17 points 11.5 (3.4) 16.2 (1.1) ⬍.001
postknowledge and competency, all subsequent results Legal issues, 2 points 1.2 (.6) 1.8 (.5) ⬍.001
focus only on learners for whom both pre- and posttest
data are available (n = 64).

EFFECT OF INTERVENTION and postscores. Subsequent Tukey Honestly Significant Dif-

ference post-hoc analysis revealed that physicians showed
The average pretest or baseline scores (Table 1) for the significantly higher pre- and postprocess related sub-
64 participants in the study sample was significantly lower score data than physician extenders (P⬍.02). This effect
than the average posttest scores on the 30 multiple choice/ demonstrates only a process knowledge difference be-
short answer questions (26.9/30, SD=1.65, P⬍.001). The tween physicians and physician extenders.
posttest scores ranged from a high of 29 out of 30 to a Posttest gains were not significantly associated with
low of 20 out of 30. The results of the cognitive assess- reported educational experiences, affiliations, areas of
ment findings (Table 2) show that there was signifi- practice, or access to the New York state protocol.
cant improvement overall and in all 4 areas (process, his- The posttest scores indicate that there were signifi-
tory, physical, and legal). cant gains in the physical examination subscale. A de-
Additionally, our analyses of practitioners’ knowledge tailed analysis of the pretest questions in this subscale
gains overall and on all 4 subscaled content areas revealed indicates that baseline participant ability to label the fe-
no statistical interaction effects, meaning that physicians, male genital anatomy was good since the hymen was cor-
residents, and physician extenders all improved their knowl- rectly labeled by 95% of the participants, the labia mi-
edge similarly from baseline by taking the course. nora correctly labeled by 81%, and the urethra correctly
Although all participants including physicians gained labeled by 98% of the 171 who answered these ques-
knowledge, we did find 1 significant main effect for pro- tions. Significant knowledge gains were noted despite the
cess knowledge (P⬍.05) indicating an overall knowledge better than expected baseline skills in genital anatomy
difference among practitioner types averaged across pre- recognition.


©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

logic disorders can be recognized if learners complete a
Table 3. Competency Assessment: Essay Assessment program in pediatric gynecology.15 Focusing on exami-
in 6 Areas of Competence nation findings, as is commonly found in most child sexual
abuse conferences and courses, may result in the ne-
Respondents Respondents Respondents
Incorrect, % Partially Correct, % Correct, %
glect of the other important aspects of the evaluation, such
as taking a sexual abuse history, understanding legal is-
Documentation 4.7 60.9 34.4
sues, and providing therapeutic reassurance for the child
Interpretation 59.4 20.3 20.3
Reassurance 28.1 35.9 35.9
and family. Although the CHAMP course had more physi-
Legal implications 39.7 39.7 20.6 cal examination test questions than questions in the other
Medical issues 10.9 29.7 59.4 areas, the course did not emphasize one area over an-
Follow-up issues 6.3 17.2 76.6 other and, in fact, results showed improvement in all
knowledge areas.
Despite these gains, providers did not demonstrate com-
petency on the case example regarding interpretation of
Posttest essay results were provided by 63 of the 64
findings and legal aspects. The posttest essay question re-
completers who averaged 7 of 12 potential points. There
ferred to a paragraph describing a case of sexual abuse and
was no significant difference in essay performances by
a single colposcopic photograph. The case was an adoles-
practitioner type. Table 3 shows the results of the es-
cent with a history of forced sexual intercourse. The pho-
say by competence area. Despite improved knowledge as
tograph shows a normal examination, with an anterior
shown in the multiple choice/short answer questions,
notch in the estrogenized hymen. In general, the partici-
59.4% of providers did not correctly interpret the find-
pants correctly documented the decreased anterior hy-
ings, 28.1% did not correctly reassure the child and fam-
menal tissue. However, this finding was frequently mis-
ily, and 39.1% did not document an appropriate under-
interpreted as abnormal. Participants were expected to write
standing of the legal implications.
their suggestions for future legal advocacy, such as assist-
ing the family with law enforcement reporting and pro-
COMMENT viding testimony regarding the normal or abnormal find-
ing. In most cases, the participants left a blank answer
This study demonstrates 2 important findings. First, in- regarding the legal issues.
terested primary care medical providers and residents It is possible that providers would have demonstrated
showed significant cognitive gains following this self- improved competency if asked to examine a real patient
study course. Second, although basic child sexual abuse or by utilizing a videotaped case example.16 Still photo-
information was learned, knowledge did not imply com- graphs are often difficult to interpret and do not always
petence, particularly for interpretation of findings and demonstrate the exact findings identified by carefully ob-
providing legal advocacy. serving the edge of the hymen. The hymen is a dynamic
The problem of physician inexperience, lack of under- structure that can change appearance with changes in re-
standing, and lack of education in child abuse is not new.11-13 laxation and positioning of the patient. Even skilled ex-
Continuing medical education course work has previ- perts might disagree in their interpretation of a still pho-
ously concentrated primarily on recognition and report- tograph.17-19 However, the CHAMP photograph had been
ing abuse and has been shown to improve knowledge of previously viewed by 3 authors (A.S.B., J.H.R., L.C.) and
these topics.14 Except for the finding that physicians (com- 2 other experts in the field of child sexual abuse with con-
pared with other providers) had a better baseline and post- sensus on the findings and interpretation. The influence
test understanding of sexual abuse physical examination of the history on the physician’s interpretation of find-
findings, our results did not demonstrate a significant re- ings, or expectation bias, is another possible reason that
lationship between educational background in child sexual participants misinterpreted normal findings as being ab-
abuse and overall scores on the pretest. normal.19,20 Provider competency might be more accu-
Less than 20% of the participants acknowledged ac- rately assessed using a more complete evaluation of a se-
cess to the New York state protocol regarding child sexual ries of cases. Despite these limitations, the essay results
abuse. This supports the previously demonstrated no- suggest that more experience is necessary to achieve an
tion that distribution of guidelines alone are generally in- adequate level of competency.
effective educational strategies.8 Our results further sup- The learner’s self-assessed need for training is asso-
port this since there was not a significant difference in ciated with effective continuing medical education.21 Our
pretest scores between those that had access or did not pretests were sent to medical providers who were iden-
have access to the protocol. The low number of indi- tified as having some motivation to learn about child
viduals who still had access to the protocol indicates that sexual abuse. Yet only 35% completed the program. This
this is not a very effective method of providing lasting suggests that if the materials and pretest were provided
information. to the general population of providers, a smaller per-
Others have demonstrated that many providers lack centage would have completed the program, and the
baseline knowledge of genital anatomy.11,12 Recognition course would not have been as effective. We anticipated
of normal anatomy was not generally a precourse prob- that continuing medical education credits would pro-
lem for this study group. vide incentive for completion of the program.
Some educators have focused on the physical exami- In an informal telephone survey of providers, lack of
nation findings and have shown that common gyneco- time was implicated as the most common reason for non-


©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

completion. Concerns about the effect on their prac- of findings. Competence in these areas may represent the
tices and financial loss if they were to become “local ex- domain of experts, not primary care providers, and fur-
perts” were also raised. In some states, education of ther studies are needed to determine how much experi-
medical providers regarding child sexual abuse has been ence is necessary to provide competency in these areas.
linked to enhanced reimbursement for these examina- Residents and primary care providers should learn to man-
tions.22-25 At the time of this study, there was no system age all common cases of child sexual abuse effectively
in New York state to cover the costs of these examina- and refer unusual cases or those with specific issues to
tions. Improving reimbursement might serve as an in- expert forensic pediatricians and/or child advocacy cen-
centive for course completion. ters. Educational programs that include guided experi-
Incorporating child sexual abuse evaluation experi- ences in examining abused children need to be studied
ences into residency training is recommended.26,27 As early in order to determine if this type of education improves
as 1998, Dubowitz28 surveyed residencies to assess train- competency and patient outcomes as well as cognitive
ing and resources for pediatric residents in the area of skills.
child maltreatment and found that 79% of respondents
wanted to strengthen their teaching efforts. A more re- Accepted for Publication: January 6, 2005.
cent survey of residency program directors and resi- Correspondence: Ann S. Botash, MD, Associate Profes-
dents to assess perceptions regarding training for child sor of Pediatrics, State University of New York, Upstate
sexual abuse evaluations found that more than half of fac- Medical University, 750 E Adams St, Syracuse, NY 13210
ulty and residents rated the quality of the training as less (
than adequate for expected needs after residency.13 Funding/Support: This study was supported in part by
In our study, half of the residents did not complete funding from the Centers for Disease Control and rape
the posttest. We theorize that this is most likely because prevention education funding administered by the New
of time constraints of the residency and lack of incen- York State Department of Health, Rape Crisis Program,
tive for completion since it was not a part of a required Albany, NY.
rotation. Residency education in child sexual abuse is es- Disclaimer: The content of the manuscript is solely the
sential, not only because residents will need this knowl- responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily rep-
edge and related skills after graduation, but also be- resent the official views of the Centers for Disease Con-
cause residents are often the first and main medical trol or the New York State Department of Health, Rape
providers in the emergency and outpatient settings of Crisis Program. The funding organizations did not par-
many educational institutions.28,29 Abused children, for ticipate in the design, conduct, interpretation, and analy-
reasons often related to their abuse experience, miss ap- sis or review of the study. Any income generated from
pointments or arrive late, creating difficulties in sched- the sale of Evaluating Child Sexual Abuse: Education Manual
uling teaching during rotations in outpatient settings. In- for Medical Professionals is reimbursed to the CHAMP pro-
corporating child sexual abuse education into the standard gram through the Research Foundation.
residency curriculum can be challenging as the overall Acknowledgment: Special thanks to Christine Schoon-
learning requirements of residency programs continue maker of Safe Horizon Inc, Brooklyn, NY, and Lauren
to increase. Utilizing a self-paced program that is inde- Arbolino, psychology student at Syracuse University,
pendent of faculty skills, real case availability, or sched- for their assistance. Thanks also to Drs Joyce Adams
uled resident time constraints has potential for success (Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, Division of Adolescent
as the first step in improving medical provider knowl- Medicine, University of California, San Diego) and Lori
edge regarding child sexual abuse. Frasier (Center for Safe and Health Families, Primary
This curriculum was developed for the pediatric gen- Children’s Medical Center, Salt Lake City, Utah) for
eralist. Case examples were clear and did not require the their review of the essay case photograph.
participant to distinguish ambiguous physical findings.
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