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Oracle - Oracle FCUB Technical Architecture

Overview 12.0.3

Code: D89362GC10
Lengt h: 10 days
URL: View Online

This Oracle FCUB Technical Architecture Overview 12.0.3 training focuses on the technical aspects of Oracle
FLEXCUBE UB, adopting a step-by-step approach towards the architecture and basic set-up, security
management, and end-of-Cycle processing. Expert Oracle University instructors will give you an overview of
reporting with FCUB and the Oracle FLEXCUBE Development Workbench, while exploring the technical aspects of
Oracle FLEXCUBE; you'll get the option to choose the preferred detailed curriculum set for advanced technical
training requirements on the system.

Learn To:

Understand technical architecture of Oracle FLEXCUBE and its various interfaces.

Bring up the application browser.

Set up the security parameters for users to log in, install and deploy Oracle FLEXCUBE UB.

Use the messaging subsystem and EMS.

Set up end-of-day batches and run the end-of-cycle.

Develop reports for Oracle FLEXCUBE with OBIEE.

Provide first level support.

Work with Oracle FLEXCUBE Development Workbench and the 'extensibility' feature.

Benefits to You

By taking this course, you'll walk away with a solid understanding of the technical architecture and the various
interfaces of Oracle FLEXCUBE. You'll develop valuable knowledge that will allow you to install Oracle FLEXCUBE
UB and manage user privileges. Gain the skills to run an end-of-cycle, end-of-month and end-of-year while
developing expertise in various aspects of Oracle FLEXCUBE.

Gain Hands-On Experience

Through participating in hands-on exercises that reinforce new concepts, you'll learn how to to install Oracle
FLEXCUBE UB while creating and modifying functions ID. You'll spend time practicing how to develop, generate
and schedule reports.

Skills Gained
Getting an overview of the technical architecture and various interfaces

Learning to install Oracle FLEXCUBE UBS and bring up the Application Browser

Setting up various 'Roles' and 'Users'

Learning to set up End-of-Day batches and run an End-of-Cycle

Understanding the extensibility feature of Oracle FLEXCUBE

Learning about the Messaging subsystem and EMS

Getting an overview of the reporting strategies of Oracle FLEXCUBE Reporting with OBIEE

Understanding various aspects of the Implementation methodology adopted

Who Can Benefit

Business Analysts

End Users

Functional Implementer

Project Manager

Sales Consultants

Support Engineer

Technical Administrator

Technical Consultant

Knowledge of PL/SQL is recommended

Knowledge of Banking Domain

Course Details

Oracle FLEXCUBE Architecture

Oracle FLEXCUBE Technical Architecture

Deployment Model

Oracle FLEXCUBE Object Naming Conventions

Naming Conventions

Coding Standards Processes

Oracle FLEXCUBE Setup

Universal Installer

Database Installation

Application Server deployment and configuration

Oracle FLEXCUBE Gateway Server for Interface

Outbound Integration Architecture

Inbound Integration Architecture

Data Model and important tables – GW

ASCII File Generation and Upload

Gateway objects and mapping for core and the training modules

SWITCH Gateway Interface

Data Model and important tables - Switch Gateway

Oracle FLEXCUBE Messaging
Defining Media

Defining a Media Control System

Customer Addresses

Creating a Format

Message Browsers

Oracle FLEXCUBE End of Cycle

The EOC Process

Defining Mandatory Programs


Running of End of Cycle

Tanking Concept

Ad hoc System Dates change

Oracle FLEXCUBE Security Management System

Managing Roles

Managing Users

Exercising Operational Control

Event or SMS Log

Support Process
Support Process

Debugging on Oracle FCUB

Overview of Oracle FLEXCUBE Development Workbench Tool

Background and Introduction of Oracle FLEXCUBE Development Workbench Tool

Overview of Oracle FLEXCUBE Development Workbench Tool

Overview of Oracle FLEXCUBE Extensibility Framework

Overview of OBIEE and BIP

Basics of a Repository

User Group Creation

OBIEE Analytics and Interactive Dashboards

BIP Admin features

Building a BI Publisher Report Based on Answers Request

Building a BI Publisher Report Using sql queries

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