Safechuck Declaration March 18, 2015

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ORIGINAL GRADSTEIN & MARZANO, F.C. ae Bar No, $9747) incom $e aye 96867) Spal EILED ‘Matthew A. Sister (Statc Bar No} 259986) ‘tt atte eset 6210S ec ey Suite 510 «Mae Jos Caen 908 Shera, Shen $205 enynesioo % a9 Otaeta, ‘Attomeys for Claiman/Creditor JAMES SAFECHUCK Be Dn SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, CENTRAL DISTRICT ESTATE OF MICHAEL JOSEPH Case No: BP 127321 TACKSON, {Assigned to the Honorable Judge Mitchell. laff; Dept. SIF SUPPLEMENTAL DECLARATION OF CLAIMANT/CREDITOR JAMES SARECHUCK IN SUPPORT OF AMENDED PETITION FOR ORDER TO ALLOW penerere LATE CLAIM AGAINST ‘(California Probate Code Section 9103) ening Daou 21,2018 [RESERVED] 7 teat: a jrtcdconiamenty vs esi ton fr Oder Aor Fling Lats Cle, Agalnt Estate ad Request fr Suda Nie) REDACTED COPY FILED PER COURT ORDER: DATED JULY 24, 2014 % SUPPLEMENT) DECLARATION OF CLAIMAN CREDITOR NSUPPORT OF PETTTION FOR ORDER TO ALLGW PILING OF LATE CLAM AGAINST ESTATE (REDACTED COPY] @ Sma Yew Ne BECLARATION OF JAMES SAFECUUCK | JAMES SAFECHUCK, declore and state, as follows: 1. Thave pergonal knowledge of the fics sated heroin, and ifcalled us a wimness 1 ‘woild and could tompotently testify thereto, except fér those mnetters acd things Set forth upon information and belief and asta those matiera and things, I belicye them to be te. Tube this ‘Supplemental Declaration in support of may sAmended Petition foran Order to Allov« Filing of a Late Claira agsinst the Estate of Michisel Joseph Jackson Estate”), and in addition to my first, Decatation filed in this action, 2, The fosue of my Supplemestat Declomntion iio describe end explain the natuce nd extent of the ongoing condiet by Michael Jackson (-DECEDENT") ty. whiclt he threatened ‘an intimidated me-in a nianner tha! prevented me from filing my elaint, that cottinied even after his desth in 2009, , 3. Lwas bom in 1978. [ spéat all of my childhood years growing up withthe DECEDENT army sonst tpanion, jd ard meds. The DECEDENT was everything to ‘me oad may life. Thave finally come to Imow and oppreciste nqw, aera ile aver year of - Jntesivethrany ond pci etme, thatthigcaioship wes predsory and wily jmproper eve and ne whereby the DECEDENT used my trust and love of him us aimeans to ‘stimize and silly moet me He cotinllybxinviashed an lle iat 08 a what he ‘wos doing in me was “love” and that I should deny thal anything he had done 10 me ever Iaggened. 1 cildf elev aa wonspped hit, andi no 350020 tho he wasnt telling me the fruth or that what he es doing to me wes vrong: fs cinstant delling made me betiev¢ iiwas alright end I was stared and intimidated from eve: telling anyone about it, diag sything about itor even understanding that it was eomething wom, : 4. Fhave also finlly.comé to knowand sppreciate that what the DISCEDENT dito sme and inaide edo with him wis not “Love,” was not my fdee:~as be rolde Over and over sgsin to believe that it was-—and wes nt something that wos “OK.” From 1988 when the semual secu snot ati 0, DECEDENT eli oe cbt erie tren tee sen a pe os cL aManTicusD OK a SUFTORT OF FOR EORGRDER IO ALLOWRING OF TAREE: a AGAR SSPE a a) a #2. 1B “4 18 16 0 ig a” 20 a 23 2 26 @ ‘belived him. Incver knew that] what he did to me wes sexual ebuse, J continued into adulthood ript understanding that vibat he fid and what we did topether was wrong. During the entire tie I knew the DBCBDENT, hie conifmacd toi midate and threaten mein a manner that cen be: esecibed assis onty it the sone bute id not tzeten actual physi violence — bu his ‘njmidation an treats ce n9 ts cea andefestive, He tole over an over ays that my life would beHnished tf anyon fourd-out about what Ketwethad done, eid Thslieved im. had No reastin dot to-bocause he trained me to believe that'aind I’hod no reason to doubt or question ‘whet he said, “And, bosauss of) cha the DECEDENT was—-his power; his iconie status amuad the world, his fame and fortone-—Hhnew that ho cond see tot thot my lie would be over if srt ‘bappened ever came out. 1 lived my entire life in fear-and dread of that happening, even after he id, bocaise he continued to-nfmain tho superstar tha be was inlfe inthe eyes of the word, Ha atacand popularity grew evth moss and continues to grow every day. Te isan ison and will ceoninso freer. Bess of ote DECEDENY wa ti, ato an eat of exposnte was And remained ral to me during my entire'life, His theents of the world slinaning ‘snd ridiculing me continued after his donth, Ho no longer neeited io be aroun for the theeat jo:be S$. 11993, bad testified for the DECEDENT atthe Jordan Chandgr sexual abiose. ‘tial, The DECEDENT hed olny purénts and ie Hl tat he Tals thet Jordan made the ie ‘was sexually sbused by the DEDEDENT were lies, ani that it'was consplete.cxtortion op the part of the Chanter family, The DECEDENT bad long before convinced my parents fiat he could do ‘no ssrong, pid they revered him. Again, vat all worshipped the DECEDENT, ‘The DECEDENT’s lawyers nehearsed questions and answers with aus, andl did whatI was'told. There wasmo * reason fo doubt ths DECEDENT; he had drilled inte’ mo thal what we did was “love” and was a gondthing. People would wklestanl wha ws ha together 60 (meaning tne) could never {afk about what he/we did together, Evoryibing yes elviys in terms of denying anything hat ‘happened, hiding whet we did fem the world and act teing the world find cut beoatise it wold be the ed for me and my life. ing tha Jordan Chandler ease, was a young teenager. .T éligyed.overything thar the: DENT told ms and was intiinidated and influenced by 2 EAA FE a NIREDTONON AFT -ARAENTED PETTION } Peer Gin AIAN OTLATE CLARE AGAINESESTATE

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