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Designing for a Discipline-based Inquiry

Design Considerations​ ​(Friesen, S., 2009)

Authentic to the ways of knowing in the Connections with Expertise/ Experts Authentic use of technology Authentic investigations using a variety of Authentic audience, contributes to the Scaffold, ensuring that all students are able
discipline/ field (junior versions) media, methods and sources community outside the classroom to create high quality work

Clarifying learning intentions and criteria Eliciting evidence of student learning Providing feedback that moves learning Activating students as instructional Activating students as owners of their own
for success -Making thinking visible forward resources for one another learning
-Establishing success criteria with students - Providing time to incorporate the
Designing for a Discipline-based Inquiry
Designing for a Discipline-based Inquiry

Political Scientist

Pitch: How might we act as political scientists using polling strategies? Using techniques and strategies of a political science to understand
issues in social studies: nationalism (history and current events) , economics (for different levels of groups micro and macro), minority
perspectives (FNMI, Francophone, Immigrant, Regional) → (1) Polling (2) written response outlining and responding to data

Background Research: what are public opinion polls? what are the elements included in a poll? how and why are they used?

Design Experiment: (1) design a public opinion poll/survey, (2) conduct the poll/survey, (3) assess results (4) respond to results

Refine Experiment: Sketch initial idea, receive feedback from expert on draft poll, receive feedback from peers before conducting poll

Gather: historical content and current events which interlink to theme to create questions, digital citizenship framework, technology

Data Organization: online workspaces (google docs, D2L), print and online workspaces

Conduct Poll: twitter, google forms, printed paper polls

Analyze: tally results and analyze data as a group

Report Findings: written response task

Designing for a Discipline-based Inquiry

● Analyze history and current events through multiple perspectives (FNMI, Francophone, Immigrants, multiculturalism regionalism, Nationalism) to create public opinion polls
to understand how and why people vote the way they do
○ Week 1- Intro Political Science and Polling - Responsible technology use/digital
○ Week 2 - Current & Historical events graphic organizers - practice
○ Week 3 - Assessment AS learning written reflections - feedback from instructor and peers
○ Week 3 - Learn about polling and the issues surrounding it - expert
○ Week 3 - Students start drafting questions and create online poll - writing and bias in questions
○ Week 4 - expert feedback (refine), peer feedback from other classes (refine), continue historical and current event analysis
○ Week 5 - Students finalize polling questions and create online polling forums
○ Week 6 - Students poll their school & community, Students organize data received - continue historical / current events analysis organizers
○ Week 7 - Group analysis of findings / implications, written responses, communicate findings with community (online and bulletin boards)
○ Week 8 - Complete communication of findings, Final reflection and written unit test

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