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13 Feb 2019 Page 1 of 7

Intern Name:

Internship: 18SP ETE 304-2 (ECE)

Submitted: May 4, 2018 Supervisor(s): Heather

Course/Term: ETE 304 - 2 : Early Childhood ( 18SP-edTPA ) Mentor(s):
Assessor: Heather Donnelly (Supervisor) Site: Valeska Hinton ECE
Center, 800 W Romeo B
Garrett Avenue, Peoria
IL 61605-2207
Comments: Ms. Davis will be an excellent teacher. She is so helpful and gets right to work. She knows how to meet the needs Subject(s): Full Inclusion
of the children and creates and implements lessons that are engaging, developmentally appropriate and evidence based. Ms.
Davis has displayed the necessary dispositions to fulfill the role of a novice teacher in an early childhood classroom.
Grade(s): Pre-K

Level Descriptions

Level 4: Accomplished Early Childhood Novice Teacher (Score 4)

The early childhood novice teacher is consistently successful in performing the criterion.

Level 3: Proficient Early Childhood Novice Teacher (Score 3)

The early childhood novice teacher is usually successful in performing the criterion.

Level 2: Developing Early Childhood Novice Teacher (Score 2)

The early childhood novice teacher is somewhat successful in performing the criterion with regular support from the cooperating teacher.

Level 1: Emerging Early Childhood Novice Teacher (Score 1)

The early childhood novice teacher is challenged in performing the criterion even with much support from the cooperating teacher.


Accomplished (4.000 pts) Proficient (3.000 pts) Developing (2.000 pts) Emerging (1.000 pts) N/A

Facilitates The early childhood novice The early childhood novice Developing (2 points) The The early childhood novice
learning teacher was consistently teacher was usually early childhood novice teacher was challenged
experiences successful in facilitating successful in facilitating teacher with regular even with much support
that make learning experiences, learning experiences, support from the from the cooperating
connections to integrating content areas integrating content areas cooperating teacher teacher to facilitate
other content and students’ life and/or students’ life facilitated learning learning experiences, with
areas and to experiences. experiences. experiences, with some little or no integration of
life integration of content content areas or students’
experiences areas and/or students’ life life experiences.
1/6 (16%) experiences.
Ms. Davis made sure to connect lesson content to students' lived experiences, bringing in materials and tasks that interest students and
enables them to draw on prior experiences to learn new information.
Not an option for this The early childhood novice The early childhood novice The early childhood novice
standard. teacher was usually teacher with regular teacher was challenged
practice to
successful in adjusting support from the even with much support
meet the
practice to meet the needs cooperating teacher was from the cooperating
needs of
of individuals with somewhat successful in teacher to successfully
individuals with
exceptionalities. adjusting practice to meet adjust practice to meet the
1/6 (16%)
the needs of individuals needs of individuals with
with exceptionalities. exceptionalities.
Participates in Not an option for this The early childhood novice The early childhood novice The early childhood novice
the design and standard. teacher was usually teacher with regular teacher was challenged
implementation successful in designing support from the even with much support
of and implementing cooperating teacher was from the cooperating
individualized individualized instruction for somewhat successful in teacher to successfully
instruction for students with special designing and design and implement
students with needs (ELN), ELLs, and implementing individualized individualized instruction for
special needs, students who are gifted. instruction for students with students with special
ELLs, and special needs (ELN), ELLs, needs (ELN), ELLs, and
students who and students who are students who are gifted.
are gifted gifted.
1/6 (16%)

13 Feb 2019 Page 2 of 7
Uses a variety Not an option for this The early childhood novice The early childhood novice The early childhood novice
of effective standard. teacher was usually teacher with regular teacher with regular
behavioral successful in using a support from the support from the
management variety of effective cooperating teacher was cooperating teacher was
techniques behavioral management somewhat successful in somewhat successful in
appropriate to techniques appropriate to using a variety of effective using a variety of effective
the needs of the needs of all students. behavioral management behavioral management
all students techniques appropriate to techniques appropriate to
1/6 (16%) the needs of all students. the needs of all students.
Ms. Davis made sure to use a variety of positive behavioral interventions and supports to manage the students and the classroom. She
naturally has a calm and comforting demeanor and seems to interact with students patiently and effectively at all times.
Analyzes Not an option for this The early childhood novice The early childhood novice The early childhood novice
student standard. teacher was usually teacher with regular teacher was challenged
behavior data successful in analyzing support from the even with much support
and uses student behavior data and cooperating teacher was from the cooperating
positive using positive behavior somewhat successful in teacher to analyze student
behavior interventions and supports. analyzing student behavior behavior data and use
interventions data and using positive positive behavior
and supports behavior interventions and interventions and supports.
1/6 (16%) supports.
Modifies the Not an option for this The early childhood novice The early childhood novice The early childhood novice
learning standard. teacher was usually teacher with regular teacher was challenged
environment successful in modifying the support from the even with much support
(including the learning environment cooperating teacher was from the cooperating
schedule and (including the schedule somewhat successful in teacher to modify the
physical and physical arrangement) modifying the learning learning environment
arrangement) to facilitate appropriate environment (including the (including the schedule
to facilitate behaviors. schedule and physical and physical arrangement)
appropriate arrangement) to facilitate to facilitate appropriate
behaviors appropriate behaviors. behaviors.
1/6 (16%)

19.000 pts | 79.17 %


Accomplished (4.000 pts) Proficient (3.000 pts) Developing (2.000 pts) Emerging (1.000 pts) N/A
Not an option for this The early childhood novice The early childhood novice The early childhood novice
Appropriately standard. teacher was usually teacher with regular teacher was challenged
uses a variety successful in appropriately support from the even with much support
of formal and using a variety of formal cooperating teacher was from the cooperating
informal and informal assessments. somewhat successful in teacher in appropriately
assessments appropriately using a using a variety of formal
1/17 (5%) variety of formal and and informal assessments.
informal assessments.
Not an option for this The early childhood novice The early childhood novice The early childhood novice
standard. teacher was usually teacher with regular teacher was challenged
successful in using support from the even with much support
data and
assessment data and cooperating teacher was from the cooperating
observations to
observations to affect somewhat successful in teacher to use assessment
instruction. using assessment data data and observations to
and observations to affect affect instruction.
1/17 (5%)
Collaborates Not an option for this The early childhood novice The early childhood novice The early childhood novice
with school standard. teacher was usually teacher with regular teacher was challenged
personnel in successful in collaborating support from the even with much support
the with school personnel in cooperating teacher was from the cooperating
implementation the implementation of somewhat successful in teacher in collaborating
of appropriate appropriate assessment collaborating with school with school personnel in
assessment and instruction for personnel in the the implementation of
and instruction designated students. implementation of appropriate assessment
for designated appropriate assessment and instruction for
students and instruction for designated students.
1/17 (5%) designated students.
13 Feb 2019 Page 3 of 7
Analyzes and Not an option for this The early childhood novice The early childhood novice The early childhood novice
uses student standard. teacher was usually teacher with regular teacher was challenged
information successful in analyzing and support from the even with much support
and individual using student information cooperating teacher was from the cooperating
experiences to and individual experiences somewhat successful in teacher to analyze and use
design to design instruction that analyzing and using student information and
instruction that meets diverse needs.. student information and individual experiences to
meets diverse individual experiences to design instruction that
needs design instruction that meets diverse needs.
1/17 (5%) meets diverse needs.
Not an option for this The early childhood novice The early childhood novice The early childhood novice
Manages time, standard. teacher was usually teacher with regular teacher was challenged
materials, successful in managing support from the even with much support
technology, time, materials, technology, cooperating teacher was from the cooperating
and physical and physical space. somewhat successful in teacher to manage time,
space managing time, materials, materials, technology, and
1/17 (5%) technology, and physical physical space.
The early childhood novice The early childhood novice The early childhood novice The early childhood novice
teacher was consistently teacher was usually teacher with regular teacher was challenged
successful in maximizing successful in maximizing support from the even with much support
time (e.g.,
instructional time (e.g., instructional time (e.g., cooperating teacher was from the cooperating
minimizing transitional minimizing transitional somewhat successful in teacher to maximize
time). time). maximizing instructional instructional time (e.g.,
time (e.g., minimizing minimize transitional time).
1/17 (5%)
transitional time).
Ms. Davis consistently and effectively managed instructional time by seamlessly guiding students to the next activity by utilizing the classroom
Comments: approaches that students are familiar to. She made sure to supplement her lesson material with high levels of language and interaction,
giving students an opportunity to hear and learn through conversation and questions.
Not an option for this The early childhood novice The early childhood novice The early childhood novice
Creates clear standard. teacher was usually teacher with regular teacher was challenged
expectations successful in creating clear support from the even with much support
and expectations and cooperating teacher was from the cooperating
procedures procedures. somewhat successful in teacher to create clear
1/17 (5%) creating clear expectations expectations and
and procedures. procedures.
Demonstrates Not an option for this The early childhood novice The early childhood novice The early childhood novice
fluency in standard. teacher was usually teacher with regular teacher was challenged
technology successful in support from the even with much support
systems, uses demonstrating fluency in cooperating teacher was from the cooperating
technology to technology systems, using somewhat successful in teacher to demonstrate
support technology to support demonstrating fluency in fluency in technology
instruction and instruction and enhancing technology systems, using systems, use technology to
enhance student learning. technology to support support instruction and
student instruction and enhancing enhance student learning.
learning student learning.
1/17 (5%)

The early childhood novice The early childhood novice The early childhood novice The early childhood novice
Engages teacher was consistently teacher was usually teacher with regular teacher was challenged
students in successful in engaging successful in engaging support from the even with much support
individual and students in individual and students in individual and cooperating teacher was from the cooperating
group-learning group-learning activities. group-learning activities. somewhat successful in teacher to engage
activities engaging students in students in individual and
1/17 (5%) individual and group- group-learning activities.
learning activities.
Uses effective Not an option for this The early childhood novice The early childhood novice The early childhood novice
co-planning standard. teacher was usually teacher with regular teacher was challenged
and co- successful in using support from the even with much support
teaching effective co-planning and cooperating teacher was from the cooperating
techniques to co-teaching techniques to somewhat successful in teacher to successfully use
deliver deliver instruction to using effective co-planning effective co-planning and
instruction to individuals with and co-teaching co-teaching techniques to
individuals with exceptionalities. techniques to deliver deliver instruction to
exceptionalities instruction to individuals individuals with
1/17 (5%) with exceptionalities. exceptionalities.
Ms. Davis consistently communicated and interacted with her CT and myself, asking for advice, acting on feedback, and using the resources
that were available to her.
13 Feb 2019 Page 4 of 7
After assuming full After assuming After assuming After assuming
responsibility for all responsibility for all responsibility for all responsibility for all
courses, the early courses, the early courses, the early courses, the early
childhood novice teacher childhood novice teacher childhood novice teacher childhood novice teacher
results to
was consistently was usually successful in with regular support from was challenged even with
successful in effectively using assessment results the cooperating teacher much support from the
and consistently using to identify learning targets. adequately used cooperating teacher to
1/17 (5%)
assessment results to assessment results to effectively use assessment
identify learning targets. identify learning targets. results to identify learning
After assuming full After assuming After assuming After assuming
responsibility for all responsibility for all responsibility for all responsibility for all
courses, the early courses, the early courses, the early courses, the early
childhood novice teacher childhood novice teacher childhood novice teacher childhood novice teacher
Appropriately was consistently was usually successful in with regular support from was challenged even with
uses a variety successful in using a using a variety of formal the cooperating teacher much support from the
of formal and variety of formal and and informal assessments adequately used a variety cooperating teacher in
informal informal assessments to to enhance knowledge, of formal and informal using a variety of formal
assessments enhance knowledge, evaluate progress or assessments to enhance and informal assessments
1/17 (5%) evaluate progress or performance, and modify knowledge, evaluate to enhance knowledge,
performance, and modify teaching and learning progress or performance, evaluate progress or
teaching and learning strategies. and modify teaching and performance, and modify
strategies. learning strategies. teaching and learning
After assuming full After assuming After assuming After assuming
responsibility for all responsibility for all responsibility for all responsibility for all
courses, the early courses, the early courses, the early courses, the early
childhood novice teacher childhood novice teacher childhood novice teacher childhood novice teacher
was consistently was usually successful in with regular support from was challenged even with
successful in involving involving students in the cooperating teacher much support from the
students in
students in assessing their assessing their own adequately involved cooperating teacher in
own performance and performance and students in assessing their involving students in
1/17 (5%)
encouraging students to encouraging students to own performance and assessing their own
take responsibility for take responsibility for encouraging students to performance and
monitoring and improving monitoring and improving take responsibility for encouraging students to
their own performance. their own performance. monitoring and improving take responsibility for
their own performance. monitoring and improving
their own performance.
After assuming full After assuming After assuming After assuming
responsibility for all responsibility for all responsibility for all responsibility for all
courses, the early courses, the early courses, the early courses, the early
childhood novice teacher childhood novice teacher childhood novice teacher childhood novice teacher
Evidence of
was consistently was usually successful in with regular support from was challenged even with
Learning: Pre-
successful in planning and planning and delivering the cooperating teacher much support from the
delivering instruction of instruction of objectives adequately planned and cooperating teacher in
Data Collection
1/17 (5%)
objectives which effectively which effectively included delivered instruction of planning and delivering
included assessment of assessment of prior objectives which effectively instruction of objectives
prior learning. learning. included assessment of which effectively included
prior learning. assessment of prior
After assuming full After assuming After assuming After assuming
responsibility for all responsibility for all responsibility for all responsibility for all
courses, the early courses, the early courses, the early courses, the early
Evidence of childhood novice teacher childhood novice teacher childhood novice teacher childhood novice teacher
Learning: was consistently was usually successful in with regular support from was challenged even with
Assessment successful in effectively effectively planning and the cooperating teacher much support from the
Data Guided planning and executing executing appropriate adequately planned and cooperating teacher in
Instruction appropriate instruction to instruction to advance executed appropriate planning and executing
1/17 (5%) advance student’s learning student’s learning based instruction to advance appropriate instruction to
based on prior assessment on prior assessment data. student’s learning based advance student’s learning
data. on prior assessment data. based on prior assessment
13 Feb 2019 Page 5 of 7
After assuming full After assuming After assuming After assuming
responsibility for all responsibility for all responsibility for all responsibility for all
courses, the early courses, the early courses, the early courses, the early
Evidence of
childhood novice teacher childhood novice teacher childhood novice teacher childhood novice teacher
was consistently was usually successful in with regular support from was challenged even with
successful in designing designing and the cooperating teacher much support from the
Data Used to
and implementing implementing appropriate adequately designed and cooperating teacher in
appropriate assessment assessment instruments to implemented appropriate designing and
1/17 (5%)
instruments to measure measure progress toward assessment instruments to implementing appropriate
progress toward objectives objectives. measure progress toward assessment instruments to
objectives. measure progress toward
After assuming full After assuming After assuming After assuming
responsibility for all responsibility for all responsibility for all responsibility for all
Evidence of courses, the early courses, the early courses, the early courses, the early
Learning: Data childhood novice teacher childhood novice teacher childhood novice teacher childhood novice teacher
Analyzed to was consistently was usually successful in with regular support from was challenged even with
Guide Future successful in demonstrating evidence of the cooperating teacher much support from the
Instruction demonstrating evidence of effective data analysis to adequately demonstrated cooperating teacher in
1/17 (5%) effective data analysis to guide future instruction. evidence of effective data demonstrating evidence of
guide future instruction. analysis to guide future effective data analysis to
instruction. guide future instruction.
56.000 pts | 87.5 %


Accomplished (4.000
Proficient (3.000 pts) Developing (2.000 pts) Emerging (1.000 pts) N/A

Reflects on The early childhood The early childhood novice The early childhood novice The early childhood novice
professional novice teacher was teacher was usually teacher with regular teacher was challenged
practice and consistently successful in successful in reflecting on support from the even with much support
resulting reflecting on professional professional practice and cooperating teacher was from the cooperating
outcomes; practice and resulting resulting outcomes; somewhat successful in teacher in reflecting on
engages in self- outcomes; engaging in engaging in self- reflecting on professional professional practice and
assessment; and self-assessment; and assessment; and adjusting practice and resulting resulting outcomes;
adjusts practices adjusting practices to practices to improve outcomes; engaging in engaging in self-
to improve improve student student performance. self-assessment; and assessment; and adjusting
student performance. adjusting practices to practices to improve
performance improve student student performance.
1/14 (7%) performance.
Ms. Davis thoroughly reflected on her teaching practices through her weekly written reflections, commenting on her students' learning
Comments: styles and making adjustments when needed. She took the time and energy to seek out research on educational methods and learning
practices and was open to changing approaches when necessary.
The early childhood The early childhood novice The early childhood novice The early childhood novice
Models digital novice teacher was teacher was usually teacher with regular teacher was challenged
etiquette and consistently successful in successful in modeling support from the even with much support
responsible social modeling digital etiquette digital etiquette and cooperating teacher was from the cooperating
actions in the use and responsible social responsible social actions somewhat successful in teacher in modeling digital
of digital actions in the use of in the use of digital modeling digital etiquette etiquette and responsible
technology digital technology. technology. and responsible social social actions in the use of
1/14 (7%) actions in the use of digital digital technology.
Proactively serves Not an option for this The early childhood novice The early childhood novice The early childhood novice
all students and standard. teacher was usually teacher with regular teacher was challenged
their families with successful in proactively support from the even with much support
equity and honor serving all students and cooperating teacher was from the cooperating
and advocates on their families with equity somewhat successful in teacher in proactively
their behalf, and honor and advocating proactively serving all serving all students and
ensuring the on their behalf, ensuring students and their families their families with equity
learning and well- the learning and well-being with equity and honor and and honor and advocating
being of each of each child. advocating on their behalf, on their behalf, ensuring
child ensuring the learning and the learning and well-being
1/14 (7%) well-being of each child. of each child.
13 Feb 2019 Page 6 of 7
Is aware of and Not an option for this The early childhood novice Not an option for this The early childhood novice
complies with the standard. teacher was aware and standard. teacher was unaware and
mandatory complied with the / or did not comply with the
reporter provisions mandatory reporter mandatory reporter
of Section 4 of provisions of Section 4 of provisions of Section 4 of
the Abused and the Abused and Neglected the Abused and Neglected
Neglected Child Child Reporting Act 100% Child Reporting Act.
Reporting Act of the time.
1/14 (7%)

Maintains Not an option for this The early childhood novice The early childhood novice The early childhood novice
accurate records, standard. teacher was usually teacher with regular teacher was challenged
manages data successful in maintaining support from the even with much support
effectively, and accurate records, cooperating teacher was from the cooperating
protects the managing data effectively, somewhat successful in teacher in maintaining
confidentiality of and protecting the maintaining accurate accurate records,
information confidentiality of records, managing data managing data effectively,
pertaining to information pertaining to effectively, and protecting and protecting the
individuals with individuals with the confidentiality of confidentiality of
exceptionalities exceptionalities and family. information pertaining to information pertaining to
and family individuals with individuals with
1/14 (7%) exceptionalities and family. exceptionalities and family.
Models and The early childhood The early childhood novice The early childhood novice The early childhood novice
teaches safe, novice teacher was teacher was usually teacher with regular teacher was challenged
legal, and ethical consistently successful in successful in modeling and support from the even with much support
use of digital modeling and teaching teaching safe, legal, and cooperating teacher was from the cooperating
information and safe, legal, and ethical ethical use of digital somewhat successful in teacher in modeling and
technology, use of digital information information and modeling and teaching teaching safe, legal, and
including respect and technology, including technology, including safe, legal, and ethical use ethical use of digital
for copyright, respect for copyright, respect for copyright, of digital information and information and
intellectual intellectual property. intellectual property. technology, including technology, including
property respect for copyright, respect for copyright,
1/14 (7%) intellectual property. intellectual property.
The early childhood The early childhood novice The early childhood novice The early childhood novice
novice teacher was teacher was usually teacher with regular teacher was challenged
consistently successful in successful in modeling support from the even with much support
behavior that
modeling professional professional behavior that cooperating teacher was from the cooperating
reflects honesty,
behavior that reflects reflects honesty, integrity, somewhat successful in teacher in modeling
integrity, personal
honesty, integrity, personal responsibility, modeling professional professional behavior that
personal responsibility, confidentiality, altruism and behavior that reflects reflects honesty, integrity,
confidentiality, altruism respect. honesty, integrity, personal personal responsibility,
altruism and
and respect. responsibility, confidentiality, altruism and
confidentiality, altruism and respect.
1/14 (7%)
The early childhood The early childhood novice The early childhood novice The early childhood novice
Uses leadership
novice teacher was teacher was usually teacher with regular teacher was challenged
skills that
consistently successful in successful in using support from the even with much support
contribute to
using leadership skills that leadership skills that cooperating teacher was from the cooperating
individual and
contributed to individual contributed to individual somewhat successful in teacher in using leadership
collegial growth
and collegial growth and and collegial growth and using leadership skills that skills that contributed to
and development,
development, school development, school contributed to individual individual and collegial
improvement, and the improvement, and the and collegial growth and growth and development,
improvement, and
advancement of advancement of development, school school improvement, and
the advancement
knowledge. knowledge. improvement, and the the advancement of
of knowledge
1/14 (7%)
advancement of knowledge.
Not an option for this The early childhood novice The early childhood novice The early childhood novice
standard. teacher was usually teacher with regular teacher was challenged
Uses co-planning
successful in using co- support from the even with much support
and co-teaching
planning and co-teaching cooperating teacher was from the cooperating
techniques to
techniques to deliver somewhat successful in teacher in using co-
deliver instruction
instruction to all students. using co-planning and co- planning and co-teaching
to all students
teaching techniques to techniques to deliver
1/14 (7%)
deliver instruction to all instruction to all students.
13 Feb 2019 Page 7 of 7
Not an option for this The early childhood novice The early childhood novice The early childhood novice
Works with all standard. teacher was usually teacher with regular teacher was challenged
school personnel successful in working with support from the even with much support
(e.g., support all school personnel (e.g., cooperating teacher was from the cooperating
staff, teachers, support staff, teachers, somewhat successful in teacher in working with all
paraprofessionals) paraprofessionals) to working with all school school personnel (e.g.,
to develop develop learning climates personnel (e.g., support support staff, teachers,
learning climates for the school that staff, teachers, paraprofessionals) to
for the school that encourage unity. paraprofessionals) to develop learning climates
encourage unity develop learning climates for the school that
1/14 (7%) for the school that encourage unity.
encourage unity.
Not an option for this The early childhood novice The early childhood novice The early childhood novice
Participates in
standard. teacher was usually teacher with regular teacher was challenged
successful in participating support from the even with much support
in collaborative decision- cooperating teacher was from the cooperating
making and problem- somewhat successful in teacher in participating in
solving with colleagues participating in collaborative decision-
with colleagues
and other professionals to collaborative decision- making and problem-
and other
achieve success for all making and problem- solving with colleagues
professionals to
students. solving with colleagues and other professionals to
achieve success
and other professionals to achieve success for all
for all students
achieve success for all students.
1/14 (7%)
Not an option for this The early childhood novice The early childhood novice The early childhood novice
Initiates standard teacher was usually teacher with regular teacher was challenged
collaboration with successful in initiating support from the even with much support
others to create collaboration with others to cooperating teacher was from the cooperating
opportunities that create opportunities that somewhat successful in teacher in initiating
enhance student enhance student learning. initiating collaboration with collaboration with others to
learning others to create create opportunities that
1/14 (7%) opportunities that enhance enhance student learning.
student learning.
The early childhood The early childhood novice The early childhood novice The early childhood novice
Uses digital tools novice teacher was teacher was usually teacher with regular teacher was challenged
and resources to consistently successful in successful in using digital support from the even with much support
promote using digital tools and tools and resources to cooperating teacher was from the cooperating
collaborative resources to promote promote collaborative somewhat successful in teacher in using digital
interactions collaborative interactions. interactions. using digital tools and tools and resources to
1/14 (7%) resources to promote promote collaborative
collaborative interactions. interactions.
Not an option for this The early childhood novice The early childhood novice The early childhood novice
standard. teacher was usually teacher with regular teacher was challenged
Uses conflict
successful in using conflict support from the even with much support
resolution skills to
resolution skills to enhance cooperating teacher was from the cooperating
enhance the
the effectiveness of somewhat successful in teacher in using conflict
effectiveness of
collaboration and using conflict resolution resolution skills to enhance
collaboration and
teamwork. skills to enhance the the effectiveness of
effectiveness of collaboration and
1/14 (7%)
collaboration and teamwork.
49.000 pts | 87.5 %

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