StAP Cadet Report

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Subtransmission Asset Planning

1.1 Subtransmission Asset Planning Overview

During my six-day stay with the Subtransmission Asset Planning (StAP) team last
Dec 11-19, 2018, I was able to undergo many discussions in between the activities provided
by the team. It did not take me long to realize how crucial the process was to the core
business of the company as it tackled the effective reception of power from the
transmission grid. At the start, Engr Alex Armea discussed the overview of the
Subtransmission planning process and the responsibilities of the team. Subsequently, Engr
Chris and Engr Errol discussed the methods on how the team utilizes the Power System
Simulation for Engineers (PSS/E) for their projects. This would serve as my first
experience with the simulation software. One of the lessons revolved around Distribution
Impact Study and Distribution Asset Study that go together when evaluating proposed
connection. All these teachings considered, my key takeaways from the discussions are
highlighted as follows:

MERALCO oversees both the distribution and the subtransmission level of its
power system. The latter includes delivery point substations where bulk power is delivered
from the transmission grid and flows to the numerous load centers of the franchise; a
rendezvous point between NGCP’s 500/230 kV transmission facilities and Meralco’s
115/69kV Subtransmission facilities. The Meralco’s sub transmission system promotes
sectorization and N-1 compliance. The former is done to optimize the loading on the
delivery point substations, limit the bus fault duty, prevent cascaded tripping during

contingency situations, and lower technical losses while the latter guarantees no
overloading of the remaining facilities in case of an outage of a subtransmission component
(line or transformer).

Figure 1.1 Subtransmission Planning Process

Due to this responsibility, the StAP team serves as caretakers of the Meralco
backbone: the subtransmission system. Reliability and efficiency are the keys towards
planning a substation leagues away from cascading failure, tripping, and total system
blackout. To guarantee this, StAP follows a sound planning process as shown in Figure 1
above. The subtransmission planning process starts with the gathering of data from various
sources such as NGCP, WESM, and most especially the substation load forecasts provided
by Substation Asset Planning. Using the data gathered, StAP proceeds to model the whole
Luzon grid using PSS/E. PSS/E simulates a 10 or 5-year system loading of the whole Luzon
grid to detect future deficiencies.

Subtransmission Planning Projects

Electric Capital Projects (ECP) formulated by the team then addresses the
deficiencies identified. Electrical Capital Projects take account both technical feasibility
and financial viability while aiming to prevent loss of loads during outages, improve
regulation and stability, reduce faulty duty, and lower technical losses. The Scope of Work
of an ECP is associated to StAP if the proposed solution tackles the following:

 Single Line / Bank Contingency

o Construction/Uprating of Subtransmission lines
o Development of new delivery point substations
o Expansion of existing delivery point substation

 Voltage Regulation
o Installation of Capacitor Banks
o Resetting of transformer ties
o Additional Feed
 Faulty Duty
o Uprating of Equipment (Circuit breakers, etc.) and re-configuration of the

Figure 1.2 Capex Project Reports

Different types of reports namely Distribution Development Plan (DDP), Standard

Planning Data, and Blue Book as shown in Figure 1.2 above contain the Electric Capital
Projects. First, Distribution Development Plan (DDP) is a ten-year project line-up
submitted to the Department of Energy that contains the summary of the proposed electric
capital projects on sub transmission, substation, and distribution system. Second, the
Philippine Grid Code requires the submission of Standard Planning Data (SPD) to aid
NGCP and ERC in evaluating the impacts of these development plans to the grid. SPD
mainly consists of Forecast Data, Estimated Equipment Data. These data, also found in the
DDP, contains expected energy and demand as well as the estimated equipment data at the
connection points for the next five years. In addition, Subtransmission Asset Planning
submits the justifications to ERC for approval.

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