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UDL Unit Overview

Title: ​Opinion Polling

Author: ​ Ashley, Malia, Rachelle
Subject:​ Social Studies
Grade Level(s):​ Grade 11
Duration: ​8 weeks

Unit Description
In this unit , entitled opinion polling, students will take on the role of political scientist and
engage in an analysis of current events, Canadian history and polling methods in order.
Through this students will gain an understanding of the issues surrounding democratic process,
Canadian Nationalism, Pluralism and polling. To ensure that students have the opportunity to
develop and communicate their understanding, their will be various options provided for
engagement , representation and action and expression through out the unit

The analysis, creation and communication of polls will take 7-8 weeks. The UDL approach used
in this unit provides the following:
● Engagement through various perspectives, resources, and relevance to community
● Multimedia presentation of current and historical events
● Multimodal options for receiving ongoing feedback and communication of understanding
● Flexible grouping and project requirements

Weekly Layout
1. Intro - polling, political science, determine what they know about social process,
nationalism (stickies), globalization via digital citizenship
2. Canadian history 3 founding nations (history organizer), writing in small chunks for
organizers / notes, current event article on national issue with poll attached (current
event organizer)
3. Discovery: What do we want to poll about (stickies - whole class), How do we poll
(research organizer), Questions for expert (Q & A - skype?), Notes organizer for Q & A
4. Prototype: draft the questions (bias in writing, concise writing), receive feedback (expert,
another class of peers).
5. Revise and Organize: history organizer , revise the questions based on feedback,
organize the poll (twitter, google forms, printed). Conduct the poll - current events
6. Analyze Results: tabulate results (google doc and google sheet), discuss results (whole
group assessment - stickies which outline key points to communicate with community),
practice mini responses (debate and reflection), outlining a response (describe and pov
opinion), practice mc test
7. Respond: practice outline and written intro, start class ppt report on poll findings, receive
peer + instructor feedback on written outline intro and revise, in-class written response
8. Review for unit test, complete report on findings for school and community ppt, write
reflection (what did you learn? what do you need to study for to test?), share findings
with school and community, unit test m/c

POS Standards
Social 9-
9.1 Issues for Canadians: Governance and Rights
9.1.4 examine the structure of Canada’s federal political system by exploring and reflecting
9.2 Issues for Canadians: Economic Systems in Canada and the United States
9.2.6 assess, critically, the interrelationship between political decisions and economic systems
by exploring and reflecting upon the following questions and issues
S10- 3.1 recognize and appreciate multiple perspectives that exist with respect to the
relationships among politics, economics, the environment and globalization (GC, ER, PADM)
3.8 evaluate actions and policies associated with globalization that impact the environment (land
and resource use, resource development agreements, environmental legislation) (LPP, ER, GC)
4.10 evaluate means by which individuals, governments, organizations and businesses could
address opportunities and challenges of globalization (pro-globalization activism,
anti-globalization activism, legislation, agreements, consumer activism, corporate responsibility)
Social 11-
1.6 develop understandings of nation and nationalism (relationship to land, geographic,
collective, civic, ethnic, cultural, linguistic, political, spiritual, religious, patriotic) (I, CC, LPP)
1.8 analyze how the development of nationalism is shaped by historical, geographic, political,
economic and social factors (French Revolution and Napoleonic era, contemporary examples)
4.7 evaluate the challenges and opportunities associated with the promotion of Canadian
national unity (Québec sovereignty, federal–provincial–territorial relations, Aboriginal
self-determination and land claims, bilingualism, multiculturalism) (I, C, CC)
Unit Goals:

1. Students will discover the various perspectives that affect identity and political decision
making in Canada
2. Students will discover historical and present day issues that impact political decision and
political polling
3. Students will apply their understanding to designing appropriate questions for polling and
poll members of their school & community
4. Students will effectively communicate their findings digitally to their community and
through a bulletin board in their school

Anticipatory Set:​
Provincial elections & National Elections 2019
Mini- class election for a class body.
Inquiry in Journalism- understanding current and historical events
Polling Stations- Referendums- Understanding of the recent Olympic vote in Calgary?
Understanding separatist referendum polling (Alberta referendum proposal current event
Quebec 1995)

Introduce and Model New Knowledge:

using technology (digital citizenship and online workspaces - Kahoot practice M/c test)
note organization (history and current events)
research (political science and working with expert for Q & A)
designing, testing and analyzing as a group (polling layout and questions, tabulation, analysis)
Writing assessment: outlining and writing an intro

Provide Guided Practice:​

writing with organization - current events and history
research organizer (poli sci opinion polling, q & a session)
design thinking: writing a poll (bias questions), draft a poll (twitter, google forms, printed),
audience/conduct mock poll (expert and peer feedback)
Written response - outlining / peel the fruit POV and intro paragraph writing
M/C practice test - Kahoot!

Provide Independent Practice:​

current events and history organizer
group research organizer
draft a poll (write question, load into technology, conduct poll) - mock for peer feedback
Draft written response to results of poll
AS reflection on what they need to study for test

Wrap-Up Unit
Create a forum to share results of poll with community (ppt - pt interviews, social media, bulletin

Formative/Ongoing Assessment:

● Help students develop their understanding of various perspectives affecting political

decision making through class discussions, multimedia presentations, and and offering
support through the creation of their historical and current event organizer
● Students will receive ongoing feedback from their peers and teachers as they develop
appropriate questions
● As students create organizer and polls give feedback and support through scheduled
student teacher Conversations
● Students will perform assessments as learning, through reflection on their
understandings and polling design
● Record evidence of student understanding and learning challenges in learner profile so
they can be addressed in each lesson

Summative/End Of Unit Assessment:

Written response (outline, describe, respond with POV opinion)
Unit M/C exam
Graphic organizer (Current events and Historical Events)
Peel the Fruit Organizer (written response, outlining, describing and POV)
Stickies for design phase of creating the poll, analyzing the results
Computer carts for shared work spaces (google doc for polling questions, google sheets for
tabulation of results, google forms for poll, twitter for polling, google slides for share results
with community)

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