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1. I ... Accounting at campus at this time D.

tomorrow. Kunci : B
A. Will be studying Alasan : Simple past tense. Died merupakan
B. Will study kata kerja, dalam kalimat aktif tidak perlu
C. Will have studied menggunakan to be (was), death merupakan
D. Will have been studying kata benda, tidak boleh digunakan sebagai
Kunci : A predikat. Dead adalah kata sifat, harus
Alasan : at this time menyatakan continous, menggunakan to be.
sedangkan tomorrow menyatakan future.
6. Your laptop is broken. It needs ...
A. fixed
2. By the end of this year, Mary ... in Jakarta B. to fixed
for 4 years. C. to be fixed
A. Will be staying D. fixes
B. Will have been staying Kunci : C
C. Will have stayed Alasan : Dua kata kerja berurutan, kata kerja ke
D. Will teach dua dalam bentuk to inf, karena ini kalimat
Kunci : B pasive maka setelah to diikuti be dan V 3.
Alasan : By the end of this year menerangkan
future perfect continous tense, yaitu 7. The problems will ... next Sunday.
menyatakan kejadian yang telah berlangsung A. Be discussed
sejak waktu lalu dan pada waktu yg akan datang B. Be discussing
telah berlangsung berapa lama. C. discuss
D. discusses
3. The patient .... before his family came. Kunci : A
A. died Alasan : Passive, modal diikuti oleh “be”.
B. has died
C. was died 8. Neither the big house nor the smaller
D. Had died houses ... right now.
Kunci : D A. Is being painted
Alasan : Past perfect + before + Simple past ( B. Is painted
lihat verb setelah before, yaitu came). C. Are painted
D. Are being painted
4. David, accompanied by his friends, ... to Kunci : D
Mr. Reeve who is an English teacher right now. Alasan : right now menunjukkan present
A. Are talking continous sedangkan predikat mengikuti Subjek
B. Is talking 2 ( houses )karena “neither”.
C. talking
D. talk 9. The town .... since 13 years ago.
Kunci : B A. Has been left
Alasan : yang menjadi subjek adalah David. B. Have been left
Right now menunjukkan continous. C. Has been leaving
D. Had been left
5. Michael Jackson, who was a king of pop, Kunci :A
... in 2008. Alasan : dalam kalimat pasif, have/has (perfect)
A. Was died diikuti oleh been dan V 3.
B. Was dead
C. Was death
10. The town .... before The United Kingdom kerja setelah “who” menjadi V-ing karena
came. merupakan kalimat aktif.
A. Has been left
B. Has been left 15. The vegetables ... this morning by my
C. Has been leaving mother was bought in the market yesterday.
D. Had been left A. Which cooked
Kunci : D B. That cooked
Alasan : Past perfect + before + Simple past, C. which is cooked
dalam bentuk pasive perfect diikuti oleh been D. Cooked
dan V 3. Kunci : D
Alasan : Lengkapnya adalah which was cooked,
11. The woman ... is killed at boarding house is tetapi kita bisa menghilngkan “which” dan “to
26 years old. be” , sedangkan verb yg digunakan adalah V 3
A. who karena merupakan kalimat pasive.
B. whom
C. whose 16. .... his sickness, He didn’t come to his
D. which daughter wedding party.
Kunci : B A. Because
Alasan : kata “is killed” menunjukkan bahwa the B. Because of
woman menjadi objek. C. Since
D. Despite
12. The man ... hair is long looks so beautiful. Kunci : B
A. whose Alasan : Because of diikuti oleh noun/noun
B. whom phrase, untuk menyatakan alasan.
C. who
D. of which 17. ... It rains so hard. All the students keep
Kunci : A going to school.
Alasan : menunjukkan kepemilikan. A. Although
B. Despite of
13. The motorcycle, the chain ... is severed, is C. Inspite of
mine. D. Despite
A. whose Kunci : A
B. that Alasan : Although diikuti klausa/kalimat.
C. of which Menyatakan pertentangan.
D. which
Kunci : C 18. Kim waters the flowers everyday ... grow
Alasan : kepemilikan suatu benda. well.
A. In order that
14. The thief ... motorcycle yesterday is being B. So
pursued by the people. C. because
A. Who steal D. In order to
B. Stealing Kunci : D
C. Stolen Alasan : Menyatakan tujuan, in order to diikuti
D. Stole oleh kata kerja.
Kunci : B
Alasan : Lengkapnya adl who stole, tetapi kita 19. Orangutans are extinct becuase the place
bisa menghilangkan “who” dan mengubah kata ... They live are often burned by human to open
unirigated agricurtular field.
A. In which
B. which 24. ... the prize, I would have given you some.
C. on which A. If I won
D. in where B. Did I win
Kunci : A C. If I had not won
Alasan : Yang benar adalah Where, untuk D. Had I won
menyatakan tempat. Bisa diganti dengan in Kunci : D
which. Alasan : Inversi Conditional type 3.
Menghilangkan If maka harus menukarkan
20. I came home ... you were sleeping. posisi subjek dengan predikat (Had dan I).
A. On which
B. In which 25. The productions of that company are not as
C. that many as last year productions. The Manager
D. so requested that the employer ... efisiently and
Kunci : A effectively.
Alasan : Untuk menyatakan waktu, on which A. work
atau when. B. to work
C. working
21. My friend said that FC Porto played very D. worked
well yesterday. I wish I .... Kunci : A
A. Watched the match Alasan : requested that + S + Bare verb ( kata
B. Would watch the match kerja dasar).
C. Had watched the match
D. Have watched the match
Kunci : C
Alasan : Past Subjunctive, wish + had + v3. Soal No. 1
Sesuatu yg sudah tdk mungkin terjadi di waktu Since there are many complaints about the new
lampau. products,the company...the products now.
A. is recalling
22. She teaches me as if She ... B. recalled
A. Were the teacher C. recalls
B. Had been the teacher D. has recalled
C. Is the teacher Pembahasan :
D. Was the teacher Penggunaan adverb of time "now" sehingga
Kunci : A menggunakan pola present continuous
Alasan : present subjunctive, Sentence + as if dengan rumus S+ ToBe+ V-ing
+S+V2/were. Jawaban : A
23. If only I ... have an exam tomorrow. I =======================================
shouldn’t study hard tonight. ===========
A. Will not Soal No. 2
B. Wouldn’t Our first tour destination in Asia is ... our next
C. Will destination.
D. Would A. farther than
Kunci : B B. the farther than
Alasan : Future Subjunctive, If only + S + would C. farthest than
(not) + v1. Sesuatu yang tidak mungkin terjadi di D. the farthest than
masa yg akan datang. Pembahasan :
Penggunaan Comparative Degree, dengan ciri- =======================================
ciri adj. er/ more adj. + than =======================================
Jawaban : A ===========
======================================= Soal No. 6
======================================= The family ... with the neighbor since the
=========== tragedy.
Soal No. 3 A. had rarely engaging
The little girl is taking care of the puppy with ... B. had rarely engaged
affection, and kindness. C. has rarely engaging
A. patient D. has rarely engaged
B. patience Pembahasan :
C. patiently Bentuk Present Perfect Tense, dengan
D. patients keterangan waktu "since", maka rumusnya S +
Pembahasan : have/ has + V-3
Penggunaan Parallel Contruction, noun, noun, Jawaban : D
... and noun. =======================================
Jawaban : B =======================================
======================================= ===========
======================================= Soal No. 7
=========== Joe ... a terrible role model for his younger
Soal No. 4 brother all day yesterday.
Promoting ... goods and services, the company A. was
salesmen also bid an opportunity to earn some B. being
profit. C. has been
A. they D. was being
B. their
C. its
D. it Pembahasan :
Pembahasan : Penggunaan Past Continuous, dengan
Penggunaan Dangling Modifier, subyek utama keterangan waktu all day yesterday ( sepanjang
adalah the "company salesmen" === jamak === hari kemarin) dengan rumus S + was/ were/ V-
their ing
Jawaban : B Jawaban : D
======================================= =======================================
======================================= =======================================
=========== ===========
Soal No. 5 Soal No. 8
Hardly ever ... the same word twice alike. The man received ... tie as a gift from his wife.
A. the little boy spelled money. A. a blue silk elegant
B. did spell the little boy B. a blue elegant silk
C. did the little boy spell C. an elegant blue silk
D. spelled the little boy D. an elegant silk blue
Pembahasan : Pembahasan :
Bentuk Inversi, pembalikan susunan seperti Penggunaan adjective in order dalam kalimat ==
kalimat tanya, aux + s + v == did the little boy Determiner - opinion - size - age- shape -color-
spell origin - material + Noun, maka susunannya, an
Jawaban : C elegant blue silk.
Jawaban : C
======================================= C. counts
======================================= D. count
=========== Pembahasan :
Soal No. 9 Kata kerja help selalu diikuti infinitive tanpa to
Not all people can afford ... in a big city like New == help me count
York. Jawaban : D
A. live =======================================
B. to live =======================================
C. living ===========
D. for living Soal No. 13
Pembahasan : The most difficult-thing to do after a hot fight or
Bentuk To Infinitive, afford + to infinitive == argument is to ...
afford + to live A. make up
Jawaban : B B. make out
======================================= C. make for
======================================= D. make over
=========== Pembahasan :
Soal No. 10 Jawaban yang sesuai dengan konteks kalimat
When entering a Japanese home or restaurant, diatas adalah make up ( memperbaiki)
it is ... to remove shoes. Jawaban : A
A. customary =======================================
B. customs =======================================
C. customer ===========
D. customized Soal No. 14
Pembahasan : X :I really need a job right now.
Penggunaan adjective, It is + adjective == It is Y: Well, you ... look for job vacancies in the job
customary fair
Jawaban : A A. should
======================================= B. must
======================================= C. might
=========== D. need
Soal No. 11 Pembahasan :
... the family were satisfied with the holiday. Konteks dialog menunjukkan pemakaian
A. Beside the hotel ungkapan untuk memberikan saran ( advice).
B. Among the hotel Advice == should
C. Between the hotel Jawaban : A
D. Besides the hotel =======================================
Pembahasan : =======================================
Penggunaan besides as adverb == as well. ===========
Jawaban : D Soal No. 15
======================================= My teacher made me ... the history project in a
======================================= week.
=========== A. to do
Soal No. 12 B. do
it was very kind of my friend to help me ... cash C. done
money. D. doing
A. to count Pembahasan :
B. counted
Penggunaan Causative dalam kalimat.Rumusnya
Subject + make ( any tense) + complement +
Jawaban : B

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