What Did L Learn During This Week in My Practicum?

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Week # 8

What did l learn during

this week in my Role predominants
practicum? Organizazer, controller,assessor,prompter, resource, tutor
As controller, I always care about keeping order in my class and allowing for
good development and understanding of the subject, avoiding distractions in
(Write between 200 and
my students by doing active pauses to resume their attention when symptoms
250 words)
of neglect and Disorder. Also I always locate the students who have attention
deficit very close to me, to make use to the maximum of its moments of
attention, the students who provoke disorder in my class are located by me in
the first seats in front of to me, so that they feel supervised.
Through the warm-ups engage all my students in the topic they enjoy this
activity because it is the first time that they have this experience in class
therefore I take to connect with the topic because they like it a lot and is novel
for them.
I connect the central topic with orientations that they form the being, give
advices and recommendations that serve to them for its future life. When the
topics are difficult I put them in a context of easy understanding reducing the
difficulty grade. When the central topic needs to recapture topics seen
previously, I quickly give support to my students reminding the previous
topic to them and to achieve the understanding of the topic also, and invite
them to revise the topic for a better understanding of the current topic.
Finally, I always act as tutor and participate in the doing in grade 5 where we
work the topics for projects and we introduce transversally the knowledge.

Feedback from others Roles that I am acquiring

(Cooperating teachers, Participant, correction, doubts solving, students’ performance, observer and
advisor, class time – resource as guidance and getting confidence.
teacher, classmates and
discussions-) Little by little with the approach to my students and knowledge of their needs
and knowledge gaps through the observations in class, I am winning the
(Write between 100 and confidence of my students which facilitates a good preparation for the classes
aimed to fill their empty, their doubts and learning expectations.
150 words)
Currently, I am getting a participation within the school community being a
more trustworthy person to protect the integrity of the children, in the face of
a situation of abuse of one of the Children. I am observing more of the
behaviors of the other students in the institution to prevent future situations
of risk of the Children.

Finally, I feel that I am getting children out of a state of apathy and lack of
interest in learning English since childhood by showing them how interesting
it is to learn a second Language.
What will I do Roles that I am missing
differently? Personal contact, intimate, feedback, grading.

(Write between 200 and At the moment I feel that I lack many roles, but the most important are the
250 words) personal contact to make each one a good feedback, due to the little contact I
have with my students and the time I have to share with them and meet them
in a way Individual. In addition to the large number of students in each grade.

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