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Just say, if ...

someone asks you, like this:

1. What is "MAIN PROBLEM" in the National Park in Ujung Kulon?
weak development, especially in the field of transportation and tourism maintenance
2. What is the greatness of the Ujung Kulon National Park so that you are interested in doing research there?
Ujung Kulon As one of the national parks in Indonesia and the only one, the center of rhinoceros
conservation must be developed
3. What is "GOAL" and "USE" your research for people in your country and people in general
a) To find out the promotions carried out in Ujung Kulon Tourism Park
b) To find out the condition of visitors to Ujung Kulon Tourism Park
c) Know the effect of promotion on tourists in Ujung Kulon National Park
d) Know the effect of promotions and tourists on the development of Ujung Kulon National Park
e) Know what obstacles and efforts are being made in developing the Ujung Kulon National Park
a) Theoretically, this research can be used to guide the development of tourist models and additional
assistance for managers of Ujung Kulon Park.
b) In practical terms, this research is expected to contribute theoretically to the research benefits of
c) For the community, the results of this study are expected to be material information to get to know
Ujung Kulon Tourism Park.
4. Why are you interested in developing a National Park in Ujung Kulon
To know the development of promotions and services for the development of Ujung Kulon National Park
5. 5"WHEN" did you do research, before or after the Tsunami disaster?
The research was conducted on October 14 to November 18, 2018, 1 month before the tsunami of December
22, 2018
6. WHERE do you do research, where is the Tsunami requested?
The research was carried out in the national tourism area at the tip of Kulon, one of the areas which was hit
by the tsunami
7. What are the conditions after the Tsunami, are there visitors
After the tsunami, there were a number of damaged national park facilities at the tip of the kulon, while
tourism activities were temporarily closed due to repairs
8. "IN WHAT WAY" Do you get DATA?
Data is obtained by giving questionnaires to respondents
9. What tools do you use to get data?
To process data use Path analysis
10. 11) What is "RESULTS"?
Path Analysis Results Diagram

X1 r13 = 0,425 (p31=0,231)

r12=0,521 (p21=(0,521) X3

r23 = 0, 492 (p32= 0,372)


1. What are your “CONCLUSIONS”?

1. The influence of positive and significant promotion variables on tourists, the level of influence
2. b. the influence of promotion variables, positive and significant for the development of Ujung
Kulon National Park, the influence rate is 5.3%,
3. c. the influence of tourist variables, positive and significant on the development of Ujung
Kulon National Park, the influence rate was 13.83%.
4. d. There is an indirect effect of promotion, on the development of Ujung Kulon National Park,
through tourism, the influence rate is 8.59% so there are 91.41% of other factors that influence

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