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A design approach for selecting the optimum

water cover depth for subaqueous disposal of
sulfide mine tailings
Mustafa A. Samad and Ernest K. Yanful

Abstract: The use of shallow water covers to flood reactive mine tailings is one of the most effective and common
methods of managing sulfide-rich reactive mine tailings in temperate climates. One of the aspects critical to the success
of subaqueous tailings disposal is the water depth required in the pond to maintain desirable water quality. Wind waves
and associated pressure-driven currents could resuspend the tailings, which might result in increased oxidation and
compromise the quality of the water cover. Although existing methodologies for water cover design are based on elimi-
nating tailings resuspension, sediment-trap data from several sites in Canada still indicate resuspension in most of the
ponds. In the present paper, a design methodology is proposed for optimizing the water cover depth, allowing sediment
resuspension within regulatory limits. The method uses linear wave theory and countercurrent flow profiles to obtain
the total bottom shear stress, which is then compared with the critical shear stress of the tailings to predict the onset of
erosion and resuspension and to compute the resulting mass of suspended tailings. Application of the methodology to a
tailings pond in British Columbia, Canada, indicates that although a maximum water cover depth of 2.5 m is necessary
to eliminate tailings resuspension, a maximum depth of 1.5 m could still be used, as the resulting concentration of sus-
pended tailings remains within the regulatory limit. The methodology also provides an estimate of the impact of
resuspension-induced oxidation on the quality of the water cover above the tailings, such as sulfate production.
Key words: mine tailings, water cover, wind waves, countercurrent flows, shear stress, resuspension.

Résumé : L’utilisation d’un mince couvert d’eau pour inonder les stériles miniers réactifs est une des méthodes les
plus courantes et effectives pour gérer les stériles miniers riches en sulfure réactif dans les climats tempérés. Un des
aspects critiques pour le succès de l’entreposage de stériles submergés est la profondeur d’eau requise dans le bassin
pour maintenir une qualité désirable de l’eau. Les vagues dues au vent et les courants qui résultent de la pression du
vent peuvent remettre en suspension les stériles, ce qui pourrait résulter en un accroissement de l’oxydation et compro-
mettre la qualité du couvert d’eau. Quoique les méthodologies existantes pour la conception de couvert d’eau sont
basées sur l’élimination des stériles en suspension, les trappes de sédiments de plusieurs sites au Canada indiquent tou-
jours une suspension dans la plupart des bassins. Dans le présent article, on propose une méthodologie de conception
pour optimiser la profondeur du couvert d’eau, permettant de rencontrer les limites réglementaires de remise en suspen-
sion des sédiments. La méthode utilise la théorie d’ondes linéaires et les profils d’écoulement à contre-courant pour ob-
tenir la contrainte de cisaillement totale au fond, qui est alors comparée à la contrainte de cisaillement critique des
stériles pour prédire le début de l’érosion et de la remise en suspension des sédiments, et pour calculer la masse résul-
tante des stériles en suspension. L’application de cette méthodologie à un bassin de stériles en Colombie Britannique,
Canada, indique que, quoiqu’une épaisseur maximale de couvert d’eau de 2,5 m est nécessaire pour éliminer la remise
en suspension des stériles, june profondeur maximale de 1,5 m pourrait toujours être utilisée pour que la concentration
résultante de stériles en suspension demeure à l’intérieur de la limite réglementaire. La méthodologie fournit également
une estimation de l’impact de l’oxydation induite par la remise en suspension sur la qualité de l’eau du couvert au-
dessus des stériles, tel que la production de sulfate.

Mots clés : stériles miniers, couvert d’eau, vagues dues au vent, écoulements à contre-courant, contrainte de cisaille-
ment, remise en suspension.

[Traduit par la Rédaction] Samad and Yanful 228

Received 30 April 2003. Accepted 30 August 2004. Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at on 8 March
M.A. Samad and E.K. Yanful.1 Geotechnical Research Centre, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The
University of Western Ontario, London, ON N6A 5B9, Canada.
Corresponding author (e-mail:

Can. Geotech. J. 42: 207–228 (2005) doi: 10.1139/T04-094 © 2005 NRC Canada
208 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 42, 2005

Introduction The selection of appropriate water depth for subaqueous

tailings disposal is therefore one of the critical aspects of
Natural oxidation of sulfide-rich reactive mine tailings maintaining desirable pond water quality. From the perspec-
produces acid drainage that is potentially hazardous to the tive of wind-driven flow, water cover depths designed to
environment. Flooding of the tailings with shallow water eliminate tailings resuspension for the design wind condi-
cover in engineered impoundments, such as with dams and tions would be the most desirable, as this would also elimi-
dykes, substantially reduces the amount of oxygen available nate water quality concerns. However, meeting such depth
to the sulfide minerals in the tailings. The method relies on requirements may become economically unfeasible, requir-
low oxygen solubility (8.6 g·m–3 at 25 °C) and diffusivity ing higher and more costly water-retaining structures and the
(2 × 10–9 m2·s–1) in water, compared with that in air maintenance of a large volume of water in the pond. Higher
(285 g·m–3 and 1.78 × 10–5 m2·s–1, respectively), which water depth may also hinder the growth of vegetation that
makes it one of the most effective methods for environmen- provides improved biota in tailings ponds (St-Germain et al.
tal management of the tailings. Tailings disposal under shal- 1997). Significantly reduced water cover depth, on the other
low water cover reduces sulfide oxidation and subsequently hand, would cause tailings resuspension that could result in
minimizes the release of sulfates, acids, and heavy metals to higher oxidation.
the environment (Pederson et al. 1997; Yanful and Verma Fundamental work on the depth and water quality aspects
1999; Yanful and Catalan 2002). of flooded mine tailings is limited. Most published work on
Depending on the location, size, and geometry of the tail- water cover designs for reactive sulfide-rich tailings is based
ings pond, wind action at the surface of the water cover may on empirical predictive methods focusing mainly on the sta-
generate large waves and produce a shear-induced surface bility of the tailings bed. The methodologies assume that
drift current in the direction of the wind. The latter could maintaining the wind-wave-induced near-bottom velocity be-
produce pressure-driven reverse or countercurrent flow low the threshold velocity for erosion would eliminate tail-
(CCF) at the bottom (Tsanis and Leutheusser 1987; Yang ings resuspension (Lawrence et al. 1991; Mohamed et al.
2001). Combined bottom shear stress from waves and CCF 1996; Atkins et al. 1997). The threshold velocity is either
could be large enough to erode, resuspend, and transport the obtained experimentally or estimated from empirical meth-
tailings in tailings ponds (Adu-Wusu et al. 2001; Yanful and ods.
Catalan 2002). Although these design methods estimate water cover
Resuspension of tailings can increase effluent turbidity depths intended to eliminate tailings resuspension, field-
and compromise its quality. Because oxygen concentration measured data at several sites in Canada (Adu-Wusu et al.
in shallow ponds remains close to the saturation level 2001; Bennett and Yanful 2001; Catalan and Yanful 2002)
(Vigneault et al. 2001), increased resuspension enhances ox- have shown that water covers do not always eliminate
idation of resuspended tailings (Catalan and Yanful 2002). resuspension. In many cases, sediment-trap data have indi-
Increased oxidation may result in considerable release of cated some resuspension, even in areas where the water
sulfates, acids, and heavy metals, as has been observed both cover is close to 2 m deep. This, to some extent, points to
in the laboratory and in the field (Yanful et al. 2000; Catalan possible inadequacy of existing methods for designing water
and Yanful 2002). covers.
In a number of tailings pond sites in Canada and Scandi- Recently, Yanful and Catalan (2002) used the small-
navia, high wind speed and shallow water depths have occa- amplitude wave theory and quadratic friction law to estimate
sionally resulted in cover water quality that has raised some bottom shear stress due to wind-induced waves. By compar-
concern. Peacey and Yanful (2003) reported that the effluent ing the bottom shear stress with the critical bottom shear
from the Heath Steele mine tailings area (lower cell), New stress of the tailings obtained experimentally in a rotating
Brunswick, Canada, exceeded the regulatory levels for total circular flume (RCF), these authors proposed conditions for
suspended solids (TSS) concentration when the hourly aver- resuspension in various wind wave environments. Although
age wind speed was >8 m·s–1. Water quality monitoring data this work did not explicitly address the issue of water cover
from the Equity Silver tailings pond, British Columbia, Can- design and concentrated mainly on interpreting field-
ada, and the Heath Steele lower cell have shown a gradual measured sediment-trap data, the experimental data on
decrease in the pH of the water cover over the past 10 years tailings erosion provided important insight into the resus-
(Mian 2004). Recent data at both sites show pH values pension character of the tailings.
reaching close to 6, down from about 8 at Equity and 10 at From the design perspective, resuspension in a tailings
Heath Steele in 1992. The federal regulatory pH limit for pond may still be allowed, provided sediment and other
mine effluent in Canada ranges between 6.0 and 9.5. The metal concentrations remain within regulatory limits. This
Løkken tailings pond site in Norway (Mian 2004) has shown would allow optimizing of the water depth, taking into
slightly elevated concentrations of Zn (~3 mg·L–1) and Cu account the mass of the suspended tailings and the overall
(~0.6 mg·L–1) and low pH values (~3.5), which were also at- water quality.
tributed to oxidation of resuspended tailings. In all these The main difficulty in adopting such a design approach
sites, additional remedial measures have had to be taken to lies in the fact that quantitative prediction of sediment
address the wind-induced water quality concerns. For exam- resuspension and oxidation products in tailings ponds is still
ple, at Heath Steele, the tailings under shallow water cover in the preliminary stages of research. As indicated in the
were dredged and moved to deeper areas as part of the final present study and the work by Yanful and Samad (2003),
closure measures. most base metal and uranium mine tailings are predomi-

© 2005 NRC Canada

Samad and Yanful 209

Fig. 1. The Premier Gold Project tailings storage facility site and surrounding area in British Columbia, Canada.

nantly cohesive in character. Although several methods have latory limits can considerably reduce water depth
been proposed for predicting natural cohesive sediment ero- requirements in a tailings pond.
sion (Lick 1982; Parchure and Mehta 1986; Mehta 1988),
their applicability is yet to be tested for mine tailings. On the
other hand, although several models are available for esti- Materials and data requirement
mating oxidation products for subaqueous stationary tailings
beds (Morin 1993; Lapakko 1994; Li et al. 1997; Fenemore Study sites and tailings characteristics
et al. 1998), literature on the oxidation of resuspended tail- Field data from a number of Canadian tailings pond loca-
ings is very scarce. tions were used in this study for model validation and (or)
In the present paper, a design methodology for selecting application. The sites were Heath Steele upper and lower
the optimum water cover depth in tailings ponds is proposed cells, New Brunswick; Quirck cell 14, Elliot Lake, Ontario;
that considers tailings resuspension and sulfate release due Falconbridge new tailings area, Sudbury, Ontario; and Pre-
to sulfide oxidation. Wind-induced waves and CCF are con- mier Gold Project tailings storage facility (PGP–TSF), Brit-
sidered the primary mechanisms for tailings resuspension, ish Columbia. However, to demonstrate the computational
whereas cohesive properties of the tailings are taken into procedure using the proposed methodology, data from the
account in describing the erosion process. Additionally, oxi- PGP–TSF site were used. The main reason for using the
dation of both bed and resuspended tailings is considered in PGP–TSF site for the example calculation was the availabil-
obtaining sulfate concentration in the water cover. The ity of a complete set of input data required for the model
method uses input information, such as measured wind application. As the water cover at this site is still being de-
speed and direction, pond geometry, tailings properties and signed and has, therefore, not yet been implemented, the
critical shear stress, to provide maps of required water cover computations presented in this paper are only a demonstra-
depth and suspended tailings and sulfate concentrations. The tion of the capabilities of the model and not those of the
computations are performed within the pond boundary at lo- envisaged design for the site. For the same reason, field per-
cations with selected square grid spacing. While the method- formance data for the PGP–TSF site are not yet available to
ology was being developed, predicted wave heights, surface validate the model. Instead, the model has been validated
drift velocities, and concentration of resuspended tailings in different aspects, including wave measurements, surface
were validated against field data, and the sulfate production drift currents, and TSS concentrations (with data from the
rate was compared with independent sets of laboratory test various sites previously mentioned), and laboratory sulfate
results. All these comparisons generally showed very good concentrations.
agreement with measured values. The capabilities of the However, to emphasize the importance of key parameters
methodology and the computational procedures were dem- in the application of the model, such as the direction of the
onstrated with a tailings pond located in British Columbia, dominant winds and the orientation of the tailings pond, a
Canada. The results indicate that flexibility in designing the map of the PGP–TSF site and surrounding areas is presented
water cover depth to allow tailings resuspension within regu- in Fig. 1.

© 2005 NRC Canada

210 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 42, 2005

Particle size distribution Fig. 2. Particle size distribution of tailings from the Premier
Particle size distribution of final mill tailings from the Gold Project tailings storage facility site.
PGP–TSF site was obtained with a Malvern particle size an-
alyzer (Malvern Instruments Ltd., Worcestershire, UK). The
distribution indicates that the PGP mine tailings fall predom-
inantly within the fine-silt range: about 97% of the particles
are finer than silt (<0.063 mm), and the clay (<0.002 mm)
and sand (>0.063 mm) fractions are about 7% and 3%, re-
spectively (Fig. 2).
Soulsby (1997) noted that cohesion in natural marine sedi-
ments becomes important when more than 10% of the sedi-
ment particles are finer than silt. As the mineralogical
composition of mine tailings is different from that of natural
sediments, the two may have different cohesion characteris-
tics. However, the predominance of the fine-silt fraction in
the tailings is a strong indicator of cohesive behavior in the
mine tailings.

Measurement of critical shear stress and tailings

cohesive properties
Experiments were performed to determine the critical
shear stress for erosion of the tailings from the PGP–TSF
site. The experiments were conducted in the RCF at the Na- dropped to nearly zero. The first such peak in Fig. 3b indi-
tional Water Research Institute in Burlington, Ontario, Can- cates the onset of erosion of the tailings (indicated by arrows
ada. The RCF consists of a circular flume 5.0 m in mean in the figure). The corresponding applied bed shear stress,
diameter, 0.30 m wide, and 0.30 m deep that rests on a rotat- 0.09 Pa, was considered the critical bed shear stress for ero-
ing platform 7.0 m in diameter. Experimental and theoretical sion in the present study. This critical shear stress is repre-
studies (Krishnappan 1993; Petersen and Krishnappan 1994) sentative of the steady unidirectional flow field generated in
have shown that the flow field generated in the flume is two- the flume.
dimensional, with nearly constant bed shear stress across the The small value of the critical shear stress obtained indi-
width of the flume. Details of the experimental facility can cates high erodibility of the tailings. Erosion test results
be found elsewhere, for example, in Krishnappan (1993) and from other tailings management facilities in Canada show
Yanful and Catalan (2002). similar values for critical shear stress against erosion, for
During preparation of the experiments, about 90 kg of the example, ~0.12 Pa for the Heath Steele upper cell, New
tailings, shipped in sealed containers from the site, was com- Brunswick (Yanful and Catalan 2002); and ~0.09 Pa for the
pletely mixed with 500 L of tap water. The slurry was then Falconbridge new tailings area, Ontario (Bennett 2002).
poured into the RCF and allowed to deposit uniformly over Figure 3a shows that the sediment concentration at a par-
the entire flume bed for a certain consolidation time. During ticular applied shear stress has a tendency to level off and
the experiments, the RCF was set in motion, and the speeds attain a steady-state value. This behavior is a typical charac-
were increased in steps to increase the bottom shear stress. teristic of cohesive sediments and has been observed by
Each step was maintained for at least 30 min. During each other researchers (Lick 1982; Parchure and Mehta 1986;
step, water samples were collected and analyzed for tailings Partheniades 1986; Krishnappan and Marsalek 2002).
concentration (mg·L–1). A sudden increase in concentration Parchure and Mehta (1986) and Partheniades (1986) argued
indicated the onset of tailings erosion, and the corresponding that the attainment of steady-state concentration during the
shear stress was taken as the critical shear stress (τc ) for ero- erosion process is due to a reduction in the rate of erosion of
sion of the top layer of the tailings bed. the sediment with time and not to the balance of erosion and
After completion of the experiment, the tailings bed was deposition rates. They also noted that cohesive sediments do
removed by mechanical means, and the sample was again not deposit while being eroded at a constant shear stress.
prepared for an experiment with a different consolidation These findings are consistent with those of Krishnappan and
time. Tests were performed at three different consolidation Marsalek (2002), who found that the critical shear stress for
times: 96, 48, and 24 h. erosion was higher than for deposition.
Figure 3a shows the variation of tailings concentration in The RCF results also indicate that the concentration for
the water column and the applied shear stress as functions of the 96 h consolidation time was lower than for the 24 h con-
time for the three different consolidation cases. The figure solidation time for shear stresses between 0.09 and 0.21 Pa.
shows that after the initiation of tailings erosion, tailings This reflects a reduction in bed erosion at smaller stress lev-
concentration increases with bed shear stress. The critical els for longer consolidation periods as a result of the gain
bed shear stress that corresponds to the onset of erosion can in shear strength. However, with the applied shear stress
be obtained from the variation of erosion rate calculated of 0.21–0.32 Pa, the concentration of suspended tailings
from the concentration data (Fig. 3b). The erosion rate reached nearly the same value, irrespective of the consolida-
peaked at the start of each stress level and subsequently tion time. This indicates that although the gain in strength

© 2005 NRC Canada

Samad and Yanful 211

Fig. 3. Variation of (a) suspended tailings concentration and (b) corresponding erosion rate, with applied shear stress for different con-
solidation periods as obtained from the erosion tests in the rotating circular flume. First trace of erosion is observed at the applied
shear stress of 0.09 N·m–2 as indicated by arrows in (b).

was achieved near the tailings surface, shear resistance did neering Research Center (CERC 2002). The comparison
not increase beneath the surface layer with an increase in the showed nearly identical average hourly wind speeds from
consolidation time. This small variation in concentration for the two stations. It was, therefore, concluded that the long-
different consolidation times may also represent a weak co- term data from Stewart Airport could be used in the analy-
hesive bonding in the tailings, unlike in natural sediments. sis. The wind direction data, however, were taken directly
from the PGP–TSF station.
Wind data The wind speeds for different return periods were esti-
Wind data were collected from the weather station in- mated by using the annual maximum hourly average wind
stalled at the PGP–TSF site and from Stewart Airport, lo- speeds and by applying four probability density functions:
cated about 22 km southeast of the project site. The data for (i) normal; (ii) log-normal; (iii) exponential; and
the Environment Canada wind station at Stewart Airport (iv) Gumbel distributions. The selection of distribution func-
consist of hourly wind speed and direction, taken as the tion was based on the goodness-of-fit values, tested by ap-
mean over 2 min periods on the hour. The PGP–TSF plying chi-square and Kolmogorov–Smirnov tests (Table 1).
weather station data, in contrast, had hourly maximum wind The test values measure the goodness-of-fit of a distribution
speeds obtained from data with 5 s intervals, along with the compared with a critical value at a given confidence level.
average wind direction over the hour. For both stations, the When the test value from a distribution is smaller than the
data corresponded to an elevation of 10 m from the ground. critical value, the distribution is considered acceptable. The
The PGP–TSF weather station had records from Novem- greater the difference between the test value and the critical
ber 2001 onwards, whereas the Stewart Airport station had value is, the better the distribution will be. Also, the distribu-
wind records from 1975. For statistical analysis, wind data tion that gives the lowest test value is considered the most
from the PGP–TSF weather station were not sufficient be- suitable. In addition, the closer the observed data are to the
cause of the short period of availability; therefore, wind data 95% confidence limits, the better the distribution will be.
from Stewart were used in the analysis. To establish a corre- With these criteria (Table 1 and Fig. 4), it is clear that the
lation between the data from the two stations, equivalent normal distribution is superior to the others. Accordingly,
hourly average wind speeds were calculated and compared, an hourly average design wind speed of 16 m·s–1 was ob-
according to the procedure described in the Coastal Engi- tained by using a normal distribution for a 100 year return
neering Manual (CEM) of the U.S. Army Coastal Engi- period.

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212 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 42, 2005

Fig. 4. Comparison of predicted wind speed with measured data (envelope of ±95% confidence interval is also shown): (a) normal,
(b) log-normal, (c) exponential, and (d) Gumbel distribution.

Table 1. Results of goodness-of-fit tests for wind data with dif- detached eddies form near the ends, the bottom shear stress
ferent probability density functions. produced is unidirectional, against the direction of the wind.
Kolmogorov–Smirnov Wind-induced waves
Chi-square values values
Significant wave height and period
Distribution Criticala Computed Criticala Computed
Significant wave height and period can be conveniently
Normal 19.68 18.28 0.250 0.143 computed with the Sverdrup, Munk, and Bretschneider
Log-normal 19.68 18.28 0.250 0.167 (SMB) method as given in the Shore Protection Manual of
Exponential 19.68 20.85 0.250 0.131 the U.S Army Coastal Engineering Research Center (CERC
Gumbel 19.68 31.14 0.250 0.298 1984). The method provides wave properties separately for
At 95% confidence level. deep, shallow, and intermediate water depths; these proper-
ties are given for deep-water waves (h/L > 0.5) by

[1] Hs = 0.0016
Design methodology g

Wind-generated flow and bottom shear stress

Two aspects of fluid motion govern the flow field gener- [2] Ts = 0.2714 3
ated by wind in closed water bodies such as mine tailings g2
ponds: (i) waves and (ii) surface drift and associated return
currents. Waves and drift currents are generated at the water and for shallow- and intermediate-water waves (h/L < 0.5)
surface. The positive pressure gradient developed by the sur- by
face drift currents results in a circulatory CCF at the bottom
(Hellström 1941), which essentially provides a mass balance ⎡ ⎛ gh ⎞ ⎤
3/ 4
across a vertical section in the pond. Resuspension of tail- [3] Hs = 0.283 ⎢
tanh 0.530 ⎜ 2 ⎟ ⎥
g ⎢ ⎝ Ua ⎠ ⎥
ings could be expected to occur when the combined bottom ⎣ ⎦
shear stress from waves and CCF exceeds the critical bottom
shear stress for erosion. Waves and CCF are generated from ⎧ 1/ 2

⎪ ⎛ gF ⎞ ⎪
the persistent winds blowing over the tailings water cover.
⎪ 0.00565 ⎜ 2 ⎟ ⎪
Estimation of the mass of suspended tailings therefore re- ⎪ ⎝ Ua ⎠ ⎪
quires determination of wind-induced waves and drift cur- × tanh ⎨ ⎬
⎪ ⎡ ⎛ gh ⎞ ⎤ ⎪
3 / 4

⎪ tanh ⎢ 0.530 ⎜ 2 ⎟ ⎥ ⎪
rents and resulting bottom shear stresses.
The waves produce a predominantly oscillatory bottom ⎪ ⎢ ⎝ Ua ⎠ ⎥ ⎪
shear stress variation over a wave period. For CCF, unless ⎩ ⎣ ⎦⎭
© 2005 NRC Canada
Samad and Yanful 213

⎡ ⎛ gh ⎞ ⎤
3/ 8
u*a 2
[4] Ts = 7.54
Ua ⎢
tanh 0.833 ⎜ 2 ⎟ ⎥ [8] CD =
⎢ U2
g ⎝ Ua ⎠ ⎥
⎣ ⎦ C D = 0.001(1.1 + 0.035U )
⎧ 1/ 3
⎫ where CD is the drag coefficient.
⎪ ⎛ gF ⎞ ⎪ The SMB and CEM methods for determining the signifi-
⎪ 0.0379 ⎜ 2 ⎟ ⎪
⎪ ⎝ Ua ⎠ ⎪ cant wave height and period are both included in the present
× tanh ⎨ ⎬ analysis. However, for application in shallow water cover,
⎪ ⎡ ⎛ gh ⎞
3/ 8 ⎤
⎪ the SMB equations have been used mostly (Lawrence et al.
⎪ tanh ⎢ 0.833 ⎜ 2 ⎟ ⎥ ⎪
⎪ ⎢ ⎝ Ua ⎠ ⎥ ⎪ 1991; Yanful and Catalan 2002).
⎩ ⎣ ⎦⎭
where h is the water depth (m); L is the wave length (m); Hs The wavelength, L (m), can be calculated iteratively by
is the significant wave height (average height of the highest the following equation:
one-third of waves in a wave train (m)); F is the fetch length gTs2 ⎛ 2π h ⎞
over which wind blows (m); Ua is the wind stress factor [9] L= tanh ⎜ ⎟
2π ⎝ L ⎠
(m·s–1) (= 0.71U1.23, where U is the wind speed (m·s–1) at
10 m elevation); g is the acceleration due to gravity (m·s–2);
and Ts is the significant wave period (s). Particle velocity amplitude and displacement length near the
Recent methods of wave prediction proposed in the CEM bottom
(CERC 2002) use a wave growth law based on wave spec- The small-amplitude (linear) wave theory can be applied
trum densities. Wave spectra proposed in the Joint North Sea to determine near-bottom velocity amplitude, U1m (m·s–1),
Wave Project (Hasselmann et al. 1973) can be combined and particle displacement length, am (m), corresponding to
with a description of fully developed wave frequency, to the significant wave height and period. These can be ob-
obtain a simplified wave prediction formulation. The wave tained as
growth with fetch is given (CERC 2002) by π Hs 1
[10] U1m =
Ts sinh(kh)
u*a 2 ⎛ gF ⎞
[5] H0m = 0.0413 ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
g ⎝ u*a 2 ⎠ [11] am =

where k is the wave number (= 2π/L); and ω s is the wave

u*a ⎛ gF ⎞
3 ⎜ frequency (s–1) corresponding to the significant wave period
[6] Tp = 0.651 ⎜ *2 ⎟⎟
g ⎝ ua ⎠ (= 2π/Ts).
Although wave characteristics, such as shape, height, and
period, are modified in the shallow-water zones as a result of
where H0m is the energy-based significant wave height (m) nonlinear interactions caused by the changing depth, Dean
(= Hs); u*a is the shear velocity in the atmospheric boundary and Perlin (1986) reported that linear theory generally is suf-
layer (ABL) (m·s–1); and Tp is the wave period correspond- ficient for the prediction of near-bottom kinematics under
ing to the spectral peak frequency (s) (≈ Ts). waves. For nonbreaking waves, application of linear wave
This analysis (CERC 2002) also defines the persistent theory slightly overestimates U1m (Fredsøe and Diegaard
time required for achieving the fetch-limited wave condition 1992) and therefore remains safe for design considerations.
for a given fetch length and wind velocity. Also, it was re-
ported (CERC 2002) that the fetch-limited growth in shal- Wave Reynolds number and roughness parameter
low-water waves appears to follow nearly the same growth The state of flow regime under waves, laminar or turbu-
law as that of deep-water waves for the same wind speed. lent, is defined by a wave Reynolds number (Rew) proposed
However, the wave period in shallow-water waves cannot by Jonsson (1966):
grow past a limiting value (Vincent 1985). The wind dura-
U1m a m
tion to achieve fetch-limited condition, tF,U (s), is given [12] Rew =
(CERC 2002) by υ
where υ is the kinematic viscosity of the water (m2·s–1).
F 0.67
[7] t F ,U = 77.23 0.34 0.33 The onset of turbulence in the wave boundary layer has
U g been studied by many researchers (Jonsson 1966; Sleath
1974; Kamphuis 1975; Jensen et al. 1989). For smooth bed
Application of eqs. [5] and [6] requires the assessment of conditions the transition from a laminar regime to a turbu-
atmospheric shear velocity (u*a ), which can be obtained by lent one starts with Rew ~ 105, whereas for rough bottom
considering, for example, the logarithmic velocity profile in conditions Rew varies over a wide range (~103–105), depend-
the ABL, taking into consideration the atmospheric stability ing on the relative roughness of the bed. The relative rough-
conditions, or by using drag laws, as proposed by CERC ness is defined through a roughness parameter, a m /ks, where
(2002): ks is the Nikuradse effective bed roughness height (m) given
© 2005 NRC Canada
214 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 42, 2005

by 3d90, with d90 being the 90th percentile fraction of the a double logarithmic behavior representative of CCF in the
grain size of bed materials (m). fully developed region.
The velocity profile for turbulent flow (Yang 2001) is
Wave-induced bottom shear stress given as
Maximum bed shear stress, τ0w (N·m–2), developed by os-
cillatory motion at the free surface, can be described by ap- u(z) ⎛ z⎞ ⎛ z ⎞
[15] = A ln ⎜1 + ⎟ + B ln ⎜1 − ⎟
plying the quadratic friction law (Jonsson 1966). This is u*s ⎝ z b⎠ ⎝ z s + h⎠
given by
where u(z) is the time-averaged horizontal velocity (m·s–1) at
[13] τ0w = w fw U1m
2 depth z; u*s is the shear velocity at the water surface (m·s–1);
2 zb and zs are the characteristic lengths at the bottom and sur-
face defining viscous sublayer (m); z is the vertical distance
where ρw is the density of water (kg·m–3); and fw is the wave from the bottom (m); and A and B are parameters, given by
friction factor, which is dependent on the turbulent dissipa- A = q2/(p1q2 + p2q1) and B = –q1/(p1q2 + p2q1) with p1 =
tion process at the bottom. For laminar motion, the friction λzsh; p2 = λ(1 + zbh); q1 = (1 + z bh) ln[1 + (1/z bh)] − 1; and q2 =
factor can be obtained analytically as shown by Jonsson zsh ln[1 + (1/zsh)] – 1, where zbh = zb/h; zsh = zs/h; and λ is a
(1966): coefficient. The parameters were obtained by Yang (2001)
2 from laboratory experiments and were given as 0.00014,
[14] fw = 0.01, and 0.45, respectively.
Rew The Reynolds number in CCF, Rec, is defined as
The typical flow regime in mine tailings ponds shows Ush
[16] Rec =
mainly laminar behavior, as has been calculated from mea- υ
sured wave records (reported in a later section). Under a tur-
bulent regime, the friction factor is dependent on the bed where Us is the magnitude of the surface drift velocity (m·s–1).
roughness parameter (am/ks) and the magnitude of the wave Initiation of turbulence in the CCF with plain bed conditions
Reynolds number. For plane and rough bed conditions, the starts at an Rec of 6000–8000 (Koseff and Street 1984).
friction factor can be obtained by following the methods of The surface drift velocity, Us, has components from both
Fredsøe and Diegaard (1992) and Kamphuis (1975). wind-induced surface drift (Usc) and generated wind waves
The critical shear stress for erosion as obtained from the (Usw) and can be obtained following Wu (1975) and Fredsøe
RCF experiments was representative of the steady unidirec- and Diegaard (1992), respectively. The shear velocity at the
tional flow field generated in the flume. For comparison of water surface can be calculated by considering that the
the contribution from the waves to tailings erosion, a repre- tangential stress is continuous at the air–water interface
sentative time-averaged bottom shear stress was necessary. (Spillane and Hess 1978), such that
The time-averaged value of the bottom shear stress was ob- ρ
tained by averaging the variation of bottom shear stress over [17] u*s = u*a a
one-half wave period, given by τ0w /2, as suggested by vari- ρw
ous researchers, for example, Larsen et al. (1981) and van
Rijn (1993). where u*s is the shear velocity at the water surface (m·s–1);
and ρa is the air density (kg·m–3).
Countercurrent flow CCF-induced bottom shear stress
Wind interaction at the water surface also results in a sur- Bed shear stress for CCF, τ0c (N·m–2), can be calculated
face drift current in the direction of the wind. In a closed from the gradient of velocity distribution near the bottom.
water body the drift current is balanced by a return current By definition, the bottom shear stress is given by
near the bed (CCF), thereby forming a large circulatory mo-
tion along the pond axis. For tailings ponds, where the as- du (z)
[18] τ0c = (ρwυ) at z=0
pect ratio (h/w, where h is the water cover depth (m); and w dz
is the pond length in the direction of wind (m)) is very small
(much less than unity), it is assumed that the magnitude of For laminar flow, the bottom shear stress can also be cal-
CCF is small, contributing only about 10% to the total shear culated by using the quadratic friction law, where the fric-
stress (Lawrence et al. 1991; Yanful and Catalan 2002). tion factor for CCF can be obtained analytically. Turbulent
However, for higher wind speeds and water depths, this bottom shear stress under CCF can be obtained by applying
study indicated that CCF contribution could often exceed eq. [18], along with the vertical velocity distribution,
20% of the total bed shear stress. eq. [15], and an appropriate description of turbulent eddy
viscosity, υ t . For turbulent flow, the turbulent eddy viscosity
Velocity profile and flow properties is much greater than the kinematic viscosity of water and the
Wind-induced surface drift current and CCF with low as- kinematic viscosity term in eq. [18] is replaced by υ t , a sim-
pect ratio have been studied by several researchers (Tsanis ple description of which is given by Wu and Tsanis (1995)
1989; Wu and Tsanis 1995; Yang 2001). Whereas the verti- as υ t = (λu*s /h)(z + zb)(zs + h – z). Now applying the equa-
cal velocity distribution under laminar motion can be deter- tions at the bottom, at z = 0, a description of the bottom
mined analytically, for turbulent flow Tsanis (1989) showed shear stress was obtained for the present study as

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Samad and Yanful 215

⎛ A B ⎞ Tailings oxidation and resulting sulfate concentration

[19] τ0c = ρwu*s 2 λ z bh(zsh + 1) ⎜ − ⎟ Oxidation in a tailings pond occurs as dissolved oxygen in
⎝ z bh zsh + 1⎠
water comes in contact with mine tailings. Whereas resus-
pended tailings oxidize because of freely available oxygen in
Yang (2001) suggested that the coefficients zbh, zsh, and λ, water (Hustwit et al. 1992), oxidation of the tailings at the
used to describe the vertical velocity profiles, which are ob- bottom of the pond requires diffusion of oxygen through the
tained from experimental data, are generally representative overlaying water (Morin 1993; Lapakko 1994). These two
of low-aspect-ratio CCF. A sensitivity study of the coeffi- differing processes of oxidation need to be modeled with
cients indicated that the variation in the coefficients affects different approaches.
the flow profile mainly near the water surface, and the bot- Estimation of sulfate concentration as an oxidation prod-
tom shear stress is least affected by the choice of the coeffi- uct is based on a principle similar to that of a batch reactor,
cient values. where the rate of loss of oxygen for oxidation is set equal to
the rate of accumulation of the oxidation product.
Total bottom shear stress Oxygen consumption for oxidation of the tailings at the
The time-averaged total bottom shear stress can now be bed can be determined by the diffusion law. The concentra-
determined by numerically summing the parts from waves tion of dissolved oxygen in a completely mixed water
and the CCF: column without advection or sediment resuspension can be
represented as
[20] τ0 = τ0w / 2 + τ0c
∂C ∂ 2C
[22] = D* − K* C
This would contribute to tailings erosion at the bottom. ∂t ∂z 2
Equation [20] neglects the influence of wave–current inter-
where C is the oxygen concentration (kg·m–3); t is time (s);
action. Lodahl et al. (1998) pointed out that the nonlinear
D* is the effective diffusion coefficient of oxygen in tailings
interaction between waves and currents depends on their
(m2·s–1); z is the depth of water in the water column (m); and
relative strengths and that the bed shear stress averaged
K* is the oxidation reaction rate (s–1).
over one wave period might increase, remain constant, or
The steady-state solution of eq. [22] at the tailings–water
even decrease with respect to its steady-current values.
interface can be obtained for oxygen mass flux, O2 flux
Equation [20], therefore, provides a maximum limit for the
(kg·m–2·s–1), as
magnitude of combined bottom shear stress. A similar
computation by van Rijn (1989) using eq. [20] provided a ∂m
[23] O2 flux = = CO D* K *
somewhat larger magnitude of total bed shear stress over ∂t
sand beds than the corresponding experimental values. In a
tailings pond, this interaction might be further complicated where ∂m/∂t is the oxygen mass flux into the water
by the presence of an inflection point in the vertical current (kg·m–2·s –1); and C O is the oxygen concentration at the
profile. air–water interface (kg·m –3). The oxygen flux can then
be converted to the rate of sulfate production by using
Sediment resuspension and erosion rate the rate law and reaction rate constant.
Assuming that the depth of erosion is small and that the Information on the oxidation of resuspended tailings in a
critical bed shear stress for erosion does not vary with depth, tailings pond is very scarce, mainly because of the uncer-
the erosion rate of tailings in suspension can be computed tainties in predicting tailings resuspension. Li et al. (1997)
following an Ariathurai–Partheniades-type erosion equation proposed a sulfate release model, in which they assumed
(Partheniades 1986) for cohesive materials: that 2 mm of a tailings bed is continually resuspended.
Gautam and Yanful (2001) proposed a sulfate production
n rate law on the basis of experimental results obtained from a
⎛ τ − τc ⎞ shake flask. Gautam and Yanful (2001) placed a sample of
[21] E = M⎜ 0 ⎟
⎝ τc ⎠ unoxidized tailings from Heath Steele mine, New Bruns-
wick, Canada, under water in a shake flask and continuously
aerated it to ensure oxygen saturation. Sulfate production
where E is the erosion rate (kg·m–2); τ0 is the total bed shear
was estimated using the principle of the batch reactor and
stress (N·m–2); τc is the critical bed shear stress for erosion
the volume of tailings resuspension. The rate of sulfate pro-
(N·m–2); n is an exponent; and M is a coefficient in appropri-
duction, SO4–2 flux (kg·m–2·s–1), was given by Gautam and
ate dimensions. The values of the coefficients in the general
Yanful (2001) as
erosion equation, eq. [21], are typically obtained from labo-
ratory erosion tests, in situ erosion tests, or large-scale ob- ∂m s
[24] SO4−2 flux = = sE
servational data (see, for example, Lick 1982; Partheniades ∂t
1986; Pickens and Lick 1992). However, interpretation of
the data is often subjective, for example, in the assessment where ∂ms /∂t is the sulfate mass flux (kg·m–2·s–1); s is the
of critical shear stress or in the selection of a particular ex- sulfate production rate from the shake flask (kg[SO−42 ]·kg[−1
perimental procedure. In the present study, the exponent and s −1); and E is the tailings erosion rate (kg·m–2). Gautam and
the coefficients were obtained from the erosion test data, as Yanful (2001) obtained a value for s of 1.88 mg·L[−SO1 –1
− 2 ·day ·
further discussed in a later section. ] 4

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216 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 42, 2005

tailings] for the tailings, which contained about 60% py- SMB method slightly overestimates the wave height, com-
rite, 25% quartz, and 8% kaolinite as the main mineral con- pared with the CEM method.
stituents. The experiments were performed at a controlled
temperature of 20 °C to represent the likely temperature of Comparison of surface drift currents and CCF
the tailings pond during summer. contribution to bottom shear stress
The magnitude of surface drift currents (Us) in the pond
can be calculated from the CCF and wave components of the
Computational framework
surface drift current. CCF-induced surface drift was obtained
The proposed design methodology accounts for the options by using the formulation suggested by Wu (1975), Usc =
both of eliminating tailings resuspension and of optimizing 0.53u*a , whereas wave drift was calculated by using the for-
resuspension to maintain the pond water quality at a desired mulation proposed by Fredsøe and Diegaard (1992). The cal-
level. The distribution of required depths in the pond is ob- culations for Us were performed for various wind speeds, a
tained by dividing the pond into a number of grids with suit- fetch length of 1000 m, and a water depth of 2.0 m. The
able square grid spacing, and the computations are performed computed value for Us and those measured in two natural
at each grid cell. Measured wind data are used to compute the shallow lakes are shown in Fig. 7. Equation [15] suggests
design wind speed and directional distribution for a given re- that the magnitude of CCF-induced surface drift (at z = h) is
turn period. Fetch lengths at each grid point are then calcu- independent of water depth (as zbh and zsh are universal con-
lated according to the directional wind distribution. stants). Also, calculations have shown that wave drift is very
Determination of required minimum water depth in the weakly dependent on water depth and fetch length. As a re-
tailings ponds is based on the condition that wind-induced sult, the surface drift velocity presented in Fig. 7 is expected
bottom shear stress would not exceed the critical shear stress to be representative over a range of water depths and fetch
for tailings erosion. During the first cycle of computations, lengths. The magnitude of Us is similar to those observed in
wind data, along with measured critical shear stress of the natural shallow lakes, as shown in the figure. Wang et al.
tailings, are used to calculate the minimum water depth (2003) reported measured water particle velocities 30 cm be-
needed to completely eliminate resuspension of the tailings. low the water surface in Lake Okeechobee, central Florida,
The resulting depths are then presented in depth contour United States, as being in the range of 4–20 cm·s–1, with
maps. In the second computational cycle, restrictions on the wind speeds ranging from 3 to 15 m·s–1 at one station. Cor-
minimum required water depth are introduced such that responding surface velocities were obtained by applying
partial tailings resuspension is allowed, in exchange for a eq. [15] and are also shown in the figure. The field-
reduced depth requirement. Corresponding resuspended tail- measured velocities show very good agreement with pre-
ings and sulfate concentrations are then computed and pre- dicted values. Lake Okeechobee has an average depth of
sented as distribution maps along with the depth contours. 2.7 m and an area (1750 km2) about three orders of magni-
At every step of the computation, possible alternative tude greater than that of a typical tailings pond. Rueda et
options and controlling sequences are included to provide al. (2003) used drogue tracking to measure surface veloci-
wider applicability to the scenarios that may arise in practi- ties in Clear Lake, California, United States. The measured
cal situations. For example, different methods of wind-wave surface velocities show slightly smaller values than pre-
computation, options for atmospheric stability effects on dicted values. Clear Lake has a mean depth of 8.0 m and an
wave growth, and selection of an appropriate friction factor area of 176 km2.
description are included in the computational procedure. A The present analysis examines the contribution from CCF
schematic description of the computation procedure is pre- to sediment resuspension by quantifying the bed shear stress
sented in Fig. 5. due to CCF. Unlike other approaches that assumed that the
CCF contribution to the total shear stress either is very
small or about 10% (Lawrence et al. 1991; Yanful and
Model validation Catalan 2002), the present analysis shows that the bottom
shear stress derived from CCF could be quite large, de-
Prediction of wind-induced wave heights pending on generated significant wave height (affected by
Mian and Yanful (2003) reported wave measurements per- the wind speed and fetch length) and water depth in the
formed in two tailings pond sites at Heath Steele (upper pond. For a very low aspect ratio (<<1), the magnitude of
cell), New Brunswick, and at Quirke cell 14, Elliot Lake, CCF-induced bottom shear stress (τ0c ) is dependent only on
Ontario, Canada. The measurements were conducted during the wind speed (as shown in eq. [19]). For greater water
the periods 28 July – 26 August 1999 and 26 October – depths, where the wave-induced bottom shear stress (τ0w) is
26 November 2000, respectively. small, τ0c could be even higher than τ0w. The variations of
Significant wave heights and periods were calculated with τ0w and τ0c with wind speed and water depth are shown in
both the SMB and the CEM methods for the given wind Fig. 8 for a fetch length of 1000 m. This fetch length was
speeds, fetch lengths in the direction of the wind, and water assumed to be representative of the maximum fetch length
depths at the stations. The time required to achieve the fetch- in a typical tailings pond. The figure also shows the percen-
limited condition in the pond was also checked (by using tile contribution of τ0c to the total bed shear stress (τ0, ob-
eq. [7]) prior to the calculation of significant wave proper- tained from eq. [20]). The figure shows that although for
ties. Figure 6 presents predicted and measured wave heights. shallow water depths (depths less than ~1.5 m) τ0w contrib-
As indicated, the predictions from both methods generally utes the most toward the total bed shear stress, for higher
show very good agreement with measured data, although the wind speeds (as in the case of design events) the contribu-

© 2005 NRC Canada

Samad and Yanful 217

Fig. 5. Schematic computational flowchart where RT is the wind stability factor and hl is the maximum allowable depth in the pond.
All other symbols are defined in the text.

tion from τ0c becomes predominant and can no longer be shear resistance to erosion over time and hence over bed
ignored. depth was minimal. This lends support to the assumption
made in the development of the erosion equation (eq. [21])
Erosion equation and suspended sediment that the critical shear stress remains constant over the depth
concentration of erosion. For validation of this assumption, erosion rates
for tailings from three other sites were calculated from ero-
Development of a generalized erosion equation for mine sion test data. The three sites were the Falconbridge new
tailings tailings area, Sudbury, Ontario (Bennett 2002), with d50 ~
Estimation of the critical bed shear stress for erosion (τc ) 0.11 mm; the Heath Steele upper cell, New Brunswick
is necessary for obtaining the amount of tailings re- (Yanful and Catalan 2002), with d50 ~ 0.01 mm; and Heath
suspension. As already mentioned, although the particle Steele lower cell sludge (Peacey and Yanful 2003), with
sizes of the PGP–TSF tailings were very fine, the increase in d50 ~ 0.01 mm. The parameter d50 is the particle size below

© 2005 NRC Canada

218 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 42, 2005

Fig. 6. Comparison of measured and predicted wave heights as The proposed methodology was applied to compute the
determined by Sverdrup, Munk, and Bretschneider and Coastal increase in SSC due to wind-induced flows, and the results
Engineering Manual formulations (wave measurements at Heath are also shown in Fig. 10. Instantaneous SSC was computed
Steele, New Brunswick, 1999, and at Quirke cell 14, Elliot Lake, at 13 stations identified by Peacey and Yanful (2003) where
Ontario, 2000). water depth data were available. The average concentration
(ca) over the pond, which was assumed to be the same as the
concentration at the outflow location, was calculated as the
depth-weighted average from all stations (defined as ca =
Σ(hici)/Σhi, where ci is the local concentration and hi is the
local water depth). The SSC was obtained from the mass
of eroded tailings (kg·m–2) computed with eq. [25], with a
value of τc equal to 0.058 N·m–2, as determined by Peacey
and Yanful (2003). The SSC was then calculated with the as-
sumption that the eroded materials were evenly suspended
over the water depth (i.e., ci = Ei/hi). A time lag between the
wind speed and the erosion rate required to achieve steady
erosion behavior was assumed to be 1 h, and the SSC data
are, accordingly, shifted in the figure.
Calculations showed that although no erosion occurred in
the pond for water depths of >2.6 m, the maximum instanta-
neous SSC was in excess of 600 mg·L–1 at locations that had
a water depth of 0.5 m and a fetch of more than 600 m. The
estimated maximum weighted average SSC for the pond was
~36 mg·L–1. Because of persistent high wind speeds, erosion
of the bed (sludge) continued to occur in shallower areas and
increased the SSC in the pond. This increasing concentration
is represented by the cumulative SSC values in the figure,
which 50% of the material is finer. The variation of erosion which assumes that once resuspended the tailings remained
rate with the applied dimensionless excess bed shear stress, in suspension because of the higher wind speeds. For peri-
(τ0 − τc )/τc , is shown in Fig. 9. Although materials from the ods with missing wind data, indicated by arrows in Fig. 10,
various sites had different critical bed shear stress (τc was trends of lower wind speed can clearly be observed. As a re-
~0.09 N·m–2 for Falconbridge tailings, ~0.12 N·m–2 for sult, some amount of deposition of resuspended tailings was
Heath Steele upper cell tailings, and ~0.058 N·m–2 for Heath assumed, which resulted in a reduced SSC at the beginning
Steele lower cell sludge), the plot in Fig. 9 suggests general- of the next day. This assumption is reasonable, as the wind
ized erosion behavior for the tailings and sludge. Conse- speed variation over the day typically shows a peak in the
quently, a generalized erosion equation for mine tailings can afternoon and a minimum value early in the morning. The
be proposed as cumulative SSC values thus obtained show reasonably good
4/ 3
agreement with measured SSC values.
1 ⎛ τ0 − τc ⎞ The present methodology is based on a steady-state
[25] E= ⎜ ⎟ description of physical processes, which is necessary for
6 ⎝ τc ⎠
design problems. However, it can be modified to describe
transient variation of the parameters based on a quasi-steady
with M = 1/6 and n = 4/3.
assumption; this work is currently under way. Such a quasi-
steady model could be used to resolve day-to-day manage-
Comparison of predicted and measured suspended
ment issues in tailings areas.
sediment concentrations
Peacey and Yanful (2003) reported occasional high con-
centrations of suspended sediment in the Heath Steele lower Sulfate production model
cell tailing ponds, New Brunswick. Comparing the proper- The model proposed for sulfide oxidation of suspended
ties of bed and suspended tailings collected from 13 differ- tailings is based on experiments performed in a controlled
ent locations, at depths ranging from 0.48 m to more than laboratory environment and therefore provides only a pre-
4.0 m, they showed that the materials in suspension were liminary description of the process. However, Gautam and
mainly fine sludge that had been deposited over tailings. Yanful (2001) validated the model against independent sets
They observed that suspended sediment concentrations of experimental data obtained from a wave tank where the
(SSCs) in grab samples taken at the pond outflow location tailings were placed under continuous wave motion and
were as high as 93.0 mg·L–1 on May 13 1996. The maxi- from a still water tank with submerged tailings. The mea-
mum SSC allowable in effluent at such sites is 30 mg·L–1, sured sulfate concentration obtained from the tanks showed
according to the federal guidelines for mining effluent. Cor- very good agreement with those predicted by eqs. [23] and
responding wind data collected from a nearby Environment [24], as shown in Fig. 11. The suspended tailings oxidation
Canada station showed a storm event with consistently high model, eq. [24], provides the oxidation rate expected at the
wind speeds over a 2 day period. Measured SSC and the beginning of the resuspension of unoxidized tailings. The
wind speed are shown in Fig. 10. rate would eventually attain a steady-state value. Such a
© 2005 NRC Canada
Samad and Yanful 219

Fig. 7. Comparison of calculated surface drift velocity with field measurements. Wang et al. (2003) used an acoustic Doppler current
profiler to measure currents 30 cm below the water surface. Corresponding surface currents were calculated using eq. [15]. Rueda et
al. (2003) used rouge tracking to measure surface velocities.

Fig. 8. Variation of wave- and countercurrent flow (CCF)-induced bottom shear stresses (τ0w, τ0c) and the ratio of CCF bottom shear
stress to the total bottom shear stress (τ0) versus wind speed and water depth for a fetch of 1000 m. The total bed shear stress is cal-
culated using eq. [20].

steady value could not be attained, even after running the winds with a 100 year return period and relied on the SMB
wave tank experiment for 3 months. method for wind-wave generation.
The directional distribution of maximum wind speeds was
Model application obtained from the wind data at the PGP–TSF site. The stron-
gest wind speeds at this station were recorded from north-
Design scenarios northwest to northwest (297.5°–315°), along the Salmon
The methodology was applied to calculate the water depth Glacier valley (see Fig. 1). This direction did not coincide
requirement and the effect of restricted water depths in terms with the longest axis of the pond and was therefore consid-
of sediment resuspension and sulfate concentration in the ered favorable from the design point of view. However, the
PGP–TSF pond. The calculations were performed for design effect of having the longest pond axis coincide with the di-
© 2005 NRC Canada
220 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 42, 2005

Fig. 9. Assessment of parameters for a generalized erosion equation on the basis of erosion test data for materials from four different
locations with varying particle size distribution and critical shear stress for erosion. Erosion rate equation obtained from the best fit of
the data is also shown, along with the R2 value.

Fig. 10. Comparison of predicted depth-weighted average instantaneous and cumulative suspended sediment concentrations with mea-
sured data from Heath Steele lower cell (Peacey and Yanful 2003). Corresponding wind speeds are also shown.

rection of the maximum wind speed was also investigated to boundary to the center of the grid cell, so that at every grid
take account of the most severe scenario. A summary of the cell fetch lengths from 16 different directions were obtained.
computation options is presented in Table 2. The maximum of the 16 was then considered in preparing
the envelope of the fetch length contour (Fig. 13). In the fig-
Calculation grids and fetch lengths within the PGP–TSF ure it can be seen that the maximum fetch lengths are greater
pond in the northern and southern ends of the pond along the lon-
The PGP–TSF pond was divided into a number of square gest axis and that the fetch lengths are relatively small in the
grid cells, and water depth at each cell was computed to ob- middle.
tain required depth contours. For the present study, a grid Using fetch length distribution for the pond has advan-
spacing of 50 m was used. The grid locations, along with the tages over using the single maximum fetch for the entire
pond boundary, are shown in Fig. 12. pond, as has been used by nearly all researchers in the de-
Fetch lengths for each computational cell depend on the sign of tailings ponds (Lawrence et al. 1991; Mohamed et al.
location of the cell within the pond and on the direction of 1996; Atkins et al. 1997). The latter methodology would
wind. At a grid cell, the fetch length was calculated in the overestimate wind-induced wave growth at places where the
direction of the incoming wind, from the upstream pond fetch length is shorter than the maximum. Despite using the
© 2005 NRC Canada
Samad and Yanful 221

Fig. 11. Comparison of predicted sulfate concentration with experimental values (adapted from Gautam and Yanful 2001).

Table 2. Summary of computation options.

Maximum wind Resuspension Maximum allowable
Case speed (m/s) condition water depth (m) Remarks
1 16.0 Not allowed Wind distribution from PGP–TSF site
2 16.0 Not allowed Direction of maximum wind speed
coinciding with longest pond axis
3 16.0 Allowed 1.5 Winds same as for case 1
4 16.0 Allowed 2.0 Winds same as for case 1
5 16.0 Allowed 1.5 Winds same as for case 2
Note: PGP–TSF, Premier Gold Project tailings storage facility.

maximum fetch, however, existing methods still did not calculated by eq. [20] with the measured critical shear stress
eliminate tailings resuspension in a number of tailings of the material). Wind speed, wind direction, and corre-
ponds, as mentioned previously. The main reasons for this sponding fetch lengths were primarily considered as input
are probably the assumptions made in describing different data at each grid point. To represent the same distribution
physical processes, such as the assumption that the contribu- of measured winds in the computation, the maximum wind
tion of countercurrents to resuspension can be ignored. Con- speed from a given wind direction was increased (or de-
sideration of fetch length distribution would also provide a creased) by using the ratio of statistically obtained wind
more representative water depth distribution over the pond speed to the maximum observed wind speed.
and underscore the importance of predominant wind speed Figures 14a and 14b show the contours of water depths
and direction in resuspension. required to eliminate tailings resuspension for two different
It should be noted that water depth at a grid cell required cases, with wind speeds of the 100 year return period. The
to eliminate resuspension is dependent on the wind speed, as wind distribution in case 1 reflects measured data at the
well as on the fetch length. High wind speed in a direction PGP–TSF site; for case 2 the direction of the maximum
with small fetch length can still generate high waves. When wind speed is assumed to coincide with the longest axis of
the direction of the longest fetch coincides with the direction the pond. The required depth in the pond varies between 0.8
of the maximum wind speed, the resulting wave heights may and 2.5 m for case 1, whereas for case 2 it varies between
become considerably large. 0.8 and 4.4 m. For both cases, the maximum depth occurs in
the southern end of the pond. The requirement of a water
Results and discussion cover that deep in these cases is due mainly to the very low
shear resistance of the tailings to erosion (i.e., critical shear
Water depths required to eliminate resuspension stress of only 0.09 N·m–2) and the high wind speeds ob-
The water depth required to eliminate tailings re- tained from the statistical distribution. Although increased
suspension at each computational grid was obtained through water depth decreases wave-induced bottom shear stress, the
iteration (by comparing the total shear stress at the grid as CCF-induced shear stress remains unchanged for a given
© 2005 NRC Canada
222 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 42, 2005

Fig. 12. Premier Gold Project tailings storage facility pond Fig. 13. Contour (intervals in metres) of maximum fetch lengths
boundary and location of computational grid cells. within the pond area.

wind speed, indicating that additional depth would be re-

quired to offset excess shear stress of even a small magni-
tude. A deeper water cover raises other issues, including The results show that imposing depth restrictions in-
those of geotechnical stability and cost. creases tailings resuspension. As expected, the suspended
Case 2 is considered the most adverse scenario possible in tailings concentrations are high in areas where deep water is
a tailings pond in terms of wind-induced wave height and bot- required. The maximum local tailings concentration com-
tom shear stress. It represents the simultaneous occurrence of puted with a 1.5 m maximum allowable depth (case 3) was
the maximum wind speed and the longest possible fetch 43 mg·L–1. When the maximum allowable depth was
lengths that resulted in the required maximum depth of 4.4 m. changed to 2.0 m (case 4), the corresponding maximum con-
centration reduced considerably, to 9 mg·L–1 (see Fig. 16b).
Consequence of applying a limit on the depth The rate of sulfate production is also reduced when the max-
requirement imum allowable water depth in the pond is increased. The
The requirement of a deep water cover to avoid tailings maximum sulfate concentration rate was 9.8 mg·L–1·day–1
resuspension could be minimized if some of the tailings are for case 3, but it was only about 2.8 mg·L–1·day–1 for case 4.
allowed to resuspend (resuspension was calculated with Tailings oxidation occurs from both bed and suspended
eq. [25]). Figures 15a and 15b show depth contours with a tailings that contribute to sulfate production in the pond.
maximum allowable water depth of 1.5 m and the resulting Sulfate production due to the oxidation of bed tailings
distribution of tailings concentration (case 3), respectively. increases in shallow waters (eq. [23]), whereas increased
The concentrations were computed again with a maximum resuspension increases sulfate production from the resus-
allowable water depth of 2.0 m (case 4) and are shown in pended tailings (eq. [24]). The sulfate maps (Figs. 13a and
Fig. 16. Maps of sulfate production rate due to oxidation of 13b) therefore show two areas with higher sulfate production
resuspended and bed tailings for the two cases are shown in rates, corresponding to shallow depths and high concentra-
Fig. 17. tions of suspended tailings.

© 2005 NRC Canada

Samad and Yanful 223

Fig. 14. Contours (intervals in metres) of required water depths without allowing tailings resuspension, corresponding to (a) case 1
(maximum wind speed of 16 m·s–1) and (b) case 2 (maximum wind speed of 16 m·s–1, with the direction coinciding with the longest
axis of the pond).

Fig. 15. (a) Depth contours (intervals in metres) with 1.5 m maximum allowable water depth and (b) resulting concentration of tailings
resuspension (in mg·L–1) for case 3.

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224 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 42, 2005

Fig. 16. (a) Depth contours (intervals in metres) with 2.0 m maximum allowable depth and (b) resulting concentration of tailings
resuspension (in mg·L–1) for case 4.

Fig. 17. Contour of sulfate production rate (intervals in mg·L–1·day–1); (a) case 3 with 1.5 m maximum allowable water depth and
(b) case 4 with 2.0 m maximum allowable water depth.

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Samad and Yanful 225

Fig. 18. (a) Depth contours (intervals in metres) with 1.5 m maximum allowable depth, given coincidence of the maximum wind speed
with the maximum axis of the pond; (b) resulting concentration of tailings resuspension (intervals in mg·L–1) for case 5; and (c) con-
tour of sulfate production rate (intervals in mg·L–1·day–1) with 1.5 m maximum allowable depth, given coincidence of the maximum
wind speed with the maximum axis of the pond.

The distributions of water depths, suspended tailings, and in the PGP–TSF pond for a design wind speed with a
sulfate production rate computed for case 5 (with a maxi- 100 year return period. These water depths are required
mum allowable water depth of 1.5 m) are shown in Fig. 18. mainly because of the very low shear resistance of the tail-
The maximum local tailings concentration and sulfate pro- ings to erosion as obtained from the erosion test data and the
duction rate obtained are 175 mg·L–1 and 35.9 mg·L–1·day–1, very high wind speed obtained from statistical analysis.
respectively. Both suspended tailings concentration and sul- When the water depth in the pond was limited to a maxi-
fate production rate show a considerable increase when the mum allowable value, the resulting additional shear stress
direction of the maximum wind coincides with the longest initiated tailings resuspension and increased the rate of sul-
direction of the tailings pond. fate production in the pond.
Depth-weighted average tailings concentration and sulfate Wind distribution at the PGP–TSF site indicated that the
production rate were computed to derive representative val- direction of the strongest wind did not coincide with the lon-
ues for the entire pond. The maximum and depth-weighted gest axis of the pond (case 1) and, therefore, provided an
average tailings concentrations and sulfate production rates advantage from the design point of view. In contrast, the co-
are presented in Table 3 for the different cases. Although the incidence of the longest axis of the pond with the direction
local maximum concentrations of suspended tailings are of the strongest wind (cases 2 and 5) required very high wa-
higher at locations with higher required water depths, except ter depths. The methodology, therefore, also provides op-
for case 5 the weighted average concentration remains below tions for investigating the orientation of the pond, along with
15 mg·L–1, the federal regulatory limit for monthly average the pertinent winds at the site. This could be integrated with
effluent discharge in Canada. the topography of the area, as in the PGP–TSF site, where
the northerly winds are confined within the valley along
Implications of design water depth selections Cascade Creek (see Fig. 1).
The analysis has indicated the need for water cover depths The differences in the local maximum and weighted av-
in the range of 0.8–2.5 m to eliminate tailings resuspension erage concentration of resuspended tailings and the sulfate

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226 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 42, 2005

Table 3. Required and allowable water depths, along with corresponding tailings concentrations and sulfate produc-
tion rate for different cases.
Maximum Avg. Maximum
Minimum Maximum Allowable concentrationd concentratione sulfate f Avg. sulfate
Case deptha (m) depthb (m) depthc (m) (mg·L–1) (mg·L–1) (mg·L–1·day–1) (mg·L–1·day–1)g
1 0.8 2.5 — — — — —
2 0.8 4.4 — — — — —
3 0.8 2.5 1.5 43 8 9.78 2.94
4 0.8 2.5 2.0 9 1 2.77 1.10
5 0.8 4.4 1.5 175 52 35.92 11.60
Note: —, resuspension not allowed.
Computed minimum water cover depth required to eliminate resuspension.
Computed maximum water cover depth required to eliminate resuspension.
Allowable water depth after restriction.
Maximum local concentration of resuspended tailings.
Depth-weighted average tailings concentration over the entire pond.
Maximum local sulfate production rate in the pond.
Depth-weighted average sulfate production rate in the pond.

rate could help pinpoint the best locations for pond outflow tailings due to wind-induced waves and countercurrents,
points. The contour maps could be used to select the most along with the sulfate production resulting from the oxida-
suitable outflow location to ensure effluent water quality tion of sulfide tailings, must be kept within environmental
within regulatory limits, although local water quality regulatory limits.
within the pond may temporarily deteriorate beyond the The computational procedure requires the measured wind
limit. speed and direction, the return period of wind data, a de-
The present study and other published and ongoing stud- scription of the pond boundary, and the tailings critical shear
ies have shown that most base metal and uranium mine tail- stress as input. The method is used to calculate the design
ings are cohesive. This characteristic has complicated the wind speed for the given return period and provides contours
design procedure, and a simple cohesive sediment transport of the water depths required to eliminate resuspension. The
model is proposed to account for resuspension of the tail- effect of restricting water depths, in terms of maps of result-
ings. As mentioned earlier, field data from different sites in ing tailings resuspension and sulfate production rates, is also
Canada have indicated resuspension, even in areas where the computed. The calculations are performed at grid cells
water cover is close to 2 m deep. The water cover depth within the pond by using prescribed square grid sizes.
required at the PGP–TSF site essentially shows that The methodology was illustrated with data from a tailings
resuspension actually is very likely, depending on the loca- pond located in northwestern British Columbia, Canada. The
tion and wind distribution of the site. results indicated that although elimination of resuspension in
The methodology proposed in this paper is used to com- the pond required a maximum water depth of 2.5 m, a re-
pute tailings concentrations that represent maximum values stricted maximum water depth of 1.5 m could still be used,
at each computational point corresponding to onsite wind as the resulting suspended solids concentration would not
data. Therefore, the methodology gives the upper limit of exceed the Canadian regulatory limit of 15 mg·L–1. The
concentration at all grid points as required for design prob- methodology also provides flexibility for investigating prob-
lems, which will not necessarily occur simultaneously. Sedi- able extreme scenarios in terms of the geometry and orienta-
ment diffusion and redistribution due to the circulating flow tion of the pond and the wind distribution.
field can change the computed concentrations. These latter
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