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J O H N ’ S E P I S C O P A L

The Chimes
St. John’s Episcopal Church is a loving community of faith and
worship, showing the love of God to each other and the world.

a publication of St.John’s Episcopal Church, Sealy, Texas January/February 2019

Hwy 36 N at 6th St. Did you know? Schedules Event Photos
Sealy, Texas Episcopal 101- Birthdays & Miscellaneous photos
answers to those Anniversaries
Phone: 979-885-2359 Church Worship Pages 7
burning questions
about liturgy and Here’s the Scoop Schedule and Calendar
Email: why we do what we Keep up with what is do happening the the Upcoming Events
What is Advent? lives of our
Page 2 Schedule of Upcoming
Website: History and Meaning parishioners
Events Justin Holcomb Page 9
Page 1 Page 3
Join us at 10 am on
Sunday for Worship! Page 4

I don’t have any studies to prove

Epiphany: a season it, but my personal theory is that
of endings and it is easier to be depressed in
January than in just about any
beginnings other month. People may argue
for December because
By Linda Ryan Christmas without all the
trimmings (and the people) can
lights that made the December
I like Epiphany. After Advent, it’s be a lonely affair, but, at least in
nights brighter and more hopeful.
my very favorite season. Unlike my eyes, the thought of a new
I admit to being a sucker for
Advent, though, or even year is like a stretch of Route 66
Christmas lights, even though I
Christmas, or Lent, it is a that was as straight as an arrow
don’t put any on my own house.
variable-length season and went on for what seemed
Luckily, I have a neighbor who
consisting of four to nine like half a million miles with
throws herself into the season
Sundays between the date of absolutely nothing much in the
whole-heartedly and decorates
Epiphany itself (January 6) and way of scenery and the
enough for both of us. They have
the beginning of Lent. It mountains that loomed in the
been taken down now and put
celebrates the coming of the distance never seeming to get
away for the next eleven months,
Magi to the Christ Child on the any closer. It’s easy to get
but here and there on my way to
day and the manifestation of depressed in January; all the
work are still the odd houses
God in human flesh, the light lf parties and whoop-de-doo of
with lights glowing. Without
Christ coming into the world Christmas are over, tax season
those little points of light, life
throughout the season. approacheth, it’s still winter and
seems a bit bleaker.
For me, a sad part of Epiphany is the turning of the calendar is a
the darkening of the Christmas reminder that change is coming,
January/February 2019 1

whether we want it to or not. The nights of the Epiphany saw the child Jesus he took him
Babies will be born, elders (and season are still dark and cold but up in his arms, blessed God, and
often much beloved elders) will the nights are getting shorter, said, "Lord, you now have set
die, the economy and the state day by day, minute by minute. your servant free to go in peace
of the nation and the world will The green vestments and as you have promised." Simeon
continue to wobble like an egg hangings of the church remind was peaceful and ready to face
rolling downhill, and the heroes us that spring will be here — death because he had seen the
we raise today will be found whether sooner or later, it will long-expected Messiah.
tomorrow to have feet of very come. We have celebrated the The feast dates from the
real clay. manifestation of God among us, fourth century in Jerusalem. It
but we can also carry the spark was introduced in Rome in the
of new fire, new light, new hope seventh century, where it
and new insights. All we have to included a procession with
do is look. candles and the singing of the
Nunc dimittis. The celebration
Linda Ryan co-mentors 2 EfM Online groups
came to include the lighting and
and keeps the blog Jericho’s Daughter . She
lives in the Diocese of Arizona and is proud blessing of candles which were
to be part of the Church of the Nativity in carried in procession. This feast
North Scottsdale. was known as "Candlemas."
But then there’s Epiphany, the Candlemas is more
season. It’s the spark of light that commonly celebrated in the
reminds us that just as Anglican church, though many
everything has an ending, new Episcopal churches celebrate the
things come along to engage us. feast.
Epiphanies are also sudden Some people believed
insights and flashes of Godlight that Candlemas Day predicted
that are like the V-8 commercial. the weather for the rest of the
What is Candlemas?
They smack a person in the winter. The weather proverbs
A feast of our Lord
forehead. It’s looking at express the idea that a fine
celebrated on Feb. 2, also known
something seemingly ordinary bright sunny Candlemas day
as Candlemas and the Feast of
and plain and suddenly having means that there is more winter
the Purification. It
the lenses change and the thing to come, whereas a cloudy wet
commemorates the presentation
appears in a whole new light, a stormy Candlemas day means
of Jesus and the purification of
whole different way, a 180° turn. that the worst of winter is over.
Mary in the Jerusalem Temple
It’s an idea that wasn’t there a Interestingly, February
forty days after Jesus' birth, in
second ago but suddenly rocks a second is the halfway point
accordance with the
personal world with its between the Winter Solstice and
requirements of Jewish law (Lv
suddenness and (potential) the Spring Equinox. It was once
12:2-8). The feast is celebrated
brilliance. It’s seeing that called Cross Day because it was
about forty days after Christmas.
homeless person hunched over a the day we cross from Winter to
According to the account
formerly abandoned grocery cart Spring. A great metaphor of
of Lk 2:22-39, the presentation of
filled with bags and boxes that Christ bringing the light to the
Jesus was also the occasion of
contain every single thing they world as stated in the Song of
the meeting of Jesus with
own and suddenly seeing nail Simeon.
Simeon and Anna. Simeon
marks in their hands or a circlet
recognized the infant Jesus to be
of thorns instead of a watch cap
the Messiah at the Presentation
on their heads. Things like that
of Jesus in the temple by Mary
can happen all year but Epiphany
and Joseph. It had been revealed
is a reminder to be on the
to Simeon by the Holy Spirit that
lookout for those new insights
he would not die before he had
and changes of perspective.
seen the Messiah. When Simeon

2 January/February 2019

Judy Johnson baked a pie! It was The Vazquez Family visited

so delicious, we didn’t have a LaJuan Farrell over the
chance to take a photo before it Christmas holiday. As you can
was all gone. In case you are see, she is looking great and
wondering why this is news, Annie Smith is on the road again feisty as ever!
consider the fact that when asked visiting friends and family in
for a recipe in the past, Judy New Orleans, Birmingham and
submitted one in the breakfast South Carolina. She sent us a
category - Cherrios, add milk. photo of St. Mary’s on the
Highlands in Birmingham.

Nick Tinsley and Louise Svetlik

both had their mothers visiting
from England. On the left is
Marie Clare and Pamela Tinsley
is on the right.
Elise Ford is on the Dean’s list at
Hunter and Jaxon Herring are UNT where she is studying
playing Little Dribblers anthropology. She is working for
basketball. In addition, I have the university at the Elm Fork
heard that Brian Owen is Education Center. She delivers
coaching a basketball team. science programs to visiting
elementary school students. Elise
is also starting a new job as a
nursery worker at the local
Episcopal Church, St. David of
Wales. She attends the
Canterbury Program there.

Speaking of basketball, Clay

Roberts, grandson of Toby
Roberts is having a great season!
He was recently named Tiger of
the Week.

January/February 2019 3

February Church

Sunday, February 3, 10 a.m., 4th

Sunday after the Epiphany,
Morning Prayer, Rite II, Mary
Emerson, Officiant

Sunday, February 10, 10:00 a.m., 5th Sunday after Epiphany, Holy Eucharist Rite
II - Rev. Virginia Brown, Celebrant

Sunday, February 17, 10 a.m., 6th Sunday after Epiphany, Holy Eucharist Rite II
January & February - Rev. Virginia Brown, Celebrant

Birthdays Sunday, February 24, 10 a.m., 7th Sunday after Epiphany, Morning Prayer Rite II
Carol Heath, Officiant

1/7 Dana Blankenship

1/16 John Kelly
1/18 Rilla Youngblood
1/24 Carol Awbrey
1/29 Dylan Bunn
1/31 Sandy Scarborough February
2/1 Waverly Johnson
9, Saturday, ECW Meeting 10:00,
2/2 Maddie Moore
Parish Hall
2/6 Carol Heath
2/7 Sue McRae 10, Sunday, Vestry Meeting
2/10 Frank McRae 11:30, Parish Office
2/11 Alec Webb 13, Wednesday, Alzheimer’s
2/12 Cortni Breman Support Group, 10:30, Parish Hall
2/23 Kurt Larson 21-23, Thursday - Saturday,
170th Annual Diocesan Council,
Anniversaries The Woodlands
Last year, a new tradition was

1/7 Louise & Chase Svetlik

March started at St. John’s - our 5th
Saturday events. An evening of
1/24 Perry & Andrea Ford 5, Tuesday, Shrove Tuesday
fun, food and fellowship hosted
2/8 Susie & Leroy Zapalac Pancake Supper, 6pm, Parish Hall
by parishioners in their homes.
2/9 Jim & Sheryl Moore 6, Ash Wednesday, Ash
We would like to continue these
Wednesday Services, Noon and
pot-luck dinners with your help.
6:15 pm
We need hosts for the four 5th
10, Sunday, Vestry Meeting Saturdays in 2019.
11:30, Parish Office
March 30, June 29, August 31
13, Wednesday, Alzheimer’s and November 30.
Support Group, 10:30, Parish Hall
Let Andrea or a Vestry member
30, 5th Saturday Fellowship, know if you are willing to be a
more information to follow host!
4 January/February 2019

Happening-a Diocesan Youth Event Traveling the Way of Love:

A new video series from the
Office of Communication
Join host Chris Sikkema, manager for
special projects, The Episcopal Church
Office of Communication, as he journeys
across The Episcopal Church in search of
stories of the ways people in the church
are engaged in the seven practices which
encompass the Way of Love.

“The thing that I find most life giving and

wonderful is going around and listening to
and telling the stories of this church,” said
Sikkema. “Over the next few months, we’re
going to go around and start looking at the
way of love, practices for Jesus-centered
life. We’ll go and see how people turn,
learn, pray, worship, bless, go, and rest.
James and Joel went to Happening 162 a couple of Trying to serve God and their neighbor in
weekends ago. They enjoy reconnecting with their context. It’s going to be great; I can’t
wait to see what we find. Come along.”
friends they’ve made at the Happenings from
Episcopal churches in towns around Texas. Plus Traveling the Way of Love, can be
there are always new faces and new friendships to found here.
be made. There are 4 Happenings each year plus a
mid-winter retreat for high schoolers. James and Accompanying each episode are
Joel return home renewed by the meaningful resources, including an Episode Guide and
communion services and the experiences shared other online resources designed to deepen
with other youth. They highly recommend attending engagement with all seven Way of Love
Happenings. practices as well as additional resources
related to the featured ministry.

Six additional episodes are planned for

2019; watch for them in March, May, July,
September, October and November.

•Gloria Noy
•LaJuan Farrell
•Fr. Eric
•Cody Childress
•Al Heath
•Annie Smith
•Fr. Sam Todd
January/February 2019 5

Jason Has International, Musical

Sabbatical Plans
Marge Michaelis
Jason Abel, Christ
celebrates her 94th
Church Director of Music
since 2005, will use a
" St. John’s is blessed to call Marge our own.
spring sabbatical to learn
At 94 years of age, she has much wisdom to impart
new organ repertoire, and
and we love it when she shares her baking with us!
experience new varieties
" She makes sure to welcome all of the
of musical worship.
children and we have the photos to prove it! Marge
" Beginning after
also volunteers in the Church office once a week.
Easter, Jason will travel to
She is responsible for sending out the birthday and
Munich, Germany. While
anniversary cards. Marge is such a caring person,
in Munich, Jason will
she also sends out get well cards and cards to our
devote time to practicing
parishioners who have moved or can’t make it to
and learning new organ repertoire through the
church for some reason.
generous offer of a local parish which has agreed
" We had a surprise birthday for her after
for him to practice upon their instrument. Jason
church in December. Her daughter, Pat and her
hopes to improve his German language skills,
husband, John, cooked grilled cheese sandwiches
experience living for an extended amount of time
and tomato soup. We sang happy birthday and had
in a foreign country, and perhaps find coaching for
a delicious birthday cake. We remembered to take
performing Bach and other German composers.
pictures before cutting the cake!
" In early July he will be at the Association of
Anglican Musicians (AAM) Conference. AAM is
the national organization of Episcopal Church A note from Marge
musicians for which Jason is currently Treasurer. My sincere thank you to my St. John’s family for my
" At the end of July, Jason will travel to surprise birthday celebration., the cake, cards, and
Newport, RI, where he co-manages the Royal gifts and the love in your hearts and smiles on your
School of Church Music summer training course. faces.
" Jason grew up at St. John’s. He is currently From the oldest...gosh, that is the youngest,
the Director of Music at Christ Church Cathedral in which I haven’t held in my arms yet, you are very
Alexandria, Virginia. special to me and always will be.
From my heart, I thank you!
Marge or Mrs. Michaelis

January/February 2019

& oldest

January/February 2019 7

St. John’s Annual Vestry Goals for 2019

" The annual meeting of St. • Maintain Worship Services
John’s Episcopal Church in Sealy • Continue Outreach to Community
was held on January 13 after our • Establish Blessing of the Animals as a
Sunday Church Service. Community Service
" We were treated to a • Establish Eucharistic Visitor Program
delicious pot luck lunch. It turned
out to be a bounteous day for those
• Promote attendance in the ECW and Men’s
of us who love deviled eggs! Our group
main dish was Cajun Fried Turkey,
cooked by Tim Gassiott. It was so Senior Warden(s):" Mary Emerson (Jan-June)
good, there wasn’t any leftover
turkey. " " " " Brian Owen (July - Dec)
" Once we got down to Junior Warden:" " Waverly Johnson
business, we elected three new Members:" " " Bonnie Carr
Vestry members, Kathleen Kelly,
Bonnie Carr and Mary Emerson. We " " " " JudyJohnson
also elected four delegates to the " " " " Kathleen Kelly
Diocese of Texas Council meeting in
February - Mary Emerson, Bonnie " " " " Marco Vazquez
Carr, Judy Johnson and Andrea
" We discussed the budget and
heard from all of the groups that
keeps St. John’s operating. The
Altar Guild could always use more
help. We also need someone to help
with the music. Volunteer if you

8 January/February 2019

Upcoming Events at
Historic St. John’s Episcopal Church

Come dressed in your

Imposition of ashes in The beautiful service of
First ECW meeting of finest Mardi Gras
this traditional Ash Evensong during the
2019 is on Saturday, colors of purple, green
Wednesday marks the middle of the week
February 9. All women and gold as we
beginning of the Lenten feeds our soul during
of the Episcopal church celebrate with a
season. the Lenten season. A
are members of the traditional Shrove
simple soup supper is
ECW. Tuesday Pancake
shared in fellowship
Your $10 dues are due Supper.
with our congregation
this month. As part of our outreach
helps to feed the body.
program, we invite the
Please come prepared to Wednesdays beginning
residents of Willow
make decisions about March 13 - April 10.
River Farm to eat with
the activities we will be
us. Enjoy all of the
involved in this year.
pancakes and sausage
Take the survey at: you can eat.
https:// Shrove Tuesday marks the end of Epiphany
m/r/978KFH3 and the beginning of
St. John’s Episcopal Church is located at Hwy 36 N & 6th St., Sealy, TX Phone: 979-885-2359

Email: Website:

Join us at 10 am on Sunday for Worship!
9 January/February 2019

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