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Lesson Plan & Implementation:

Level 2 Video Reflection and Analysis

College of Education

Reflection is a critical process for supporting your growth and development as a professional. At
the end of each lesson, you should watch the video of your lesson to reflect on the experience
and analyze its effectiveness. You will need to watch your video, complete this analysis and
upload this form to Canvas prior to your post-observation conference.

While watching your video, use the chart to collect times in your video that represent
celebrations, struggles or questions that arise for you. In the final column write a claim that you
can make about teaching and a FEAP that you may have demonstrated in this moment. You may
add additional rows as needed:

Time Celebration/Struggle/Question: Claim about teaching and FEAP

Example - 3:30 I used a quiet signal when students Using a nonverbal intervention to
started talking while I was reading in gain student attention allows the
order to regain their attention teacher to gain attention without
interrupting the learning/FEAP 2a
18:00 I should give the directions before I This connects to FEAP 2c and 2e
ask the question. which are about giving clear
directions and setting
18:17 I partnered with E. when the others in I should have been specific as to
the group didn’t. who was going to be partners so
each student knew who to partner
with and the students could
collaborate with one another.
19:47 I asked the group if they had ever This connects to the concept of
heard the word ‘homonym’ before. figuring out the student’s
background knowledge and not
assuming what a student already
19:54 I had the students read the sentences This connects to FEAP 3a by
on the paper. keeping the students engaged.
They are reading the sentences
rather than listening to me read
20:45 I had the students underline the This connects to FEAP 3a by
homonym in every sentence and engaging the students. They had
circle the sentence which used the to physically underline the
homonym in the same way as the homonym and circle the correct
original sentence. sentence rather than simply tell
me which one.
22:56 I retrospect, it would have made Again, this connects to FEAP 2c
more sense to complete each column and 2e. I should have been more
completely before moving on instead clear with my instructions and if
of doing all the definitions first, then we would have completed it by
the sentences. The way I did it with column, it would have been less
this group caused more confusion confusing.
than if I would have completed the
whole column first.
23:01 Instead of giving each student a This would allow them to
different homonym, I think it would collaborate with one another to
have been best to have them work in eliminate any confusion or
pairs. struggles, and we would have
finished on time.
24:42 I tried to make a point to check in on This connects to FEAP 3i. I
each student as they worked. wanted to identify if I needed to
provide more support and
encourage anyone who needed it
and recognize those who were
understanding the concept.
30:30 I should have modeled the completed This connects to FEAP 2c and 2e
homonym worksheet so the students with communicating clear
could understand how their two instruction and expectations.
sentences were being combined.
31:51 I should have had possible answers This connects to the concept of
for each homonym for when the anticipating all outcomes and
students got stuck. Even though I being prepared for every possible
know the definitions of each of these outcome.
words, I had trouble putting them
into words off the top of my head.

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