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TL-5260 Perencanaan Lingkungan

Implementation of Zero Hunger

SDGs in Developing Countries

Rabiatul Adawiyah - 25317303

of the MDGs
795 million people are estimated to be
chronically undernourished as of 2014,
often as a direct consequence of
environmental degradation, drought
and loss of biodiversity. Over 90
million children under the age of five
are dangerously underweight
Number and proportion of undernourished people in the
developing regions, from 1990¬1992 to 2014¬2016 (2015 MDGs Report)
Zero Hunger

Target 2.1 Universal access to safe and nutritious food

Target 2.2 End All Forms Of Malnutrition
Target 2.3 Double The Productivity And Incomes Of Small-Scale Food Producers
Target 2.4 Sustainable Food Production And Resilient Agricultural Practices By 2030
Target 2.5 Maintain The Genetic Diversity In Food Production
Target 2.A Invest In Rural Infrastructure, Agricultural Research, Technology And Gene Banks
Target 2.B Prevent Agricultural Trade Restrictions, Market Distortions And Export Subsidies
Target 2.C Ensure Stable Food Commodity Markets And Timely Access To Information
Zero Hunger in Africa

Since the 1970s, crop yields in Africa have stagnated,

leading to a drop in the amount of food available to each
person. Without emergency assistance, the recent
increases in food costs can worsen the situation. Climate
change, which contributes to droughts, floods and failed
harvests, further threatens the food supply of millions of
Africa has 65% of the world’s arable land, according to
AfDB, but is a net importer of food, spending $35 billion
on food imports annually. Out of 874 million hectares of
land that is considered suitable for agricultural
production, over 80% suffers from serious soil fertility
challenges or other limitations to achieving high and
sustained productivity (Ach SDGs 2030 Africa, 2017).
Hunger Map (FAO)
Important Key for Africa to achieving 2nd SDGs

1. Improved and innovative agricultural practices

2. Access to improved seeds
3. Sustainable irrigation systems
4. Sustainable use of fertilizers and agro-inputs
5. Improved infrastructure and market systems
6. Eco-conscious agricultural production
7. Improved implementation of agricultural programs

A woman at the new grain bank in Malawi, a facility that supports the scale-up of farmers’ work.
Daftar Pustaka
SDG center for Africa. 2017. AFRICA 2030. How Africa can Achieve the
Sustainable Development Goals 2nd Version. November 2017.
UNDP, 2015.
UN, 2015. The Milennium Development Goals Report 2015.
UN-DPI, 2008. Achieving the Milleninium Development Goals in Africa .High-
level meeting on Africa’s development needs United Nations, New York.

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