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Relationship with Supervisor

The intern built a good working relationship with his senior associate, Miss Aimberly De Viana, who is
the immediate supervisor of the trainee. Miss De Viana really monitors the performance of the intern
and how well the intern is doing in every task that is given to him. She constantly reachable by the intern
whenever the intern has a concern or something that is unfamiliar of. She serves as the trainee's older
sibling in thw company, and someone who look up to by the intern. Compliments and praises from his
suoervisor are the things that motivate that intern to strive for excellence at always, also the harmonius
relationship with his supervisor helps the intern to be more comfortable in performing his duties in the

Relationship with Employees

The intern experienced no problem working with the employees of the company. Since Reyes Tacandong
& Co. is divided into clusters, the intern had no chance to meet all the employees of RTC, but instead
spent a lot of time with the associates of his cluster. All the associates are very accomodating and always
tried to make the intern feel belong to their group. Also, they are always there to instruct and guide the
intern whenever the intern is doing a task, also the patience to the intern has never waived throughout
his internship period.Thus, the bond of the associates to the intern is very tight, so the intern always feel
comfortable asking question may be it work realted or personal issues.

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