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ID Task Name Duration Start Finish Successors Feb '18 Mar '18 Apr '18

Mode 21 28 4 11 18 25 4 11 18 25 1
0 Construction of V Ditch Drain Project 39 days Mon 2/5/18 Thu 3/29/18
1 Mobilization 10 days Mon 2/5/18 Fri 2/16/18
2 Mobilize to site 5 days Mon 2/5/18 Fri 2/9/18 3SS,6SS+3 day
3 Fabricate V shaped rebar 10 days Mon 2/5/18 Fri 2/16/18 4SS,9SS+5 day
4 Casting of spacer blocks 10 days Mon 2/5/18 Fri 2/16/18 10SS+5 days 7 days
5 Section 1‐100m 13 days Thu 2/8/18 Mon 2/26/18
6 Setting of trench 2 days Thu 2/8/18 Fri 2/9/18 7,13
7 Excavation of V ditch trench 1 day Mon 2/12/18 Mon 2/12/18 8,14
8 Compaction of bottom and sides of trench 3 days Tue 2/13/18 Thu 2/15/18 9,15
9 Laying rebar mat 3 days Fri 2/16/18 Tue 2/20/18 10,16
10 Casting of concrete 1 day Wed 2/21/18 Wed 2/21/18 11,17
11 Curing of concrete 3 days Thu 2/22/18 Mon 2/26/18 18
12 Section 2‐100m 14 days Mon 2/12/18 Thu 3/1/18 1 day
13 Setting of trench 2 days Mon 2/12/18 Tue 2/13/18 14,20
14 Excavation of V ditch trench 1 day Wed 2/14/18 Wed 2/14/18 15,21 1 day
15 Compaction of bottom and sides of trench 3 days Fri 2/16/18 Tue 2/20/18 16,22
16 Laying rebar mat 3 days Wed 2/21/18 Fri 2/23/18 17,23FS+10 da
17 Casting of concrete 1 day Mon 2/26/18 Mon 2/26/18 18,24
18 Curing of concrete 3 days Tue 2/27/18 Thu 3/1/18 25 10 days
19 Section 3‐100m 25 days Wed 2/14/18 Tue 3/20/18
20 Setting of trench 2 days Wed 2/14/18 Thu 2/15/18 21,27
21 Excavation of V ditch trench 1 day Fri 2/16/18 Fri 2/16/18 22,28 1 day
22 Compaction of bottom and sides of trench 3 days Wed 2/21/18 Fri 2/23/18 23,29
23 Laying rebar mat 3 days Mon 3/12/18 Wed 3/14/18 24,30
24 Casting of concrete 1 day Thu 3/15/18 Thu 3/15/18 25,31
25 Curing of concrete 3 days Fri 3/16/18 Tue 3/20/18 32
26 Section 4‐100m 30 days Fri 2/16/18 Thu 3/29/18
27 Setting of trench 2 days Fri 2/16/18 Mon 2/19/18 28
28 Excavation of V ditch trench 1 day Tue 2/20/18 Tue 2/20/18 29 3 days
29 Compaction of bottom and sides of trench 3 days Mon 2/26/18 Wed 2/28/18 30 10 days
30 Laying rebar mat 3 days Thu 3/15/18 Mon 3/19/18 31
31 Casting of concrete 1 day Tue 3/20/18 Tue 3/20/18 32
32 Curing of concrete 3 days Wed 3/21/18 Fri 3/23/18 34
33 Demobilization 4 days Mon 3/26/18 Thu 3/29/18
34 Repair defects 3 days Mon 3/26/18 Wed 3/28/18 35SS,36
35 Clean‐up 3 days Mon 3/26/18 Wed 3/28/18 36
36 Demobilize from site 1 day Thu 3/29/18 Thu 3/29/18

Critical Slack Rolled Up Critical Split Duration-only External Tasks

Critical Split Slippage Inactive Task Manual Summary Rollup External Milestone

Task Summary Inactive Milestone Manual Summary Deadline

Split Project Summary Inactive Summary Start-only Progress

Milestone Rolled Up Critical Manual Task Finish-only

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