Incubbus and Sucubbus

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Many people are coming to this

page looking for incubus and

succubus information for wrong
reasons. Hell is real and if the
reader determines to keep
contact with the devil, he will go
to hell and the lake of fire and be
tormented night and day forever.
Satan won't escape, he will also
be cast into the lake of fire to be
tormented forever. Hell was
made for him and his evil angels
like incubus and succubus. For
those who want to contact the
devil, you need to repent of your
filthiness and be born again so
that you can have a real life, not
a possessed-by-the-devil one.
There are hundreds of articles on
this website. You can start with
the letter at the beginning of the
index page. It is in a yellow
block and says, "If you are not
Incubus and SuccubusKeywords: Incubi, Succubi, Incubus, Succubus

I have talked to many women about their experiences with devils and know a few things
about them from personal experience (my experiences started when I was about 12).
Some years ago, I was listening to Christian radio and heard tell of the incubus a devil
that molests women while they are sleeping. The speaker's comments immediately
struck a cord in me because I had been there. As I look back, I remember a movie that I
watched in my unregenerate days which was supposedly based on a true story where a
woman was continually molested by a devil, an Incubus...I've also recently seen a
business by the name of Incubus, strange... For men, the devil is called succubus. Even
King James VI & I wrote about the incubus in his treatise, Daemonologie.

Many people use the word, "demon" to describe Satan's minions, but that word is not
found in the Bible (Authorized King James 1611 is the Bible). The word is "devil".
When we do unclean things or even think unclean thoughts, we open the door for Satan
to get an advantage over us. I have received e-mails from a number of people who are
concerned with the state of lustful wickedness that their mind has gone to. Unclean
wicked things such as pornography, tv, movies, secular (or any kind of romance) books,
lasciviousness, filthy communications and music, filthy friends, etc. all give an open
door to the devil. The flesh is weak so if you are a Christian, you must mortify the deeds
of your body. Masturbation and all unclean things are openings.

Matthew14:38 Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation. The spirit
truly is ready, but the FLESH is weak.
I don't care how far along you are in your walk with Jesus, you've got flesh and it is
weak. You've got to stay on top of it and mortify it CONTINUALLY.

if ye through the Spirit do MORTIFY the deeds of the body, ye shall live.

Galatians 5:16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the
lust of the FLESH.

Galatians 5:17 For THE FLESH LUSTETH against the Spirit, and the Spirit
against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye
cannot do the things that ye would.

What may be a battle at first, will disappear once we set about to mortify. God sees us
down here and will help us. I am talking about those who believe in his Son and his

Each of us is in a spiritual battle. We'll either walk after the Spirit of God or we'll walk
after our corrupted flesh. If we do the latter, Satan will have his way with us. At first it
will seem pleasant, but then the fleshmonger will find himself addicted to lust doing
stranger and stranger things. He will feel that the LORD God is very far away from him.
His heart will grow hard against God and he will be dissatisfied and depressed. Don't
turn your back on the Lord. Rebuke every evil thought and stay away from those things
that cause you to offend. I try to be like Paul and "keep under my body and bring it into
subjection lest that by any means when I have preached to others I myself should be a

Devilish activity has increased over time and now people, on a larger and larger scale,
are seeking to cultivate their ability to interact with unclean spirits. The Bible calls it
witchcraft, consulting with familiar spirits, necromancy, etc. People's favorite rock
"stars" and movie "stars" are glorified witches and wizards casting spells on people with
their "art". I perceive that many of the preachers in these pulpits are wizards, too. The
world has tons of books and even schools where a person can study how to
communicate with devils. Sorcery is on college campuses, public schools and even in
so-called "Christian" churches (actually churches of Satan). For those who've never
experienced anything like this, for you to say it is imagination is ignorant. Did Jesus
cast out devils or did He not? Did Jesus call Peter "Satan" or did He not? Satan
influenced Peter--

Matthew 16:23 But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me,
Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be
of God, but those that be of men.

The devil influenced King David--

I Chronicles 21:1, 8 And Satan stood up...and provoked David... And David
said unto God, I have sinned greatly, because I have done this thing...

The devil is real, hell is real, seducing unclean spirits are real--wake up! If you are a
doubting Christian or a non-Christian don't try to be a warrior, because you may end up
like the sons Sceva--
Acts 19:13-16 Then certain of the vagabond Jews, exorcists, took upon them
to call over them which had evil spirits the name of the Lord Jesus, saying,
We adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preacheth.

And there were seven sons of one Sceva, a Jew, and chief of the priests,
which did so.

And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but
who are ye?

And the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them, and overcame
them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked
and wounded.

If you lack wisdom, don't get involved.

A final note on protecting our minds, Christian friend. The Bible says that we are to cast
down all IMAGINATIONS. Think about it--tv is vain imagination. The wicked shows
are just ACTORS who are PRETENDING. Tv is imagination. It is goat food. Christian
are sheep. No real Christian should watch it. If you are a Christian, you are not be able
to argue this fact with any conviction. You are feeding off of goat food. The goats are
those on the left. You are probably addicted for it is like a narcotic and most people
could not imagine life without it. I went through my withdrawal symptoms, but now it
has been over a decade, and I cannot imagine turning it on. It must be many, many times
more wicked than it was when I watched it. The people who write the tv shows are into
unmentionable perversion and sorcery. I've read that when you are watching tv, your
brain operates slower than when you are sleeping! Satan creeps right on in--WITH
YOUR PERMISSION. Watching tv can channel spirits right into you. Lust-ridden
people who've let their minds go all over the place have told me that they've lost control
over themselves and that they are actually afraid. Lust will take you to places you never
would have considered. The following article on Incubus and Succubus is consistent
with what I know about lustful devils and I believe it may be useful to someone.



INCUBUS - A spirit or [devil] thought in medieval times

to lie on sleeping persons, especially women, with whom
it sought sexual intercourse.
SUCCUBUS - In folklore, a female [devil] thought to
have sexual intercourse with sleeping men.
Above definitions came from Webster's Dictionary.
INCUBI - [Demonic sexual attacks on females; may be caused by sexual sins,
witchcraft spells, curses of lust, inherited curses, can attack children

SUCCUBI - demonic sexual attacks on males, may be caused by the same as Incubi

Forget medieval times and folklore, these demons are for real! The demons have sex
with both men and women as the person sleeps, AND YOU KNOW IT. It's not a dream,
and it is not your imagination.

If you have encountered this situation, DELIVERANCE and Spiritual Warfare can stop

A woman called us once and told us about these demons, and that she was afraid to go
to sleep because of it...

Another woman wrote to us and told us that a demons were having sex with her as she
slept. Her husband, a Pastor, said it was just her "imagination". DEMONS ARE FOR
REAL! She did DELIVERANCE and Spiritual Warfare, and we got an email the very
next day saying,

"Praise the Lord. What a wonderful night's sleep I had!!! No demons

attacking my body. NONE!!!" What a Blessing to us to receive positive
reports ONCE a person DOES DELIVERANCE.

On March 18, 1997 a female Evangelist wrote to us and said,

"I know there are countless women that this (demons sexually abusing
them) is happening to, because every Christian woman I have spoken to
about it (sex demons), 9 out of 10 it has happened to." NINE out of TEN!!








The following excerpts are from Erica Joseph of Breakthrough Missions, 4514 N. 34th
St., Tampa, Florida 33610 in a booklet titled "Sex with demons - Nightmares, Incubus
and Succubus"
Sexual experiences with demonic spirits are very real even in this day and
age. I have personally taken both men and women through
DELIVERANCE, that have experienced this and some became bound by
the spirits of Incubus and Succubus. I have personally taken both men and
women through DELIVERANCE, where the witch or warlock has actually,
through the use of astral travel, seduced them, having sexual relations with
them as they slept, with them thinking it was only a dream. This having
been done through the utilization of "Familiar" spirits.

In every DELIVERANCE situation of this nature the one thing that has
been required is total and complete honesty from the person seeking the
DELIVERANCE. I have taken some individuals through DELIVERANCE
and the Holy Ghost has caused those spirits to manifest (reveal themselves).
Some individuals have enjoyed the sexual experience with those demons,
thus DELIVERANCE was not effective.

In some instances, I have found that those spirits have entered in through
masturbation and fantasy lust. If the individuals renounce the fantasy lust
and stopped masturbating, they were DELIVERED. I have taken several
individuals through DELIVERANCE from those demons and I've found that
people have been violated (raped) by spirits, not actually wanting to believe
it or not understanding what happened to them until DELIVERANCE
revealed it. But they know that they had experienced something painful and

I have taken individuals through DELIVERANCE, that have felt the bed
moving, felt their bodies responding uncontrollably, yet their rational,
logical mind could not comprehend it. So they wrote it off as a dream. These
demonic spirits that function in this sexually perverse way must be
renounced and cast OUT, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Please write to us, get in touch with us if you believe that we might be of
help or assistance to you with DELIVERANCE in this area. I hope that this
little booklet will give you more knowledge, in this area of
DELIVERANCE, so that you might be of help to someone else.

Essentially, the incubus is a lewd demon which seeks sexual intercourse

with women. It is also termed follet (French), alp (German), duende
(Spanish) and folletto (Italian). The corresponding demon who appears to
men is the succubus. When associated with one particular witch or sorcerer,
both incubus and succubus are known as magistellus, or "familiar".
Inasmuch as the nightmare dream is sexual in latent content, incubus is
often used interchangeably with The Mare Demon; in fact, the Latin word
for nightmare is incubo (to lie upon). The incubus can assume either a male
or a female shape. Sometimes he appears as a full-grown man. Sometimes
as a satyr or in the form of a demon, and if it is a woman who has been
received as a witch, the incubus generally assumes the form of an animal.

Succubus is a demon in female form, specialized in seducing men. Although

feminine in meaning, in form this medieval Latin word, succubus, is
masculine (because demons were supposedly sexless) the feminine form
succuba (strumpet) is occasionally found.
If you have, or are having dreams or nightmares of a sexual nature that you
know are as real as life, dreams where you cannot exactly distinguish the
real from the unreal, please seek DELIVERANCE. Don't allow satan and
his demonic hosts to degrade your body which is the Temple of God.

 The demon MARE: Works with the Incubus and Succubus demons.
This demon is alleged to cause dreams of sexual content coupled
with those evil spirits.

 NIGHT SPELLS: Charms or enchantments by night, used by witches

and warlocks.

 NIGHTMARE or MARE: The demon or mare alleged to cause bad

dreams. The dream itself is called a nightmare.

 MARE: The supposed demon which, during the night, sits on the
chest and causes feelings of suffocation and choking. Causing a
feeling of being paralyzed and that the weight is crushing the breath
out of a person. [Tracy's note--I had a former roommate who had her
future read with tarot cards and she called me later that night scared
to death saying a devil was on her chest trying to choke her while
she slept.]

If you are a professed Christian having trouble with this sort of thing, examine your life
to see where you are opening a way for devils to come in. It may be tv (for many it is)
or novels or impure thoughts/fantasies, porno, masturbation, etc. Once you identify it,
repent of the behaviour, stop doing it, and start doing what is right--seek your manhood
(or womanhood if you are a woman). Read your Bible, and pray. Work around your
house instead of watching at hell's gates. Learn how to do things for yourself. A man
should be able to build a shelter, a dog house, whatever he needs. People should know
how to garden and put a good meal on the table. There is a whole, REAL life outside of
tv and that helpless industrial system we Americans find ourselves in. We have work to
do and sitting around watching television has absolutely nothing to do with it.

If you are attacked by devils while you are sleeping, pray before you go to sleep and ask
the Lord Jesus to help you even as you sleep. Resist what is happening and get up (I
know that it is very hard to wake up sometimes). When you get up, talk to the Lord
Jesus. Bless His holy name and ask His protection on you that your sleep may be sweet.

Jesus Christ is the Lord and there is no need to be afraid of evil. We overcome it by
doing good. When we watch Satan's tv and get involved with his system (gossip, foolish
jesting, etc.), we are outside our hedge of protection. Repent of your sin and get rid of
the inconvenient things that cause you to stumble, and make sure you are saved under
gospel terms.

I have just visited yor site and am very impressed by all the articels, a real
blessing. Please forgive my spelling because i am from Holland and my english is not
perfect :)

I haven't had the time to read it all yet but i did read your article on Incubus. I found it
very intersting and must say that i can't find anything untrue in this article. However
Incubus or Succubus does not manifest itself in agressive or destructive ways only. Well
in the end you will pay the price of course, but what i mean is, before i became a
Christian and was saved by the Blood of Christ, I used to be an occult medium,
channeling a spiritual guide. This guide also fullfilled my sexual desires, and never
tried to hurt me in that way. It was a way of giving me what i whas longing for without
having to share me with a real woman. This guide apeard in the kind of woman I wished
for, mostly like a girl i had met and liked a lot physically.

I know through my experiences from my old life that there are many more people lured
into the web of lies that makes up satan's kingdom this way. Not unexpected, not in a
dream, but visually and physically real in experience.

I am aware that maybe not many people know of this, because it is something not
spoken of in the open easily due to the sensitive nature and the misunderstanding that
comes along. People tend to get scared when you talk about these things. Please don't
see this as a way to state that the article isn't correct, most manifestations do occur the
way as it is stated. I am only trying to explain that there are other forms of
manifestation also.

I pray that God will bless you in continuing this site and so reach out to people that are
not saved yet, that they may find salvation thrue the Cross in repentance and
acceptance of His forgiveness and Grace. Our mission is to spread the word of God
and His plan of salvation, not to go out on a demon hunt. However man must be

May God bless you abundabtly,

In His Love,

A fellow Christian from Holland.

| Eternal Life | Hell is Real | The Gospel According to John |

| My Testimony |Why I Read the Authorized KJV Bible|
| The Hymnal | Messianic Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus Christ |
| Epistle Dedicatory to the Authorized King James of 1611 |


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