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Structured Questions
1. (a) R: carbon dioxide [1]
T: ATP [1]

(b) Light-dependent reaction / light stage / photosystem I [1]

(c) - Carbon dioxide combines with a 5C compound (RuBP) to form an

unstable 6C compound, catalysed by enzyme Rubisco. [1]
- The 6C compound breaks down to form two molecules of glycerate-
3-phosphate (PGA) which is a 3C compound. [1]
- PGA is converted to triose phosphate (PGAL) using ATP and reduce
NADP from the light-dependent stage. [1]
- PGAL molecules combine to form a 6C hexose sugar that
polymerises to produce starch. [1]
- Some PGAL are used to regenerate RuBP. [1]
[Max 4]

(d) - Light-dependent reaction occurs in thylakoid while light-independent

reaction occurs in stroma of chloroplasts. [1]
- Light-dependent reaction produces ATP and NADPH while light-
independent reaction uses ATP and NADPH to form of starch. [1]
- Light-dependent reaction requires light whereas light-independent
reaction does not require light. [1]

2. (a) Thylakoid membrane [1]

(b) - Raise energy level of electrons in chloroplasts. [1]

- so that a flow of electrons is initiated in PS I and PS II [1]
- so that flow of electrons through electron transport chain, ATP
and NADPH are formed.

(c) - In non-cyclic photophosphorylation, water is the source of electrons

that enter PS II while in cyclic photophosphorylation, PS I is the
source of recycled electrons. [1]
- Photolysis occurs in NCP but photolysis does not occur in CP. [1]
- In NCP, NADP is the last electron acceptor while in CP, PS I is the
last electron acceptor. [1]
- NCP involves both PS I and PS II but CP only involves PS I. [1]
- Products of NCP are ATP and NADPH while CP is ATP only. [1]
[Max 4]

(d) - Involves the passing of electrons down a series of electrons carriers

following an energy gradient. [1]
- produce ATP as electrons flow along the electrons carriers / involves
ATP synthetase. [1]

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3. (a) A: Golgi apparatus / Golgi body [1]
D: Rough endoplasmic reticulum [1]
E: Mitochondrion [1]

(b) (i) Fluid mosaic model / Singer’s model / Singer and Nicholson
model [1]
(ii) Phospholipid (bilayer) [1]

(c) - Regulates the fluidity of plasma membrane [1]

- Regulates the movement of phospholipid in different temperatures /
help to stabilise the membrane structure [1]
- Regulates the movement of hydrophobic molecules / polar
molecules across the plasma membrane [1]
[Max 2]

(d) (i) Centriole(s) [1]

(ii) - Organise the formation of spindle fibre during cell division [1]
- To produce basal bodies in which flagella and cilli develop [1]

4. (a) (i) Glycolysis [1]

(ii) Stage A: cytoplasm / cytosol [1]
Stage B: matrix of mitochondrion / mitochondria matrix [1]
Stage C: inner membrane of mitochondrion [1]

(b) - Oxaloacetate [1]

- 4 carbons [1]

(c) (i) Electron transport chain [1]

(ii) Oxygen acts as the last acceptor of hydrogen atom in ETC [1]

(d) Stage A: 4 ATP molecules [1]

Stage B: 2 ATP molecules [1]

5. (a)
Prokaryotic cell Eukaryotic cell
No distinct nucleus; only A distinct membrane bound [1]
diffused area of nucleoplasm nucleus
with no nuclear envelope
The genetic materials The genetic materials [1]
composed of a circular strand composed of DNA
of DNA surrounded by histone
Proteins synthesised by 70S Protein synthesised by 80S [1]
ribosomes ribosomes
No membrane-bound Presence of membrane- [1]
organelles bound organelles
Cell wall made of Plant cell wall made up of [1]
peptidoglycan or murein cellulose; fungal cell wall
made of chitin; animal cell
does not have cell wall

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Presence of mesosome Absence of mesosome; [1]
which is the site of respiratory mitochondrion is the site of
activities respiratory activities.
[Max 2]


Label any 6 components:

P: extrinsic protein / Q: phospholipid bilayer / R: channel or pore
protein / S: glycoprotein / T: cholesterol / U: intrinsic protein /
V: glycolipid [4]

(c) Ribosomes, centriole [1]

(d) (i) Chloroplasts / mitochondria / nucleus / Golgi apparatus /

Ribosomes / endoplasmic reticulum [1]
(ii) Epidermis / xylem / phloem / parenchyma / collenchyma /
Sclerenchyma [1]
(iii) Leaf / flower / stem / root / fruit [1]

6. (a) - Light energy (of wavelength 700 nm) is absorbed by antenna

pigments (of photosystem I) and transferred to the reaction centre (of
photosystem I) [1]
- High energy electrons are released. [1]

(b) - Site of photosystem I and photosystem II/ photosynthetic pigments

- High energy electrons pass along electron carriers [1]
- Proton/ H ions pumped into thylakoid space [1]
- Chemiosmotic synthesis of ATP [1]
[Max 3]

Aspect Cyclic Non-cyclic
photophospho- photophospho-
rylation rylation
photosystem only photosystem I photosystem I and [1]
involved photosystem II are
electron flow cyclic non-cyclic [1]
first electron photosystem I water [1]
last electron photosystem I NADP+ [1]

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products ATP ATP, NADPH, O2 [1]
[Max 3]

(d) - Both use the electron transport system [1]

- Proton gradient created in intermembrane space [1]
- Chemiosmotic synthesis of ATP [1]
[Max 2]

7. (a) Biological organic catalyst produced by living cells that speed up the
rate of biochemical reactions. [1]

(b) - Only one type of key with specific configuration can fit into the
keyhole of a specific lock to open it, just like only one type of substrate
that [1]
- have specific configuration that can fit into the active site of
- a specific enzyme to form enzyme-substrate complex.

(c) Prosthetic group [1]

(d) Coenzyme [1]

(e) Allosteric site [1]

(f) - Non-competitive inhibitor that attaches temporarily to the allosteric

site causes changes to the configuration of the enzyme and its active
site. [1]
- The substrate is prevented from attaching to the active site, therefore
preventing the formation of enzyme-substrate complex. [1]
- The rate of enzyme catalysed reaction is lowered until the non-
competitive inhibitor detaches from the allosteric site. Vmax value of the
enzyme catalysed reaction is lowered. [1]

8. (a) Any four correct labels: [2]

Nucleus, Golgi apparatus, smooth endoplasmic reticulum, ribosome,

(b) Label in:

Cell A: centriole, lysosome [1]
Cell B: chloroplast, central vacuole (wrong for cell wall) [1]

(c) - Cell A is the simple columnar epithelial cell in small intestine. [1]
- It has many microvilli to increase the total surface area for nutrients
absorption. [1]
- Cell B is the palisade mesophyll cell. [1]
- It has abundant chloroplasts to maximise the absorption of
sunlight for photosynthesis.

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(d) Refer 5(a) [2]
9. (a) Root hair cell [1]

(b) Large / increase surface area [1]

(c) Osmosis [1]

(d) Active transport / uptake [1]

(e) 2: symplast pathway [1]

3: apoplast pathway [1]

(f) - Contain waterproof material suberin / makes cell wall impervious to

water. [1]

- Diverts water from apoplast route to symplast route [1]

- Offers plant some control over what enters the pericycle [1]
- Forces water to pass through semi-permeable membrane.
[Max 1]

(g) - Hollow lumen with no living cytoplasm reduces resistance to water

movement. [1]
- Lignified wall to prevent collapse [1]
- Small lumen to enhance capillarity [1]
- Pits to allow lateral movement of water [1]
[Max 2]

10. (a) (i) ψ = ψs + ψp [1]

(ii) - Osmosis is the movement of water molecule from a region of

higher water potential to a region of lower water potential [1]
- through a partially permeable membrane. [1]

(b) - Water flows from cell B to cell A. [1]

- ψcell A = -2000 + 800 = -1200 kPa [1]
- ψcell B = -1800 + 1000 = -800 kPa [1]
(ψcell B > ψcell A)

(c) At equilibrium, ψcell A = ψcell B = [-1200 + (-800)] ÷ 2 = -1000 kPa

Cell A: ψp = -1000 – (-2000) = 1000 kPa [1]
Cell B: ψp = -1000 – (-1800) = 800 kPa [1]

(d) - In osmosis, water molecules diffuse from region of high water

potential to region of low water potential while in sodium-potassium
pump mechanism, ions diffuse from region of low concentration to
region of high concentration. [1]
- Osmosis involves water molecules while sodium-potassium
mechanism involves sodium ions and potassium ions. [1]

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11. (a) A: rough endoplasmic reticulum [1]
B: Golgi apparatus [1]
C: Lysosome [1]
D: Phagocytic vesicle [1]

(b) I: Location of the formation of enzymes, lipids and other proteins.

II: The enzymes, lipids and other proteins are passed on to the
Golgi apparatus by means of vesicles. [1]
III: The enzymes, lipids and other proteins are modified and sorted
while passing through the stack of cisternae of the Golgi
apparatus. This allows the enzymes, lipids and other proteins to
be identified/ distinguished and sorted before they are sent to
their final destination.
IV: The sorted final enzymes, lipids and other proteins are packaged
into lysosomes. [1]
V: The lysosomes fuses with vesicles containing food particles. [1]
VI: Enzymes are released into the vesicle and break down the food
particles, after which, soluble and useful products of the
breakdown are absorbed into the cytoplasm of the cell. [1]

12. (a) Tissue J: parenchyma [1]

Tissue K: sclerenchyma [1]
Tissue L: collenchyma [1]

(b) Tissue J:
- support herbaceous plants
- carry out photosynthesis
- store food substances [Max 2]
Tissue K:
- Fibres act as supporting tissue providing mechanical strength [1]
- sclereids act as protective tissue in seed coats and mechanical
support in xylem tissue [1]
Tissue L:
- Act as a supporting tissue providing mechanical strength and

- carry out photosynthesis where chloroplasts are present

(c) Xylem vessels, tracheids, fibres, parenchyma [1]

13. (a) (i) Fluid mosaic model [1]

(ii) - scattered mosaic arrangement of proteins that float in the
phospholipid layer [1]

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- the lipid and protein molecules can move laterally (and rotate
on their axes) [1]

(b) A: phospholipid bilayer [1]

B: extrinsic / peripheral protein [1]
C: intrinsic protein [1]

(c) To allow transport of polar molecules and ions across the membrane
by facilitated diffusion. [1]

(d) - Movement of polar molecules / ions across the membrane [1]

- against the concentration gradient [1]
- requires ATP [1]
[Max 2]

(e) - For cell recognition [1]

- To act as receptors / binding sites for chemical signals [1]
- For cell adhesion / to stick the correct cells together [1]
[Max 1]

14. (a) A: matrix [1]

B: cristae / inner membrane [1]
C: intermembrane space [1]

(b) (i) B [1]

(ii) - Electrons flow through a series of electron carriers / ETS [1]
- Electrons are transferred to the final electron acceptor oxygen
producing water. [1]
- ATP is generated from ADP and inorganic phosphate [1]

(c) Length on photograph = y

Actual length = observed size ÷ magnification [1]
= (y x 103)µm ÷ 70000 [1]
= z µm [1]

15. (a) (i) C to B to A [1]

(ii) - Water moves down a water potential gradient [1]
- by osmosis [1]

(b) (i) ψ = 1000 – 1800

= -800kPa [1]
(ii) - Plasmolysed [1]

- Cell in concentrated solution / low water potential [1]

- Water diffuses out of the cell [1]
- Cytoplasm / vacuole shrinks [1]
[Max 2]

(c) - Water diffuses into cell by osmosis [1]

- Cytoplasm expands [1]

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- Cell becomes turgid [1]
- As cytoplasm / cell content push against the wall [1]
- Wall inelastic / resists further expansion [1]
[Max 3]

16. (a)

(b) - In mammals, lactate is produced / no ethanol is produced [1]

- No decarboxylation / no carbon dioxide is released [1]
- Single step [1]
- Lactate dehydrogenase [1]
- Reversible [1]
[Max 3]

(c) - Only glycolysis occurs / Krebs cycle stops / link reaction stops,
glucose is not fully broken down / still contain energy [1]
- Pyruvate does not enter mitochondrion [1]
- No oxygen / no final electron acceptor [1]
- Electron transport chain stops [1]
- No oxidative phosphorylation
[Max 3]

17. (a) Lecithin [1]

(b) A: saturated fatty acid [1]

B: unsaturated fatty acid [1]
C: glycerol [1]

(c) Ester bond [1]

(d) A has no double bond between carbon atoms while B has a double
bond between carbon atoms [1]

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(e) - The phospholipid consists of a hydrophilic head which faces towards
the outside [1]
- The hydrophobic tail which faces towards the inside away from


(f) - It allows lipid soluble substances to pass through in and out of the
cell [1]
- It is a matrix for attachment of protein molecules [1]

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