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Schengen Visa Application Cover Letter – Samples

for Tourist, Medical and Business Visa Applications

A Schengen Visa Cover Letter is the letter, which the visa applicant writes for the
embassy where the visa application documents will be submitted.
A Schengen visa cover letter contains:
 The purpose of your travel to the Schengen member state or states
 Proof of how you will fund your trip (own funds or sponsor)
 If you have a sponsor – explain your personal relationship with your sponsor and
the reason why they will be sponsoring your trip
 An overview of your itinerary, which also explains why you chose to apply at the
specific Embassy
 If you cannot submit any of the required documents, write about the reasons why
you cannot submit and explain alternative documents that you may have
 Your intent to return to your home country – you can also write a separate letter of
intent to explain your rootedness to your home country
It is important to write a cover letter as a way of communication with the embassy
officer that will/is going to process your visa application.
Especially, now that a lot of the Embassies use the VFS services to collect
documents and deliver the applicant’s passport, you have no chances given to
speak to the visa officers and explain your details. As the visa officers make their
decisions based on the documents you provide, it is highly recommended to write a
cover letter that would do the explaining for you.
Therefore, write a compelling cover letter even though it is not to be found on the list
of required documents!
Make sure your cover letter is written according to your travel purpose, such as:
Business, Health, Visit, etc.
Cover Letter Sample for a Tourist Visa Application
Find a personal template or sample of a tourist visa cover letter with details below:
April 03, 2017
No. 6/50G Shanti Path,
Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110021
Subject: Anjali XXXXXXX, Indian Passport No: XXXXXX, Schengen Visa for Visit
Dear Sir/Madam,
I would like to apply for a Schengen visa upon my intention to travel to Germany
from June 2 to June 28, 2017.
The main purpose of my travel is to visit my German friends. However, I look very
forward to also visit the magnificent sights throughout Germany, as well as
experience the famous German food and learn the German culture and way of life.
During my stay, me and my friends wish to spend a holiday in the Netherlands and
France to celebrate my upcoming graduation.
I am employed at <name of employer> in <address of employer> since April 2014,
currently holding the position of Marketing Executive. My employer has already
approved my vacation from work for the duration of this trip.
Please, find the following documents to support my visa application:
1. Visa application form, duly dated and signed with attached passport-size pictures
2. Passport, showing my travel experience
3. Travel Insurance, coverage of €30,000
4. E-ticket reservation for my flight via LH for New Delhi – Frankfurt – New Delhi
[June 2-June 28, 2017]
5. Hotel reservations for our holidays in the Netherlands and France
6. Employment and leave certificates showing approved leaves as well as the date I
am expected to return to work
7. ITR, Payslips, and Savings Account as proof of my income
Also, the additional documents required for Medical Purposes Schengen Visa
 Enclosed copies of medical records about your condition
 Bank statements and health insurance coverage to cover for medical expenses in
[name of country]
Planned Itinerary:
 June 2, 2017 – Flight from New Delhi to Frankfurt via LH-761
 June 7, 2017 – Sightseeing in Germany
 June 10, 2017 – Travel from Frankfurt to Amsterdam Schiphol; Arrive in
Amsterdam and stay at Clemens Hotel
 June 11, 2017 – Sightseeing in the Netherlands
 June 14, 2017 – Travel from Amsterdam Schiphol to Paris Gard du Nord and stay
at Ibis Hotel – Sacré Coeur
 June 15, 2017 – Sacré Coeur, Opera, Tour Eiffel, Musee du Lourve
 June 17, 2017 – Chateau de Versailles
 June 20, 2017 – Travel from Paris Gard du Nord to Frankfurt via Air France
 June 28, 2017 – Flight back to New Delhi from Frankfurt via Lufthansa
I trust that you will find everything is in order. For any questions or clarifications,
please do not hesitate to contact me anytime.
Thanking you in advance for a favorable reply to my application.
<Your Complete Name>
<Your Address>, India

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