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22nd Parallel

Licenses to Open a restaurant in Gujarat

Licence under Food and Drug Control Act (FSSAI) (Mandatory)

Issued by the Government of India You need to apply to: State Health Ministry, enforced by the FDA's
inspector to prevent adulteration

Medical / health certificate for kitchen staff (For FSSAI)

Part of FSSAI (Can be procured from any MBBS Doctor)

Water Test Certificate (For FSSAI)

Part of FSSAI (Water testing is done at municipality testing centre)

Shop and Establishment Certificate (Mandatory)

You need to apply to: Bombay Shops & Establishments Office - Local Municipality
Can be applied only after procurement of FSSAI License

Police Registration Certificate (PPEE) (To be checked if required in the city)

Licence to keep place of public entertainment by Bombay Police Act, 1951 (PPL)
You need to apply to: Office of Commisioner of Police / District Magistrate in case of Villages
Includes approval from Traffic Department and Local DCP office
Can be applied only after procurement of FSSAI & S&E licenses
Mandatory requirement of cameras to be insatalled

Weights and Measurement Certificate(Optional)

Cerificate received alongwith purchase of Scales

Tax registration under GST(Mandatory)

License from the Indian Performing Right Society Ltd. and Phonographic Performance Ltd. by restaurants
playing their music in restaurants.(Optional)
Any playing of music in a restaurant is considered a public performance for purposes of copyrights.

ESIC for shop employing staff more than 10 (mandatory if staff more than 10 Nos)
You need to apply to: ESI office under labour department, Government of India.

Provident fund registration number for staff of more than 18 employees (Mandatory if more than 18 Nos)
You need to apply to: Regional PF office

Professional tax certificate for employees and employer(Mandatory)

You need to apply to: Local Ward Office

Fire & Safety License(Mandatory)

From the local fire department
Mandatory requirements: a) Fire Panel with Smoke & Heat Detectors
b) Fire extinguishers as prescribed by the Fire department.

Restaurant Licenses and Documents from Landlord

22nd Parallel


Permission from electricity department to operate heavy-duty machinery like air conditioner, grinding machine,
Exhaust System etc. (For Increase in Load)
You need to apply to: Local Electricity Department

Water connection certificate as per grade (Optional)

You need to apply to: Water department, Local ward

Drainage Inspection certificate (Optional)

You need to apply to: Water department, Local ward

Neon signboard or glow sign board licence, provided it carries an advertisement You need to apply to: Local
Ward Office (Optional - If large in size)

The following Departments would be involved:

Shop & Establishment license.
Fire Dept no objection.
Electrical dept no objection.
Municipal Commissioners Office / District Magistrates Office
Police Commissioner Office.
PAN Card.
Professional tax registration.

Restaurant Licenses and Documents from Landlord

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