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Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies (2013) 17, 302e308

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Effectiveness of manual therapy and

home physical therapy in patients with
temporomandibular disorders: A
randomized controlled trial
Aysenur Besler Tuncer, PT, Ph.D. a,*,
Nevin Ergun, PT, Ph.D. a, Abidin Hakan Tuncer,
DDS, M.P.H. b, Sevilay Karahan, M.Sc. c

Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Health Sciences,
Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
Department of Developmental Biology, Harvard School of Medicine and Dentistry,
Harvard University, Boston, USA
Department of Biostatistics, Faculty of Medicine, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey

Received 1 July 2012; received in revised form 20 September 2012; accepted 1 October 2012

KEYWORDS Summary The purpose of this study was to compare the short-term effectiveness of home
TMD; physical therapy (HPT) alone with that of manual therapy (MT) in conjunction with home physical
Manual therapy; therapy (MTeHPT) performed for four weeks in patients with temporomandibular disorders
Home physical (TMD). Forty subjects (nine males and 31 females; age, 18e72 years) with TMD were randomly
therapy; divided into two groups: HPT (n Z 20; five males and 15 females; mean age, 34.8  12.4 years)
Pain; and MTeHPT (n Z 20; four males and 16 females; mean age, 37.0  14.6 years). Pain intensity
Maximum mouth was evaluated at rest and with stress using a visual analogue scale (VAS). Pain-free maximum
opening mouth opening (MMO) was also evaluated. Mean change score (MCS) in VAS and the smallest
detectable difference (SDD) in pain-free MMO were measured over time. The results were ana-
lysed by MANOVA to evaluate the effects of treatment over time. At baseline, the groups did not
differ from each other with respect to VAS scores and pain-free MMO (p > 0.05). Within each
group, VAS with stress decreased (p < 0.001) and pain-free MMO increased (p < 0.001) over time.
Between groups, both time*treatment effect and treatment effect were significant for VAS with
stress (p < 0.001); however, only time*treatment effect was significant for pain-free MMO
(p Z 0.009). In the MTeHPT group, MCS for VAS with stress was 91.3% and SDD for pain-free

* Corresponding author. 1691 Beacon Street, Unit # 2, Brookline, MA 02445 USA.

E-mail address: (A.B. Tuncer).

1360-8592/$ - see front matter ª 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Effectiveness of manual therapy and home physical therapy in patients with temporomandibular disorders 303

MMO was 10 mm. Our results suggest that a four-week period of MTeHPT has a clinically signif-
icant effect on both pain and pain-free maximum mouth opening in patients with TMD.
ª 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction exercises are effective interventions for decreasing the

symptoms associated with TMD (McNeely et al., 2006).
Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is a collective term for Although a combination of MT and HPT, including patient
structural and functional disorders involving the temporo- education, may have been effective for TMD in the past, no
mandibular joint (TMJ) and/or the masticatory muscles, reported studies have compared a MT treatment in
muscles of the head and neck and contiguous tissue conjunction with HPT treatment to HPT treatment alone in
components (Okeson, 1996). Biological, anatomical, bio- TMD patients. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the
mechanical, behavioural, environmental and/or emotional effectiveness of the treatments on pain intensity and pain-
factors affect the masticatory system, contributing to the free maximum mouth opening in patients with TMD.
development of signs and symptoms and/or perpetuation of
TMD. Therefore, TMD can be considered a multifactorial Methods
disease entity (De Leeuw, 2008). It is mainly characterized
by pain and restricted jaw movement, with pain being the
This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of
most common symptom and the most frequent reason for
Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey.
seeking treatment (Dworkin et al., 1990).
All subjects were provided with an explanation of the study
In the literature, the treatments available for TMD
and informed consent was obtained from the study
include pharmacological management, oral appliances,
subjects. Subjects with a chief complaint of pain in the TMJ
occlusal equilibration, physical therapy, TMJ surgery, bio-
region during mandibular movements participated in this
behavioural treatments and patient education (Wright and
study at Hacettepe University, Faculty of Dentistry. One
Sluka, 2001; Okeson, 2003).
dentist experienced in TMD diagnosed the subjects
Home physical therapy (HPT) for TMD includes self-care
according to the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Tempo-
treatment, patient education, lifestyle modification and
romandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD) (Dworkin and LeResche,
self-awareness about the aggravating factors. Specifically,
1992). RDC/TMD applies a dual-axis system to diagnose and
it involves active jaw movements, stretching exercises and
classify patients with TMD. The first axis is divided into
correction of body and head posture. It is relatively simple,
three groups of commonly occurring TMDs as follows:
incurs little cost compared with other treatments and
ensures the active involvement of patients (Michelotti
Group 1: Muscle disorders, including myofascial pain (Ia)
et al., 2005). HPT has also been shown to provide relief
and myofascial pain with limited mandibular opening (Ib)
of masticatory muscle and joint pain (Hanten et al., 2000;
Group 2: Disc displacement with reduction (IIa) and disc
Michelotti et al., 2004).
displacement without reduction, with limited mandibular
Manual therapy (MT) is an area of specialization that has
opening (IIb) or without limited mandibular opening (IIc)
evolved within the field of physical therapy and is the most
Group 3: Arthralgia, arthritis and arthrosis of the TMJ (III)
commonly used approach for the management of spinal
symptoms (Gross et al., 2002; Aure et al., 2003). Manual
therapy for TMD includes TMJ mobilization, soft tissue mobi-
lization of painful muscles, active or passive muscle stretch- Inclusion criteria
ing exercises, gentle isometric tension exercises against
resistance and guided opening and closing jaw movements 1. Subjects with a diagnosis of myogenous TMD according to
(Rocabado and Iglarsh, 1991; Von Piekartz, 2005). These categories Ia and Ib of the RDC/TMD (Dworkin and
relatively reversible, non-invasive treatments are intended to LeResche, 1992) were included. In addition to a diag-
decrease muscle spasm, alter jaw openingeclosing patterns nosis of myofascial pain, the presence of pain on palpa-
and improve coordination of the muscles of mastication. tion of at least three of 12 muscular points bilaterally was
Various reports have suggested that MT is a viable and useful required; these points were present on the temporalis
approach towards the management of TMD (Carmeli et al., (anterior, medial and posterior bellies) and masseter
2001; Nicolakis et al., 2002; Kalamir et al., 2007). muscles (deep belly and inferior and anterior portions of
A systematic review by Medlicott and Harris (2006) eval- the superficial belly) (Friction and Schulman, 1987).
uated the literature on the efficacy of physical therapy 2. Subjects with a diagnosis of anterior disc displacement
interventions for TMD patients and specifically reported the with reduction according to category IIa of the RDC/
value of a combined approach of active exercises, MT and TMD (Dworkin and LeResche, 1992) were included.
relaxation techniques. This review favoured the use of Painful clicking, crepitation or pain on opening and
multifaceted TMD treatments. A second review on the effi- loaded closing with reproducibility in at least two of
cacy of physical therapy for TMD patients found that postural three consecutive trials, elimination of a clicking sound
training, MT and exercise demonstrated significant benefits. on openingeclosing movements from a protruded jaw
The authors concluded that active, passive and postural position and pain in the TMJ during the compression
304 A.B. Tuncer et al.

test (De Wijer et al., 1995; Naeije et al., 2009) were years) who received MT in conjunction with the HPT treat-
additional inclusion criteria for patients with anterior ment being the same as that prescribed to the HPT treat-
disc placement with reduction. ment group. MT included soft tissue mobilization (intra- and
3. Subjects with pain that was not related to acute extra-oral deep friction massage of painful muscles), TMJ
trauma, active inflammation or infection in the masti- mobilization (caudal and ventro-caudal traction, ventral
catory muscles/TMJ for at least three months were and mediolateral translation), TMJ stabilization (gentle
included. Forty subjects who met the inclusion criteria isometric tension exercises against resistance), coordina-
were enrolled as study subjects. tion exercises (guided opening and closing jaw movements),
cervical spine mobilization (traction and translation) and
post-isometric relaxation and stretching techniques for the
Exclusion criteria masticatory and neck muscles (Evjenth and Hamberg, 1980;
Rocabado and Iglarsh, 1991; Kaltenborn, 2003; Von Piekartz,
Subjects were excluded if they exhibited any of the 2005). MT was administered by another physical therapist
following signs or symptoms: disc displacement without who was clinically experienced and trained in TMD and MT
reduction, arthritis or TMJ arthritis according to categories and was not involved in subject recruitment, group assign-
IIb and III of the RDC/TMD (Dworkin and LeResche, 1992); ment, data collection or evaluation of the MT treatment. All
a history of chronic TMJ pain, clinical pathology, or previous subjects received MT three times a week during the four-
surgery related to the masticatory system or cervical spine; week treatment period. Each treatment session lasted
a history of TMD treatment within the previous three 30 min and was adapted individually to the needs of each
months; neurological or psychiatric disorders that could subject.
interfere with the procedure and intake of any medication Subjects in both groups were instructed to continue HPT
that affects the musculoskeletal system. for four weeks even if they were relieved of the pain.
Subjects selected for the study received unique identi-
fication numbers to conceal their names and designated
Outcome variables
groups. Based on a computer-generated randomization list,
each subject was allocated to one of the treatment groups.
All subjects were informed about the treatments; however, The outcome variables were pain intensity at rest, pain
the control treatment was not disclosed. In addition, intensity with stress and pain-free maximum mouth
subjects were instructed not to mention their group and opening.
treatment during clinical evaluation.
Baseline measurements were obtained before group Pain intensity
assignment by a physical therapist experienced in musculo- Pain intensity at rest was measured first, followed by with
skeletal rehabilitation and TMD and was blinded to the stress. Pain at rest was defined as pain intensity without
subjects’ groups. After four weeks of treatment, the patients’ stress and was measured in mandibular resting position
final assessments were recorded by the same physical thera- where the jaws were in the neutral position without any
pist. The physical therapist had no access to baseline data at contact between the mandibular and maxillary teeth and
the time of final assessment; furthermore, she was not any stress on the mandibular muscles.
involved in recruitment, group assignment or data analysis. Pain with stress was considered as pain intensity during
chewing. Subjects were asked to chew a stick of chewing
gum using both sides of their jaws for 60 s and immediately
Interventions rate their pain on a visual analog scale (VAS). As the tissues
became stressed, a response was elicited that determined
After baseline assessment, the HPT was explained to all the presence of TMJ pain (Michelotti et al., 2004).
subjects by the same physical therapist who performed the The VAS, which was used to record pain scores in this
baseline assessments. study, has been shown to be a reliable and valid instrument
for measuring pain intensity (Bijur et al., 2001). VAS scores
Group I: home physical therapy (HPT) were recorded at baseline and at the end of four weeks,
Group I comprised 20 subjects (five males and 15 females; i.e. after the last treatment session. Subjects were told to
age range, 20e63 years; mean age, 34.8  12.4 years) who place a vertical mark along the line to indicate their current
received only the HPT treatment, which involved subject pain status, ranging from ‘no pain at all’ (0) to ‘worst
education concerning the presumed aetiology of the pain, possible pain’ (100).
ergonomic advice, breathing exercises, relaxation tech-
niques, posture correction exercises and mandibular exer- Pain-free maximum mouth opening
cises such as active and repetitive assisted muscle Pain-free maximum mouth opening (MMO) was measured in
stretching, mouth opening and closing, medial and lateral millimetres at baseline and after the last intervention at
gliding and resistance exercises (Morrone and Makofsky, the end of the four-week period. Subjects were instructed
1991; Hanten et al., 2000; Michelotti et al., 2004). to open their mouth as wide as possible without causing
pain. The inter-incisal distance, i.e. the distance between
Group II: manual therapy in conjunction with home the maxillary and mandibular central incisors was measured
physical therapy (MTeHPT) using a millimetre ruler. Because repeated measurements
Group II also comprised 20 subjects (four males and 16 decrease the standard error of measurements (Kropmans
females; age range, 18e72 years; mean age, 37.0  14.6 et al., 2000), maximum unassisted mouth opening was
Effectiveness of manual therapy and home physical therapy in patients with temporomandibular disorders 305

recorded three times, and the largest recorded range

Table 1 Baseline characteristics of the study population.
was considered as the MMO before and after treatment
(Von Piekartz and Ludke, 2011). HPT MT-HPT p
(n Z 20) (n Z 20)
Gender (female/male)a 15/5 16/4 1.000
Statistical analysis
Age (years)b 34.8  12.4 37.0  14.6 0.611
Height (cm)b 166.4  7.5 163.8  7.9 0.291
Data analyses were performed using SPSS software (SPSS
Weight (kg)b 62.6  9.9 64.1  8.6 0.612
15.0, Chicago, IL, USA). Continuous variables were
Complaint duration 14.1  9.7 13.0  11.8 0.565
expressed as mean  standard deviation or median (inter-
quartile), whereas categorical variables were given as
Diagnosis (ADDwR/MP)a 14/6 17/3 0.451
frequencies and percentages. The KolmogoroveSmirnov test
Effected side 5/10/5 9/8/3 0.389
was used to check for normal distribution. The independent
samples t-test was used to evaluate differences in baseline
VAS at rest (mm)d 17.5  21.5 23.0  23.6 0.446
characteristics, namely age, height and weight between the
VAS with stress (mm)d 66.5  20.6 62.5  20.5 0.542
groups. The ManneWhitney U test was used to compare the
MMO (mm)d 39.0  6.1 38.6  6.7 0.865
duration of the complaint. The Chi e square test was used to
compare categorical variables, including sex, diagnosis and n: sample size, HPT: home physical therapy, MT-HPT: manual
affected side. VAS and pain-free MMO were compared over therapy in conjunction with home physical therapy, ADDwR:
time within each treatment group and between groups with anterior disc displacement with reduction, MP: myofascial pain,
repeated measures MANOVA. The Bonferroni test was used VAS: visual analog score, MMO: pain-free maximum mouth
for post hoc analysis. The intra-class correlation coefficient a
Chi e square test.
(ICC) was calculated to measure testeretest reliability, and b
Independent sample t-test.
the results were considered excellent when ICC was >75% c
ManneWhitney U test.
(Fleiss et al., 2003). For all analyses, 95% confidence inter- d
Repeated measures MANOVA.
vals were presented for each measurement time-point. A p-
value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant for all
analysed data. All subjects completed the four-week intervention with
no adverse effects. No subject required drug therapy during
the study. The ICC (intra-class correlation coefficient) for
Effectiveness of the interventions VAS and pain-free MMO was highly significant (>90%).

Mean change scores (MCS) were used to measure the clin-

Pain intensity
ically important change in VAS score (Kovacs et al., 2008)
and change of minimum 30% was considered a clinically
VAS scores, both at rest and with stress, significantly
relevant statistical result (Farrar et al., 2001). MCS was
calculated by subtracting the final VAS scores from baseline decreased in both groups over time (p < 0.001). Time*treat-
ment effect as well as treatment effect were significant only
VAS scores to correspond to clinical effectiveness (mean
for VAS with stress in the MTeHPT group (p < 0.001). This
change score/baseline*100) (Kovacs et al., 2008).
The smallest detectable difference (SDD) was used to indicates that VAS with stress was different between the two
evaluate the clinical relevance of pain-free MMO. The groups after treatment. It significantly decreased in the
MTeHPT group compared with that in the HPT group. MCS for
clinician was required to have measured a minimum
improvement of 9 mm to indicate clinical success (Kropmans VAS at rest was 34.6% and 59.2% in the HPT and MTeHPT
et al., 2000). The formula for SDD was 1,96*O2*standard groups, respectively, whereas that with stress was 35.7% and
91.3%, respectively. The clinical significance of MT in the
error of measurement (SEM). SEM was calculated as the
MTeHPT group was higher compared with HPT alone (Table 2).
square root of the absolute error variance.
Effectiveness of the interventions was defined as within-
group and between-group effects on the outcome variables Pain-free maximum mouth opening
and was assessed as per statistical significance and clinical
relevance of the statistical results. Pain-free MMO significantly increased in both groups over
time (p < 0.001). Time*treatment effect was significant
between groups (p Z 0.009), with a greater increase in the
Results MTeHPT group than in the HPT group. The SDD in pain-free
MMO after the treatment period was 4.4 and 10.0 mm in the
Baseline characteristics of the subjects are presented in HPT and MTeHPT groups, respectively, indicating the
Table 1. A total of 40 subjects (nine males and 31 females) clinical effectiveness of treatment in the MTeHPT group
participated in this study. The HPT group (group I) included (Table 3).
five males and 15 females while the MTeHPT group (group
II) included four males and 16 females. There were no
statistically significant differences between the two groups Discussion
in age, height, weight, complaint duration, diagnosis,
affected side, VAS at rest, VAS with stress and pain-free The purpose of this study was to compare the short-term
MMO (p > 0.05) at baseline. effectiveness of HPT alone with that of MT in conjunction
306 A.B. Tuncer et al.

Table 2 Changes of pain intensity of the treatment groups.

Outcome variables Treatment Baselinea After MCSb p valued
groups interventiona Time Treatment Time*treatment
VAS at rest
HPTe 17.5  21.5 4.5  10.0 34.6 <0.001 0.86 0.15
MT-HPTf 23.0  23.6 0.5  2.2 59.2
VAS with stressc
HPTe 66.5  20.6 43.5  20.8 35.7 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
MT-HPTf 62.5  20.5 7.0  12.6 91.3
Mean  standard deviation.
Mean change score in percentage.
Visual analog score in millimeters.
Repeated measures MANOVA.
Home physical therapy.
Manual therapy in conjunction with home physical therapy.

with HPT in patients with TMD. The decrease in VAS and recommended by several authors for the rehabilitation of
improvement in pain-free MMO were significantly higher in the craniomandibular system because there is a known
the MTeHPT group than in the HPT group, indicating the relationship between posture and TMJ function (Komiyama
clinical effectiveness of MT-HPT treatment. et al., 1999; Wright et al., 2000). As per our study results,
Treatment approaches for TMD vary largely according to both the HPT and MTeHPT groups showed an improvement
different opinions based on its main aetiology. TMD can in VAS and pain-free MMO after four weeks of treatment.
have multiple causative factors, and the precise causes are Multifactorial models have been presented to explain
not clearly understood (Okeson, 1996; De Leeuw, 2008). the effect of MT (Gross et al., 2002; Kalamir et al., 2007; La
The signs and symptoms of TMD may be transient and self- Touche et al., 2009), which is commonly used to decrease
limiting over time, and most resolve without serious long- pain and restore mobility (Carmeli et al., 2001; Cuccia
term effects. Therefore, the early administration of et al., 2010; La Touche et al., 2011; Von Piekartz and
aggressive and irreversible treatments such as complex Ludke, 2011). Passive and active stretching of muscles or
occlusal therapy or surgery should be avoided (Okeson, range-of-motion exercises are performed to increase mouth
2003). A review on the management of TMD by List and opening and restore physiological mandibular movements
Axelsson (2010) found that surgery, occlusal adjustment (Evjenth and Hamberg, 1980; Rocabado and Iglarsh, 1991;
and electro-physical modalities had no effect in alleviating Ajimsha, 2011). A post-isometric relaxation technique was
pain related to TMD. The goals of managing TMD are best found to improve active mouth opening in a study (Blanco
achieved by using multidisciplinary approaches aimed at et al., 2006), while isometric tension exercises against
decreased pain and increased muscular coordination and resistance were performed for strengthening the mandib-
strength (McNeely et al., 2006; De Leeuw, 2008). ular muscles in another (Nicolakis et al., 2001, 2002).
Exercise and patient education have been shown to be Considering that pain is one of the main reasons for
effective in the management of TMD (Michelotti et al., patients seeking care (Dworkin et al., 1990; Okeson, 1996),
2004). Recently, Michelotti et al. (2012) stated that pain relief is a commonly used outcome measurement while
a patient education programme was slightly more effective assessing the effectiveness of interventions for TMD. In our
than an occlusal splint in decreasing muscle pain in patients study population, pain was the main symptom. Although
with TMD. In our study, we focused on subject education, VAS at rest and VAS with stress decreased over time in both
posture and mandibular exercises using HPT, which both groups, we found that the decrease was larger and the
groups received. Postural exercises have been effect of the four-week intervention was more significant in

Table 3 Changes of pain-free maximum mouth opening of the treatment groups.

Outcome Treatment Baselinea After SDDb p valued
variable groups interventiona Time Treatment Time*treatment
HPTe 39.0  6.1 41.4  4.7 4.4 <0.001 0.44 0.009
MT-HPTf 38.6  6.7 44.4  4.4 10
Mean  standard deviation.
Smallest detectable difference in millimeters.
Pain-free maximum mouth opening in millimeters.
Repeated measures MANOVA.
Home physical therapy.
Manual therapy in conjunction with home physical therapy.
Effectiveness of manual therapy and home physical therapy in patients with temporomandibular disorders 307

the MTeHPT group. The decrease in VAS at rest and VAS Future research is necessary for investigating the long-term
with stress was clinically relevant as it exceeded the MCS in effects of MTeHPT and HPT alone in homogeneous TMD
VAS. Farrar et al. (2001) determined a 30% decrease in pain populations; these studies should include assessment of the
to be a clinically relevant difference in patients with subjects’ compliance levels as well.
chronic pain. In our study, MCS supported the clinical
effectiveness of treatment in both groups. In addition, it Conclusion
may be speculated that MT had positive contributions of
nearly 25% and 55% on VAS at rest and VAS with stress, In the short term, manual therapy in conjunction with home
respectively, in the MTeHPT group. physical therapy is more effective than home physical
With regard to the management of TMD, the restoration therapy alone for the treatment of TMD, particularly with
of physiological mandibular movement is essential. Pain- regard to decreasing pain and increasing pain-free
free MMO has been recommended as an outcome maximum mouth opening.
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Blanco et al., 2006; Cuccia et al., 2010) and has been shown
to be a reliable clinical sign (Kropmans et al., 1999). In our References
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