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Sheri Aronowitz

The Calculus Rap

This is the calculus rap, gonna scramble your brains, gonna make you scream, going to
inflict pain (pain, pain, pain)

Your gonna need to know when functions increase

So listen up, this shit is real real deep (deep, deep, deep, deep)
You take the derivative of F, set it equal to 0
Put them numbers on a number line, note the sign! Negative or positive
The functions at it’s prime when it’s greater than 0 (that shit is increasing boy!)
On the other hand, if the numbers descend, you got a decreasing graph baby!

Next to go are your maxes and mins (mins, mins, mins, mins)!
Take the derivative of F, set it equal to 0!
Put them numbers on a number line, note the signs—negative to positive or positive to
You know you have a min when F prime changes sign—from – to +, you should now
know why
Same goes for max, but in the opposite way—
F prime modifies the sign (Say what?)
Said F prime modifies the sign

Similar to the maxes and mins you got your inflection points,
Take F”(x), set it equal to zero, trust me, it won’t disappoint
Put them numbers on a number line,
Note the signs—negative to positive or positive to negative;
You know you got an inflection point when F double prime changes sign
Said, when F double prime changes sign

Concavity, another wonderful thing,

Now you could do almost everything!
2 ways you could do it
If you want to get to it
First, look at the graph of F(x),
See a smiley face? Graph is concave up!
That’s what’s up
The slope decreases you know u have a frown,
It’s concave down! (Down, down)

Hope your ready for some velocity, or should I say v(t) (t, t, t, t)!
When an object stops, v(t)=0,
Your gonna need to know more than just that!
Accelaration, position, and average velocity go together like three rings on a tree!
Acceleration is rather easy, you’ll see
You just take V’(t)
Or S”(t) (say what?)

If you want to know more about S(t),

Lets move on to position and Average Velocity
Position can be S(t)
even the anti-derivative of v(t)! (t,t,t)
Average velocity ain’t much different,
you put the y’s over the x’s like this you see: S(b)-S(a)/b-a
You say you want to know more?

Intervals can be such a pain

listen good, so you won’t be ashamed!
See, you have the interval from a to b,
with the derivative of a function
you do this:
Subtract the y of b from the y of a
you hear what I say?

Going wit the whole interval scheme,

let me show you something with the same theme.
Say you got an interval from g(x) to a and you don’t know what to do?
you take f of g(x) multiply it to g’(x) and you’ll be set ma doo

Hope this little rap was good enough,

wouldn’t want to be waistin’ your time
See calc could be cool if you just open up your mind

It all seems simple enough, don’t it?

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