Concerns (Informal Complaints) Process Flow Chart

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Concerns (Informal Complaints) Process Flow Chart

raised via email/
letter etc.

Passed to manager

Manager responds within

5 working days as to
process to be followed.

This is documented.

Manager investigates
and responds to Manager keeps a log
complainant in writing or of all concerns, raised
by email with outcome investigation and
within a further 5 written responses.
working days.

If the complainant is
If the Complainant is not satisfied with the
happy with the outcome outcome or the matter
it becomes a formal is resolved, the
complaint. process ends.
Formal Complaints Flow Chart

Complaint received and

assigned to SMT member.
Logged by HoSS on If the complaint relates to
If the complaint is about Complaints Register. a staff member, follow
the Principal, move Principal informed. the appropriate
straight to stage 4. procedure.

Stage 1: SMT member

responds within 5 days re:
the process. SMT member
Stage 4: Chair of
investigates and responds At all stages, copies of the
Governors will receive the
in writing within 10 days. complaint, meeting notes
appeal and convene an
Appeals Panel. Outcome and written responses
will be notified within 10 passed to HoSS to store.
days or soon as
practicable. Stage 2: If the complainant
is not happy with the
outcome, they can appeal
to the
Principal, in writing, within
10 working days. The
outcome will be notified
within 10 working days.

Stage 3: If the complainant

wishes to take the matter
further they can complain
to the Education Funding
Agency using their
Complaints Procedure.

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