Classroom Procedures and Policies

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Comeau’s Classroom Policies

1. Behavior—You are EXPECTED to respect yourself and others in the room
at all times as well as follow all classroom rules. Failure to do so will result
in consequences stated in the discipline plan.

**We will be creating a set of reasonable rules to follow together as a class**

2. Preparation—Each class period, I expect you to come with the necessary

tools to learn. You are ALWAYS required to bring your…
 Binder and INB (Spiral Notebook)
 Pencils and Pens
 Agenda
 Free Reading Book
 Chrome Book (CHARGED)
NOTE: I will provide you with a calculator and other necessary materials
for you to be successful. However, feel free to bring your own if desired.

BEGINNING OF CLASS: When coming into class, you are expected to pick
up any materials needed for the day, go to your desk, take out your
homework (if given), and complete your warm up. Once this is all done,
write down your homework and sit quietly until we are ready to move on.

EXTRA HELP: I will be available for extra help during homeroom and
lunch. You are also welcome to come early or stay late as long as it is
arranged prior with me.

3. Evaluation—You will be evaluated according to the following criteria…

 Graded Assessments/Performance Assessments—40%
o End of Unit Tests and Projects (one to two per quarter)
 Graded Daily Work—30%
o Quizzes, Individual Graded Work (done in class), or any
other work covering previously learned material
 Participation—20%
o Class/Group work
o Contributing to preparation, ideas, and work when in a
 Practice—10%
o Homework, Exit Tickets, Warm Ups (Graded for
4. Late Work—You are encouraged to turn in all work, even if it is late. It will
provide you with practice needed in order to be successful in class. Please
 Points from your participation grade will be deducted, but the
assignment can still receive full credit.
 For every assignment turned in late, you will be required to turn in a
“Assignment Excuse Form” (see below)

5. Absences—When you miss class, it is YOUR responsibility to make up the

missed work. When returning to school, do the following…
 Turn in completed work prior to absence
 Check your class’s folder at the “Absent Station”
 Talk to a classmate to get any missing notes for the INB
 Talk to me for additional updates and to set due dates

6. To build organizational skills and to earn participation points, you will

keep both a 3-ring binder and INB which will be used for this class only.
We will set up divider tabs and INB during the first week of school.

*The binder will have the following sections:

 Warm Up’s—should be done on loose leaf paper
 Homework
 INB—All class notes will go in here
 Handouts—Guided sheets, study sheets, worksheets
 Returned Work—Graded work, tests, exit tickets

7. Grading Scale—We will follow the county-wide grading scale…

A: 90-100 B: 80-89 C: 70-79 D: 60-69. F: <59

Following these guidelines will help you succeed in class. It also helps “streamline”
our class period so that we will have more time for challenging, creative, and fun
activities I have planned. Please remember YOU are responsible for your success
and I will be there to do everything I can to help! Come talk to me anytime if
you have any questions or concerns. I’m looking forward to a GREAT year
Teacher’s Signature: _______________________________

Student’s Signature: _________________________________

Parent’s Signature: __________________________________
Assignment Excuse Form
Name: ____________________________________________

Period: _________________________

Date: __________________________

1. Name of Missing Assignment and Due Date:

2. Explain why the assignment was not completed:

3. Explain how you will go about making up this assignment and when you
expect to turn it in:

4. What can you do differently so that you do not miss another assignment?
Student Signature: ____________________________

Date: _________________________

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