Kuiz Kimia Kebangsaan 2015

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KUIZ KIMIA KEBANGSAAN MALAYSIA (K3M) 2015 Peringkat Asas Tingkatan 4 dan Tingkatan 5 Tarikh: 30 Julai 2015 (Khamis) Masa: 10.00 pagi - 11.20 pagi ARAHAN: Anda dilarang membuka kertas soalan ini sehingga diarahkan oleh guru pengawas anda. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 28 muka surat. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 40 soalan dwi-bahasa. Muka surat 1 hingga 14 adalah versi Bahasa Inggeris dan muka surat 15 hingga 28 adalah versi Bahasa Melayu. 4. Anda dikehendaki menjawab semua soalan dalam tempoh masa 1 jam 20 minit. 10 minit tambahan diberikan untuk mengisi dan menghitam nama pelajar, nombor kad pengenalan pelajar, KOD SEKOLAH, nama sekolah, alamat sekolah, tingkatan dan bangsa. SILA PASTIKAN SEGALA MAKLUMAT YANG DIISI DIHITAMKAN DENGAN BETUL UNTUK MENGELAKKAN SEBARANG KESULITAN. 5. Semua jawapan hendakiah ditanda dalam Borang Jawapan OMR yang dibekalkan dengan menggunakan pensel 2B. 6. Penggunadn kalkulator yang tidak boleh diprogramkan adalah dibenarkan. wn © Institut Kimia Malaysia, IKM TIADA SEBARANG BAHAGIAN DARIPADA KERTAS SOALAN INI BOLEH DICETAK SEMULA TANPA KEBENARAN DARIPADA INSTITUT KIMIA MALAYSIA. Kuiz Kimia Kebangsaan Malaysia (KM) 2015 ~ Peringkat Asas (Bahasa Inggeris) If 84 g of CsHg and 144 g of O> are allowed to react completely to form CO, and H0. what is the volume of CO> liberated at room conditions? [Relative atomic mass: H, 1; C, 12; 0, 16; Molar volume: 24 dm’ mot" at room conditions] A. 48dm> B. 72dm* c 108 dm? D. 144 dm? Given the following thermochemical equations: L Sy (s) + 802(g) + 8902(g) AH =-2,374.6 kT IL Ss(s) + 1202(g) — 8803 (g) AH = -3,165.8 kJ Determine the heat of reaction for the following equation that occurs in Contact Process, 2802 (g) + O2(g) > 2805 (g) A. -197.8KI B. +197.8kI C -791.2K D. +791.2kI Table | shows the results of an experiment to determine the reactivity of three metals R, S and T in the electrochemical series by using the displacement reaction. R_+ Solution of S- R_+ Solution of T + Solution of T Arrange the three metals in ascending order in the electrochemical series. AD SRT B. T,R,S Cc RST DTS. Kuiz Kimia Kebangsaan Malaysia (KsM) 2015 - Peringkat Asas (Bahasa Inggeris) 4, 6. 1. A titration was carried out to neutralise 10.00 cm* of 0.1 mol dm* of barium hydroxide using a certain volume of 0.1 mol dm’ of nitric acid. ‘What is the final burette reading if the initial burette reading for the acid is 14.05 em"? A B. c. D. The formula of a type of polystyrene is BrsCoHs(CsHs)n . One sample of this type of polystyrene contains 10.46 % bromine. What is the value of n? [Relative atomic mass: H, 1; C, 12; Br, 80] 22 A sample of 20.0 dm’ of polluted air at room conditions is passed through lime water, Ca(OH): so that all the carbon dioxide present in the sample is precipitated as calcium carbonate, CaCO, The mass of calcium carbonate formed is 0.1 g. What is the percentage by volume of carbon dioxide in the air sample? [Relative atomic mass: H, 1; C, 12; 0, 16; Ca, 40 ‘One mole of gas occupies 24 din’ at room conditions.] A 0.04% B. 0.06% Cc. 0.12% D. 0.30% Hot and concentrated sulphuric acid can react with copper as shown in the following equation: Cu(s) + 2H;S04 (ag) > CuSO4(ag) + SO>(g) + 24,0) Based on the equation, which of the following statements is true? A. Copper acts as an oxidising agent B. Sulphate ion acts as an oxidising agent C. Hydrated hydrogen ion acts as an oxidising agent D. This reaction is not a redox reaction

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