Essay Language Javiera Navarro Corr

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A loving teacher is a life teacher who teaches with love and considers her students as loved Commented [1]: es tu titulo? acuerdate de la running head
arriba en la pagina


Javiera Navarro Ramírez Commented [ys2]: for an essay like this, it’s fine if you don’t
have a title page or a running head.

July 6th, 2018

English Language III

Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia

Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades

Pedagogía en Comunicación en Lengua Inglesa Commented [3]: al parecer va sin portada


Introduction Commented [4]: no estoy segura si van marcadas las

partes, yo creo que si, es mejor que lo dejes asi total es el
draft y mejor si lo corrigen
Every future teacher has a experience as a student, so each one of them has had different Commented [ys5]: this titles are not necessary for the
essay, they are only used for research papers.
experiences regarding his teachers, how he was taught and what examples he takes to follow or

not to follow. In this context, this essay will be develop my teaching philosophy, which is

formed by personal experiences, personal beliefs, faith and examples from other teachers that I

want to follow.

Summarizing my teaching philosophy is not easy, but I know that I want to be the kind of

teacher that cares about her students as people loved by God. In order to do that, I want to follow

Jesus’ example for my students to see in me a loving teacher as a reflect of Jesus, who loves

them more than anyone, and also, I will consider my personal experiences, which have helped

me to form my teaching philosophy, as a tool to be this kind of teacher. Commented [ys6]: Excellent thesis statement!

Expressing my beliefs here is very important, because it will help me to organize my

ideas as a future teacher, as the “teacher” that I am now, and the teacher I really want to be. Also,

I believe this essay can be an inspiration for other people who are trying to form their teaching

philosophy or for those who have the idea of becoming English teachers.


A good teacher is a loving teacher Commented [7]: cual es tu thesis stament?

To start, it is good to think about the idea of a ‘good teacher’. Every person who studies

in order to be a teacher wants to be a good one, but what does it this really mean?. The answers

may vary depending on people’s beliefs and their experiences along their life as students and

teachers at to some extent, but in this case I will make reference to what I consider a good

teacher. Commented [ys8]: Great!

If I look to at my experience as a student, I have seen different kinds of teachers and I

have been taught by them in different contexts. I can see that most of them have taught me

content, but I can also say that only some of them have been important for me in my learning

process and in my personal growth. Comparing those teachers to the other ones, a big difference

can be noticed. That specific but very important point of difference is that the ones who were

good to me, are those who cared for me as a person, not as a student only. Those teachers are still

important in my life, and it is because they are ‘loving teachers’.

A loving teacher is one who acts by love. This means, a teacher who teaches with love, a

teacher who understands that teaching is not about her, but it is about her students’ growth in

their learning, but also as loved people. Holy Linklater (2013) shared a beautiful learning that

she had through her professional practice: “Moreover, I learnt that without this sense of the

purposefulness of why we belong, our shared humanity, the unique and irreplaceability of each

other and ourselves, we impoverish our own work as teachers and forget what is most important

about the people with whom we work -- that they are loved.” (page number missing).

If a teacher understands that her students are loved people, and that being a teacher does

not mean just teaching content but caring about her students’ growth, she will be able to get in

her students’ place, she will always try to understand them and help them in the best way


possible. In other words, a good teacher, a loving teacher is made by considering her students’

superior than her in order to consider their points of view and their problems as important. In this

way, the teacher will not think that her problems or their situations are more important than her Commented [ys9]: Subject agreement

student’s, and she will always be there to give them help if they need it.

Going back to my experience as a student seeing how I was taught by my teachers, and to

end with the meaning of a good teacher, there will be considered the tools that my teachers gave Commented [ys10]: Passive voice doesn’t work very well
here. Try active voice.

me. Most of my teachers gave me tools for the tests I was going to have, because it was good that

I knew about certain topics depending on the subject. OIn the other hand, are my loving

teachers, who gave me the same tools, but, there was something they gave me that the others did

not. They gave me life tools, because I could see in them more than content tools, but I saw an

example to follow. This means they taught me how to act in different situations of my life, they

taught me to be respectful to my classmates and to every single person, they taught me to be

responsible in everything, because I saw responsibleness in them, and they also taught me to love

my students, because they loved me and my classmates. They did not taught me that with

content, but with the way that they wereir actions.

I want to reflect Jesus because he is a loving teacher. Commented [ys11]: We don’t use subtitles in essays like
this one.

Now, I will present a concrete example of a ‘good teacher’ that I want to imitate, and that

has been the most important one in my life. This example is found in the bible, and his name is

Jesus. Commented [ys12]: You don’t need these introductions

because they cut the flow of the essay. Edit your essay to
have smooth transitions from one paragraph to the next.
I consider Jesus the best example of a teacher, because he was not a content teacher, he

was a life teacher. Based on the examples given in the bible, every time he had the opportunity of

teaching others, he did it. He did not need a classroom, a day or a time, because he was always


teaching. He taught when he was walking somewhere, or he stopped on a certain place to taught Commented [ys13]: Verb form

a lot of people by giving simple examples of life.

I also consider Jesus a great teacher because he had his teaching strategy, which was through Formatted: Indent: First line: 0"

parables. This consisted in simple stories about life that were brought to people’s context so they

could understand the teaching that Jesus wanted to give them. For example, there is the parable

of the lost son, which talks about a father that had two sons, and one of them asked him for his

part of the heritage. So this son left his father’s house and did not spend his money properly,

until he did not have anything and decided to go back to his father’s house. When his father saw

him, he prepared a party for him and he was very happy and received him back even when he

had not been good. This parable wanted to teach people that if we are far from God, he will be

always happy of receiving us back with him. (Luke 15:11-32, New International Version). These

reasons and examples show that Jesus was a great life teacher. You are going away from topic in

this paragraph, it’s ok to show examples of what you consider a good teacher but you need to

balance them with your own intentions and goals. We are interested in what you want to do as a

teacher, so you need to emphasize that.

Continuing with Jesus’ example, I said before that a loving teacher sees others as superior

than her. This is exactly what Jesus did, because he was never worried just about his stuff, but in

others’ stuff, so he was there with them, able to help and to teach. The bible speaks about Jesus

as the son of God and as the King of kings, so he should have come to be served, but he said:

“...just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom

for many.” (Matthew 20:28, New International Version). This could be seen in his help for others

and when he washed his disciples feet.


Finally, Jesus did not only taught with words and parables, but with his life. The best

lesson he could give us was his example, because all of his life was about loving since he was

born and even more after starting his ministry. He was a loving teacher, and all the examples

given before go to the same conclusion, he loved by serving and teaching with love for others to

understand, and more than speaking, he taught with his life. Again, you left the topic of the essay

here, the purpose of the teaching philosophy is to present your intentions as a teacher, show us

what you would like to do and how. You can complement these examples with your ideas for

your practice as a teacher, but we need to read about YOU.

After showing Jesus’ way of teaching, I want to emphasize that this is the example that I

want to follow. I want to be Jesus’ reflect for my students to know they are important, that there

is Jesus, who loves them more than anyone and who can be their teacher just as he is for me. At

the beginning of this essay I said I had had very good teachers along my life, but thinking about

it and analyzing those examples, I can see those teachers were following one main example,

which is Jesus’.

My experience at English house was very important in forming my teaching philosophy. Commented [ys14]: No subtitle needed

In this context, there was a specific experience that I had, which started showing me that

I wanted to become an English teacher, and that started forming my teaching philosophy telling

me what kind of teacher I wanted to be. This experience is called English House. It was an

English institute whose owners were a marriage from the church I participate in. This institute Commented [ys15]: Word choice

worked different than others, because they included native speakers, and it had a space for you

based on your needs as a student.


When I found English House I felt blessed, because I had the desire of studying English in an Formatted: Indent: First line: 0"

institute, and this one was perfect for me, so I felt God answered my prayer. This idea started

growing with time, when I saw my teachers’ dedication in teaching me through every situation,

so I started loving English more than before, but also I started loving teaching. I had a different

idea of teaching, which was at school with the book where I evaluated my learning goals by the

grades I had in tests, but here at English House it was all the opposite, because I felt they really

cared for my learning and for my growth as a person loved by God. Commented [ys16]: This needs rephrasing

In this placee I met loving teachers, who followed Jesus’ example and who were and are

an inspiration for me as a teacher. There I learned a lot of English, but I better learned to teach

like Jesus would. I could see my growth, but I could also see others’ learning process and

growth. I could see activities in which people could improve their English, but in which they

could grow as people and know that they are loved by God. Now I know what kind of teacher I

want to be. I want to be the kind of teacher who cares about her students as people loved by God.

All of this by following Jesus’ example, my life teacher. This section also needs improvement in

terms of showing your ideas for teaching (check my previous comments)


This essay had the purpose of showing my teaching philosophy. This teacher philosophy

was based on the idea that I want to be a teacher who cares about students as people who are

loved by God. To do so, I want to reflect Jesus by following his example, because he is a loving Commented [ys17]: Word choice

teacher, which was shown his entire life, so then, if I reflect him, my students can see that kind

of teacher in me. To become this kind of teacher, I also consider my personal experience at

English House (and other ones as well) as very important, because by them I met teachers who


followed Jesus’ example, because they brought me to form my thoughts as a teacher, and

because they will help me to become this loving teacher I want to be.

References Commented [ys18]: centered

Linklater, H. (2013). Teaching and the Individuality of Everybody. FORUM. 55, pp. 85-94

Luke (65 - 70 a.C). The Holy Bible. New International Version

Matthew (65-70 a.C). The Holy Bible. New International Version

CRITERIA / SCORE 0 5 12 15
CRITERIA / SCORE 3 8 16 20
Commented [ys19]: At the beginning of the essay you
MAIN POINTS & THOUGHTFUL present some points that show exactly what we are looking for
15 with this essay, but the last 2 sections are too descriptive of
ANALYSIS examples you consider worth following but you don’t address
your own intentions for your career as a teacher.
Commented [ys20]: Excellent use of language, just a
CRITERIA / SCORE 0 4 7 10 couple of things to improve, mostly in terms of transitions
between paragraphs.
RESEARCH SKILLS (Selecting & Commented [ys21]: Page number missing and little format
documenting sources) issues.




Points: 86/95 Mark: 6.1

Excellent job!! Just make sure you take into account my comments for the final version.

Remember this work is about your own beliefs, goals and ideas for your practice. We want to

know what your intentions are when you become a teacher but you need to make them explicit.

It’s fine to give examples but they should be there to support for your ideas, intentions, dreams;

they are not supposed to become the focus of the essay. Otherwise this could look like an

analysis of the teaching practices of someone else rather than your own philosophy.

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