5º Libro English U1. Rooftops PB-WB

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1 Tara’s house


Vocabulary  Lesson 1

1 Listen and say the number. Repeat. $

01 Good morning!

I’m home.


3 4



make (my) bed  have a shower  catch the bus  watch TV  clean (my) teeth  leave home 
use the internet  wake up  arrive home  take the dog for a walk

2 Look and say he, she or they. 3 Remember and say.

Every morning at eight o’clock ... Number four.
1 he cleans his teeth. What does he do
2 ? wakes up. at eight o’clock?
3 ? makes her bed.
4 ? leaves home. He leaves home.
5 ? take the dog for a walk.
6 ? arrives home. That’s right!
7 ? watches TV.
8 ? has a shower.
9 ? uses the internet.
10 ? a catch the bus.

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Grammar  Lesson 2 1
1 Read. Listen and find three differences. $

My routines in Rooftops by Layla Vieira from Brazil


We always have breakfast at quarter to eight on school days.

At the weekend we never have breakfast before ten o’clock.
We sometimes have a very big breakfast on Sundays.
We always leave home at five to eight on school days. We catch
the bus to school at eight o’clock, but it sometimes comes late.
We usually take the dog for a walk after school at four o’clock. My big
At the weekend we sometimes watch TV in the afternoon. English
Evening breakfast

We never go to bed after nine o’clock on school days. We always go to bed late
on Fridays and Saturdays. We always go to bed at half past eight on Sundays.

always usually sometimes never

2 Read and learn. Make sentences.

Adverbs of frequency
Learn to learn
I / You / wake up at seven o’clock.
always Does the adverb of
We / They go to bed late on Fridays. frequency go before
or after the verb?
sometimes comes to school early.
He / She
never leaves home late.

3 Play the game.

morning afternoon evening

He never watches TV
in the afternoon.
I know!
It’s Tara’s dad.
Tara Yes! Your turn.

Tara’s mum

Tara’s dad

Tara’s brother

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1 Lessons 3 & 4  Culture & Functional language

Totally football!

1 Read and listen. $ 04   Who goes to a special school?


2 Match the headings and the photos. Use your notebook.

a  Pretty in pink   b  Active on the beach  c 
Happy with a ball

1 2

football strip


ballet pumps

Becky always has breakfast with 200 other

On weekdays Tim usually goes for a run ballet school students. Then she has a ballet
at half past six. After breakfast he catches class for two hours. She wears a pink
the bus to school. He plays football in the leotard, pink tights and pink ballet pumps.
playground before lessons start … and he (She likes pink!)
plays football at lunchtime too! After a shower Becky
Tim has football training three afternoons a has normal lessons until
week and he plays in matches on Tuesdays. quarter past four. Then she
He wears a red football strip practises ballet movements
and shin pads. After dinner until dinnertime. In the pyjamas
Tim watches TV. What does he evening she sometimes
watch? Football! watches ballet videos on the internet before
she goes to bed (in pink pyjamas!).
shin pads
1 Comment 1 Comment
Mrs Ryder says:
Hannah says:
Tim never makes his bed! But he
My favourite dancer is
takes his dog Messi for a walk
Sylvie Guillem! She’s French.
8 every day.

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Sometimes we have to work on
things we’re not good at!
Layla from Brazil

      talk about routines

4 Listen, read and repeat. $

5 Make new dialogues and practise.

How often do you catch the bus?

I catch the bus twice a day.

My cousin Otavio lives in Salvador

in Brazil. He loves capoeira. It’s a
traditional Brazilian activity with
dance and acrobatics. He always does
capoeria to traditional music.
He sometimes practises on the beach.

watch TV? use the internet? 

3 Read again and say Tim, Becky eat fruit? have a shower? 
or Otavio. How often
catch the bus? clean your teeth? 
do you
1 This child does an activity by go for a walk? listen to music?  
the sea. do sport? read comics?
2 This child eats with lots of
people in the morning.
3 This child has got a favourite
colour. once day day
4 This child leaves the house twice a week every week
very early.
three times month month
5 This child is from Brazil.
6 This child does an activity
that doesn’t use music.
7 This child uses the internet in
the evening. Don’t miss the next episode
8 This child plays in a match of Young Detectives .
once a week.

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1 Lesson 5  Vocabulary & Story
It’s seven o’clock.
Detectives is
1 Read and listen. $ 06
CD1 on the TV.
Which phrases are in the story?

it’s snowing  it’s foggy  it’s wet  ode

the sun is shining  it’s raining  it’s warm two Footprints in the snow
1 Mrs Rose is missing. The police are busy 2 Inside, Annabel and Joey start looking for clues.
looking for a robber. The children look for Mrs Something is different in the kitchen – but what?
Rose. They start their investigation at her house.

Look Scamp. It’s snowing!

The house is empty.

I remember a clock here.

It’s missing. Is this a clue?

3 It isn’t snowing now. Gaia 4 Matt and Gaia follow the 5 Matt has got a map.
notices some footprints in footprints for a while. Suddenly …
the snow. We’re here.
Look! Footprints! It’s raining. The snow is We’re near the
Let’s follow them. melting and the footprints train station.
are disappearing.

Is Mrs Rose
Where are we? catching a train?

6 Back in Mrs Rose’s garden, 7 Inside the envelope there 8 Later ...
Annabel sees something are five clues to help them find Footprints to the train station
where the snow is melting. Mrs Rose. and a train timetable. Is Mrs
Look! What’s this? Perhaps Rose going on a trip?
it belongs to Mrs Rose. leaflet What’s Mrs Rose
doing in Foxton?

notebook advert
What’s inside? Let’s find out! We can go to
Is there a clue? Foxton tomorrow morning.

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Grammar  Lesson 6 1
1 Which sentences are in the story? Say A or B.
A ... the footprints disappear. B ... the footprints are disappearing.
A It rains every day. B It’s raining.
A It doesn’t snow. B It isn’t snowing now.

2 Read and learn. Say the missing words.

Present simple Present continuous

It rains every day. It’s raining at the moment.

It snows every day in winter. It’s snowing now.
What does she do on Sundays? What’s Mrs Rose doing in Foxton?

He ... his homework after dinner every day. He ... his homework at the moment.

3 Play the game.

What’s the weather

usually like in this city?

CRAZY WEATHER It usually snows.

What’s the
Usually     Today
weather like today?
The sun is shining
and it’s warm.
It’s Glasgow!
Yes! Your turn.




4 Talk about the weather where you live.

Use these words and phrases.
in January in April in July
in November today cold windy hot cloudy


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1 Lesson 7  Song, Sounds & Speaking

1 Read and choose. Use your notebook.

Listen and check. $
Oh, I love Ric Moon.
2 Sing. $
CD1 His songs are cool!

Suzie doesn’t love me

She calls me never / never calls me
on the phone.
She never comes / comes never to
my home.
Suzie doesn’t love me anymore. The flowers are growing.
The sky isn’t grey,
I send her flowers every day. But here in my heart,
She always throws / throws always It rains every day.
them away.
Suzie doesn’t love me anymore. She answers never / never answers
when I call.
The sun is shining. She never speaks / speaks never
The weather is fine, to me at all.
But here in my heart Suzie doesn’t love me anymore.
The sun doesn’t shine.

3 Read and answer.

1 Is the singer happy or sad?
2 What’s the weather like?
3 Why does Suzie never call the singer? Exam Practice
4 Listen and repeat. $ 09 5 Work in pairs. Cut out and
complete your speaking cards. 
T he queen wears wellies when the weather is wet, AB  99 & 100
With a white, winter sweater and a warm woolly hat!
What’s the weather
like in Budapest today?

It’s raining
and it’s cloudy.


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Cross-curricular  Lesson 8 1
1 Which of these years is in medieval times?
1450 1830 1940
2 Read and listen. $

We can see the lord of the manor and his

manor house. He is looking at his land. We can manor house
see bakers, shoemakers and farmers, and their
small cottages. The baker is baking bread and
the shoemaker is making shoes. The farmers
are looking after their vegetables.





Lords Serfs and peasants

Lords are rich. They live in Serfs work for the lord. They Peasants usually grow vegetables
manor houses or castles. They don’t get any money, but they and pay the lord for the land.
don’t work, but they always have some land. They have They are free, but they usually
wake up early, and go to church protection from their enemies don’t leave the manor. Some join
once a day. They usually have because they live in the manor. the church, but most work on
hobbies like hunting or watching They have different jobs. Some the land.
tournaments. They eat big work on the land as farmers and
Serfs and peasants are very
banquets with meat, fish, look after the lord’s land. Other
poor. They eat badly. They live in
vegetables, fruit and honey. serfs are tax collectors, bakers
cottages with a table and chairs,
They watch musicians, jugglers and craftsmen. They can’t leave
but no bed. They sleep on straw
and magicians. the manor.
on the floor with their animals.

3 Read and say lord, serf 4 Tell your partner about a castle in your country.
or peasant.
Coca castle is in Segovia.
1 He’s rich.
2 He can’t leave the manor. The castle in Tossa de
3 He pays for his land. Mar is next to the beach.
4 He doesn’t work. 13

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1 Lessons 9 & 10  Review & Skills What time do you
usually wake up?

To: Tara, Ben, Dex, Layla

This month’s project is to write a poster for
the visitor information centre. Write about
daily life for visitors to the UK. Please hand
in or send to the town hall.
The Mayor
1 Dex interviews Layla. Listen. $ 12  
Which phrase is not mentioned?

have a shower  watch TV  take the dog for a walk  arrive home  make my bed

2 Listen again. $ 12   Read and say True or False.
1 Layla always gets up at six o’clock in Brazil.
2 Layla takes the dog for a walk every day in the UK.
3 Layla never watches TV after school in Brazil.
4 Layla never has a shower in the afternoon in the UK.

Speaking Grammar
3 Look at Dex’s notes. Tell your 4 
Read and say the missing words.
partner about Layla. Take turns.

Layla usually watches TV in the UK.

This is me in the UK. I
Layla’s routine (weekends) wearing warm clothes
because it’s cold and wet!
the UK Brazil
2 These are my friends in Brazil.
They wearing sunglasses
usually never
because it’s hot and the sun

sometimes 3
usually This is me with my host family.
We having breakfast
(toast and jam, cereal and milk).
always sometimes
This is my sister in Brazil. She
having breakfast at school
(biscuits and chocolate milk).

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because 5 Match and make sentences with because.
Reason Use your notebook.
1 I wake up early. a It’s very cold.
We wear
because it’s hot.
T-shirts in 2 I wear warm clothes. b I want to be
summer 3 I practise twice a day. a dancer.
c I leave home at
eight o’clock.
6 Read and listen. $ 13   2
It’s nine o’clock in the evening.
Where can you buy a snack?

by Tara, Ben, Dex and Layla


Shops usually open at nine School
o’clock and close at half past five. School usually starts at
Big supermarkets usually stay nine o’clock and it always finishes
open until late at the weekend. between three and four o’clock.
ADVICE: Some big supermarkets are ADVICE: Lots of schools have
open 24 hours Monday to Friday. after-school clubs where you can do
sport or learn a language.

The weather
In the winter it usually rains every day. It’s
People have breakfast at about
cold because the sun doesn’t usually shine.
eight o’clock. They have lunch at
ADVICE: Bring warm clothes, a raincoat and
about twelve or one o’clock.
an umbrella!
ADVICE: Put an apple in your bag.
In the summer it’s usually warm.
People usually have dinner
The sun shines every day. But this is the
early – at five or six o’clock.
UK, so it sometimes rains too!
ADVICE: Don’t worry! They usually
ADVICE: Bring sunglasses and T-shirts
have a snack in the evening too.
(and an umbrella just in case!).
7 Read again and answer.
Use your notebooks.
1  Which shops are open until late at the weekend in the UK?
2 What can you do at an after-school club?
3 Why is it a good idea to bring an umbrella in the summer?
4 What time do people usually have dinner in the UK?

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1 Tara’s house
At Vocabulary Lesson 1

1 Look and write.

catch the bus make (my) bed watch TV take the dog for a walk brush (my) teeth
use the internet wake up have a shower leave home arrive home

1 2 3 4 5

11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1
10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5

6 7 8 9 10

11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1
10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5

1 †ara wake∫ up at half past six. 6 †hey

2 ‡he at quater past seven. 7
3 8
4 9
5 10

2 Ask and answer. Draw the times for your partner.

11 12 1
What time do you wake up? 10 2
1 wake up 9 3
8 4
7 6 5

I wake up at half past seven.

11 12 1
10 2
2 have a shower 9 3
8 4
7 6 5

11 12 1
10 2
3 leave home 9 3
8 4
7 6 5

11 12 1
10 2
4 arrive home 9 3
8 4
7 6 5

3 Write about your partner’s routine.

µy partner wake∫ up at

Finished? Write sentences about a family member’s routine.

e.g. My mum wakes up at six o’clock …

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Grammar Lesson 2 1
Adverbs of frequency
I / You wake up at seven o’clock.
We / They go to bed late on Fridays.
sometimes comes to school early.
He / She
never leaves home late.

1 Order the sentences. Look and number the pictures.

1 always six up o’clock. wake at I
fl alway∫
2 walk We before dog school. usually the

3 bus Tuesdays. never She the catches on

4 They five TV sometimes o’clock. at watch

a b c d

Listen and complete the table. $

2 03
always usually sometimes never
a b c d e



3 Look at the table in Activity 2. Write sentences.

a ¼ayla alway∫ make∫ her bed. ∂ex
b ‡he ™e

Grammar Practice Go to page 74 7

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1 Lesson 3 Culture

1 Complete the comments.

training leotard pyjamas ballet pumps shin pads football strip


Tom says::
I never wear my Manchester United shin pad∫ to football .
But I always wear my Manchester United when I watch matches!

Zoe says:
I go to a special ballet school. I always wear a purple .
I usually wear purple too. I also wear purple in bed!

2 Think about your routine. Complete the table.

Activity Time always usually sometimes never

Morning seven o’clock

have lunch


3 Complete the post. Use your notes in Activity 2. Draw your avatar.

In the morning I at seven o’clock. In the afternoon,

I have lunch at .

Later in the afternoon I never at .

In the evening I at .

Read the post about Becky on Class Book page 8 again.

How much ballet practice does she do?

8 hours

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Functional language Lesson 4 1
1 Look at the table. Read and write the names. talk about routines
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Weekend





1 2 3
I catch the bus three times a I catch the bus every day. I play football once a week.
week. I watch TV every day. I take the dog for a walk I never catch the bus. I take
I play football twice a week. three times a week. I never the dog for a walk every day.
play football.

2 Look at the table in Activity 1. Complete for Peter.

sometimes How often twice a week play football

do you I every day. I also

play football? take the dog for a walk .

I watch TV.

3 Complete the table. Ask and answer.

How often do you ...? Me My partner How often do you

brush your teeth?
brush your teeth twice a day
I brush my teeth twice a day.
read a comic
Learn to learn
You play football seven
eat fruit
days a week. Do you
play every day or
use the internet three times a week?

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1 Lesson 5 Vocabulary & Story
Footprints in the snow
1 Remember and correct. Read the story again and check.
1 2 3

It’s foggy. It’s snowing. The sun is shining.

2 Tick ✓ the six clues in the story.

a clock a train timetable ✓ a list of strange numbers and letters
a pencil an umbrella an advert from a newspaper
a banana an empty notebook a leaflet about an art exhibition

3 Read and match.

1 The police are a in the kitchen.
2 The children are b looking for a robber.
3 The clock isn’t c disappearing in the rain.
4 The footprints are d catching a train at the train station?
5 Is Mrs Rose e looking for Mrs Rose.

4 Complete the summary. Read and circle the synopsis.

Episode: Title: ƒootprint∫ in the snow
Main characters:
Rating: /10

Annabel / Mrs Rose is missing. The children go to her house / school to look for her.
It’s foggy / snowing. A clock is missing from the kitchen / living room.
Now the sun is shining / it’s raining and the footprints in the snow are disappearing.
The footprints go to the train / police station. Annabel finds an envelope / a clock on
the ground. There are four / five clues in the envelope.

10 Finished? Do the playscript activities. Go to TR CD-ROM 00

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Grammar Lesson 6 1
Present simple Present continuous

The sun usually shines in September. The sun is shining today.

It usually rains in September. It’s raining today.
It usually snows . It’s snowing today.

1 Listen and tick ✓. $

07 Exam Practice

Usually Today

Dublin ✓


La Paz

2 Read and circle.

1 It rains / is raining in Rabat today.
2 The sun usually shines / is shining in Sydney in September.
3 It snows / is snowing in La Paz at the moment.
4 The sun shines / is shining in Dublin now.
5 It rains / is raining in Sydney in the winter.

3 Look at the table in Activity 1 and complete.

shining snowing rains rains shines shines raining foggy

1 It usually rain∫ in Dublin in September, but the sun is today.

2 The sun usually in Sydney in September, but it’s today.
3 The sun usually in Rabat in September, but it’s today.
4 It usually in La Paz in September, but it’s today.

4 Write about the weather in your town in December and today.

Grammar Practice Go to page 75 11

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1 Lesson 7 Song, Sounds & Speaking

Listen to the song again. $

1 08 Complete the song review.

Song name:
Rating: /10

love hate like don’t like

fun boring sad happy

I the song. It’s .

2 Complete the new verse for the song.

She calls me on the phone.

sometimes She comes to my home.
Suzie doesn’t love me anymore.
usually I send her flowers .
twice a day She throws them away.
Suzie doesn’t love me anymore.

Listen again. Underline the /w/ sound. $

3 09

wellies /w/

T he queen wears wellies when the weather is wet,

With a white, winter sweater and a warm woolly hat!

Listen and circle the words with the /w/ sound. $

4 10

1 fish 2 witch 3 rich 4 how 5 now

6 what 7 flowers 8 friend 9 who


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Cross-curricular Lesson 8 1
1 Read and match.

1 a small house a the church

2 a big house b a baker
3 someone who makes bread c a serf
4 someone who grows vegetables d a cottage
5 an important person who doesn’t work e a manor house or castle
6 somewhere peasants join f the lord
7 a person who has different jobs g a peasant

2 Read and circle.

1 The ? never works. a baker b lord
2 ? aren’t free to leave the manor. a Serfs b Peasants
3 ? pay the lord for the land. a Bakers b Serfs
4 ? sleep in cottages with the serfs and peasants. a Animals b Lords
5 Serfs and peasants sleep ? a in beds. b on straw.

3 Read and complete.

never music manor house lord banquet usually rich every hunting serf

My name is Denzel and I’m 11 years old. My father is a lord and he’s
very .

I live in a with my family. I

make my bed because a always makes my
bed for me. I go to church morning. Then I
watch the peasants working in the field. I have
lessons at home in the morning. I learn Latin, and
dancing. Sometimes I go with my friends and family.
Then we usually eat a big with meat and vegetables.

Pro ct
Research food in medieval times. Write a menu for Denzel’s banquet.


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1 Lessons 9 & 10 Review

1 Complete your Bilingual Dictionary.

2 Read and order the pictures.
a b

Tara’s routine
by Layla
Tara usually wakes up at half past six, then she
c d
has a shower. She has a shower once a day. She
always makes her bed. She leaves home at five
minutes to eight because she usually walks to
school. She sometimes catches the bus to school.
She usually has lunch at school at half past
e f
twelve. She never watches TV in the
afternoon and she sometimes uses the internet
in the evenings.

3 Complete Dex’s notes using the 4 Complete the text using Dex’s
information in Activity 2. notes in Activity 3.

Tara’s and Layla’s routines Layla’s routine by Dex

She usually wakes up at ,
Tara, UK Layla, Brazil
then she has a shower. She has a shower
half past because it’s very hot.
six o’clock
six She makes the bed.
She leaves home at .
three times
a day She never catches the
to school.
usually She usually has at
school at ten o’clock.
She never , but she
half past seven
sometimes uses the
in the evenings.
Layla is
having lunch
ten o’clock


14 Finished? Complete the Dictionary Skills section on page 93

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5 Complete the notes for your routine. 6 Write about your routine using your
notes in Activity 5.

Learn to learn
Underline any
examples of because
in your text.

7 Check your work in Activity 6. y proje

Write a final version and draw pictures.

8 Read and tick ✓.
I can ...
listen to and write a review
remember the words in the Bilingual Dictionary. of a song.
use adverbs of frequency. recognise and say words
listen to and read about hobbies and routines. with the /w/ sound.

understand and use functional language (how to talk about the weather.
talk about routines). understand a text about
read and write a review of a story. life in medieval times.

use the present simple and the present continuous. write about my routine.

My effort was: OK Good Great

My favourite lesson was Lesson because it helped me to read / write / speak /

listen to / understand English.

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1 Bilingual Dictionary

1 Complete your Bilingual Dictionary.

Routines Lesson 1 Other useful words

arrive home
catch the bus
brush (my) teeth
have a shower
leave home
make (my) bed
take the dog for a walk
use the internet
wake up
watch TV Remember!
get dressed
The weather Lesson 5
it’s foggy
it’s raining
it’s snowing
it’s warm
it’s wet
the sun is shining

Dictionary Skills
2 Remember ! Add the phrases to your Bilingual
Dictionary in alphabetical order.

get up get dressed go to work have breakfast have lunch

go home have dinner go to bed

3 Use a dictionary to find and write phrases

using go, get or have.

go get have


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2 Ask B about the weather in Budapest and Lisbon.

Draw and write the weather forecasts.
A 1

Budapest Lisbon
8°C 30°C

It’s and . It’s .

1 Tell B about the weather in Warsaw and Rome.

Warsaw Rome
2°C 28°C


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1 1 Tell A about the weather in Budapest and Lisbon. B

Budapest Lisbon
8°C 30°C

2 Ask a about the weather in Warsaw and Rome.

Draw and write the weather forecasts.

Warsaw Rome
2°C 28°C

It’s and . It’s .


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