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What did you know?

● The general idea of the trade circuits in the 13-1400s

● The Islamic Golden age (the Ottoman empire and their accomplishments)
● The dark ages in Europe
● Gunpowder and cannons came from China

What have you learned?

● The voyages of Zheng-He and the contributions China made to overseas trade
● The importance of the Indian ocean in trade in 14th and 15th-century trade
● What Africa’s civilization looked like before Europe colonized it
● How the Islamic golden age and the dark ages were related
● Dar-al-Islam and how Islam spread
● That Europe introduced armed trade to the Indian Ocean after the trade circuit had been
continuing smoothly and peacefully
● Whether someone was a slave had nothing to do with their skin color
● People in Africa had slaves and that determined their wealth as opposed to how much land they

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