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2/13/2019 When To Use Which (OAuth2) Grants and (OIDC) Flows – Robert Broeckelmann – Medium

When To Use Which (OAuth2) Grants

and (OIDC) Flows
Robert Broeckelmann
May 21, 2017 · 11 min read

Update: This is by far my most popular post. I’ve continued to update this
article based on feedback and things that I have noticed. I’m trying to keep
it relevant.Please leave feedback in the comments section.

If you have been following my SAML2 vs JWT series lately, you are no
doubt familiar with the OAuth2 and OpenID Connect (OIDC)
speci cations . The OAuth2 speci cation de nes several authorization
grants that can be used to coordinate authentication of a user and grant
access to resources owned by that user. Of course, in the earlier OAuth2
post, we discussed how OAuth2 is an authorization protocol that
doesn’t de ne the speci cs of how the authentication occurs, but any 1/14
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complete implementation will support a variety of authentication

mechanisms. These grants include:

• Authorization Code Grant

• Implicit Grant

• Resource Owner Password Credential Grant

• Client Credential Grant

The OIDC spec adds to this list by providing a set of authentication

ows including:

• Authorization Code Flow

• Implicit Flow

• Hybrid Flow

The OAuth2 family of specs de ne several extension grants (that we

explore here) that we will explore when to use in a future post.

We explored relatively generic use cases in my earlier blog posts; it may

have left you wondering when each of these mechanisms should be
used. When I was rst exposed to these concepts several years ago, I
struggled with that as well.

So, in this blog post, we are going to explore exactly when each of these
should be used — including some instances of where these could be
used, but maybe cause more problems then they solve. I covered some
of this information in my earlier posts, but that wasn’t the primary
focus and the discussion is incomplete.

Another note, worth mentioning, before diving into the details is that
most Identity Providers (OAuth2 Authorization Servers and OIDC
OpenID Providers) now o er libraries and SDKs that allow this
functionality to be used without being aware of all the low-level details.
Regardless of whether such a library is available for your IdP, the
supported features of your IdP will dictate more than anything else
what OAuth2 and OIDC features are used — choose wisely with an
understanding of your expected use cases. 2/14
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The recommendations in this post are brie y summarized here. For

each of the following client types (where end user authentication is
required), the following grants and ows should be used (generally,
with a preference towards the OIDC option, if available).

Web Application (with dedicated server-side component): OAuth2

Authorization Code Grant (with Con dential Client), OIDC
Authorization Code Flow (with Con dential Client)

Desktop Native Application: Authorization Code Grant (with Public

Client and PKCE), OIDC Authorization Code Flow (with Public Client
and PKCE)

Mobile Native Application: Authorization Code Grant (with Public

Client and PKCE), OIDC Authorization Code Flow (with Public Client
and PKCE)

SPA App: OAuth2 Implicit Grant, OIDC Implicit Flow (Authorization

Code Grant or OIDC Authorization Code Flow with Public Client could
be used, note commentary below)

Javascript application: OAuth2 Implicit Grant, OIDC Implicit Flow

(Authorization Code Grant or OIDC Authorization Code Flow with
Public Client could be used, note commentary below)

Anytime you have a system that isn’t concerned with the end user
identity (and just needs to authenticate the system), use the OAuth2
Client Credential Grant.

From a purely technical point of view, most of the OAuth2 grants and
OIDC ows that support end user authentication can be made to work
in just about any scenario, but there tend to be profound security (or
lack thereof) implications to being creative in this fashion.

For the other grants and ows, read below.

OAuth2 Spec
The OAuth2 spec (Section 2.1) describes three types of clients:

• native applications (across a variety of devices including desktop,

phone, tablet, etc) — typically, a public client. 3/14
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• user-agent-based applications (JavaScript-based applications and

SPA apps for our purposes) — typically, a public client.

• web applications (traditional web application architecture) —

typically, a con dential client

Plenty of applications will not t into exactly one of these categories.

Individual situations will have to be evaluated on their own merits.

Any time we discuss resources below, this could be anything of value

that is accessible on the network — data store, web application, API (my
favorite example), static content, etc.

Things to Consider:

• Public versus con dential clients

• You own/control the app vs. third-party owns/controls the app

• Type of Client: Web Application, Native App, User-Agent-based


• End user or application identity (or both)

• Desire to have a centrally-managed login work ow with a

common look and feel.

Additional information about the mechanics of the OAuth2 grants can

be found here.

OAuth2 — Authorization Code Grant 4/14
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OAuth2 Authorization Code Grant

This is usually targeted at web applications or other systems that have a

server-side component that can act as a Con dential Client (keep the
client secret secure). The end result is that the end user and user agent
do not see the OAuth2 Access Token or any other information that may
be contained in the OAuth2 Authentication Response and allows for the
client and the end user to be authenticated.

So, the Authorization Code Grant works great for the traditional Web
Application architecture that has a dedicated server-side component. It
can also work in most situations where there is a secure, server-side
component that can act in the role of the Client.

With modern SPA apps, native mobile apps, and others this may not be
the case — the server-side component may be a shared API Gateway for
example that isn’t really meant to ll this role and may not be under
your direct control (ergo, you don’t want it to know the client secret for
your application). Thus, these are categorized as Public Clients. It’s also
interesting to note that the “Client” terminology is used to describe the
component closest to the end user in these scenarios, not the server-
side component — as is the case with the “default” Authorization Code
Grant example. 5/14
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The OAuth2 speci cation does allow for a Public Client to use the
Authorization Code Grant. Though, something is lost in terms of the
level of security assurance when you are no longer authenticating the
client (via client identi er and client secret). With this ability, it is
possible to use the Authorization Code Grant with SPA apps and native
mobile apps. Though, potential attack vectors are introduced without
the client secret in play; to mitigate this issues, consider using the
OAuth2 Proof Key for Code Exchange Spec that allows dynamic client
secrets to be generated, which allows the Authorization Server to bind
the authorization code exchange request to the original authorization
code request.

When this grant is used (with a public client) by a native application,

the prevailing methodology is to launch an external browser to handle
the user’s interaction with the login work ow. Then, the native
application itself does not see the user’s credential. A user-agent library
that can handle the request/response processing could also be used,
though this could result in the client application seeing the password.

Use Case: authentication of end users and access by client to a resource

(possibly owned by the end user)

Used By: Web Applications (that have a server-side component that

can keep the the client secret con dential), native apps (with a public
client and PKCE)

Additional Use Cases: If you want to introduce refresh tokens to a

situation where you wouldn’t otherwise have them (such as with the
Implicit Grant) and the other requirements mentioned above are
satis ed, this grant could potentially be used. Though, this is stated as a
purely technical observation and is not a good practice or even
necessarily secure.

OAuth2 — Implicit Grant 6/14
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OAuth2 Implicit Grant

The Implicit Grant has the bene t of requiring only a single call to the
IdP; however, it opens up security concerns that are not present in the
other grants — namely, the user agent can now see the access token.
This grant also lacks the ability to authenticate the the client, which the
other grants can do — further introducing attack vectors that the
authorization grants, which require a client secret, do not experience.

Refresh tokens are not supported.

Use Case: authentication of end users and access by client to a resource

(possibly owned by the end user).

Used By: SPA Apps (and any other Javascript/User-agent-based app)

Additional Uses: Earlier in the life of OAuth2, the Implicit Grant

tended to be recommended for native applications (especially native
mobile apps). More recently, the Authorization Code Grant (with
public client and PKCE) is typically recommended for use with native
apps. Though, using the Implicit Grant is still technically feasible.

OAuth2 — Resource Owner Password

Credential Grant 7/14
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OAuth2 Resource Owner Password Credential Grant

Like the Implicit Grant, this grant also has the bene t of only making a
single call to the authorization server. It allows an application that is
incapable of integrating with an interactive login (such as you get with
the Implicit Grant and Authorization Grant). This gives the
authorization server a great deal of exibility in terms of the types of
clients that can interact with it, but it also provides a mechanism for
bypassing a standardized login work ow mechanism that can enforce
things like two-factor authentication, forced password resets, and
similar desirable identity features. From the perspective of a
centralized identity stack, bypassing these features is
counterproductive and undesirable; even if identity and access
management functions are not centralized, this is still generally
undesirable in the enterprise.

This authorization grant supports refresh tokens.

Use Case: authentication of end users and access by client to a resource

(possibly owned by the end user)

Used By: any client that has access to the end user’s credentials,
handles its own login work ow, and (because either you do not care or
have no choice) is allowed to perform these tasks. 8/14
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Additional Uses: Some sources recommend using this grant with your
own native apps (rather than the authorization code grant with public
client) since full access and control over the source code is ensured. In
larger organizations, this may not be a viable assumption. Personally, I
would use the authorization code grant with public client as described
earlier in this article.

This grant can also be used in place of the Client Credential Grant in
situations where a service account is used to represent the system or
calling application. A larger strategy surrounding how applications will
be represented within the identity stack is recommended before going
down this path. Most modern identity providers (those that support
OAuth2 and OIDC) will have functionality to represent an application
similar to how traditional identity providers can represent a user.

OAuth2 — Client Credential Grant

OAuth2 Client Credential Grant

This grant is di erent from the other three de ned by the OAuth2 spec
in that it provides for authenticating the application (or system) only,
not an end user.

Refresh tokens should not be used with this grant, but the OAuth2 spec
does not explicitly forbid the use (it states ‘a refresh token “should not”
be included’). Some Identity Provider implementations return a refresh
token with a Client Credentials Grant call to the Token Endpoint. You 9/14
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can see an example of this in my description of the Client Credentials

Grant with Red Hat SSO v7.1 in this post.

Use Case: application or system identity being authenticated and then

accessing a resource on a resource server.

Used By: Anything that can keep the client secret con dential, has no
need for end user authentication, and needs to access a third-party

OpenID Connect Spec

Information about the OIDC Spec can be found here (earlier in the
SAML2 vs. JWT series).

OIDC — Authorization Code Flow

OpenID Connect Authorization Code Flow

This is the rst of three OIDC authentication ows. The mechanics of

this authentication ow is explored here.

Used By: All commentary made above regarding the OAuth2

Authorization Code Grant applies here. The details won’t be repeated
here. 10/14
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OIDC — Implicit Flow

OpenID Connect Implicit Flow #1

OpenID Connect Implicit Flow #2

The mechanics of this authentication ow are explored here.

Used By: All commentary made above regarding the OAuth2 Implicit
Grant applies here. In addition, there is a choice of whether or not an
access token is requested to access a backend resource (response_type
of “id_token” or “id_token token). If your requirements include 11/14
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accessing a resource, then use “id_token token”. If end user

authentication is the only requirement, “id_token” can be used.

OIDC — Hybrid Flow

The mechanics of this authentication ow are explored here.

As described in the OIDC series, this authentication ow is not used

very often in the wild.

Used By: A client that

• needs a separate token for the front end and back end

• has bandwidth limitations that make a single call to the OP

desirable, but still needs more OIDC functionality than is available
in the Implicit Flow.

Additional thoughts:
• Whenever possible, use OIDC instead of pure OAuth2.

• For most application developers or architects, this information will

be strictly academic or help drive requirements surrounding which
IdP can be utilized. The choice of IdP and its resulting capabilities
will drive design decisions in the identity space more than
anything else. Likewise, most IdP vendors will have already
created libraries across the various popular platforms for
application development. Thus, eliminating the need for the
application developer needing to address these details.

• If using an IdP’s OAuth2 implementation, it’s a near certainty that

proprietary features have been added to the implementation to
add reliability, security, and completeness to the solution. The
OAuth2 spec by itself does not describe the complete solution.

• Even with the OIDC spec, the login work ow (including

prompting for credentials, submission of the credentials and
validation of the credentials) are not explicitly de ned. It is
possible to use SAML2 Browser Pro le, WS-Federation, or another
authentication mechanism to authenticate the user or implement
a federation relationship (that authenticates the end user). 12/14
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• Whenever an end user is being authenticated, try to use an

interactive login that serves up the login work ow (this can be
done with the OAuth2 Authorization Code Grant, OAuth2 Implicit
Grant, OIDC Authorization Code Flow, or OIDC Implicit Flow).
This promotes a common look and feel and maintains centralized
control over the login process.

Some additional information speci c to individual IdP vendors:

• Azure Active Directory

• ADFS OIDC use and OAuth2 use

• Ping Federate (and here)

Image: Architectural Flow / Kevin Dooley 13/14

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