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The Foundation Stone Meditation

Soul of man!

You live in the limbs

That carry you through the world of space

Into the sea of spirit-being:

Practice spirit remembrance

In the depths of soul,

Where in the reigning

Cosmic creator-being

Your own I

In God's I

Is begotten;

And you will truly live

In the cosmic human being.

For the Father Spirit of the heights reigns

Creating being in the cosmic depths:

Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones

Let resound from the heights

What in the depths its echo finds;

This speaks:

Ex deo nascimur.

The elemental spirits

In East, West, North, South hear this:

May men hear it too.

Soul of man!

You live in the heart-lung-beat

That guides you through the rhythm of times

To the sensing of your own soul's being:

Practice spirit contemplation

In equanimity of soul,

Where the surging

Cosmic creative deeds


Your own I

To the cosmic I;

And you will truly feel

In deeds of the human soul.

For the will of Christ reigns in the earthly sphere

Granting grace to souls in cosmic rhythms:

Kyriotetes, Dynamis, Exusiai

Let from the east inflame

What through the west takes form;

This speaks:

In Christo morimur.
The elemental spirits

In East, West, North, South hear this:

May men hear it too.

Soul of man!

You live in the reposing head

Which opens cosmic thoughts

from eternal founts to you:

Practice spirit-seeing

In peace of mind,

Where the eternal goals of the gods


The cosmic being's light

On your own I

For its free will;

And you will truly think

From founts of human spirit.

For the cosmic thoughts of spirit,

light imploring, reign in cosmic being;

Archai, Archangeloi, Angeloi

Let from the depths demand

What will be heard in the heights;

This speaks:
Per spiritum sanctum reviviscimus

The elemental spirits

In East, West, North, South hear this:

May men hear it too.

At the turning point of time

The cosmic spirit-light stepped

Into earthly evolution;

Night darkness

Had ended its reign;

The bright light of day

Streamed into human souls;


That warms

The poor shepherd hearts


That enlightens

The wise kings' heads.

Light divine,

Sun of Christ,


Our hearts —

Our heads,

So that good results

From what

Our hearts beget,

What we

By thinking

Forcefully will to do.

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