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IEEE Recommended Practice for

Personnel Qualifications for Installation

and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

IEEE Power and Energy Society

Sponsored by the
Energy Storage and Stationary Battery Committee

IEEE IEEE Std 1657™-2018

3 Park Avenue (Revision of IEEE Std 1657-2009)
New York, NY 10016-5997

Authorized licensed use limited to: CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on May 27,2018 at 05:22:56 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
IEEE Std 1657™-2018
(Revision of IEEE Std 1657-2009)

IEEE Recommended Practice for

Personnel Qualifications for Installation
and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries


Energy Storage and Stationary Battery Committee

of the
IEEE Power and Energy Society

Approved 15 February 2018

IEEE-SA Standards Board

Authorized licensed use limited to: CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on May 27,2018 at 05:22:56 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Abstract: The areas of recommended knowledge for installers and maintainers of stationary
batteries and related systems, to the extent that they affect the battery, are defined in this
recommended practice. Design of the dc system and sizing of the dc battery charger(s) are beyond
the scope of this document. Only lead-acid and nickel-cadmium battery technologies are covered
in this recommended practice. An outline (not necessarily in training order) of the items that should
be covered by training programs for stationary battery installation and maintenance personnel is
provided. Certifying trained personnel and providing its own battery technician training programs
will not be performed by IEEE.

Keywords: battery, certification, classroom, competent, course, curriculum, education, experience,

IEEE 1657™, inspect, install, instruct, knowledge, level, maintenance, monitor, preventative,
proactive, proficient, qualification, routine, service, skill, student, teach, technician, test

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA

Copyright © 2018 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

All rights reserved. Published 25 May 2018. Printed in the United States of America.

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Engineers, Incorporated.

IFC® is a registered trademark of the International Code Council

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PDF: ISBN 978-1-5044-4717-1 STD23021

Print: ISBN 978-1-5044-4718-8 STDPD23021

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At the time this IEEE recommended practice was completed, the Battery Technician Qualification Working
Group had the following membership:

Curtis Ashton, Chair

Edward Amato Daniel Lambert Rick Raczak

Christopher Belcher Steve McCluer Ed Rogers
William Cantor James McDowall Randy Schubert
Doug Frazier Michael Nispel Richard Tressler
John Polenz

The following members of the individual balloting committee voted on this recommended practice. Balloters
may have voted for approval, disapproval, or abstention.

Mahamadou Abdou Ajit Gwal Anthony Picagli

Tankari Werner Hoelzl John Polenz
Samuel Aguirre Alan Jensen Robert Rallo
Ali Al Awazi Thomas Keels Bartien Sayogo
Edward Amato Thomas Koshy Christopher Searles
Curtis Ashton Jim Kulchisky Nikunj Shah
Gary Balash Mikhail Lagoda David Smith
Paul Barnhart Chung-Yiu Lam Jeremy Smith
Christopher Belcher Daniel Lambert Jerry Smith
Bill Brown Jon Loeliger Gary Smullin
Derek Brown Hugo Marroquin Gary Stoedter
Demetrio Bucaneg Jr Daniel Martin Wayne Timm
William Cantor James McDowall Richard Tressler
Paul Cardinal Daniel Mcmenamin James Van De Ligt
Thomas Carpenter James Midolo Lesley Varga
Charles Cotton Daleep Mohla Stephen Vechy
Glenn Davis Dennis Neitzel John Vergis
Peter Demar Michael Newman Donald Wengerter
Gary Donner Michael Nispel Kenneth White
Neal Dowling Lorraine Padden Hughes Wike
John Gagge Jr James Parello Iain Wright
David Gilmer Bansi Patel Dean Yager
Randall Groves Christopher Petrola Jian Yu
Jim Phillips

Copyright © 2018 IEEE. All rights reserved.

Authorized licensed use limited to: CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on May 27,2018 at 05:22:56 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
When the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this recommended practice on 15 February 2018, it had the
following membership:

Jean-Philippe Faure, Chair

Vacant Position, Vice Chair
John D. Kulick, Past Chair
Konstantinos Karachalios, Secretary

Ted Burse Dong Liu Robby Robson

Guido R. Hiertz Xiaohui Liu Dorothy Stanley
Gary Hoffman Kevin Lu Mehmet Ulema
Christel Hunter Daleep Mohla Phil Wennblom
Joseph L. Koepfinger* Andrew Myles Philip Winston
Thomas Koshy Paul Nikolich Howard Wolfman
Hung Ling Ronald C. Petersen Jingyi Zhou
Annette D. Reilly

*Member Emeritus

Copyright © 2018 IEEE. All rights reserved.

Authorized licensed use limited to: CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on May 27,2018 at 05:22:56 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

This introduction is not part of IEEE Std 1657™-2018, IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for
Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries.

Although ac and dc electricity follow the same physical laws, there are differences. Training of electricians
worldwide is fairly standardized through apprenticeship programs, classroom and self-paced training courses,
etc. Although electricians are trained on dc, they spend most of their time working on ac systems. As a result,
an electrician hired to work on dc systems (especially battery systems) may not have the expertise, training,
or experience to install or work on batteries. The Energy Storage and Stationary Battery (ESSB) committee of
the IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) recognizes that specific training on battery system installation and
maintenance is necessary. The committee also recognizes that training of battery maintenance and installation
technicians is generally nonexistent or, at the least, nonstandard. With those concerns in mind, the committee
has written this recommended guide for training to specify the types of knowledge a battery installation
or maintenance technician should possess in order to safely and competently work on primarily stationary
standby lead-acid and nickel-cadmium (Ni-Cd) batteries (although the document does give some minimal
guidance on other battery chemistries, and most of the principles herein are usually applicable to stationary
cycling applications as well).


Thanks to the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) for permission to reproduce information
from its International Standard IEC 60479-1 ed.4.0 (2005) in Figure C.1, Figure C.2, and Table C.1. All such
extracts are copyright of IEC, Geneva, Switzerland. All rights reserved. Further information on the IEC is
available from IEC has no responsibility for the placement and context in which the extracts and
contents are reproduced by the author, nor is IEC in any way responsible for the other content or accuracy

Copyright © 2018 IEEE. All rights reserved.

Authorized licensed use limited to: CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on May 27,2018 at 05:22:56 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

1. Overview��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11
1.1 Scope�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11
1.2 Purpose����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11
1.3  How to use this document������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11

2.  Normative references�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12

3.  Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12

3.1  Definitions������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 12
3.2  Acronyms and abbreviations�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12

4.  Skill levels������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14

4.1 General����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14
4.2  Technician skill levels������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 15
4.3  Instructor knowledge and skills���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15
4.4 Accreditation�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16

5. Safety�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16
5.1  Work environment������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 16
5.2  Personal protective equipment (PPE)������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16
5.3  Electrical shock hazards��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18
5.4 Insulation�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19
5.5  Ladder safety�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 20
5.6  Lockout/tagout����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 21
5.7  Electrostatic discharge (ESD) precautions����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 22
5.8 Ventilation������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 22
5.9  Working clearances, egress paths, and task lighting��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 22
5.10  Battery weight concerns������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 22
5.11  Battery fire safety concerns��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 23
5.12  Safety signs�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 23
5.13  First aid��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 23
5.14  Spill containment and cleanup���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 24

6.  Basic dc theory������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 24

6.1 Terminology��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 24
6.2  Basic electrical components��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 26
6.3  Basic mathematics������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 28
6.4  Basics of electrical circuits����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 28
6.5  Basics of rectification������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 29
6.6  Basics of inverters������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 31
6.7  Disconnects and overcurrent protection��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 31
6.8  Grounded and ungrounded systems���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 32

7.  Battery basics�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 34

7.1 General����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 34
7.2  Stationary battery types���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 34
7.3  Basic constructions����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 35
7.4  Failure modes and causes������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 36
7.5  Charge and discharge characteristics�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 38
7.6  Voltage and specific gravity���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 40

8. Documentation������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 41
8.1  Applicable codes and standards���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 41

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8.2  Manufacturer documentation������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 44
8.3  Reading electrical and mechanical drawings�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 44
8.4  Keeping records���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 46
8.5  Job-specific documentation���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 46

9.  Installation and maintenance skills������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 47

9.1  General skills�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 47
9.2  Specific installation skills������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 54
9.3  Specific maintenance skills����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 62

10.  Cable management���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 67

10.1  Cable ratings������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 67
10.2  Ampacity and voltage drop��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 68
10.3  Cable weight stress��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 68
10.4  Cable routing and management�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 69

11. Recycling������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 70
11.1  Lead-acid battery recycling�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 70
11.2  Ni-Cd battery recycling�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 70

Annex A (informative) Analog and digital meters������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 71

Annex B (normative) Hands-on training and testing�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 72

Annex C (informative) Voltage and current effects on the human body��������������������������������������������������������� 81

Annex D (informative) Safety implications of a UPS without an isolation transformer��������������������������������� 84

Annex E (informative) Common formulas used by battery technicians��������������������������������������������������������� 86

Annex F (normative) Task-level summary tables������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 89

Annex G (normative) DC cabling information��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 104

Annex H (informative) Battery PPE decision flowchart������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 108

Annex I (informative) Glossary�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 109

Annex J (informative) Bibliography������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 112

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IEEE Recommended Practice for
Personnel Qualifications for Installation
and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

1. Overview
1.1 Scope
This recommended practice defines the areas of recommended knowledge for installers and maintainers of
stationary standby batteries (primarily lead-acid and Ni-Cd standby batteries) and related systems to the extent
that they affect the battery, personnel safety and reliability of any related systems. Designing the dc system
(including any connected ac inverters) and sizing of the dc battery charger(s) are beyond the scope of this
recommended practice. While some of the battery information covered by this practice applies to small off-
grid cycling applications, information relative to large energy storage cycling applications is limited.

1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this recommended practice is to provide an outline (curriculum) of the necessary items that
should be covered by training programs for stationary battery installation and maintenance personnel. The
order in which the items in this document are covered is at the discretion of the training developer/provider.

1.3 How to use this document

This recommended practice is written as a syllabus for the benefit of the course developers and instructors. It
assumes that the developers and instructors will arrange the sequence and create the content of the training to
fit personal preference and the needs of the audience. The guidelines included here detail the minimum skill
levels that would be expected for a battery technician. Nothing precludes the instructor from creating a more
extensive curriculum.

This recommended practice further assumes that all material covered will be tested and scored to demonstrate
the students’ grasp of the material. Such testing should utilize both written and hands-on demonstration as
appropriate for the particular skill. No test guidelines are included in this document; however, suggestions
regarding items appropriate for hands-on testing instead of written testing can be found in Annex B.

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IEEE Std 1657-2018
IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

This recommended practice is written to address multiple skill levels. These levels are explained in detail
in Clause 4. This document does not provide content for the courses as it would be impossible to cover the
material adequately in a single document. It does include references to standards and other documents that go
into great detail on their respective topics. It is assumed that the course developers and instructors will have
access to those documents (the students will need access to some, but not all, of the referenced documents).
Where information on a topic is not easily available, such information is included in this recommended
practice in an annex.

2.  Normative references

No additional documents are absolutely required for the application of this document. Because a training
syllabus created with this document will vary based on the selected training topics and the technicians’ levels,
and because the instructor’s knowledge base can also vary, the bibliographic references listed in the following
clauses may or may not be necessary. As such, the documents found in the bibliography (see Annex J) are not
listed as normative and are listed as a reference for the instructor(s) to use in teaching the course(s) or provide
backup for the material found here.

3.  Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations

3.1  Definitions
Because this recommended practice is for the use of the training provider to establish a curriculum, there are
no definitions that cannot already be found elsewhere that are necessary to apply this document. However,
instructors teaching courses based on the curriculum developed from this guide will find the terms in this
document’s glossary (see Annex I) useful, and especially the IEEE Std 1881™, IEEE Standard Glossary of
Stationary Battery Terminology [B59].1

3.2  Acronyms and abbreviations

AED automatic emergency defibrillator

AGM absorbed glass mat
AWG American wire gauge
BOL bill of lading
BOM bill of material
CEN Comité Européen de Normalization (European Committee for Standardization)
CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CPR cardio-pulmonary resuscitation
DLO diesel locomotive (cable)
DLRO digital low-resistance ohmmeter
EAB IEEE Educational Activities Board
EDLC electric/electrochemical double-layer capacitor
EMF electromotive force (equivalent to voltage)
EMI electromagnetic interference

The numbers in brackets correspond to those of the bibliography in Annex J.

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IEEE Std 1657-2018
IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

EOD end-of-discharge
EPO emergency power-off
ESD electrostatic discharge
ESSB Energy Storage and Stationary Battery (a technical committee of the IEEE PES)
ferro ferroresonant
FET field-effect transistor
HVAC heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
I-t time-current
ICC International Code Council
IEC International Electro-technical Commission
International Fire Code2
IGBT insulated-gate bipolar transistor
IR infrared
ISO International Organization for Standardization
IT information technology
kA IC kiloamp interrupt current rating
LC inductive-capacitive (circuit)
Li lithium
Li-ion lithium-ion
LVD low-voltage disconnect
Mag Amp magnetic amplifier
MGN multigrounded neutral
MOP method of procedure
MOSFET metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor
mvpc minimum voltage per cell
NEC® National Electrical Code3
NESC® National Electrical Safety Code®4
NETA InterNational Electrical Testing Association
National Fire Protection Association
Ni-Cd nickel-cadmium
Ni-MH nickel-metal hydride
OCV open-circuit voltage
OJT on-the-job training
PBE plastic-bonded electrode

IFC® is a registered trademark of the International Code Council.
NEC®is a registered trademark of the National Fire Protection Association, Inc.
NESC® is a registered trademark of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Incorporated.

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IEEE Std 1657-2018
IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

PPE personal protective equipment

PSOC partial state-of-charge
PV photovoltaic
PWM pulse-width modulation
RC resistive-capacitive
RCL resistive-capacitive-inductive (circuit)
RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
RHH rubberized, extra high temperature (wire/cable insulation)
RHW rubberized, high-temperature, water-resistant (wire/cable insulation)
RMA returned material authorization
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
SCR silicon-controlled rectifier
SDS safety data sheet (formerly known as an MSDS)
SI Système Internationale d’Unités
SK special knowledge for a battery installer or maintenance technician
SLA sealed lead-acid (an improper term for VRLA)
SMR switch-mode rectifier
SOC state of charge
SOW statement of work
TC tray cable
THHN thermoplastic, extra high temperature, nylon-coated (wire/cable insulation)
THWN thermoplastic, high-temperature, water-resistant, nylon-coated (wire/cable insulation)
Uniform Fire Code (Trademark of the NFPA)
UPS uninterruptible power supply
VLA vented (or flooded) lead-acid
VRLA valve-regulated lead-acid
XHHW thermoset, cross-linked, extra high temperature, water-resistant (wire/cable insulation)

4. Skill levels
4.1 General
The training outlined in this recommended practice is comprehensive and potentially time-consuming. It
may be helpful to break up the training into skill-level modules, separated by time and successful on-the-job

This recommended practice identifies several basic skill levels for technicians. Some industries have pre-
established levels that may not correspond exactly to the levels used in this document. The “special knowledge”
items can be used to build sublevels under the main levels and/or to serve as an additional level. Higher level
technicians can supervise lower level technicians.

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IEEE Std 1657-2018
IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

Installation and maintenance tasks may be performed by the same person, but the training for each may be
done separately by level because some of the skills are different (see Clause 9). “Technician” is the generic
term used in this recommended practice to apply to either installation or maintenance personnel.

Although the skill levels are noted in the text detail, the skills are not necessarily listed in priority order or
training order. A summary of tasks and levels is provided as a quicker reference guide in Annex F.

If all of the skills defined in a paragraph are related to only one level, the level is noted at the end of the
paragraph. If different skill levels are discussed in a paragraph, each level is noted at the end of the applicable
sentence. If all of the skills defined in a list are related to only one level, the level is noted at the end of the
sentence introducing the list. If different skill levels are discussed within the list, each level is noted at the end
of the applicable list item.

4.2 Technician skill levels

4.2.1 Laborer

In some cases, laborers are called in to help with battery work. They must have at least some rudimentary
battery safety training before they begin working on or near batteries. Items they should know are identified
in the text by an “(L0)” designation. Laborers always require supervision by a Level 2 or higher technician.

4.2.2 Level 1

Level 1 battery technicians should know basic safety and additional core skills. Items they should know are
identified in the text by an “(L1)” designation. They also need to be trained on all of the laborer (L0) items.
Level 1 technicians often require higher level supervision for specific tasks.

4.2.3 Level 2

Level 2 battery technicians should know battery basics, including the basics of maintenance and installation.
Level 2 technicians should have on-the-job training (OJT) as a Level 1 (generally at least six months) or
previous experience (verified by observation by a Level 3 technician or qualified instructor) before becoming
a Level 2. Items that a Level 2 technician should know are denoted in the text by an “(L2)” designation.
Level 2 technicians sometimes require higher level supervision for specific tasks.

4.2.4 Level 3

Level 3 battery technicians should be able to perform work independently, except for areas requiring
specialized knowledge. Level 3 technicians should generally have at least one year of OJT as a Level 2 or
previous equivalent experience (verified by observation by an experienced Level 3 technician or qualified
instructor) before becoming a Level 3. Items that a Level 3 technician should know are denoted in the text by
an “(L3)” designation.

4.2.5 Specialized knowledge

Items in the text that are application specific are denoted by an “(SK)” designation. The instructor can pick and
choose which, if any, of these subjects are covered in the curriculum, depending on the needs of the audience.

4.3 Instructor knowledge and skills

The training outlined in this recommended practice is comprehensive, and few instructors are going to have
a good grasp of all of the subject matter or the qualifications necessary for certain subjects. There may likely
be multiple course writers and instructors. At least some of the modules (e.g., cardio-pulmonary resuscitation
[CPR], defibrillation, infrared [IR] thermography) should be subcontracted to subject matter experts or

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IEEE Std 1657-2018
IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

qualified organizations. Instructors should have appropriate teaching skills, but qualification in those skills
is beyond the scope of this document. Course developers and instructors with field experience are preferred.

4.4 Accreditation
It is recommended that the training provider be accredited by an outside organization through the IEEE
Educational Activities Board (EAB), the Council of Occupational Education, or similarly recognized
accrediting organizations. The accreditation process validates the achievement of learning and program
objectives and assures that a program meets certain standards, such as the curriculum proposed in this
recommended practice.

5. Safety
5.1 Work environment
Emphasize the use of caution when working on batteries because they present multiple hazards.

Emphasize inspecting the battery room for electrical and other physical hazards. The following things should
be considered to improve the work environment in the battery room/area:

— Removing any standing water from the battery room (L1)

— Removing any obstacles that may be considered a trip hazard (L1)
— Ensuring unobstructed egress from the battery area (L1)
— Avoiding smoking or anything that produces sparks or flames in the battery area (L0/1)5
— Ensuring that metal racks are connected to ground in accordance with applicable code (L1)
— Keeping the area around the battery terminals clear of all tools and other foreign objects (L1)
— Using Class “C” dry chemical fire extinguishers instead of water around battery systems (L1)
— Ensuring that arc-flash boundaries have been determined and are observed (see NFPA 70E-2015
[B68]6 and Annex H) (L2)

5.2 Personal protective equipment (PPE)

5.2.1 General hazard evaluation

There are multiple hazards associated with batteries. The hazards include, but are not limited to, chemical,
electrical, arc flash, and thermal. When selecting PPE, all hazards should be considered and a risk assessment
should be conducted. An example of a hazard risk assessment is shown in Figure H.1. Additional guidance can
be found in NFPA 70E-2015 [B68] and in the associated handbook, NFPA70EHB-2015 [B69].

5.2.2 Eyewashes

Emphasize the following points relative to eyewashes:

— When permanent eyewash stations are necessary and what their size and location requirements are (see
ANSI Z358.1 [B5]) (L2)

Avoiding smoking and flames near batteries is critically important to know for anyone working on batteries, and thus is a Level 0 for
installers. Because there are no Level 0 maintenance technicians (maintenance technicians are not supposed to work on batteries until
they are at least Level 1 trained), this item is listed as both Level 0 and Level 1.
The numbers in brackets correspond to the numbers of the bibliography in Annex J.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

— Why the permanent eyewash stations need to be maintained and with what frequency (L2)
— When portable eyewash bottles are appropriate and how they should be maintained (L1)

5.2.3 Gloves

Refer to the following documents relative to gloves (L3):

— European Committee for Standardization (CEN – Comité Européen de Normalization) documents EN

388 [B22], EN 407 [B23], and EN 420 [B24] for general glove requirements, including mechanical
strength against cut and abrasion (EN 388), and thermal/heat hazards (EN 407).
— Code of Federal Regulations Title 29 Part 1910.138 (29 CFR 1910.138) [issued by the US.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)] [B25], CEN EN 374 [B21], CEN EN 420
[B24], and NFPA 70E-2015 [B68] for acid-resistant gloves
— ASTM D 120a [B16] and IEC 60903 [B37] for electrical-insulating gloves and sleeves
— Annex H of this recommended practice

Emphasize the following points relative to gloves:

— Differences between electrical-insulating gloves and acid-resistant gloves (L0)

— How to examine electrical-insulating gloves and sleeves prior to use, including date verification (L0)
— Selection of the appropriate class for the voltage available on the system (L1)

5.2.4 Basic face and eye protection

Emphasize the following points relative to basic face and eye protection:

— Safety glasses with side shields are the minimum eye protection required for all battery work that does
not include the “handling” of electrolyte, per 29 CFR 1910.133 (OSHA) [B25] and NFPA 70E-2015
[B68] (L0)
— Face shields are required when “handling” electrolyte (“handling” electrolyte does not include routine
water additions and taking specific gravity readings with an electronic density meter; however, it could
include taking readings with a bulb hydrometer), per NFPA 70E-2015 [B68] (L1)
— Mandatory use of face shields when handling hazardous waste from an electrolyte spill per
IEEE Std 1578™ [B56] (L2)

5.2.5 Additional arc flash clothing

Refer to the following documents relative to arc flash clothing:

— NFPA 70E-2015 [B68]

— NTIS PB98-137730 [B73]
— Annex H of this recommended practice

Emphasize the following points relative to arc-flash clothing:

— The fact that batteries are always electrically “hot,” even a disconnected, discharged, single cell (L1)

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

— The level of arc-flash/flame-retardant clothing necessary based on the risk, per NFPA 70E-2015 [B68],
and the difference between arc-flash clothing and fire-resistant clothing (L2)

5.2.6 Additional protective clothing and equipment

Refer to the following documents relative to PPE:

— 29 CFR 1910, Subpart I (OSHA) [B25]

— NTIS PB98-137730 [B73]

Cover the following topics relative to PPE: (L0)

— Aprons (acid-resistant)
— Insulating blankets
— On-site spill kits
— Protective footwear
— Clothing (e.g., voltage levels, level of corrosive protection, the amount of arc-flash protection
— Insulated rescue hooks or other means for pulling personnel from live circuits
— Dust masks for heavy metal residue produced by abrasive action

5.2.7 Additional PPE considerations

Emphasize the following points relative to PPE: (L0)

— Proper care of PPE per manufacturer instructions and NTIS PB98-137730 [B73]
— Cleaning and washing of hands, tools, and PPE on a frequent basis

5.3 Electrical shock hazards

5.3.1 Physiological effects of different voltage levels

Cover the increasing dangers (e.g., direct electric shock effects, recoil effects, arc-flash burns) as voltage levels
rise. Annex C provides additional information. NFPA 70E-2015 [B68] and IEC 60479 [B35] are also helpful
as references (L2).

5.3.2 AC coupling on uninterruptible power supplies (UPSs)

Cover the following topics relative to ac coupling on UPSs: (SK)

— Possibility of ac coupling across the battery in a UPS

— Use of an isolation transformer in a UPS

See Annex D for further information.

5.3.3 Safety around photovoltaic (PV) arrays

Cover the following topics relative to safety around PV arrays: (SK)

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

— Presence of voltage on the terminals of a PV array whenever any level of light (sunlight or other means
of illumination) is present
— Applicable code requirements, such as the National Electrical Code® (NEC®) (NFPA 70, 2017) Article
690 [B67]
— Isolation of the battery from the PV array by means of an appropriate disconnect switch
— Applicable standards for PV “hot” work (see the NABCEP Study Guide for Photovoltaic System
Installers [B62])
— Hybrid PV systems

5.4 Insulation
5.4.1 General

Cover the following topics relative to insulation:

— Removal of jewelry and other conductive objects (including pens in pockets) (L0)
— Insulation of the following:
— Batteries (L1)
— Cabling (L1)
— Nearby metallic surfaces that are grounded or at a different potential (L2)
— Insulation ratings
— Inspection for insulation damage (L1)
— Abrasion and impact resistance (L2)
— Appropriate insulation voltage ratings (L2)
— Current withstand capability (L2)
— Fire resistance (L2)
— Flexibility of insulation material (L2)
— Regulations and guidelines for insulation (L2)

Cover and elaborate on the following items relative to individual insulating materials:

— Tapes
— Electrical tape characteristics
— Vinyl versus other materials (L2)
— Proper taping techniques (L2)
— Color-coding for polarity and/or voltage (L2)
— The fact that Listed tape is typically fire-retardant (L2)
— Plastic sheeting and rolled materials
— Rolled plastic sheeting used as an insulator (L1)
— Methods to properly secure (using clips, tie wraps, magnets, waxed string, etc.) insulating sheets

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IEEE Std 1657-2018
IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

— Use of standoffs when needed for insulating sheets (L3)

— Ensuring that insulating material has been designed and tested to the appropriate standards (L3)
— Pressed woods
— Insulation characteristics (L1)
— Fire retardancy characteristics (L2)
— Rubber blankets
— Insulation characteristics (L1)
— Disadvantages of vulcanized rubber (L2)
— Securing rubber blankets (L2)
— Use of standoffs when needed for rubber blankets (L3)
— Testing standards for rubber blankets (e.g., ASTM D 1048 [B17], ASTM D 1049e1 [B18], ASTM
F 479 [B19]) (L3)
— Hard “papers” that are somewhat flexible (L2)
— Insulation characteristics
— Fire-retardancy characteristics
— Methods of properly securing these insulating plastic “papers” (using tie wraps, waxed string, etc.)
— Terminal covers and insulated intercell connectors (L1)

5.4.2 Tools

Cover the following topics relative to tools:

— Safety concerns with uninsulated tools (L1)

— Insulation methods (see ASTM F 1505 [B20])
— Premanufactured insulated tools (designed and tested according to IEC 60900 [B36]), which
should be recommended (L1)
— Taping (L2)
— Dipping (L2)
— Potential arcing (L2)
— Spatial relationship to energized equipment
— Pre-work tool inspection
— Inspection and protection of the work area for arcing hazards from dropped tools
— Nonsparking (brass or brass-tipped) tools (L2)

5.5  Ladder safety

Cover the following topics relative to ladder safety:

— Ladder types (L1)

— Straight ladders

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

— Extension ladders
— Step ladders
— Fixed ladders
— Ladder materials and considerations related to the materials (L1)
— Fiberglass sides (nonconductive)
— Wood (nonconductive, but possibly flammable)
— Aluminum (conductive)
— Plastic (see ANSI A14.5 [B3]) sides (nonconductive, but possibly limited on load-bearing capacity)
— Nonconductive versus conductive rungs (safety versus load-bearing capacity)
— Safety considerations when using ladders (L1)
— Shoes, boots, gloves, etc.
— Snag hazards
— Ladder inspection prior to use
— Work area inspection for potential hazards prior to use
— Proper positioning and securing of the ladder
— Proper body position while ascending and descending
— Carrying and handling tools and materials while on a ladder
— The maximum ascension height for the individual ladder
— Maintaining 3-point contact while ascending and descending
— Ladder specifications (L2)
— Rated load capacity
— Labeling
— Categories (e.g., Types IA – III)

5.6 Lockout/tagout
5.6.1 General

Cover the following items related to lockout/tagout:

— Isolating from sources of energy as much as possible (L1)

— OSHA rules in 29 CFR 1910 and 29 CFR 1926 [B25] and other local codes (L2)
— Individual company/facility lockout/tagout policies and training (L2)
— Step-by-step practices (L2)

5.6.2  Energized (hot) work

Cover the following topics relative to energized work:

— The fact that individual cells are always energized (L0)

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

— Special precautions to be taken when working with energized systems (see NFPA 70E-2015 [B68])

5.7 Electrostatic discharge (ESD) precautions

Cover the following topics relative to ESD precautions: (L1)

— Heightened risks associated with ESD near a battery after initial or equalize/boost charging
— Necessity of discharging one’s body (away from the battery vents) to an effectively grounded surface
before working on a battery

5.8 Ventilation
Cover the following topics relative to ventilation:

— Need for proper ventilation for battery health and installation safety (L1)
— Differing ventilation needs of vented lead-acid (VLA)7, valve-regulated lead-acid (VRLA), and nickel-
cadmium (Ni-Cd) batteries (see IEEE Std 1635/ASHRAE 21 [B57] for further information) (L2).

5.9 Working clearances, egress paths, and task lighting

Cover the following topics relative to working clearances, egress paths, and task lighting:

— Pre-work inspections for egress paths, trip hazards, and combustible materials (L1)
— Adequate task lighting, including the use of insulated portable sources of light (L1)
— Minimum egress aisle widths as required by OSHA (see 29 CFR 1910 and/or 29 CFR 1926 [B25]) or
other local applicable codes (L2)
— Working clearances required by the NEC [B67] or other applicable codes (L3)
— Possible arc-flash approach boundaries (see NFPA 70E-2015 [B68]) (L3)

5.10 Battery weight concerns

Cover the following topics relative to battery weight:

— Proper methods for unpacking, hoisting, and securing batteries during hoisting (L0)
— Use of various types of battery hoisting equipment, along with their limitations and hazards (L0)
— Weight-bearing capacity of floors, ramps, and elevators relative to the batteries (L1)
— Floor protection before moving batteries (L1)
— Forklift operator certification (SK)

Vented is the term preferred by the IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) Energy Storage and Stationary Battery (ESSB) Committee for
batteries with non-immobilized liquid electrolyte. It is the term that will be used throughout the remainder of this document. However,
these cells are also commonly referred to as “flooded” or “wet” cells.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

5.11  Battery fire safety concerns

Refer to the following documents relative to battery fires:

— ICC International Fire Code (IFC) [B32]

— NFPA 1 Fire Code (formerly the Uniform Fire Code or UFC) [B62]

Emphasize the following points relative to battery fires:

— Hazard potential in a battery fire, including, but not limited to, electrical shock, arc faults, stored
energy, explosive and toxic gases, corrosive liquids and gases, and reactive liquids (L1)
— Awareness of the site prior to the start of work, including a means of egress and exit locations, fire
alarm locations, emergency phone numbers, and the locations and types of fire extinguishers (L1)
— Appropriate action in the event of a fire, including notification and evacuation (L1)
— Fire suppression (including the proper suppression/control agents to use with batteries) (L3)
— Pros and cons of battery disconnects, as well as when to use them and how to operate them (L3)
— When remote controls for disconnecting means (i.e., emergency power-off [EPO] switches/buttons)
are required (L3)
— How to properly operate hand-held fire extinguishers (SK)
— Appropriate assistance to fire fighters and first responders (SK)
— Specialty PPE for fighting fires in a battery area (SK)
— Emergency response team training where required (SK)
— Specific risks associated with Li-ion batteries (SK)

5.12  Safety signs

Cover the following topics relative to safety signs:

— Reading and following posted safety signs (L0)

— Minimum battery area signs (for example, in the United States the following Codes dictate signs:
OSHA (see 29 CFR 1910 and/or 29 CFR 1926 [B25]), NFPA 1 [B66], the NEC [B67], NFPA 70E-2015
[B68], NFPA 101® [B70], NFPA 704 [B72], ICC IFC [B32]) (SK)
— Standardization of safety signs, such as that suggested by the ANSI Z535 family of documents ([B6],
[B7], [B8], and [B9]), or the IEC 60471/ISO 7000 standard [B34] (SK)

5.13  First aid

The technician should be trained in first aid, CPR, and possibly automatic emergency defibrillator (AED) use.
A first aid course should be taught by a certified instructor. The instructor may know how to cover first aid,
but may not know some of the specific items of emphasis for technicians handling batteries. Ensure that the
following are the minimum items covered in a first aid course for battery technicians:

— Identification of first aid kit locations before beginning work and the provision of portable ones, if
necessary (L1)

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

— Description of the symptoms and how to provide first aid (including demonstrations that involve
the trainee) for the most common injuries that may occur from handling, servicing, and maintaining
battery systems, such as the following:
— Injuries from contact of the skin or eyes with acidic or caustic solutions (L1)
— Strains, fractures, pinches, and crushing injuries due to battery weight (L1)
— Electrical shock and arc flash/blast
— How to safely remove someone from energized contact (L1)
— Falling injuries due to recoil (L1)
— Burns [both external (L1) and internal (L2)]
— Cardiac arrest and ventricular fibrillation (L2)
— Respiratory arrest (L2)
— Injuries from exposure to toxic vapors (e.g., acid mists, hydrogen sulfide) (L2)
— Discussion of the legal and liability issues associated with administering first aid, especially with
respect to the use of defibrillator devices (see Lazar [B61]) (L2)
— Identification of special precautions that should be taken when treating somebody in “confined” and
unventilated spaces (SK)

Some industries may determine that all of the above items are necessary training for Level 1 technicians before
they begin working on batteries.

5.14 Spill containment and cleanup

Cover at least the following topics related to spill containment (more detail is found in IEEE Std 1578™ [B56]):

— Selection and use of appropriate PPE for electrolyte spill cleanup (L2)
— Spill containment methods appropriate to the battery type and size (L2)
— Safe absorption and/or neutralization and disposal techniques (L2)
— Code requirements for spill management (SK)

6. Basic dc theory
6.1 Terminology
Cover the meaning of at least the following common electrical terms:

— AC and dc (L1)
— Common electrical units (e.g., amperes, watts, volts, ohms, mhos/siemens) (L1)
— Voltage and its synonyms (i.e., potential, electromotive force [EMF]) (L2)
— Current and electron flow (L2)
— Grounding, grounded (i.e., return, common, neutral), bonding, and earth reference (L2)
— Power and energy (L3)
— Ripple current and voltage (SK)

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

Cover the meaning and purpose of at least the following common hardware items external to the battery:

— Conductors (e.g., cable, intercell connectors, straps, terminals, bus) (L2)

— Overcurrent protection (i.e., breakers, fuses, disconnects) (L2)
— Maintenance bypass (L2)
— Spacers (L2)
— Seismic bracing (L2)

Provide a basic understanding of rudimentary electrochemical and battery terms (including hardware
exclusive to the battery):

— Ampere-hour ratings (L2)

— Catalysts (L3)
— Cells, containers, and units (L1)
— Charging (L1)
— Cycles (L3)
— Deionized and distilled water (L2)
— Depth of discharge (L3)
— Discharging (L1)
— Dust caps (L2)
— Electrolysis (L3)
— Electrolyte (L1)
— End-of-discharge voltage (L2)
— Float and equalize/boost voltages (L2)
— Gel and absorbed glass mat (AGM) VRLA constructions (L2)
— Insulating terminal covers (L2)
— Neutralizers (L2)
— Ohmic values (i.e., conductance, resistance, impedance) (L2)
— Open-circuit voltage (OCV) (L2)
— Pilot cells (L2)
— Plates (L2)
— Polarity (L1)
— Polarization (SK)
— Posts (L1)
— Primary and secondary cells (L3)
— Recombination (L3)
— Sediment (L2)
— Self-discharge (L2)

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

— Separators (L2)
— Specific gravity (L2)
— State of charge (SOC) (L3)
— Strings (L1)
— Sulfation (L3)
— Thermal runaway (L3)
— Torque values (L2)
— Trickle and constant current charge regimes (SK)
— Valves (L2)
— Vented and VRLA cells (L1)
— Vents and flame arrestors (L1)
— Withdrawal tubes (L2)

Cover the meaning and purpose of at least the following electronics often connected to the dc bus: (L3)

— Rectifiers/chargers
— Inverters

Cover the purpose of at least the following test sets/tools commonly used with batteries:

— Hydrometers (L1)
— Digital multimeters (L1)
— Internal ohmic measurement devices (L2)

Identify commonly used terms that the technician should avoid, including the following:

— Battery jar8 (L1)

— Sealed lead-acid (SLA) cell or battery9 (L1)
— Maintenance-free cell or battery10 (L2)

6.2  Basic electrical components

Discuss the physical properties and ratings of at least the following electronic components and give examples
of how they are used in dc systems:

Glass jars were used as battery containers many decades ago, but plastics and metals are now used; thus, the IEEE PES ESSB committee
encourages the use of the term battery container instead of jar.
While truly “sealed” batteries do exist in other chemistries, they do not exist for lead-acid cells, and the use of this term to describe
any lead-acid cell or battery is discouraged by the IEEE PES ESSB committee. The term SLA or sealed is often used to describe what is
actually a VRLA battery (see Annex I). However, VRLA batteries do have one-way pressure relief valves; therefore, they are not sealed.
A so-called “maintenance-free” battery is one that does not require (nor does it usually accept) water additions during its useful lifetime
(this term may refer to vented/flooded cells that are designed with an initial overfill of water or to VRLA batteries). Note that the IEEE
PES ESSB committee discourages the use of this term because all batteries require maintenance above and beyond water additions.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

— Resistors
— Standard resistors (L2)
— Precision resistors
— Shunts (L2)
— Small wattage precision resistors on circuit boards (L3)
— Variable resistors (L3)
— Adjustment potentiometers
— Large variacs
— Resistor power ratings (in watts) (L3)
— Protectors
— Uses of fuses (L2)
— Uses of breakers (L2)
— Protector coordination using time-current (I-t) curves (see IEEE Std 1375 [B52]) (L3)
— Capacitors
— Types of capacitors
— Electrolytic capacitors (L2)
— Electric/electrochemical double-layer capacitors (EDLCs), i.e., supercapacitors (SK)
— Use of capacitors to absorb voltage variations (L2)
— Methods of discharging capacitors to maximize safety (L3)
— Need to precharge some capacitors in some rectifiers (L3)
— Inductors (L3)
— Basics of magnetic fields and induction
— Choking function of inductors for high-frequency currents
— Semiconductors (L3)
— Diodes
— Used for rectification
— Used to block dc current flow in one direction
— Used to provide a dc voltage offset in an ORing circuit
— Transistors (especially when used as switching or current control devices)
— Insulated-gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) in inverters and chargers
— Metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) in inverters and chargers
— Thyristors
— Silicon-controlled rectifiers (SCRs)

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

6.3  Basic mathematics

6.3.1 Prerequisites

Verify that the technicians have sufficient proficiency in basic mathematics to manipulate formulas, including
the following:

— Proficiency in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division (L1)

— Understanding of basic multipliers (e.g., tera, giga, mega, kilo, milli, micro, nano) (L2)
— Basic knowledge of exponential notation (i.e., powers of 10) (L2)
— Understanding of variables and a basic proficiency in their manipulation (L2)
— Understanding of the concepts of rounding and significant digits (L2)
— Understanding of graphs and graphing for trending and data analysis (L3)
— Introductory-level understanding of logarithms (base 10) (e.g., their meaning and use) in order to use
some graphs (L3)

6.3.2  Common formulas

Cover the following algebraic formulas:

— Ohm’s Law (L2)

— DC power and watt heating formulas (L2)
— AC power formulas (L3)
— Power conversion efficiency formula (L3)
— Hydrogen evolution formulas (see Annex E) (L3)
— Link between specific gravity and open-circuit and minimum float voltage for lead-acid cells (see
Annex E) (L2)
— Formulas relating short-circuit currents and internal cell resistances (see Annex E) (L3)

6.4  Basics of electrical circuits

Cover the following topics relative to electrical circuits:

— Series circuits (L1)

— Parallel circuits (L2)
— Series-parallel circuits (L2)
— Resistive-capacitive-inductive (RCL) circuits (L3)
— Necessity of a complete circuit to get current flow (L1)
— Kirchhoff’s current and voltage laws (L3)

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

6.5  Basics of rectification

6.5.1 General

Cover the following basics of rectification with the technicians:

— AC sine wave as an input source

— Single- and three-phase voltages (L2)
— Amplitude and frequency (L3)
— Power factor (SK)
— How slight variations in input voltage affect dc output voltage (and current) (SK)
— Transformers used for voltage step-up/down (L3)
— Transformer primary and secondary operation
— Transformer configurations (i.e., Y [wye], delta [Δ], single phase, split phase)
— Creating dc voltage from ac input sources (L3)
— Half-wave rectification
— Full-wave rectification
— High-frequency rectification
— DC refinement (minimization of ripple) in the output stage of a rectifier (L3)
— Circuit capacitance to minimize ripple
— Inductive-capacitive (LC) filters to minimize ripple
— Control methods in rectifiers (L2)
— Voltage control (including temperature compensation) of rectifiers
— Load sharing with other rectifiers
— Current limit settings on rectifiers
— Rectifier output protection

6.5.2  Rectifier/charger types  Four common charger types

Cover each common charger type below:

— Magnetic amplifier (Mag Amp) rectifiers (SK)

— Transformer-based construction of magnetic amplifiers
— Saturable reactors in magnetic amplifiers
— The dc control circuit for the reactor/amplifier
— Common applications of this charger type (e.g., engine start battery chargers)
— 400 Hz input applications
— Advantages and disadvantages of Mag Amp rectifiers
— SCRs (SK)

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

— How an SCR is constructed and operates

— Advantages and disadvantages of SCRs
— Ferroresonant (ferro) rectifiers (SK)
— Transformer-based construction of ferro rectifiers
— The feedback circuit in ferro rectifiers
— Advantages and disadvantages of ferro rectifiers
— Switch-mode rectifiers (SMRs) (SK)
— Typical SMR construction
— Pulse-width modulation (PWM) techniques
— High-frequency dc-dc conversion
— Output control of an SMR
— Advantages and disadvantages of SMRs  Charging regimes

Cover the following charging regimes:

— Constant voltage (float) (L1)

— Constant current (L2)
— Cycling (L3)
— Temperature compensation of the charging voltage applied to the batteries (L2)
— Equalize/boost charging (L1)
— Charging from renewable energy sources (SK)

6.5.3  Controlling ripple  Filtering the charger output

Cover LC filtering as used on the output stages of rectifiers to limit ripple voltage and current. (L2)

Cover the fact that the amount of filtering provided (which directly influences the amplitude of the ripple) is
dependent on the application and industry: (SK)

— Typical UPS charger and inverter filtering (or lack thereof)

— Typical telecommunications charger filtering
— Typical utility charger filtering  Batteries as filters

Cover the following topics relative to batteries as filters: (L2)

— The fact that batteries may be required in a dc circuit to act as a filter by the dc plant and/or rectifier
manufacturer or the equipment being served
— The fact that lead-acid and Ni-Cd batteries function as an extra filter for ripple and spikes on the dc bus

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

— The terminology of battery eliminators or batteryless plants as applied to rectifiers that can feed a load
without the need of a battery acting as a noise/ripple filter (due to their output filtering ability)

6.6  Basics of inverters

Cover the following basics of inverter operation only if the technician will be exposed to battery systems with
inverters connected:

— Creating ac voltage from dc input sources at a block diagram level (L3)

— Methods of creating ac waveforms in inverters and how these affect ripple
— Efficiency and power factor of inverters
— Effects of loading on inverters
— Watts and volt-amperes
— Producing various waveform outputs
— Sine wave versus square wave output (L2)
— Single- and three-phase outputs (L2)
— Frequency of the output waveform (L3)
— Operating configurations of inverters
— DC-preferred (nonbypass) operation (L2)
— Bypass operation (i.e., manual or automatic) (L3)
— Neutral-to-ground tie or switched neutral configurations (SK)
— Operating the inverter in different modes (L3)
— On-line versus off-line
— Bypass versus normal
— Common alarms produced by inverters (L3)
— Bypass
— Inverter fail
— Low or high voltage
— Fan fail
— Overcurrent

6.7  Disconnects and overcurrent protection

6.7.1  Protection and disconnect components

Cover the following components typically used for disconnects and overcurrent protection:

— Fuses
— Fast-acting (L2)
— Time-delay (sometimes known as slow-blow) (L2)
— Solid-state switches acting as fuses (SK)

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

— Circuit breakers
— As a protector and/or switch (L1)
— Magnetic breakers (L3)
— Thermal breakers (L3)
— Thermal-magnetic breakers (L3)
— Instantaneous trip breakers (L3)
— Breaker mountings (e.g., bullet, snap-in, bolt-in, connection kits) (L2)
— Auxiliary contacts to notify a system of the breaker status (L3)
— Battery disconnects
— Use and placement of battery disconnects (L1)
— Battery disconnects doubling as circuit protection (L2)
— Switches used as battery disconnects (sometimes protected by a fuse) (L2)
— Use of battery disconnects for string sectionalizing to limit voltage exposure (L2)
— Undervoltage disconnect methods (L2)
— Shunt-trip battery disconnects (L2)
— Battery disconnects as part of an NEC-required EPO system [B67] (SK)

6.7.2 Details of protection and disconnect components

For each of the topics of 6.7.1, address the following:

— AC versus dc ratings (L2)

— Alarm indicators (i.e., mid-trip, annunciators, pilot lights) (L2)
— How it operates/actuates (L2)
— Theory of operation (L3)
— Basic construction (L3)
— Sizing considerations and response rate parameters (L3)
— Repair and replacement (L3)
— Fault current interrupt capabilities (kiloamp interrupt current [kA IC] ratings) (L3)
— Typical application preferences (pros and cons) (L3)
— Dangers and outcomes of using ac-rated components in dc circuits and vice versa (L3)

6.8 Grounded and ungrounded systems

6.8.1 Relevant grounding definitions for dc systems

Cover the meaning of the following terms (details can be found in The IEEE Standards Dictionary Online11)

IEEE Standards Dictionary Online is available at:

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

— Grounded system
— Ungrounded system
— System ground
— Equipment ground

6.8.2  Grounded and ungrounded system concepts

Cover why a battery system would be designed as a grounded system or ungrounded system, including the
following concepts:

— Safety of grounded versus ungrounded battery systems with respect to system voltage (L1)
— Sources of ground (L3)
— Consequences of an unintentional ground occurring on a grounded or ungrounded system (L3)
— Typical applications that utilize grounded systems by design
— Telecommunications
— Common –48 V and 24 V systems (L3)
— Differences between positive and negative grounded systems (L3)
— Specialized older telecommunications battery plant voltages (e.g., 130 V, 140 V) (SK)
— Stationary engine start batteries (e.g., 32 V, 24 V, 12 V) (L3)
— Applications that utilize ungrounded systems by design (L3)
— Switchgear and control

6.8.3  UPS grounding issues

The technician should understand how ground(s) can be present on a UPS battery when the UPS phase-
controlled rectifier is supplied through a grounded neutral ac supply (SK). See Annex D for further information.

6.8.4  Ground-fault testing  Ground-fault testing equipment

The technician should understand field testing techniques to determine whether a battery system is grounded
and where it is grounded, including the following: (L2)

— Required test equipment

— Use of grounded test equipment on all battery systems
— Insulation rating of test equipment and leads/probes  Ground-fault testing techniques

The course may cover specialized ground detection systems (such as the types mentioned in the list below),
how they operate, and how they apply to ungrounded battery systems: (SK)

— Balanced resistor ground detector

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

— Switched resistor ground detector

— Ground voltage versus ground resistance
— Portable ground measurement and source tracking instrumentation  Ground-fault testing safety concerns

Cover the personnel and equipment safety and operability concerns attributed to unintentional grounds,
including the precautions that should be taken: (L1)

— Necessary safety equipment

— Proper tools to enhance safety

7.  Battery basics

7.1 General
The training course should discuss that the battery is primarily an energy storage device. Batteries are
classified as primary (not rechargeable) and secondary (rechargeable). The batteries covered in this document
are primarily secondary (rechargeable). (L1)

7.2  Stationary battery types

7.2.1  Common stationary battery types

Cover the following different battery types, including their common uses, as well as advantages and

— Most commonly used lead alloys (L2)

— Common types of VLA batteries (L2)
— Common types of VRLAs (L2)
— Most common types of Ni-Cd batteries used in stationary applications (L3)

7.2.2  Emerging stationary battery types

Cover the following topics relative to emerging stationary battery types: (SK)

— Newer battery technologies (such as nickel-metal hydride [Ni-MH] and lithium-ion [Li-ion]) are being
introduced, packaged, and optimized for stationary power applications.
— Newer battery technologies in stationary applications often require electronic battery management
systems for safe and/or efficient operation.
— Training requirements for newer battery technologies in stationary applications are emerging;
therefore, at present, training requirements should be obtained from the battery manufacturer.

7.2.3 Applications

Cover the following applications and the different battery designs for each: (L2)

— Long-duration discharge applications

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— High-rate discharge applications

— Engine Starting
— 15-min and 5-min UPS rates
— General purpose (combination of high rates and long duration rates) applications
— Smaller off-grid cycling applications, when appropriate

7.3  Basic constructions

7.3.1  General cell construction

A qualified individual should understand cell construction basics. The course should cover the following:

— Electrolyte level lines (L1)

— Various types of plastic and metal cases and their advantages and disadvantages (L2)
— Single cell containers and monoblocs (L2)
— External intercell hardware (stressing good connections and adequate strain relief) (L2)
— Flame arrestors, vents, valves, and the watering tube (L2)
— Recombination devices, such as catalysts in the flame arrestor/valve area (L3)
— Sample tubes (L2)
— Dust caps on both the flame arrestor and sample tubes (L2)
— Shipping caps (L2)
— Assembly methods, including post seals and container-to-cover seals (L2)
— Plate compression and container distortion (especially for VRLA cells) (L2)
— Internal plate support structures (e.g., bridges and ledges) and their purpose (L2)
— Post types and construction (L2)
— Electrolyte immobilization techniques (L2)
— Different specific gravities (L2)
— Intercell connections (both internal and external) (L3)
— Post and internal connection sealing methods against acid migration (L3)

7.3.2  Plate constructions

The various plate constructions, alloys used, and other internal elements should be introduced, including their
characteristics (where the plate type is specific to a chemistry, but not obvious, it is so noted in the list below):

— Lead-calcium grids (L2)

— Thick plates versus thin plates (L2)
— Plate coloration (L2)
— Pasted (Fauré) plates (lead-acid) (L3)
— High antimony versus low antimony (selenium or cadmium) lead-acid designs (L3)
— Lead-tin grids (L3)

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— Tubular plates (L3)

— Pure lead grids other than Planté (L3)
— Element assembly (especially the connection of the plates into positive and negative groups) (L3)
— Internal straps (that connect the plates together and to the post) (L3)
— Sintered plates (Ni-Cd) (L3)
— Pocket plates (Ni-Cd) (L3)
— Fiber plates (Ni-Cd) (L3)
— Plastic-bonded electrode (PBE) negative plates (Ni-Cd) (L3)
— Silver in the alloy (lead-acid) (SK)
— Cylindrically wound electrodes (SK)
— Separator materials (SK)
— Retainers (SK)
— Planté plates (lead-acid) (SK)

7.3.3  Battery racks and cabinets

Cover the following topics relative to battery racks and cabinets: (L2)

— Battery rack/stand types and construction

— Battery relay rack and tray types and construction
— Battery cabinet and tray types and construction
— Seismically qualified battery racks/cabinets

7.4  Failure modes and causes

7.4.1  Normal aging and temperature effects

Cover the following topics relative to normal aging and temperature effects: (L2)

— Normal aging effects on battery life and capacity

— Effects of temperature on battery life and capacity
— Differences between battery chemistries from the effects of aging
— Differences between battery chemistries from the effects of temperature

7.4.2  Failure modes common to both Ni-Cd and lead-acid cells

Cover the following root causes of failure common to both Ni-Cd and lead-acid batteries:

— Adverse effects of vibration and impacts on a cell during its installation and maintenance (L1)
— Use of regular tap water rather than distilled or deionized water (L2)
— Case/container cracking/crazing and/or leakage (L2)
— Overcharge (L2)

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

— High temperature (L2)

— Excessive shelf/storage time (self discharge) without freshening charges (L2)
— Post seal and container-to-cover seal leaks (L2)
— Undercharging or delayed recharging (L2)
— Mishandling, abuse, and misapplication (L2)
— Overdischarge or cell reversal (L3)
— Excessive cycling of float application batteries (L3)
— Manufacturing defects (L3)
— Internal shorts, including separator failures (L3)
— Excessive vibration (SK)

7.4.3  Lead-acid failure modes  Common failure modes

Cover the following additional root causes of failure common to all lead-acid batteries:

— Grid corrosion (L2)

— Internal plate strap failure (L3)
— Internal open and shorted cells (SK)
— Extreme cold temperatures (SK)  Failure modes for lead-antimony cells

Cover the effects of antimony poisoning on the following items: (L3)

— Float current
— Gassing
— Frequency and quantity of water additions
— Life
— Potential for thermal runaway  Failure modes of lead alloys not using antimony

Cover the following: (L2)

— Effects of positive grid growth on the life of lead-calcium cells

— Effects of positive grid growth on the life of pure lead, lead-tin, and lead-tin-silver alloy grid cells
— Other forms of premature capacity loss in lead-calcium, pure lead, lead-tin, and lead-tin-silver alloy
cells  Common failure modes in VRLA batteries

Cover the following failure modes most common to VRLA batteries:

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

— Dryout (L3)
— Loss of compression (L2)
— Lack of negative plate polarization leading to sulfation (L3)
— Lack of temperature compensation (L2)
— Thermal runaway (L2)
— Dendritic shorts from overdischarge, especially in AGM VRLA (L2)
— Valve failure (L3)
— Poor recombination (SK)

7.4.4  Failure modes of Ni-Cd batteries

Cover the following items that may lead to poor performance of Ni-Cd cells:

— Normal aging (L3)

— Poor maintenance (including lack of water additions) (L3)
— Over- or undercharging (L3)
— Loose connections (L3)
— Ground faults (SK)
— Carbonation (SK)
— Iron leaching (SK)

7.5  Charge and discharge characteristics

7.5.1 General

Cover the following general topics relative to charge and discharge:

— Basic charge/discharge reactions (L2)

— Differences in charge/discharge cycles for the following: (L2)
— High-rate batteries
— Long-duration batteries
— General-purpose batteries
— Cycling batteries, including those especially designed for partial-state-of-charge (PSOC) operation
— Effects of the following:
— Temperatures (L2)
— Discharge rate (L2)
— Cell end voltage (L2)
— Specific gravity (L3)
— Charger types (L3)
— Charging history (L3)

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

— Applications and advantages of various charging schemes

— Float (L1)
— Initial charge (L2)
— Boost/equalize charging (L2)
— Refresh/reconditioning charges (L2)
— Constant current charging (SK)
— Two-step charging (SK)
— Partial charging (see IEEE Std 1361™ [B51]) (SK)
— Advantages and disadvantages of various discharge test methods
— Rate-adjusted and time-adjusted methods (see IEEE Std 450™ [B38], IEEE Std 1106™ [B45],
IEEE Std 1184™ [B47], or IEEE Std 1188™ [B49], as applicable) (L3)
— Cycling tests (see IEEE Std 1361™ [B51]) (SK)
— Effects of over- or undercharging (including delayed recharging)
— Loss of life and capacity and the potential for overgassing on overcharge (L2)
— Loss of life and capacity, which is less severe, in Ni-Cd batteries (SK)
— Unavoidable undercharging in standalone PV systems (see IEEE Std 1562™ [B55]) (SK)

7.5.2 Discharge

Cover the following topics relative to discharge:

— Examples of discharge curves at various rates (L3)

— Impact of rate on discharge
— Basic reasons for the shape of the curve
— Changing internal resistance
— Changing specific gravity in lead-acid cells
— Coup de fouet in lead-acid cells
— Showing an expansion of a sample discharge curve around the coup de fouet region (L2)
— Showing a chart of coup de fouet shape versus discharge rate (L3)
— Giving a basic understanding of why coup de fouet occurs, including its dependence on the SOC
— Explaining how a low coup de fouet dip could affect the system (L3)
— Examples of voltage versus current curves (L3)
— For various duty cycles
— With an explanation of the underlying phenomenon driving voltage recovery with a rate reduction
— Effects of nonlinear loads12 and the behavior of the battery in these situations (L3)

Depending on the load type, the current drawn from the battery may be proportional to the battery voltage (resistive or linear load),
or it may be constant during battery discharge (often used for battery sizing), or it will increase with the voltage drop in order to deliver
constant power to the load. In the real world, the load is seldom only one of these types of current. It is rather the combination of all three

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

— Cell capacity calculations (see IEEE Std 485™ [B40] or IEEE Std 1115™ [B46] for further detail)
— Using rate tables (L3)
— Using S curves (L3)
— Using manufacturer cell selection software (SK)
— Using IEEE Std 1013™ [B44] for PV applications (SK)

7.5.3 Charge General

Cover the following topics relative to charge:

— Curves showing a battery’s response to charge current (L3)

— Based on SOC
— Based on available current
— Loss of charging efficiency at higher currents and states of charge (L3)
— The battery’s response to maintenance at a partial state of charge, such as might be found in a cycling
application (L3)
— Possible need for and function of equalize/boost charging (L3)
— Tafel curves (SK)
— To show the relationship between fully charged voltage/current dependence
— To explain individual cell or unit float voltage variations within a string  Factory charging and shipping

Cover the following facts relative to factory charging and shipping: (L3)

— Some cells/units are fully charged at the factory before shipping while others are shipped discharged
— Some plates are fully formed at the factory while, in other cases, the initial charge in the field finishes
plate formation
— Most cells are shipped filled with electrolyte while a few are shipped “dry” (i.e., without electrolyte,
and the electrolyte is added on-site after shipping13)

7.6  Voltage and specific gravity

7.6.1  Cell voltages and their relation to specific gravity

The technician should understand the following topics relative to cell voltages:

— Relationship between EMF or OCV of a lead-acid battery cell and the concentration of the sulfuric
acid (specific gravity) contained in the cell (see E.3) (L3)

When a battery is shipped dry, it can be vented or sealed during shipping (depending on the manufacturer and model), with
corresponding ramifications for shelf life. A dry-shipped battery has the longest shelf life if it is filled with a non-oxidizing gas (typically
argon or nitrogen), and then sealed prior to shipping. Dry-shipped batteries that are not sealed will experience some oxidation of the
plates before the electrolyte is added (which can be overcome if the storage interval has not been excessive, by an initial charge to “re-
form” the plates).

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

— How a difference in electrochemical potential is established within a battery cell (SK)

— Effects of an applied voltage on a battery cell (L3)
— Relationship between cell voltage and specific gravity with regard to the state of charge (L2)
— Effects on operation and life of battery voltages outside of manufacturer’s recommended limits (L1)

7.6.2  Battery voltage terms

The technician should also be able to define and differentiate between the following terms relative to battery

— Battery terminal voltage (L1)

— Individual cell voltage (L1)
— Minimum and maximum float voltage (L1)
— Open-circuit potential (L2)
— End-of-discharge voltage, i.e., minimum voltage per cell (mvpc) (L2)
— Minimum and maximum equalize voltage (L2)
— Cell polarization voltage (SK)

7.6.3  Charger settings

Cover the following topics relative to charger settings:

— How charger output voltage affects the characteristics and capabilities of the battery (L1)
— Differences between float and equalize operating modes (L1)
— Effects of battery terminal voltage on the operation of a low-voltage disconnect (LVD) (L3)
— Effects of battery terminal voltage on over- and undervoltage relays and alarms (L2)

7.6.4  Ni-Cd battery differences

Cover the following facts about Ni-Cd batteries:

— The gravity of the electrolyte does not change appreciably with the state of charge of Ni-Cd cells. (L2)
— The electrolyte is not part of the charge/discharge reactions of the battery. (L2)
— Different gravity electrolytes are provided for different temperature environments and for cycling.
— The specific gravity of electrolyte does not affect the performance or the life of a Ni-Cd battery. (L2)
— The nominal or OCV is not affected by the specific gravity of the electrolyte. (L2)

8. Documentation
8.1  Applicable codes and standards
8.1.1 General

Cover the following facts relative to codes and standards: (L3)

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

— The codes, regulations, and standards that apply to any given situation are often jurisdiction dependent.
— Some codes, regulations, and standards are more widely accepted, enforced, and adopted.

8.1.2 Fire codes

Refer to the following documents relative to battery fire code regulations:

— ICC IFC [B32] – Article 608 (L3)

— NFPA 1 [B66] – Chapter 52 (formerly Article 64 in the original UFC) (L3)

8.1.3 Electrical code

Electrical code [B67] references with which the battery technician in the United States should be familiar are
as follows:

— NEC Article 110 – working clearances (L1)

— NEC Article 240 – overcurrent protection (L2)
— NEC Article 250 – grounding (L2)
— NEC Article 310 – ampacity (L2)
— NEC Article 480 – batteries (L2)
— NEC Article 645 – information technology (IT) rooms (L3)
— NEC Articles 690–691 – PV (solar) systems (SK)
— NEC Articles 700–702 – emergency and standby systems (SK)
— NEC Article 706 – energy storage systems (SK)

Some other countries also adopt the NEC, but many countries have their own electrical code, which will have
requirements and sections similar to those noted above.

8.1.4 Lockout/tagout rules

Lockout/tagout rules in the United States are covered in 29 CFR 1910.147 (OSHA) [B25] and in
NFPA 70E-2015 [B68]. The European Union (EU) has similar rules for voltages above their low-voltage
threshold. (L1)

8.1.5 Hazardous materials regulations

Hazardous material handling, disposal, and reporting requirements in the United States are addressed in
40 CFR 68, 40 CFR 260, 40 CFR 261, 40 CFR 266, 40 CFR 273, 40 CFR 302, 40 CFR 355, 40 CFR 370, and
40 CFR 372 [issued by the US. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)] [B26] as well as parts of 42 CFR
[issued by the US. Health and Human Services (HHS)] [B27]. (L3)

8.1.6 Transportation regulations

Technicians in the United States involved with transporting batteries (new or used) or packaging them for
transportation should be familiar with 49 CFR 107, 49 CFR 172, 49 CFR 177, and 49 CFR 397 [issued by
US. Department of Transportation (DOT)] [B28]. Similar International Standards Organization (ISO) or EU
standards apply in other parts of the world. (L3)

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

8.1.7  Building construction and seismic requirements

Although seismic design is the responsibility of the building engineer, battery installation technicians should
be at least familiar with the differences in seismic zones and seismically qualified battery racks and anchors/
supports. The following documents are useful references: (L3)

— ICC International Building Code (IBC) [B31] – chapter on seismic requirements

— ICBO Uniform Building Code® (UBC®) [B30] – chapter on seismic requirements
— ASCE 7 [B10]

8.1.8  Relevant international standards General

Outside of codes, international standards provide excellent guidelines for installation, sizing, and maintenance.
Although sizing is not generally under the purview of an installation or maintenance technician, it can often
be helpful for technicians to know the best practices as a check against the engineering or to be able to inform
engineering of the need for more or larger batteries due to load growth. (L3)  NETA (InterNational Electrical Testing Association) standards

The following electrical testing standards may apply:

— ANSI/NETA ETT-2000, Annex C [B64] – certification of electrical testing technicians (SK)

— ANSI/NETA ATS [B63] – the section about installation acceptance testing for dc systems (SK)
— ANSI/NETA MTS [B65] – the section about maintenance for dc systems (SK)  IEEE standards

The following IEEE battery-related standards, guides, or practices may apply:

— IEEE Std 450™ [B38] – VLA maintenance (L2)

— IEEE Std 484™ [B39] – VLA installation (L2)
— IEEE Std 485™ [B40] – lead-acid battery sizing (L3)
— IEEE Std 535™ [B41] – qualifying batteries for nuclear generating stations (SK)
— IEEE Std 937™ [B42] – lead-acid installation and maintenance in PV applications (SK)
— IEEE Std 946™ [B43] – dc systems for power generating plants (SK)
— IEEE Std 1013™ [B44] – sizing lead-acid batteries for PV applications (SK)
— IEEE Std 1106™ [B45] – installation and maintenance of vented Ni-Cd batteries (SK)
— IEEE Std 1115™ [B46] – sizing Ni-Cd batteries (SK)
— IEEE Std 1184™ [B47] – UPS battery sizing, installation, and maintenance (L3)
— IEEE Std 1187™ [B48] – VRLA installation (L2)
— IEEE Std 1188™ [B49] – VRLA maintenance (L2)
— IEEE Std 1189™ [B50] – VRLA selection considerations (L3)
— IEEE Std 1361™ [B51] – lead-acid batteries in PV systems (SK)

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— IEEE Std 1375™ [B52] – electrical protection (e.g., fuses, breakers) of batteries (L3)

— IEEE Std 1491™ [B53] – battery-monitoring systems (L3)
— IEEE Std 1561™ [B54] – hybrid stand-alone energy systems (SK)
— IEEE Std 1562™ [B55] – array and battery sizing in stand-alone PV energy systems (SK)
— IEEE Std 1578™ [B56] – battery spill containment (L2)
— IEEE Std 1635™ /ASHRAE 21 [B57] – ventilation and thermal management of battery areas (SK)
— IEEE Std 1661™ [B58] – testing and evaluating hybrid PV system lead-acid batteries (SK)
— IEEE Std 1881™ [B59] – glossary of stationary battery terminology (L3)
— National Electrical Safety Code® (NESC®) (Accredited Standards Committee C2-2012) [B1]–
especially sections 140 (L2), 410 (L3), and 420 (L1)

8.2  Manufacturer documentation

Emphasize the need for technicians to do the following tasks:

— Obtain and read battery manuals. (L1)

— Obtain and read rack/stand manuals. (L1)
— Obtain and read charger manuals. (L1)
— Ensure that records required by the manufacturer to maintain warranty are properly kept and filed. (L2)

8.3  Reading electrical and mechanical drawings

8.3.1 General

Because a technician may be required to follow electrical and mechanical drawings while installing,
maintaining, and removing battery systems, the course should cover such drawings (L2). Note that drawing
symbols for both electrical and mechanical drawings vary depending on adopted standards within a given
company (L2). When interfacing with different departments or companies, a broader knowledge of drawing
symbols may be required (L3).

8.3.2  Electrical drawings General

Cover the basics of the following types of drawings:

— Elementary diagrams of battery strings (L1)

— Connection diagrams for battery systems (such as a wiring diagram) (L2)
— Drawings for disconnects and protection (L2)
— Charger schematics (L2)
— Load panel drawings (dc, single/split-phase ac, and 3-phase ac [single-line drawings]) (L2)
— Drawings for auxiliary equipment (such as metering) (L3)
— Drawings for switch circuits and backup systems (L3)

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries  Electrical symbols

Two handy references for electrical device designations are the following: (L3)

— IEEE Std C37.2™ [B60]
— IEC 60417/ISO 7000 (formerly IEC 417) [B34]

Figure 1 and Figure 2 give a small example of electrical symbol differences in drawings.

Figure 1—Examples of normally open switches

Figure 2—Examples of normally closed switches

NOTE—There is controversy about whether the “normal” state of a switch or relay is its energized (nonalarmed) condition
or is its nonenergized (alarmed) condition. The preceding figures do not address this issue, but simply show examples
found in some drawings.14

8.3.3  Mechanical drawings

Cover the following information related to mechanical drawings for battery areas:

— General layout diagrams (such as battery arrangement and egress) (L1)

— Assembly and subassembly drawings (such as rack/stand assembly) (L2)
— Structural details (L2)
— Anchor bolt details (L2)
— Mechanical torque values (L2)
— Material identification information (such as the type of bolts used) (L2)

Notes in text, tables, and figures are given for information only and do not contain requirements needed to implement the recommended


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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

8.4  Keeping records

Discuss the purposes for keeping records and the appropriate procedures for the following items:

— Document types, including, but not limited to, the following:

— Vendor-provided documents
— Catalog data sheets (L2)
— Owner’s manuals (L1)
— Warranty information and forms (L3)
— As-built drawings (L2)
— Change drawings (L3)
— Initial charge records (L1)
— Acceptance test records (L2)
— Maintenance records, which may be manually gathered or stored by a monitor that has the data
backed up periodically
— Discharge test data (L2)
— Internal ohmic test data and external connection resistances (L2)
— Voltage readings (L1)
— Specific gravity readings (L3)
— Temperature readings (L2)
— Document distribution, including the following:(L2)
— Customer retention
— Engineering approval and retention
— Vendor retention
— Warranty claim forms and substantiation
— Document retention requirements, including, but not limited to, the following: (L2)
— Legal requirements
— Warranty requirements
— Operational requirements
— Reports on corrective actions
— Legally required emergency and standby backup power system record-keeping requirements (see
NEC Article 701 [B67], and NFPA 111 [B71]) (SK)

8.5  Job-specific documentation

Many companies require installation or maintenance technicians to plan their work in written form (that is
typically approved by the owner representative). Familiarize the technician with the following:

— Examples of the types of written documentation typically produced by a technician

— Statements of work (SOWs) (L1)

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

— Electrical work permits (see NFPA 70E-2015 [B68]) (L1)

— Methods of procedure (MOPs), similar to those defined in Telcordia GR-1275 [B74] (L2)
— Possibly produced after pre-job meetings
— Possibly produced after walk-throughs
— Work rules (L1)
— Job hazard analyses (L1)
— Documentation production, including the following: (L3)
— Outline of the work to be performed
— Written detailed steps for critical work (such as hot work)
— Inclusion of an emergency restoration plan
— Providing emergency contacts
— Where to keep the documentation (L3)

9.  Installation and maintenance skills

9.1  General skills
9.1.1 General

Cover standard maintenance procedures, including the following:

— Scheduling with and informing alarm centers before performing activities that may cause alarms (L1)
— Replacing any insulating covers that are removed during the course of maintenance (L1)
— Being aware of the fragility of container-to-cover and post seals and highlighting why the battery is not
a step (L1)

9.1.2  Working with dc voltages

Cover the following topics relative to working with dc voltages:

— Positively grounded, negatively grounded, and ungrounded systems (L1)

— Series and parallel connections of cells and strings (L1)
— Importance of matching voltages as closely as possible for hot cuts (L3)

9.1.3  Maintenance and diagnostic equipment Devices Hardware

Basic computer literacy is required to perform some battery testing and maintenance functions (L2).

Briefly cover the application and use of the following tools and permanently installed monitoring devices (see
IEEE Std 1491™ [B53]) as they relate to battery work:

— Multimeters that include at least the following functionality: (L1)

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— Voltage readings
— Resistance readings
— Series current readings
— Hand tools
— Insulated tools (L1)
— Torque wrenches (L1): For countries not using SI unit torque wrenches (which are rated in Newton-
meters) note the difference between torque wrenches rated in in-lbs (these are what are used on
battery terminals and typical values range from 7 to 17 N-m [60–150 in-lbs]) versus heavier-duty
torque wrenches rated in ft-lbs (these are what are typically used for rack/stand bolting, and typical
values range from 68 to 136 N-m [50–100 ft-lbs])
— Nonsparking tools (L2)
— Current measurement instruments
— DC clamp-on ammeters (L2)
— AC clamp-on ammeters (L2)
— High-resolution (low-current) dc clamp-on ammeters (SK)
— Shunts (L2)
— Hall-effect devices (SK)
— Specialized ohmmeters
— Microohmmeters (L2)
— Megohmmeters (L3)
— Ohmic test sets (L2)
— Internal impedance test sets
— Internal conductance test sets
— Internal resistance test sets
— Hydrometers (L3)
— Hydraulic float hydrometers
— Electronic hydrometers
— Temperature measurement tools
— Thermometers (L1)
— Thermocouples (L3)
— Thermistors (L3)
— Thermal guns (L3)
— Thermal cameras (SK)
— Chargers (L2)
— Whole string chargers
— Single-cell chargers
— Ground-fault detection equipment (L2)

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

— Load banks
— Whole string load banks (L3)
— Carbon pile/pot load banks (SK)
— Data loggers (L3)
— Oscilloscopes (SK)
— Recharge modules (SK)  Operation considerations for meters and test sets

Cover the following points relative to meters and test sets:

— Reading the instructions (L1)

— Zeroing meters (L1)
— Using the correct scale on the meter (L1)
— AC versus dc meters (L1)
— Taking baseline readings (L2)
— Recognizing normal versus abnormal readings (and retaking readings) (L3)
— Analog versus digital meters (see Annex A) (L3)
— Resolution of meters (L3)
— Precision of the meter (L3)
— Accuracy of the meter (L3)
— Voltage ratings of meter test leads (L2)
— Temperature correction factors for hydrometer readings, load tests, ohmic tests, etc. (L3)  Care and calibration of test equipment

Emphasize that test equipment, while typically designed to hold up to field conditions, is still subject to damage
and loss of accuracy when subjected to harsh treatment. Items that should be stressed include the following:

— Keeping equipment clean (L1)

— Storing equipment in a dry location (L1)
— Protecting equipment from damage (L1)
— Checking equipment for proper operation prior to use (L2)
— Checking equipment that requires calibration to ensure it is within its required calibration cycle (L1)

The battery technician should be trained to demonstrate proficiency in the operation of the various types of test
equipment required for the skill level (L2). The training record should identify the types of test equipment the
technician is trained and/or certified to operate.

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IEEE Std 1657-2018
IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries  Test set usage General

A battery load test may be accomplished with a resistor bank and digital volt-ohmmeter, or it may be
accomplished with an automatic battery capacity test set. Certain principles apply regardless of the method
used. Therefore, familiarize the technician with the following: (L3)

— Applicable battery maintenance standards (IEEE Std 450 [B38], IEEE Std 1106 [B45], IEEE Std 1184

[B47], and IEEE Std 1188 [B49])
— Battery capability curves (i.e., fan curves, S curves)
— Operating procedures for various load test equipment  On-line and off-line testing

Batteries can be load tested online or off-line. Include the following key features of these two methods:

— Off-line testing
— Is accomplished with the battery disconnected from the charger and from the normal dc loads (L2)
— Is accomplished with the battery isolated from the system; therefore, any critical loads may need to
be supplied by a temporary source (L3)
— Is the most accurate method of load testing (L2)
— On-line testing
— Is accomplished with the battery disconnected from the charger but still connected to the normal dc
loads (L2)
— May be accomplished with resistor banks connected in parallel with the normal loads so that total
discharge current is the sum of these two loads (L3)
— Is accurate when the battery is connected to a steady state load (L2)
— Breaker operations and motor operation can impose loads on the battery that are not
accounted for in the capacity calculation.
— Battery current should be monitored at a point that includes all of the loads that are applied
to the battery (i.e., the technician may use a clamp-on ammeter across the cables at the
center-most point of the battery).
— May be done for PV systems at an unknown SOC and into the existing load (see IEEE Std 937
[B42] for further information) (SK)
— Requires monitoring of LVDs and alarms to ensure that equipment is not adversely affected (L3)

Teach the technicians to monitor the chargers (during recharge after testing) to ensure they are set up properly
and do not trip. (L3)  Temperature measuring techniques

Discuss the following topics relative to temperature measuring techniques:

— Temperature measurements of battery connection during load testing or bulk recharge (L2)
— Diminished usefulness of battery connection temperatures during float operation (L2)

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

— Various methods for monitoring battery connection temperatures

— Manual touching to sense relative temperature, provided that it is safe to do so (L2)
— Thermal probes that can be connected to a digital voltmeter and used to monitor suspect connections
— Thermal guns that can be aimed at the connections to obtain a relative temperature (L3)
— Thermography, which may be the best and most accurate method for a thermal survey of the battery
(SK)  Use of load banks

Cover the proper types and uses of load banks for the specific purpose intended. Give specific attention to
safety and proper utilization of the test equipment, including the following:

— Proper connection, disconnection, and isolation under load of the testing equipment (L3)
— Constant adjustment of manual load banks to ensure a constant current or power load (L2)
— Circumstances when an ac load bank may/should be used instead of a dc load bank (L3)  Ground-fault detection

Cover the following facts relative to ground-fault detection:

— Some dc systems are not connected to ground; therefore, they often contain a ground-monitoring
system to indicate the presence of an unintentional ground. (L1)
— If there is a grounded charger, ground-fault detection may consist of a pair of lights on the charger; in
such instances, for any grounded battery system, the grounds should probably be removed prior to a
load test. (L3)  Test records

The curriculum should stress the importance of the following:

— Test readings should be kept on file. (L1)

— Test results should be in a common format for comparison. (L2)
— Trending analysis from a baseline value taken after a few months of operation can be very helpful. (L2)
— Projection of battery life is dependent upon review of past battery load test results. (L2)

9.1.4 Connections General

Battery connections vary by construction material, shape, size, and type of hardware. Cover all types of battery
connections. Each connector type has certain requirements based on the design. (L2)

Cover at least the following common connection hardware: (L1)

— Bolts and nuts (stainless steel, lead-plated, brass, or brass with cast on head)
— Washers (plate/flat, lock, Belleville [i.e., conical spring], and spade lug tab)

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

— Lugs (compression, bolted mechanical, and spade)

— Terminal plates

Also cover the differences in hardware grades, e.g., some Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) grades are
less susceptible to corrosive action. (L3)

Note that loads tapped at some partial string point (for example, a nominal 12 V load tapped 1/3 of the way into
a nominal 36 V string) will lead to more than normal capacity differences, water consumption, etc. of cells/
blocs within the string, and potentially lead to undercapacity and/or premature failure. (L3)  Connection preparation

Ensure that the battery technician is aware of the following topics relative to connection preparation: (L1)

— Recommended procedures for preparing various connector designs for installation, including the
— Removal of oxidation without removal of protective plating
— Avoidance of improper cleaners or scrubbers
— The need to clean, neutralize, and dry some battery posts before the applications of corrosion inhibitors  Corrosion inhibitors

Cover recommended compounds used for connections, such as antioxidant grease, and how to apply such
compounds thinly. (L1)  Bolt torque

Cover the following topics relative to bolt torque:

— Significance of hardware combinations used in battery connections (L1)

— Adherence to manufacturer’s recommendations for periodic retorque of the connections, possibly
based on intercell connection readings (L2)
— Importance of proper torque and the risks of overtorque (L2)
— Differing connection torque units and how to convert between them (e.g., 1 N·m ≈8.85 in·lb) (L2)  Intercell resistance measurements

Cover the proper methodologies for taking intercell connection resistance measurements (L2). An informative
annex in IEEE Std 450 [B38] contains examples of how to take these measurements for a variety of available
battery designs. Other battery designs and methods for taking resistance measurements are also used but not
specified in that annex. It is important that the battery technician select the best method for a particular battery
design and use the same method consistently for trending purposes.

9.1.5  Monitoring and measuring  Automated monitoring and control equipment

Cover the following topics relative to automated monitoring and control equipment:

— Capabilities and limitations of monitors (L2)

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

— Operation of various battery-monitoring systems (SK)

— Installation and programming of various battery-monitoring systems (SK)
— Installation and maintenance of various cell-balancing systems and their disadvantages when applied
to lead-acid batteries (SK)

Refer to IEEE Std 1491 [B53] for detailed information on battery-monitoring systems.  Manual monitoring

Manual monitoring provides less frequent data collection than automated monitoring (which may be sufficient
in many cases), but ensures that data are reviewed by at least the person performing the measurements. Most
of the items that can be measured with manual monitoring are found in the following subclause, which covers
both manual and automatic monitoring. Further detail on manual monitoring and measuring procedures is
found for vented batteries in IEEE Std 450 [B38], for VRLA batteries in IEEE Std 1188 [B49], and for Ni-Cd
batteries in IEEE Std 1106 [B45].  Measurement parameters

Cover the following topics relative to measurement parameters:

— Monitoring intervals (L2)

— The following possible measurable parameters and collection methods, both manual and automated
(see IEEE Std 1491 [B53] for further information on these parameters and their automated
measurement): (L2)
— Voltages of cells, groups of cells, and battery string/plant terminal voltages as well as voltage to
— Currents of strings/plants (i.e., float, charge, discharge)
— Ripple voltages and currents
— Temperatures of cells/units plus ambient room/site temperatures
— Discharge cycle counting (common for UPS applications)
— Interconnection resistances
— Internal ohmic measurements
— Specific gravities
— Electrolyte levels
— Assessment of the following parameters: (L2)
— Coup de fouet (initial voltage drop and recovery of lead-acid batteries under load)
— Run-time prediction during discharge
— Ground-fault detection
— Use of measured parameters, in conjunction with manufacturer-provided data, to predict run time
(before a discharge) and battery life (L2)
— Importance of the following:
— Timing and creation of baseline values (L2)
— Issues and difficulties associated with creating baseline values for existing batteries (L3)

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

— Issues associated with relying on baseline data from the battery manufacturer (L3)
— Variability that may be introduced by changing devices for ohmic measurements (L3)
— Trending over time and comparison to baseline values, including methods to record and compare

9.2  Specific installation skills

9.2.1  Receipt and storage  Receipt inspection

Teach battery technicians to do the following:

— Inspect incoming battery shipments and hardware for damage, leaking, and material shortages (L1)
— Ensure that a safety data sheet (SDS15, formerly known as an MSDS) accompanies battery shipments,
and file it correctly (L1)
— Read bills of material (BOMs), parts lists, and other manufacturer documents to count received parts
— Test and store ohmic values of incoming batteries to ensure no gross factory mistakes (L2)
— File damage reports and complaints (L2) Storage

Cover the following topics relative to storage: (L2)

— What to do if batteries are or are not going to be placed in service within a few weeks after receipt
— Battery self-discharge characteristics
— Proper storage conditions
— How to keep a stored battery in good condition
— Freshening charge requirements and methods
— Record keeping necessary for warranty validation

9.2.2  Rack/stand/tray installation  Types of racks, stands, and trays

Cover multiple rack/stand/tray configurations available from most manufacturers for vented and VRLA
batteries, including the following:

— Racks/stands for vented and large VRLA batteries

— Various types of tiered or stepped battery racks for vented batteries (L2)
— Methods of installing vented and large VRLA battery racks (e.g., back-to-back, end-to-end, stand-
alone) (L2)
— Basic components of all vented and large VRLA cell racking (L1)

In some regions, SDS are reserved for chemicals, and the battery hazard information is found on what is called a “battery information


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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

— Modular racks for large VRLAs

— Premanufactured racks with metal slots for VRLA cells (L2)
— Row and stack configurations of the cell modules in these systems (L2)
— Series-parallel arrangements in these racks (L3)
— Battery trays in open relay racks
— Tray systems for VRLA monoblocs (typically 6 V and 12 V containers) (L1)
— Typical sizes of the trays (L2)
— Two-post and four-post designs (L2)
— Mounting options for batteries in indoor or outdoor cabinets (L2)
— Pull-out drawers and slide trays
— Fixed trays and shelves
— Plain battery compartments  Seismic differences

Review seismic considerations for batteries, including the following:

— Need to closely follow the manufacturer’s documentation for the specific stand being installed (L1)
— Importance of using the proper number and type of anchors specified by the rack manufacturer and/or
design engineer (L1)
— Possible use of tie-downs with VRLA monoblocs in seismic installations (L1)
— Ensuring that the modular VRLA racking is designed for seismic zones when necessary (L2)
— Extra material (e.g., more side rails, cross-braces, foam spacers) found in seismic racks (L2)
— Seismic racking design per the ICC IBC [B31] and ICBO UBC [B30] (L3)
— Location and configuration considerations for seismic racking and mounting (L3) Placement/location

Cover the following aspects of battery rack/stand placement/location: (L2)

— Locating the batteries in a cool, clean, dry area so they are not adversely affected by thermal sources
— Ensuring that ventilation is sufficient so that gas evolved from the batteries quickly disperses
— Ensuring sufficient ventilation to minimize temperature differentials between tiers/rows of batteries
— Locating the batteries in a relatively flat area that can support the weight of the battery
— Locating the battery stand in an area that meets all requirements for working clearances (see 5.9)
— Ensuring that battery racks/cells maintain a minimum clearance from walls or other equipment,
dependent on manufacturer requirements, or other applicable local or national codes or standards
(for example, most battery manufacturers specify that seismically-rated racks must have a minimum
clearance of approximately 100 mm from walls in order to meet the seismic requirements of relevant
Building Codes)
— Ensuring that space is left to allow access to cells for maintenance, repair, and replacement

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

— Ensuring that the aisle width is consistent with applicable codes  Assembly and hardware torquing

Teach the following basics of rack/stand/tray installation:

— Verifying received material (check received material against the packing list, supplier documentation,
and drawings) (L1)
— Determining the location of the rack(s) (L1)
— Ensuring that the required tools are available:
— Torque wrenches (L2)
— Tape measures (L1)
— Shims (L1)
— Socket sets and wrenches (L1)
— A level (L1)
— Drills and hammer drills (L2)
— An ohmmeter (L1)
— Installing the base components of the racking system and pretorquing the assembled hardware (L1)
— Installing support rails or shelving as required and torquing per the manufacturer’s specifications (L2)
— Leveling and shimming (L1)
— Securing frames or modules to the floor (L2)
— Securing frames or modules to the walls (if required) (L2)
— Finishing the installation of final racking components and torquing them per the manufacturer’s
specifications (L1)
— Grounding the battery rack/stand/module as required (L2)
— Installing spill containment, if required (see 9.2.4) (L2)
— Installing battery cells (see 9.2.3) (L2) Grounding

Teach the following steps for grounding the rack:

— Check applicable codes and with the end user to determine whether grounding is required. (L2)
— Follow the appropriate grounding rules in NEC Article 250 [B67] and/or local codes when grounding
is required. (L2)
— Select the proper cable size per code and/or end user requirements. (L2)
— Route the grounding conductor from the battery rack to the facility grounding point. (L1)
— Lug each end of the cable. (L2)
— Attach the cable to the battery rack/stand per the manufacturer’s specifications. (L2)
— Attach the grounding conductor to the facility ground per all applicable installation codes and the end
user’s requirements. (L2)

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

— Secure the grounding conductor in place. (L1)

— Label each end of the conductor. (L1)
— Verify continuity between each metallic component and a common point on the rack, using an
ohmmeter; and if continuity does not exist, bond appropriately. (L2)

9.2.3  Placing the batteries on the rack, stand, or tray  Proper lifting practices and equipment

Cover the following items for proper lifting of batteries:

— Proper lifting and transporting practices

— Body position awareness (L1)
— The fact that posts are not handles or lift points (post seal damage that voids the warranty may
occur) (L1)
— Lifting equipment
— Hydraulic lift carts (L1)
— Sling and spreader plate to move cells/units (reduces undue stress on containers) (L1)
— Inspection of lifting and rigging equipment prior to the start of work (L2)
— Use of material handling rollers if necessary/possible to move cells on and off a stand (L2)
— Weight issues (L1)
— Weight of individual cells/units
— Single-person lifting limits
— Load-bearing capacity of lifting equipment
— Pinch points that can trap a portion of the body (L1)  Approved lubricants

Teach battery technicians to do the following tasks relative to lubrication:

— Clean the surface before placing batteries because battery weight can cause grit abrasion to the case.
— Never use any petroleum-based products for installation or maintenance (and explain why). (L1)
— Never use bug sprays on battery containers (and explain why). (L1)
— Consult the manufacturer or its documentation prior to using any lubricant to move cells. (L1)
— Use a thin coat of talcum powder (if necessary) if the manufacturer does not recommend a lubricant.
(L2)  Completing the rack/stand installation

Teach the battery installers how to do the following tasks relative to rack/stand installation:

— Consult the manufacturer’s literature for proper spacing requirements. (L1)

— Make a spacing template (whenever possible) for use when placing the cells on the racks. (L1)

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

— Install any rails, tie-downs, rail insulators, etc. while ensuring that spacing and clearances are proper.
(L2)  Completing the battery installation

Teach the installers how to do the following tasks relative to battery installation:

— Place cells on the stand in accordance with the design drawing. (L2)
— Ensure proper plate orientation (parallel or perpendicular to rack rails) for rectangular vented cells.
— Ensure cell polarities are correct for each rack section. (L1)
— Remove the shipping plugs, and install the flame arrestors in vented cells after they are all set. (L1)
— Clean and prepare the connectors and posts for connection. (L1)
— Apply a thin coat of antioxidant to cell posts and intercell connectors to prevent corrosion. (L1)
— Ensure that connections are made positive to negative (or vice versa) for series cells in a string. (L1)
— Ensure proper washer orientation. (L2)
— Torque the connections in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements. (L2)
— Check intercell resistances using a digital low-resistance ohmmeter (DLRO) to ensure they are within
required parameters (see IEEE Std 450 [B38]). (L3)

9.2.4  Electrolyte spill containment system installation General

Cover the following general topics relative to electrolyte spill containment:

— Battery types with which spill containment is or is not appropriate (L2)

— Different methods of containment (see IEEE Std 1578 [B56] for further information) (L2)
— Individual rack/stand containment systems
— Rack-integrated containment systems
— Whole-room containment systems
— Area berms
— Remote (piped drainage) containment systems
— Advantages and disadvantages of the various containment methods (L2)
— Identifying model code and local code requirements for spill containment (L3)
— Spill containment as part of a larger program of spill management (L3)
— Various methods of spill containment installation (SK)  Individual rack/stand containment systems

Cover the following topics relative to individual rack/stand containment:

— Individual rack containment systems, i.e., a barrier around the perimeter of a battery rack, beyond the
drip line (L2)

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

— Liquid-tight integrity inside the barrier (L2)

— Conspicuous barrier marking applied to avoid a tripping hazard (L2)
— Proper methods for installation and maintenance of floor sealant (see for further information),
including the following:
— Floor preparation (L3)
— Awareness of hazards and use of appropriate PPE (L3)
— Proper methods of application (SK)
— Frequency and methods of inspection for liquid-tight integrity (L3)
— Absorbing/neutralizing material installed on the floor
— Determine whether absorbing/neutralizing material on the floor is required by local code (L3)
— Explain the pros and cons of absorbing electrolyte indoors versus neutralizing it (L2)
— Follow the manufacturer’s installation instructions (L1)
— When pillows are used:
— Choose pillows made from fire-retardant materials (L2)
— Determine whether pillow fire retardancy is lost (L3)
— Recognize when the absorbent/neutralizing material has been exposed to electrolyte (L2) Rack-integrated containment

Cover the following topics relative to rack-integrated containment: (SK)

— Types of rack-integrated containment systems

— Open-basin
— Closed-basin
— Methods of directing spills to the basin
— Various manufacturer design differences
— Manufacturer installation instructions for rack-integrated containment systems
— Correct ways to handle, clean up, and dispose of electrolyte following a spill in order to maximize
safety Whole-room or zone containment

Cover the following topics relative to whole-room or zone containment:

— Using battery room walls (sealed to a certain height) as part of the containment (L2)
— Raised doors
— Use of portable (or permanent) ramps to enter this type of room
— Dikes/barriers for area containment and the use of ramps to get batteries into and out of them (L2)
— Methods of installation for floor sealants (see for further information), including the following:
— Floor preparation (L3)

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

— Hazards and appropriate PPE (L3)

— Methods of application (SK)
— Frequency and methods of inspection for liquid-tight integrity (L3)  Piped drainage containment

One relatively rare method of controlling an electrolyte spill is to channel the liquid into a chemical waste
processing system or a controlled drainage system. These systems are designed into the building infrastructure.
Discuss the special circumstances where this type of installation may exist. (SK).  Sealing the spill containment area

Most codes require a liquid-tight floor and barrier. Cover the following topics relative to sealing a spill
containment area: (SK)

— Epoxy coatings
— Potentially hazardous fumes from curing and the possible need for respiratory protection
— Skin protection during application
— Flexible material liners
— Acid-resistant vinyl flooring materials with thermally welded seams
— Resealants and methods to use if holes are drilled or barriers are temporarily removed
— Potentially hazardous fumes from curing and the possible need for respiratory protection
— Skin protection during application

9.2.5  Initial charging General

Batteries are generally shipped in a charged condition but lose some charge when in transit and storage. The
technician should be taught how to do the following tasks relative to initial charging:

— Apply an initial or freshening charge (which varies by battery technology and manufacturer
recommendation). (L2)
— Methods of initial charge for many vented cells to finish plate formation
— Voltage settings for the technology per the manufacturer’s instructions
— Calculate the appropriate time duration for the charge (if not given by the battery manufacturer). (L2)
— Determine the size of the charger needed.
— Determine the length of the charge based on the manufacturing date or last freshening charge.
— Compensate for storage temperature.
— Balance the electrolyte level after the initial charge (add water before the initial charge only if the level
is well below the level line, near the top of the plates). (L1)  Safety during charging for vented batteries

Cover awareness, mitigation, and protection techniques for the following items:

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

— Exposure to electrolyte, including misting of vented cells during heavy charging (L1)
— Off-gassing of flammable and/or toxic gases (see 5.7 on ventilation for further direction) (L2)
— Electric shock and/or arc-flash burns during installation and maintenance activities (L1)  Initial charge records

Teach technicians how to do the following tasks relative to initial charge records: (L2)

— Determine the manufacturer’s recommendation for initial charge record keeping

— Record (for permanent records) voltages, currents, and durations at intervals during the charge
— Record cell voltages, temperature of 10% of the cells, and float current and voltage after initial charging

9.2.6  Paralleling power sources and/or strings General

Cover the following items related to the paralleling of battery strings:

— Matching overall system voltage when mixing battery technologies (L2)

— Minimizing differences in battery-to-bus voltage drop under load by appropriate cable sizing (L3)
— Placing batteries on line if a battery disconnect device is utilized (L2)
— Placing battery strings on line when a battery disconnect device is not used (L3)
— Ensuring proper ventilation of battery areas before placing systems on line due to potential arcing (L3)
— Ensuring proper fault current capability for systems without disconnects (see IEEE Std 1375 [B52])
— Ensuring that any control, alarming, and monitoring are updated due to system changes (L3)
— Ensuring the adequacy of disconnect device ratings and cable ampacity if strings have disconnects
— Dynamic current-sharing between dissimilar strings (different sizes, ages, or technologies), and
possible impacts relating to ratings of disconnects and other devices (L3)  Hot cuts

Cover the following topics relative to when paralleling battery strings where the bus being directly connected
to a battery is energized: (L3)

— Proper methods for handling energized conductors, including work area and cable insulating, and PPE
— Necessity of matching voltages between battery and bus where possible
— Techniques for voltage matching prior to connection
— Techniques for gradual load sharing after connection

9.2.7  Commissioning and acceptance testing

Explain the use of an installation checklist (see NETA ATS [B63] for an example) to

— Ensure that the charging system is properly set up (e.g., for voltage and current levels, alarming) (L2)

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

— Ensure proper torque/resistance on intercell connectors (L3)

— Ensure that the battery performance meets the design or performance specification (L3)
— Identify weak cells (L3)
— Ensure that there are no egregious errors (e.g., undersized cable, lack of strain relief, improper/missing
rack anchoring, cable bend radius violations) (L3)

9.2.8  Installation of permanent battery-monitoring units

Cover the following items specifically related to installation of battery-monitoring units: (SK)

— Proper safety protocols during battery monitor installation

— Awareness that dangerous voltages can be present
— Proper installer qualification and training based on monitor complexity
— Site-specific drawings and manufacturer installation guides
— Proper use and placement of connection hardware materials
— Proper wire types and sizes and how to protect these wires
— Properly sized current-limiting resistors and in-line fuses when needed
— Placement of equipment and hardware that does not impede serviceability of the battery system
— Proper use of internal backup batteries in the monitor
— Programming backup
— Calibration, test, and acceptance criteria and methods

9.2.9  Safety signs

Cover the following topics relative to safety signs: (L2)

— Types of safety signs that should be posted for new (and possibly for modified) battery installations
— Codes and/or regulatory organizations setting rules for signage (e.g., 29 CFR 1910 and/or 29 CFR
1926 (OSHA) [B24], fire codes [B31], [B66])

9.3  Specific maintenance skills

9.3.1  Visual inspections  Container inspections

Cover the importance of inspecting the container and its cover, including the following:

— Container cleanliness/upkeep for proper inspection (L1)

— Electrolyte leaks and tracking caused by leaks (L1)
— Ground faults due to leaks/tracking, as well as the shock hazard this presents (L3)
— Crazing and/or cracking due to stress or breakdown of the container material (L2)
— Container-to-cover seals (L2)
— Condition of post seals (L2)

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IEEE Std 1657-2018
IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries  Vents and valves

Cover the following topics relative to vents and valves:

— Safety hazards of improperly installed or defective flame arrestors (L1)

— Inspection of the integrity and seal of the flame arrestor and vent (L2)
— Cleaning of the flame arrestors and or vents/valves when necessary (L2)
— Use of shipping caps (and shipping plugs) (L1)  Post inspections

Teach the technician how to do the following tasks relative to inspecting posts:

— Identify different types of post corrosion (e.g., creep, nodular) (L3)

— Inspect posts further by looking inside the container below the cover on some vented cells (L2)
— Recognize symptoms of mechanical stress on the posts from inter-tier, inter-rack, and bus cabling (L3)  Connection inspections

Explain the necessity for a clean and low-resistance connection (L1). (Torquing and microohmmeter
measurements are the ways to check these connections and are covered in 6.1,,,,, and 9.2.7.  Plate inspections for VLA cells

Cover the visual inspection of VLA battery plates and separators and the methods to evaluate and correct any
problems, including how to look for the following: (L2)

— Sulfation
— Crystals
— Cracks
— Flaking
— Plate deformation (e.g., warping, bowing)
— Separator degradation
— Discoloration
— Hydration  Sediment in vented cells

Cover the following topics relative to sediment in vented cells: (L2)

— Reasons for sediment buildup

— Problems that can be caused by sediment buildup
— Meaning of differing colors and consistencies of sediment

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IEEE Std 1657-2018
IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries  Rack/stand, cabinet, and tray inspections

Cover the following safety-related issues associated with the rack, cabinet, and trays:

— Structural integrity and bracing, including cleanup/repair of any electrolyte leakage that has made it
onto the rack (L1)
— Anchoring (L1)
— Leveling (lack of which may be a sign of weight stress) (L1)
— Grounding and/or bonding (L2)
— Signs or placards, on or near the racks, warning of electrolyte and other hazards (L2)
— Proper clearances (L2)
— Proper operation of battery heater pads where used (L2)

9.3.2  Battery cleaning  Proper cleaning agents

The technician should be able to do the following tasks relative to battery cleaning:

— Explain the dangers of using a dry cloth on vented batteries due to the possibility of ESD (L1)
— Demonstrate proper battery cleaning procedures (L1)
— Select and use the appropriate cleaning agent
— Tell which types of agents should be avoided (L1)
— Explain why different solutions are required for different battery types (L2)  Connection repair

The technician should be able to do the following tasks relative to connection repair:

— Properly apply and explain the use of an antioxidant grease (L1)

— Identify, remove, neutralize, clean, and reconnect a corroded or high-resistance connection, (L2)
including selecting and using the appropriate materials for cleaning (e.g., soft, nonmetallic scrub pad)

9.3.3 Watering

The technician should be able to do the following tasks relative to watering:

— Describe why distilled or de-ionized water must be used (L1)

— Describe the problems that occur when using impure water (L1)
— Properly water a vented cell
— Explain when and demonstrate how to add the appropriate amount of water (L1)
— Describe the problems that can occur when too much water is added (L1)
— Describe what can happen if the electrolyte level is allowed to fall below the top of the plates or
internal plate straps (L2)
— Explain when rehydration of VRLA batteries is appropriate, and demonstrate how to do it (SK)

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

9.3.4  Specific-gravity measurements

Cover the following topics relative to specific-gravity measurements (see IEEE Std 450 [B38] for details):

— Correct specific-gravity measurement techniques

— When specific-gravity readings are not meaningful
— Corrections for electrolyte level and temperature
— Alternatives to specific-gravity measurements in order to estimate state of charge

9.3.5  Internal ohmic measurements

Cover the following topics relative to internal ohmic measurements (see IEEE Std 1188 [B49] for detailed

— Purpose for the different ohmic methodologies and how each is applied (L1)
— How to use the different types of equipment and understand the differences in the results (L2)
— Potential difficulties that occur in special applications, such as probe placement in tight spaces (L2)
— How to calculate the internal dc resistance of a cell (L3)

9.3.6  Effects of paralleled cells and strings

Cover the following topics relative to the effects of paralleled cells and strings:

— Differences in paralleled cells and paralleled strings (L2)

— Impacts of parallel current paths on ohmic measurements (L2)
— How paralleled individual cells affect reliability, testing, and charging/discharging (L3)

9.3.7  Corrective action for individual cells or multicell units  Single-cell charging and discharging

Discuss the following topics relative to single-cell charging and discharging:

— Reasons why single-cell charging and/or discharging would be warranted (L2)

— Pros and cons of single-cell charging and discharging (L2)
— Methodology for performing single-cell charging and discharging (L2)
— Strategies to follow when single-cell charging does not fix the problem (L3)  Bypassing and/or replacing individual cells/modules

Discuss the following topics relative to bypassing and replacing individual cells and modules:

— Reasons why bypassing and/or replacement would be warranted (L1)

— Personnel and equipment hazards involved with bypassing and replacement (L1)
— Pros and cons of bypassing and/or replacement (L2)

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

— Methodology for performing bypassing and replacement (L2)

— Variations that may be seen between newer and older cells (L2)

9.3.8  Maintenance record keeping and proper data collection

Cover the following topics relative to maintenance record keeping and data collection:

— Accurate recording of battery data during routine maintenance operations

— Typical methods of recording (L1)
— The fact that records are a critical tool in the service life of a battery and play an active role in
determining whether the battery is experiencing problems that may impact its reliability or service
life (L2)
— The fact that records are a required element of a warranty claim (L3)
— Analysis of maintenance records to determine trends or items that may result in a battery failure, or
even fire, if not acted upon
— Battery parameters that can be trended (L2)
— Rising temperatures
— Increasing intercell resistance
— Cells requiring frequent water replenishment
— Significant deviations in cell voltage
— Parameter values found in IEEE standards, manufacturers manuals, and other standards (L3)

9.3.9  Capacity testing

Cover the following topics relative to maintenance record keeping and data collection:

— Determine the appropriate testing methods for the application: constant power, constant current, rate-
adjusted, time-adjusted (L3)
— Establish pre-test requirements for the battery (L3), as applicable, and verify that they are met (L2)
— Establish proper safety and PPE requirements (L1)
— Determine the appropriate type of testing to be performed, in accordance with IEEE Std 450 [B38],
IEEE Std 1106 [B45], or IEEE Std 1188 [B49]
— Acceptance (L2)
— Performance (L2)
— Modified Performance (SK)
— Service (SK)
— If needed (depending on the equipment connected to the load) and they do not already exist in written
form, develop (L3) switching/isolation procedures (e.g., bypass) to isolate critical loads, and review
(L2) such procedures
— Rectifiers
— Inverters

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

— AC switchgear
— Establish (if needed) and review battery size/test parameters (L2)
— kW/Ah rating
— Specified test time
— System final/end-of-discharge (EOD) voltage, and end voltage per cell
— Temperature considerations
— Perform the calculations (if needed) and setting of the load bank current/wattage for the test (L2)
— Perform the initial battery cell measurements and verify connection integrity to determine if there are
gross flaws in the battery health before beginning the test (L1)
— Provide direction for or set up any electronic data logger to capture battery data during the test (L3)
— Additional test equipment to take system measurements during the discharge test
— Establish the test equipment required and assign a timekeeper if an electronic data logger will not
be utilized
— Establish a process to utilize permanently-installed metering and how data can be retrieved from it
— Connecting the load bank to the battery/UPS (L3)
— Establish criteria for aborting the capacity test (L2)
— Real-time analysis of test data to determine a failed battery or cell(s) (L3)
— Rising temperatures
— Initial and increasing temperature throughout the duration of the test
— Thermal imaging equipment and guidelines if required or utilized
— Cell voltage
— Significant deviations in cell voltage
— Cell reversal
— Analysis of test data for individual cell/unit problems, and overall capacity calculations (L2)
— Report development (L3)

10.  Cable management

10.1  Cable ratings
Cover the following topics relative to cable ratings:

— Standard wire sizing (L1)

— Various types of cable insulation, including their temperature ratings (L2)
— Voltage ratings of cable insulation (L1)
— Various types of cable stranding (L2)
— Voltage and polarity labeling of cables (L2)
— Various color coding practices and conventions (L2)
— Effects of battery and insulation chemicals on the copper in the cable (L2)

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

— Cable types most frequently used for dc and battery applications (L2)
— Fire-retardant cable insulation and its appropriate selection and use (L2)
— Listing of cables (L2)
— Cotton braid coverings sometimes used in telecommunications power cabling (SK)
— Toxic chemicals emitted by cable insulations in a fire (SK)
— Special types of plenum cabling, such as tray cable (TC) (SK)

See Annex G for further information on these topics.

10.2  Ampacity and voltage drop

Cover the following topics relative to ampacity and voltage drop:

— Compatibility of cable ampacity

— Comparison of cable ampacity to the rating of the circuit’s fuse or breaker (L1)
— Applications where battery cables are not protected by an overcurrent device and why (L2)
— Exceptions in the NEC [B67] that allow one size larger protection device (L3)
— Applicable NEC [B67] sections for determining cable ampacities (including derating of ampacity
based on temperature) and how to read the tables (L3)
— Busbar ampacity (L3)
— NEC [B67] limitations on raceway buildup due to temperature rise (L3)
— Resistance and voltage drop
— Effects of conductor length (L2)
— How to calculate voltage drop (L2)
— NEC [B67] requirements (L3)
— Industry-specific voltage drop requirements (SK)

See Annex G for further information on these topics.

10.3  Cable weight stress

Cover the connection of cables and buswork to the cells, including the following topics:

— Importance of proper cable routing and support (L1)

— Explanation of lead post vulnerability to stress and distortion over time (L1)
— How stress on the posts due to cable weight can compromise the post seal (L1)
— Proper cable-pulling techniques (L1)
— How cables should be allowed to move a little because the post can move up over time due to plate
growth or can move due to vibration or an earthquake (L1)
— How proper cable bend radii minimize post stress and connection resistance (L2)
— Use of terminal plates for strain relief (L2)

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

Cover open raceway systems (cable rack is the most common type) and the following concerns relative to
them: (SK)

— Weight-bearing capacity of the raceway

— Support and anchor system of the raceway relative to expected load and seismic zone
— Cable buildup limitations due to weight

10.4  Cable routing and management

Cover the following topics relative to cable routing and management:

— Various cable running methods

— Via raceways, etc. (L1)
— Segregation of power and signaling/alarming cables (L1)
— Fire stopping when running cable between rooms (L2)
— Segregation of ac and dc cables due to induced noise (L2)
— Concerns with ferrous raceways versus nonferrous raceways for grounding cables (L2)
— Segregation of grounding and power cables (L2)
— Special considerations for cables in concealed spaces (e.g., under raised floors, in drop ceilings)
— Weight management of cable based on the supporting capability of the raceway (L3)
— Potential interaction (magnetic induction versus safety) between paired + and – conductors (SK)
— Segregation of fused and unfused cables (SK)
— Special considerations for cables in classified (hazardous) locations (SK)
— Professional workmanship standards and best practices
— Protecting cables from damage by the raceway or other nearby metallic objects (L1)
— Cable labeling and identification (L2)
— Methods and techniques for securing cables
— Standard securing techniques (L1)
— Specialized industry requirements for securing cables (SK)
— Cable bending
— Reasons to maintain an appropriate radius (L2)
— When more expensive flexible cable is appropriate (L2)
— Various NEC [B67] and other requirements for cable bend radii (L2)
— Grounding cable bend radii and directional flow (SK)

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

11. Recycling
11.1  Lead-acid battery recycling
Cover the following topics relative to lead-acid battery recycling:

— Legal ramifications for improper disposal, even if documented (L1)

— Proper packing methods
— Installation of shipping caps on vented cells (L1)
— Packaging appropriate to the battery technology (L2)
— Appropriate labeling (e.g., for corrosive liquid; a hazmat declaration; as nonspillable batteries, if
applicable) (L2)
— Proper packaging for leaking cells (L3)
— 49 CFR (DOT) [B28] requirements for transportation
— Properly filled-out bills of lading (BOLs) (L2)
— Insurance and liability requirements (SK)
— Documentation and reporting requirements
— Record retention requirements (L2)
— Submittal documents (see 49 CFR (DOT) [B28]) (L3)
— Proof of disposal
— Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) reporting requirements
— Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA)
reporting requirements
— Identification of the appropriate recycling center for the battery technology
— Tracking shipping to that recycling center (L2)
— Special recycling requirements for lead, cadmium, antimony, and other hazardous materials (L3)
— Ensuring that the recycling center is government-approved/authorized (SK)

11.2  Ni-Cd battery recycling

Cover the following two special facts about Ni-Cd battery recycling: (SK)

— Spent rechargeable batteries are no longer required to be transported as hazardous waste.

— When spent Ni-Cd batteries are sent to a recycling facility, ensure that a returned material authorization
(RMA) number is obtained along with a certificate of reclamation.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

Annex A

Analog and digital meters

A.1  Advantages and disadvantages of analog meters
Analog metering is sometimes less subject to electromagnetic interference (EMI) than digital devices
because the resistive elements of the meter tend to dampen the EMI effect and because analog devices tend
to dampen extraneous signals. Analog devices are typically better for ground-fault indications. The analog
meter, although a gross measurement of the ground fault, gives a quick indication that such a fault exists.
Semiconductor devices are more easily tested with an analog device than they are with a digital meter.

Generally, a value with many significant digits is harder to read on an analog meter than it is on a digital meter.
Analog devices can lose calibration if subjected to vibration, physical shock, or exceptionally strong magnetic

A.2  Advantages and disadvantages of digital meters

Digital test devices are more precise than analog devices. Digital test devices usually provide more repeatable
readings than analog devices in many applications if the EMI component is managed and understood. Digital
devices are often more durable and require less frequent calibration than analog devices.

Digital test devices have a slower response time than analog devices. Digital test devices can provide erroneous
data when they are used in an environment where EMI is present (although most of them incorporate extensive
shielding and noise filtering).

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

Annex B

Hands-on training and testing

B.1 Hands-on training
Some of the skills outlined in this recommended practice are best “shown” rather than “classroom taught.” As
a bare minimum, the following skills should be interactively demonstrated:

— Proper use and care of safety equipment

— Proper use and care of maintenance and installation equipment
— Proper operation and handling of instrumentation and test equipment used in testing battery systems

Table B.1 through Table B.5 detail, by subclause, which items covered in this recommended practice should
be handled through hands-on training (where possible) or at least through a combination of hands-on and
classroom training. By default, items not mentioned in these tables can normally be covered exclusively
through classroom instruction. In some cases, hands-on training can be as simple as showing physical examples
in the classroom (for example, a printed circuit board may be passed around showing various components,
such as smaller resistors, inductors, capacitors, and transistors). When hands-on training cannot be provided,
pictures can be a suitable alternative for some of these items. (Refer to Annex F or the level assignments in the
text to see which items should be covered based on the level and type of technician being taught.)

Because of the variations in manufacturers’ products, it is not possible to train (nor hands-on test) on every
piece of equipment the technician is likely to encounter. Generally, picking one sample of a type of equipment
(e.g., rectifier) and using its installation, setup, test, initial activation (turnup), and maintenance procedures
should be sufficient to give an example that the technician can apply to similar equipment by following
manufacturer documentation.

Table B.1—Battery safety curriculum best-suited for hands-on training

Training item Subclause reference(s)
Arc-flash boundaries and protective clothing 5.1, 5.2.5,,
Maintenance of eyewash stations, kits, and showers 5.2.2
Using appropriate insulating gloves and inspecting/testing them 5.2.3,
Use of appropriate eye protection 5.2.4
Use of and proper cleaning of PPE (arc flash) clothing 5.2.5, 5.2.6,
Use of acid-resistant aprons 5.2.6
Use of appropriate dust masks 5.2.6
Proper footwear 5.2.6
Using insulated rescue hooks 5.2.6, 5.13,
Appropriate spill kits and how to use them 5.2.6, 5.14
Tool and test set cleaning and inspection 5.2.7,
PV array disconnect switch use 5.3.3
Work on hot systems 5.3.3, 5.4.1, 5.6.2, 9.1.2,,
Proper application of electrical tape 5.4.1
Use of fire-retardant insulating/insulated materials 5.4.1
Insulating nearby metallic objects 5.4.1,
Table continues

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

Table B.1—Battery safety curriculum best-suited for hands-on training (continued)

Training item Subclause reference(s)
Tool insulation and proper use of insulated and nonspark tools 5.4.2,,
Ladder safety 5.5,
Lockout/tagout procedures and tools 5.6.1, 8.1.4
Discharging ESD before working on batteries 5.7
Work area inspection 5.9
Proper battery lifting methods and use of hoists 5.10,
Floor protection during battery installation due to weight 5.10
Precautions with lead posts due to their softness 5.10, 7.4.2,,, 9.2.8, 10.3
Use of fire protection PPE 5.11
Proper installation and operation of battery disconnects 5.11, 6.7.2,
Proper installation and operation of EPO switches 5.11
Use of proper types of fire extinguishers and their placement 5.11
First aid for electrical burns 5.13
How to handle cardiac arrest and ventricular fibrillation 5.13
How to handle respiratory arrest 5.13
How to handle skin injuries due to contact with acids/bases 5.13
How to handle acids or bases getting in the eyes 5.13
How to handle injuries caused by the weight of the batteries 5.13
Ensuring first aid kits are provided or locations are known 5.13
Special safety precautions for working on ungrounded systems 6.8, 9.1.2
Inspecting battery area ventilation and temperature control,

Table B.2—DC theory curriculum best-suited for hands-on training

Training item Subclause reference(s)
Various types of conductors 6.1
Use of spacers 6.1
Use of seismic bracing 6.1
Torque wrenches, settings, and their use 6.1,,,,, 9.2.7
Use of maintenance bypass 6.1, 9.3.9
Familiarity with rectifiers/chargers, inverters, and UPS 6.1
Types of circuit protectors (fuses and breakers) 6.1, 6.2, 6.7.1
Characteristics of electrolyte 6.1
Types of posts and connecting to them properly 6.1, 7.3.1
Vents and flame arrestors 6.1, 7.3.1,,
Using withdrawal tubes 6.1, 7.3.1
Using insulating terminal covers 6.1, 9.1.1
Using dust caps 6.1, 7.3.1
Use of the appropriate neutralizer for the electrolyte 6.1
Differences between cells and multicell units 6.1, 7.3.1
OCV readings 6.1, 7.6.2
Inspecting for sediment and its color and consistency 6.1,
Types of separators 6.1
Identifying pilot cells 6.1
Table continues

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

Table B.2—DC theory curriculum best-suited for hands-on training (continued)

Training item Subclause reference(s)
Differences between and application of the various charging regimes 6.1,, 7.5.1, 7.6.3,
Differences between VLA and VRLA cells 6.1
Detecting sulfation 6.1,
Taking ohmic readings 6.1,,, 9.3.5
What constitutes a string (series versus parallel connections) 6.1, 9.1.2, 9.3.6
Uses and examples of shunts 6.2,
Standard, variable, and precision resistors and resistor power ratings 6.2
Examples and uses of capacitor types and capacitor precharging 6.2
Uses and examples of the various types of diodes, including thyristors 6.2
Uses and examples of transistors 6.2
Basic computer use for battery-related programs (e.g., sizing, analysis) 6.2
Uses and examples of transformers 6.5.1
Measuring and minimizing dc ripple 6.5.1,,
Examples of the various types of rectifiers/chargers, 7.5.2
Operating modes of inverters, alarms, and bypass operation 6.6
Sine wave and square wave outputs of UPS inverters 6.6
Settings on circuit breakers 6.7.1
Types of circuit breaker mountings 6.7.1
Examples of undervoltage disconnect devices 6.7.1
Wiring auxiliary contacts and shunt trips on circuit breakers 6.7.2
Determining ratings of fuses and circuit breakers 6.7.2
Identifying grounded and ungrounded systems and safety grounds 6.8,,,
Use of ground-fault detection equipment 6.8, 7.4.4,,

Table B.3—Battery basics and documentation items best-suited for hands-on training
Training item Subclause reference(s)
Trending data readings over time 6.3.1,,,, 9.3.8
Example lithium-based (Li-based) or NiMH batteries 7.1, 7.2.2
Types of casing materials 7.3.1
Electrolyte level lines 7.3.1,
Watering tubes 7.3.1, 9.3.3
Use of shipping caps 7.3.1,,, 11.1
Proper intercell connecting 7.3.1,, 9.2.8,, 10.3
Tubular plates 7.3.1
Pasted plates 7.3.2
Plate thicknesses 7.3.2
Recognizing proper and improper plate colors 7.3.2
Internal positive and negative straps 7.3.2, 7.4.2,
Use of the proper rack/stand/tray/cabinet 7.3.3
Case/container cracking/crazing and/or leakage 7.4.2,,
Mishandling and abuse 7.4.2
Detecting post seal and container-to-cover seal leaks 7.4.2,,
Identifying internal open circuits 7.4.2, 7.4.4
Table continues

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

Table B.3—Battery basics and documentation items best-

suited for hands-on training (continued)
Training item Subclause reference(s)
Effects of overcharging and undercharging 7.4.2, 7.6.1, 7.6.3,
Inspecting for grid corrosion and positive plate growth,,
Detecting loose connections 7.4.4
Performing various types of discharge tests 7.5.1,, 9.3.9
Coup de fouet behavior of lead-acid cells on discharge 7.5.2
Voltage and capacity recovery in lead-acid cells during recharge 7.5.2,
Setting up alarm thresholds, LVD settings, and charger settings 7.6.1, 7.6.3
Taking individual cell voltage readings 7.6.2,, 9.3.8, 9.3.9
Taking battery terminal voltage readings 7.6.2
Transportation regulations 8.1.6
Seismic installations and extra materials 8.1.7,
Keeping records required for warranty coverage 8.2
Following electrical and mechanical drawings during installation 8.3.1, 8.3.3,, 9.2.8
Modifying drawings for “as-built” 8.4
Keeping initial charge records 8.4,
Performing an acceptance test 8.4, 9.2.7
Filling out and maintaining battery maintenance records 8.4, 9.3.8
SOWs, MOPs, work permits, etc. 8.5
Reading battery capability curves
BOMs, BOLs, packing lists, etc., 11.1
Following the manufacturers’ manuals 9.2.8
Taking intercell connection readings 9.3.9

Table B.4—Installation and maintenance skills best-suited for hands-on training

Training item Subclause reference(s)
Positive versus negative grounded systems and cell arrangements 9.1.2,
Voltage matching for hot cuts 9.1.2,
Use of multimeters and use of the correct scale,,,
Use of microohmmeters,,,, 9.2.7
Use of megohmmeters
Use of various types of ammeters (also include float and ripple)
Installation and use of Hall-effect devices
Use of various types of hydrometers
Taking temperature measurements with contact probes,,
Taking temperature measurements with thermometers and IR guns,
Performing IR thermography,
Using an oscilloscope
Using single-cell and off-line voltage matching chargers,,
Using load banks,,,
Hooking up and using a datalogger, 9.3.9
Zeroing meters
Storing tools and test sets in proper cases to protect them
Table continues

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

Table B.4—Installation and maintenance skills best-suited for hands-on training (continued)
Training item Subclause reference(s)
Checking for calibration and proper operation before test set use
How to perform testing without jeopardizing loads
How to get accurate results from an online test
Watching charger settings on recharge after a test
Using manual methods to check for temperature,
Possibly disconnecting ground-fault detection before load tests
Proper installation of lugs and proper use of crimp tools and dies
Proper connection preparation, including antioxidant use,, 9.2.8,
Installation and programming of battery monitors,, 9.2.8
Incoming battery and rack/stand shipment inspections,
Filing damage claims and reports
How to install and inspect various types of battery racks/stands,
Series-parallel arrangements within some VRLA strings, 9.3.6
Cabinets, trays, shelves, pull-out slides, and compartments,
Anchor installation,
Additional placement and location considerations for battery racks
Use of shims for leveling,
Spill containment installations,,
Installing battery cells onto a rack/stand
Routing, supporting, and labeling conductors, 10.1, 10.3, 10.4
Installing lugs on cables
Possible use of material handling rollers
Using proper lubricants for sliding batteries into/onto racks/stands
Cleaning the rack/stand/tray/shelf before sliding batteries onto it
Checking spacing and clearances on installed stands/racks
Use of spacing templates for cell placement on racks/stands
Spill containment system sealing and pillow inspection,,
Portable ramps for zone or room spill containment
Directed drainage containment systems
How to properly perform an initial charge and when to do one,

Table B.5—Additional skills best-suited for hands-on training

Training item Subclause reference(s)
Calibration and the test and acceptance of monitors 9.2.8
Recognizing excessive plate deformation and poor separator condition
Cleaning batteries with the proper materials,
Inspecting for stress on posts due to cabling
Proper bracing and anchoring of battery stands
Testing of battery heater pad and thermostat operation
Cleaning posts, connections, and intercell straps
Inspecting a de-ionizer 9.3.3, 9.3.8
Specific gravity readings 9.3.4
Methodology to replace individual cells
Table continues

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

Table B.5—Additional skills best-suited for hands-on training (continued)

Training item Subclause reference(s)
Variations between cells of differing ages in a string
Real-time analysis of data and decisions during a battery discharge test 9.3.9
Types and properties of cable insulations 10.1
Tinned and untinned cable 10.1
Special cotton-braid cable insulation 10.1
Standard wire sizes 10.1
Types of flexible cable stranding 10.1, 10.4
Color coding of conductors used in battery systems 10.1
Ensuring proper polarities before making connections 10.1
Derating of ampacities due to cable congestion 10.1
Proper cable pulling techniques 10.3
Managing weight in raceways 10.4
Running cable in various types of raceway, including plenums 10.4
Segregation of power and monitoring leads 10.4
Routing and bending of grounding cables and avoidance of chokes 10.4
Securing cables to the raceway and each other when required 10.4
Protecting cable insulation from coldflow, abrasion, and impingement 10.4
Firestopping cable holes 10.4
Proper packaging of batteries for shipment 11.1
Proper labeling of batteries for shipment 11.1

B.2 Testing
B.2.1 General
It is not the goal of this recommended practice to set pass/fail standards; however, this document does
recommend that both hands-on and written testing be performed. Because the training provider has a
responsibility to the technicians and their companies, as well as to the battery user who ultimately pays for
the “skills” of a “trained” battery technician, it is in the best interest of the training provider to ensure that the
technician truly understands and can apply the learned skills. Because some individuals are better at hands-
on applications than at classroom education and written tests, consideration should be given by the training
provider to the appropriate weighting of both written and hands-on tests in determining an overall pass/fail

Although the concepts recommended by this document to be taught for the higher levels can be difficult, it is
not necessarily correct to give technicians a single chance to pass or fail. Generally, additional training, study,
and work experience can help technicians to pass if tests are retaken.

It is always in the best interest of the battery technician to receive ongoing education. Some training providers
may wish to place requirements on their “graduates” to pursue ongoing education. If a battery technician has
not performed a certain skill for quite a while, it is probably in the technician’s best interest to at least review
training material on the subject, if not to take a refresher course and a retest on the particular subject matter.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

B.2.2  Classroom testing

The technician should demonstrate knowledge of batteries and dc power theory through successful completion
of written examinations. The course instructor should determine the length and exact content of the written
examinations based on the audience and the desired level of proficiency achievement (not every item in the
curriculum should be covered on a written or hands-on test; see also Annex F). Table B.6 and Table B.7 detail
some of the items in this recommended practice that are usually best handled through hands-on testing or at
least through a combination of hands-on and written testing. By default, other items not shown in those tables
can normally be covered on a written examination.

B.2.3  Hands-on testing

The technician should demonstrate competency and safety in performing maintenance and testing on a battery
system. The technician should demonstrate competency in the operation and handling of instrumentation and
test equipment. The skills listed in Table B.6 and Table B.7 are probably best affirmed by hands-on testing
(where possible) or by a combination of hands-on and written testing. Note that depending on the audience and
the desired outcomes, not all of these items should be covered in testing. (Note that the lists of recommended
items for hands-on testing are significantly shorter than those for hands-on training. Some items that lend
themselves to hands-on training do not lend themselves to hands-on testing.)

While all of the items listed in Table B.6 and Table B.7 should probably have some form of hands-on testing,
such testing does not necessarily need to be given by the provider of the majority of the training. For example,
the Red Cross or Red Crescent in most countries generally provides CPR certification that includes hands-on

Table B.6—Basic skills best-suited for hands-on testing

Training item Subclause reference(s)
Picking the right insulating glove and examining it 5.2.3,
Proper use and care of PPE clothing 5.2.7, 5.4.1,
Inspecting and cleaning tools and test sets 5.2.7
Working on energized systems 5.3.3,,,
Insulating nearby metallic objects before work begins 5.4.1,,
Insulating uninsulated tools 5.4.2,
Using insulated tools 5.4.2,
Ladder safety 5.5,
Work area inspection 5.9
Protecting the floor before moving batteries 5.10
Fire extinguisher operation 5.11
Using an insulated rescue hook 5.13
CPR and defibrillator use 5.13
First aid for skin and eye injuries from acid/base contact 5.13
Spill containment and cleanup 5.14
Proper torque wrench settings and use 6.1,,,,
Inspecting for excess sediment buildup 6.1,
Identifying the pilot cell(s) 6.1
Taking ohmic readings 6.1, 8.4,,, 9.3.5
Capacitor precharging 6.2
Bypass operation of inverters 6.6
Operating disconnects and circuit breakers 6.7.2,
Table continues

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

Table B.6—Basic skills best-suited for hands-on testing (continued)

Training item Subclause reference(s)
Repairing and/or replacing circuit breakers and disconnects 6.7.2
Differentiating between grounded and ungrounded systems 6.8
Identifying system and equipment grounds 6.8,
Making proper intercell connections 7.3.1,, 9.2.7, 9.2.8
Ensuring undue stress is not induced on the posts 7.3.1, 10.4
Identifying ground faults 7.4.4,
Performing an initial charge 7.5.1, 8.4,,
Proper settings for alarm thresholds, LVDs, and chargers 7.6.1, 7.6.3
Taking individual cell voltage readings 7.6.2, 8.4, 9.3.8
Identifying battery operating modes based on voltage 7.6.3
Using lockout/tagout equipment and following those processes 8.1.4
Packaging batteries for transport according to local regulations 8.1.6,,, 11.1
Determining what records should be kept for warranty purposes 8.2
Following electrical and mechanical drawings 8.3.1,
Modifying drawings for as-built status 8.4
Performing an acceptance test 8.4, 9.2.7,
Performing various discharge tests and interpreting results 8.4,
Taking specific gravity readings 8.4,
Taking temperature readings with tools besides an IR camera 8.4,,
Properly filling out installation and maintenance records 8.4
Filling out SOWs/MOPs and obtaining work permits 8.5
Replacing insulating covers 9.1.1
Basic computer use for battery programs (e.g., sizing, analysis)
Using multimeters and standard ohmmeters,,

Table B.7—Additional installation and maintenance skills for hands-on testing

Training item Subclause reference(s)
Making proper series and parallel connections 9.1.2
Matching voltages for hot cuts 9.1.2,
Using microohmmeters,,, 9.2.7, 9.3.9
Using various types of clamp-on ammeters (includes ripple and float)
Using an IR camera,
Using an oscilloscope
Using a single-cell charger,,
Using a load bank,,
Using a datalogger
Setting up a charger, 9.2.7
Battery discharge testing
Determining relative battery temperature through touch
Use of the proper connection hardware
Connection preparation,,
Installation, programming, and operation of battery monitors,, 9.2.8
Performing an inspection on received material
Table continues

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

Table B.7—Additional installation and maintenance skills for hands-on testing (continued)
Training item Subclause reference(s)
Filing claims on material damaged in shipment
Installing seismic racks
Using tie-downs with VRLAs in seismic areas
Installing and reinstalling spill containment systems,,
Installing racks/stands/trays
Leveling racks/stands,
Installing anchors,
Installing cells onto racks/stands/trays
Installing lugs on cable
Labeling, 10.1, 10.4
Proper lifting of batteries
Moving batteries off a hoist onto a rack/stand,
Ensuring proper clearances between batteries and racks
Installing and inspecting flame arrestors,
Sealing a floor and inspecting spill containment systems,
Looking for leaks, especially at the seals
Performing thorough visual inspections (see IEEE Std 450™ [B38]),,
Cleaning batteries,
Battery heater pad thermostat proper operation
Cleaning intercell connections and connectors and reinstalling them
Watering batteries 9.3.3
Reading specific gravity 9.3.4
Trending 9.3.5
Strapping around a bad cell
Writing down readings and keeping maintenance records 9.3.8
Performing switching/isolation/bypass procedures 9.3.9
Setting proper values on a load bank 9.3.9
Proper cable pulling techniques 10.3
Securing cables to the raceway and each other when required 10.4
Protecting cable insulation from coldflow, abrasion, and impingement 10.4
Firestopping cable holes 10.4

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

Annex C

Voltage and current effects on the human body

C.1  Current effects
An electric shock can occur when contact is made with battery system conductors. Electrical current levels
(primarily determined by voltage and human body resistance) along with ac frequency (Hz) and the length of
time contact is maintained determine the amount of shock received. The path current flows through the body,
the type of body, and the condition of the body influence the severity of the physiological effects (see IEC
60479 [B35]).

Current through the body is typically used to determine the severity of a shock. For dc current, Table C.1 and
Figure C.1 (derived from IEC 60479 [B35]) provide general guidelines (the zone boundaries are based on 95%
of the human population).

Table C.1—Description of time/current zones

Zone Primary physiological effects
1 Slight prickling sensation possible
2 Involuntary muscular contractions are likely, but long-term physiological damage is unlikely
3 Strong involuntary muscular contractions, with possible reversible effects on the heart rhythm
4 Patho-physiological effects such as cardiac arrest, breathing arrest, burns, and other cellular damage may
occur; while the probability of ventricular fibrillation increases with current magnitude and time – the further
into Zone 4 one progresses, the worse the effects

From IEC 60479-1 ed.4.0 Copyright © 2005 IEC Geneva, Switzerland. http://​www​.iec​.ch. Used with permission.

From IEC 60479-1 ed.4.0 Copyright © 2005 IEC Geneva, Switzerland. http://​www​.iec​.ch. Used with permission.

Figure C.1—Effects of dc current on the human body

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

Typical relatively low-frequency (nominal 50 or 60 Hz) ac current (such as found in a rectifier or UPS) affects
the body at even lower levels (see Figure C.2, also derived from IEC 60479 [B35]).

From IEC 60479-1 ed.4.0 Copyright © 2005 IEC Geneva, Switzerland. http://​www​.iec​.ch. Used with permission.

Figure C.2—Effects of ac current on the human body

Current levels involved during an electrical shock depend on the voltage level, the current path through
the body, and the resistance of that body path. The current can be computed simply by using Ohm’s Law.
Depending on the path and the person, the resistance of a normal human body ranges from 20  000  Ω to
1 000 000 Ω (see IEC 60479 [B35]). The resistance of a wet human body (such as a person standing in the rain
or a puddle or a person making contact with sweaty skin) or the resistance through contact with an open wound
(the skin provides the most resistance on the body) can be as low as 1000 Ω to 2000 Ω (see IEC 60479 [B35]).

C.2  Voltage levels

Because ac peak-voltage levels exceed the rms16 values and because human nerves can detect lower levels of
ac current (the alternating nature induces impulses into the nerves), “safe” ac voltage levels are typically lower
than dc voltage levels. However, standard commercial ac (50 Hz or 60 Hz) provided by electric utilities has
voltage and current waveforms that cross zero 100 or 120 times per second and that allow easier “let go” and
arc extinguishing.

Using a lower-bound wet body resistance of 1 000 Ω and an extended contact time of 10 s or longer, it can be
seen from Figure C.2 and Figure C.1 (using Ohm’s Law) that ac voltages can be fatal at levels as low as 35 Vrms,
and dc voltages can be fatal at levels as low as 150 V.

Physiological effects on the body are dependent not only on current, voltage, and resistance, but also on time.
For example, while electric shock can produce currents through the heart in measured in amperes, if the time
duration of the current pulses is extremely short (in the nanosecond range) fibrillation is usually not induced

The rms voltage or current value is the root mean square of the waveform and represents the effective voltage of the circuit for doing

work. It is the value typically used in calculations. For a pure sine wave, the rms value is approximately 70.7% of the peak value of the

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

(although quite a bit of pain is induced). The severity of electrical burns is based on heating energy, which is
time based. The dependency of physiological effects on time, however, should not be stressed to a technician
as much as the dangers of higher voltage and reduced body resistance.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

Annex D

Safety implications of a UPS without an isolation transformer

Some UPS systems are provided with input isolation transformers, and some are not. UPSs that are not
provided with an input isolation transformer present the possibility of an ac coupling across the battery. During
the normal switching operation of the rectifier electronics, a conduction path between the battery and ac power
ground is produced. Installation of an isolation transformer provides the decoupling of the battery from ac
power ground. The curriculum should make the technician aware of this potential and teach how to identify
whether a UPS has an isolation transformer (check ac voltage to the frame ground from the dc bus).

The historical design of a three-phase UPS uses an input and output transformer. Such architecture provides
the full insulation of the battery from incoming and outgoing ac lines (see Figure D.1). Note that only the
secondary side of the utility transformer is shown with the separately derived source multigrounded neutral
(MGN). As shown, the neutral is typically not brought into the input isolation transformer of the UPS.

Some UPS systems are constructed without input/output transformers (see Figure D.2). Removal of a
transformer in some UPS designs can provide a direct path from the ac line to the battery and result in a
configuration known as a nonisolated UPS.

In a nonisolated UPS, the charger/rectifier power switches (e.g., SCR, IGBT, FET) connect the battery
terminals sequentially to the incoming ac line. The power switch conduction frequency is synchronized to the
incoming ac line (a multiple of 50 or 60 Hz). The duration of conduction depends on the ratio of the intended
dc battery voltage to the voltage of the incoming ac line. The same is true for the power switches of the inverter.
Synchronization takes place to the desired output frequency of the inverter rather than to the input of the
charger. As a result, the battery terminals’ potential with respect to cabinet grounds follows the combination
of the switching pattern of the power switches, incoming/outgoing ac voltages, and the dc potential of the
battery itself. Depending on the switching technique (e.g., PWM, step, pulse) and the voltages in the system,
the battery voltage with respect to ground can reach a momentary magnitude of 1000 V with a frequency
exceeding 20 kHz.

Additionally, the nonisolated UPS provides a ready circuit path for battery ground-fault current via a common
ground path to the neutral-to-ground bond at the upstream supply transformer powering the UPS (see
Figure D.2). Any grounded conductor touching any battery post may result in an explosion. The magnitude
of this explosion is mostly dependent on the size of this conductor and the dc power fuse location and ratings.

Safety regulations require the battery of a transformerless UPS to be placed in a cabinet with entry restriction;
however, occasional limited maintenance activities (e.g., voltage readings) must be performed with the UPS
and battery energized. When working on such batteries, always use insulated tools, extended test leads rated
for 1000 V or more, insulation mats, and, above all, common sense.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

Figure D.1—Isolated UPS

Figure D.2—Nonisolated UPS with fault current path shown

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

Annex E

Common formulas used by battery technicians

E.1 General
In addition to the basic electrical formulas mentioned in 6.3.2, the following battery-specific formulas are
provided for reference.

E.2  Hydrogen evolution

Hydrogen evolution within a cell at 25 °C at sea level for aqueous batteries can be calculated by applying
Equation (E.1), modified from IEEE Std 484™ [B39].

H 2 = 127 × I e × N × S (E.1)


H 2 is the total hydrogen gas evolved, in cubic millimeters per second

I e is the electrolyzing/gassing current (which is a portion of the total current that steadily increases as
the cell nears full charge (see IEEE Std 1635™/ASHRAE 21 [B57] for further information); worst
case is that all of the charging current electrolyzes water into hydrogen and oxygen) in amperes
N is the number of cells in the string
S is the number of strings in the plant for multistring plants the total charge current (and its
corresponding Ie portion) must be split and weighted by the ampere-hour ratings of the cells in each

NOTE—Differences in altitude and temperature will change the amount of hydrogen evolved slightly. VRLA batteries are
theoretically 95% to 100% efficient in recombining oxygen and suppressing hydrogen evolution. However, under thermal
runaway conditions or a failed valve, all of the current supplied to a cell may result in hydrogen evolution and release. Note
also that some batteries may be equipped with catalysts in the valves and/or flame arrestors. The purpose of these catalysts
is to recombine evolved hydrogen and oxygen back into water before it escapes the cell.

E.3  Voltage and specific gravity relationships for lead-acid cells

The relationship between specific gravity and OCV for lead-acid cells can be calculated as shown in
Equation (E.2).

VOC = s.g . + 0.845 (E.2)


VOC is the OCV of a fully charged cell at 25 °C

s.g . is the specific gravity of the electrolyte at 25 °C

There is a similar relationship between specific gravity and minimum charge voltage for lead-acid cells as
shown in Equation (E.3).

Vmc = s.g . + 0.923 (E.3)

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries


Vmc is the minimum voltage required to maintain the cell at full charge (overcome the effects of
self-discharge) at 25 °C
s.g . is the specific gravity of the electrolyte at 25 °C

NOTE—Specific gravity, OCV, and minimum charge voltage will vary slightly at other temperatures. In general, per
independent testing (see Enersys AE-080123.4 [B29]), the variance is minimal and can be ignored except at temperature

E.4  Internal cell resistance and short-circuit currents

Internal cell resistance can be useful for short-circuit current calculations to determine protector sizing
(interrupt ratings). Some manufacturers give the internal resistance of their products. Others do not explicitly
state it on their data sheets, but according to IEEE Std 946™ [B43], it can be calculated from other information
on the sheet as shown in Equation (E.4).

Rint = (E.4)

Rint is the internal cell resistance

∆V is the difference between two chosen end-of-discharge cell voltages on a data sheet at a
given discharge rate (e.g., ΔV is 0.15 for chosen end-of-discharge cell voltages of 1.75 and
1.60 at the 1-minute rate)
∆I is the difference between the rated currents at the two chosen end-of-discharge cell voltages
at the chosen discharge rate

NOTE—The load rates and end-of-discharge voltages chosen for this calculation will affect the validity, with the most
accurate calculation being at the highest published ampere rate (lowest published time, where the end-of-discharge voltage
is the lowest one published). This is typically the 1-min rate (but should never be longer than the 5 min rate) to 1.60, 1.63,
or 1.67 V/cell for lead-acid cells.

The available short-circuit current depends on the sum of the internal resistance(s) of the cell(s) that are shorted
as well as the external resistances to the point of the short circuit as shown in Equation (E.5).

I sc = (E.5)
Rint + Rext

I sc is the short-circuit current at the point chosen in the circuit

Rint is the sum of the internal cell resistances between the point chosen in the circuit and return
Rext is the additional resistance between the point chosen and return due to wire resistance, intercell
connector resistance (if not included in the Rint), etc

NOTE—Short-circuit current does not vary with temperature. Also, a rough estimation of the short-circuit current of a
bolted cell fault can be obtained by multiplying the 1 min rate of the cell (from the lowest end-of-discharge voltage table
published) by 10. This information was verified in Albércorp AEI Test 059-1 [B2].

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

If the short-circuit current is known, but the internal resistance is not, the internal resistance can be easily
approximated using Ohm’s Law as shown in Equation (E.6).

Rint = (E.6)
I sc

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

Annex F

Task-level summary tables

F.1 General
The tables of this annex spell out which tasks and subclauses normally apply to which type of technician. The
idea is that maintenance technicians do not necessarily have to learn all the skills needed by an installation
technician, and vice versa. This approach may shorten training classes, if desired. Obviously, technicians who
perform both functions should be trained in both maintenance and installation tasks.

For purposes of this recommended practice, testing (as referenced in other IEEE stationary battery documents)
is normally done by a maintenance technician, but some testing is done by installation technicians (see the
associated tasks for specifics).

F.2  Summary of training items for laborers (Level 0) technicians

Table F.1—Safety curriculum for laborers (Level 0) technicians
Training item Installer Subclause reference(s)
No smoking or open flames near batteries √ 5.1
Use of and inspection of acid-resistant and insulating gloves √ 5.2.3
Safety glasses with side shields √ 5.2.4
Care of PPE clothing and footwear √ 5.2.5, 5.2.6, 5.2.7
Care and use of spill kits √ 5.2.6
Dust masks for protection, if needed √ 5.2.6
Care and use of insulating blankets √ 5.2.6
Using an insulated rescue hook √ 5.2.6
Acid splash aprons √ 5.2.6
Maintaining clean tools and hands √ 5.2.7
No metallic jewelry √ 5.4.1
Knowledge that battery terminals are always energized √ 5.6.2
Proper hoisting for batteries due to weight √ 5.10
Following the instructions of posted safety signs √ 5.12

F.3  Summary of training items for Level 1 technicians

Table F.2—Safety curriculum for Level 1 technicians
Training item Installer Subclause reference(s)
Avoiding standing water and/or clean it up; general cleaning √ √ 5.1, 5.9,,
Removing trip hazards and ensure aisles are big enough √ √ 5.1, 8.1.7
Keeping tops (or front near terminals) clear of metal objects √ √ 5.1
No smoking or flames near batteries L0 √ 5.1
Ground battery racks/stands √   5.1
Table continues

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

Table F.2—Safety curriculum for Level 1 technicians (continued)

Training item Installer Subclause reference(s)
Proper fire extinguishers for battery fires √ √ 5.1
Replacing eyewash bottles   √ 5.2.2
Appropriate voltage class for electrical gloves √ √ 5.2.3
Face shields for watering and specific gravity readings √ √ 5.2.4
Awareness of electrically hot nature of all battery cells √ √ 5.2.5
Terminal covers and insulated intercell connectors √ √ 5.4.1
Insulating other metal in vicinity of bus and terminals √ √ 5.4.1,
Electrical tape use √ √ 5.4.1,
Using insulated tools and insulating noninsulated ones √ √ 5.4.2,
Dangers from short-circuit capability of battery cells √ √ 5.4.2,
Ladder types and safety √ √ 5.5,
Lockout/tagout introduction √ √ 5.6.1, 8.1.4
Getting rid of ESD before working on batteries √ √ 5.7
Minimum ventilation for battery areas √ √ 5.8
Minimum permanent lighting, flashlights, and portable light √ √ 5.9
Removing flammable materials from the work area √ √ 5.9
Ensuring the batteries’ location can support their weight √   5.10
Protecting the transport path floor from battery weight √   5.10
Awareness of hazards from batteries in a fire √ √ 5.11
Awareness of site emergency contacts (including medical) √ √ 5.11, 5.13
First aid procedures for common battery injuries √ √ 5.13
AC safety considerations √ √ 6.6
NESC Article 420(G) [B1]
Maintaining clean tools and hands √ √
Proper hoisting for batteries due to weight √
Face shields and eye protection √ √
Acid splash aprons √ √
Knowledge that battery terminals are always energized √ √
No metallic jewelry, belt buckles, etc. √ √
Types of PPE clothing (including footwear) and care of it √ √
Establish proper safety and PPE requirements for capacity test √ √ 9.3.9

Table F.3—Math, battery basics, and documentation curriculum for Level 1 technicians
Maintenance Subclause
Training item Installer
tech reference(s)
Basic electrical, chemical, and battery terms √ √ 6.1
Elementary math skills √ √ 6.3.1
Basic series circuits and requirements for a complete circuit √ √ 6.4
Float charging and applications and introduction to equalization √ √, 7.2.3,
7.5.1, 7.6.3
Basic circuit breaker usage (including in-battery disconnects) √ √ 6.7.1
Differentiating between grounded and ungrounded systems √ √ 6.8,,
Table continues

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Authorized licensed use limited to: CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on May 27,2018 at 05:22:56 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
IEEE Std 1657-2018
IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

Table F.3—Math, battery basics, and documentation

curriculum for Level 1 technicians (continued)
Maintenance Subclause
Training item Installer
tech reference(s)
Differences between primary and secondary batteries √ √ 7.1
Electrolyte level lines √ √ 7.3.1
Avoiding unnecessary vibration and impacts to the cell √ √ 7.4.2
Effects of over- and undercharging √ √ 7.5.1, 7.6.3
Difference between terminal and charger voltage √ √ 7.6.1
Effects of charging outside manufacturer’s limits √ √ 7.6.1
Proper individual cell voltages √ √ 7.6.2
Reading manufacturer manuals √ √ 8.2, 8.4,
Battery string diagrams √ √
General floor layout drawings and using a tape measure √   8.3.3,
Initial charge records √ √ 8.4
Taking voltage readings and recording them √ √ 8.4
Familiarity with SOWs, MOPs, etc. √   8.5
Ensuring SDS comes with battery shipments and is filed √

Table F.4—Additional curriculum for Level 1 technicians

Maintenance Subclause
Training item Installer
tech reference(s)
Informing remote alarm centers before working √ √ 9.1.1
Replacing insulating covers √ √ 9.1.1
Care in handling tops of battery seal areas √ √ 9.1.1
Positive ground versus negative ground versus ungrounded systems √ √ 9.1.2
Positive-to-negative connections in series strings √   9.1.2,
Taking and recording temperature readings with a thermometer √ √
Using torque wrenches √ √,
Application and use of a multimeter (including ac versus dc) √ √,,
Zeroing a meter before use √ √
Caring for tools and test sets √ √
Keeping records on site   √, 9.3.8
Types of connection hardware and how to install lugs √
Properly cleaning connections √ √,,
Antioxidant application √ √,,
Checking for shipment damage and proper quantities √
Basic components of vented cell racks/stands √
Relay rack trays and tie-downs for front-term monoblocks √,
Differences in number and type of anchors for seismic racks √
Following manufacturer instructions when installing stands √
Checking to ensure all material is received √
Using a standard or insulated socket set to install stands √
Table continues

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IEEE Std 1657-2018
IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

Table F.4—Additional curriculum for Level 1 technicians (continued)

Maintenance Subclause
Training item Installer
tech reference(s)
Using a level and shims when installing racks/stands √,
Running (but not terminating) and labeling conductors √, 10.3
Approved and unapproved lubricants for sliding or cleaning √ √
Proper spacing of batteries on a rack and proper orientation √,
Placement of neutralizing/absorbing pillows where required √
Balancing electrolyte levels prior to and after initial charge √
Looking for leaks √ √
Proper bracing and anchoring of stands/racks √
Use of shipping caps and plugs and flame arrestors √, 11.1
Proper cleaning materials for battery containers √ √
Proper and improper water for batteries and over/underfilling √ √ 9.3.3
Basics of ohmic measurement   √ 9.3.5
Why to bypass/replace single cells and the hazards √ √
Perform capacity pre-test cell and intercell measurements √ √ 9.3.9
Voltage ratings of cabling √   10.1
Standard wire sizes and ampacity ratings √ √ 10.1, 10.2
Stress on cable posts and bend radius √   10.3, 10.4
Running and securing cable in various types of raceway √   10.4
Segregation of power and monitoring leads √   10.4
Protecting cables from coldflow and abrasion/impingement √   10.4
Legal ramifications of improper battery disposal √ √ 11.1

F.4  Summary of training items for Level 2 technicians

Table F.5—Safety, math, and circuit curriculum for Level 2 technicians
Maintenance Subclause
Training item Installer
tech reference(s)
Arc flash boundaries marked, if applicable √ √ 5.1
Maintenance of eyewash showers or portable large containers   √ 5.2.2
Testing electrical-insulating gloves and insulating material √ √ 5.2.3
Face shields for spill cleanup √ √ 5.2.4
What level of PPE clothing to use and how to care for it √ √ 5.2.5, 5.2.7
Placement and use of on-site spill kits √ √ 5.2.6, 5.14
Dangers of various voltage levels and using tools rated for these levels √ √ 5.3.1, 5.4.1
Temporary insulation of metalwork and electronics for hot work √ √ 5.4.1
Fire retardancy of insulating materials √ √ 5.4.1
Types and proper application of electrical tapes and dips √ √ 5.4.1, 5.4.2
Tool hazards and how to avoid arcs and sparks √ √ 5.4.2
Ladder specifications √ √ 5.5
Specific company step-by-step lockout/tagout procedures √ √ 5.6.1
Special precautions for energized system work √ √ 5.6.2
Table continues

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IEEE Std 1657-2018
IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

Table F.5—Safety, math, and circuit curriculum for Level 2 technicians (continued)
Maintenance Subclause
Training item Installer
tech reference(s)
Thermal runaway gassing and causes, including √ √ 5.8,,
overdischarge of AGM batteries,
Minimum egress aisle widths √   5.9
CPR and defribillator devices √ √ 5.13
Basic electrical, chemical, and battery terms √ √ 6.1
Basic electrical components and their use in dc systems √ √ 6.2
Overcurrent protection √   6.2, 6.7.1, 8.1.3
Exponents and basic algebra √ √ 6.3.1
Rounding and significant digits √ √ 6.3.1
Basic numerical multiplier prefixes √ √ 6.3.1
Ohm’s Law and power formulas √ √ 6.3.2
Relation between specific gravity and open-circuit and charge voltages √ √ 6.3.2
Parallel and series-parallel circuits √ √ 6.4, 9.3.6
Single and three-phase ac voltages √ √ 6.5.1, 6.6
Rectifier control methodologies √ √ 6.5.1
Temperature-compensated charging √ √,
Filtering of ripple   √,
Equalizing   √, 7.5.1
Ripple filtering provided by the battery √ √
DC-preferred operation of an inverter   √ 6.6
Waveform output shapes from an inverter √ √ 6.6
Slow-blow and fast-acting fuses √ √ 6.7.1
Types of breaker mountings √ √ 6.7.1
Using battery disconnects for protection and sectionalization √ √ 6.7.1
Shunt trip and undervoltage relay breakers and contacts √ √ 6.7.1
Operating circuit protection devices and their alarms √ √ 6.7.2
AC versus dc component ratings √ √ 6.7.2
Testing techniques to determine whether a system is grounded √ √ 6.8,
Differences between grounded and grounding conductors √ √ 6.1, 6.8
Basic computer literacy √ √
Condition of the flame arrestor, vents, and seals √ √,
Calculate and set load bank current/wattage for capacity testing √ √ 9.3.9

Table F.6—Battery tutorial curriculum for Level 2 technicians

Maintenance Subclause
Training item Installer
tech reference(s)
Common uses of differing lead alloys √   7.2.1
Differences between lead plate technologies √   7.2.1, 7.3.2
Basics of VRLA batteries √ √ 7.2.1, 7.3.1
Floating batteries √ √ 7.2.3
Cycling regimes √ √ 7.2.3
Long-duration discharge and high-rate battery differences √   7.2.3, 7.3.2
Table continues

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Authorized licensed use limited to: CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on May 27,2018 at 05:22:56 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
IEEE Std 1657-2018
IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

Table F.6—Battery tutorial curriculum for Level 2 technicians (continued)

Maintenance Subclause
Training item Installer
tech reference(s)
Uses of general-purpose batteries √   7.2.3
Pros, cons, and attributes of casing materials used in batteries √ √ 7.3.1
Container-to-cover and post seals (including post types/construction) √ √ 7.3.1
Sample tubes √ √ 7.3.1
Single cell containers versus monoblocks √ √ 7.3.1
Shipping caps √   7.3.1
Proper intercell connections √ √ 7.3.1
Post types √   7.3.1
Differences in specific gravities (including Ni- √ √ 7.3.1, 7.6.4,
Cd specifics) and the effect on float voltage
Flame arrestors and watering tubes and their dust caps √ √ 7.3.1,
The purpose of plate supports in battery construction √ √ 7.3.2
Proper plate colors √ √ 7.3.2
Lead-calcium grids √ √ 7.3.2
Plate compression for VRLA batteries   √ 7.3.2,
Rack, shelf, and cabinet construction (including seismic) √   7.3.3
Aging (grid corrosion/growth) and temperature’s effect on it √ √ 7.4.1, 7.4.2,, 7.5.1
Cracking/crazing and leaks √ √ 7.4.2,,
Proper water to use in batteries √ √ 7.4.2
Overcharging √ √ 7.4.2
Mishandling, abuse, and misapplication √ √ 7.4.2
Container-to-cover and post seal leaks √ √ 7.4.2,
Shelf life and freshening charges √ √ 7.4.2, 7.5.1
Undercharging leading to sulfation   √ 7.4.2
Basic charging and discharging (including discharge rates)   √ 7.5.1
Available cycles for various battery types √ √ 7.5.1
Cell end voltages √ √ 7.5.1
Initial charging √   7.5.1,
Basic chemistry of lead-acid and Ni-Cd batteries √ √ 7.5.1
Coup de fouet √ √ 7.5.2
Relationship between voltage/specific gravity and state of charge √ √ 7.6.1
Understanding OCV √ √ 7.6.2
End-of-discharge voltage and mvpc   √ 7.6.2
Proper equalizing voltages   √ 7.6.2
Threshold settings for high- and low-voltage alarms/relays √ √ 7.6.3

Table F.7—Documentation and tool curriculum for Level 2 technicians

Training item Installer Subclause reference(s)
Permanent spill containment systems √   8.1.2,,,,
Table continues

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Authorized licensed use limited to: CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on May 27,2018 at 05:22:56 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
IEEE Std 1657-2018
IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

Table F.7—Documentation and tool curriculum for Level 2 technicians (continued)

Training item Installer Subclause reference(s)
Ensuring grounded metal racks/stands, where applicable √ √ 8.1.3
Ampacity √ √ 8.1.3
NEC Article 480 [B67] (where the NEC applies) √   8.1.3
IEEE installation and maintenance documents √ √
Record keeping for warranty purposes √ √ 8.2, 9.3.8
Following the drawings and noting differences √ √ 8.3.1
Wiring/connection diagrams for batteries, rectifiers, loads √ √
Battery disconnect and circuit protection drawings √
Common electrical symbols √ √
Rack/stand assembly and structural detail drawings √   8.3.3
Torque values on drawings √ √ 8.3.3
Identifying proper materials on drawings √   8.3.3
Acquiring and reading manufacturer catalog data sheets √ √ 8.4
As-built drawings √   8.4
Acceptance test records √ √ 8.4
Keeping discharge and ohmic test data and trending the data   √ 8.4,,,
Recording temperature readings √ √ 8.4
Document distribution √   8.4
Document retention requirements √ √ 8.4
Pre-job meetings and walk-throughs √   8.5
Use of clamp-on ammeters √ √
Use of nonsparking brass tools √ √
Using adjustable portable chargers √ √
Shunts √ √
Microohmmeters for intercell connection measurements   √,
Voltage ratings of meters and their test leads √ √
Ohmic test set usage (including baseline readings) √ √,, 9.3.5
Check test sets for proper operation prior to use √ √
All types of test sets that may be used √ √
Performing off-line and online testing √ √
Steady-state loads for accurate capacity testing √ √,
Proper current monitoring during online testing   √
Usefulness (or lack thereof) of float temperature readings   √
Manual touch temperature √ √
Battery connector requirements √
Damage from over- or undertorquing and torque conversion √ √
Maintenance retorque values   √
Pros and cons of automated monitoring systems √ √
Possible measurement parameters of battery monitors √ √
Filing claims for shipping damage or incorrect quantities √
Basic signs to be posted for a new battery installation √   9.2.9,
Table continues

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Authorized licensed use limited to: CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on May 27,2018 at 05:22:56 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
IEEE Std 1657-2018
IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

Table F.7—Documentation and tool curriculum for Level 2 technicians (continued)

Training item Installer Subclause reference(s)
Establish/review capacity test sizing/testing/abort parameters √ √ 9.3.9
Post-test analysis of data for capacity and cell/unit problems √ √ 9.3.9
Retaining records on batteries that have been sent away   √ 11.1

Table F.8—Installation and maintenance curriculum for Level 2 technicians

Maintenance Subclause
Training item Installer
tech reference(s)
Proper storage of batteries √
Types of vented battery racks/stands, including seismic √, 9.2.2
Modular racks (including seismic) for 2 V VRLA batteries √,
Typical battery tray sizes and the types of racks they fit √
Mounting options for batteries in indoor or outdoor cabinets √ √
Considerations for battery rack/stand placement √
Use of drills (including floor drills for anchoring) √
Placing cells on an installed rack using the proper material √,,
Properly grounding a metallic battery rack/stand or tray √,,
Adding lugs to cable ends √
Determining whether to ground a rack and testing bonds √
Inspecting hoists prior to use √
Use of a sling and/or spreader plate for moving batteries √
Installing support rails and shelving √
Proper washer orientation and placement √ √
Final torque of an installation √
Proper materials and absorbing versus √ √
neutralizing versus no pillows
Ramps for room or zone containment √
Initial charging and freshening charge √
Adequate ventilation during heavy charging √ √
Connecting batteries to the bus through a disconnect √ √
Ensuring proper setup of the charging system after install √ √ 9.2.7
Below the cover inspections of posts on clear containers   √
Recognizing sulfation, hydration, and improper plate colors   √
Excessive plate deformation and poor separators   √
Recognizing excessive flaking and sediment buildup   √,
Inspecting racks/stands and trays for structural soundness   √
Ensuring proper clearances of stands from other objects √
Testing for proper operation of battery heater pads   √
Cleaning solutions for Ni-Cd batteries √ √
Cleaning corrosion from connections   √
Dangers of low water levels and/or overfilling of cells   √ 9.3.3
Impact of paralleled strings on ohmic measurements √ √ 9.3.6
Single-cell charging   √
Table continues

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IEEE Std 1657-2018
IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

Table F.8—Installation and maintenance curriculum for Level 2 technicians (continued)

Maintenance Subclause
Training item Installer
tech reference(s)
How to bypass single cells and replace them √ √
Trending and analysis of maintenance records   √ 9.3.8
Acceptance/performance tests, and pre-verify all capacity tests √ √ 9.3.9
Review switching/isolation procedures for capacity tests √ √ 9.3.9
Reasons to use tinned wire and using Listed wire √   10.1
Wire color codes and labeling and the need to test for polarity √ √ 10.1, 10.4
Calculating voltage drop √   10.2
Cable bend radii, term plates, and stress on battery posts √   10.3
Cable running in concealed spaces (floors and ceilings) √   10.4
Routing grounding cables and avoiding chokes √   10.4
Firestopping cable holes √   10.4
When to use flexible cable √   10.4
Segregation of ac and dc cables √ √ 10.4
Packing and shipping used batteries to a recycling center √ √ 11.1

F.5  Summary of training items for Level 3 technicians

Table F.9—Safety, math, and circuit curriculum for Level 3 technicians
Maintenance Subclause
Training item Installer
tech reference(s)
Reference documents for proper glove use and care √ √ 5.2.3
Ensuring insulating material and ladders are rated and tested √ √ 5.4.1
Use of standoffs when insulating nearby metal and electronics √ √ 5.4.1
Proper arc flash protection distances √ √ 5.9,
Proper types of fire suppression agents √ √ 5.11
Control of hazmat during a fire √ √ 5.11
Battery disconnects and EPO switches √ √ 5.11, 8.1.3
Basic electrical, chemical, and battery terms √ √ 6.1
Resistor ratings √ √ 6.2
Semiconductors and their use in dc systems √ √ 6.2
Precharging capacitors when needed and avoiding shock √ √ 6.2
Magnetic fields and induction √ √ 6.2
Fuse coordination √ √ 6.2
Graphing, including logarithmic scales √ √ 6.3.1
AC power formulas √ √ 6.3.2
Concept of power efficiency and formula √ √ 6.3.2
Hydrogen evolution formula √ √ 6.3.2
Relating short-circuit currents and internal cell resistances √ √ 6.3.2, 9.3.5
Resistive-capacitive (RC) circuits √ √ 6.4
Kirchhoff’s current and voltage laws √ √ 6.4
AC input to rectifiers √ √ 6.5.1
Transformers √ √ 6.5.1
Table continues

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Authorized licensed use limited to: CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on May 27,2018 at 05:22:56 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
IEEE Std 1657-2018
IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

Table F.9—Safety, math, and circuit curriculum for Level 3 technicians (continued)
Maintenance Subclause
Training item Installer
tech reference(s)
Rectification circuits and charger types √ √ 6.5.1, 7.5.1
Controlling output ripple in rectifier design √ √ 6.5.1
Charging and use in cycling applications √ √, 7.2.3
Creating ac from dc √ √ 6.6
Frequency and phase matching √ √ 6.6
Operating modes of inverters and bypass operation   √ 6.6
Inverter alarms √ √ 6.6
Differences in circuit breaker types √ √ 6.7.1
Sizing circuit protection devices and I-t curves √   6.7.1
Auxiliary contacts on breakers √ √ 6.7.2
Theory of operation and construction of circuit protectors √ √ 6.7.2, 8.1.3
Repair and replacement of circuit protection devices   √ 6.7.2
kA IC ratings √   6.7.2
Pros and cons of fuses versus breakers versus switches √ √ 6.7.2
Using dc-rated components in dc circuits √ √ 6.7.2,
Stationary engine start battery systems √ √ 6.8
Avoiding partial tapping of a string for lower voltage loads √

Table F.10—Battery tutorial curriculum for Level 3 technicians

Maintenance Subclause
Training item Installer
tech reference(s)
Catalysts (VRLA and selenium) and plate depolarization √   6.1, 7.3.1,
Tubular and pasted plates √   7.3.2
Pure lead and lead-tin grids √ √ 7.3.2
Ni-Cd sintered, pocket, fiber, and PBE plates √   7.3.2
High antimony versus selenium designs and antimony poisoning √ √ 7.3.2,
Internal straps in batteries   √ 7.3.2
Element assembly in the battery √   7.3.2
Factory charge and/or fill versus field charge and/or fill √
Cell reversal   √ 7.4.2
Excessive cycling of noncycling batteries √ √ 7.4.2
Manufacturing defects √ √ 7.4.2
Internal shorts (including separator failure) √ √ 7.4.2
Internal strap failure √ √
Dryout in VRLA batteries   √
Valve failure in VRLA batteries   √
Normal aging of Ni-Cd cells   √ 7.4.4
Loose connections or empty Ni-Cd cells √ √ 7.4.4
Wrong charging voltage for Ni-Cd cells √ √ 7.4.4
Effects of specific gravity √ √ 7.5.1
Effects of charge history   √ 7.5.1
Rate-adjusted and time-adjusted discharge tests √ √ 7.5.1
Table continues

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Authorized licensed use limited to: CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on May 27,2018 at 05:22:56 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
IEEE Std 1657-2018
IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

Table F.10—Battery tutorial curriculum for Level 3 technicians (continued)

Maintenance Subclause
Training item Installer
tech reference(s)
Discharge curves (include rate/SOC effect on coup de fouet) √ √ 7.5.2
Voltage recovery versus charge rate and charge efficiency   √ 7.5.2,
Rate tables, fan curves, and S curves √ √ 7.5.2,
Effects of varying loads on batteries during discharge   √ 7.5.2
Purposeful undercharging and the need for equalizing   √
Effects of different applied voltages   √ 7.6.1
Relationship between specific gravity and OCV √   7.6.1
Operation and settings of LVDs √ √ 7.6.3
Different gravities for Ni-Cd cells for differing environments √ √ 7.6.4

Table F.11—Documentation curriculum for Level 3 technicians

Maintenance Subclause
Training item Installer
tech reference(s)
Jurisdiction, enforcement, and adoption of codes/standards √   8.1.1
Fire code articles governing batteries √   8.1.2,
Hazmat handling √ √ 8.1.5
Battery transport regulations √   8.1.6
Seismic design requirements of the building codes √   8.1.7,
Load growth driving battery needs and initial sizing √ √
IEEE document on UPS batteries √ √
IEEE document on VRLA selection √
IEEE document on battery-monitoring systems √ √
Broad knowledge of drawing symbols √ √ 8.3.1
Meter and control circuit drawings √ √
Drawings for switch circuits and backup systems √ √
Looking up information and filling out warranty forms √ √ 8.4
“Change drawings” √   8.4
Taking specific gravity readings and recording them √ √ 8.4,
Producing SOWs, MOPs, etc. √ √ 8.5
Analysis of data gathered by battery monitor(s)   √
Spill containment codes and overall spill management √ √
Which items to track on maintenance record forms   √ 9.3.8
Establish capacity pre-test requirements √ √ 9.3.9
Set up datalogger or data logging procedures for capacity testing √ √ 9.3.9
Writing a post capacity test report √ √ 9.3.9
Documentation to ship with batteries to the recycler √   11.1

Table F.12—Additional curriculum for Level 3 technicians

Maintenance Subclause
Training item Installer
tech reference(s)
Voltage matching for hot cuts and overall polarity matching √ √ 9.1.2,
Megohmmeters and their use √ √,
Table continues

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Authorized licensed use limited to: CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on May 27,2018 at 05:22:56 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
IEEE Std 1657-2018
IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

Table F.12—Additional curriculum for Level 3 technicians (continued)

Maintenance Subclause
Training item Installer
tech reference(s)
Use of thermistors, thermocouples, and IR guns √ √,
Using a load bank properly √ √,,, 9.3.9
Using dataloggers √ √
Meter resolution, precision, and accuracy √ √
Analog versus digital meters   √
Retaking abnormal readings √ √
Temperature correction factors for test set readings √ √
Supplying backup power during off-line testing (if needed)   √
Checking for grounds on ungrounded systems before testing √ √
Grades of connection hardware √
Series-parallel arrangements of VRLA batteries in a string √ √, 9.3.6
Limitations on location and configuration of seismic racks √
Determining code applicability for passive neutralization √
Determining loss of neutralizing pillow fire retardancy   √
Liquid-tight integrity of spill containment systems √ √,
Voltage drop considerations and calculations √, 10.2
Special considerations for connecting unfused cable √ √
Ensuring proper ventilation prior to hot cuts √
Adding new battery strings to the monitor/control systems √ √
Ensure adequate cable and disconnect ratings of remaining √ √
strings when one or more paralleled strings are disconnected
Hot work (on energized systems) √ √
Performing the acceptance test √ √ 9.2.7
Initial baseline values and baseline values from manufacturers
Types of post corrosion   √
Inspecting posts for stress caused by cabling √ √
Ground faults due to leaks √ √
Specific gravity readings √ √ 9.3.4
Strategies to follow when single-cell charging does not fix it   √
Determining the appropriate capacity testing method √ √ 9.3.9
Real-time analysis of capacity test data √ √ 9.3.9
Exception for cable ampacity below protector size √   10.2
Choosing the correct ampacity rating for the wire √   10.2
Temperature ratings/deratings of conductors/terminations √   10.2
Busbar ampacity ratings √ √ 10.2
Avoiding excessive cable pileup and overloaded raceway √   10.2, 10.4
Special recycling requirements for heavy metals √ √ 11.1
Packing leaking batteries √   11.1

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IEEE Std 1657-2018
IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

F.6  Summary of training items classified as specialized knowledge

There are items that are industry specific; therefore, the general battery technician does not need training on
them. The items listed in Table F.13 are generally for Level 3 technicians if they are going to work on specific
applications that need these areas of knowledge.

Table F.13—Items of specialized safety, circuit, and battery design knowledge

Maintenance Subclause
Training item Installer
tech reference(s)
Dangers from UPS without isolation transformers √ √ 5.3.2
OCVs of PV arrays and hybrid systems √ √ 5.3.3
PV electrical code standards √   5.3.3, 8.1.3
Hot installation work on PV systems √   5.3.3
Forklift operation √   5.10
PPE for fighting battery fires √ √ 5.11
Proper fire extinguisher use √ √ 5.11
Specific fire risks associated with Li-ion batteries   √ 5.11
Proper safety signs required by codes and standards √ √ 5.12
First aid in confined spaces √ √ 5.13
Code requirements for spill containment √   5.14
Specialized electrical, chemical, and battery terms √ √ 6.1
EDLCs (supercapacitors) √ √ 6.2
Varying rectifier output voltage due to ac input variation   √ 6.5.1
Power factor √   6.5.1, 6.6
Details on the four basic types of rectifiers √ √
Constant current charging √ √, 7.5.1
Alternative energy systems √ √,
Differences in output ripple filtering by industry √ √
Types of ac waveforms √ √ 6.6
Neutral to ground tie or switching (separately derived sources) √   6.6
Semiconductor fuses √ √ 6.7.1
Details on battery disconnects in an EPO system √   6.7.1
Higher voltage older telecommunications battery plants √ √ 6.8
Permanent ground detect systems for ungrounded systems √ √ 6.8,
Basics of Li-ion, Ni-MH or other newer battery technologies √ √ 7.1, 7.2.2
Planté plates and cylindrically wound pure lead plates √   7.3.2
Effects of silver in lead grid alloys √   7.3.2
Separator materials and retainers √ √ 7.3.2
Effects of excessive vibration √   7.4.2
Internal opens/shorts in a cell and extreme cold temperatures √ √
Poor recombination in VRLA batteries   √
Ni-Cd minimum capacity and troubleshooting underperformance   √ 7.4.4
Ground faults in Ni-Cd systems √ √ 7.4.4
Two-step charging and deliberate undercharging of VRLAs in PV   √ 7.5.1
Partial charging and cycling tests √ √ 7.5.1
Proper charge voltage less important in Ni-Cd batteries   √ 7.5.1
Manufacturer proprietary cell selection software √   7.5.2
Table continues

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

Table F.13—Items of specialized safety, circuit, and battery design knowledge (continued)
Maintenance Subclause
Training item Installer
tech reference(s)
Sizing batteries for PV applications √   7.5.2
How charging helps establish the potential (voltage) in the cell √ √ 7.6.1
Tafel curves and plate polarization   √, 7.6.2

Table F.14—Additional items of specialized knowledge

Maintenance Subclause
Training item Installer
tech reference(s)
Ventilation calculations √
Emergency and standby systems and energy storage systems √   8.1.3
NETA standards for electrical testing and dc systems √ √
Qualifying batteries for nuclear generating stations √ √
IEEE documents for lead-acid batteries in PV systems √ √
DC systems for utility generation plants √ √
IEEE Ni-Cd sizing and installation/maintenance documents √ √
Legally required record keeping √ √ 8.4
High resolution (low amperage) dc clamp-on ammeters   √
IR thermography   √,
Using oscilloscopes for battery problems   √
Use of a carbon pile or pot as a load √ √
Use of a recharge module   √
PV system discharge into actual load at partial SOC   √
Installation and programming of specific battery monitors √
Cell balancing systems √
How to install spill containment systems and seal the floor √,,
Rack-integrated containment √ √
Piped drainage containment √ √
Sealing the spill containment area √
Installation and maintenance of automated battery monitors √ √ 9.2.8
Watering VRLA batteries   √ 9.3.3
Modified Performance and Service tests √ √ 9.3.9
Developing switching/isolation procedures for capacity test √ √ 9.3.9
Cotton braid sheathing for telecommunications cables √   10.1
Toxic compounds released by cable insulations in a fire √ √ 10.1
TC-rated cable for IT raised floors √ √ 10.1
Industry-specific voltage drop criteria √   10.2
Open raceway system issues √   10.3
Pairing versus separating hot and return leads √   10.4
Segregating fused and unfused cables √   10.4
Bend radius and directional rules for grounding cables √   10.4
Industry-specific tying of cables to raceway and each other √   10.4
Running cable in a classified/hazardous environment √   10.4
Table continues

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

Table F.14—Additional items of specialized knowledge (continued)

Maintenance Subclause
Training item Installer
tech reference(s)
Identifying the appropriate recycling center √ √ 11.1
Special packing methods for special batteries √   11.1
Insurance and liability requirements for transporters √   11.1
Ni-Cd battery recycling √ √ 11.2

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

Annex G

DC cabling information
G.1  Cable types
Cables are made with many different insulation types, which have differing insulation voltage values,
temperature withstand capabilities, flame retardancy, flexibility, water resistivity, etc. (see NEC, Table 310.13
[B67]). Different applications require different insulation types. In addition, the raceway and the environment
through which the cables pass may affect the type of insulation chosen. Some of the most common cable
insulation types used in dc systems include the following:

— Thermoplastic, high-temperature, water-resistant, nylon-coated (THWN) insulation

— Thermoplastic, extra high temperature, nylon-coated (THHN) insulation
— Rubberized, extra high temperature (RHH) insulation
— Rubberized, high-temperature, water-resistant (RHW) insulation
— Thermoset, cross-linked, extra high temperature, water-resistant (XHHW) insulation

For specialized applications where battery cables are run in heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC)
plenum environments, consult applicable codes. Differing types of insulations have differing fire-resistive
properties and voltage ratings. Not all cables are Listed, and only Listed cables should be used. Sometimes the
wire is tinned, depending on the application and insulation type. In telecommunications, a fire-retardant, dyed
cotton braid is often applied to power cables.

Standard wire sizes are measured in American wire gauge (AWG), thousands of circular mils (kcmil), and
square millimeters (see Equation (G.10) and Equation (G.11) for conversions between international and North
American standard cable sizes), as defined by ANSI F 1883-03 [B4]. Table 8 of Chapter 9 in the NEC [B67]
cross-references the standard US measurements to the actual cross-sectional area. Table 5 of Chapter 9 in
the NEC [B67] gives dimensions. Cable sizes 26 AWG and larger can be solid, standard strand, or various
flex types. The size of the strands is determined by various ASTM and UL standards (see [B11], [B12],
[B13], [B14], [B15], [B75], [B76]). Battery installations generally use Class B, Class I, or Class K (which
is sometimes incorrectly referred to as Class W) stranded cable. Class B stranding is sometimes called Code
cable and is the number of strands referred to in Table 8 of Chapter 9 of the NEC [B67]. The higher letters refer
to smaller strands (the further in the alphabet one goes, the more flexible the cable becomes). Class I cable
is often referred to as flex. Class K stranded cables are sometimes referred to as diesel locomotive (DLO),
welding, and super-flex.

Depending on the industry, color coding is sometimes used for conductors in battery systems. Battery systems
used for telecommunications are sometimes coded differently from other systems. Most industrial dc electrical
systems designate red as the positive polarity, black as a negative polarity (because most grounded industrial
dc systems ground the negative side), and green as a framework ground conductor. While this coding is often
valid in dc systems used in telecommunications applications, a large segment of that industry uses different
color coding. Some companies use red to signify the ungrounded (energized/hot) conductor regardless of its
polarity, with black or gray designating the return conductor. Others use black or gray for both conductors,
indiscriminately, with the distinguishing feature being positive and negative markings on the cable ends. For
example, in a –48 V dc system, the positive side is grounded; therefore, the –48 V lead may be red, the return
lead gray, and the framework ground green. Lastly, some telephone companies provide redundant feeds to
their equipment from separate dc plants. In those cases, the conductors from one plant may be a different
color (e.g., red versus blue) from those of the other plant. The point is that no assumptions should be made

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

about voltage and polarity simply from wire color; instead, polarity should be determined by testing with a
voltmeter. The importance of labeling conductor ends and appearance points for voltage and polarity should
be stressed to installers (maintenance technicians should label unlabelled wires before disconnecting them for
maintenance purposes). If the system is “Covered” by the NEC (NFPA 70) [B67], and operates at greater than
60 Vdc, color coding must comply with Article 210.5(C)(2) and/or 215.12(C)(2).

G.2  Additional cable ampacity considerations

As noted in 10.2, generally the rated cable ampacity equals or exceeds the protector (fuse or breaker) size.
However, the NEC [B67] (where adopted) allows a protective device that is one standard size larger than cable
ampacity. While this practice is not generally recommended, it can be used to save money on materials when
ventilation of the raceway is good (because the higher currents will heat the cable more).

As also noted in 10.2, NEC Table 310.15(B)(16) (as modified by Article 240 and Article 110.14) [B67] is most
commonly used in North America to determine cable ampacities for AWG cable sizes (IEC 60364-5-52 [B33]
is commonly used in Europe for metric cable sizes). The NEC table consists of three columns for differing
types and temperature ratings of conductors. It is important to note that the ampacities listed under the highest
temperature rating can normally be used only if all conductors and terminations are Listed and marked for the
given temperature rating. For conductors sized 1 AWG and larger, the middle column (75 °C) can be used (if
the conductors are rated at that temperature or higher) if the rating of the terminations is unknown. Note that
the NEC [B67] ampacities are based on certain numbers of conductors in raceways, and that there are actually
two common tables. While Table 310.15(B)(16) is most commonly used, it is designed around three current-
carrying conductors in a raceway (typically conduit). Table 310.15(B)(17) may be used for single conductors
in free air, as may sometimes be found in a dc battery plant.

Note that the NEC [B67] ampacities are based on 60 Hz ac current (which can be generally extended to 50 Hz
ac available in some other parts of the world). The dc current-carrying capacity of conductors can be 1%–30%
higher (dependent on ambient temperature, conductor size, and other factors) than it is for 60 Hz ac because
there is no skin effect. However, this fact is rarely used in common practice because many installations are
governed by regulations that include the NEC or similar Codes. In addition, in a UPS application, there can
often be high amounts of ac ripple current (which will exhibit skin effect) on the dc conductors due primarily
to the feedback from the inverter(s).

Finally, in a UPS application, high currents in the dc conductors are typically only experienced during
discharge, which is typically designed to be 15 min or less at peak loads. There is an NEC Table [B67] covering
ampacities of conductors when the current load will be an hour or less. Combining NEC Tables 310.15(B)(16),
310.15(B)(17), 400.5(A)(1) and 610.14(A) [B67], along with their corresponding Notes and related Code
Articles, as well as tables from IEC 60364-5-52 [B33], yields the following typical ampacities for typical
dc conductors with 70 °C or 75 °C insulation (note that there are very few exact crosses between metric wire
sizes and AWG, but what is shown in parentheses in the wire size column of the table is reasonably close for
purposes of determining ampacity).

Table G.1—Typical dc conductor ampacities in battery applications

Wire size Multi-conductor in Single 15-min or less UPS
raceway medium conductor battery backup
and long duration in free air design multi-
discharge ampacity ampacity conductor ampacity
18 AWG 7 13  
17 AWG (1 mm2) 9 16  
16 AWG (1.5 mm ) 2
10 17 13
14 AWG 15 30 29
13 AWG (2.5 mm ) 2
17 33 33
Table continues

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

Table G.1—Typical dc conductor ampacities in battery applications (continued)

Wire size Multi-conductor in Single 15-min or less UPS
raceway medium conductor battery backup
and long duration in free air design multi-
discharge ampacity ampacity conductor ampacity
12 AWG (4 mm2) 20 35 37
10 AWG (6 mm ) 2
30 50 48
8 AWG (10 mm2) 50 70 67
6 AWG (16 mm ) 2
65 95 96
4 AWG 85 125 131
3 AWG (25 mm2) 100 145 158
2 AWG (35 mm ) 2
115 170 179
1 AWG 130 195 196
1/0 AWG (50 mm ) 2
150 230 261
2/0 AWG (70 mm2) 175 265 299
3/0 AWG (95 mm ) 2
200 310 382
4/0 AWG (120 mm2) 230 360 413
250 kcmil 255 405 470
300 kcmil (150 mm ) 2
285 445 652
350 kcmil 310 505 724
373 kcmil (185 mm ) 2
320 525 745
400 kcmil 335 545 770
500 kcmil (240 mm ) 2
380 620 949
535 kcmil 395 645 987
600 kcmil (300 mm ) 2
420 690  
700 kcmil 460 755  
750 kcmil 475 785  
777 kcmil (400 mm ) 2
485 800  

Busbar ampacity is usually given by the busbar manufacturer and is dependent on planar orientation, ambient
temperature, spacing, and whether the busduct is enclosed. Where manufacturer busbar ampacity data cannot
be found, Article 366.23 of the NEC [B67] provides a conservative rule of thumb of an ampacity of 155 A/cm2
(1000 A/in2) of the cross-sectional area of copper bus.

G.3  Voltage-drop calculations

All cables and bus have resistance, even if it is measured in microohms.

Voltage drop becomes even more important in cables and bus in systems with long cable/bus runs, or in lower
voltage systems (e.g., 48 V or 24 V), or in systems serving equipment with tight voltage operating limits.
Battery cabling voltage drop contributes to the overall system voltage drop.

NEC Article 210.19 and Article 215.2 [B67] suggest that overall system voltage drop should not exceed 5%
with no more than 3% in any one branch. Different industries may have more rigid voltage drop standards due
to the issues noted in the prior paragraph.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

Voltage drop in cables can be computed using Ohm’s Law and linear resistance values like those found in
Table 8 of Chapter 9 of the NEC [B67] or by using Equation (G.1) through Equation (G.4).

K ×d × I
VD = (G.1)


VD is the voltage drop

K is a constant accounting for the conductor’s dc resistance (the units are ohm-meters, but with a
conversion factor for the square millimeters of the conductor’s cross-sectional area)
K 0.0184 for copper at 37°C (adjust the factor by 0.393% per °C of temperature difference)
d is the total (feed and return loop) circuit distance, in meters
I is the current, in amperes
A is the cross-sectional area of the cable or busbar, in square millimeters

NOTE 1—In North America, circular mils and AWG (Table 8 in Chapter 9 of the NEC [B67] cross-references AWG to
circular mils) are used instead of square millimeters for wire sizes. Equation (G.1) can be adapted for North American
trade sizes (e.g., AWG) and foot-pound units by replacing area with circular mils (CM), measuring the distance in feet, and
changing K to 11.1 for copper. Equation (G.3) and Equation (G.4) can be used for busbar cross-sectional area conversions.

NOTE 2—The distance and voltage drop are related. Because a complete dc circuit includes both feed and return
conductors, to find the circuit voltage drop, one must use the total distance of both conductors (loop distance). The formula
can also be used for one-way voltage drop of either the feed (hot) or return conductors.

Equation (G.1) can be rearranged algebraically to compute the size or number of cables needed if the desired
voltage drop is known as shown in Equation (G.2).

K ×d × I
A= (G.2)

Two other useful formulas for converting North American wire trade sizes to international sizes are shown in
Equation (G.3) and Equation (G.4).

1975 cmil = 1 mm 2 (G.3)

(1000 kcmil = 0.785 in 2 ) (G.4)

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

Annex H

Battery PPE decision flowchart

Figure H.1 is extracted from Annex G in IEEE Std 1187™-2013 [B48], with only minor additions to the notes.
This flowchart is an example of how to perform a risk assessment, but does not cover every possible situation.
A risk assessment should be performed at every site independently. This flowchart only addresses the hazards
associated directly with the battery and does not address any shock or arc-flash hazards that may be present on
the ac side of electronics (such as rectifiers/chargers, and/or inverters) that are connected to the dc bus.

Figure H.1—Battery PPE decision flowchart

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

Annex I

For the purposes of this recommended practice, the following terms and definitions apply. These and other
terms within IEEE standards are found in The IEEE Standards Dictionary Online.17

absorbed-electrolyte cell: A cell in which the electrolyte is absorbed in fiberglass or polymeric fiber
separators. Syn: absorbed glass mat (AGM) cell; starved electrolyte cell.

acceptance test: A capacity test made on a new battery to determine if it meets specifications or manufacturer’s

American Wire Gauge: A gauge, also known as the Brown and Sharp gauge, which was devised in 1857
by J. R. Brown. This gauge has the property such that its sizes represent approximately the successive steps
in the process of wire drawing. Also, its numbers are retrogressive; a larger number denotes a smaller wire
corresponding to the operations of drawing. These gauge numbers are not arbitrarily chosen, but follow the
mathematical law upon which the gauge is founded.

ampacity: The current-carrying capacity, expressed in amperes, of an electric conductor under stated thermal

battery capacity: The quantity of electrical energy, measured in ampere-hours or watt-hours, produced by a
battery during discharge. Syn: available capacity; rated capacity.

carbon pile/pot: A load bank for single-cell discharges consisting of carbon resistors.

circular mil: The area of a circle with a diameter of 1/1000 of an inch (used in North America to describe the
cross-sectional area of a conductor).

conductance (battery): See: internal ohmic measurement.

electrolyte spill: An unintended release of liquid electrolyte that exceeds 1.0 L.

formation charge (lead-acid battery): The initial charging process on lead-acid plates during which the
raw materials are electrochemically converted into charged active material, with lead peroxide formed in the
positive plates and sponge lead formed in the negative plates.

NOTE—the term formation charge is preferred over forming charge. It is usually performed by the manufacturer’s factory.
Formation process may not be fully complete at the time of shipment.

gelled electrolyte cell: A cell in which the electrolyte is immobilized by the addition of a gelling agent. Syn:
gel cell.

Hall effect devices (in conductors and semiconductors): The change of the electric conduction caused
by that component of the magnetic field vector normal to the current density vector, which instead of being
parallel to the electric field forms an angle with it.

NOTE—Hall effect devices are often used to measure dc currents.

IEEE Standards Dictionary Online is available at: http://​dictionary​.ieee​.org.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

internal impedance: See: internal ohmic measurement.

internal ohmic measurement: A measurement of the electronic and ionic conduction paths within a cell or
unit, expressed in terms of conductance, impedance, resistance, or admittance.

information technology (IT) equipment: Electrical/electronic units or systems that predominantly generate
a multiplicity of periodic binary pulsed electrical/electronic waveforms and are designed to perform data
processing functions such as word processing, electronic computation, data transformation, recording, filing,
sorting, storage, retrieval and transfer, and reproduction of data images.

lockout/tagout: Safely shutting down, isolating, and tagging (mechanically and electrically) equipment or
components from all sources of energy.

microohmmeter: A tool capable of accurately measuring resistance down to levels of millionths of an ohm
(commonly used to measure battery intercell connector resistance).

monobloc(k): See: multicell unit.

multicell unit: Multiple cells in a single container.

nickel-cadmium (Ni-Cd) cell: A secondary cell in which the active material of the positive electrode is nickel
oxyhydroxide, the active material of the negative electrode is cadmium, and the electrolyte is a dilute solution
of potassium hydroxide.

open-circuit voltage (OCV) (batteries): The voltage of a cell or battery when no current is flowing in the
external circuit.

ORing diode: A power diode where the natural voltage drop across the diode is employed in equipment with
two dc power inputs to force the equipment to choose the highest voltage source. Usually, they are employed
in pairs, and their current rating must equal or exceed the rated current of the equipment.

photovoltaic (PV) power system: A system that converts sunlight directly into electric energy and processes
it into a form suitable for use by the intended load.

polyvinyl chloride (PVC): An insulator in cable coatings and coaxial foam compositions.

potentiometer: A resistor with an adjustable sliding contact that functions as an adjustable voltage divider.

recharge module: A set of resistors placed in series between a dc bus and a fully discharged battery to limit the
recharge current to the battery and the voltage dip on the bus during the initial recharge regime.

spill containment: A system, either permanent or temporary, to confine an electrolyte spill.

spill management: A program addressing all elements of battery electrolyte spills, including training,
containment, absorption, neutralization, disposal, and reporting.

statement of work (SOW): A document used by the acquirer as a means to identify, describe, and specify the
tasks to be performed under the contract.

state of charge (SOC): The stored or remaining capacity in a battery expressed as a percentage of its fully-
charged capacity.

valve-regulated lead-acid (VRLA) cell: A lead-acid cell that is sealed with the exception of a valve that
opens to the atmosphere when the internal pressure in the cell exceeds atmospheric pressure by a pre-selected

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

amount. VRLA cells provide a means for recombination of internally generated oxygen and the suppression of
hydrogen gas evolution to limit water consumption.

vented cell: A cell in which the products of electrolysis and evaporation are allowed to escape freely to the
atmosphere as they are generated. Syn: flooded cell.

NOTE—Vented cell is the preferred term that should be used in place of wet cell or flooded cell.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

Annex J

Bibliographical references are resources that provide additional or helpful material but do not need to be
understood or used to implement this standard. Reference to these resources is made for informational use
only. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the
referenced document (including any amendments or corrigenda) applies.

[B1] Accredited Standards Committee C2-2012, National Electrical Safety Code® (NESC®).

[B2] Albércorp AEI Test 0591-1, Stationary Battery Short-Circuit Tests.

[B3] ANSI A14.5, Safety Requirements for Portable Reinforced Plastic Ladders.18

[B4] ANSI F 1883-03, Standard Practice for Selection of Wire and Cable Size in AWG or Metric Units.

[B5] ANSI Z358.1, Emergency Eyewash and Shower Equipment.

[B6] ANSI Z535.1, Safety Color Code.

[B7] ANSI Z535.2, Standard for Environmental and Facility Safety Signs.

[B8] ANSI Z535.3, Standard for Criteria for Safety Symbols.

[B9] ANSI Z535.4, Standard for Product Safety Signs and Labels.

[B10] ASCE 7, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures.19

[B11] ASTM B 3, Specifications for Soft or Annealed Copper Wire.20

[B12] ASTM B 8, Specification for Concentric-Lay-Stranded Copper Conductors, Hard, Medium hard, or

[B13] ASTM B 33, Specifications for Tinned Soft or Annealed Copper Wire for Electrical Purposes.

[B14] ASTM B 172, Specification for Rope-Lay Stranded Copper Conductors Having Bunch-Stranded
Members for Electrical Conductors.

[B15] ASTM B 189, Specification for Lead-Coated and Lead-Alloy-Coated Soft Copper Wire for Electrical

[B16] ASTM D 120a, Standard Specification for Rubber Insulating Gloves.

[B17] ASTM D 1048, Standard Specification for Rubber Insulating Blankets.

[B18] ASTM D 1049e1, Standard Specification for Rubber Insulating Covers.

[B19] ASTM F 479, Standard Specification for In-Service Care of Insulating Blankets.

ANSI publications are available from the American National Standards Institute (http://​www​.ansi​.org/​).
ASCE publications are available from the American Society of Civil Engineers (http://​www​.asce​.org/​).
ASTM publications are available from the American Society for Testing and Materials (http://​www​.astm​.org/​).

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

[B20] ASTM F 1505, Standard Specification for Insulated and Insulating Hand Tools.

[B21] CEN EN 374, Protective Gloves Against Chemicals and Micro-Organisms.21

[B22] CEN EN 388, Protective Gloves Against Mechanical Risks.

[B23] CEN EN 407, Gloves Giving Protection Against Thermal Hazards.

[B24] CEN EN 420, Protective Gloves—General Requirements and Test Methods.

[B25] Code of Federal Regulations Title 29 Part 1910 (29 CFR 1910), Occupational Safety and Health
Standards, and Part 1926 (29 CFR 1926), Safety and Health Regulations for Construction.22

[B26] Code of Federal Regulations Title 40 (40 CFR), Protection of the Environment.

[B27] Code of Federal Regulations Title 42 (42 CFR), Public Health.

[B28] Code of Federal Regulations Title 49 (49 CFR), Transportation.

[B29] Enersys AE-080123.4, Temperature Compensation Factors for OCV (Open-Circuit Voltage), Float
Voltage, and Electrolyte Specific Gravity.23

[B30] ICBO UBC®, Uniform Building Code®.24,25

[B31] ICC IBC, International Building Code.26

[B32] ICC IFC, International Fire Code.

[B33] IEC 60364-5-52, Low Voltage Electrical Installations—Part 5-52: Selection and Erection of Electrical
Equipment—Wiring Systems.27

[B34] IEC 60417/ISO 7000 (formerly IEC 417), Graphical Symbols for Use on Equipment.

[B35] IEC 60479, Effects of Current on Human Beings and Livestock.28

[B36] IEC 60900, Standard for Insulated Hand Tools.

[B37] IEC 60903, Live Working—Electrical Insulating Gloves.

[B38] IEEE Std 450™, IEEE Standard for Maintenance, Testing and Replacement of Vented Lead-Acid
Batteries for Stationary Applications.29,30

[B39] IEEE Std 484™, IEEE Recommended Practice for Installation Design and Implementation of Vented
Lead-Acid Batteries for Stationary Applications.

CEN standards are available from Global Engineering Documents (http://​global​.ihs​.com/​).
CFR publications are available from the U.S. Government Publishing Office (http://​www​.ecfr​.gov/​).
This Enersys document is available at http://​www​.enersys​.com.
This publication from the International Conference of Building Officials is available from IHS, Inc. (http://​aec​.ihs​.com/​).
Uniform Building Code and UBC are both registered trademarks of the International Conference of Building Officials.
Publications from the International Code Council (http://​www​.iccsafe​.org/​) are available from IHS, Inc. (http://​aec​.ihs​.com/​).
IEC publications are available from the International Electrotechnical Commission (http://​www​.iec​.ch) and the American National
Standards Institute (http://​www​.ansi​.org/​).
The IEEE thanks the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) for permission to reproduce information from its International
Standard IEC 60479-1 ed.4.0 (2005). All such extracts are copyright of IEC, Geneva, Switzerland. All rights reserved. IEC has no
responsibility for the placement and context in which the extracts and contents are reproduced by the author, nor is IEC in any way
responsible for the other content or accuracy therein.
IEEE publications are available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (http://​standards​.ieee​.org/​).
The IEEE standards or products referred to in Annex J are trademarks of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

Copyright © 2018 IEEE. All rights reserved.

Authorized licensed use limited to: CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on May 27,2018 at 05:22:56 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
IEEE Std 1657-2018
IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

[B40] IEEE Std 485™, IEEE Recommended Practice for Sizing Lead-Acid Batteries for Stationary

[B41] IEEE Std 535™, IEEE Standard for Qualification of Class 1E Storage Batteries for Nuclear Power
Generating Stations.

[B42] IEEE Std 937™, IEEE Recommended Practice for Installation and Maintenance of Lead-Acid Batteries
for PhotoVoltaic (PV) Systems.

[B43] IEEE Std 946™, IEEE Recommended Practice for the Design of DC Auxiliary Power Systems for
Generating Stations.

[B44] IEEE Std 1013™, IEEE Recommended Practice for Sizing Lead-Acid Batteries for Photovoltaic (PV)

[B45] IEEE Std 1106™, IEEE Recommended Practice for Installation, Maintenance, Testing, and Replacement
of Vented Nickel-Cadmium Batteries for Stationary Applications.

[B46] IEEE Std 1115™, IEEE Recommended Practice for Sizing Nickel-Cadmium Batteries for Stationary

[B47] IEEE Std 1184™, IEEE Recommended Practice for the Selection and Sizing of Batteries for
Uninterruptible Power Systems.

[B48] IEEE Std 1187™, IEEE Recommended Practice for Installation Design and Installation of Valve-
Regulated Lead-Acid Batteries for Stationary Applications.

[B49] IEEE Std 1188™, IEEE Recommended Practice for Maintenance, Testing, and Replacement of Valve-
Regulated Lead-Acid (VRLA) Batteries for Stationary Applications.

[B50] IEEE Std 1189™, IEEE Guide for Selection of Valve-Regulated Lead-Acid (VRLA) Batteries for
Stationary Applications.

[B51] IEEE Std 1361™, IEEE Guide for Selection, Charging, Test, and Evaluation of Lead-Acid Batteries
Used in Stand-Alone PhotoVoltaic (PV) Systems.

[B52] IEEE Std 1375™, IEEE Guide for Protection of Stationary Battery Systems.

[B53] IEEE Std 1491™, IEEE Guide for Selection and Use of Battery Monitoring Equipment in Stationary

[B54] IEEE Std 1561™, IEEE Guide for Sizing Hybrid Stand-Alone Energy Systems.

[B55] IEEE Std 1562™, IEEE Guide for Array and Battery Sizing in Stand-Alone Photovoltaic (PV) Systems.

[B56] IEEE Std 1578™, IEEE Recommended Practice for Battery Spill Containment and Management.

[B57] IEEE Std 1635™ /ASHRAE 21, Guide for the Ventilation and Thermal Management and Ventilation of
Batteries in Stationary Applications. 31

ASHRAE publications are available from the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (http://​


Copyright © 2018 IEEE. All rights reserved.

Authorized licensed use limited to: CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on May 27,2018 at 05:22:56 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
IEEE Std 1657-2018
IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries

[B58] IEEE Std 1661™, IEEE Guide for Test and Evaluation of Lead-Acid Batteries Used in Photovoltaic (PV)
Hybrid Power Systems.

[B59] IEEE Std 1881™, IEEE Standard Glossary of Stationary Battery Terminology.

[B60] IEEE Std C37.2™, IEEE Standard Electrical Power System Device Function Numbers and Contact

[B61] Lazar, Richard, National Center for Early Defibrillation: What You Need to Know About Liability, Nov.

[B62] NABCEP Study Guide for Photovoltaic System Installers, Section 3.5 (Adapting the Electrical

[B63] NETA ATS, Standard for Acceptance Testing Specifications for Electrical Power Equipment and

[B64] NETA ETT-2000, NETA Certification of Electrical Testing Personnel.

[B65] NETA MTS, Standard for Maintenance Testing Specifications for Electrical Distribution Equipment
and Systems.

[B66] NFPA 1, Fire Code.34

[B67] NFPA 70®, 2017 Edition, National Electrical Code® (NEC®)35,36

[B68] NFPA 70E-2015, Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace.

[B69] NFPA 70EHB-2015, Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace Handbook.

[B70] NFPA 101®, Life Safety Code®.37

[B71] NFPA 111, Standard on Stored Electrical Energy: Emergency and Standby Power Systems.

[B72] NFPA 704, Fire Hazards of Materials.

[B73] NTIS PB98-137730, Recommendations for Chemical Protective Clothing, Table L.38

[B74] Telcordia GR-1275, Central Office Environment, Installation/Removal Generic Requirements, Chapter
7 (Method of Procedure), Issue 7, Dec. 2004.

[B75] UL 44, Rubber-Insulated Wires and Cables.39

[B76] UL 1581, Reference Standard for Wires, Cables, and Flexible Cords.

This guide can be obtained from the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (http://​www​.nabcep​.org/​).
This publication is also available from the InterNational Electrical Testing Association (NETA) (http://​www​.netaworld​.org/​).
NFPA publications are published by the National Fire Protection Association (http://​www​.nfpa​.org/​).
National Electrical Code and NEC are both registered trademarks of the National Fire Protection Association, Inc.
The NEC is published by the National Fire Protection Association (http://​www​.nfpa​.org/​). Copies are also available from the Institute
of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (http://​standards​.ieee​.org/​).
NFPA 101 and Life Safety Code are both registered trademarks of the National Fire Protection Association, Inc.
This NTIS publication is available from http://​www​.ntis​.gov.
UL publications are available from Underwriters Laboratories (http://​www​.ul​.com/​).

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Authorized licensed use limited to: CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on May 27,2018 at 05:22:56 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
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